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Mercy Prayer 2


Author Robert Gelinas

In commenting on yesterdays first Mercy Prayer post, cbrown wrote:

“I would like to share portions of a 9 page letter I received from an inmate I met in prison ministry who has been sentenced to a life sentence without parole. “I can remember like it was yesterday; I cried out Lord,I can’t wait much longer, please whatever you have to do to make me fit do it quickly– and in the recesses of my spirit I heard, ‘the timing of events are not yours to say’. Then I said Lord forgive me. Again within the recesses my spirit the Lord said ‘in an instant a life may turn around;a heart may be open in a moment of grace. You must be willing to start anew’.  I cried out Lord please teach me. Do and take however long you have to,but Lord don’t leave me. Then I remembered the Scripture ‘I will never leave you or forsake you’”.

Cbrown, thank you. That excerpt is a good example of how God’s mercy can help and lessen our misery in the most extreme circumstances.

It shows our need of what only God can do– while leaving us with questions that only God knows how to answer. i.e. What if by our intentional wrong or unintentional negligence we rob others of their opportunity to find God’s mercy for themselves?

Our DTW recording session with author Robert Gelinas (The Mercy Prayer) was all that I hoped for and more. Out of his own experience, and through his ongoing involvement with hurting and abandoned people– Robert pushed our awareness and need for both justice and mercy to the limit.

My take is that Robert has been radicalized not only by the wrongs he sees and lives with in his own community, but also by increasingly seeing how much we all need mercy as much as the air we breathe.

He believes, as the cbrown excerpt above illustrates, that God wants to, and can relieve (i.e. temporarily lessen and ultimately resolve), the consequences of sin and suffering even in the most extreme circumstances.

He emphasizes that the heart of God– as seen in Christ– has always been about transformation rather than condemnation and that (while there is a place for fear) hearts are most deeply changed in the awareness and experience of mercy rather than threat.

As we recorded conversations to be aired on DTW, I was deeply impressed by Robert’s conviction that mercy may be the theme of the Bible that deserves the most emphasis in our day to day lives.

In one of the last conversations we recorded, Robert  showed from the teaching of Jesus that God gives us mercy with strings attached– the mercy he gives to us he expects us to give to others.

Throughout the day, yesterday, I think I became more aware of what Robert has seen– that even though God does not remove all consequences of our wrongs– he does want to involve us with him in bringing his presence and mercy to those who are suffering because of their  sin, because of our sin, – or because of the sins of others.

Am looking forward to finishing The Mercy Prayer, while wanting to experience more of what Robert begins his book with,

“For those who sin and those who suffer. For those who suffer because of sin For those who sin to alleviate their suffering. Lord have mercy on us.”


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46 Responses to “Mercy Prayer 2”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    At the last place I worked there was a young eager Christian man who was desperate for some ministry he could be involved in. In conversation with me he told me that he always felt those in jail or prison belonged there because of their crimes, he had no sympathy for them.

    Then through a twist of circumstances he found himself involved in a prison ministry program from his church.

    His view of these men suddenly changed and so his view of mercy and justice had to be realigned as well.

    Punishment has an effect like no other, yet even under the weight and torment of punishment in the deepest recesses of a man’s heart one of two things happen.

    He truly repents of his crime and his being is reborn, or he adapts to his circumstances in order to survive never really changing in nature at all.

    Jesus used the analogy of being in prison as the same as being in captivity to sin.

    Sin has the ability of being the cause of spiritual captivity and also the captivity itself.

    Many prisoners in jail soon learn that being involved in Christian activities gives them special status and allows for some perks. Guards and prison officials may hope it is genuine, but only the man himself and God know for sure.

    It really isn’t all that different outside of jail for those who call themselves Christian. Some are real some are not and only God and maybe that person knows for sure.

    While we read of Ariel Castro who kidnapped and held hostage three women for nearly a decade and his plea bargain for mercy from the courts in order to avoid a death penalty, many of us might wonder if this is justice and whether mercy is deserved.

