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Jesus’ Manifesto

DSC01088The word “manifesto” is often associated with the Socialist Manifesto of Marx and Engels (1842). But in a more general sense it is a public declaration of intentions as issued by a government or a political party.

If Jesus had a manifesto, or inaugural address, it probably would be what we now call his Sermon on the Mount. Outlined by the not yet recognized,  long awaited, King of promise (Matt 4:12-17), this teaching moment followed a captivating display of power (Matt 4:25-25) and announced the principles of his rule (Matt 5:1-10). It began with his declaration of what it means for his citizens to be considered fortunate, to be congratulated, well off, and blessedly happy.

Even though the pronouncements of value and principle that we find in Jesus’ kingdom manifesto should not be considered as stand-alones (apart from him), each of them, individually and together, deserve careful and fresh thinking.

Consider, for instance, his first statement: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt 5:3).

Why would Jesus declare the desirability of what could sound to us like a mark of the “have-nots” of the world?

Who is he talking about? Could the King who had begun moving toward his own public execution have in mind the citizen who is beginning to see and believe things like:

My interests are not more important than the interests of others.
My thoughts are not more deserving of consideration than the thoughts of others.
My ways are not better than God’s ways.
God’s desires for me are wiser than my desires for him.
The pain of others is as deserving of attention as my own pain.
What God wants to do for us is worth far more than my efforts to take care of myself— and those who depend on me.
My sense of what I need is far less reliable than God’s understanding of the same.
My idea of happiness is of little importance compared to heaven’s view.
My idea of what makes a good or bad day might be far different if I could see things through the window of the King’s palace— or eyes.

In Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase of The Message, he fleshes out the first principle of Jesus’ kingdom like this:” You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.”

Could anything here be a thought starter for why Jesus began his declaration of a new kind of social order with what many might see as a “have-not happiness”? Most importantly, as we think about this kingdom value together, is there a way in which we can see that Jesus himself was the ultimate example of what it means to be poor in spirit… and blessed in the highest sense?

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50 Responses to “Jesus’ Manifesto”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Poor in Spirit simply means to me “Humble*. Let humble define itself.


  2. Mart De Haan says:

    In trying to see what it would look like to devalue my own natural inclinations, the resulting deflation of personal assets and perceived entitlements seemed to bring the idea into different light.

  3. BruceC says:

    Could “poor in spirit” refer to one that has become bereft of ego, pride and his own definition of self-worth; and has come to realize that if we are powered and driven by “I” that we will go nowhere in God’s eyes. We have come to the end of ourself.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  4. SFDBWV says:

    In my opinion self is the base of all sin. Even in just my saying “in my” places *me* in front of what ever I may say, think, or do.

    How does a person *completely* remove *self* from any equation involving them; by its being a negative power.

    Being humble in spirit means, just as Bruce alluded to, removal of self from any interaction with other people especially God.

    No ego, no arrogance, no judgments, the removal of self importance, but without the adoption of having no worth.

    Being totally humble as Jesus implies in having a *poor* spirit is not a simple accomplishment and one you don’t just decide to have. This one line of the beatitudes like all the others are what Jesus lays out for us to work toward and for most of us it is a road traveled all of our life in this planet under the onus of its being accursed.


  5. SFDBWV says:

    Allow me to elaborate or confuse my sight. In using another piece of advice from Jesus; He says for us to turn the other cheek when slapped.

    After study and discernment I have come to understand this statement to mean first of all, if insulted or debased or sassed by someone, just turn the matter around and show love to the person anyway.

    This attitude is in concert with proverbs whereas we are told a kind word turns away wrath, or at least doesn’t inflame the situation.

    If we are *poor* (humble) in spirit, after getting insulted by someone, we just absorb the insult try and understand the pain of the other person and see their brokenness instead of becoming offensively defensive and going in for the attack; something a person of *strong* spirit would do, not humble at all, rather assertive.

    In showing humble love we *may* turn an enemy into a brother, not *best* him in an altercation and feel *self* vindication in doing so.

    Clear as mud?


  6. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    Mart, you wrote:

    (Jesus made)
    “…a captivating display of power (Matt 4:23-25) and announced the principles of his rule (Matt 5:1-10).”

