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The Science of Attitude

DSC01339An article of the BBC Online Magazine asks whether science can explain why some people see “the glass as half empty” while others see it as “half full”.

The answer offered by medical journalist, Michael Mosley, explains additional research on genetic discoveries that we alluded to in a recent post, “God only Knows.”

According to Mosely, recent research suggests not only that genetic predispositions can be formed by life experiences—but that those inclinations can be altered even late in life. The science is based on the discovery that “throughout our lives, in response to environmental factors, our genes are constantly being dialed up and down as with a dimmer switch.” He adds that according to researchers while we used to say “that we can’t change our genes. We now know there are these mini mechanisms that can switch them (genes) on and off.

Seems to me that this kind of information can be weighed when it comes to the conclusions we form about ourselves and one another. On one hand it seems to give us reason to suspect that there may be natural reasons for our tendency to be either optimistic or pessimistic in our approach to life. For instance, according to Mosely, there is even reason to think that differences in mental attitude may reflect “how well mothered [persons] were at a young age – reflecting how anxious and stressed their mothers were, and how this impacted on the amount of affection they received in their early years. ”In other words, our optimism or pessimism may not be as much of a measure of spirituality as we might think.

On the other hand, if the research is true that we might be able to alter our genetic condition “even late in life”, then maybe we are not as enslaved to our “inherited nature” as we assume.

In either case, seems like all of this gives us reason to realize that it’s really true that— God ony knows the real balance between mind-spirit-and-body— and that the extent to which we are enabled to trust what he thinks of us (rather than what we are naturally inclined to think or feel) may end up affecting not only our attitude—but our “bodies” as well.

What do you think? Could that be significant, or not?

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62 Responses to “The Science of Attitude”

  1. bubbles says:

    “God only knows the real balance between mind-body-spirit”. I am thankful that He knows me better than I know my own self, and that He loves me in spite of everything. I am thankful for His care and for giving us His Word.

  2. remarutho says:

    Good Evening Mart & Friends –

    The environment/genetic interface is fascinating. The subject ranges from “you are what you eat” to “believe and you will receive.” Very mysterious. Am pretty sure the quality of trust is enhanced by positive reinforcement. When trust is rewarded, it seems to me, the ability to trust increases.

    Our God promises an intimate friendship with anybody who comes near and allows that closeness. Perhaps some individuals who have experienced betrayal of trust cannot allow closeness. It is pretty exciting to learn that healing is available to any who will step up to change.


  3. poohpity says:

    Mart, this research finds that you can teach old dogs new tricks, lol.

    Just listening, watching and asking some questions in bible studies I noticed that many base their perceptions of God on how they were parented. If the parent was very punitive then they see God as angry and punitive, if the parent was distant emotionally they see God as emotionally distant and far off, if they felt they had to perform to get love and attention from the parent they feel they have to earn God’s love as well, etc.. I also saw that when they became aware of those things and wanted to change that way of thinking retraining was possible through cognitive work. That is like renewing our minds. So if God said it, I believe it is possible and I have seen it work.

    I do not know about the gene thing but with the twins I have always thought that each person is parented different whether they are twins or not.

  4. oneg2dblu says:

    Mart…I am sure that God knows how much our attitudes both predisposed and those later learned or developed actually effect our current free will choices, as another reason why He desires us to receive His Spirit for the renewing of our minds, as part of our walk with Him.

    Am thinking of Paul’s encounter on the road to Damascus, as well as our personal encounter with Christ, and how it certainly should be life changing?

    Receiving His Helper helps us adjust our attitude as He helps us better balance the mind-body-spirit for the things of God.

    Perhaps that is why the word of God stresses that we are to not caught up or influenced by the world, but rather that we should influence the world around us for Him.

    The world wants to squeeze us into its mold and Christ wants us to break free of it. You were called by Christ and He has called you out of the world.

    1 Corinthians 1:26 (NIV)

    There should be a definitive difference between a sinner’s world view and the attitude adjusted saint’s world view, as a very visible change, not to mention how that would affect your mind, body, and spirit.

    Imagine being given the mind of Christ, treating your body as though it was the temple of the Holy Spirit, and finding your spirit as becoming balanced to align with His.

    John 15:16, 19 (NIV) Gary

  5. swwagner says:

    Yes! Yes! Yes! This is significant! It is nice that scientific research is verifying what I have know personally for many, many years.

    Please indulge my random thoughts as I ponder this topic.

    Pain has a negative effect on the mind, body, and spirit.

    I am so thankful for God’s provision of medication to alleviate headaches and infections. And, equally thankful for His provision of drugs to restore chemical balance to the brain.

    Family (as far back as Adam and Eve) does predispose us toward mental attitudes. Environments do have an effect on mind and body. Thankfully God has provided a way for us to rise above the miry clay of fallen genes and circumstances even if we are never completely healed in this life.

    God’s love and promises are solid ground even though I am lost at sea in emotional upheaval and mental anguish.

    Being mentally ill…predisposed by family and forced to live in a negative, abusive environment as an adult…I am able to function much better in mind, body, and spirit with anti-depressant medication. Now (even if the medication is off balance) and I am low again. I KNOW that my Savior holds me safely. The negativity perceived or felt will pass…and, if it doesn’t…I know that in eternity it will.


  6. Loomis says:

    I hit the thumbs down, accident. I am banking on change as I age. Fruit bearing is always interested in new fruit. Genetics I am glad we are learning new things. Enjoying your blog.