    Are spiritual matters any different?

    Where is your sense of justice when you come to realize that Jesus of Nazareth took all the sins of every type and nature upon Himself for every person and died in that sin so that all persons who are guilty can obtain mercy from Him?

    Coming to terms with God mean acknowledging your guilt, changing your ways, and asking for mercy.

    God made a way for mercy to be granted by suffering the price of sin for any that ask of it, asking by the only gateway and door to God, Jesus of Nazareth.

    We read that God is a just God, so justice was served for sin by Jesus’ sacrifice; keeping God just, but allowing for mercy.

    In the existence of God and man justice can’t be possible without mercy and mercy can’t be possible without justice.

    The two must coexist in a balance.

    How we apply this to living in this world isn’t all that different. It involves learning from Genesis to Revelation and adopting the wisdom of Scripture and desires of Christ into our own beings.

    A life long quest, that is shown in our own lives as well as the societies and culture we help to create.


  2. swwagner says:

    I am finding this topic to be quite moving to the point of tears. The mercy that God has given me has not always translated into mercy toward others. It is a hard balance to find.

    “For those who sin and those who suffer. For those who suffer because of sin For those who sin to alleviate their suffering. Lord have mercy on us.”

    What a wonderful prayer! I will be contemplating this for several days.

  3. poohpity says:

    No mercy is earned or deserved or it would not be mercy! So whether it is being put in jail for a horrible crime or a personal judgement of that person both deserved to be punished because they have sinned against God. Whether it is acted out hatred or whether it is held in a heart towards another both deserve to be punished. Whether one stabs or shots someone or calls someone a name or says they are a failure or worthless they deserve to be punished. When someone feels better than another person because they think one persons behavior is worse than another they deserve God’s punishment because of pride. God knows our heart nothing is hidden from Him although one may have fooled others God will not be mocked. “Lord have mercy on us.”

    How do we know that we have fully understood that mercy? We will be quick to show it to others!! For those who do not understand they are quick to judge others and Lord have mercy on that person because they have put their self in your place and do not even realize it. “Lord have mercy on us”

    Thank you so much for your mercy Lord to All of mankind and may we all display it openly when we come to realize how undeserving we really are. Deliver us from those who try and rob our minds from that mercy by thinking we are ever in a place we deserve it. All have sinned and fallen short of your Glory let us never forget that as we take pleasure in finding the breathe of fresh air from your mercies that are new every morning and throughout the day. Isaiah 64:6 NIV; Psalm 59:17 NIV

  4. narrowpathseeker says:

    This topic has given me a new take on the parable of the self righteous Pharisee and the man who beat his breast and said, “Lord have Mercy on me, a sinner”.

    While for years I have tried to be more like the latter man, I have come to realize that I am regretfully still more like the former. While I recognized this strongly in someone else, I was soon made to see it in myself as well.. When I go before the Lord and say, “Lord, have mercy on me a sinner” I seem to follow up…with thoughts of thank you God that I am not like this SELF RIGHTEOUS Pharisee like person.

    Once again I have been made aware of how far short I fall of being Christlike…THANK YOU LORD FOR YOUR MERCY ON US ALL!!

  5. swwagner says:


    I couldn’t agree more…we are all pathetic and stuck fast in the miry clay of not seeing ourselves as we truly are. Thanks be to God for His Mercy to pull us free. Only in Him can we be saved from ourselves!

  6. poohpity says:

    Our Daily Bread for today was fitting for this discussion.

  7. cbrown says:

    Mart, I would like to watch or listen to your interview with Robert Gelinas but am not familiar with the way to access it.Is it available on line?

  8. poohpity says:

    cbrown, if I may I do not think this interview is finished yet but at the bottom of this page under rbc ministries there is a caption radio & tv then under that is Discover The Word that is where it should be when it comes out. Hope that helps?

  9. cbrown says:

    Thank you for the info. Love in Christ

  10. cbrown says:

    Wow. What a discovery!

