Over the years, I’ve dreamed of being part of a “safe place” where hurting people could feel welcome and feel free to be themselves while trying to make sense out of their lives.
In the process I’ve imagined finding a group of like-minded people who could hang out a shingle and an honest invitation that might sound something like:
Emotions In Crisis?
Welcome to a safe place. Here you will not be condemned, or diagnosed or told what you ought to do. Here we will try to treat you the way we would want to spoken to in the difficult times of our own lives.
We won’t claim to know how you are feeling or even why you are struggling as you are. We know that emotions are complex; that feelings like fear, and anger, and discouragement can be rooted in a tangle of factors including our physical health, present circumstances, past experiences, or the choices we have made.
What we will try to do is give you information, help you think through your choices, and explore together the perspectives of wisdom.
We believe that life is a journey and that one of its greatest needs was expressed in the words of St. Francis of Assisi who prayed, “Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
We would be honored to be counted as your friends and fellow travelers who together will look not for the easiest paths but for those that will lead to higher ground, to personal growth and to shared losses and discoveries.
Family In Crisis?
Welcome to our house. Kick off your shoes, help yourself to a cup of coffee and join the conversation. There’s a chair around the table for anyone who is willing to admit that family life is tougher than they expected it to be.
If you seem to be having more family trouble than your friends, we won’t claim to know why. If we saw you at your worst we wouldn’t condemn you. We have plenty of our own problems. We know that family issues are complex; that behind closed doors all families struggle with disagreement, memories of past mistakes, and the wild cards of personal choice.
What we’ll try to do is let you know that, regardless of what you are wrestling with, you are not alone.
We believe that life is a Journey, that all of us lose our way from time to time, and that the only way to avoid the broken heart of a parent, a child, or a partner is not to love or hope or trust at all.
We would be honored to be counted as your friends and fellow travelers who are not looking for easy answers to difficult family problems but rather for perspectives of wisdom and insight even in the most difficult problems.
Faith In Crisis?
Welcome to our rest stop. Come as you are. Leave when you must. Here your questions and doubts are welcome. Here you will find yourself among others who have wondered whether they could ever believe again.
If you find yourself asking how a good God could allow so much pain and suffering, don’t apologize. If you find that the Bible seems to contradict itself, or that life itself seems to contradict the Scriptures, you have come to the right place. We believe spiritual doubts are complex; that all honest people doubt, and that there is no real faith without a willingness to ask hard questions.
What we’ll try to do is let you know that, regardless of what your questions may be, you are free to ask them here.
We believe life is not only a Journey, but that it is also a mystery that cannot be fully explained. We are just as convinced that there are enough road markers along the way to make it to our destination.
We would be honored to be counted as your friends and fellow travelers who, like you, are looking for answers that can restore our faith while standing the test of reason.
The Unrealized Part:
What I’ve discovered along the way is that more than a few people seem to resonate with such a dream– but don’t think it is realistic for followers of Christ to position themselves like this.
Would be interesting in your thoughts? Won’t give you an argument. Just want to listen for awhile…