  7. BruceC says:

    When the researcher spoke of how well mothered a person was at a young age it reminded of what my wife went through. There was a competition for mom’s attention and she did not have the abilities of some of the other siblings; and in turn did get much approval. Some parents like to boast of children’s accomplishments for the sake of their own ego. Favoritism will always affect people adversely. Those who receive it get a too high opinion of themselves very often and those that don’t a low opinion.
    But we have the Word which goes beyond man’s research and points to hope in Christ and evidence of changed lives. Man apart from God cannot understand those things of the Spirit.
    Genetic research is like a two-edged sword. One side beneficial if used properly; the other side very dangerous. Given humanity’s track record I would just as soon like to see many of these “doors” kept closed.
    Much of this research has its basis in financial gain for the companies doing it. God is not often in their train of thought; if ever.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  8. SFDBWV says:

    Several years ago to the surprise of many a study among physicians shown that prayer actually aided in the healing process of their patients.

    Not wanting to *officially* say that they all agreed with the tenets of Christianity, they left the *scientific* matter to the outer limits of known medical science.

    I have a saying I picked up from an instructor years ago that goes like this; “It is immediately obvious to the most untrained of observers.”

    Anyone in the world of *holistic* healing has taught for years about *cellular memory*. So as Sheryl stated this is something she has known for years, that genes can *learn* and *adapt*.

    Equally known is that these changes can be passed along to your children and so the first child and the last can be vastly different (Cain-Abel) because you are always changing by the environment around you.

    I am sorry if I sound sarcastic, but why does it always take some *word* from the world of “elite official scientists” before what many other people have been saying for hundreds of years gets recognition?

    Imagine how much we could know if we only listened to alternative ideas instead of entrenching ourselves in only believing what is taught in the classroom.

    In our last subject as we looked at lions, I mentioned that in the view of the creationist the lion was originally an herbivore, some genetic switch God had engineered had to be mutated in order for the lion to become the hunter and killer it is today.

    The same exists in us all to be *born again* and become *new creatures*, already spelled out in Scripture and offered as a way out of many circumstances.

    Psalms 139:15, 16


  9. SFDBWV says:

    I just want to add that in my King James Bible Psalms 139:16 states “Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.”

    I liked the word *continuance* in relationship to this topic.

    Also Pearl, Mart has told me he will take care of connecting us after he is home from his traveling, as he is very busy right now.


  10. narrowpathseeker says:

    Steve, thank you for the update on that matter.

    I was thinking about the nature or nurture causes of attitude and drifted back to some thoughts that came to mind while enrolled in a nursing course years ago. I can’t even recall how many times that various scriptures came to mind while in microbiology, A&P, psychology, or even English courses. One that stands out to me today, came to me when studying DNA…I thought, “could DNA be God’s book of life that is pre written in all of us?” Then in a psychology class watching a film of various clients with multiple personality disorders and how the chemical composition changed with the person’s various personalities which may have developed from a combination of lack of nurture as well as nature, I thought of demon possession and how Jesus cast out demons. The most important thing I learned during that time was that no matter how fascinating I found that which science has discovered or what brilliant men and women knew or thought they knew, I learned that the top and bottom line was that God is in absolute control and if we don’t know Him, anything else we seek to know is pretty much useless.
    About 30 years ago I was hospitalized with excruciating pain that resembled birthing pain that was later diagnosed as colitis. At the time I was filled with incompatible emotions all battling for top billing. Fear, courage, love, hate, strength, weakness, shame, pride, etc. After about 3 days the pain started to subside. A nurse from another floor(from the church I attended at the time)stopped in to see how I was doing. I don’t recall the story exactly, but I know she looked at all the flowers that filled the room and said facetiously, “Oh look….nobody loves you!!” She turned me on to a TV interview with Dr Bernie Siegal who wrote Love, Medicine, and Miracles. The most memorable statement in that book that I later read, was that, “We are a mind with a body and not a body with a mind”

    Sorry, when I began writing this, all these little tidbits fit together, but I seem to have lost the concluding thought. However, in part, it had to do with His Love covers a multitude of sins…it is healing as well. I was either misdiagnosed or I was healed as I have never had another bout with “colitis” and the medical profession teaches that colitis is an ongoing condition .

    I need to run off again. Again, I apologize for my loss of memory this morning. I think my concluding thoughts had something to do with the thought that came to me while getting a formal higher education late in life that I think I have shared once before, “The Great Enlightment(without God)has been little more than a candlelit detour that has but led us further into darkness”

    God Bless us All


  11. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All –

    Mart, you wrote:

    “God only knows the real balance between mind-spirit-and-body— and…the extent to which we are enabled to trust what he thinks of us (rather than what we are naturally inclined to think or feel) may end up affecting not only our attitude—but our “bodies” as well.”

    Although I have not read all the studies on the subject, it has been shown that between 70 and 80 per cent of persons visiting a doctor have a psychosomatic component to their illness. Not sure that pessimism is a factor, but real depression, loneliness and discouragement affect immunity and resistance to disease. Also, pain levels have an emotional connection: anxiety, fear and general health can magnify the level of pain a person feels. True healing, I am sure, requires trust – in God or a “higher power.”

    That old-time saying, “Somebody up there likes me,” has genuine power!


