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Barred and Bored


Photo by: Nils Rinaldi

Writing from Normandy France for the BBC News magazine, journalist Natasha Breed writes of her reaction at seeing a caged King of the jungle—as a traveling circus rolls into town.

“I have spent years working with wildlife film crews following lions in Africa, and I have learned to read the big cats’ moods in their eyes. Meeting the gaze of a lion, I have experienced that stomach-lurching intuition that tells me if I make one wrong move I am toast.

The pupils dilate, and the gaze becomes 100% focused – and suddenly I have felt what it might be like to be a wildebeest coming face to face with his nemesis.

But this lion’s eyes barely flicker as I approach him. There is no gleam of interest, no unwavering intent, no spark of fun. Usually, for any cat, a moving target is always going to be fun to chase – whether it ends in a meal or not.

He is not even wary of me, as any self-respecting lion in Africa has learned to be, when a human approaches on foot. This animal is weary, dispirited, and – something I have never seen before – he is bored.”

For some reason this description of a circus lion stirs up deep emotions in me. I suspect that, as part of the world that has caged him for our own pleasure, I feel the loss of a proud beast robbed of his freedom.

But am wondering whether I’m also sensing something that parallels the loss of our own kind— living in the confinement of man-made rules and traditions. Circus animals aren’t the only ones who have been robbed of the free-range and spirit of adventure for which they’ve been created. (1Tim 1:5-7)

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50 Responses to “Barred and Bored”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Good morning Mart, it has been said by others long ago that “idle hands are the devils workshop”. Whereas I have never had the luxury of having nothing to do or nothing to spark my interest I can clearly see it in others.

    I loved the movie “Second Hand Lions” and would recommend it to anyone. The lioness in it bored and old found happiness in a corn field and with someone to love.

    As I looked around the worlds news yesterday morning and this morning I came across a news story titled “Inside the Christian anti patriotism movement.” After reading it I was once again amused at how some 25 year old, who just learned a few years ago how to tie their shoes, are now writing the news stories we read.

    Most amusing is the picture that accompanied the story of a group of “Mennonite/Anabaptists/Christians met to demonstrate a commitment to Christianity and to no national allegiance on the 4th of July in Minneapolis.

    The 4th of July and the men in the picture are wearing winter coats, toboggans long sleeved sweaters and what looks like cold weather apparel. So the picture doesn’t fit the reported date of the “demonstration”.

    With all the events both good and bad going on in the world it seems that the internet news search goes beyond boredom into the absurd.

    If we become bored with our walk with God, we must be very careful as God can spice up our life, but we may not enjoy the flavor or heat of the spice He uses.


  2. narrowpathseeker says:

    Wow!! Just before I read this new topic, I was having vague recollections of my freedom as a very young child. I seem to recall that there was no false pride, vanity, anger, bitterness, envy, etc. So many of life’s collective experiences seemed to generate these negative facets in the mind. While by the Grace of God I have been set free countless times, I tend to treat it like a furlough and return over and over again. I was thinking how nice it would be to return to that childlike state totally ignorant(FREE) of false pride, vanity, anger, envy, etc.

  3. narrowpathseeker says:

    Steve, I have got many errands to run today, but where do I find Mart’s email? I searched yesterday all over RBC, but came up empty.

  4. SFDBWV says:

    Pearl, I have taken care of that for you, I hope you hear something soon.


  5. swwagner says:

    This is so relevant to what I have been thinking about.

    Freedom in the Lord is such a precious truth. It is beautiful to know you have it, regardless of your circumstances.

    Think of Christ in chains before the court, yet free to lay down His life. Think of Paul in prison and house arrest, etc., yet free to commune with God. And, John abandoned on the Isle of Patmos, yet free to see the great revelation.

    I too, have many errands and “jobs” to do today so I am out of time to talk right now. One of my “jobs” today is to be with my granddaughters…ages, 5, 3, and 6 weeks. Being with them helps me recapture that time of innocence as Pearl is talking about.

    Child like faith and enthusiasm is most wonderful to behold. May we all be rejuvenated today with Child-like trust in our Savior.


