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The Mysteries of Rowlings, Christie, and Moses

Photo by: Kristy

The news of Harry Potter author, JK Rowlings, showing up as the surprise author of a murder mystery— under the pseudonym of Robert Galbraith,  has stirred up  interest among book lovers. Am thinking, it might also give us an excuse to think together about what it could mean to read the Bible as a good murder mystery—and far more.

What makes a good murder mystery? Opinions tend to agree about the importance of plot, pace, and the development of realistic characters who are believable and yet sufficiently unknowable.

One source suggests that the detective and culprit should be introduced early on without too much backstory, and that the crime should be introduced within three chapters of the novel.

Other elements of writing include surprising twists and turns, with subtle red herrings (distractions) that keep the reader guessing but not unfairly fooled.

Suspense, tension and “the creep factor” tend to be essential with execution in the end leaving the reader feeling that the solution is logical though surprising.

One mystery lover concludes “The first part of the story is all about adding, increasing tension, and then as connections are made the layers get stripped away until the reader finishes the book as naked as when they started it – but now they know something.”

If the Bible is read like this, we might also find ourselves surprisingly changed for the better in the process.  Yet to our wonder we discover that the Bible is slowly revealing not the identity of the killer, but rather the “seed of the woman” who will be the hero (Gen 3:15). Will it be Seth, Samson, Solomon, or David?

In the end, execution is everything. Yet (as we recently considered in another post) look at the way the plot twists and turns. The Son of Man (and seed of the woman) turns out to be the Son of God. And the solution comes not just through a snake striking the heel of the hero… who then uses his nail pierced heel to crush the head of the snake… by first being treated like a snake that is thought deserving of death (John 3:14) (John 13:18)…and who seems himself to be crushed under foot…before rising from the dead­…leaving the reader and all others feeling not only “nakedly humbled before God”—but beginning to know something—about what it means to be inexpressibly loved, valued, and rescued.

Even though many of us now come to the Book of books thinking that we already know how it turns out— the real surprise comes in the details of a story that keeps showing us over and over (from cover to cover) who we really are—and how much we remain in the loving presence and care of our God.

My thoughts this a.m. Any takers… or cautions :-)…

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85 Responses to “The Mysteries of Rowlings, Christie, and Moses”

  1. BruceC says:

    Besides reading it like it was a mystery, I tend to like it more as history; which it is. By doing I find the mystery is in that history. The mystery we will never fully comprehend is why God would love criminals such as us. Enough so that He willed His Son to take our place and punishment. And that the Son willingly did so.
    The more I read the more I realize that there are so many important points that I have not seen or learned. The Word of God can be read over and over again and never be boring; unlike books with human authors.
    Two words that are thrown around in culture today so often are “awesome”and “amazing”. So often in fact that they tend to lose their meaning and become a
    cliche’. These are words IMHO that are truly reserved for God alone. His “mysteries” do not need the reviews of man to be called such. How God works through the rebellious nature of fallen man to bring about man’s redemption is a twist in a plot that only the Spirit will allow a glimpse of for us who believe. Truly an amazing work from an awesome God!!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  2. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends –

    Mart, you write:
    “The Son of Man (and seed of the woman) turns out to be the Son of God. And the solution comes not just through a snake striking the heel of the hero… who then uses his nail pierced heel to crush the head of the snake… by first being treated like a snake that is thought deserving of death (John 3:14) (John 13:18)…and who seems himself to be crushed under foot…”

    We do think we know everything about Scripture — (“…many of us now come to the Book of books thinking that we already know how it turns out”) – as you say. It is too easy to proclaim that God is Almighty. God, who breathed material things into being , delights to be deeply involved with us in this universe He created. This cannot be fathomed.

    The saga of the Son of Man is a mystery story! The final outcome has not yet been seen. Perhaps Rowlings, and even Stephen King, have at last taken a cue from the Greatest Story ever told – taking up the murder mystery novel as a new genre. The Author of Scripture reveals just enough to keep us coming back for more.

    We grow as we take it in over the years, it seems to me because our story becomes intertwined with His story.


  3. Bill says:

    What a cool post today, Mart!

    Because I am a writer, currently working on two screenplays (as well as editing a book for a client), I can speak to this topic.

    Every movie contains the following elements:


    1. Inciting Incident — should happen within the first 1-15 minutes, the sooner the better

    2. Plot Point 1 — should happen between pages 25-28 (within the first half hour of a movie)


    3. Mid Point — should happen around pages 50-55 (half-way through the movie)

    4. Plot Point 2 — should happen around page 75-80 (about 3/4 through the movie)


    5. Wrap-up — which happens in Act 3, the last 15-25 minutes of a two-hour movie.

    In a mystery novel, the Inciting Incident — especially in an Agatha Christie novel — happens very early on. In some books (like the Lawrence Block Bernie Rhodenbarr mystery series), it happens in the first chapter.

    The point is this: For an Inciting Incident, the earlier it happens, the better.

    The Inciting Incident sets the entire story/movie in motion. If not for the Inciting Incident, the movie would be boring because nothing would happen.


    In the movie Casablanca, the Inciting Incident is when Ugarte (Peter Lorre) gives the letters of transit to Rick (Humphrey Bogart). Plot Point I is when Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman) re-enters Rick’s cafe, and his life.

    In the movie The Wizard of Oz, the Inciting Incident is the tornado, which sweeps Dorothy out of Kansas and into Oz.

    In the movie The Matrix, the Inciting Incident could be when Trinity meets Neo in the club.

    The earlier the Inciting Incident happens, the quicker readers/audience are drawn into the story.

    In the Bible, the Inciting Incident is what? Can you guess?

    It’s this:

    “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.” (Genesis 3:6-7, ESV)

    Prior to that point in the narrative, nothing happens, per se. No drama. No story to unfold.

    At that point, the point when Adam and Eve fell, the story moves forward. Stuff happens. The world falls apart. Cain and Abel. Noah and the Flood. Jesus.

    When seen as a narrative, a story, the Bible does have everything a good mystery book or movie has: An Inciting Incident, Plot, Characters, Drama, and a Resolution.

    Good topic. Lots of fun.

    Much love to all,


  4. fadingman says:

    I’ve thought of human history like a epic novel God is writing for some time now. We make guesses as to the details of how God works it all out in the end – especially when it seems situations are impossible. How is the Author going to resolve this problem, or that problem?

    I think the angels do so also. They are not all-knowing, so while they have complete faith in God, they are still curious as to how He accomplishes His will here (1 Peter 1:12). There are mysteries to them also.


  5. SFDBWV says:

    I had seen in the internet news that J.K. Rowlings had been exposed as the author of a murder mystery under a pseudonym and read no further as it made no impression on me whatsoever.

    I have never been schooled in the art of writing, but I know what I like and what I don’t and it usually only takes a few pages of chapter one or an intro to either hook my interest or kill it.

    The gift of Tyndale Publishing’s “Living Bible” when I first opened its pages many years ago was that it was a Bible in normal or modern book form.