  12. poohpity says:

    Yes Maru, the bottom line is “trust” in what God thinks of us. Dieing to self seems to mean as Mart stated, “what we are “naturally” inclined to think and feel”. Who we really trust will effect how we treat others and what we feel and think about ourselves. It is like rivers that comes flowing down a hill and waters all that is around it that can either look like pessimism (evil, hared, anger) or optimism (good, kind, loving). What we think and who we trust touches our behaviors or actions and if our thinking is more set as the natural or the world around us then it will come out. The world around has no hope, caged in life’s circumstances but those who trust in God and grow in their knowledge and understanding the hope flourishes and then it is given out to those we come in contact with.

  13. oneg2dblu says:

    Pearl… thanks for sharing, “The Great Entitlement (without God) has been little more than a candelit detour that has led us further into darkness.”

    That is a great quote and very similar to this one the currently has captured me, and that causes me to share it with others in the wolrd around me.

    “In whatever a man does without God he fails miserably,
    or succeeds even more miserably.” -George MacDonald

    Who wrote the one you quoted? Gary

  14. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… I find it both comforting and conflicted that the God who has created us in His image, would also see us an a substance yet unperfect.
    “Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.”
    That reads to me as if God, (could have in His continuance) also created us as perfect, but chose not to.

    He instead chose to create “Only One” to be both a part of humanity and His perfection, it is found in only one, His only son, Jesus the Christ.

    That takes us back to the Garden with all those lingering, Why? questions.

    Only God Knows! Gary

  15. oneg2dblu says:

    “When you are good, then you will know why _ _ _ did not make you good at first, and will be perfectly satisfied with the reason; because you will find it good and just and right- so good, that it was altogether beyond the understanding of one who is not good.”

    Peace is for those who do the truth,
    not for those who opine it.” -George MacDonald

    BBe Blessed!

  16. oneg2dblu says:

    Sorry for the studdering… :0

  17. poohpity says:

    Let me share this higher education example from “Winnie the Pooh” the character known as Eeyore. Even when everything is going well he hangs his head and says “thanks for noticing me”. His tail often times falls off and his house which is in a mud bog falls over all the time. Of course a tail will fall off when it is held in place by a stick pin in fabric and of course a house will fall down when there is nothing holding it together other than sticks leaning on each other, it is like he sets himself up for failure because of his pessimism. Everything he says is said with a sigh of resignation that only bad things will happening.

    Then there are people like Corrie ten Boom who had quotes like the following in the midst of the most horrible of circumstance to me that mankind has ever known yet her attitude was one of trust:

    “If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. If you look at God you’ll be at rest.”

    “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”

    “You can never learn that Christ is all you need, until Christ is all you have.”

    “Trying to do the Lord’s work in your own strength is the most confusing, exhausting, and tedious of all work. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry of Jesus just flows out of you.”

    “Even as the angry vengeful thoughts boiled through me, I saw the sin of them. Jesus Christ had died for this man; was I going to ask for more? Lord Jesus, I prayed, forgive me and help me to forgive him….Jesus, I cannot forgive him. Give me your forgiveness….And so I discovered that it is not on our forgiveness any more than on our goodness that the world’s healing hinges, but on His. When He tells us to love our enemies, He gives along with the command, the love itself.”

    “Happiness isn’t something that depends on our surroundings…It’s something we make inside ourselves.”

    “God’s viewpoint is sometimes different from ours – so different that we could not even guess at it unless He had given us a Book which tells us such things….In the Bible I learn that God values us not for our strength or our brains but simply because He has made us.”

    Another quote that has always been one of my favorites attributed to Charles Stanley:

    Attitude Is Everything

    The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on my life. Attitude, to me is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstance, than failure, than success, than what other people think, say, or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company… a church… a home.

    The remarkable thing is, we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.

    We cannot change our past; we cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude…

    I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me, and 90 percent how I react to it.

    And so it is with you… We are in charge of our attitudes.

  18. narrowpathseeker says:

    Gary, it isn’t a quote ;-) I wrote it in a paper on the Great Enlightenment in a history class several years ago. I think I had read a devotional one morning prior to that class and I believe it was something about the difficulty of trying to find something in a dark cave with the dim light of a candle or something of that nature. I had already developed strong reservations about education where integrity and morality seemed optional. I was even told in Nursing Clinical that if I wasn’t sure what to do to learn to be a good actress…that REALLY set me off. When the subject of the Great Enlightenment came up, that view of it, just came together for me, so later I wrote it out. I guess I had a strong rebellious attitude of sorts back then. I guess I still have it, but I try not to engage it when provoked.

  19. oneg2dblu says:

    Pearl… I do not know if that was a rebellious attitude
    but it was poignant and from your heart, your experience, and your genious was in the ability to write it out.

    “Truth spoken without restraint is still the truth.”

    In fact I’d rather have it spoken that way, rather than dilluted for the masses, or politically correct.

    Fake it ’till you make it, now comes to mind as being popular, its when we have to act a certain way for the sake of others, even if it is not part of who we really are.

    All tripe in my book…. like flowery speech, white lies, double talk, and mumbo jumbo, all useless when just being real is truly really being honest.

    I trust the honesty in your writing, it is a gift that bears you a blessed greatness.

  20. narrowpathseeker says:

    Gary….I don’t know if I can explain this without shattering the uplifting compliment you’ve given me, but I will give it a shot. False pride once had a major stronghold on me. The more humiliating experiences I encountered, the more I felt beneath everyone, and the more worthless I felt the more I engaged the false pride to hide that feeling of worthlessness. I think false pride may be the catalyst to white lies, flowery speech, and double talk or whatever it takes to hide that “littleness” so I am not innocent of those things. I would not admit to uglies like jealousy to anyone, and was very selective about what else I admitted and to who..so I wasn’t always honest!!

