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The Kindness of Alois

P1030588Ilie and his sister Deborah are survivors of “The Night of Broken Glass.” In their book, An Uncommon Journey, they describe the fear they felt as they hid from the soldiers who had been ordered to ransack Jewish businesses and synagogues. They say they also will never forget the kindness of Alois, a young military officer, who risked his life to tell their father, “Gather your family tonight. Tell them to come here. Keep everyone inside. You will not be touched.” They remember later hearing the voices and boots that stopped at their door, and then moved on. In their words, “We were passed over. We were shielded by Alois. We were saved.”

But what about those who didn’t have someone like an Alois? Or, what about the Egyptians who died on the night of Israel’s first great Passover rescue from Egypt?

Would it help to suggest that the point of both is not to answer all of our questions. Their purpose is to gratefully remember a savior.

Does it help even more to remember that the story of Israel’s safe Exodus didn’t end there. According to the New Testament, that first Passover pointed to the God who would eventually, and voluntarily, sacrifice his own life, for the whole world.  The result is that  anyone who trusts in him will be able to gratefully remember forever the One who saved our everlasting life.

Does it help to shift the focus from questions about someone else’s Uncommon Journey… to an answer now offered to all?

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12 Responses to “The Kindness of Alois”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    I have often thought of how it was possible for such ignorant cruelty to have happened during the rise of Nazi power in Germany. However with the rise of Islamic violence in these past few decades it seems evil is still alive and well in the world.

    WWI was touted as “the war to end all wars.” WWII was an allied action to stop the power of Nazi and imperialist aggressor nations and offer the world *peace*.

    I would suppose this story goes farther back in time to any people who just wanted to be left alone to live in peace, but peace denied them because of the evil in men.

    Indeed Mart, peace, real peace can only come from God in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.

    As the *true* war to end all wars looms on the horizon, whereas it will bring only death and destruction, the victory is not because of the war, but because the King of Kings will finally bring true peace to the world.

    In Him lay our hopes and dreams for peace.


  2. tracey5tgbtg says:

    When I read Mart’s comment I think that it is not important whether our lives are saved in times of peril. Maybe rescue will come. Maybe it won’t. Sometimes people are saved from death, sometimes they aren’t. What is important is – are we saved eternally?

    I agree with your comment, “The result is that anyone who trusts in him will be able to gratefully remember forever the One who saved our everlasting life.”

    I read the article in the link. I didn’t notice any mention of thanks to God for saving their lives.

    Did Jesus come to earth to save us from the atrocities of evil or to save us from our own sinful hearts?

    Even after we have surrendered our lives to Jesus and trusted in Him as Savior and know that we have eternal life and are saved from separation from Him, we still have pain and suffering. We are still hurt by this world. We still must face a physical death.

  3. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends –

    The “Kindness of Alois” makes me see the face of Jesus when he gave Ilie and Deborah’s family protection and hope. I believe his savior-like action does merit mention of Alois as a kindhearted Gentile. It is a wonder that the Wacs have not tried to find Alois before the 21st century. Reporters asked, “What is the moral of your story about how Alois gave you help?”

    “In response, Wacs said, ‘There is no moral. Life is random. Survival is primarily a matter of luck. We survived because of that man, but if that man hadn’t been around, we wouldn’t have survived. It’s difficult to draw moral conclusions.’” (huffpost.com)

    It seems to me we are on our own in drawing conclusions from this inspiring story. The authors (Ilie at least) make no claim for this Gentile messiah. The opinion of the author does not change Alois’ resemblance to Jesus Christ. He is a “Schindler” in the life of the Wacs family. It may be at this time, much later in life, this brother and sister want to settle their outstanding business before they die.

    My belief is that the search for Alois is the stirring of a moral imperative. I pray this action will bring one or both of these siblings to faith in God rather than in luck.


  4. poohpity says:

    I can not say how many times I have unanswered questions about how things come about or don’t happen or the reasons they do. What is it about some coming through situations and others not making it. I think of the faith of Corrie Ten Boom’s sister and how she did not make it but Corrie did and that also applies to the many Jews who’s lives were taken and then those who were spared. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND but I do know that if the Lord meant me to know the reasons He would open my heart for understanding.

