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The Mystery of Malaysian Airlines 370

IMG_1506_SnapseedAt any moment we may hear the answer. But for now the mysterious disappearance of the 239 passengers and crew of the missing 777 has captured the minds and hearts of the world.

For many of us, the developing story raises disturbing questions of personal risk and security, procedural errors, truth and misinformation in reporting, corporate cover-up, and implied assumptions of responsibility, blame, and guilt.

For others, there is only one real issue. For family and friends of the 239, this is far more personal than words could express. Consumed and overwhelmed by their love, they might cry out in anger, frustration, or fear, or retreat to their homes to worry and grieve in silence. But at this point, they are not so much concerned about solving the mystery, weighing in on a theory, or blaming anyone— as they are in keeping hope alive for someone they love.

Where does such love come from? Could anyone care more for us—or for those we love, than the One who now invites us into the mysteries of our own lives, to share even the smallest hint of his own mind— and heart?

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83 Responses to “The Mystery of Malaysian Airlines 370”

  1. tracey5tgbtg says:

    The not knowing is the hardest part. Having to wait and not knowing – what a struggle for me because I want to know the answers and I want to know them now. And if I can’t get an answer right away, I want to give up which is the opposite of patiently trusting and walking in faith.

    Mart asks, “Could anyone care more for us-or for those we love, than the One who now invites us into the mysteries of our own lives, to share even the smallest hint of his own mind- and heart?

    Awesome question. It is in the mysteries that we must turn to Him and seek His mind and His heart and His will. He does care for us.

  2. Bill says:

    Good Morning Mart and Friends,

    This is an important post.

    I – like many others – have followed this story from the beginning. I’ve read all the theories. I’ve watched all the reports.

    I discovered two reports today, both from the DailyMail Online (UK) – dated 15 March and 16 March – that indicate the pilot was a “fanatic” who hijacked the plane and flew it, possibly, to Pakistan. The reports say the passengers may still be alive, but held against their will.

    This information has to be particularly difficult for loved ones to hear. Any shred of information that their friends and family members are still alive will be eagerly believed and clung to. This has to be tearing them apart.

    What we see every moment of our lives is examples of God-given love – between family members, spouses, friends. Love is from God because God is love.

    It doesn’t matter if these people were Muslims, Christians, Atheists, or a mixture of all religions, or none at all. What they feel for those lost is love. And that love could only have one source – God, the creator of heaven and earth.

    I still hope and pray there’s a happy resolution to this growing mystery.

    Love to all,


    P.S. I’m not sure I’ve heard about any “corporate coverup” regarding this story. I’m not even sure such a thing is possible. Which corporations?

  3. SFDBWV says:

    I don’t recall a story that has grasped the attention of the news agencies and we who follow them as much as this mystery in quite a while.

    It is horrible from every angle and as stated made worse by not knowing for certain the fate of loved ones.

    Agreeably conspiracy theorists will abound as well as theories, even after the truth is made known.

    It makes me think of the time when the *rapture* will occur and how the world will react to the mystery of so many people’s disappearance.

    With all the satellite surveillance that goes on world wide it is difficult to imagine someone in the system doesn’t know where or what happened. This may be why so many people are beginning to doubt the news they hear.

    As stated in the mean time loved ones sit in limbo heart broken.

    Where does such love come from? Love is an emotion that transcends everything, forgives everything, a power so intense that with it always comes pain.

    I am led of course to believe love comes from our Creator and also led to believe that in the end of all things, “Love Wins”.


  4. quietgrace says:

    Wow! What a powerful analogy Mart, to see what we may feel as only an inkling of the love that God has for us, wow, powerful. Such an amazing, mysterious God we have.

    I was told when living with and praying fervently for my unsaved husband that God loved him more than I ever could. That brought me a small amount of comfort but more than that it gave me hope. And although he pushed me away and died alone, as far as anyone knows he never gave in to God’s love. I am deeply saddened by this, and know a little of what the families and friends of the missing people must be feeling right now. Whether they are found alive or not, I think it is the blessing of hope that sustains us through hard times. We don’t always receive what we had hoped for, but we don’t give up, either. Amazing love, how sweet the sound….


  5. oneg2dblu says:

    Good day all… the greater the love, the greater the pain of the one will endure for it. We can not escape the vulnerability that love brings to the heart.
    Nor can we understand the mystery of its power over us.
    If it were also an evil thing we would be helpless to overcome it, that is why we must guard the heart above all things.
    If the heart becomes hardened against the word of God, is takes great pain to break down the hardness.
    But the Creator of Our First Love, knows the greatest pain because He knows the pain of all.
    He knows how much pain some must go through before they come to their senses and return to the Father.
    When one of His hurts we all hurt.
    Now if I remember correctly, it was in the Garden that pain was birthed and came into the world when sin first overcame the heart.
    Because our loving God grants us the desires of our hearts, through our free will choices, he then will allows evil that parades as love to also be birthed in us.

    Only when adhering to the word which protects us, and obeying its guidelines about the love God created for good, do we stand protected against that seeds of evil that Satan plants in us, “Did God really say?”
    Evil has no better planting ground for its unceasing growth then to deceptively bring evil into the family of God, and into the family of God’s people, by calling it love.
    Satan knows Love Wins.
    Now, evil parades around wrapped in this thing some of us call love, which wins even the heart of those that are supposed to protect their heart from it, if it does not line up with the word of God.
    Guard your heart against the word love, until you know God’s clearly written definition.
    Not all love is form God.
    In my opinion which I’ve based on the word of God,
    Do not marry these ungodly women for they will turn your heart away from God. God knows a few things or mysteries about love, it can be used for good or evil.
    Never forget that one small point found in the word.

  6. poohpity says:

    Discovering how God pursues us much more intensely than how one would pursue this lost flight does only give us a glimpse of a love that is deeper, higher, wider and longer than anything we can imagine or even hope for, gifted to us, our family and ALL the people of this world it is amazing. The lengths God went through to search out all that are lost by giving up everything even His own Deity for such evil, rebellious, hardhearted lot to impart something so precious, His mercy. Our love is tainted; His love is pure, without fault, generous and full of grace. 1 Cor 13 gives us a hint of the actions that show His great love for us but nothing that shows it more than the outstretched arms of His One and only Son.

  7. quietgrace says:

    Wow, thanks Pooh! Beautiful.

  8. cherielyn says:

    Hmm, reading Steve’s comment: “With all the satellite surveillance that goes on world wide it is difficult to imagine someone in the system doesn’t know where or what happened. This may be why so many people are beginning to doubt the news they hear.” Got me thinking………….. Perhaps ‘they’ do know what happened to the ‘missing’ plane. Perhaps ‘they’ are being silent on the whereabouts because ‘they’ are formulating a plan to rescue the innocent passengers. Silence would be important in order not to warn those who made it disappear know that ‘they’ know where it is. Otherwise, if their hand was tipped, it would warn the perpetrators and give them time to move the passengers to another location. – Just my thoughts!