    I don’t remember exactly when, where, why or to whom I first started being honest about myself,(I believe the Holy Spirit had a big part in it) but I DO remember that it felt really good….and I like feeling good. In retrospect it may have been like being freed from a cage. I think I’ve mentioned here at one time or another, I have walked in many shoes on both sides of many fences!! I’m still changing shoes, but each new pair seem to fit better and get more and more comfortable. ;-)

  21. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    Thank you for your genuine witness, Pearl! It seems to me that being who I really am does everybody a service. Saves time in understanding & hopefully in communication — though communication is unpredictable don’t you think? Actually being understood — well, St. Francis advises, “Seek to understand rather than to be understood.”

    I would like to pipe in with the suggestion that being civil to one another often gets us through misunderstandings that we cannot control. Some of God’s children hear “fightin’ words” at the drop of a hat. My take on your post of 10:43 p.m. is that you offer the truth in love. Comforting and comfortable. Perhaps attitude is as much an art as a science. :o)


  22. narrowpathseeker says:

    Good Morning Everyone.

    Steve, I hope everything is ok with you, Matt, and Glenna. I think I may take the many rays of sunshine you provide for us for granted, but when there is no entry here from you, on any given morning, it is sorely missed. I don’t remember who first compared you to sunshine for our group, but I agreed with that thought immediately. Again, I hope all is well with you.

  23. SFDBWV says:

    All’s ok Pearl just an over extended morning that began early. Thank you for the love.


  24. narrowpathseeker says:

    Maru, I don’t know if St Francis’ advice to “seek to understand rather than to be understood” works for me..;-) In recent years, my ability to communicate vocally as well as in writing,comes and goes. Sometimes, I forget what I am going to say in mid sentence, then start another sentence that had nothing to do with the first. My family gets frustrated when they don’t understand what I am talking about.. ;-) I know that is not the point you were making..it is very good advice…thank you….just thought I would add a bit of humor before I shared something very serious that the Lord gave me on this subject this morning.

    It has to do with an ever changing attitude as well as my ability and inability to communicate This morning after prayer, I was Reminded of a few things that relate to one another. First, I was reminded that I have set out many times to do the right thing for the right reasons, but soon into the endeavor, the attitude would change. If I got too much gratitude, I started thinking too highly of myself…if I didn’t get enough gratitude, I started feeling resentment, then guilt for the resentment, then all the uglies would start acting up.

    Being very much aware of that process, I TRY to stay balanced. I think encouragement and uplifting words can be as beneficial as they can be destructive depending on how we receive them as well as in the intent they are given.

    Secondly, I was reminded that sometimes I can speak and/or write very articulately and sometimes, I can’t put a coherent sentence together. Then it dawned on me that maybe when the words flowed articulately that the Lord was giving them to me and when they didn’t that maybe He was telling me to keep still and WAIT for Him to give me something to say.

    THEN, I opened my daily email devotional by Max Lucado!

    “Ever wonder why churches are powerful in one generation but empty the next? The Bible says, the Lord will tear down the house of the proud. God hates arrogance. He hates it because we haven’t done anything to be arrogant about. Is there a Pulitzer for ink? Can you imagine a scalpel growing smug after a successful heart transplant? Of course not. They are only tools. So are we. We may be the canvas, the paper, or the scalpel, but we are not the one who deserve the applause.

    David declares who does in Psalm 23, “He makes me, He leads me, He restores my soul… for His name’s sake.” For His name’s sake! No other name. This is all done for God’s glory. He takes the credit, not because He needs it, but because He knows we cannot handle it!”

    Well, that summed it up for me…I can not handle too much credit!! If I say, write, or do something that seems praiseworthy…it is of the Lord…I have been honored to be His tool at that moment… If I say, write, or do something offensive…it is ME being beguiled by Satan and I am in need of prayer from those who recognize it.

    In the name of Christ Jesus, thank You Father for the Love, Guidance, and Encouragement you provide each of us through our many brothers and sisters here that you have chosen to be your tools.



  25. narrowpathseeker says:

    Thank you Steve for letting us know all is well.

  26. remarutho says:


    I hear what you are saying. In my early years of serving the Lord I seemed to be gifted in some things. But, God swiftly gave me Proverbs 27:21: “The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, so a person is tested by being praised.”

    Also, without interjecting a harsh Old Testament spirit here, the Lord showed me (me only) that to be humble before God like Isaiah is the only way to serve Him: Isaiah 64:6 – “We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a filthy cloth. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.”

    Hope to remember always these old lessons — praise by others is a testing — all good deeds are worthwhile only from a heart dedicated to the Lord, otherwise they mean nothing.


  27. poohpity says:

    It seems that our attitude can effect the conclusions we have about other people, circumstances and about ourselves. That attitude can also show who we trust in. If Corrie ten Boom would have kept her attitude towards those who held her and all the others captive rather than taking on the attitude of Christ her time spent there would have had really different results for her, her sister and others. When they were infested with flies Corrie was so upset but her sister said if it were not for the flies that prevented Hitler’s surrogates from coming in they would not have had the time to read the Bible with no interruptions.

    Attitude can effect how see, think and feel about so many things. The sad part is that normally it is what causes, when we do not trust things to God; wars, hatred, jealousy, anger, low self worth, high self worth but trusting God and asking Him to give us His forgiveness and love for those we have had an attitude against things can change. Then we do not want recognition for how wonderfully we handle things but we give honor and praise to the One who has all things in His control and ask Him to give us an attitude adjustment which I know in my life is something that needs much adjusting, He seems very faithful to do. God can teach old attitudes a new way, not only teach us a new attitude but also gives the power to do it.