  6. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    Ms. Breed’s article points out that Britain will end the exploitation of wild animals in entertainment settings in 2015. There will be a number of confined performing wild animals that will need to “retire” to (we hope) places where they will enjoy the remainder of their years. Heard recently of the three thousand or so chimpanzees that have been used for scientific experiments in the USA –some now with hopes of living uncaged, in a country setting. There is an organization gathering chimps that cannot be released into their natural habitat – but need a sheltered place where maximum freedom is possible. The group has created a “ranch” where chimps can live and interact with one another and with humans who understand their need for play and activity and fun.

    The use of wild animals to amaze and entertain human audiences goes back to ancient times. The metaphor that has grown up, and is now passing away, is that the “beast” must be fenced in or caged by a set of rules. This image of the fallen human spirit being forever marred and ruined (as a wild animal that cannot be tamed) has led to some pretty awful human traditions of rigid regulations for living: extreme self-denial in all areas of food and drink, behavior, relationships and even looking at or touching certain things. (Colossians 2:16, 17) This sounds like imprisoning human nature rather than seeking its transformation in Christ.

    It seems to me the reality of the work of Messiah is more fully expressed in Isaiah’s prophecy (Isaiah 61:1, 2, 3) the release from exile and captivity for Israel and Judah. Jesus preached being freed from sin through him. (Matthew 11:28, 29, 30; John 8:31, 32, 34)


  7. oneg2dblu says:

    Good day all… As Sheryl has said, “Child like faith and enthusiasm is most wonderful to behold. May we all be rejuvenated today with Child-like trust in our Savior.”

    I think that says a world of things as Christ wants us to freely come to Him as children, trusting in Him.

    “To be trusted is a far greater compliment than being loved.” -George MacDonald-

    Real child-like freedom comes to those who have not yet tasted of the tree of good and evil.

    Only the “innocent” child wanders freely as a bird in the garden, until it finds and tastes the fruit of its capture, where its wings get so caught, and its walk becomes forever guarded.

    We all know that godly parents who walk with the Lord, will clip the wings and train up the child in where he should go, to forever remember God’s Laws are forever defining for us, right from wrong.

    Some fitting portions of a work of George MacDonlad, taken from- Dairy of an Old Soul- July

    9. “The sole way to put flight into the wing,
    To preen its feathers, and make them grow,
    Is to heed humbly every smallest thing
    With which Christ in us aught to do
    Obedient to the father Christ and so
    Sweet holy change will turn
    All our old things new.”

    11. “Well mayst thou then work on indocile hearts
    By small successes, disappointments small,
    By shame, anxiety, bitterness, and smarts,
    By loneliness, by weary loss of zest-
    The rags, the husks, the swine, the hunger-quest,
    Drive home the wanderer to the father’s breast.”

    Therein daily lies the freedom of the only holy rest,
    to those who will return daily to the father’s breast.

    Why does Satan tempt us every day, but to lose our freedom and make us stray?

    Satan knows all to well that ignoring of that verse in John “eight thrity-four”(John 8:34), as it is a mostly unpopular and avoided truth, that should really clip the wings of those who claim their newly found innocense today, who are taught they being saved are free to in sin, and still soar away.

    In the knowing of God’s word, and in the finding of His truth… (which is not always found in some of the modern, popular, seemingly innocent, teachings of today where all our sin is supposedly already forgiven, past, present and future?)instead of what is actually found in the word, where truth comes form, the only real truth of a returning away from our sin to repentance, the truth that will truly set us free!

    John 8:31,32.


  8. poohpity says:

    Mart, I would argue how can someone or something miss what they have never experienced. Most of the big cats found in the circus or a zoo were born and raised in farms. In Africa lions are breed and raised in a facility bottled fed by their keepers then as they grow older their food is killed outside of the farm or is raised in the farm like chickens with a mash as an example then tossed over the fence. They know no experience of the wild.

    The same with those who feel that they have to earn God’s love by following the rules or laws and confinements of the different religions and have never known the freedoms that are found in Christ Jesus. They do not miss those freedoms because they have yet to experience them.

    I lived the majority of my youth desiring to satisfy what my parents thought would be the best thing for me. They had my career picked out for me, the clothes I should wear, the way I should wear my hair and dictated everything by what they wanted but not once did they ask me what I thought or wanted to be. If I ever made the choice to do something different then they expressed their disappointment and seemed to withhold their love based on my actions. Not until I experienced love with no conditions shown by the Lord did I understand that freedom and acceptance by someone who said it was alright to be me.

