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Is Our God too…?

13176755913_37e38a8da6_zAstronomers estimate that The Milky Way is made up of 400 billion stars.

Yet according to an astrophysicist from the Goddard Space Center, our own universe is only one of hundreds of billions of other galaxies—each being made up of billions or trillions of its own stars.

Micro-physicists, on the other hand, looking inward, instead of to the skies, describe a universe within atomic systems of micro-matter that is as unfathomable as the universe without.

Long before the day of astro or micro physics, King David wrote a song about the unspoken language of the day and night skies (Psalm 19:1-5) as a backdrop for what our Creator has said through spoken and written words (Psalm 19:6-14).

The last words of David’s song express his belief that what he was hearing from the skies, and from the Scriptures, wasn’t a one-sided conversation. He concludes with the thought that as he listens… he believes in a God of the heavens who is big and personal enough to be listening to the thoughts and intents of our hearts (Psa 19:14).

Back in 1952, an author by the name of J.B. Phillips wrote a book for skeptics and believers titled, “Your God is too Small”. He suggested that because many of us have not found a God big enough for our modern needs– we tend to think of God as a resident policeman, a grand old man, or a managing director.

Yet sometimes I wonder whether that book needs  a sequel titled, “Your God is too Big” … i.e. to be concerned about us… or to have visited us in a body like our own (John 1:1-3) (John 1:14).

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERASeems like something worth thinking and talking about. Is the thought of a God who is too big to relate to…  a God who is too small to be the Father Jesus urged us to trust (Matt 6:31-32)?


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29 Responses to “Is Our God too…?”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    After reading this new subject this morning I settled in for a little nap while Matt watched “Married with Children”; I say little nap because I was constantly interrupted with laughter and invitations to watch along with him the comedy of life in the Bundy household.

    I have fed the critters and sent in my weather reports and have given this subject time enough to settle in to where I may comment.

    The subject of astrophysics and Christianity is more of something Chuck Missler is able to present and though I do enjoy his commentary sometimes he is over my head on the science side of the discussion, but is always able to connect the dots and that is what matters.

    Such a discussion as to the bigness of the universe and the unseen smallness of our universe as well as parallel universes can exhaust the best of thinkers, but has one common denominator; they are all part of the same creation, by the same creator and all given mention in the pages of the written Word of God.

    To begin to see existence in such a unfathomable view is to begin to see the ability of our Creator; a Creator who can do all that and yet knows the number of hairs on your head; knows the future and has orchestrated it; has an eternal plan for yours and my conscientiousness as well and it all begins by viewing the vastness of existence and recognizing it all came from a Creator, not from some belief in chaos physics.

    It is one of the reasons I enjoy creation science and am comforted in seeing the dots connected and knowing in my heart the presence of that same Creator.


  2. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends –

    JB Phillips wrote in an era which, to my mind, was dominated by the threat of nuclear fission unleashed upon the world in WW II. That threat has since been joined by at least two others (perhaps ecological disaster and massive human population growth). I appreciate Phillip’s analysis – and his presentation of Jesus of Nazareth as the best solution to our dilemma of worshiping God – not too small – not too big – but just right.

    We have eye-witness accounts of the life of God in the flesh. We still cannot fathom the depth and height and breadth of God’s being – but we can experience Jesus as the flesh and blood human who lived a pure, holy life of radical obedience to his heavenly Father, fulfilling every promise made through the prophets. A bit like what the genie in “Aladdin” said, “Immense cosmic power — little bitty living space.” Such is the God-Man Jesus Christ sent to give us the true scale of God.

    It may be the greatest promise made in Jesus is the promise that he will be manifested again at just the right moment to the whole cosmos. We are free to joyfully and whole-heartedly share our anticipation with everybody we meet. Makes it a joy to rise in the morning!


  3. fadingman says:

    Instead of “Your God is too small” or “Your God is too big”, perhaps “Your God is too much like yourself.”

  4. saled says:

    Now I want to read J.B.Phillips “Your God is Too Small.” I’ve been thinking lately that God is much more present than I had realized. Those 3 omni-s: omnipotent, omniceint, and omnipresent: just stop to think what that means. He is here; we find Him in nature, in each other, and in us.

    My understanding of both astrophysics and quantum physics is very basic. There have been times when reading about s quantum physics has increased my faith, and I have felt ashamed that I did not have such faith just from the Bible. For example, some of the things that Jesus said about the kingdom of heaven are astounding and make sense if you think quantum.