    Because I was already a reader of The King James Bible this version was easier to read as a story and allowed for me to follow the plot, sub-plots and characters as never before.

    It really was quite a revelation for me and I will forever be grateful for being allowed to separate the story it presented from the fractured reading of Bible as I had been accustomed to.

    In the world of literature the oldest forms of written stories I know of all had the same story line in place. Good guys, bad guys, conflict and victory.

    The term “A Greek tragedy” comes about from a story that has a sad or tragic ending.

    The Bible story has all of the ingredients of drama as it is shown in any good story written since or before its creation.

    The Bible is a story and a record of life; a special story of God and His created beings, mankind. Filled with tragic endings in its sub-plots as well as an uplifting end of hope for the reader.

    Having read all of the stories Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote of Sherlock Holmes, I found myself always trying to solve the crimes as I read the stories. I can also imagine that criminal investigation took a great deal of ideas from the imagination and writings of such stories

    Or was it the other way around? Did Doyle use what he knew of real criminal investigation to create the story?

    Has all literature used the plots and story lines found in the Bible, or is the Bible presented in the only way any story can be?

    An old adage is that “truth is stranger than fiction”.

    The truth of Scripture is far an above the imagination of men and whereas can add to the imagination of man, man can not add to the Truth of Scripture.


  6. remarutho says:

    A few years ago I found the Bible in Historical Order — to the best of the editor’s ability, since exact historical period cannot always be established in Scripture. Rather than detracting from the narrative, this presentation of historical books (Samuel, Kings, Chronicles) alongside the passages from the prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel…) brought new insights and a rounder shape to the story God has given us through inspired writers.

    The F. Lagarde Smith edition of the Bible is an eye-opener — and yes, it is a page-turner as well. It is hard to stop at the daily portion. I always want to read on to find out, for example, how Elijah escapes the foul plots of Jezebel and Ahab against his life. (Divine intervention by angels and ravens taking care of the prophet in the wilderness!)

    The tale of the apostle Paul’s escape from the heavy-handed churchmen of the 1st c. is also absorbing. The plot turns and twists — and somehow Paul surfaces with body and soul still together! The two power structures: Hebrew religious community and Roman Empire interlock over and above the hero, creating shelter and a place to stand in the turmoil.

  7. billystan454 says:

    I think we need to evaluate our thinking on this topic. Thinking of the Bible as a “story” delegates it to the level of fairy tale. We all know that is not true.
    I do like the approach I believe Mart is headed in though. Thinking of the Bible as a good read, a good read with many different perspectives and approaches.
    You have the historical drama of the five books of Moses. That carries right through all the way to the end of Esther. Next the there are the 5 philosophical (wisdom) books. Then the scripture jumps right in to the fray with some prophesy. It all culminates with the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, and God’s plans for Him. How Jesus is wrapped up in our lives through God the Fathers grace and mercy.
    The plan we find out through closely following the biography of Christ’s life is that through His agape love for us he has given us something we do not deserve-salvation. Jesus died so we could live. A bit of irony don’t you think?

  8. poohpity says:

    Mart, I would say some caution is needed in comparing or contrasting a murder mystery to the Bible. The fact is that one of the no, no’s of writing a murder mystery is not to use Divine Revelation or supernatural solutions according to one of the articles you cited and everything in the Bible has both those factors. Another very sad fact is that there are many who use works of fiction as their study of God (Theology). While that may be helpful in some ways as spiritual milk to get one to the meat normally people stop there.

    The discovery of God through the Bible comes in bits and pieces as God allows especially knowing the hearts of the readers and what position they are in and how much they are ready to learn. Mystery writers seem to follow certain guidelines taking into consideration what it will take to hold captive the readers so they may pick up the sequel or another book all together just because a certain author wrote it. Reading the Bible takes Divine Revelations and supernatural solutions or intervention for one to even have the heart to read it.

    Many put it down after they start because they say it is either hard to understand or they do not have the desire that a person who loves mystery novels does to read another and an another. To continue to read the Bible takes divine intervention to keep it up even through the areas we see as dry and wonder what is the point, God has a reason because even those areas can show how God is included even in the smallest details of our lives which may seem insignificant but to God everything about us is significant to Him.

  9. poohpity says:

    Maru, yes the chronological reading of the Bible is really eye opening and informative.

  10. poohpity says:

    I listened to an interview with JK Rowlings in which she said that the reason she used male pseudonyms was that she deduced that more males would read books written by a male than a female. Even her own name using the initials lead one to believe it was a male author. Goes to show ya don’t it, lol.

  11. remarutho says:

    Divine Mystery > mystery novel

    It seems to me a brief glance at the word “mystery” will yield a clearer view of Scripture vs. worldly writing (even the best). The mystery of God’s love is unfathomable — while the plot of a murder mystery will be understood in the end. The first has eternal impact — the second is entertainment.

    Yet, teachers of literature include the KJV Bible among the greats: Shakespeare, Dante, Goethe… as well they should. It is great writing! Teach on, professors — any reading of Scripture will yield much more than an evening spent with any other assigned reading or even a great whodunit.

    There’s the difference between a divine mystery and a novel with suspense and danger: the reading of the Word of God brings the potential for true transformation in the heart, mind and soul of the reader. When I read Ken Follett’s “The Eye of the Needle” decades ago, I thought my life had been changed. But, that response to a superbly written mystery novel does not have one tenth the impact upon my life that the Book of Ruth does, for example — or King David’s amazing life — or the revealing of the King of Kings in the four gospels.

    The Bible stands without peer as a holy revelation of God, Father – Son – and Holy Spirit.


  12. BruceC says:

    I also have a chronological Bible in King James Version and it is wonderful. What a great way to read the Word and truly get a handle on the “when, when, where, and who” of the Bible. Wish I had it years ago and it helps along with my study Bible as it all comes into perspective. I am not far from completing it and when done will start over again.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  13. BruceC says:

    Pardon me. Hands don’t move as fast as the mind. It should say who, what, when, and where.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  14. bubbles says:

    I must respectfully disagree. The Bible is the inspired Word of the Living God. It is in a class by itself, and cannot be approached as one reads a fiction novel. It is far more than a story. It is the Bread of Life. It helps, instructs, rebukes, comforts, and corrects wrong thinking. We should revere the Word above all.

  15. poohpity says:

    Bruce, I remember months ago when you had brought it up that you were reading it chronologically with the help of The Life Application if I remember right you got for Christmas and you are already done, wow! Have you noticed in your life as Mart brought up about how it surprisingly changes us? That is one of the many mysteries! I can see some changes. What a great encouragement for others. :-)

  16. poohpity says:

    I bet no murder mystery novel can boast in that!!

  17. poohpity says:

    Happy birthday tomorrow, bubbles!!

  18. BruceC says:

    Yes poohpity it does change me…us…..anyone who is born again that reads it. Sometimes the change or the speed of that change varies. Sometimes it seems that it is one step froward and then two steps back. But that I believe is the nature of the warfare we are involved in. The important thing is to not stay down; but to always get up.