    I thought I had that freedom down but recently my step mother told my son how much she disliked me just this weekend and I went back to that old way of thinking of needing to do something to gain her approval to be accepted, back to the fenced in way of thinking. Going back to living in that cage. I expressed my heart to the Lord with tears and the hurt turned to anger. I then started picking her apart in my mind until I realized that those thoughts surely did show that I had not truly forgiven her. I asked the Lord to forgive me and then this morning I got to experience His freedom as I read one of the parts of my morning devotion found in ODB before bible reading.

    I know this will happen again and again in this process but I am so thankful, grateful for the Lord taking the cage away again to experience the freedom I have found in His care. I wish that those old thoughts and behaviors would not pop up again but they will, then in His patience will guide me back into the freedoms only found under His wing. One can not miss something they have never known.

  9. poohpity says:

    Romans 8:31-39 NIV

  10. cbrown says:

    Good afternoon, talking about freedom I would like to share an experience that I have. I am a volunteer in a faith based prison ministry. 5 of the last 6 inmates I have talked with have been sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole. All of them have spent long periods in maximum security lock down. One inmate had spent 12 years in lock down and they all have been in prison for over 20 years. 2 were sentenced when they were 15 and one when he was 21. 4 of the 6 have a morning daily devotional and various bible studies in the evening.2 of the men are so well versed in the Bible that if you start to quote a verse they will finish it if you need help. These men have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and they are free indeed. (Psalm 146:7)Unlike the lion who has know hope they have experienced true freedom in Christ. When my group of faith based mentors leave the prison in the evening we are blessed beyond measure to have had the opportunity to serve our Lord and visit these men. Praise God for his mercy who saved a retch like me and has set me Free!

  11. cbrown says:


  12. remarutho says:

    Matthew 19:26, 29, 30 – Jesus reminds us, “See, I am making all things new.” (Rev 21:5) Maru

  13. foreverblessed says:

    Thank you cbrown for this beautiful testimony of these prisoned men. They have lost everything in this life, but have gained the Spiritual life! This is one thing we know, if we want to be free indeed, we need to die to the old man. If it is encaged in a set of rules it is still dangerous. We must kill the old man, like Pooh was telling about her life: the anger that comes up, the thoughts of hatred to a person who has damaged us, that is the old man, that has to be killed, I do not know how to do it, I just tell it to stop, and hand it over to Jesus, He takes is from me. And then I start to ask for His love, His thoughts for the person I must forgive. It is a long struggle for me too. Matt 10:39
    But the new man is a man in Christ, a spiritual life, the life is not mine, it is His that He has given me, His love, His Mercy, His peace.
    That is the freedom I want to live in, the new man, as Maru said, the old man transformed in Christ.
    That life is so much higher than the old natural life, His love is Sooo Big, His Peace sooo great, what a wonderful life, even in prison, no matter the circunstances, these men know it and have it.

  14. BruceC says:


    I remember watching a short program on Christian tv about the Brooklyn Tabernacle Church going to a large prison in Angola, Louisiana. The inmates that had come to Christ had a twinkle in their eye, a glow and a smile. Stark contrast to many that I saw in our county correctional facility that rejected Him. And they are in stark contrast of many on the “outside” that are free from the justice system. Freedom has a Name.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  15. oneg2dblu says:

    Satan who is “right now, ” not really barred or bored, because he roams freely like a lion, seeking whom “he” may devour.

    It is written:

    1 Peter 5:8 (NIV) “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

    Genesis 4:7 (NIV) “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.”

    Ephesians 4:21,22,23,24 (NIV) ” Surely you heard of him and where taught in him in accordance with the truth, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires, to be made new in the attitude of your minds, and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”

    That is the written truth found in the word, and it is as scriptural as it gets.

    Whether one chooses to believe it or not depends only on their current beliefs in that already forgiven doctrine that holds many deceptively captive today.

    Why would Satan still tempt us to sin daily, if we are already forgiven, and we are truly free?

    Why would Jesus Christ say, “I tell you the truth, *everyone* who sins is captive to sin?

    The use of the word, everyone, must include all those who currently follow Him as well, or you deny the scripture and its written truth.

    Can one be both captive, and still sinning freely as already forgiven?

    Only if we have already been deceived by that roaring lion or his minions, which now freely roam throughout the earth today.