  11. oneg2dblu says:

    Good day all… I’ve missed your voice on Discover the Word Mart are you just taking a short break or is there a new formating being revealed.
    Here we are speaking of the Mercy Prayer and could we not label it the Grace Prayer as well?
    Isn’t mercy and grace both undeserved and freely given to all who ask for it? Or does only mercy apply to any punishment which goes unrendered.
    Is there a difference I am failing to see between these two words.
    Does Grace aplly to those who were initially found in their sin, because the woird says it is by Grace you were saved.
    Perhaps it is through this sinner’s mercy now extended to those who remain in their sin and suffering after receiving God’s Grace?
    By the Grace of God you “were saved.”
    Paul explained his and our calling as saints in the first chapter of Corinthians.
    “Lord have mercy on us sinners all, those who still choose to sin and suffer even after receiving your Amazing Grace, after becoming Children of God and saints called to be a witness for Christ Crucified throughout the world.”

    “What more foolish thing could you choose then us who still choose to sin and suffer?”

  12. poohpity says:

    I think they may be close but not the same. Mercy is what was shown by sending Jesus and what was done on the cross was grace. Because of his loving-kindness and compassion (mercy) Eph 5:32 NIV, he did not leave us to serve the penalty for our sin so grace which is the redemptive work through the blood of the Lamb Eph 1:6-8 NIV. God’s mercy is what forgives us and God’s grace is the act that that forgiveness is found.

  13. poohpity says:

    sorry, that was Eph 4:32 NIV for mercy.

  14. oneg2dblu says:

    Thanks pooh… I was taught that grace is God’s unmerited favor. When I first came to the Lord everyone was saying I was led by grace, a word which was new to me, and one I did not fully understand or embrace.
    Having 47 years of doing my own will in my own strength and not being directed by anything but self to my knowledge was still in tact.
    This letting go and actually letting God direct me was totally foriegn to me on all levels.
    But, as soon as I became aware of His presence in my life, I knew His Hand was directing, always directing,
    always forgiving, always loving, always waiting for me just to surrender and come to Him.
    “I will never be the same, I will never be the same, I will never be the same.” David Crowder

  15. poohpity says:

    Gary, there is nothing more unmerited than Jesus going to the Cross as the sinless sacrifice for a sinful mankind.

    I was thinking about Mart’s question, “What if by our intentional wrong or unintentional negligence we rob others of their opportunity to find God’s mercy for themselves?”. If we find that sitting in the seat of the judgment and pointing out sin and talking about how horrible it is rather than how merciful our God is I bet that does push people away from ever wanting to experience that forgiveness and mercy. I think we often times circle the wagons and say I really do not want to be around someone like that when is that not our commission to do. Most Christians hang around with other Christians in little groups like clubs and determine if anyone is fit to join the club rather than welcoming arms opened wide seeing more in common when it comes to getting mercy than what seperates.

  16. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    In Mercy Prayer 2, you wrote:

    “My take is that Robert has been radicalized not only by the wrongs he sees and lives with in his own community, but also by increasingly seeing how much we all need mercy as much as the air we breathe.”

    Peace in the community without justice is repression, or even persecution. It seems to me the recent Zimmerman verdict in Florida has brought us to a time of questioning
    1) How jury panels are formed
    2) The place of the Second Amendment in the civil (not military) peace
    3) The regulation of civilian volunteer “security” groups (see “Stand Your Ground”)

    Today I am praying with a father whose daughter was brutally raped and knifed to death. The structure of faith in God, in fellow human beings and our civil life has been shaken to the breaking point. These are events that undermine the very reason for living. This father is calling out to God to end his life as well – because nothing makes any sense now.

    Only the mercy and intervention of Jesus can bring hope after this grisly, horrifying event. My friend blames himself – and asks, “Why has God allowed this to happen?” Please pray for my friend, Mitchell and his daughter Allie. Her remains are being held by the authorities until the matter is fully investigated.

    I am only praying with and for Mitchell. There is nothing to say or do — but pray that the blessed Holy Spirit will wrap arms of love about Mitchell and his family and give them mercy and peace.