  28. poohpity says:

    From what I understand Jesus confronted the attitudes of the natural man with those that reflect our trust in God during His sermon on the Mount. He showed us humility compared to the world which is pride and personal independence; mourning rather than happiness at any cost; meekness and lowliness rather than power; justice and goodness rather than pursuing personal needs; kindness and mercy rather than anger and hatred; pure hearts rather than assuming the worse; peace rather than chaos shown by the world around us; faith rather than a weak commitment. With those attitudes we are promised the ability to see the Kingdom of God; to receive comfort from God and to give to others; complete satisfaction; receive mercy; BE CALLED SONS OF GOD and inherit His kingdom. So it would seem that attitudes are very important to God.

  29. bubbles says:

    Pooh~How right you are! One morning last year was a bad morning. I had to stop still in the middle of work and pray to ask for help. I had to stop and pray for this TEN times that morning, but the Lord helped calm me and He took away the tailspin I felt coming. He is faithful, and I am so thankful for His help.

  30. SFDBWV says:

    It seems that with the turn of a new century each generation moves closer to spiritual awareness and our libraries bear this out. As the clock moves closer to the century mark a feeling of expectation fills people and our art and literature reflects our *attitudes*.

    In the 19th century there was a great debate going on as to whether environment or breeding determined our *destiny* as well as our *abilities*. Most are familiar with the character “Eliza Doolittle” in the play “Pygmalion” (1912), this story pitted the two ideas against each other the results being that Eliza could *change* and become someone she wasn’t at the beginning.

    Ecclesiastes 1:9, 10, 11 tells us there is nothing new only our inability to know of all things from past generations.

    John 3:3 tells us we must be born again and what is the result of being *born again*, we become *new creatures* and what is the result of this rebirth? We become changed first in *attitude* and then *physically*. I say physically because our attitude has a great effect on our physical bodies and in a coming time our bodies will be permanently changed into new bodies in the resurrection.

    Attitude (spirit) has a power to not only affect us, but others around us.

    Our attitude or spirit comes from what feeds them. I am reminded of Pink Flamingos in that they are actually white but the steady diet of shrimp the eat turns their white feathers pink.

    What we take into our hearts will affect our spirits, what’s in our spirit is shown in our attitude and our attitude will direct our actions.

    Before the current enlightenment of DNA science we took this concept on life’s observations and faith. All that this *new* science has done is explain it in a *new* language for a new generation.

    A wet and soggy summer in the mountains.


  31. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    It is exciting to hear the news from genetic research. Mart, you write:

    “He (Mosely) adds that according to researchers while we used to say ‘that we can’t change our genes. We now know there are these mini mechanisms that can switch them (genes) on and off.'”

    Areas of our brain and even our immune system — perhaps even our skill set can be switched by external factors. It seems to me this indicates that it is possible never to “retire.” but rather to become active in new areas of endeavor we have never tried before.

    Not sure I want to go into hang gliding or skiing the Himalayas…But learning a language or a musical instrument, or overcoming disease are all possible, according to the news we have about genes being switched on and off! As the BTA crew has been saying, we certainly can change our ways of thinking and relating to one another…

    Thanks for the good news, Mart!

  32. remarutho says:

    You’re doing it again, Steve! :o)

    It seems to me this transformation that appears somehow to be chemical or organic is found also in the spiritual. Can our abilities and our very minds and bodies be redeemed in ways we have not yet seen?

    The apostle Paul told the church at Philippi: “He (Jesus) will transform our humble body that it may be conformed to the body of his glory.” (Philippians 3:21) This is not crystal clear, but much change is possible where before we thought our nature was set in concrete.


  33. bubbles says:

    Steve, it has only rained twice this summer. Once for 42 days and then another time for 25 days. Hehe. I wish we could send rain to the west where it is needed desperately.

  34. poohpity says:

    We got some sweetheart!!;-) From a dust storm to thunder with rain. It did not evaporate before it hit the ground this time for a few minutes. lol!!

    I think the problems come when we do not feel that our attitude needs changing. That seems to be why people do the same things day in and day out just blaming their attitudes on others. If so and so did not do that then I would not do this. Round and round it goes, where it stops no body knows but God. lol!!

  35. narrowpathseeker says:

    Bubbles…;-) thanks for making me smile.

    Steve, does the mosquito population thrive with rain in the mountains?

    Maru, thank you for posting Psalm 27:21 . I am sure I have read that a few times, but like many others, it went right over my head. I’m going to put it on the B R wall. Thanks again.

    Pooh, I think it may be what we think that develops our attitude and not the other way around.. I could be wrong. ;-)

    Gary, where’d you go? ;-)

    Bruce, I agree that the findings of any given study tend to change drastically depending on who is funding the research and why. It was baffling trying to keep up with the ever changing finding of whether eggs, butter, red meat, etc, were good or bad for us! I just smile now and think…GOD is good for me and to me and for and to all of us and that is good enough for me.. ;-)

  36. narrowpathseeker says:

    Maru… that was Proverbs 27:21 that I was thanking you for posting, but I think the Lord wanted me to see Psalms 27:21 as well.

  37. oneg2dblu says:

    Pearl… I’m here reading and smiling. :)

    I was wondering which “B” room, bed, bath, or beyond?