    Thank God, that pooh still has the ability to see Satan’s evil influence upon her frail humanity, and after finding that she had chosen to not at first resist that temptation, and that her desire led to sin, which is clearly avoidable according to the message found in one of Paul’s teachings.

    James 4:7,8 (NIV) ” Submit yourselves then to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double minded.”

    Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other.”

    That message goes much further than just speaking about money, it speaks to the very root of all evil.

    However, failing to receive that resist the devil teaching, we can all still call upon the name of Jesus and find our better righteousness awaiting, our release or freedom from that sin which currently holds us.

    It is only found in the ability to repent and then be forgiven.

    This is the message I see here, I know some will not see it that way because of their already forgiven doctrine.

    But, if we do not first meet the higher standard of obedience, to actually “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” then after becoming captive to our sinning we chose to take the higher road again, and upon our confessing to Him we again find our freedom.

    There is no freedom found in the unrepentant soul.

    That soul is still captive to serving another way or master, than what is found in the truth revealing scriptures.
    IMO Gary

  16. remarutho says:

    Good Evening BTA Friends —

    Mart, you wrote:
    “Circus animals aren’t the only ones who have been robbed of the free-range and spirit of adventure for which they’ve been created.”

    I believe that human beings have been robbed by “the confinement of man-made rules and traditions.” The spirit of religion still stalks us.

    One translation of the Scripture you cite is:

    “The whole point of what we’re urging is simply love—love uncontaminated by self-interest and counterfeit faith, a life open to God. Those who fail to keep to this point soon wander off into cul-de-sacs of gossip. They set themselves up as experts on religious issues, but haven’t the remotest idea of what they’re holding forth with such imposing eloquence.” 2 Tim 1:5-7 MSG

    It seems to me we are called to shake off our apathy and seek a fresh work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

    Yours in Christ,

  17. remarutho says:

    Slip of the keyboard on my Scripture reference. It truly is 1 Timothy 1:5, 6, 7. Maru

  18. AmazedbyHis grace says:

    I believe freedom in Christ is misunderstood. It doesn’t give us the excuse to fall back into the sin led life we were rescued from. Freedom in Christ can be attained before we sin. I challenge you to pray: “Lord, lead me not into temptation,” when the sin temptation is before you. He will free you from the sin. Try it, it’s a difficult prayer to pray when sin beckons, but you’ll experience a great blessing.
    We also struggle with the balance of the desire to do what is good and right (law) yet not living as if under the law. When we are focused and living in the light, satan will try and convince us that we are trying to earn our way by following the law. When we fail, he’s there to remind us, too. It’s mixed-up, not so merry, mind mess. Hate that when it happens…It takes a lot of focus on the Lord’s word as well as prayer. Thank the Lord for His mighty grace on us!

  19. cbrown says:

    Another prayer used by many is “in the name of Jesus Christ creator of all things and the power of the blood He freely shed on Calvary, I rebuke you satan and command you to flee from my presence”.

  20. lovely says:

    This is the danger of what we call complacency. The famous story of David & Bathsheba was because David had stayed complacent instead of fighting in the battle.Matt 13;44 The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl, where we are to search for the kingdom of God like a treasure. A reminder for me as well if we stay complacent like a tree that never grows it dies. At this state i’ll probably be caged in my own complacency without purpose, only to be devour by the lion 1 Peter 5:8.Other words if i stop seeking God today am i in danger of being devour ?

  21. Sarah C says:

    The Beloved Apostle prayed for all to prosper in every way, even as their souls prosper.
    More accurately, the love of money is the root of ” all KINDS of evil ”
    Notice that when the children of Israel were in exile and went back to build the Temple under Ezra, they could gift their temple offerings quite well ? Obviously, the whole situation must suck somewhat, though . One wonders how instinctive they were to think of God in their prosperity, though . Obviously, it took someone like Ezra and Nehemiah to lead the way .

  22. SFDBWV says:

    Delving into Mart’s ponderings about “living in the confinement of man made rules and traditions. Circus animals aren’t the only ones who have been robbed of the free- range and spirit of adventure for which they’ve been created.”

    It is no small wonder that religion and politics generate such highly charged emotions in us as both hold the power to set us free or hold us hostage.

    I get a monthly magazine and daily devotional from a creation science ministry that I enjoy. Oddly this months issue addresses the lion and how it seems to have been created to hunt and kill for its food yet God gave “to every beast of the earth…wherein there is life every green herb for meat.”