  17. SFDBWV says:

    Maru such events shakes the foundation of any ones faith and there is no answer that will ease the pain.

    My prayers are for you Maru in you position as friend and for Mitchell who’s broken heart can only be healed by God.


  18. remarutho says:

    Thank you for your compassion and holy love, Steve.

    Yes, I am not often near this degree of loss — it is a deep heart-ache — a pain in the soul that makes one unable to eat, sleep or think about anything else. We are so in need of God’s mercy!


  19. narrowpathseeker says:

    Maru, I have prayed for Mitchell and will continue to pray for him. I believe everyone of our brothers and sisters that hears of this father’s tragic loss and his unbearable heartache, will do the same.

    I am reluctant to ask my sister’s 91 yo sister in law, how she got through losing all 3 of her children(one at a time) in addition to the rape and murder of a teenage granddaughter. I fear that asking her about it may make her relive the horrors of it all, but I think it is time to do so, that I may share her response to others living through similar nightmare and hopefully help them though it.

  20. narrowpathseeker says:

    I tried to post a comment and it didn’t take…I clicked again and a window said I already said that..

  21. narrowpathseeker says:

    Ok…it IS there now..

  22. poohpity says:

    Maru, praying for the comfort and peace that only God can give at a time of such great loss and for the friends and family to gather together and mourn with Michell.

    As for those things you mentioned about the Martin case.
    #1 Juries are formed by those who answer the call from being a voter to serve on juries and then both parties select the jury from those that show up rather than refusing to serve. The jury could not find beyond a reasonable doubt 2nd degree murder or manslaughter.

    #2 The second amendment gives the right to bear arms to all American citizens.

    #3 This case had nothing to do with “stand your ground” that is what the media hype put out there not what the case was about.

  23. narrowpathseeker says:

    Poohpity, I whole heartedly agree with you…especially #3.

  24. poohpity says:

    In a society that wants nothing to do with God is when we find these horrible atrocities then we want to ask “why does God allow these things to happen?” We as the human race have made the choice to act and behave in a way that is contrary to God’s will and desires so we must live with the consequences which most times are horrible. This however is not the time to have this kind of conversation with one who is hurting so bad like Mitchell but as believers our faith and knowing that God does not want this to happen. God has however given us a way to face those who do horrible things which is sin and by looking within we find it is in everyone’s life we make a choice to give them different degrees but God however seems to look at sin all in the same way yet showed us grace and mercy. That is what he asks us to do as well for our own well being.

    Those wonderful, beautiful young women who were held captive by chains have made the choice to forgive the man who did those horrible acts to them because they no longer wanted to be held captive by him (Castro) in anyway so that they can move forward but there will be consequences they will have to face the rest of their lives but they do not have to live with hatred or anger because as they all said they have trusted God with the justice in this case and will show Castro mercy. This man did not even acknowledge what he did as wrong, he blamed.

    In my heart I have to admit I wanted him to be put in the general population while in prison because I know how they handle justice but the Lord convicted my heart to pray for him. He may never admit that what he did was very, very wrong but those ladies can not base their forgiveness on his admission, that is mercy to the Nth degree.

  25. BruceC says:


    I will join in prayer also. So sorry to hear stories like that.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  26. remarutho says:

    Dear BTA Friends —

    The prayers are so welcome. There is nothing to say or do. I comment upon the vigilante-ism, the casual use of guns and the “right” we claim because so much is justified in society and even in the courts — justice as retaliation — we seem as a culture to be waiting and watching for an opportunity to “fight back” against the violence we see. We fight back with more violence. Heart breaking.

    We need to learn to be merciful. Only Jesus can impart mercy to our hearts. We do not dig out of our deep dark places on our own.

    Thanks to each one for lifting Mitchell to God in prayer. May peace come to him.


  27. SFDBWV says:

    When I think too much along the lines of justice and mercy while facing a world filled with injustice and merciless cruelty I come up against a wall as my emotions and thoughts collide in an attempt to make sense of it all and how best to endure.