    I’ve been know to read the King’s word on the throne as well. :O

    Okay, that’s was way too much information. :(

    Speaking of information…

    Today’s Two Listener’s web page “God at Eventide” puts a very good balanced perspective on how we would best align our spiritual attitudes with the mind, body.

  38. poohpity says:

    Pearl, I agree it is what we think combined with feelings and that then effects behavior.

  39. poohpity says:

    Then our faith is the core to thinking, feeling and we act on who we trust in.

  40. poohpity says:

    ODB for today is also very good especially about God adjusting attitudes in ourselves for our treatment of others found in Luke 6:27-36 NIV.

  41. foreverblessed says:

    Thank you all for your comments, I really enjoy reading them, and Narrow for your testimony, that touched my heart.
    Pooh, thank you for bringing up Corrie ten Boom.
    To add to her story: her sister Betsy had told her to be thankful for the flies. But Corry thought that to be unthinkable. Can you imagine it, being thankful for flies? But Betsy insisted we have to be thankful for everything, “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thess 5:18
    At that time Betsie didn’t know what the good reason for the flies were. Later she saw it, and was quick to tell Corrie (see Pooh July 12, 12.35 pm and July 11 12.34 pm).
    How is that, to be thankful in everything, and for everything. That needs some positive attitude.
    If you google -thank- in biblegateway, and the Pauline epistles, you will get many verses.
    It is what Corrie ten Boom, said: God tells us to be thankful, but will give us the gratefulnes as well, if we ask for it.
    This needs a lot of faith and trust in God, and a loving relation with Him.

  42. foreverblessed says:

    faith is the core, just last week it was that Hebrews 12:1 started to get alive for me:
    11 Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. Amplified bible
    Then I started to think over what I hoped for, the saving of souls of people that I have prayed for, and I started to ask for more faith, being positive and sure that who I pray for, God is going to work at it, and with that being thankful that God is working. Faith in God, that what He has promised He will do.
    1 Tim 2:1
    I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people.
    I was not that positive, I would pray for people who were in difficulties, but would be anxious about their situation, even more worried, and getting down. A sort of hopelessness would fill my heart: people who are going into the pit.
    Now I ask God for more faith, if I have hope for them, as God said, He wants to save all men, and I pray for them as God asks us to do, and have faith, than the faith is the evidence of the fact that God will save them. Can you still follow me?
    Faith, hope and love.

  43. foreverblessed says:

    Hebrews 11:1
    “Faith gives reality or substance to things hoped for.”

  44. bubbles says:

    Narrow~ The mosquitoes are about in the early evening and night, but citronella candles help. But mosquitoes prefer places with standing water to lay their eggs. sometimes people will litter and throw their tires away down in the woods, and a mosquito problem will occur then.

  45. narrowpathseeker says:

    Gary, I keep a few framed scriptures and devotionals hanging in the bathroom next to mirror and sink. ;-)

    Bubbles, where do you live? We live in the valley with a river in the back. In this humid weather and a little rain the mosquito population explodes in during the day working in the gardens I have to spray on repellent or get eaten alive! ;-) Sorry you have to deal with litterbugs too.

    Foreverblessed, glad to see you back. Thank you for your messages as well. They are always encouraging to me.


  46. phpatato says:

    Hello Dear Friends

    I have had a very busy/stressful week. I haven’t been able to read all comments but I do want to say thank you Forever for your post. I needed to read that. I struggled this week with faith and hope. I almost lied down and gave up.

    It touched me so much that I will reread it a few more times yet.

    Thank you!

    I’d write the word hugs but I’m afraid of passing on a sore throat and swollen gland that I picked up from a very sick little grandson who has just been diagnosed with strep throat. So instead I will chance this:

    XOXO :-) Hope all is well with everyone!!


  47. SFDBWV says:

    Am wondering as I think about *the science* of attitude and wonder if there is a *science* about circumstance.

    In the equation of how we feel at any given moment one of the big factors is circumstance.

    We can develop and practice a good or healthy attitude, but all it takes is one event and our attitude seems to react to it.

    In the Biblical story of Jesus’ life He always knew what the outcome of His life would be, we never do. All of the events that played out in Jesus’ life were as He knew they would while every moment of our lives are a step into the unknown.

    I wonder how this affects our attitudes or as this topic goes how it affects our genetic composition and so how we are restructured to face the unknown with either an optimistic or pessimistic *attitude*.

    Is this God’s gift of *faith*?

    Are the circumstances in our lives put there or allowed by God in order to alter, change or build our character, which creates a genetic record of our lives?

    Is it possible as Pearl has put forth that our genetic code is that entry into God’s Book of Life?

    Scientifically speaking science sees our daily lives as a random act of chaos; in fact that is how they also see how everything came into being.

    So as it is with all things, the science of circumstance is either random acts of chaos or by design.

    If by design there has to be a designer, if random acts of chaos then we are forever adrift in a sea of chaotic circumstances of no purpose, but if by design we not only have purpose, but hope from any circumstance we find ourselves in at any given moment which gives us an attitude of *hope*.


  48. SFDBWV says:

    Pearl in specifics to your question about mosquitoes; living in the mountains our rivers (creeks) are shallow and fast moving and so don’t have the same effect with mosquitoes and gnats as do the same rivers down stream where they are deeper and move slower.

    However with an increase in rain comes an increase in everything relevant to it.

    I hope as you set and meditate down at your river you see dragonflies. Their larva feed off the mosquito larva and so set into balance against an over abundance of mosquitoes.