    Have a follow-up appt with my radiation doctor tomorrow. Things were looking hopeful. I was 95% better………that is until early Saturday a.m., being awakened out of deep sleep, in the wee hours, when I turned over in bed & got a severe electrical zap. At first, being so sleepy, I thought it was a dream, but then it happened a couple more times, when it was closer to time to get up. I then realized that it was not a dream. This is a setback & disappointment as I thought that this was finally behind me for good. Hoping that it is just more of the ‘healing process’ rather than a resurgence of the original condition that I have been dealing with for so many years.

  9. poohpity says:

    To me rather than make those implied assumptions on blame, guilt or responsibility and stirring up emotions for those who have lost or do not know where their loved ones are it would seem kinder to not say anything until they have concrete facts. That not only seems what our media often does regarding many circumstances but what people do to each other, making snap judgements without knowing a person’s heart.

    It can also apply to the mysteries in the Word of God, people talking as if they know it or have a relationship with the Lord without really understanding what He has given us to know yet spouting off opinions without being filled with facts of the Good News or His Spirit causing way more harm than good. Pushing people away rather than to Him, just by wanting to be heard but saying nothing but empty rhetoric to have a headline.

    Cheryl, thanks for the update will continue to pray.

  10. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,
    Hope all is well in your lives. I’m doing great because I know that the Lord is on my side…no matter what He has called me to walk through (on this side of glory), I know that He’s walking with me! :-) The service at my church today was awesome, and it makes me wonder what heaven is going to be like?
    Mart wrote,
    “For many of us, the developing story raises disturbing questions of personal risk and security, procedural errors, truth and misinformation in reporting, corporate cover-up, and implied assumptions of responsibility, blame, and guilt.”
    It’s interesting to me that so many people, especially in the U.S., are interested in a plane that disappeared in another part of the world. Bad things happen every day all over the world. Why has this bad situation captured the hearts and minds of so many people? Is it because it’s an airplane mystery (sort of bringing to mind the Amelia Earhart incident)? Don’t get me wrong, I’m also thinking about, “what if it happened in this country?” Like anyone else, if I had a loved one that mysteriously came up missing while on an airplane or whatever, I’d want to know what happened… even if I received bad news… any kind of closure would be better than not knowing anything about their whereabouts… The interest in this mystery makes the world seem a lot smaller.

    Love to all…

    Low 30’s and low 40’s in Texas today.

  11. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    Have followed this story since it was first reported. It becomes more and more convoluted as different possibilities emerge — most recently the examination of the crews’ homes. Many in my church are keeping a vigil of prayer for the families — and for the souls aboard Flight 370.

    Here is a glimpse of the mystery of God’s likeness in us: faithful saints who remember to pray for those who are lost. “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.” (Jer 31:3)

    Many are hoping for the lives of the passengers and crew alongside the families who dare to hope. It would be shocking to find that gigantic airplane camouflaged from satellite surveillance somewhere in the Middle East — but what a hope for the precious lives aboard.

    All the public commentators I have heard simply believe the plane is at the bottom of the ocean.


  12. SFDBWV says:

    Cheryl, Matt and I pray for you every night at bed time as is his habit, I pray a great deal more often as does Glenna and we all are praying for you to have a full recovery.

    We got slammed with 8 inches of snow last night and it’s only 18 degrees. The robins returned about a week ago so they will have to be patient for this much snow to go away. It usually doesn’t take long in March for the snow to melt and they are calling for rain Wednesday.

    It seems everyone is waiting on something and relying on God in the mean time.

    Watched a little news last evening and it seems all the experts have an opinion on the missing Jet liner. I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard a reporter say that there is anger and finger pointing at the USA over this matter from the families and friends of the passengers.

    I do know that the US Navy is listening to what’s going on all around the world in the ocean, that is unless Obama has pulled the plug on that too.


  13. remarutho says:

    Remembering your radiology appointment today, Cherielyn.
    God is good. May you feel God’s presence with you and the Dr.s!

  14. remarutho says:

    Remembering your radiology appointment today, Cherielyn.
    God is good. May you feel God’s presence with you and the doctors!

  15. oneg2dblu says:

    There exists no mystery about any of the souls on that flight to God, as He created every one of them and He knows exactly where they are and where they are going.
    Do we want all those loved ones, who are intimately involved to find peace in their souls about this mystery to mankind? Yes!
    Do we want “even more” for each them all to have an intimate relationship with Our Savior, where their real lasting peace awaits them, and will not be found in anything else.
    I pray for the Peace of the Lord to capture each soul
    found in anguish today, and bring it into full relationship with Him, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
    What greater love is there then to be captured by Him?

  16. oneg2dblu says:

    If it is really required to know another persons heart before speaking out to them about their need to have Christ in their life?
    I think not, if we know God’s word which says that God has already put eternity in the hearts of man for a reason.
    Knowing their greatest need for their eternity is only found in knowing Him.
    We also know that it is evil that is in the heart of every man, evil that is the enemy of God and naturally opposes Him.
    Until that evil is replaced with a Christ shaped divine implant, there will always remain a void in the heart of man.
    Come Lord Jesus and fill those voids where the things of this world now try to fill.

  17. phpatato says:

    My husband just flew to go visit his family in Newfoundland. There is a website called flightradar that shows all the flights in the world in real time. I was able to track his flight from start to finish. While sitting there watching the plane inch it’s way on the map, I was able to check out the other flights on there as well. It gives details on where the flight originated as well as the destination; the flight number on the particular airline; the cruising altitude; the cruising speed; and the size of the aircraft. Looking at the flights over JFK, Atlanta (which is reported to be the busiest airport in the world), Chicago and even Japan, it is crazy scary. The number of planes in the sky at any one time is unbelievable. To me, if one wasn’t looking directly at and following the progress of a particular flight, it could easily disappear from radar unnoticed. Air traffic controllers certainly earn their wage especially in the bigger airports in the world. It got me thinking and had me wowing to realize that to God, this is so easy to keep track of. After all, he tells the stars at night, calling them each by name, when to shine. Thank you Steve for adding a wow for me. I have imagined just what that radar screen will possibly look like at the time of the Rapture. I am, of course, not caring how it will be explained away because I will be, in a twinkling of an eye, among those who simply disappeared. It makes me sad though that there will be people left behind that will be making theories as to what happened. I have unsaved loved ones that I am praying for.

    May God richly Bless each of you today.


  18. poohpity says:

    Wow Gary, a Godly message and prayer. Good job! Certainly does not sound like the voice of the Gary I know and have grown to love. The Spirit of the Lord must be working in your life.

  19. poohpity says:

    I was speaking about the 9:27am post the second sounds more like you and here I was getting all excited.

  20. oneg2dblu says:

    Those of us who now deceptively embrace the world’s view have mistakenly allowed the world to define for us many things that closely mimic the same pure images found in God’s word, where at first glance, they too appear to be the real thing and are so easily passed on, as being Love, Peace, Joy and the like, but they are counter-God and counterfeit, because they do not fit, or match up, or overlay properly, (PUN intended) when pressing upon His Never-changing Word.
    Those things that deceive but feel so good to us in this world, are designed for those who do not really know God’s Word, as they are easily passed along as if they are real, but they are only a worldly deception, as the real Love, Peace, Joy, Forgiveness, that we really need but are now corrupted by man, can and should only come from God.
    Who by the way, is the Only One, who really knows the heart.
    Be Blessed, Gary

  21. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… I trust that Spirit is working in you as well.