    Mitchell is not alone when he feels responsible for his child’s fate. Most all Christian parents that I have known feel that somehow their action or lack of caused the removal of protection from God toward a child hurt or worse.

    Even though when ask if it were the parents or the man’s fault for being born blind, Jesus replied neither, but for the glory of God.

    Since it is such an automatic reaction it causes me to wonder if God Himself felt responsible for our lacking the ability to resist sin, and so took the hit by the whole story of sacrificing Jesus as a way to atone for it.

    I have, as caretaker of our cemetery, been involved in a great many funerals, there is sometimes nothing I or any one can say at such a time except that we love them and hurt with them, so they suffer not alone.

    In our arrogance we too often judge and fault Job’s friends for all their advice, but they did well in saying nothing and just being there for their suffering friend.

    There is no justice in this life for the crime that Maru has brought to our attention. If we were to hang the guilty party his death may for a moment feel justified, but the loss of Mitchell’s daughter would not be restored.

    Justice and mercy come together at the cross and because of it. Our hope is not in this wrecked and cold world, but in a promise of a restored creation, of a resurrection and of all wrongs being set straight. In believing that we will see again those we have lost to death and an existence where there are no more tears.

    Justice and mercy comes in the name of Jesus of Nazareth the Christ as neither is perfected in us only in Him.


  28. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    Steve, you wrote:

    “Since it is such an automatic reaction it causes me to wonder if God Himself felt responsible for our lacking the ability to resist sin, and so took the hit by the whole story of sacrificing Jesus as a way to atone for it.”

    There’s the thing we as the human race don’t seem to take in. God took the hit for the whole messed up world. Somehow moving in our small circles here, we hold to the notion of “control” when no control is possible. I often ask myself, “Isn’t it better for the Lord to be watching out for us than for us to watch out for ourselves?” Still, I find myself holding tightly to the reins.

    Honestly, I said very little to my friend Mitchell yesterday. He does yard work, so I lined out some jobs for him: edging the walk, stacking wood, spreading bark dust…He remarked that it was peaceful. All I could think of to say was, “Mitchell, the roots grown down and the leaves grow up — that remains the same.” It sounds so simple, but my friend smiled. He also smiled when the dogs licked his face and he got to rub their ears and play with them some.

    Jesus, have mercy on us. We are not up to the powerful forces at work in your universe. You are a refuge for our souls. Amen.

  29. poohpity says:

    Does God feel responsible for our inability to not sin? When my children make wrong choices do I feel responsible after telling them not only is an action wrong but here are the consequences and they still do it, absolutely not!! Then they come back to me and say it is all your fault mom. That sounds like an immature child wanting someone else to take the blame rather than accepting responsibility for their own actions. Do I still love them in spite of the wrong actions and decisions, yes. Will I be merciful to them, yes because of my great love for them. We ALL are God’s children.

    God gave us a mind to consider things before we do them. To think before we act, speak and feel. The purpose of free will is to allow us to use those things we are blessed with to have a relationship with our Father to love Him with all our souls, minds and hearts. To force us to love Him is no love at all. To force us not to sin is no freedom at all.

  30. poohpity says:

    I would have to conquer with Robert that I see God’s mercies as a major theme throughout the whole Bible and I am so very glad of that. That is what first drew me to God and that is what keeps me there. To not share that mercy with others would be to deny I needed it for myself. Yes, if that was all I ever witnessed to others about, God’s mercy, that would be enough.

  31. BruceC says:

    Without God’s perfect love; mercy, grace, and justice would not exist. The perfect love of His character is the reason for us benefiting from His grace and mercy.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  32. Artle says:

    This is a very complex subject because it borders on trying to answer the Why God questions. What BruceC just said though makes it simple again.

    God’s justice and mercy are on a different plane and concerned with different results than the justice and mercy many want to see in the world where we live.