    We also have swarms of gnats that seem to hatch every time it rains, but then if you look in the early morning wet grass there are several special spider webs that lay low to the ground and seem to almost look like sheer pieces of tissue lying atop the grass, they increase along with the increase of gnats.

    Here in the mountains we don’t have swamps, but we do have wet lands or marshes that are made wetter and fuller by an over abundance of rain, this in itself has a negative impact on some insect life, but the marshes are always filled with Killdeer, Redwing Black birds and other insect eaters that have a bumper year anytime that insects do.

    Depending where you are in this hilly mountainous terrain wind also has an effect on being pestered by gnats and mosquitoes; the more steady the wind the less likely for flying insects.

    Down off the mountain here there is also a tick problem that is not as bad up here.

    Have you ever noticed how it is women get more bug bites then men? I have as my wife is always tormented as she goes about her garden duties while I have to guess I just don’t taste as good to the little critters.

    A little long answer, but then a little longer time with my friends.


  49. narrowpathseeker says:

    Steve, I just got back about an hour ago. My son and family are back from Switzerland for a few weeks and I met up with them after church.

    Thank you so much for that information…especially the spider webs. On occasion, the evergreen shrubs near the house are covered with some type of web that resembles the angel hair(do they still sell that? I haven’t seen it for years) on a Christmas tree. They always disappear on their own, but I wonder if that is the same thing you find in the grass!!

    I don’t know about the mosquitos liking to feed on women more than men..;-) I have a brother in law that attracts them and insect repellent doesn’t work on him at all!! lol..nobody wants to sit anywhere near him outside in mosquito season.

    Thank you again for sharing. I love to hear your stories about the mountains and it’s wild inhabitants. ;-)

    I also have something wonderful to share about church today which also ties in with your message at 6:54am. BUT, I am soooo tired. I am going to write a quick note to Pat and get to bed…hopefully I can share tomorrow sometime and hope I remember what I want to share..;-)


  50. narrowpathseeker says:

    Pat, I am so sorry you had a stressful week, but I was glad to see you in print..;-) I will be praying for you and your little grandson. I believe God is going to start working very powerfully through His people and He is preparing us for that. Suffering builds character! Hang in there Pat. I truly believe we are not only going to see miracles, but that we will be the vessels that He will work through.


  51. SFDBWV says:

    Another great debate that generated out of the 19th century is evolution. While we speak together about the science of attitude and genetic transformation the concept of evolution can not be omitted.

    One of the stark differences between when I was a child in school and today is that today evolution is presented as a fact in conversation and in the classroom.

    And as we enter into the apostasy the church’s position is becoming more blurred as to whether we take literally the Genesis account of *creation*.

    As the reality of the many different circumstances that shape our attitude are made physically manifested in our genetic codes, the matter can not escape us that this is a type of *evolution*.

    Using the word evolve, we evolve from sinner to saint, by a decision, but then slowly (hopefully) change in our spirit and attitude as we learn to live and adopt the attitude of Christ.

    The rebirth is instantaneous, but the change in attitude takes the remainder of our lifetimes.

    Scientifically speaking our attitude should then be seen in constant transformation in the physical seen in our genetic record.

    This would be evolution as it was intended, not presented as an affront to a Creator God.

    I love the concept that was presented concerning the lion in that two *cats* were on Noah’s Ark and from these two cat’s all species of known cat’s evolved into what we see today.

    Also we hear it said that every species of dog originated from a wolf or wolf like animal. The same would apply to Noah having two *dogs* on the Ark from which all dogs we know of today came.

    Believing either creation or evolution, one can not deny that in both cats and dogs somewhere in the relationship between man and animal these two animals became tame and somehow their *attitudes* changed. Breeding of these animals and their particular *attitudes* has become a business.

    However left to fend for themselves these *pets* become feral and revert to their original attitudes and even their physical appearance gives evidence of it.

    What happens to mankind when we are left to ourselves apart from God, what do we revert *back* to?

    How is it demonstrated in attitude, action and appearance?

    I think we know and see it increasing every day.


  52. cherielyn says:

    Just wanted to make a quick comment that I have been so blessed by all of you, just reading your posts. Narrow (Pearl), I really especially identify, strongly, with some of the personal things you have shared. So much of it sounds identical to some of my life’s experiences.

    I’ve been around, but unable to contribute due to issues here at home.

  53. BruceC says:

    “According to Mosely, recent research “suggests” not only that genetic predispositions can be formed by life experiences—but that those inclinations can be altered even late in life.”

    I re-read the above and put quotations around the word suggests. There are many things that science or their research may suggest, but at this point I am not inclined to accept it as fact.
    That which is flesh is flesh; that which is spirit is spirit. I am not inclined to believe that the presence of the Spirit and the change it brings can be shown genetically or through science. Of course; I may be way off in even offering my opinion.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  54. narrowpathseeker says:

    Good Morning All.

    I haven’t time to share all that I would like to share this morning, but I have to agree and add my two cents to Steve’s 6:26 post! “What happens to mankind when we are left to ourselves apart from God, what do we revert *back* to?
    How is it demonstrated in attitude, action and appearance?”

    Even here in CT when I was a child, the school day began with prayer each and every morning. I learned the 23rd psalm in a PUBLIC school and we had encouraging discussions about God quite frequently.