    And bubbles you are right. The Bible is so vastly different than books that calling it a book doesn’t really describe it properly.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  19. bubbles says:

    Bruce and Pooh~ Memorizing and meditating on a passage of Scripture changes one also. It’s beautiful how the memorized verses “become” part of the one studying them. I am not stating correctly how special and what happens when verses are memorized and mulled over many times. It cannot be articulated, but I am sure you know what is being described. It is something very special and good that occurs.

    Thank you, Pooh, for your kind wishes.

  20. bubbles says:

    I have been guilty of reading the Bible to “just read”, and I know it’s wrong. But even if the motive is wrong, the Word still gets into the heart, and that shames me because there’s a blessing every time it’s read.

  21. SFDBWV says:

    Bible (Book of Books); almost like a library the Bible is an authorized collection of stories relevant to the *story* of God the creation, the necessity of a Savior His birth, death and resurrection and our future.

    All told around a special people God used in order to reveal Himself through.

    Unlike all the oral stories and maligned tales of a god or gods that exist in antiquity, this Bible was the Authorized Version and inspired by God to be written as it is.

    Yet it still remains a story of past and future, complete with many yet unsolved mysteries.

    I explained yesterday that my introduction to the Tyndale Living Bible was a special time in my life, it was because it was presented as a story and I could see the smooth transition from Book to Book; it all made sense.

    However if I am to study Scripture I still use the KJ as in study I read a verse or series of verses that are talking to my spirit.

    I don’t need to read the story after reading it once, but continually need to study and listen to what God has to say from His Word. That no longer needs to be presented in story form; I no longer need the story, but rather the messages between the lines that God reveals.

    To God’s special people the Bible is a history of their *race*; to me it is not a history of my people, rather an explanation as to why I need a savior and who He is.

    The mystery revealed.


  22. BruceC says:

    I have a Life Application Study Bible in KJV that I received at Christmas time. Wish I had one years ago.
    Every page has notes at the bottom that sometimes are longer than the verses and many other facts about the book and characters of it being read. It’s like a daily Bible study. While I tend to read the chronological as a book and for time line; the Study Bible I study as well as read. Doing both has helped quite a bit for me.

    I have read some history books twice. The first time was wonderful. The second time like watching an old TV re-run. I have no interest in a third time on most of them. The Word of God is not so. It is “new every morning” like God’s mercies.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  23. s2inkzoo says:

    Interesting way to think about the Bible. Yes, it does slowly reveal the one to be slain. From the reference to the “seed”, to the request of Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, to the Passover Lamb and so on. But I would also say that the “story” also does reveal the identify of the killer. It was the mob of “sinners” that demanded Jesus death and help railroad him into being executed, despite there being any evidence to convict him. As we gaze into the mirror of the Bible, we begin to see ourselves revealed as one of the mob of sinners (1 John 1:8, 1 John 1:10). We also realize that Jesus was a willing victum to save the very ones that were murdering him.

  24. SFDBWV says:

    It is of no surprise or shocking revelation that J.K. Rowlings re-emerged under a disguise. Totally tied to her “Harry Potter” books the only way she could continue to write was to totally hide her identity.

    I am sure Bill would agree that the curse of any artist is that they have a gift in them that they are compelled to use. An artist just simply can not *stop* expressing their talents.

    A world of circumstances separates published writers from those who simply keep diaries or now “blog”, or “important” painters from those who do so for their own enjoyment.

    What compelled the artists that left their impressions in caves and stone walls all around the world? They had something in them that they *had* to let out and share with the world.

    Always remember we are a shadow image of our Creator and I believe many of His *traits* are in us as well.

    Can you imagine a world where God created man had this hidden mysterious plan in mind yet did not share it with us? Only let us go on about our self destructive path only to show up at the end and tell us then that He had always been there with us, who He was and that He had always had a plan for our salvation?

    How would we have known what path our creator wanted for us to travel or what was the right and wrong thing to do? Would He have just left it up to our own intuition to figure it out for ourselves?

    How could we have recognized our Savior?

    In the beginning God placed the seasons in the stars for man to see where he came from and where he was going. From the very beginning God used a form of communication that was corrupted along with everything else and even foretold of it in the seasons shown in the stars.

    God spoke to Adam and Eve, so there had to be a language or ability to express and be understood. One I have to believe that was as perfect as was the original creation.

    This language and the ability to read the seasons in the stars were lost to antiquity and to the fall. God had to lower the bar and spell things out so it was understood, yet look now how our ability to even agree as to what was written and said being lost to *confusion*.

    Farther and farther downward mankind goes, not as many would say upward and upward and more and more *enlightened*; nay I say we are getting farther and farther away from the truth as we invent God over and over to suit our desired understanding of Him or even if there is a *Him*.

    Yet there is a people whose very existence validates the Bible account of history, their place in it and God’s place in it all. Their very existence can not be denied and over and over again the attempt to erase them from the earth has failed. The people who want the Hebrew people to be forever erased from the earth are the enemy of all that is righteous and good in the earth and an enemy of the Bible and as we speak outlaw its existence in their land and execute people for accepting Jesus Christ as the promised Savior.

    They are an enemy and a people God will use to exact judgment upon mankind at the end of the age of man.

    I know this, because I have a Bible, read it and have a relationship with its Author.


  25. foreverblessed says:

    O boy, Steve, you go way back, and forth, Adam and Eve keep coming back in your writings, what is it about them that intrigues you so much?

    I found this scripture just now in 1 Timothy 3 about the mystery of the bible unfolded:

    16 Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great:

    He appeared in the flesh,
    was vindicated by the Spirit,
    was seen by angels,
    was preached among the nations,
    was believed on in the world,
    was taken up in glory.

  26. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    It seems to me if I rivet down a boiler-plate on the status of my enemies — I have limited my future options.

    Looking to those testimonies of pious Muslims who have prayed to Allah and received a vision of Prophet Issa — suddenly revealed as who he really is: Jesus Christ of the nail-scarred hands. I am realizing all of us are children of one Creator God.

    God’s calling is on all creation — all the peoples everywhere. The only solution to Israel/Palestine is Messiah Jesus, according to the Scriptures.

    In Him,

  27. poohpity says:

    Yes, Bruce, I have found that to be true also that each time it is read the more understanding grows, unlike regular books where once through is enough, God seems to speak through it to us daily. Every time it is different because we seem to be different because we have grown in our knowledge and understanding. So I do not know if it changes or if it is because we have changed, the blinders fall off and our ears are opened. With two steps forward and one step back we are still a step ahead.

    bubbles, do not feel shame because your motive is wrong in reading, at least you are, God will change the motive. Happy Birthday to a very special woman. love you , Deb

  28. remarutho says:

    Revelation 7:9-10

  29. SFDBWV says:

    Foreverblessed, I will try and write this in pieces as in the afternoon I am all over the place and have little time for the computer, but I want to comment about you question.

    Yes I am all over the place where the theme and story of the Bible is, because one place helps explain another and one place can corroborate another.