    It could be difficult to understand and share God’s mercy because God sees the heart that we cannot and God can judge the heart. Not so difficult to share God’s Love because knowing the heart is not necessary. We don’t even need to know anything about a person to Love them.

  33. belleu says:

    I have often thought God is responsible for me being born here. I didn’t ask to be born into this sinful world; He didn’t give me a choice. So, I do believe he died for me and the whole world out of love and responsibility. Do you think I am wrong? I’m not all that sure about it.

    I was molested by my father when I was a little girl. This has caused me terrible mental pain. God did not want my father to do that, but he created me into that family. God is not responsible for sin, but I think He is responsible for taking care of us when someone abuses us. God has done that for me. I think sometimes that maybe I wouldn’t have become a Christian if I didn’t have pain in my life. So, I thank God for the pain and for the comfort He has given me.

    I believe if that father was praying for his daughter then God was with her when she died. The angels were there and perhaps she was given great peace at the end. I read about a Christian who was stabbed by a patient and as he was being stabbed he was surrounded by a great light and he felt peaceful. My grandson died two years ago and I felt in my heart that God was there with him.

  34. Mart De Haan says:

    belleu and all, I was ready to post another thought.

    But in light of the heartache and loss that Maru is seeing– and in view of your thoughts, belleu, this may be a moment for others as well to get involved in the blinding– yet eye-opening realism that– as you say– we didn’t ask to be born into.

    Your thought and question about whether God has, in Jesus, accepted responsibility for allowing all that has happened is worth thinking about together…

  35. foreverblessed says:

    Bellue, thank you sooo much for your comforting words. That was wonderful!
    God also was with Stephen when he was murdered, it didn’t seem to care him at all. Acts 7:56
    What a great work God is doing in His mercy!
    Such a great message of the Cross: Mercy, thank you Mart.

    The message of Mercy is also for the greatest of criminals.
    I have tried to pray for the person who committed this crime to the daughter of Mitchel. For some reason I get stuck, the crime is standing in between.
    Then I tried it another way: what do I hope for this person: I hope that he will come to his senses, I hope that God’s grace will touch his heart, that he will let the mercy of God in, that he will be purified through and through, that he will be a bringer of peace, of Godly peace.

  36. Mart De Haan says:

    thanks too foreverblessed, we were both writing at the same time :-)…

  37. BruceC says:

    At service Sunday morning one of our younger members gave a testimony of his life and what Christ had done for him. He was born legally blind, was sexually abused, parents divorced, family members that took him in were alcoholics, father went to prison. He began drugs and alcohol himself, did some crimes and time in jail. He put his faith in Christ and still had many problems until; as he put it, he allowed Jesus to fully enter his heart and not just his mind.
    I almost cried hearing it and felt so ashamed because I never went through that. It was a slap in the face to be ALWAYS thankful. I know not why some go through such hard times and others not. But we all have our trials and hardships though they may differ in type and severity. But He is Lord over all and can give strength to all who ask. I have no idea why some are born into some of the circumstances that they are and offer no “opinion”; as that is what it would be as we really don’t know. Had it been you or I in the Garden of Eden we assuredly would have done the same. Does that really make God responsible? To carry that idea further, is He responsible for Satan’s rebellion against Him? It’s a very odd concept and one I have never heard before.
    But God OWNS everything and as the Creator and owner does He not have the right to do as He pleases? Things get a little deep around these questions.
    Be back later. Blueberry picking with my wife and a sister from church. Then more firewood work. We have 18-20 face cord to put in the rear of the garage and stack. They started delivery yesterday afternoon. It got to 42 deg. so we are using some already! My wife’s pulled muscle and my sciatic nerve are getting a little better. God bless all!!!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  38. remarutho says:

    Morning All —

    Sunday before last — was away from home — worshiping with a church I do not know and where I am not known. Something that was said struck me vividly: “There are no suspects with God.” God knows — and sees the untangling of the knotted threads we experience in the world. I do not always have the capacity to derive peace from that knowledge!