  22. oneg2dblu says:

    I loved that Rapture Radar Screen image. I’m sure it will certainly be nothing but “pure light” moving all over that screen, and how bright it will be to all those who are now living in their own deceptive darkness.
    What a blinding image. :)

  23. poohpity says:

    Gary, you can trust God to work in the lives of any who humbly seek and desire to know Him. I heard a teacher once say that when we get to heaven there will be those who we never thought would be there and those we thought would be there but are not. You are right about deception but NO one can deceive God and that is all that really counts. To me it is not my business whether another is deceiving people but it is my business about my response to God that is the only thing I can work on as in clinging to Him and there will be times when I fall down, falter and let go but there is a safety rope tied around me and God is faithful when I stray to pursue, search me out and bring me back into the fold. At least that is what I have experienced in my life.

  24. poohpity says:

    I fully believe that all those who have been adopted into the family of God by believing in what Jesus has done have a homing beacon attached to us, the seal of the Holy Spirit. 2 Cor 1:21-22 NLT; Eph 1:13-14 NLT

  25. cbrown says:

    This weekend I was listening to the series in Discover the Word on the “the Mercy Prayer”. It deals with praying for mercy for others like the people on the flight and their families and also ourselves. Today is the 6th session. Each session builds on the previous one. They are 12 minutes long. Thank you Pooh for telling me how to find them several months ago.

  26. poohpity says:

    I have so enjoyed listening to them as well. It really opens one’s eyes about calling for justice in the lives of others yet do we want justice in our own or mercy? Personally I want mercy!

  27. cbrown says:

    I agree. As you explained, at the bottom of the page under TV and Radio click on Discover the Word. In the series it talks about how David was described as a man after God’s on heart yet he was continually asking for mercy before and after Bathsheba.

  28. poohpity says:

    cbrown, there were times in the past when I went to church or read scripture thinking gosh I wish so and so were here to hear this message and God replied but you are here and it is for you. I then had to search my heart for the area that I really needed to hear and apply it in my life. Most times it seems people are open to listening for others and fail to hear for themselves.

  29. quietgrace says:

    Pooh, interesting what you said to cbrown. When I was a fairly new believer I will never forget the first conference I went to. I can’t remember who the speaker was, but she started out by reading scripture then said, “Now, this scripture is for you, not your neighbor or your friend, or your loved one who you think needs to hear this. God is talking to you, so keep your eyes on God and ask Him what He wants you to learn.”

    I have never forgotten that admonition. It was and is good counsel.
    Blessings, Grace

  30. SFDBWV says:

    Centering on Mart’s last paragraph of his subject I am drawn in by his questions, “Could anyone care more for us-or for those we love, than the one who now invites us into the mysteries of our own lives, to share even the smallest hint of His own mind-and heart.”

    I suspect that most any of us think we care more for the people we love when we see them suffer as time goes by and their healing never comes and their suffering continues, then we may believe God to.

    The reason there are so many *why* questions, I think, is because what we see and what we see God not do are often far apart.

    What “blessed assurance” keeps us going and keeps our faith alive?

    When tragedies occur we so often recount the story of Job in an attempt to explain that there may be some reason God has going on in the background that we aren’t privileged to know and so are left to just trusting it to God.

    However that doesn’t relieve the pain and suffering connected to personal loss.

    Before Jesus came to the world except for the Hebrew account of God, man had pondered these same questions and was equally left to not only believe in fate, but accept it, even in its bitterness as exemplified in the term “Greek tragedy”.

    When and if we take the time to set and think about where we are in life and why things are the way they are and then extend it to the people we love; we are left to seeking answers for the express purpose of giving us *peace* in any and all circumstances.

    Jesus came with a message of hope to a lost and confused world and gave us a glimpse of God and His heart.

    The purpose of *Christianity* is to spread that message into all the world. We may never have an answer that satisfies, but are left to trusting that Jesus is who He said He is and that we are to walk on the water with Him.

    There is a lot more to ponder here, and I will.


  31. SFDBWV says:

    Some people are deep thinkers while others simply are not. It is easier to cope with life when we don’t think too much.

    However the older I get the clearer for me it is to look back over the lives of myself, other family members and even some people I know and *understand* some of the *whys* associated with choices, decisions and events.

    Also clearer is the vision of God’s hands all over the lives of me, my ancestors my friends and associates all to bring me to that point in time where I am.

    Then comes the deepest question of all; why? What purpose has it all been for?

    A jetliner filled with passengers and crew missing and most likely dead. What purpose did God have in not averting their *fate*?

    Their broken hearted families searching for closure and answers; their lives forever changed.

    Step back then and look at the world and see that such pain and sorrow is very wide spread and though it takes different forms its conclusions all the same…sorrow and heart break.

    I am reminded of that old revival song “I’m Just a Lone Wayfaring Stranger” each time my thoughts go in this direction.

    The Bible is a story we believe to be scripted by God Himself. A story of events and of people; their story along with God’s actions and lack of actions.

    Our own stories are the same, we have a testimony of our own lives and how we see God’s actions and lack of actions as well. In fact our story is a continuance of the Book of Acts.

    Our testimony, our witness can either be stories of our lives with God or just a bumper sticker statement said without the personal details that show all the emotions that go along with each choice, action and in the end why we need a savior and who He is.


  32. poohpity says:

    Steve, is that not where the trouble lies in human thinking and reasoning rather thinking and looking at things through a spiritual mind or eyes. I remember in your story that at the beginning you prayed that Matt would just live. I do not know whether you prayed that if he did live, it would be without experiencing any struggles or hardship which every human being goes through. Knowing you I bet you were so glad he pulled through. Since I have known you Matt has grown, it may not be as fast as either of you would like but he has grown. So much there to praise God for rather than looking at what he can not do, it would be nice to focus on what he is able to do.

    As a believer I know that my Father in heaven is involved with every area of my life. The times when I would rather do things my own way and be in control He seems to let me. His lack of action is because essentially I am saying my will, not yours be done. Only trusting in myself not having faith in Him.

  33. poohpity says:

    When we join in to experience God’s mind and heart it is not like our natural parents who teach us to be independent and self reliant so we can function apart from them, God seems to be teaching us to be dependent on Him. Although many seem to think that God is not alive and working in our everyday life I know He is not by what I read in the Bible but by experiencing Him in my life. The Bible however opened my mind and heart to the ways He works and so I can see His hand and trust His heart. The mysteries are revealed as we can receive them but I know that not all the mysteries will be revealed there are some that I have to take as a matter of faith until I see Him face to face.

  34. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… you hit me right where I now live when you spoke of looking back, as I am now driving around for the third day with my rear view mirror on the floor of my car.
    I was amazed at how much of my forward vision it seemed to have blocked as I now gaze upon everything as being more open and visible, but without the protection of knowing what lies behind me, I also know how much more vulnerable I actually am. God knows we need both to continue safely through this journey of life.
    In today’s ODB we touch upon the message found in the smells of the past, the fragrance of the present, and that which lingers on before us.
    I also realize just because we do not visibly see a miracle of evidence in our lives that it may just be that God is producing that miracle in us, in the hidden places that he alone searches and knows.
    I have to try to remember that in His word God says that those who parade around showing off their works for all to see, as if on display, that is the only blessing they will receive for them in the here and now.
    We know our greatest blessing still awaits us, and it will be revealed in another dimension we perhaps can not see right now.
    Be Blessed, Gary

  35. oneg2dblu says:

    There is another evidence or wider visibility for me right now that is quite telling as my sister is now visiting from Cape Cod.