    Years ago I met a lady who only thought you need only to read the New Testament and that reading the Old Testament was interesting, but not for Christians to bother with.

    She felt the only thing that mattered was leading others to salvation and that that was only present in the New Testament.

    At the time I was the leader of our churches youth group and I had our group read from Genesis on so that the teenagers in the group would be indoctrinated in the full teaching of Scripture.

    The truth is that there is revelation knowledge found all over the Bible and the theme of salvation begins in the Garden of Eden and perhaps even written in the stars at the moment of creation.

    Have you ever came into a movie after the first ten or fifteen minutes of the movie have gone by? Without those first opening scenes it is difficult to put the full plot and theme of the movie together in your mind. The beginning of any story is very important to knowing how to understand the rest of the story.

    If we are to discuss the Bible as a story then we have to know the beginning and the end before we can comment on its content. So as we talk about each subject, many times the subject is relevant to the beginning and so in our case that takes us to Genesis time and time again.

    I hope this quick response helps you understand me a little better.


  30. poohpity says:

    Steve, there is so much more found in the other 64 books they are ALL very important to know before we comment or we can get caught with our pants down when discussing this murder mystery. That is what normally causes so much argument and division not that one does not do it but when one leads others to believe they have when they have not. Deception is what caused the very first act of rebellion which God made the choice to send His Son to be murdered. The way we stop deception is to have the foundation of the Word what better to fill one’s mind with.

  31. SFDBWV says:

    Whose life is not a mystery? From birth to death each hour of the day is on the precipice of disaster or dawning of elation; no one ever knows what the next moment will bring.

    If we were to write a biography of our lives and include every embarrassing as well as every victorious moment what might it look like?

    Looking into the Bible we too often can relate in part to some or many characters we see showcased there, and either see where their life is headed and change our ways or see the successes of others and begin a new direction with the *hope* of a better outcome.

    To me the greater *mystery* is still death. The Bible takes the great mystery of what happens after we die and gives man an answer to a question that has plagued mankind as long as he has been around.

    The matter then becomes what we then believe.

    There found in the pages of Scripture are given the reason for death as well as what to expect after the moment comes and a forewarning of how to secure an eternal existence or lose one.

    Still no matter how much faith you have, this is a mystery, though solved by Scripture, we can never be sure of until the epilog of our own life story is written.


  32. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All –

    In reading comments of mystery lovers linked to the post “The Mysteries of Rowlings, Christie and Moses,” I found an intriguing comment by a successful murder mystery writer:

    “Mystery works in layers: as you reveal something, you then must create another mystery – so that the character’s knowledge (and the reader’s) builds slowly but at the same time more intrigue and tension is achieved. In a good mystery you should see more of the picture but equally less of it as the book proceeds.”

    It seems to me that strategies for creating “intrigue and tension” in murder mystery writing could never apply to what we understand about the writing of the Holy Scriptures. Some of the writing in the Bible is effective in drawing the reader in. The books of Ruth and Esther come to mind – also the book of Jonah. Some passages in the book of Psalms have been cherished as guiding words for living and sources of comfort in times of trouble.

    Passages in both the Old and New Testaments have imparted truth to hearts and minds over the millennia. The inspiration for good mystery writing springs from wonderful human sources – imagination, skill and wisdom in human nature. Evil and good are portrayed. The inspired writing of Scripture also reveals good and evil. Yet, the great sweep of the story of God’s dealings with God’s people brings into view the divine plan for drawing humanity to God’s self. The revelation of the Bible brings us to our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer.


  33. SFDBWV says:

    Good morning Maru, it is another hot and humid morning here in the Appalachia’s. The house heats up all day and it takes all night for it to cool off again, the sun rises and the sun sets and the world goes round an round; nothing new.

    We *get* it when things like that are said because a Hebrew king thousands of years ago wrote down his wisdom for all of us to learn from.

    Even if we had never read the writings of Solomon that little piece of *truth* rings true in our spirits. It rings true because God has put such things in our hearts imbedded into our genetic composition even before the foundation of the world.

    How can I say such things and believe it to be true? Because the Holy Spirit in me confirms and agrees with the Truth and the Truth is found written in Scripture and on the hearts of God’s children.

    We can know because we know and nothing in heaven or earth can separate us from that *Truth*.

    The *Gate* to God’s presence is Jesus of Nazareth the map to find our way back home from wherever we are is the written Word of God, yet even if we never were able to read a word of it God still calls for His children and His children *hear* His voice in a spiritual connection that is as personal as any matter can ever be.

    The story of God and man is a love story, a drama, a Greek tragedy, a thriller, and a mystery all in one and always in motion as the story though foretold has yet to conclude.

    God will make a way.

    My thoughts this morning.


  34. remarutho says:

    Hey Steve —

    Greetings also to Glenna & Matt. We are in for another scorcher today as well. By us in the Pacific basin, that will be in the 80s. More like 70s right on the beach with a stiff northerly. Inland, East of the mountains will approach 100 today. The farmers & orchard growers could use some rain about now.

    I am with you on the immensity of the whole Word of God. So many genres — poetry, wisdom, history, gospel, prophecy — all filled with divine mystery — how could we confine the Word to one thing?

    Reading E Stanley Jones’ “Abundant Living” (1942) this year, I am learning that we are created to be vessels of God’s Glory and Presence. Jones often says it is so much more “natural” to put our faith and obedience in Jesus — than to stuff some other construct into the pathways meant for him to indwell. We as a human race make our body, mind and spirit sick by taking up idols and fakes into our most intimate selves.

    May you all be cool and filled with the joy of the Lord today!


  35. poohpity says:

    Murder mysteries usually have those who solve murders while with the mysteries of the Bible we have faith that we do not need to solve all it’s mysteries or the mysteries found in life we can trust the One who has all the answers.

    Murder mysteries take us out of the mundane circumstance in life to get our minds going and our blood racing as we join the author in the chase through the twists and turns with the ultimate result of solving the crime. In the Bible we are the ones who have committed the crimes; some knowingly and some unknowingly; some who admit and some who may never admit; some who learn the lessons and some who may never learn the lessons yet the Only One who knows all gives us a pardon for the crimes committed. But the strange twist is that human beings still look to other human beings or themselves to be the hero for the applause and acknowledgements rather to the One that all praise belongs to.

    We have the hero or heroine of the murder mystery that just lasts until the end of the movie or the novel with our admiration but how many times does our admiration of the One who has all the mysteries of life in His hand continue to be held high. Normally until the next circumstance in life happens then we grumble, complain and demand to know why.

    Repeatedly the Bible explains the great lengths God went through to show His great love and wanting a relationship with us not because of our actions but because of who He is yet not many ever want to read about with the same zeal they read a murder mystery, go figure!! Amazing aint it!!