  5. InHisHands says:

    I am just so grateful that we have a GOD that is SO BIG, that through all the regressing the world is going through, HE continues to be long-suffering and loving, merciful and full of grace to hold back the anger He must feel with a world that is minimizing Him and removing Him from their lives.


  6. poohpity says:

    Our God is more than what my mind can fathom yet is so involved in every detail of my very small life. I do not understand fully why He would even care but He does. The great “I AM” who spoke everything that I can see, those things I can not see or those things beyond without the help of a very powerful telescope to the Nth power or every particle that needs a microscope to the Nth power and not held by time yet has given time to me a speck in all that was, is or is yet to come. How can any word describe the magnitude of all that that encompasses yet desires for me to know Him and He knows me. Even referring to God as He puts limits on the magnificence and awesomeness of all that is there.

  7. poohpity says:

    I think to answer the question, “Is Our God Too…?” we must define “too” in one way it means 1. also; in addition or 2. to a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible; excessively. I think the way it was asked it meant in addition.

  8. bubbles says:

    The best thing is that God is too big for our finite minds to grasp and yet He WANTS to fellowship with US. He WANTS us to talk with Him. He tells us to come boldly before the throne of grace to receive help in time of need. He LOVES us and forgives us and gives us mercy every day. His mercies are new every morning. He is longsuffering when I deserve being disowned. He loves me and I don’t deserve it. His love is about His character and not about what I do or don’t do.

  9. remarutho says:

    Good Evening All —

    Found J.B. Phillips’ “Your God is Too Small” as a free e-book online. Should be easy to download if you wish. Remembering you said you wanted to read it, Saled…

    Good Night, BTA Friends.


  10. BruceC says:

    Hi everyone, I am Bruce C, wife, Please keep me in your prayers for Gods Strength, not to change the subject, but my husband Bruce has passed away on March 28 and went home to the Lord, problems in surgery getting his gall bladder out and his lungs were very damage from COPD, he was in ICU for 3 weeks in a induce coma , his CO2 was very low, he had bile leakage in his stomach along with staff infection that he caught in the hospital, and on the 28th he went on home to our Lord and Savior. i miss him so, but i also know he is in a better place & someday we will meet again… I know he comes on here and if you haven’t seen his name he in a while, he wanted me to let you all know he went home to His loving Savior.
    Thank you for being his friend
    Love In Christ Jesus,
    Mrs.BruceC (MaryLou)

  11. SFDBWV says:

    Mary Lou, I am shocked and saddened at the news of Bruce’s passing, thank you so very much for letting us know.

    He will be missed here very much.

    He loved you very much and his comments often reflected that. I pray that you are comforted and find peace in these coming days.

    His friend and yours

  12. bubbles says:

    Mary Lou,

    I am very sorry for your loss. His presence will be missed here. He was a very kind person.

  13. remarutho says:

    Dear Mary Lou —

    You are in my prayers this morning, as I read your post. Bruce has been a good companion in the journey here at Been Thinking About.

    May the Lord enfold you in his love and comfort. Bruce got away from us too soon. He will be missed. Holding onto the thought you share, that you and Bruce “will meet again.”

    Yours in Christ,
    Maru (Margot)

  14. remarutho says:

    Dear BTA Friends —

    Bruce C’s request for prayer appeared 2/27 at 11:07 p.m.
    He gave us his Benediction at 5:06 a.m. March 1st.

    May the Lord bless you, Bruce. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance to you and grant you peace forever.


  15. bullwinkle says:


    Your letter really hit me hard this morning. Marylou was my mothers name, she went to heaven eight years ago this week. One of my best friends also passed on March 28. His funeral was last Thursday.

    Praying for you and your family. Bruce always spoke of God’s incredible love. Now that he is experiencing it first hand. One of his favorite sayings was “Love Wins”.


  16. cbrown says:

    Mary Lou,you are in my prayers also!Margot, thank you for listing Bruce’s post’s on 2/27 and 3/1.Below is 3/1. BruceC says:
    March 1, 2014 at 5:06 am

    You are in my prayers my brother in Christ! The Lord is always with you. His promises are wonderful and I am sometimes both saddened and amazed that more people do not trust and believe Him.