    An interesting view from the author is that on board the Ark of Noah were two “cats” and that all species of cats have been descended from these two pre-flood cats. That only after the fall of man and the curse did these vegans become prowlers and meat eaters.

    If we believe that sin holds man hostage and also creation then we must also believe that when sin’s power was broken at the cross we and all of creation was set free from sins grip and confinement.

    Yet there is a problem with that view…the view around us.

    Many people are still held captive and the world around us is still a very dangerous place for all of creation.

    So when does Isaiah 11: 6, 7, 8, 9 occur?

    I can only say that it *began* at the cross and comes into being at Revelation 20, 21, 22.

    Time means nothing to God only to us.


  23. fadingman says:

    The circus lion has lost its sense of God-given purpose, and is now a slave to man’s purpose. Isn’t that what happens to us?

    I can fantasize about a circus recruiter talking to a wild lion, “Come join us! You won’t have to struggle to feed yourself or your family. You won’t go hungry, because we’ll feed you! All you have to do is sit around and look impressive most of the time, and maybe give a roar or two roar for the crowd.”

    I think life is supposed to be about work and struggle. It gives us purpose and causes us to look to God to provide for our needs. God didn’t give Adam and Eve a garden where everything took care of itself.


  24. foreverblessed says:

    Fadingman, your name already says it: you fade, your old man goed, but the new man is in Christ, and that man is resting in Christ, but the struggle is to stay in that rest, and not be distracted from it, as many would tell us: it cannot be done without work on our part. It can, if we stay in the faith, and not be moved, and keep our focus on Jesus.
    Living in freedom-
    The topic of July 1 was : a better righteousness, which corresponds with this topic, life of living in the Spirit, which is a better way of living than living within the rules of the law. The bible talks about a better ministry: the ministry of the Spirit: 2 Cor 3
    (I give the verses here, as when I was reading this blog on my smartphone during the holidays I could not read the verses cited, the link didn’t work, bad internet connection)

    “7 Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, transitory though it was, 8 will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious?”

    6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant – not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

    It is this life that I am looking for, a life that is not my own, but that is flowing from Jesus to me, when I in faith look up to Him. His peace, His love, His patience, when circumstances are against me, when people hurt you, when things are not going the way I would like. Then I need His life in me. And always, also when things are bright and beautiful around us in the physical world.

    12 Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold.
    13 We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was passing away. 14 But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. 15 Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts.
    16 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

    We are righteous in Gods eyes, but are being changed with ever increasing glory!

    Yes His resting place is glorious! We can be full of joy, and not be bored, because every day we see more of God, and every day more of God flows through us, if we keep asking for it, and be thrilled about that life in Him.

  25. foreverblessed says:

    typo fading: the old man goes
    John 3:30

  26. Yovoyan Abraham says:

    It’s only the truth that can truly set us free. The truth is Jesus Christ. Jesus has already prayed for us (John 19:9-11). We as christians have a goal, satan will always bring back the feeling of seclusion characterised by the old man, but the Holy Spirit gives freedom. This false feeling of not being free is brought by the sinful nature, we shall experience our full freedom from this sinful nature when we achieve our goal which God has called us heavenwards in Christ Jesus.(Matthew 13:24-30) (Philippians 3:13-14).

  27. oneg2dblu says:

    “To hold fast upon God, with one hand, and open wide the other to your neighbor- that is religion; and the true way to all better things that are yet to come.”
    George MacDonald

    “It is those who are unaware of their proclivities, and never pray against them, that must be led into temptation, lest they should forever continue capable of evil.”
    George MacDonald

    If one is truly led by the Spirit, it is by that Spirit’s leading, that they would naturally Obey the Law.

    For the Spirit of God would probably be most adherant to its own law also being from God, rather than lead one into temptation.

    David was clearly not led by the Holy Spirit, but tempted to look upon another with lust and then desire to even call upon Bathsheba to further act upon that initial captivity, through acting on temptation.

    David with his sinful desire now fully controlling him, committed a sin which led to even more sins, even the death of Bathsheba’s husband, who she was devoted to and loved.

    David clearly was not fully serving God, but conrolled by another master during that sinful time in his life.

    He eventually came to his senses and repented, but much suffering had to take place first.