  36. poohpity says:

    Isaiah 26:8-9 NIV

  37. billystan454 says:

    Steve thank you for your insight into this topic. I really enjoyed how you introduced Ecclesiastes into your posts this morning. One statement really has stuck with me all day so far. You said: “Looking into the Bible we too often can relate in part to some or many characters we see showcased there, and either see where their life is headed and change our ways or see the successes of others and begin a new direction with the hope of a better outcome.”
    Since coming to the blessed Trinity; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that is exactly been how I have attempted to live out my life. I’m not always successful, but when I miss the mark I try to pick up the pieces and try harder to allow God’s will to become a part of me once again.
    I worded it that way because when I’m faltering, flipping and flopping all over the place and everywhere I go; my problem is me: For some bizarre I’m choosing once again to live life on my terms, completely ignoring God’s will.
    In that frame of mind I begin to look at life as being mundane, cyclical, repetitive, and headed no where. As a young Christian (still feeding on milk) that is what I understood Solomon’s book to mean. Now, even when I’ve allowed sin to take control, I see it as saying, Yes life is sometimes cumbersome, mundane, and extremely repetitious, but: When life seems cumbersome Jesus told us that He would relieve us of the “heavy burdens”, that when life gets cyclical and repetitive its because He is trying to teach us something, and more often than not, when our lives look like a washing machine, consistently in a never ending circle, God is not shy in giving me something to do. It is when I let God control the universe that life is most en-“joy”-able.

  38. poohpity says:

    That last sentence does not sound like spiritual milk to me but the meat. Letting God work as we remain close to Him we understand it is not our efforts that evoke change but His work in our lives. Yes it is restful and en-“joy”-able with a peace that is beyond any human reasoning. Like Mart said, “how much we remain in the loving presence and care of our God.” that is the meat.

  39. SFDBWV says:

    billystan454, we are ideed on the same page and dare I say in the same Book.

    Keep up the faith walk and know that we belong to the King of Kings, that all things work out to the good for thoes who love the Lord.

    We may have a pretty perilous journey here on earth, but we will make it, because we have faith in God and in His Son Jesus of Nazareth.

    Be blessed

  40. foreverblessed says:

    Thanks Steve, for answering me, July 17 1.12 pm. The bible is many different things to many different people, maybe you are more of a teacher, and the woman you were talking about is more of an evangelist.
    I know of a great evangelist, Sundar Singh, from India, who carried only the New Testament with him where ever he would go.

  41. foreverblessed says:

    God bless you all. Was at a BBQ this night, and we blessed each other, saying it out loud, and I got so blessed by it myself, God wants to bless us, but if we speak it out ourselves something is set in motion, it is like a mystery to me.
    God is all light, and the Light is shining in our hearts the darkness is passing, 1 John 1:5-7,2:8

  42. BruceC says:

    Another very hot, humid day expected here in upstste NY. It has been that way all week. Hard on my breathing. We have two brothers in Christ replacing the roof on the back side of the house because of storm damage in late May(the damage the insurance co. would not pay for!) This is day three and they should be finished. Pray for them as it is very, very hard on them in this heat on the roof top.

    Was reading today in ODJ that Encyclopedia Britannica is all digital now as updates come so quickly that the printed versions are out of date before they are off the presses. God’s Word however is never in need of an update( just we who read it!) It never changes and always endures. The writings of man shall pass away but not God’s Holy Word.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  43. SFDBWV says:

    Good morning Foreverblessed, you are definitely correct when you say when we speak we put things in motion.

    All of creation came about by what God said, He spoke creation into being and we being made in His image have that same creative ability to create with our tongues.

    So we can either speak blessings or curses, healing or sickness the choice is always ours.

    Each person Jesus healed Jesus spoke and healing came, Jesus even spoke to a dead Lazarus and Lazarus came to life.

    James warns us of the power of the tongue, but few people heed it.

    So keep up the good work and speak blessings to all including yourself.


  44. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    Bruce! The understanding of a rapid change factor is impacting us all, perhaps especially data that has always before appeared in print. It seems to me we are simply now measuring what has been from the beginning — the beautiful eternal reality of God’s Presence in the universe.

    Listening to Phyllis Tickle recently, I was struck by her statement that the crude understanding of mass and energy (e = mc2) now must have added to it the third crucial component of life: information. So, mass, energy, information — molecules are made by information.

    “In the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1) means a great deal more than I can understand. The mystery of Christ is shown in the character of the created universe. The apostle Paul writes, “…he (Christ) is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:16) It seems to me that even as our God is greater than anything in the creation, God is not aloof from it. Rather, God’s presence is essential to its integrity.

    How great is our God!

  45. SFDBWV says:

    Good morning again Maru, some 30 + years ago I read where physicists claimed to have identified all the parts of an atom yet could not identify what *force* held it all together; they dubbed it a *gluetron*.

    I got a good belly laugh then and still smile at the attempts to put a name on God while trying to ignore His presence and power.

    Since the construction and excitement of a super collider; what element are they straining to find? They have dubbed it the *God* particle.

    Yet right there in Genesis and in John 1:1, 2, 3 Colossians 1:16 and in Isaiah 40:12 and certainly Job 38:1-39 and Job 39:1-30 and Job 40:1- 40 and Job 41:1-34 God answers mankind’s curiosity as to what holds everything together.

    If you have a mystery go to the answer Book and seek the Truth.

    This only took me an hour to write because of interruptions, so I shortened it and give up the computer for a much later time or tomorrow.


  46. poohpity says:

    forever, it seems when a heart is filled to overflowing with God’s blessings and understanding “about what it means to be inexpressibly loved, valued, and rescued.”, it comes pouring out to all we may come in contact with. It is shown expressively to those who we may have seen at one time as enemies knowing that at one time we all were enemies of God yet it was Christ who changed that. Blessings come pouring out of a heart that is clothed with love, grace and mercy.

    If one has nothing but animosity, hatred and anger that is what comes pouring out and especially for those we have difficulties with; those with different religions, who think differently; who may not agree; who have injured us; those hard times when it is so natural to retaliate in some manor. Curses come flowing out of a heart that is clothed in darkness.

    I think that is why Paul spoke to us about what is to fill our minds in Phil 4:8 NLT; so that rather than finding the faults in others we look for those things. Anyone can find faults. The other day I read, “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” When we speak blessing on others we honor God when we have ugly remarks that is the natural man speaking.

    If we truly believe all that we have learned in scripture and understand who we are before a Holy God and that God loves all His creation none anymore than another then we will give the blessing we have received. It is not easy or natural but Phil 4:13!!!

  47. poohpity says:

    I think another big issue with putting Moses in with Rowlings and Christie although he physically penned the first 5 books of the Bible the Words were not his own. Moses was a conduit for God.

  48. oneg2dblu says:

    Good day all… just a quick Hello.
    I do consider myself a “Rowling” being that I’ll be engaged tomorrow in a twenty mile row called the Blackburn Challenge.

    For me tomorrow…Execution is Everything!

    For me to today the mystery of Christ’s Execution as well as our own who must then be excuted to die to self, to Follow Him, ourexecution is my everything.