    Jesus is a remarkable King! He is entirely loving and entirely self-giving and when Jesus exercises his authority over natural and supernatural things, the people fall in love with him, don’t they?

    For as often and with as much resentment as media and humanistic commenters “dis” the Bible, it is there we get to hear how Jesus exercised his authority from the Father. Eugene Peterson translates Matt 4:23-25:

    “From there he went all over Galilee. He used synagogues for meeting places and taught people the truth of God. God’s kingdom was his theme—that beginning right now they were under God’s government, a good government! He also healed people of their diseases and of the bad effects of their bad lives. Word got around the entire Roman province of Syria. People brought anybody with an ailment, whether mental, emotional, or physical. Jesus healed them, one and all. More and more people came, the momentum gathering. Besides those from Galilee, crowds came from the “Ten Towns” across the lake, others up from Jerusalem and Judea, still others from across the Jordan.”

    Kings Jesus’ manifesto is the Law of Love, it seems to me. Heaven came to the lowest level to offer the highest rule.


  7. petros says:

    Oh how my soul rejoices when I can observe and join in with brothers and sisters in Christ making the sermon on the mount part of their fellowship conversations.

    The thing that has been resonating with me this last month is that Jesus states that blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons/children of God. I feel the spirit is teaching me how to be a peacemaker in that as he works on us over time in conforming us into the image of his Son, we move in the direction of no longer seeing those who might be adverse or hostile towards us, and towards seeing them as people just like us who need to be restored and made whole to that state of Shalom/peace.

    A huge part of God’s will for our lives as believers is for us to be a conduit for God’s tremendous love, Ephesians 3:14-19. To pursue being an active part in God’s restoring others to Shalom, and to do it with exuberant joy and enthusiasm ( in Theos – God in us). And possibly even doing this with the kind of passion & reckless abandon that we might pursue other non eternal goals, not worrying about being a “Doormat” with people taking advantage of us but being thrilled to be used as a “Welcome Mat” into the Kingdom of Heaven!


  8. remarutho says:

    So agree, Petros!

    The legacy of God in the flesh is that He is still the way to the Peaceable Kingdom here and now among us!
    Best news ever. Maru

  9. poohpity says:

    I “have not” the wisdom to know what is best for my life or the lives of others but the Lord does.

    I “have not” the ability to see in the heart of man to determine his motives but the Lord does.

    I “have not” the strength to get through this life but the Lord does.

    I “have not” the ability to really love but the Lord does.

    I “have not” the faith I need but the Lord gives.

    I “have not” the ability to live out what the Lord teaches without His Spirit.

    I “have not” the knowledge needed to understand how creation works but the Lord does.

    I “have not” so why do I want others to look to me rather than pointing them to the Lord “Who Has”.

  10. Artle says:

    Mart De Haan says:October 18, 2013 at 6:42 am: In trying to see what it would look like to devalue my own natural inclinations, the resulting deflation of personal assets and perceived entitlements seemed to bring the idea into different light.

    Speaks to the incredible complex, yet equally simple answer: Impossible with man; possible with God.

  11. petros says:

    Excellent, Poohpity, I’m going to meditate on your admonitions! Thank you!

  12. oneg2dblu says:

    If one could only remove the “I” that reigns so perfectly in the middle of all our sin, then, would we not have all “our worldly temptations” conquered?

    Is not all the worldly temptation that we surrender to directed to pleasing the worldly “I” or (eye) in all of us?

    Be it our insatiable hunger and thirst for pleasure, or need for attention, power, fulfillment, you name it, we all want it, and the corruptions of this world are always there to support and provide them all for us.

    The world does not preach let the Lord Jesus Christ be the Only One who really can meet all your needs take care of you both here and forever, unless they also profit from it, and lovingly pursue a way they can then provide it for you.

    That unfortunately can take place anywhere in this entire material world, but our gratest need is not found in this relm, but the Spiritual, and that is where we find our personal relatrionship with Christ must exist.

    Have a Great DDay in the Sprit. Gary

  13. oneg2dblu says:

    correction… our greatest need is not found in this realm,
    Have a Great Day in the Spirit. :O

  14. bubbles says:

    Thought poor in spirit meant that one could not do what they need to do without the help of the Holy Spirit working in them; knowing that we NEED His help, and relying on Him for that help; asking for wisdom, asking for wisdom and help. Acknowledging that we cannot do this in our own strength.

