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Questions about Questions


Fast Food Bag

Honest questions can be priceless. Without them our minds and character remain unchallenged and undeveloped. Without the freedom to ask honest questions we remain little more than the extension of someone else’s self-centered will and control.

Without a healthy and purposeful curiosity we cannot reflect, reason, or try to determine the difference between imagination and reality.

According to the Apostle Paul, even questions, however, need to be questioned. In his last New Testament letter to Timothy, he urged avoidance of foolish and ignorant questions that do little more than give birth to conflict (2Tim 2:23).

But how are we to determine whether a question is healthy or destructive? This is a repeated emphasis of Paul’s letters and it might help to read some of his parallel comments (Titus 3:9), (1Tim 1:4), (1Tim 6:4), (2Tim 2:14).

In addition, it’s probably important to read Paul’s warnings not only in light of what he wrote immediately before and after (2Tim 2:22-25), but also in light of his repeated emphasis that the Jewish Scriptures that Timothy had been raised on now be read in light of the Gospel/Good News of Jesus Christ (2:Tim 1:1), (2Tim 2:1-3).

Seems to me, that at the very minimum, Paul is encouraging us to do at least to things in specific relation to our faith in Christ: (1) don’t get involved in any question or argument that is at the expense of the big Picture/Story: who Jesus is and what he has done for all of us; and (2) don’t give others a chance to ignore the most important questions by chasing those that are pursued merely for the distraction of the argument.

But that’s just my take. Would like to hear what you make of Paul’s warning of avoiding “foolish and ignorant” questions.

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56 Responses to “Questions about Questions”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Ha, ha, ha, you are priceless yourself sometimes Mart.

    Two thoughts come to mind right off; “Cast not thy pearls before the swine.” and “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink.”

    People who like to argue see nothing wrong with it and even in your effort to showcase it as being un-Christian like behavior, they will not get it that you are speaking to their behavior.

    Good luck though I hope you can get through.


  2. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends —

    Have to chuckle myself, Mart & Steve, particularly at the illustration. It seems to me a smile can soften words of important advice and counsel. Angels, after all, can fly because they take themselves so lightly! :o)

    The Apostle Paul instructs Timothy on how to facilitate those coffee-time conversations among the saints:

    “Remind them of these things, and charge them before God not to quarrel about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers.” (The things Timothy is to remind us of appear in 2 Tim 2:11, 12, 13)

    Makes me think of how intentional Jesus is/was about illustrating and explaining the loving character of his heavenly Father. Jesus took every opportunity to mention the provision, the comfort and the peace God gives those who are attentive to God’s voice.


  3. foreverblessed says:

    Some questions are so good, they make you think deeper, and realize that some of the things you believed may be a little different.
    In the last topic, yesterday there was a good discussion on does God look at us, and see what, Jesus?
    Quietgrace was asking questions about that, and I thought they were very good questions. even asking this question gave me a sudden and intense realization that it was different then what I always believed:
    God also sees us! (more on that in the former topic)

    We can also quarrel because we do not see the intent of the question.

  4. bubbles says:

    Questions need to be asked with humility because the one questioning wants to learn about the other person. Questions should be asked in a gentle manner without an in-your-face attitude. Sometimes questions are asked with the intention to provoke and not for the purpose of learning or listening to what the other has to say. Questions should not be a form of aggression.

  5. quietgrace says:

    God give us all wisdom that we post out of genuine questioning/searching to know more about you. God give us all grace as we learn/grow in our relationship with you and others.

  6. poohpity says:

    When someone asks me a question I do not take it as a personal insult. Call me naive but I think it is for clarification, or to clear up confusion about some thing I have said or to even to get to know me better. When asked about my faith or beliefs among other believers I take it as discussion I do not get angry or defensive. I ask questions with those same thoughts in mind. If I can not talk with my brothers and sister about the reasons we believe as we do what will it be like when an unbeliever asks about the hope I have in Christ Jesus?

  7. poohpity says:

    I see Paul’s discussion about what is foolish and ignorant questions are those that really do not have anything to do with what we are given to know but guessing about things we may never have any answers to only to trust in God. Speculation, assuming, jumping to conclusions nothing that has any solid foundation except what our minds can dream up. It seems our minds can lead us astray just as our emotions can and normally those can cause arguments meant on distraction to lead us away from really knowing our Lord. (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV; 1 Peter 3:15-16 NIV)

  8. poohpity says:

    Discover the Word was excellent for today.

  9. belleu says:

    “Quarrels about words,” seems to be the predominant message. I think we can avoid quarrels by listening to a person’s opinion, stating our own and then just leaving the subject. It is quarreling to keep going on about a subject I would guess.