    She is staying with one of my brothers who lives just a few miles away, but so far she has not been able to find the energy to go to church with me yet, but she has not missed any meals coincidentally placed in her way to meet with their friends yet either.

    Go figure!

    She is visiting the area to both see her family and to do a book signing for her first only hardcover book, Bravo and Glee, a story of two horse that live on her farm, and because all her other work is E-book formatted stuff.

    But, perhaps there is another fragrance that lingers in my absence from their family dinners as I trust Christ will not give victory over to even the slightest darkness forever, but will expose any evil, whether found in brutal motives or subtle so purposed intentions, if there be any such corruption in a man, and bring them into His light.

    I do not know if it is worldly darkness or God’s light that continues to destroy so many families today, but I trust God knows, and He can use even the stench of so many broken families for His greater good.

    Praise God!


  36. poohpity says:

    Gary, it may be a time of quiet reflection to ask God to show you what is your part in the brokenness of your family. God seems to shine the light on the darkness held in our own hearts and then when we admit those areas it can bring healing.

  37. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… Yes, I’m sure it is probably the darkness in my own heart that has brought into all my family the sin that has caused this great divide among us.

    Looking in the brighter side…
    I was really blessed to hear a message from my sister on the answering machine a few moments ago, saying that, “When we leave the theater this afternoon we are planning on going to dinner,” (at one of my brothers favorite restaurants,) and then my sister said, that “she” would like me to “join them.”

    Wow, I see the light, and feel the love.

    I guess I spoke too quickly and have judged their last five dinner outings together, without giving me an invite as some form of a subtle rejection. How foolish!

    How could I have been so dark in my thinking?

    I am certainly the guilty one is this scenario again.

    That last time I was invited out to a “family dinner” by my brothers who live here, was where they also used a third party to deliver their invite, and I was rather surprised, and a touch out of my comfort zone, to find ten gay men sharing the table with us.

    I guess I’m just being a little dark and dramatic again, don’t you think?

    Gotta go and get ready for another healing family sup….

  38. quietgrace says:

    Gary, I just want you to know someone is praying for you as you spend time with your family. I know how difficult these get-togethers can be where healing has only begun in your heart and not the others. It’s like being abused all over again. Praying God will protect you, His treasure, and that the light of Christ will not be turned away by your siblings. Praying that the remembrances of the pain of the abuse you endured as a child will become only a faint memory and the victory of Christ your stronghold and shield as you face overwhelming odds tonight. Wherever God brings us, there He is. Blessings, Grace

  39. poohpity says:

    Gary, do you talk to them the same way you talk on here?

  40. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… do you talk to your family as you do to me on here?

  41. oneg2dblu says:

    The dinner went well with no unexpected guests, just family. Although, it only came about because I just happened to see them leaving the original place, and not knowing where they went, I contacted them and found them at another place instead, a surprise to all that I even showed up…
    Very little eye contact with my sister though.
    At least they went to see the Son of God movie so I did get to share with them that all the footage of the devil was scrapped due to much controversy, and to not give Satan that attention, to the cutting room floor it went, where it belonged.
    None of them recognized that major portions were taken from the bible series though, only excuses as to why they did not or could not watch that original series.
    Go figure…
    Hey, “It is what it is,” and what it is, is divided and distant, separated at best, and for a reason.
    You can blame that reason on me, or my voice if you like.
    But then I feel you are only trying to give evil way to much credit.

  42. oneg2dblu says:

    I should have said, “evil in me,” way to much credit.

  43. SFDBWV says:

    The news services are rich with experts discussing all of the possibilities of what may have happened to the missing Jet liner, and just like here every comment has someone to trash it.

    This morning the story reminds me of two things; first of all how much has changed in the last 200 years as well as how much hasn’t.

    We expect to know what may be going on all over the world at any given time and trust the science and technology of the present day to answer every question as well as keep an eye on events world wide.

    Yet only 200 or less years ago many ships left port never to reach their destination, leaving grieving families never to know for sure what happened to their loved ones.

    Many long lasting hymns have been written to speak of God and to the trusting of loved ones in peril on the sea. I have never heard of one written for the peril of those who jet around the globe on airplanes, yet.

    I may have missed it on the news services, but I haven’t heard anyone mention UFO’s yet, but I am sure it has come up in conversation somewhere.

    Our world has changed and is changing, yet love, grief, heartache and hope has remained the same.

    Somewhat like the emotions felt around this missing jetliner all of us have experienced the loss of a loved one, yet we who have put our trust in God look forward to a day when we will be reunited with them even though we have buried them our hope stays alive in Jesus and His promises.

    I grieve for the loved ones of this tragedy, but feel worse for those who have no hope.


  44. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends –

    The search for Flight 370 is stretching to eleven days now. It is mysterious, and more and more disturbing as the days wear on. Malaysian officials, it appears, heard from Thailand that the plane turned southwest, but no official report was made because the plane did not enter Thai airspace. Saw a report last evening showing the utter distress and anger of the families of passengers. They are loudly demanding transparency from the government.

    Mart, you wrote:

    “For many of us, the developing story raises disturbing questions of personal risk and security, procedural errors, truth and misinformation in reporting, corporate cover-up, and implied assumptions of responsibility, blame, and guilt.”

    Grief and uncertainty are driving family members to rage. This too is surely a manifestation of love – being played out as aggression toward airline and government alike. Now begins the struggle to keep hope alive. Only God can keep our hearts and minds from bitterness and hatred.

    Have not been on this site for a couple of days. We seem to have grazed away from the topic somewhat…


  45. bullwinkle says:

    Yes Steve, the alien abduction theory was discussed and quickly disregarded by “news” agencies. Probably the most difficult aspect of this for me to understand is why this event has captured so much attention. There seems to be nothing new to report, yet hours are spent speculating about what might have happened.
    A far more important story is taking place as Russia moves to take back it’s former empire. The mystery to me is who emerges as the great “peacemaker” to broker a deal for the next 3 1/2 years.

  46. tracey5tgbtg says:

    I just now had time to listen to yesterday’s Discover the Word. Wow. Contemplating how God’s mercy can allow pain into our lives is something worth thinking about.

    Maru – you noted that we seem to have grazed away from the topic. I’m still (as usual) trying to grasp what the “topic” is. Is it not so much about a missing aircraft as the pain we feel when loved ones are suffering? That the love we feel, causes us pain – and how much more is God’s love compared to ours.

    I think this ties in with the Discover the Word series about how the healing that comes with mercy can involve pain.

  47. SFDBWV says:

    Amen and amen Pete.


  48. remarutho says:

    Yes, Tracey —

    It is heart-rending to see the families and loved ones of the passengers of Flight 370 shouting and shaking their fists at the spokesmen for the Malaysian government and the airline. They are writhing in agony and they feel betrayed at the most profound level.