  15. poohpity says:

    Jesus was a prime example of being “poor” in Spirit. He repeatedly pointed people to the Father, did the Fathers’ Will, did not desire notoriety or acclaim, served rather than being served, talked to those that society pushed out and believed to be worthless but everything was about revealing the Fathers’ love, grace, pursuit of us and mercy. Jesus lived what He taught to bring Glory to the Father.

  16. belleu says:

    I’ve always thought the “poor in Spirit” described those who realize they are sinners. Their spirits are low on oil and they know they need the Holy Spirit to fill them. The Pharisees were not like that. They thought they were pretty good people. But harlots and fishermen knew they weren’t.

    I can’t see Jesus being poor in spirit in this definition. Although he did know he needed the Father in him and prayed all the time. He said he only did what his Father told him to do.

    As for the whole Sermon on the Mount being a manifesto – yes, and it is a wonderful one! Most of it is the opposite of the customs of this world. That is probably why it is so beautiful – yet so hard to do sometimes. Judging others and not forgiving your enemies is so easy and natural. Not doing that takes prayer.

  17. BruceC says:


    Humble people(those that have humbled themselves before the Lord)are the ones who realize they are sinners. I don ‘t think the proud do.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  18. BruceC says:


    That’s what I think also. That all sIn has its root in prIde; just as it did with Satan. In my opinion pride is exalting your ways or yourself above God, God’s ways, or others. A “my way or the highway” attitude.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  19. SFDBWV says:

    What is it that Jesus says the *poor in spirit* have; “the kingdom of heaven”.

    Is this not a present tense comment? Not only a future tense, but a statement of what they have now as well.

    Humble people have found a way of having peace on earth, with the inclusion of Jesus they have been given the kingdom of heaven as well; peace in their *spirit*.

    Luke 2:10, 11, 12, 13, 14 “peace on earth good will toward men.”
    Luke 17:21 “the kingdom of God is within you.”


  20. tracey5tgbtg says:

    Mart asked, “Why would Jesus declare the desirability of what could sound to us like a mark of the “have-nots” of the world?”

    In this world there are the “haves” and the “have-nots” although most people identify with the “have-nots.” Most people don’t think “I *have* everything,” even though to others it may appear that they do.

    But still, Jesus does say you are blessed if you are poor in spirit. To me this implies a lack, a need, an absence of what others have. Poor in spirit, as I understand it, says hopelessness, depression, mental anguish. And yes, God is close to those who are brokenhearted. Psalm 34:18

    I think Matthew 5:5 – blessed are the meek – may speak to those whose hearts are humbled. But to the world they probably don’t appear humble. They probably appear to be very submissive like doormats, except in their devotion to God.

    The beatitudes have much to think about. Very simple at first and yet these words go against what the world says is desirable. A good reason not look to this world as to what is desirable and right.

  21. bubbles says:

    Tracey, I agree with you. There is much to think about. I guess Jesus wanted us to think about what He was teaching, but then other times I wonder why He taught this way. Why did He not come straight out and say point blank what he wanted us to know and actually define what these words meant?

  22. SFDBWV says:

    Tracey I too agree with you that *meek* is in contention with being “high spirited, mettlesome, insubordinate, and rebellious” and the opposite of arrogant; I think that Jesus has a theme in His Sermon on the Mount and He is speaking to the attitude of people’s hearts and using words He intends for people to *think about*. Not for us to disagree about.

    In Psalm 51:10, 11 David asks for a *right* spirit and asks for God not to take the Holy Spirit from him.

    If a person wishes to express the wildness of a horse, one might say it is *high spirited* and its *spirit* has to be broken before it can be of use.

    Whereas I see a person who is *poor in spirit* as lacking *spirit* and so humble or broken as in lacking all signs of pride. I see meek as being timid, non aggressive and submissive. These two attitudes seem to be related and in concert with each other.

    Easily I understand why Jesus used such words for us to understand the direction He wants for our attitudes to be working towards. As I said earlier, these are not attitudes you just decide to adopt, they take a lifetime of working on to obtain.

    I am getting the feeling I have been too long at the table, so I think I will call in the dogs and put out the fire; see all tomorrow.