    We had a few bullies and we had an occasional fist fight between a few boys that was most usually resolved with parents as well as teachers dealing out the discipline for all involved and then it was over. Most of us had access to guns and ammunition…nothing was “locked up” in those days… not one of us ever bought a gun to school to “get even” with anybody!! Nobody sued anybody for anything(don’t think we even had any lawyers nor psychologists in the area) I TRULY believe that the insane violence and horrific news we hear everyday is the result of taking God out of schools and public settings. Qualities that were considered admirable and honorable are now thought to be dumb and backwards and qualities that were not acceptable, that we were encouraged to rise above(like vanity) are now seemingly accepted as admirable. I think to those of us who grew up in that time and remember what this nation and life was with God and see what it is without God, it is as obvious as a nose on a face, but yet the powers that be just don’t see it.

    As frustrating as this is to me…there is LIGHT at the end of this tunnel…and it is getting BRIGHTER…God is still in absolute control and He is at work in us and He is going to work through us. His miraculous power is going to be evident to all in the very near future.

    I’m LATE!! need to run..


  55. poohpity says:

    The definition of science according to Webster’s II is the study and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena or knowledge, esp. that is acquired through experience.

    There seems to be many people who have studied what causes people to do the things they do. Attitudes behind the actions we take always seemed to be very important to the Lord in the Bible. One type of attitude shows how much the world still has a hold of us and I would also say that it is an indicator of how much of us we have yet to give over or trust to God. So to me it is very significant and measurable.

    I was reading Micah yesterday and as God spoke to him it has a lot to do with an attitude of trust in Micah 6:8 NLT. Rather than depending on our natural responses to circumstances if we really trusted God it would seem to be very different.

  56. poohpity says:

    Amen! narrow,

    Reading the bible Bible around the table used to be common practice and is what many learned to read from in the Christians life as well but many have neglected it in their own homes much less to expect society at large to trust in a God they do not understand or know. Taking God out has resulted from what I see in much sickness like digestive problems due to worry and stress or heart attacks or depression so it does effect the body can they point that out from science devoid of spirituality yes there has been research does it change genes I do not know but studying human behavior it is evident.

  57. oneg2dblu says:

    Will be on the road for the next few days busy towing my boat up to Massachusetts. So, I will not be following too closely, (pun), because I’ve been trained to leave at least a car length or two for safety.
    But, I will stop by in the evening for a look at the day’s postings.
    Saw a beautiful pair of dolphins mirroring each other right behind me this morning on my last training row, so I rendered up a quick double shout of, “Thank you Lord!”
    Good night all. :)

  58. bubbles says:

    Gary, the dolphin story was wonderful. How nice that you were there to witness such a thing.

  59. phpatato says:


    Thank you so much for your encouragement!!! Why is it that when you are sick or your body is fighting against becoming sick, things seem worse than they are. Daily disruptions become major headaches; a mole hill becomes a mountain. I went to the doctor today and came home with a prescription for amoxicillin. He suspects strep by the look of the redness in my throat and did a swab to send away. Children are so wonderful but they are, in their own right, little petri dishes. Just ask a teacher or daycare worker. :-) Bubbles, am I right?

    Gary, have a safe drive. Is there a race you are competing in there?

    Bruce, I find myself agreeing with you that just because science “suggests” something, it may or may not be fact. I need more convincing before I jump on the bandwagon. In fact as I think about it, my reservations with science comes from what Steve talked about…evolution. I failed that class miserably in school because I refused to sit in on that class when it was being taught. But back then, there was no such thing as being excused because of religious beliefs. As a young teen, I wasn’t about to let a science teacher tell me that some scientist named Darwin had figured out that I evolved from an ape when I KNEW that God’s Word told me otherwise. So I skipped class and then dropped the subject the next year. I never did have a strong vein of curiosity.

    Deb I agree that our attitude toward things has very much to do with what we have or haven’t successfully turned over to God. Rather than depending on our natural responses to circumstances, we really should be finding ourselves wholly trusting in God!

  60. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    Taking time off this couple of weeks to camp, hike and ramble on the beaches of Oregon and N. California. Checking in as much as possible…

    Neither a scientist nor a theologian can give a definite answer concerning a person’s attitude. What in our make-up is natural – material? What is super-natural – spiritual? The good Lord abides with all his children. It seems God delights to do so. Evidence of both natural and super-natural components of thought and behavior are everywhere.

    Mart, you wrote:

    “Seems to me that this kind of information can be weighed when it comes to the conclusions we form about ourselves and one another.”

    A human being is comprised of body/mind/spirit/plus. These “parts” are not separate from one another, it seems to me, but rather intertwine with one another completely” Attitude” has definitions derived from human behavior (manner, action, emotion) and an aircraft’s three principle axes (pitch, yaw, roll).

    The bottom line on forming conclusions about ourselves and one another must be a dotted line in my view. There’s way too much going on in a human being to “define” one another once for all.


  61. Mart De Haan says:

    Maru and all, such a good discussion, thanks to all for your thoughts and contributions. Should have another post up within the hour or so.

  62. foreverblessed says:

    The topic has moved on, but sometimes I do not know what to write, but still have things going on in my mind about the old topic, first of all, I would like to say thanks to Pat, thanks for sharing your concerns, and thank to God that you are alright again!
    What a blessing that we can encourage one another here.

    Pooh gave 1 Timothy 2 some time ago, and there are still things inspiring me there:
    Something is happening to food, when we, who believe, pray for it and give thanks:
    1 Timothy 3
    “3 They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. 4 For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5 because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.”

    Does it say: a positive attitude when we eat does wonders?

    While reading some more in 1 Timothy I found a scripture that is appropriate to the next topic, so l put it there.

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