    Only God’s love and mercy, it seems to me, can heal the hurt they feel. There has been no relief. Sadly, some do turn to an “alien” force to explain what is going on in our lives. So also, some turn to worship aliens as the source of life on planet earth. Prayers going up for the pain and the utter confusion. Take the Gospel to Malaysia (as RBC is doing)!

  49. poohpity says:

    I think what Mart was trying to get at is the care we have for our own and the love we act upon is not as great as what our God has for every person who is lost. Rather than giving hope and sharing that love with others we often talk about solving mysteries through speculation, conspiracy theories, blame, etc.

    Most hardly can even understand the mysteries of why we do the things we do or pay attention to those things that are hidden deep within us yet God has given us insight into our humanity then has offered a cure. Rather than talking about things we do not know about why not talk about the things God has given us to know(just the facts); His Divine nature, His characteristics, His eternal plan, His great love things that bring hope to a dying world.

    Like Job’s friend talking about things they knew nothing about or asking questions that may not ever be answered and rather than answer them God posed questions of His own about the mysteries that are all around us everyday that only He knows the whys but asks us to trust to matter what it may look like to us.

  50. poohpity says:

    oops, “asks us to trust no matter what it may look like to us.”

  51. oneg2dblu says:

    Quietgrace… how fitting is your voice, it is both quiet in nature, (not accusing or provoking) and filled with such grace.
    Thank you for your supporting me with words of prayer for things to go well with my family.
    Such a quiet grace comes from you for all discussion here, you are living up to your blog name, it is so well chosen.

  52. oneg2dblu says:

    Tracy… Yes, this topic really is about our pain, the pain common to all humanity, how we all suffer, and how the love of lost one’s plays into it throughout the entire planet and for all generations showing us that we all need God’s Mercy.
    The plane is only the missing material portion of this topic, but what it held or still holds, and the mystery of not knowing, how, what, where, why, and when, still are not answered, for the suffering of many is growing as we speak.

  53. foreverblessed says:

    It took me sometime to get what this topic was about, Mart wrote in the last line:
    -Could anyone care more for us—or for those we love, than the One who now invites us into the mysteries of our own lives, to share even the smallest hint of his own mind— and heart? –
    God who loves us dearly, God who gets into the mystery which is our heart.
    Which reminds me of Oswald Chambers, who talked about Peter, who was questioned by Jesus.
    Gods refining fire is not to be feared it will bring out the best in us, that is there deep inside, after the mud has been cleared. Peter realised how great his love for Jesus was, only after Jesus penetrating questions, the questions going deeper and deeper into the soul and heart of Peter, not to shame him, but to let Peter see how great his love for Jesus was, the love was greater then he ever thought. The mystery that is deep inside us. The mud we know, the dirt, the sin, but when all is cleared, things hidden there deep down in us will be revealed. And nothing to be feared is there.

    Gary, I pray for you too, that the tender mercies of God will envelope you, just like He did with quietgrace. And what a jewel she has become. Sometimes I believe that people who have had great crisis, great peril in their lives, when touched by Jesus end up being a jewel, shining and bright.
    O, that we all would trust God, that nothing that is not good for us, will ever touch us, that all is In His Hands, that He is the Master of the Universe, that His eyes are upon us, that seek His face.
    O that we would have more faith in Him, and lay ourselves down for Him, convicted that That is the best thing to do. Deep calls to deep, Psalm 42:4
    the deep things of life, bring out the deepest things in our being

    (The Utmost for His Highest, which talks about Jesus asking Peter 3 times, do you love Me-
    I cannot find it, but found January 9 which talks about Psalm 139 The psalmist implies— “O Lord, You are the God of the early mornings, the God of the late nights, the God of the mountain peaks, and the God of the sea. But, my God, my soul has horizons further away than those of early mornings, deeper darkness than the nights of earth, higher peaks than any mountain peaks, greater depths than any sea in nature. You who are the God of all these, be my God. I cannot reach to the heights or to the depths; there are motives I cannot discover, dreams I cannot realize. My God, search me.”
    That searching, is like the questioning of Peter by Jesus, “do you love Me”
    Then it goes on talking about the blood of Christ that cleanses all sins, 1 John 1:7, that cleansing will go deep
    -But the cleansing from sin we experience will reach to the heights and depths of our spirit if we will “walk in the light as He is in the light” –
    and the Holy Spirit that sanctifies us through and through 1 Thess 5:23

    Still searching for the “Do you love Me” questioning, in the mean time, a good thing to ask this question to myself: do I love Jesus? Would I, like Mary from Bethany, buy very very very expensive perfume and anoint His feet and wipe them with my tears, and dry them with my hair? For Jesus, my lovely Deliverer…

  54. foreverblessed says:

    sorry not verse 4 but Psalm 42:7
    Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.

    A beautiful Psalm, it starts with
    1 As the deer pants for streams of water,
    so my soul pants for you, my God.
    2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
    When can I go and meet with God?
    and …. the tears
    3 My tears have been my food
    day and night,
    not for nothing…
    8 By day the Lord directs his love,
    at night his song is with me –
    a prayer to the God of my life.

    and an admonition to persevere
    11 Why, my soul, are you downcast?
    Why so disturbed within me?
    Put your hope in God,
    for I will yet praise him,
    my Saviour and my God.

  55. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,
    Hope all is well in your lives. I love Psalm 42, foreverblessed! Have read it many times during trials and tribulations in my life. Am being blessed by the thought-provoking comments on this blog topic. I do hope the families of the missing passengers (flight 370) will receive blessed closure regarding the fate of their loved ones. Steve, you’re right, I don’t know of any hymns that were written (borne) out of grief from an airplane crash or disappearance?? Your comment made me wonder about the percentage of Christians/Christian families in Malaysia. Many of the people that I’ve heard of who wrote Hymns had an intimate relationship with the LORD.

    Mid 60’s today in Texas.

    Love to all…

  56. oneg2dblu says:

    foreverblessed… I understand it takes 58 cuts to make a brilliant round diamond shine properly.

    I wonder how many more cuts I’ll need to achieve that shining brightness you are talking about?

    I’m thinking if one gets too many cuts in this life, it may have an averse effect on how they will shine here.

    But, then along comes mercy, and when applied like a fine polish it smooths out all the rough spots, and starts the shining process all over.

    Quietgrace seems to have that same quality, without being too abrasive, she seems to rub her words into the fray with a most pleasing way.

    We are not all given the same gifts, nor do we all have the same part to play, but what we are given we can use for the Glory of God, and hopefully still receive Mercy as we use them.


  57. quietgrace says:

    Ps.42.11 was the scripture I memorized and hung on to when I first started dealing with memories of my childhood abuse. God has been faithful as I have clung to Him when my trust in mankind was broken. He still is, faithful, and I still, praise Him. That is the key to relationship with him, I believe. Thank you for the kind words.