  49. poohpity says:

    Wouldn’t it be nice to say that about our lives that we are a conduit of God it would effect our actions and thoughts. It does not seem like that can come about into being if we insist on controlling and not allowing the Spirit that control which would lead to one to desire to be filled with His words, His thoughts, His understanding and living in a vital union. (Micah 6:8; Hosea 6:6; Matt 9:13 NLT)

  50. poohpity says:

    Gary, praying for God to strengthen you on your rowing journey. Have a blast!!

  51. dodi says:

    The Good News is the Bible is the only book in the world when it is being read the author is always
    We don’t need to wait in-line for an autograph, or on-line for an email.
    The Bible is not just a book but a roadmap of truth, hope and divine guidance for our lives. (not so sure of Rowlings or Christie)
    The Bible gives mercy to the murderer (if asked for) and grace to the penient.
    As you said Mart………God shows us over and over how inexpressibly loved we are, valued and rescued.In most murder mysteries there is execution with no mercy.

    -when reading the Bible The Author is forever and always PRESENT.

  52. bubbles says:

    Today’s ODB reading and a study of Colossians matched today and brought comfort in a powerful and new way.

  53. poohpity says:

    dodi, doesn’t God give us mercy and grace even before we know about it or ask for it?

  54. remarutho says:

    Good Evening All —

    Big day of getting around to several people for prayer.

    Steve, I recall the excitement in the media over the Higgs boson back in March. Not sure I understand the importance of that little particle, but the so-called “God particle” will be studied minutely over the coming years to learn more about how matter and energy behave.

    Hats off to the scientist who honestly and diligently search out further truths about the universe! Persons of science and persons of faith will meet in Christ’s unveiled presence, I pray, to worship the one in whom all things hold together.


  55. SFDBWV says:

    If we truly believe we are made in the image of our Creator then all human beings should possess the same limitless possibilities; hindered only by our human condition.

    Stephen King has written many successful novels and if you read the stories he *borrows* much of his characters, plots and sub-plots from the Bible.

    The same can be said of George Lukas’ “Star Wars” movies and the cumbersome book and movie “Dune”.

    In reverse we see nearly all murder mysteries or successful dramas include all the real life drama found in the stories and pages of the Bible.

    In the story “The Godfather” after the death of Don Vito Corleone his son Michael guaranties succession to the head of the crime family by killing off all his father’s and his enemies in one swift move.

    You find the same story written in Scripture when Solomon ascended to the throne and took control as king of Israel.

    Sometimes I am offended when I see a movie with a poor rip off of using a Christ-like character in some worn out story line, then other times I am amused at the fact there seems to be a limit as to how to present a story. It seems the Bible already has them all.

    If there was such a thing possible God would be suing every writer for plagiarism.

    Even the “Star Wars” stories are a use of the war in heaven spoken of in Scripture.

    I guess in this thought it is which came first the chicken or the egg; personally I believe the *egg* came first in the “Greatest Story Ever Told”…

    Rain again in the mountains, looking for cooler weather and will not complain only give thanks.


  56. remarutho says:

    Morning All —

    Have to agree with the “nothing new under the sun” premise, Steve. We are like the marionette-maker or Professor Higgins with his Pygmalion-Eliza. We so desire to be gods — imparting life to lifeless things.

    One breath of the mouth of God gives life — and takes life in an instant or in a millennium, as God chooses. He who was and is and is to come looks so compassionately and so lovingly upon His children
    trying to be like Him.

    What a wonder to finally bow our heads and simply worship our Maker! There is a goodness and a peace in that surrender that is found nowhere else.

    It seems to me we are most creative and generous with ourselves when we let God lead us to the best expressions of His likeness in Christ. All our gifts were given by Him in the first place.


  57. SFDBWV says:

    Glenna and I watched the DVD from RBC with Mart’s interview with Ed Dobson.

    The story there is Ed’s comments and outlook as well as revelations about life now that he has been facing death for these 11+ years,

    I was encouraged as I listened at Ed echo many of the contributors here in this BTA blog and their life views; I wonder if Mart recognized them also?

    Broken people, yes all of us and it began in Genesis and continues until we are all finally together whole with Christ, who is our God, our Father, and our Hope.

    Pearl I guess Mart is still traveling and attending boardroom meetings with his business associates around the world, I am sure he will remember our request as soon as he has time.


  58. narrowpathseeker says:

    Steve, thank you, I am sure of that as well. I have been reading comments but haven’t time to comment myself. Trying to keep my gardens alive with watering, weeding, patrolling and killing invasive parasitic insects is very time consuming. ;-)

  59. poohpity says:

    Steve, guess I missed the part where Solomon is anything like the Godfather but if you say so it must be there.

  60. SFDBWV says:

    Pooh it is never wise to take what I or anyone says as fact, read it for yourself and decide.

    1Kings 2:13-46

    As always

  61. poohpity says:

    That was Solomon’s brother trying to get the throne and to compare it to the Godfather is really a stretch for me. The Godfather never gave anyone a chance to change his mind and turn from their ways he just had them killed. Trust me I take everything that is said and compare it to scripture and always have. That is why we can not get our Theology from novels or movies or even those that try and represent the Bible. One has to use caution because deception is usually just a “did God say?” away. That is why it is so important to be grounded in God’s Word.

    If someone who has never read the Bible and listens to what you write and is not grounded in the Word then it may lead them astray. One has to be very, very careful when they put their self in a teaching role and that is why it is so important speak as one who is yet learning than one who speaks with authority like Jesus.

  62. poohpity says:

    This is the same thing that caused problems before between us when I went to you one on one to say many look up to you and that is a great responsibility and they may not have their foundation in place so it is wise to be careful what one teaches.

  63. narrowpathseeker says:

    Steve, is the DVD you watched available on line at RBC?

  64. narrowpathseeker says:

    Pooh, I really haven’t much time, but I think if you really look at your 10:08 post, you may see that the manner in which that was written may be the cause of more problems than in any disagreement itself. I may have received it in a much different tone than which it was intended, but I will leave it for you to decide for yourself. If we alienate people with our tone whether or not it was intended, wouldn’t we do better to change our tone? ;-) I often say things to friends or family members thinking I am being funny, but sometimes when I think about it…it WAS funny but it was also somewhat condescending in the tone making it not so funny to the person it was addressed to.

  65. poohpity says:

    dod.org you can watch it online or order the DVD. It is very good and encouraging.

    Seems to me Solomon rather than killing off the kings around him similar to the Godfather made treaties by marrying their daughters, so sort of a make love not war type of king. I think that is why he ended up with 700 wives of Royal birth and 300 concubines. 1 Kings 11:3 NIV

  66. poohpity says:

    narrow, yes it could have been said differently. Thank you for calling it to my attention.

  67. narrowpathseeker says:

    Pooh, thanks for the info on the DVD. We are now getting some much needed rain, so I have time to watch if the power doesn’t go out..There is much thunder, lightening and wind. ;-)

  68. bubbles says:

    The “Bible” movies on television always have inaccuracies in them. I will not waste my time watching that junk.

