The 84th of the Bible’s book of songs is full of thoughts about a safe place.
Verses 8 and 9 though have caught my attention today. The songwriter,
- prays
- and sings,
In two sets of parallel thoughts in which the second line of each couplet brings clarity to the first.
- Hear my prayer, Lord God Almighty;
- Listen to me God of Jacob
- Look on our shield, O God;
- Look with favor on your anointed one. (Psa 84:8-9)
These 4 lines seem to answer two important questions:
- Who is the Lord God Almighty?
- Who is our shield?
To see why these questions are so important in finding a safe place, think about the God who not only changed Jacob’s name to Israel but who then used a born liar, deceiver, betrayer, fugitive, and struggler to change the name of the Almighty to the God of Jacob.
Then think about who this song identifies as our shield (protection)… the God of an anointed one, born to be found true, and faithful in leading us to the rest we are looking for. (Psalm 84:11-12)
In a song once written for an ancient Jewish pilgrimage to the Temple of Jerusalem, could there be answers for the safe place that our hearts still long for… in our own journey today?
These thoughts seem especially important since trying to evaluate Oswald Chambers thoughts for June 20 in My Utmost for His Highest. There the devotional asks the question “Have we Come to “When” Yet?” and talks about the danger of trying to make ourselves into the kind of people that Psalm 84 seems to be offering so much hope for. (Psalm 84:11-12)