    Thank you also for your kind words-as you said we all have our gifts. And we all use them to give glory to God. Glad your dinner went somewhat ok. I’m sure your presence has a way deeper meaning and impact on your siblings than you think. We never know what Christ is up to, He is so very patient and kind with those who are falling toward destruction because He created them. I was so happy when you said they saw the movie Son of God, wow, what a set-up! He is amazing! Blessings, Grace

  58. SFDBWV says:

    I watched a little of the news last evening and of course *the* story remains Malaysians Airlines flight 370.

    I was sickened and disgusted as I watched 1(one) Chinese woman writhe in agony over her son as what seemed a hundred cameras followed her as she was carried out of the room.

    Is the *paparazzi* so frenzied up that this one woman’s public display *the* story? Or is it that her display of emotion is a signature and picture of all the other families’ grief?

    I have been listening as have others here to “Discover the Word” with some difficulty. As this fellows *slant* on mercy and grace is connected to being *conditional*.

    The story of this missing flight has had a ring of misinformation and confusion from the outset. The trickle of information has seemed to be confusing and difficult to accept.

    The information or at least the gist of the issue on DTW has this same ring of something being said just doesn’t align with my thinking and so remains unsettled in my spirit.

    The idea that grace which is how we receive salvation is conditional just somehow doesn’t *feel* right. And opens up a confrontational view of the work of the cross.

    It is written that God is not the author of confusion and in both of these issues I am addressing together this morning it is confusion that creates the unsettling nature of not finding peace.

    Is it misinformation or misunderstanding that is the issue?

    When I went to bed last night there was a strong leaning that the missing plane may be in Pakistan and awoke this morning to hearing that Australian satellite may have discovered wreckage. No small wonder those involved are in a state of confusion.

    Imagine what some may think if they hear their salvation is conditional upon their actions not just their acceptance.


  59. foreverblessed says:

    Gary, you asked, “I wonder how many more cuts I’ll need to achieve that shining brightness you are talking about?”
    Well, I do not know, but ask Quietgrace, how she got so much grace.

    I do not have the same experience as you have, but another one: I was raised in a christian home, somewhat fundamental, and it was taught: the husband is the head of the wife. And the firstborn son had authority. Indeed not the best known grace church, as Jesus is Head of all, but also the One who gave His life for the Bride. A total servant to us all.
    Anyway, my experience is that the firstborn brother would walk all over me to have his own way, being first. This happened more then 30 years ago, and I confronted him 20 years ago. But he did not say sorry for one inch. He did not even believe he did anything wrong I was just whining, like women can in his view.

    In the mean time I was growing to be more Christlike, and I knew I had to forgive him. I forgave him, but every time I would think over what he had done, I would get angry. So with my head I said, “I forgive, God help me to forgive”. But deep in my heart the anger was still there.
    (All the while I kept a distance from him, not having to work with him at all, once I was prayed over in a christian conference, and got the advice: Stay away from dominant people till you have grown strong in Jesus, again, this focus on Jesus, the Deliverer of all mankind, the One who took the sins of all on the cross, also of the very wicked people, the ones who have made many victims)
    How long this process takes.

    Till one day I read in the twolisteners, God calling May 3, the advice:
    Kill the old man!
    Every time I would get angry thinking about what had been done to me, my old man would arise!
    So kill it, and kill the thought that arises. And that took another 3 to 4 years. Now, when I talk about it, when I just wrote it down, I do not get angry, instead, this peace fills my heart. And the offender hasn’t said one word of sorry yet! Go figure!
    But I haven’t contacted him at all at this point.
    1-Forgiveness needs only my side, my willingness to do so, (even if I wrestle with it for years)
    2-Grace is from God
    3-Reconcilation takes two sides.

    Between step 2 and 3 is not my worry, God is working that out, only maybe, probably God is using my prayer for the offender, so maybe I do have a part in it. Maybe is that work done now more easily, as my prayer for him is full of grace, not the underlying anger. Thank God for His mercy to me! Even if it took more then 30 years.

    So that is my story. I believe we are all in different stages, the mysterious work that has to be done in our own hearts is a long work, thanks be to God through Jesus!
    …but all of us have to get to that stage of grace!

  60. poohpity says:

    Mart stated, “One who now invites us into the mysteries of our own lives”. If God revealed the true condition of every person’s heart all at once, just opening it up wide in plain view devastation would occur, deep dark depression would overwhelm especially for those who feel that they do not have that much sin in their lives. It seems rather than doing that all at once He peels back the layers bringing our heart condition beneath the masks and the rhetoric that we even fool ourselves with to shine His light on those dark places. Only when we see and admit our true nature do we know how great His mercy is, only when we understand that mercy which Jesus emphasized that we need to learn what it means, do we with pleasure and anticipation giving away what we have received. Paying it forward.

    Bottom line we have to be self aware and the very funny thing is what we find ourselves accusing others of is more often than not the same areas we fail to see in ourselves. I can see the stain on someone else and neglect looking in the mirror to find my stains that I have let go have now taken over. Being in an intimate relationship with the Lord each stain I am aware of in my life is no longer a mystery but the very thing that brings my understanding of mercy and grace in clearer focus which brings a greater appreciation of just exactly what was done on the Cross.

  61. oneg2dblu says:

    foreverblessed… our walk has many parallels, too many to mention here. We are more than blessed for one, we are foreverblessed, Praise God!
    It is so fascinating to hear how God use all our past
    walk, to bring us closer to Him, and then we get to use our testimony to show it to others.
    The work in us continues unto perfection, a perfection none of us has yet attained.

  62. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… I guess you are right on one hand, about there not being but any condition to receive God’s Grace, for it is totally unmerited and certainly a favor.

    We agree!

    It is a gift of God, and can not be earned, so none can boast.

    But that is how I see Grace, and not Salvation.

    The only condition I can attach to “any gift” is that we must first receive it, and then to unwrap it, or open the gift to know what it truly is…

    For Salvation, the wrapper to me is that there “must” first be faith confession, faith to believe in Christ.

    Isn’t that a condition?

    “Upon this rock I will build my church,”

    The rock is not the man Peter, and his taking the position of the first Pope as is taught by many, but it is nothing less than the receiving of a God-given Revelation, and the confessing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

    Isn’t that a condition?

    I do understand your position, especially if you choose to believe in unconditional security, or have been taught to support that view only.

    But, so much of scripture stands for another premise, that says after our initial salvation or our first hearing and believing salvation, comes many other conditions that threaten they can, do, and will take it away for some, according to the words of Christ and others, or we would not have needed all the warnings given to us in the word that say so.

    But, as you well know, that dialogue alone which is never settled by any man, will take us away from this topic for sure.

    Because it can be such a great divide, with both sides supported by particular scriptures, it would be best to just say, we are each given our own understanding,
    which accordingly we are not to lean on by the way. Proverbs 3:5,6. So, lets rest on that, and give God the opportunity to speak another premise to us, if He so chooses.

    For now, I’ll rest in blaming my conditional security on the scriptures I’ve read that support such.

    Lets just trust God’s Mercy will prevail.

    Isn’t even that trust a condition?

  63. oneg2dblu says:

    Forever… Also, there is this confession in Mark 9:24

  64. Bill says:


    Conditional security is works. It means we + God get us to heaven.

    Or, to put it another way, Jesus’ death on the cross wasn’t effective enough to save anyone — at least, not without our help, too.