  23. poohpity says:

    Have not’s seem to recognize their need. I do not believe that anyone has the ability to be like the sermon on the mount in their own strength, does it not take a submissive person who will allow the Lord to work in their lives? Rather than trying, we abide in Him, being submissive to the Will of the Father. Most do not ever seem to get away from “I Wants” to do what “God wants”. He seems to want us to believe and abide in Him to work out His life through us but doesn’t it take a spirit that is willing to yield, to become poor? “My ways are not better than God’s ways”

    Before we approach any situation is there a pause, taking the time to ask “how do you want me to deal with this?”. A time of “me” becoming less and God becoming more. God knows a heart that wants His will to be done, that searches and seeks Him above all else, God knows. Those are the one’s that God shows the kingdom to, those who have time and a desire to go after Him like a precious gem or a hidden treasure.

  24. belleu says:

    I see what you all mean about the poor in spirit being humble. It is only the humble who would see their need.

    I found it interesting what Mart wrote: “My idea of happiness is of little importance compared to heaven’s view.” I remember realizing that my feeling happy is not a top priority with God. Learning from life and from Him is what is most important. That kind of threw me at the time – but I’ve come to accept it. Joy in Christ is different than happiness. Joy in knowing Him and knowing I will one day be with him is sometimes the only piece of happiness I have some days – but I find it is enough.

  25. SFDBWV says:

    In trying to figure how to broach my thoughts this morning I am seeing a great many directions to go; a problem I often have.

    A “have not happiness” scenario gives me a mental picture of *monks* or *nuns*, but seems to collide with any attempt to marry, have children and build a family life.

    Whereas being Christian, giving up family and worldly desires seems to be the best way to serve God, without marriage, and children what happens to Christianity?

    Totally removed from the norms of the world Christians would become a group of men and women dependant on the conversion of other people’s children in order to continue as a presence in the world.

    Is it God’s desire for Christian people not to marry and reproduce, but be a force of single people with a single purpose?

    If it is God’s desire for us to wed and have children, then is it not also God’s desire for us to care for them and provide for them, to not only build a family but to expect the abundance of God’s blessings and promises for being obedient to Him and to His Son?

    Is “have not happiness” in contrast to what God promises to His children?

    Is “have not happiness” what Jesus is implying?

    I have my own answers, but am open to what others may think.


  26. bubbles says:

    So are you implying that those without a family are somehow missing out?

    I disagree.

    I am weary of “Christian” people treating those without families and children like an off cast, like they do not matter; as though something is wrong with them. That is one thing that ‘christians’have wrong.

  27. SFDBWV says:

    No Bubble”s that is not what I am implying at all.


  28. tracey5tgbtg says:

    In reading over the statements in small print in Mart’s post, I am reminded of Philippians 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

    I always want to post far more comments than I actually do. I read the blog every day and as foreverblessed has said, I sometimes fear that I am making it into an idol.

    Is it humility that keeps me silent most of the time or is it pride? Is it pride that makes it hard to post feelings and thoughts and risk them being rejected?

    Steve – you brought up a term “have not happiness” and asked if that was what Jesus was implying. If have not happiness means being content in whatever circumstances life puts us in then yes, I think that is what Jesus was implying. I don’t think it is for us to search out a life that fits the “holiness” bill, but to accept the life we have been given right here and now and say “It is good because You are with me.”

    Tomorrow will be good because You are God and You are with me. Whatever today brings, whatever tomorrow brings, give me the strength to accept it, get through it and follow You, doing the good that You would have me do because You are with me and there is no greater blessing.

    And when I fail to simply rest in You and trust in You and start wanting what I want and what I think best, have mercy, discipline me, bring me back to You.

  29. SFDBWV says:

    Do you think that Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is a directive for His followers to give up any and all of life’s pleasures for a “have not happiness”?

    What would Christianity look like if every follower gave up getting married or having children?

    If one decides not to get married or have children that’s fine, but if one decides that they want to get married and have children, how then can they expect for their families to suffer the poverty of having nothing believing this is the will of God, and is this what Jesus is asking of His followers when He says things like “poor in spirit, meek” etcetera?

    This is what Mart asks in his topic and what I am as well.


  30. poohpity says:

    I may be wrong but “have not” has nothing to do with marriage, children or material things. It seems more like I am spiritually bankrupt without the Lord. With the Lord coming first in my life I can become a better parent, spouse and use the material things I have to help others. It does not seem to be asking us to live a life of deprivation.