    What I do know is that tomorrow we celebrate the 1st Sunday of Advent which is the Hope Sunday. My hope is based on a Savior who gave His life for all the people of the world and as we share in His body and blood we are also given a Hope that one day He will come again and bring us into His Kingdom to share in His Glory.

    I can become burdened with all the things I do not understand or praise God for the little I do that He saved my “everlasting life”. The boots have marched past and did not open a door that would have lead to death. I may not miss a physical death but I have put my hope in a spiritual birth and a changed attitude about not understanding that which I was never meant to understand.

  5. oneg2dblu says:

    We know there are some questionss that are not clearly going to be answered for us in the here and now.

    I would guess that God has chosen not to show us all things lest we become like gods ourselves,knowing all things.

    But, there is one thing He has let us all to know through His word, He is God and we are not.

    He will show mercy on those He shows mercy, and He will show His wrath on those He chooses as well, and He is not a respector of persons.

    That certainly can sound harsh to us an unfair until we realize He choose us!

    His Justice will be completed as He sees fit, and His will, will be done.

    How perfectly wonderful to know all things are ultimately under His control and not ours.

    We are blessed to be Under His Influence and given His Holy Spirit to help us stay there.

    All the little stories of the lives and deaths of those before us help define part of who we are, and the bible helps define Who He is, and where we are going.

    That to me, is The Greatest Story Ever Told!

  6. Ted M. Gossard says:

    Good point. I end up wanting to leave certain hard questions unanswered. Maybe someday we’ll be able to understand better, even though we’ll certainly never be able to completely track with God. It’s important we step back and look at the big picture, the entire story and in looking at that see the one who died for all, so that salvation is offered to all, as we look forward to the time when heaven and earth becomes one in Jesus in the new creation.

  7. InHisHands says:

    Dear BTA friends
    It has been a long while since I commented, but I have followed along through this time.
    As with Alois, I believe – there may have been some in Israel who shared the fact that the death angel would be passing over and invited those who were their friends to stay with them for safety (though Scripture doesn’t say that specifically). Those who trusted their friends and had watched the miracles of the ONE TRUE GOD went in with them and were saved the heart ache of the loss that came. As it is today, we witness-but only those who believe and accept will be saved.

    I am asking for prayer – many of you have prayed with us for my youngest son, Joshua, through the times of trouble with the law and seizures. I was called Friday morning Nov. 29 and informed that he had died in his room. It appears he had a seizure and fallen breaking glass and cutting himself and since he was alone, he lost too much blood.

    Our greatest comfort is he professed his faith in Christ and was Baptized in evidence of that profession. We will be together again.

    Thank you in advance for all of your prayers. Please pray for financial needs, as this was so totally unexpected – we were not at all prepared for the upcoming costs. Thank you again.

  8. phpatato says:


    My heartfelt sorrows reach out to you today. Please know that I will remember you and your family in your grief and that I will be sending up prayers to our Heavenly Father. Trusting God that He will hold you tight and will encompass you in His peace.

    Wish I was close enough to hold you.



  9. poohpity says:

    InHisHands, OOOH NOOO!! I have never lost a child so I can in no way even imagine what you are going through. My heart is grieving with you and your family. Thank you so much for coming back and sharing with your friends here so we can lift up everything in prayer and mourn with you during this time.

  10. bubbles says:

    InHisHands, I am very sorry for your loss. I will pray for you and your family.

  11. cherielyn says:


    Praying for you in the loss of your son. We lost one in 2007. It is never easy. Parents are ‘supposed to go first’.

    Sorry, I accidentally made a response to Deb (Pooh) about this. My mind is not working right with the meds I am on.

    Praying for you that God will give you His peace & comforst & whatever you else need in this time of loss.



  12. foreverblessed says:

    InHisHands, may God bless you and your family, may He hold you all tight in His Hands! May He encourage you, and give you peace.

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