    If I ever forget to pray for anyone here or acknowledge their request; please forgive me as it is not intentional my family.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  17. quietgrace says:

    MaryLou, my condolences to you and I am also praying for you during this difficult time. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy, Grace

  18. oneg2dblu says:

    MaryLou… we are all feeling this loss today mixed with the joy of knowing he is with the Lord.
    Absent with the body, present with the Lord.
    What a blessing he brought to us all with his honest words and character, and his parting words,”Soli Deo Gloria!”

  19. poohpity says:

    Oooooh noooo, MaryLou, your sweetheart will be greatly missed. My heart is so broken for you. Your great loss is also ours. I know we have only known him for about 5 years but he added so very much to this blog in wisdom, kindness, love and care. Every word I try to write I can not see for the tears. He will be greatly and sorely missed. Please know we are here for you.

  20. foreverblessed says:

    Dear Mary-Lou, you are in my prayers too!
    I am so very very sorry for you, for the missing of your dear Bruce. For not being here anymore, we will miss him too on this blog. Thanks for posting, yes thank you very very much for being so brave to do this!
    May God bless you abundantly with all spiritual blessings from above, but also from blessings here on earth> May He be very close to you now, may He be your Father, may He put a warm blanket around you, may you dwell in the Shadow of the Almighty!
    Psalm 68:5
    A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

  21. saled says:

    Mrs. BruceC, I,too, am so sorry for your loss. I remember Bruce writing about the two of you taking turns tending the wood stove at night, one would sleep while the other made sure your home stayed warm. We heat with wood, and I know what a struggle it is throughout such a long winter. The two of you obviously made a great team. I share your hope that Bruce will one day be restored to you.

    Maru, thank you for the free e-book info. I have a vacation coming soon and that will be my reading.

  22. poohpity says:

    “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book” (Psalm 56:8 NLT).

  23. phpatato says:


    I am saddened with the news of Bruce’s passing. It is true when it is said that nothing on earth can prepare our hearts for that last goodbye. I pray the God gives you what only He can give – a comfort and peace beyond all understanding.

    Bruce you will be missed terribly.


  24. Mart De Haan says:

    Yes, thank you for letting us know. As you can see, your husband’s gentleness, faith, and wisdom has left a mark on us. Together, we share your loss.

  25. Bill says:


    I’m deeply saddened to learn of your husband BruceC’s passing. I was always challenged and uplifted by his posts, and looked forward to each time he’d stop by to share his wisdom and compassion.

    I don’t know what else to say. (Which says a lot since I usually say too much.) I am sad.

    Love to you from all of us, and thank you for letting us know. You are in our prayers.


  26. InHisHands says:

    Dear Mary Lou,
    I am so saddened by your loss, and so blessed to know Bruce is painlessly free with our Jesus. Death is so bittersweet to us. May the LORD keep you uplifted and comforted during this time of grief.
    I don’t comment often, but follow the comments of others and Bruce gave such insight to the Word and the LORD’s blessings,that I was always fully blessed reading his words. I will miss his ‘thoughts’.


  27. jacky says:

    I’m kind of new around here, and really short of words at Mary Lou’s loss. But we take solace in the fact that according to the word of the Lord, a grand future awaits us, where we’ll meet to part no more. While we await that future, I pray God strengthens you and be with you.

  28. street says:

    I use to want to be like Moses and make it to the top of the Mountain to meet with God, how foolish my thinking when I came to realize, from others, that Jesus came down from the Mountain, to meet with people! Not only that He has given His holy Spirit to dwell in me. A better goal is to abide in that peace and lean on His wisdom and trust Him. I am bigining to believe His love is better than life.

  29. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,

    Mary Lou, Although my words are a bit tardy on this blog post, I, too, want to offer my condolences for the loss of your dear husband, BruceC. I was always blessed by the comments that he posted on the thought-provoking topics on this blog site, and I really admired his relationship with Steve and others who faithfully share their wisdom, revelation and knowledge of the scripture with all who visit Been Thinking About… I hope Bruce didn’t experience any pain as he transitioned from this life to one that is far, far better. He will be missed, and I will especially miss the way he ended his comments on Mart’s blog topics…Soli deo Gloria! So, as often as I remember to do so, I will end my comments with that praise to God in memory of him. May he rest in sweet peace!

    Love to all,

    78 degrees (high temp) in Texas today. 73 degrees right now…

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