    Here is Mitchell writhing in agony of pain, anger and an overwhelming sense of injustice. Here we are in the local congregation, hoping to offer Christ’s love and comfort. The matter is not going to be “solved” in the worldly sense. Even when the perpetrator is found and tried, we will not see Allie again here among us.

    I am sensing that to have the mind of Christ in this thing is to surround Mitchell with caring and an attitude of listening and non-judgment. This seems so wimpy — no words of wisdom — no advice — no sympathetic rage. Just staying calm. It is almost as if we are called to do nothing at all.

    Texted Mitchell last evening and simply told him we are praying for him…

    Thanks for this fellowship where we are able to share and pray for one another. Prayers for all here going up this morning.


  39. poohpity says:

    I have come to believe that each of us are born to enjoy a relationship with God. When I accepted Christ into my life I had to understand that there was sin in my life and that sin caused me to be separated from God. At the time I came to first believe I was not looking at the sin of others only the sin in my own life that I needed to be shown mercy. Did God allow sin to be in the world, I would say yes and the reason for that is because He did not want to impose that relationship on us He seemed to want us to want Him not by force but by choice.

    Is God responsible for our sin, no but did Jesus take that responsibility upon His shoulders even though He had no sin, yes. Will we sin against others, yes. Will they sin against us, yes. Is all sin against God’s best for us, yes.

    Even though we do not set out, once we are saved, to sin will we, yes. Am I responsible to God each day for that sin, yes. All sin is horrible that is why God gave us guidelines to follow so that we will not sin but even in our best attempts to not sin we still do but if I look at the sin of others and not pay attention to my own then often times we will fall into pride like the Pharisee in Luke rather than beating my chest everyday and asking God to be merciful to me a sinner.

    Another problem comes when we feel one sin is greater than another and maybe by our standards it may seem that way but to God and that is what’s important a sin is a sin. So then we could ask “Why does God allow me to sin everyday?” that is what happens while we are in this flesh and that is the reason Jesus died on the Cross because even though He knew, in His great mercy we are covered by the blood of the Lamb and God looks at us through Jesus.

    If we pay attention and keep our list short as we ask for forgiveness daily then our relationship with God will flourish but if we are so busy looking at the sin of others that keeps our eyes focused horizontally rather than vertically and we do not see the mercies we ourselves have received and likely will not be quick to give them to others.

  40. poohpity says:

    I know God understands because He not only stood back and watched as His only Son’s body being shredded beyond recognition as human flesh then suffocated as He hung with nails through His hands and feet on the Cross but created Him for that very purpose. God understands all our suffering, trials, hardships, hatreds, sorrows because He made the choice to leave heaven and be born into flesh and experienced all the things we do to show us that although He was given life that life was to die to show us His great mercy. May we fully understand that mercy cause if don’t we are so quick to judge and condemn others.

  41. oneg2dblu says:

    Yes, we do see sin in our own lives and that is the starting point of our asking for salvation from our conditio, I agree.

    But to not see sin in others as well, or in this world around us is to act as though you are blind.

    God has openned our eyes to sin not blinded us to it.

    So, I do not agree with allowing others to go on sinning as unnoticed, especially knowing we all need a Savior.

    If we can’t see their sin then we also can’t see their need to be forgiven, or saved.

    Open our eyes Lord…that we may see Jesus!

  42. SFDBWV says:

    When I set here and write there are two thoughts that are most often in my mind; not to offend and to uplift the spirits of those who read my ramblings.

    As is so often the case if I set down and begin a message and it begins to get mired in the attempt to say what I am trying to say, I simply erase and go away from the computer. This was the situation yesterday in that what I was being led to say was not uplifting, rather to use a street term “I was keeping it real”.

    The reality of belleu and Maru’s comments bring it all to the surface. I would be repeating much of what I have already said in this string of topics and conversation to say that this is a cold and cruel world, merciless, unfair and unequal in everything.

    There is so much injustice and darkness in the world that only those blessed people who don’t think about such things can go on about their lives unconcerned and oblivious to it in a cocoon of contentment. Because if you try and figure it all out you are never at peace.