    I believe the scripture teaches us to be content with/in where ever we are. Putting Him above all else gives us the ability to have joy when everything looks so bad, have hope, love better, do good, rise above suffering/sorrow/trials.

    The sermon on the mount seems to be addressing attitudes we have about everything that happens in life and relationships with others through our relationship with God. Bankrupt (have not) spirit compared to one that is rich spiritually.

  31. poohpity says:

    I do not look at this blog as an addiction, I look at it like my friends that like to discuss different topics. How many times do you get to talk about these things in our daily life without meeting together like this. I am forever grateful for being able to meet everyone and talk with you all. I would have never met any of you if not for this forum. :-)

  32. poohpity says:

    When we pray is it not admitting we “have not” and are in need, as in a dependent relationship? Just acting without praying is that not saying I have no need of direction?

  33. Rocky says:

    I believe that this passage may have a different meaning for all of us.

    Personally when I read this passage a person who is poor in spirit is a person who has a low self esteem.

    Blessed are the poor in spirit these are the people that have recognized that they have a low self esteem and know that only through God’s Spirit living and working through them can they not only be blessed but as Phil. 4:13 reminds us that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

    This is when people begin to live a life that is more abundant! In every area of our lives, it’s not something that is instant, it’s going to take hard work on our part, Desire, Ambition, Determination but we can’t do it if we lean on our own understanding, or if we only listen to the word of those around us who for “our own good” will prevent and keep us from doing what God created us to do.


  34. poohpity says:

    I was thinking that “have not– happiness” is like a child who is so dependent on their parents for their every need that they have a care free attitude. For us it is that same type of attitude, one of recognizing our need for God. If we desire anything more than we desire God that is idol worship.

  35. bubbles says:

    Happiness does not come from things.

  36. bubbles says:

    The word “poor” in Matthew 5 comes from the Greek word ptochos meaning to crouch, as a beggar, a pauper distressed.

    This does not sound like one who has low self esteem. On the contrary, the Word was constantly teaching that it is not of our work, but allowing God to work through us. It does not anywhere teach of self pride or assurance.

  37. bubbles says:

    Contrary to pop psychology about “self esteem and self pride,” the Bible speaks of doing away with such things. It should not be about ourselves but about what the Holy Spirit does through us. The fruit of the spirit has nothing to do with how we feel about ourselves. There is no good thing in us.

  38. Artle says:

    Blessed is he who loves the Lord with all his heart and his neighbor as himself, placing the interest of His Lord and his neighbor above his own, for he lives in the Kingdom of Heaven.

  39. remarutho says:

    Good Evening BTA Friends –

    It seems to me that Western style followers of Jesus resist the kingly authority our Savior has over us. Possibly, this culture of privilege and fierce freedoms makes Westerners less flexible. Our backs do not easily bend into the kow tow position of submission to the Ruler of the universe.

    Was struck by the closing principle of your list of statements, Mart, of the adjusted thinking of a follower of Jesus, according to the Beatitude Manifesto. You wrote:

    “My idea of what makes a good or bad day might be far different if I could see things through the window of the King’s palace— or eyes.”

    I recently sustained a put-down from a co-worker in the form of a social media posting. It was painful, but I had a dream a few days after the “insult.” I dreamed this person was wearing a piece of silver jewelry worked with turquoise. I admired the thing in my dream, and the person who had insulted me took off the ornament and gave it to me, then swiftly departed. As I woke, I was running, silver and turquoise in hand, to thank my co-worker for the generosity I had been shown.

    The meaning of the dream is not in accord with my emotions of disappointment and discomfort at being treated with disrespect. Yet, it may turn out that this co-worker of mine has given me a precious gift. Cannot help wondering whether it is not the purity of the Lord’s view that has come to me in a dream. I had no sense of a “generous gift” while I was “awake.” The dream is a different – maybe a heavenly view! I see it all very differently in the light of Matthew 5:1-10.


  40. belleu says:

    Maru, what a wonderful and meaningful dream! Perhaps the gift your co-worker gave you was a lesson in self-control, forgiveness, loving those who hurt you and not holding a grudge. These lessons hurt and yet God must deem them very important to spiritual growth. I’ll bet it is the Lord’s view!