  69. poohpity says:

    bubbles, sometimes those movies can promote a little curiosity to dig a little deeper into God’s Word and most have no idea they are not that accurate cause it maybe the only Bible they get. The newer ones seem to be made a little better but one seems to never go wrong searching the pages of scripture as a life long goal. :-)

  70. bubbles says:


  71. SFDBWV says:

    As I go through life I always look for God in every thing I see. I am in a constant state of seeking the face of God and keeping my mind and view on the Lord.

    There are many distractions.

    Evil has many faces and names, but when you render any of the different faces and names of evil down they are still evil.

    I listen to several genres of music and up lifted by most of them as from them I can fellowship with God.

    I watch movies and some TV and am able to see God in many faces and actions and words and deeds there also.

    I can read fiction and non-fiction and still recognize familiar things that remind me of God or of the stories in Scripture.

    I am able to do this because I look for God in the physical as well as the spiritual world around me.

    Because I have done this for most of my adult life it has become a natural part of who I am.

    There is such a stark difference between the goodness of God and the words and works of evil that as I practice seeking God it becomes just as easy to see evil and recognize its intent.

    I pray that you here look for ways to encourage others and uplift them, not insult or malign them from a seed of evil.

    We have a choice here to make this a pleasant and friendly place to learn of God, His Word and share our journey and understanding with others or to make it just another area in which petty people try and spread their attitude of strife and undermine the attempts of others to show the face of God from their views.

    I choose to bless others not curse them and so will say nothing else in retribution to insults directed at my thoughts other than what I have said here and that there is nothing as evil or as insulting as an insincere false apology given for the benefit of others and witnessed by God.


  72. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh…thank you your prayer of strength. I did call upon that word and my trusting in it provided as it always does, and He who renewed me strength brought me home. :)
    This year there were over two hundred and fifty crafts participating and over three hundred souls powering them.
    I think there is a mission field in that place which I am currently still trying to reap for the Lord, although He does need me, He allows me and today I take my Budhist friend to church and pray this… maybe today!
    Her heart is crying out for guidence, and she is ripe for the harvest.
    Unfortunately, her latest venture into returning to the church was disasterous in her eyes for it failed to produce what she was so looking for. I told her it was a blessing still waiting to be revealed for every path we walk upon gives us a direction and finding that perfect path for her is still available. Please pray for us as we venture again today into that mysterious place of the unknown, for until you know that you know, you still do not know and your Heavenly Father is waiting with open forgiving arms to accept all who will call upon the name of His only Son Jesus Christ. The only path I know that I know. Gary
    I’ll have some catching up to do as I see many posts awaiting my walking upon them. Be Blessed!

  73. dja says:

    It has been quite awhile since I have posted, but I do check in from time to time and read as much as I can. Our spring/summers are busy because we have a backyard plant nursery, and there is always much to do. Also I sometimes drive down to VA to help my daughter and will be going again soon to help out with our first little grandson.

    Steve, I always read all your posts and have told my husband that, if we ever get down to W. VA, he would enjoy meeting you and talking with you. We both see the Lord in the physical world. I believe that the Lord can use anything to bring someone to Himself including secular movies. No, I’m not saying that as a Christian we can watch any movie, but I do believe that He can use that venue and others to speak to His wayward children. As a parent of a son who is still going in the wrong direction, I am praying without ceasing and trusting God to work in him through whatever means. And that could be in some scene in a movie I wouldn’t view, but one that my son may be watching. We serve an amazing God, and, thankfully, He is over all!

    As I said, I have been busy, but I do read as much as I can. The other reason I hesitate to write is because I am uncomfortable with the tension that is often on various posts. I agree with you, Steve, when you wrote, ” We have a choice here to make this a pleasant and friendly place to learn of God, His Word and share our journey and understanding with others or to make it just another area in which petty people try and spread their attitude of strife and undermine the attempts of others to show the face of God from their views.”

    May the Lord bless you all this day and always.


  74. phpatato says:

    Great hearing from you Della. I’m glad you checked in! Enjoy that little grandson! I had a wonderful day with one of mine yesterday.

    Steve your posts are a blessing to me. Like Bill, a day without you is like a day without sunshine!!! I truly mean that. I understand that you and Pearl are wanting to be in touch through email. Would it be ignorant of me to nose my way in by saying that I would consider it an honour to have you both in my email address book. There are things that come across my “desk” that I know you both would enjoy seeing. I may never be able to meet either of you in this world, but being able to converse with you on OCCASION through email would most certainly brighten up my world. I promise not to be one of those “will she just give it a rest and please lose my email address” type people. I was raised in a home where I was taught as a very young girl, to be seen and not heard….meaning that there is already far too much noise pollution in this world, I don’t have to add to it by “yakking” when it’s not necessary.

    May God Bless each and every one of you today! Gary I am thinking of you as you compete, as well, I will be praying for your friend.



  75. narrowpathseeker says:

    Good Morning All

    I don’t know WHY I do this…I was up early and instead of getting ready for church, I am still sitting here in my nightclothes! I have one hour left and STILL I sit here b4 this pc waiting for the right words to come!

    Steve, thank you for mentioning that dvd. I was particularly encouraged that a man so determined to be like Jesus saying it was impossible…NOT because he failed but because I fail and often think it is because I am not trying hard enough. Of course I am still going to try but maybe I won’t feel like such a failure when I don’t live up to my own expectations.

    Steve and Della(nice to hear from you), I too tend to see God in EVERYTHING!! However, as the years go by I tend to be more selective as to the movies and TV shows I watch and it isn’t easy for me. I just watched a movie a few days ago that started out fine with two wonderful old stars that I have always admired for the more admirable characters they have played. While, it was very funny and had MUCH good old fashioned morality that spiked my interest, it soon became very sexual, but in a way that appeared deviously (“CUTE”?) and hilarious. I then saw evil in the intent to get us to accept things (that I don’t think we should be accepting) by sliding it in with humor with people that have a reputation for being very moral. I knew I should shut it off, but I didn’t!! Another failure for me!!

    BUT, while I have long and readily recognized evil’s blatant tactics I am now very aware of his more subtle tactics as well. I don’t know if this will make any sense to anyone else, but while I saw evil in the intent I also saw God giving me the discernment. It ended portraying deceitful practices as “cute”, funny, and beneficial.

    Ok, must run!!


  76. phpatato says:

    Not to slight anybody…my email address is available to anyone who would like it. I consider all of you my friends and would welcome yours!!!

  77. poohpity says:

    If you guys want to meet up and talk you can do that on the Been Thinking about page on facebook then you can get each others emails and also chat by friending each other probably quicker than waiting for Mart to send emails addresses.

    I am so very thankful for God’s Word and how I have learned that as I stand before Him being seen as naked I am accepted, valued, loved and rescued. The mystery of how that Word can change us is riveting but more importantly we do not have to understand all of it’s complexities to learn of His faithfulness to His beloved. He goes beyond our personalities which many times causes such divisions to His marvelous principles that all are loved despite being so different. No one ever is rejected or made to feel like they do not belong to His family.