    When I think of such things I come to one conclusion; if not for my faith in God and the promises found in the Holy Bible relevant to Jesus of Nazareth, life would be meaningless and death a welcome end to all the pain life gives.

    But it is that glimmer of hope that stays alive in me, in that Jesus the Christ lives on in my soul that keeps me from giving up.

    Mitchell will see his daughter again, all the mental anguish belleu has suffered and may I say all the unhappiness and suffering Matthew has endured will turn to joy when *that* morning arises and the dawn of a new day when they see Christ face to face.

    It is that one thing that keeps me from going mad.

    It is a beautiful fall day in the mountains; I will be content with that for now.


  43. poohpity says:

    Gary, no one said we will not see sin in others but to point that out is not our job while neglecting it in our own life but to show mercy seems to be. To love others as God has loved us and he loved us by showing us mercy and there is not one person that deserves that mercy, not one.

  44. BruceC says:

    Exactly Steve, a life without the Lord Jesus Christ is no life at all. Just a spinning of one’s wheels you may say on the way to a very horrible place. An existence with out real love. He is why life is worth living; no matter how hard it is.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  45. remarutho says:

    Good Evening All —

    I believe it was Steve who pointed out how crazy-making the ways of the world are. The cruelty and darkness of humanity constantly battle against the glorious image of God in humanity. God’s great mercy is the only hope of life for the guilty. There is not one among us who is not guilty. Justice and mercy reside in our Creator God in ways that are hard to understand.

    Robert Gelinas, in Mercy Prayer, cites several Old Testament Scriptures to support his statement that God is full of mercy, was full of mercy and will forever be full of mercy: Deuteronomy 4:31, 13:17; Nehemiah 9:31; Psalm 25:6; Micah 7:18. God’s mercy is our only hope, especially when a death is senseless and brutal and disturbing.

    If not for Jesus, I would be answering for all my sins with no hope of atonement. God’s mercy is far greater than mere just measure. There is no way around God’s mystery and sovereignty. Finally every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord. Still weeping for Allie’s sudden death. Tears with hope.


  46. foreverblessed says:

    Thank you Maru, for sharing this story with us, and how God is leading you how to deal with it,
    as you say, it looks a bit wimpy, just only to listen and to stand side by side with Mitchell.
    But isn’t that what we have to learn, we must grow less and Jesus must grow bigger.
    It is quite humbling for our own self, we do not know how to solve it, but my own human strength wants to solve this, with the knowledge and love God gives me.
    I want to give explanations, on how God is, on how He allows things, but this is beyond my comprehension.
    In fact, this actually is a lack of faith.

    So my prayer is: God give us more faith in You, that we may rest in Your Hiding Place.
    As Steve was writing, people who live in a cocoon of contentment. I actually believe that exactly that is the position we can grow into when we are shielded in faith in Jesus Christ!
    Like Stephen, who was untouched by the terrible persucution that happened to him, he was looking upwards to Jesus!

    This is such a great process we are in, I pray that we learn this more and more. Not to look at the bad, at the sin, but to look to Jesus instead. Gary was saying, this is like being blind to sin. Well…. that is exactly the reason why I did not do that, it looked wimpy to me, not real. But now I have learned that looking to sin, to the bad things, do not solve anything at all, in fact, I was getting more and more depressed. It doesn’t lead to anything.
    So I am learning this now, look to Jesus and be saved!
    Looking to Jesus amidst turmoil and sin is a thing that has to be learned, it is the discipline we have to go through.

    We do not have to wait till the Kingdom is reality in the physical world, the Kingdom is already here, if we have spiritual eyes to see it. That means, we see it in the Spirit, but not in the flesh.
    Weren’t we told in the New Testament, to die to sin, to die to self, to die to the world? This situation of Mitchell is one of those things in which we learn to do this, although I do not think you can tell him that now.
    What we have to do with a person like Mitchell, I pray the Holy Spirit will tell, and we follow.
    God bless you all!

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