    History always seems to repeat itself, and surely innocent lives will be lost today because of the sins of man.

    As Steve said, we need only to look around us.


  28. poohpity says:

    Have you ever felt shamed or guilty? To me it feels like hanging my head and hiding in a corner. The law barred us into a cage and my concentration was on all my guilt and shame. I was held captive to something I could never accomplish no matter how hard I tried. When feeling like that one tends to retreat within their self in the sense of failure. Futility to the n-th degree. Those who have no idea because they lack self discernment about their current condition are in denial and pride is holding them captive, blinded by their own light. BUT!!

    The good news is that Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners, carrying our guilt and shame in His sinless body. Was sent to the place we deserve into where the dead live and then, then was raised to a resurrected life. (Isaiah 1:18; Romans 7:6 NLT) This seems to have been done so that rather than carry the load of guilt and shame we could do good. (Isaiah 1:17 NLT) Our heads held high because we have been freed. There will always be those who would like us to be held captive because they are, they have yet to understand what grace and mercy truly are. If one has ever felt that freedom, grace and mercy fully why would they want to go back to what caused that guilt and shame again? My hunch is they love being miserable and want to drag others along with them but those who have experienced the joy of salvation (freedom) let that joy, mercy and grace be shared.

    I believe each of us has such limited knowledge of God and His Word we would do better just to teach how the Cross has freed us from guilt and shame and leave the rest to the Holy Spirit.

  29. poohpity says:

    Steve I agree that Gods’ purpose soon after creation was that none should kill even the lions and one day from what scriptures say that will be again brought to reality. While we wait in anticipation for that to happen we can be servants of truth, bringing in our fallen state, a refection of that by being kind, gentle, loving, peaceable, compassionate and joy filled rather than seeking to destroy others with our words and actions of hatred, anger, prejudices, criticism and judgement which kills the very essence of the soul of those that God went to every length to show His love to.

  30. poohpity says:

    I can get a glimpse of what Paul was saying in that 1 Tim 1:5-7 NLT as those who were the accusers of Job and Job himself discussing God with no understanding Job 38:2.

  31. foreverblessed says:

    Pooh, thanks for that bible verses, I read it and they really struck me. Paul is so clear.
    It is through faith in Jesus that our heart is changed, made pure. You could also say, our heart is circumcised, so the law of circumcision is fulfilled when our hearts are touched.
    Also 1 Timothy 1:8-9

    Gary, thanks for congratulating me for being foreverblessed.
    I do not want to keep on sinning, I do not want to stay unchanged. I tell you this so you know that when you start warning about staying unchanged, I skip it. Rather: I would like to be positively encouraged:start in the morning anew with Jesus, I seek His face first thing when I wake up. I want to love God with all my heart and soul and being, and I ask Him for the power of the Holy Spirit to fulfill that in me. I ask for more faith, trust in Him. So I can live a life of freedom in the Spirit.

  32. foreverblessed says:

    1 Timothy 1:8-9, 10-11 NLT

  33. foreverblessed says:

    try again: 1 Timothy 1:8-11 NLT
    I want to give it in the new living translstion, because it makes the point so clear:
    8 We know that the law is good when used correctly. 9 For the law was not intended for people who do what is right. It is for people who are lawless and rebellious, who are ungodly and sinful, who consider nothing sacred and defile what is holy, who kill their father or mother or commit other murders. 10 The law is for people who are sexually immoral, or who practice homosexuality, or are slave traders,* liars, promise breakers, or who do anything else that contradicts the wholesome teaching 11 that comes from the glorious Good News entrusted to me by our blessed God.

  34. SFDBWV says:

    I am still looking at Mart’s pondering about our loss of freedom under the heel of man made rules and traditions and the loss of that free range spirit of adventure, we were created for.

    Yovoyan Abraham is right in that our Scripture tells us that the *Truth* sets us free and that Truth is Jesus of Nazareth the Messiah/Christ.

    From Mart’s ponderings though I am wondering if we are still able to have a free range spirit once we surrender our will to Christ.

    My first thoughts are that the *Truth* of Christ sets us free from the bondage of sin, but does He also set those free from the law who were under its rules and traditions?

    I am as I understand a Gentile in the tradition of Scripture and was never under the traditions and rules of Judaism. So the freedom Jesus offers me is to be free of the curse and punishment of sin.