    You really need to let that sink in, brother. The Creator of space and time, the Almighty King of Kings and Lord of Lords can’t manage to save a bunch of frail humans unless we help him.

    Yeah. That makes sense.

    This explains why you’re so fearful and why your posts are so critical of everyone and anyone who doesn’t toe your theology’s party line.

    Love, brother. Love saved us and will keep us saved.


  65. poohpity says:

    Talking about the mysteries in our own lives I have been doing research on pedophiles and how hard it is to form natural human relationships especially with peers. Getting help from CBT when the issues are brought to light healing can begin and they found that as long as the problems are not dealt with the tendencies for recidivism is more pronounced. I found that is true for most any problem while it is hidden inside it causes shame, guilt and fear.

  66. oneg2dblu says:

    Bill… your love doesn’t save anyone.

    If it could, we would not have needed a Savior.

    We can love all the people we want, but that love does not save them.

    The only thing that will save anyone here is having a believing faith, a continuous faith belief in Jesus Christ as being who He said He is, the Once Crucified, Once Buried, Once Risen, Living Son of God.

    There is no fear in me, only my faith does have an element of fear, as it has the Fear of the Lord, which I believe is the beginning of Wisdom.

    What a shame that our great Halls of Education, or Court Systems, Our Governments, and all unbelievers, have no fear of the Lord, so I can not look to any of them for showing me the Love, or the path to my salvation.

    I carry no guilt, shame or fear, of any future penalty of my past sins, as they were both repented for and then, forgiven me, all by my very Faith in Christ Jesus.

    By abiding faith, there is absolutely no fear of them being carried forward and held against me again, but they were in my past, and their resulting lasting damage was done, just like the evidence found on the Master’s Hands, the scars of those sins are still evident as proof that the evil works of men do exist.

    Like I said,”This issue is never settled by any man.”

    “All a man’s ways seem right to him, but in the end lead to death.”

    “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

    Thank God that my rear view mirror is working again, as I can see even more clearly both where I’m going and where I’ve been.


  67. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… I heard some preacher today on a Christian radio station say, “If we think we can look inside ourselves for the right answers, we might as well look into a Cesspool.”
    His point was… as a Christian we had better look only to the Lord, to find any answers about ourselves, or any other things, if we want to get them right.
    Sounded like something we can all really benefit from.

  68. remarutho says:

    Good Evening BTA Friends —

    Mart, your closing question:
    “Where does such love come from? Could anyone care more for us—or for those we love, than the One who now invites us into the mysteries of our own lives, to share even the smallest hint of his own mind — and heart?”

    Each individual may choose to turn and say, “For it was you (Lord) who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

    The love of our Creator God is so huge it is possible to miss it in our narrow, mortal minds, in my opinion. I know I do miss it until I confess:

    “Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there. If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me fast.”

    On the twelfth day after the disappearance of the 239 passengers and crew of flight 370, I pray that those who are waiting suspended between hope and grief will be strengthened to entrust their loved ones to God’s unfailing love. God’s love sent Jesus into the world to bring us back. Those missing are not lost to God.


  69. foreverblessed says:

    Maru, what a beautiful prayer. I pray that God will respond to your prayer. And more than that, I pray for all of the ones involved: Num 6:24-26
    24 ‘“‘The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
    25 the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
    26 the Lord turn his face towards you
    and give you peace.’”

    Quietgrace, So Psalm 42:11 was your Psalm, how great!
    Notice that this Psalm has this line twice, also in verse 5. More then once has the Psalmist this deep affliction. (It is a Psalm of the sons of Korah, maybe it is about Job, who had blow after blow.)
    Also Job did not give up on his faith, if we would give up, we have nothing left. I am so glad you did not give up either!
    Hold on, persevere, never give up.
    God will come in His time, which is way later then what we would have Him come. But if He would come too soon, we would not learn our lessons, like that we are nothing, the meekness in us would not be so great as what God wanted it to be. Till we are as little children, not expecting anything of ourselves but all from God.
    And I pray the blessing of the priest over you, and all who read this blog.
    (ask great things of God!)

  70. Bill says:


    I finally figured out where your error is. It’s taken me a few years. But your post of March 20, 2014 at 9:06 pm revealed it:

    * Bill… your love doesn’t save anyone.

    If it could, we would not have needed a Savior.

    We can love all the people we want, but that love does not save them. *

    There it is – the basis for your misunderstanding.

    Why do you refer to *my* love? Where – in any of my posts over the years – have I ever, ever, ever, EVER said anything about *my* love saving anyone?

    Whenever I post about love, you automatically and inevitably revert to thinking: “Bill’s love” – even when I’m quoting chapter and verse about God’s love, Jesus’ love, and the love we are to have for one another AS COMMANDED by our Lord:

    * “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35 ESV) *

    How does God love today? Through us. Through me. Through you.

    So, *my* love is the expression of *God’s* love. *All* love is an expression of God’s love because God IS love. He created love. Not all love is pure, or appropriate – yes! I get that. You’ve made that point crystal clear. Time after time after time. I get it. We all get it.

    But you don’t seem to get the point I’m making: The human ability to love comes from God. Without God, we not only would not exist, but we could not love.

    Love is present in the Bible from “In the beginning God” (Genesis 1:1) all the way to “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen” (Revelation 22:21). It is the subtext for the entire word of God.

    “For God so LOVED the world that he gave his only Son…” (John 3:16)

    Everyone knows that verse. It’s seen on signs at sporting events, for Pete’s sake.

    But do we really understand what that means?

    And let’s not forget 1 Corinthians 13, the most sublime, beautiful expression of love ever captured in print:

    * If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned,1 but have not love, I gain nothing.

    Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

    So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. *

    Love put Jesus on the cross. Love kept him there. So important is love that Jesus COMMANDED US – he actually gave us a new commandment! – to love.

    There are 11 commandments, friend. Eleven. Jesus gave us the 11th. It is TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

    So if I do not love I break the 11th commandment. I violate the spirit of the Bible. I grieve the Holy Spirit because the Bible is explicitly clear about “the greatest of these.”

    The Bible is first, last, and always about love. As we wander through life, each on our own particular God-appointed path, if we fail to love, we fail to express what God put within us. We fail as Christians if we do not love.

    We. Fail. As. Christians.

    My love will never match God’s love. My love has not saved and will not save anyone. Not in the ultimate, eternal sense, anyway. But how many people will we “save” from their misery, grief, depression, loneliness, hunger, and crushing guilt just by loving them into the arms of our heavenly Father?

    Please do not continue to misrepresent my words, or ignore the very clear words of the Bible.

    Whether you like it or not, love is critical to our lives, and to the world. God’s love saved the world.

    We cannot walk this earth expressing anything less.

    Love to you, brother.


  71. quietgrace says:

    Foreverblessed thank you for the encouragement! You are a pearl of great price in the KoG!

    Bill, I get where Gary is as far as not understanding about love. When you have damaged “love receptors”, it can be confusing. I know this well as one who also has damaged love receptors. Only God’s love that comes from Jesus Himself is what I can feel and even at my age -over 60- am still distrustful of human love. When it comes it goes just as quickly which leaves me hurting and aching for God and His love. It is truly a miracle that God can love those who are so broken. But He can and does.