  78. phpatato says:


    I think there are several friends here that don’t socialize on facebook…Steve, Pearl, Bruce are three that I can think of right off the top of my head. For some, facebook is uncomfortable to be on. I know I have my timeline locked right down. Someone looking at my page becomes quickly bored. lol

    As for being loved by God, we will still have to give account of our behaviours, thoughts, words and choices when we are bowed before Him in Glory. Asking for forgiveness from both Him and from the people we wrong is paramount because our excuses to Him then won’t amount to anything.

    Last night I noticed the moon is almost full. The last time I noticed it, it was only a half moon. We have had a string of severe thunderstorms and cloud cover because of the high humidity values during the day. It was nice to see just how bright the night sky was.

  79. poohpity says:

    I find it so amazing that God gave His Word that has lasted generation to generation. He has given us a faith to desire to know Him and it is found in something we can hold in our hands. That Word has changed people from ages past and will well into the future. It changed how kings ran their kingdoms like Jehoshaphat and Josiah because their hearts desire was to know and do what their Lord desired for them. Then Israel and Judah after they were carried away as captives to foreign countries because they neglected a relationship with their God, when they returned Nehemiah opened the Book of Books and studied, it changed their hearts too.

    We can look to nature, movies, novels and many other things but to neglect “The Book of Books” which we are so blessed to have then how can our thinking be changed to God’s thinking if our minds are not transformed with and by His Words?

  80. poohpity says:

    Pat, Glenna is on facebook and could help Steve find others just to get emails, just trying to be helpful so you guys could talk.

    You bet it is important to ask for forgiveness when we have harmed others and to ask God also. There are times that one may not know if they have harmed someone especially if it was done unintentionally and they do not share. The difference in personalities and God’s principles is vast yet one is what we are asked to follow in spite of the other. What brought this up again anyway?

  81. narrowpathseeker says:

    Pat, I am going to get my email address to you..thank you for wanting it.. ;-)

    Pooh, Pat is right…I don’t do facebook.

    Gary, did you win? At least you had a decent day for it. Yesterday was one of the first days in a long time that the humidity wasn’t unbearable here in New England. Hope you had a nice time regardless of the winning or losing…

    Steve, I sent an email..;-)

  82. oneg2dblu says:

    Pearl… did I win? Yes,and No.
    I did not win in my rated class or beat out the rest feild in the single mens touring event, so, No!
    Did I better my past efforts, Yes!
    I build my own boats which are currently twice the weight, or more, than that of my competiton who own or use boats that certainly will outperform my current build weights and design, materials, and ability.
    But, each of the last three boats I’ve built and raced are lighter and faster than their predicessors.
    As my skills and fitness have improved with every challenge, my overall times do improve, and that is always a win to me.
    Setting a “PR” or beating your own past personal record,
    is for now my most fierce competition.
    I would say that anyone who enters and completes this event is a winner.
    There was one other competitor in my class who builds his own boats and he has completed this event every year for the past 27 years.
    He probably came in last… but he is a winner in my book!

    Official results have not been posted as of yet and the start times were altered this year, so I do not have any other specifics to share right now.

  83. narrowpathseeker says:

    Gary, I think just building ONE boat that doesn’t sink makes you a WINNER, never mind THREE and racing them in rowing competition!! Yes, Gary, I agree that you are a WINNER. Congratulations!!

  84. foreverblessed says:

    Gary, congratulations too, what a great sport to do!
    Yesterday the pastor read Col 2, One of my favorite chapters
    But this one is fit for this topic:
    Col 2:2-4
    My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

    and this one too:
    Col 1:27
    the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

    Christ in us, Jesus is the one who is positive, very positive, who else would die for the sins of others?
    That mind of being positive is something that I am looking for, it is not my natural tendency. I did focus on what went wrong.
    Now I am asking God to give me faith, hope, love. And start blessing.
    That topic of Mart where he talked about Job blessing his friends and thereby restoring his own misfortunes, is still ringing in my head.
    Oswald Chambers My Utmost of June 20.

    Start blessing, as I said, I had a tremendous day last week, just from blessing another person. She said that one negative word needs 7 positive words to restore it, (I guess that is if we are not shielded in our thinking by Jesus).
    So there I said, I bless you 7 times.
    During the whole BBQ the blessings came, and I was strengthened myself as the evening went on. There was such a tremendous uplifting, that I hardly could grasp it.
    How often we focus on this world, on what goes on here. God’s is King over all, the great Reality that is found of being one with God through Jesus.
    How great this life is, and how often I do not see it.

    We have everything we need in Jesus 2 Peter 1:3
    This great mystery!
    That we may see this more and more.
    I pray for your friend too, Gary, and as Oswald urges us, start praying for your friends, and all people as 1 Timothy 2:1,3-4 tells us too.

    So I start with my friends, and then the ones I come in contact with. But this blessing is so encouraging!
    God bless you all!

  85. oneg2dblu says:

    foreverblessed…. thank you for those prayers. They are really the most effective process we can engage in as nothing is more powerful or intimate then to boldly approach Our God in prayer knowing He hears us from or heats even before we uttwer that first word.
    I was not shocked to read about your faith, hope, love, request, for My friend Laraine and I were having some very deep discussion about those very three words last night.
    She is 60 yrs old and a very successful teacher, artist, musician, well read, well educated, and living an amazing life, but still fearful, not knowing her purpose, and looking for guidence from a higher power, but obviously not getting it through her Budist practice and feels her goodness and selfless love for others will save her in the end, but she also thinks her existance will come to an end when she dies.
    So, what’s the point in it all?
    I asked her where she placed her hope and there was no sufficient answer for her. Where is her faith? No sufficient answer again. But when I asked her about her love, there was a bounty of responses starting with her thirty years of teaching children and pouring herself into them.
    We discussed this faith, and I shared the bibles answers and definitions, and the three lasting things of faith, hope, and love, as spoken by the Lord after his own disciples failed to heal the boy with the evil spirit and Christ said that they lacked faith.
    At church yesterday she was lost in the new language we use as so common place for us who know the bible and are in the word constantly.
    By the end of the evening she was asking my how God speaks to me, and I said He speaks through his written word, one reason why I love and crave being in it. He speaks through His indwelling spirit deposited in those who ask Him to come into their lives and guide them, and through the living testimony of all His creation.
    She says she can not falsely try to believe, has sinned too much, and can not believe the biblical message and can not understand it. I told her that is the default position of every human being, because we are all enemies of God no matter how good we live our lives we can never be good enough, or bad enough, read the bible enough, go to church enough, and it is not my position to “convince anybody’ into believing, thsat is God’s work, and he can choose to use anything in our lives to bring us to Him.
    Why the Great Commission? Because faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God, so how do those who have not heard the word then get faith… through the Great Commission a work for all bleievers. If we have this thing called love than why would we not share what
    God has done for us?
    Sorry for rambling on, but my last words with her before we retired last night were, without faith it is impossible to please God.

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