  41. royalpalm says:

    Thanks for this topic and the insightful comments.

    To me it is significant that Jesus started the Beatitudes with “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” I believe that it is only when a person realizes that before a holy God he is absolutely nothing that his spiritual walk with God begins. This is the work of God in the person’s life. A person who is poor in spirit is humble and contrite for he has discovered that all his works of righteousness has earned him nothing in God’s kingdom.

    Everything that we have – righteousness, peace, salvation, etc. is from God, the result of our faith in His Son. Even these are the fruit of the Holy Spirit that indwells us. As Paul wrote, “For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.” Rom. 11:36

    How we live our lives shows how we give God the worship, honor and glory that is due to Him.

  42. Mart De Haan says:

    I’ll try to post something new tomorrow. But for now I enlarged and put in bold the list that I would like you to interact on. I was trying to imagine the relational implications of being “poor in spirit” and probably made them difficult to read by making them so small.

  43. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    I think so too, Belleu! What my “world-hardened” mind might see as an i.e.d. along the road of life, the Lord means for an oasis of learning and growth.

    It seems to me the Lord is not insensitive in assessing what is needed for spiritual and character growth. Rather, as in the silver & turquoise dream, Jesus gives a strong corrective for wrong thinking, and wrong feeling (if there is such a thing).

    See how the dream produces joy — where the waking view of my colleague’s act produces sad disappointment. What I was tempted to interpret as poverty is really wealth in kingdom terms.


  44. Artle says:

    ? (Matt 4:25-25)

  45. Artle says:

    Mart ended with, “..is there a way in which we can see that Jesus himself was the ultimate example of what it means to be poor in spirit… and blessed in the highest sense?”

    Since He was explaining how to follow Him, it makes sense He would be the ultimate example of poor in spirit which is not the same as being poor in Spirit.

    Blessed are the poor in (their own) spirit: for theirs is the (Spirit and) kingdom of heaven.

  46. Artle says:

    I imagine Eugene’s “end of the rope” thought is in the right direction but too near the knot. I do not think a disciple needs to be at the limit of his endurance in order to be happy which is what blessed means.

  47. Artle says:

    Spiritually happy, not temporally.

  48. oneg2dblu says:

    Good day all… to me, the entire Jesus Manifesto is summed up in only two words.
    Christ shared them with us all, and also the rich young ruler who said he had led a “law abiding” perfect life since he was a liitle child, but Christ saw an obstacle still left as something that could compete with all this perfection the ruler still worshiped. Christ told him to sell all his material possessions and give the proceeds to the poor because that would store up for him things in the Heaven.
    But, was the finaL OBSTACLE really in the way because removing that would certainly have made the ruler a perfect person, but even that was not enough, because Christ added, the one law that none of us should ever fail to obey, “follow me.”

  49. poohpity says:

    Those things that are highlighted would only be possible with a complete trust and dependence on/in God. How can one come to terms with them if we still feel we know what is better for another or ourselves than what God has told us? If we have never fully relied on God or experienced coming to the end of self will we ever be able to see or believe that His ways are right and true? That He is able because we are not.

    Self reliance rather than God reliance. Trusting in One who can see the beginning and the end. Who’s wisdom far exceeds anything we can see or touch but that is the problem isn’t it? If one has not experienced God then we really are not aware of all that He is and knows by laying oneself on the alter and having faith in the unseen. We can not hear His voice because we are talking to loud or do we really want to hear from Him because He may ask us to do something that is far against our comfort zone into the unknown of dependence.

    I do not want to consider others as better than myself because I am trying to find who I am and that is more important. My pain is more important, what I have to say is more important, getting what I want is more important, making decisions for others because I know what is better for them, no one knows as much as I know so listen to me. Do I really believe that there is a God who wants to be involved in my everyday life? If I do not do things no one will or no one can do things better than I can. Look at all I do, I am so wonderful then why do I feel so miserable. Why is this happening to me, I do not deserve this?

    Do we really trust God or just our understanding of Him through our eyes as long as He fits into the box we have decided to put Him in? Have I experienced what God has given me to experience or am I in the way?

  50. oneg2dblu says:

    Yes, we can stay here, spend ourselves completely on all that, or we can just Follow Him. and, “Let the dead bury the dead.”

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