    Oddly though just like under the tradition of Hebrew Law once I am given my freedom I am offered slavery to Christ as an act of my own will.

    So I say goodbye willingly to that free range spirit and become the property of Jesus.

    I get it that before we became Christian we immersed ourselves in the adventure of life, of testing the waters of many far and distant shores. Learning all we could, experimenting and stretching the limits of our understanding.

    However once we accepted the Scripture to be the Word of God, His Word this book became the example of rules and traditions we follow willingly and our free range spirit we surrendered over to the Spirit of God willingly.

    So have we traded one form of cage for another?


  35. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    It is disturbing to see a magnificent creature caged and robbed of the vitality of its own character and freedom to be, like a circus lion exploited by people.

    Are we humans trapped behind the bars of a cage of sin and sinning?
    Or, are we made in the image of God, and therefore free as God is free?

    Everything is within you. You have
    the spark of the Divine within you.
    Kindle it.
    You are a sinful creature, there is
    nothing good within you. You need
    the invading grace of God from
    outside yourself.

    Is the natural human good?
    Is the natural human bad?
    Is the kingdom of God here?
    Is the kingdom of God coming?

    It seems to me the entire answer is yes. The kingdom is here – and the kingdom is coming in its
    fullness. Is this a problem, or is it simply the truth of our situation? A lion cannot know it has a Savior who can make all things new. Humans can.


  36. remarutho says:

    Yowza! Our post time is identical, Steve! Don’t think I’ve seen that happen before. Must have posted within seconds of one another. Maru

  37. BruceC says:

    Freedom can be an obscure, fuzzy word. No person is 100% free to do what he or she wants. The Word makes it clear that we will serve one Master or the other.
    You will either serve the Lord or Satan.
    The freedom we have is the free will to choose Christ or not. Rejecting Christ is automatically choosing darkness whether one is conscious of that or not. So; if we choose to serve the Lord we do so knowingly. If we reject Him we serve Satan either knowingly or unknowingly. The Word sometimes uses the term “slave” which many see as “forced” servitude but that really isn’t the correct picture.
    Freedom can also mean to be free from punishment or penalty; or something onerous. So when we are in Christ by faith we are freed from the wrath of God that is to come.
    It is a sorrowful thing that so many will serve the prince of this world without really even being aware of it because so many do not believe that he even exists.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  38. SFDBWV says:

    It is pretty amazing Maru that here I set atop the Allegheny Mountains in West Virginia and you out there on the west coast and at the same time we were attempting to voice our pondering of God.

    Bruce and I have come close to posting at the same identical moment, but I think yours and my postings this morning are a first simultaneous posting for me.

    Its also always neat when we think along the same lines and say it differently, almost as if led by a common *Spirit*.

    In my first posting on this subject I mentioned that idle hands are the devils workshop. This is especially true of bored people who have nothing to do with their minds or hands other than feed themselves of all the world has to offer.

    Satan has been characterized as a roaring lion searching for easy prey. We either cage Satan or put ourselves into a fortress of safety from him. Our fortress being the person of Jesus Christ as doing the will of God in Him we are never bored.


  39. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    I’m with you, Bruce, the freedom/imprisonment thing comes in and out of focus. Rejoicing in our sovereign God seems to be a corrective for that see-saw that can become so emotional.

    Satan, it seems to me, can be like the chameleon lady in X-Men (ugh). Paul warns that the enemy can delude (2 Corinthians 11:14). Peter, as you point out Steve, calls him more a wild beast (1 Peter 5:8). Any way it manifests itself, evil is to be resisted — with God’s help we overcome.


    PS The moving of the Spirit is a great wonder, Steve! Time and space are of no consequence in matters of prayer, God’s calling and the unity of the body of Christ it seems.

  40. BruceC says:


    After you reminded us of Satan being the roaring lion I thought back on the title of Mart’s topic; “Barred and Bored”.
    Satan will be barred and bored for one thousand years chained in the bottomless pit. Then for a short time he gets to roar once more before his eternal demise.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  41. poohpity says:

    Yes forever, that is how I understand it. The use of the law was to direct us to Christ and our need for forgiveness. Once we are in Christ, He can take it from there. So once we have found that freedom why go back under the law that seems to be what Paul was saying in his many letters. Before we were fighting against the current now we can enjoy the change Christ has brought to our lives. No matter the circumstance we find in our lives we can have joy in the midst of them knowing how much we are cared for, provided for and loved. Trusting in Jesus who made all things right by showing us how much God wants a relationship with us in this world full of trials, suffering, hardships and turmoil we can face them with joy because of God being with us through it all.