    Gary, I’m sorry to be talking about you instead of to you about this, I hope I haven’t offended you but wanted to offer my take on your situation. Hold fast to Jesus, He saves every minute of every day and keeps us in His arms of love when human love cannot be found. He knows and understands us better than anyone. Each of our situations and temperaments is unique, and God knows all about us. Press on, dear Gary. Press on.

    A book that helped me a lot to understand God’s love is The Prodigal, by Henri Nouwen. I even purchased a poster of Rembrandts painting of The Prodigal to use for meditation as I studied it for about a year. I learned a lot about the depth of God’s love and how different people in our lives play into it.

  72. Bill says:

    Quite a coincidence, quietgrace.

    I just bought Nouwen’s book The Prodigal!

    I ordered it from Amazon last week. It was delivered on Tuesday of this week. I have it with me right now in my briefcase. I planned to start reading it today. :)


  73. quietgrace says:

    Ahhhh-wonderful, you will be blessed!

  74. poohpity says:

    “The Bondage Breaker” by Neil Anderson confronts the bondage of the past on our future and walking victoriously with our Lord. Then I also remember what Paul taught in 1 Cor 4:5 NLT and that keeps our eyes focused within to the mysteries of our own lives.

  75. quietgrace says:

    Pooh I remember going through the Bondage Breaker in the 90’s, it was helpful, but, as the scripture you mentioned say, it is God who brings our deepest secrets to light. But all is done in His time and only He knows what light we can handle. I was severely abused by a Christian counselor once who believed that aggressive confrontation was the way to healing. His methods caused me to go into psychosis and dissociation. I was also counseled by another Christian counselor who convinced me I was full of demonic activity because of all the abuse I’d suffered which also left me scarred and highly distrustful of Christians. Thank God though, that He has prevailed in my life in spite of the ignorance or even arrogance of some and in the process learned that grace is deep and wide and covers ALL sins. Which gives me hope for my sins being covered also.
    Did you use The Bondage Breaker and have a good experience with it?

  76. poohpity says:

    Yes I read it many years ago to use as I counseled people and everything we are taught in school goes against everything you experienced. Having the background of the Bible before I even went to school was way more helpful as I studied human behavior we learn to reflect what people were saying sort of like a mirror. Doing background checks before we trust people by pouring out our hearts to them is always a good thing to do, not everyone can be trusted or are safe but not all counselors are bad. One of the best ways to identify if a counselor is good is if they listen more than they talk and giving advise is a real no no. They are to give to us new tools and different ways of looking at things being caregivers and allow God to be the Cure giver. It is to bad some think they are God and can cure, sad you had the experience you did.

    The bible teaches there is much help in many counselors, we just have to be aware and do a little research of who is worthy of our trust and are safe compared to those who are not. Trust has to be earned it is to precious to just give it out but many who have been abused have not learned about the tool of boundaries.

  77. quietgrace says:

    Yes, Pooh, everything you say is true as I have learned through the years. Sounds like you were a good counselor! I’m sure you were a blessing to many.
    As far as spiritual formation goes, have you ever read or heard of “You Will Never Be the Same” by Basilea Schlinck?
    It is a hard book to read and easy to put down, but if you are interested in deep inner cleansing this is it! She used to have a web site also, but I haven’t checked for a while.

  78. poohpity says:

    My trust in the Lord as I have grown closer to Him caused me to put down many books since 2007 and trust in the cleansing power found in His Living Word guided by His Living Spirit. It is where I have found hope, cleansing, intimacy and purpose. I used to never get my fill of reading books and books and more books but have found more wisdom in the pages of scripture and how my mind is transformed as it is filled with His Word.

    I have been through many years of counseling alone and with my children to learn parenting, how to look within-without condemnation to identify bad thinking which effects behaviors. It has been a wild journey to find if I live off of the praise of man then I will die in my mind under their criticism but to fully understand that God calls me beloved and no one is perfect except Jesus.

  79. oneg2dblu says:

    Bill … I have no problem with defined love, “if” we define it as being that we are talking about God’s love, and not all love.

    I get the, “God so lived the world, ” type of love.

    Never had a problem with that love since I’ve been saved.

    But now you are stating that all love is God’s.

    How about man’s love of sin?

    Do you credit God for that as well?

    This may be a touch broad, but then again, we could say all things are God’s.

    Or, God created all things.

    But, then we have to also say all evil is God’s, and that God created evil as well.

    So, that doesn’t play so well either.

    I am glad you finally figured out my problem though.

    In His Love, Gary

  80. oneg2dblu says:

    Quietgrace… you have not offended me at all, by talking about where problems with the love issues may exist for others as they have for you.
    That is all part of the human condition and no man escapes its confines.
    The whole world has love issues, the first one being that we are all born enemies of God, until God alone changes us.
    So, if the enemies of God and their love for the things of the world, qualifies as love, we all have a love issue.
    If even the Lord’s pure name is used by man in vain, then pure love certainly can be used in vain by man also.
    Man has a gift of corrupting all pure things for his own sinful desires, always has, always will, it is his nature.

    Love as it is being touted around by the world today, is probably the most misunderstood and corrupted of all God’s great gifts.

    But, it also confirms why some say, I’m the one with the problem?

    Yes, I have a problem alright, and it is how the world defines love.

    Be Blessed, Gary

  81. Bill says:


    What does it matter to you how the world defines love? It’s not your job to define love for the world. It’s your job to BE love for the world.

    God already defined it. He showed us. He told us in so many ways.

    Our capacity, our ability, to love is from God. God created us. God is love. Therefore, he created us to love. We could not love at all if not for God giving us the ability to do so.

    How we choose to love is our blessing or curse. We can choose foolishly, or we can choose wisely. We can love inappropriately, or we can love as Jesus did.

    Why do you spend so much time dwelling on what the world is or is not doing? Why not just heed Jesus’ commandment to love? BE love. Embody it. Live it.

    Others will see you shining forth, being Jesus’ arms and legs and hands and eyes and arms here on earth.

    Remember how Peter finally got what love means?

    – When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.” He said to him a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Tend my sheep.” He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep. (John 21:15-17 ESV) –

    There you go, brother. There’s love.

    Peter wasn’t walking around saying, “Now THIS love is from God but THAT love is not.” He just fed Jesus’ sheep. Would the watching world know if that love was from God or from “the world”? No. All they’d know is that the sheep were being fed.


    Feed Jesus’ sheep.



  82. oneg2dblu says:

    Bill… you ask, “Why do you spend so much time dwelling on what the world is or is not doing?”

    Very simply Bill… I am following in the foot steps of my Master, who gave His life up for the very things that He cared for, obeying His Father’s Will.

    God so loved the world the He gave up the life of His Only Begotten Son, because of what the world is or is not doing.

    I guess I’ll spend the rest of my life, following Him, and dwelling on what the world is or is not doing.

    Just like your now spending your time doing so, Bill.

    Defining Love…

    In His Love, Gary

  83. quietgrace says:

    Pooh, your journey through grace sounds almost exactly like me-we share so much in common. It’s nice to know someone who has traveled the same path. Bless you, Grace

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