  42. poohpity says:

    When someone is first in love colors seems brighter, the air cleaner and everything seems wonderful then after a while they usually let that newness fade away and they become bored with their partner. But if they spend time getting to know that partner and finding out new things about them the love grows to a deeper understanding and the sparks are kept alive. When they start taking that relationship for granted and just go through the motions the relationship can wither and die. They can feel barred in but the more we explore and the more knowledge we gain that foundation can be built on. The more we let go and trust God with then our faith grows and grows then the things of this world do not seem so important any more. So if we find ourselves in the cages that life can bring we will still be free to think about them differently.

    Look to the life of Joseph no matter what obstacle he faced looking to God he found freedom even while he was in prison. God made it all work as long as he kept his eyes on His redeemer.

  43. bubbles says:

    God tells us in Romans 12:1-2 that we are to present our bodies a living sacrifice. Another verse tells us we should be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the Master’s use, and prepared unto every good work. (2 Tim. 2:21) and Romans 6:1-2 says we should not continue in sin so grace may abound.

    In several conversations with people, and only by observation of their choices, I see believers doing things that I wonder about. When I have asked, I am told they are not under the law, but under grace. To me this is part of the liberal thinking in Christian circles. Things are done today that would not even be considered 30 years ago. Are we not to live separated from the world and not part of the world? When I asked this of someone I hear that I think I am better than others, and that is far from the truth. Aren’t we to live separated from the world and not part of the world and its thinking? As believers, it seems to me there are things we should not participate in doing and places we do not go, but I see more and more Christians doing things that are contrary to what God says. I do not understand what is going on. I do not have the need or desire to go to these places or do the things they are doing. Years ago, it seemed that most believers were of the same mindset, and now I am in the minority. What has happened to us? I am not judging anyone here. I only know that James tells us that if we know to do good, and do not do it, it is sin. I cannot tell another believer what to do.

    But does it seem to anyone else that our standards as believers have been lowered, or there any standards left at all? Then when I ask such a question, I have heard that Jesus came to fulfill the law and that we can have “freedom”. However, doing things that I think are against honoring Jesus is not freedom. Nor do I do live the way I do because I “must”. It is a lifestyle choice.

  44. BruceC says:


    Everything we do should be pleasing to Him. Following the ways of this world is not. You are correct. Much of the church has been influenced by the culture instead of the culture being influenced by the church. Very sad.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  45. bubbles says:

    Yes, like a frog being slowly cooked.

  46. SFDBWV says:

    Bubbles dear friend look up Apostasy and do a little light reading of the matter, it is a clear sign of the times we live in and what is to follow.


  47. poohpity says:

    Living under the law says there is something I can do to earn God’s favor, living under grace means Jesus did what was needed to appease God’s wrath and gave us His (Jesus) favor. One is giving glory to man and the other is giving Glory to God. It is about a relationship with God, one prevented that relationship by our inability to follow the law and if we did not follow that law we could have no relationship with a Holy God, living under grace we can now have a relationship with God because of what Jesus did, not what we have done.

    Does one pursue God with the same intensity they do their career, a mate, material things, beauty, strength, recognition, parenting and that seems to be the reason that many who claim to be Christians look more like the world than they look like Christ. (Romans 12:2) One resembles those they are around the most. Living under grace does not mean that our lives will still seek the ways of the world it means we will seek after God if we look like the world around us then I would submit that is because that is what we fill our minds with worldly stuff, not the knowledge or understanding of God.

  48. foreverblessed says:

    Bubbles I am very sorry for these people, and I do agree with Pooh, we should look for God with all our being and not the things of the world, or as paul says, the things of the flesh:
    ” You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.”
    Gal 5:13

  49. bubbles says:

    Forever~ I am not looking to the things of the world. You did not understand what I said.

  50. foreverblessed says:

    Bubbles, I was talking about these people you had conversations with, who said they were not under the law but under grace, and yet did whatever they desired.
    If we have crucified the flesh, then we are not under the law, but under grace. Gal 5:24
    Love you, sorry for the misunderstanding.

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