    Paul also mentions being kind and teaching gently. Two people of opposing opinions on a text in the Bible must be gentle with each other. From my experience, it is rare to change anyone’s opinion so why quarrel? It is up to the Holy Spirit to convict us of the truth.

  10. SFDBWV says:

    One of the earliest lessons of life I learned as an adult was that you can never make a drunk ashamed of being a drunk.

    They thrive off of the feeling of self-loathing and any attempt to make them feel ashamed of their lifestyle only feeds that depression they need in order to justify being a drunk.

    In our conversations here on this blog if we are not careful we will take the bait and be drawn into an argument of no other value than the unsettling and derailment of conversation, seemingly for the sole purpose of the one setting the trap to gain attention.

    Such people who thrive off of needing attention, like the drunk that needs self-loathing, need the controversy in order to gain the attention they desire and as long as that is accomplished they see no wrong in their behavior.

    Just as a child who throws a fit does so to get attention, the end, to them, justifies the means.

    As Mart has so graciously in his opening comments, attempted to state, there is a need to ask questions, but not for the sole purpose of just perpetuating an argument.

    Mart has tried here to speak to those among us who behave in this manner in a gracious roundabout way, hoping that any perpetrator will get the message instead of speaking to them directly and avoiding hurt or damaged feelings.

    As I had said in my first comments I wish him luck, but it is my experience that such people will not get the message or at best think it is for another and continue on with being who they are unless dealt with bluntly and directly.

    My advice to the remainder of conversationalists is to recognize the bait, avoid it and scroll on to the thoughts of another or just continue to share your own all in a spirt of good will and friendly fellowship.

    Sorry to say today will be a very stressful and active day for me so I won’t be around most likely again until tomorrow morning, but I hope all of you have a very blessed and productive day in fellowship with our Lord and each other.


  11. refump says:

    Steve, How did you know what Mart was trying to say? Did you & he have a conversation about this we were not privy to? I think you put a lot of words in his mouth that he did not say nor intended to say. I say this in brotherly love but sometimes your comments come across as a bit sanctimonious. You have great wisdom & are very well respected here but in this case I believe you were somewhat out of line with some of your comments pointing fingers.

  12. quietgrace says:

    Good morning all.

    Such a solemn discussion we have going on here. I am and always have been against public lynchings. But in the church of God this should not be happening. Stone throwing was abolished in this culture, anyway.

    As far as Biblical church policy goes anyone causing an offense should be spoken to 1:1, and if they don’t listen, then other witnesses can be brought in. If that doesn’t work, then they should be banned for a while but not forever, which is the merciful way.

    Mart I can’t say that you are specifically trying to point a finger at a certain person as much as all of us who from time to time let our very human instincts override our duty to our brothers and sisters in Christ to follow the teachings set forth in the teachings of Paul. I know I was convicted and usually am by the scripture. Jesus said if you do it in your heart, you are guilty of sin.

    That said, I apologize for my part in saying anything that detracts from our Lord. And take these words of admonition with grace to change and hopefully grow closer to Him.

    Blessings, Grace

  13. poohpity says:

    Steve wanted Mart to be blunt and direct. Matt 7:2 NIV

  14. street says:

    if you really want to see questions that have an agenda watch the Washington Press Core. Sometimes I think they think they are in Power. hehe

  15. foreverblessed says:

    I want to tell you a story about God questioning my questions today.
    It is a long story, so you are warned in advance.
    But here it goes: I am reading the devotional -God calling- for some time now, and I have been praying to God: let me hear You speak just as clear as these women, the twolisteners, did. And this afternoon God did speak clearly to me:
    I came home in the afternoon, late for lunch, my husband was home, and had had his lunch already, he was watching tv, the Tour de France, a sport event, cycling, what Lance Armstrong did for years. Anyway, I wanted to make fried eggs too, with meat, and said so, then my husband told me all meat was gone. And I was annoyed: why don’t you leave a little bit why eat all of it? Then I asked him why he doesn’t know how to handle greasy kitchen utensils, he should wipe it with paper, and I wanted to explain how to deal with grease. But he wanted to watch, and didn’t want to listen, and I got annoyed at him watching so much sports on tv. Then he got upset, and told me: everytime you sit behind your computer on your blog Beenthinking, I am upset too.
    Then I asked him another question: do you also get angry when I go to church? And I left and started to work in the garden.
    Three questions I had asked.
    After some time the birds started to sing, and I started to pray. Eventually praying that God would bless my husband.
    There are two little rabbits in my garden, and I let them out, the female started to dig. After the third time I had enough, and I put her back in the cage.
    My husband came out, not angry anymore, but asked why the female was back in, and not the male. I answered: she started digging, three times, and I had enough of it.
    So there God started to talk to me, I realized He often answers in things that happen around us, in the real world. Here I thought, it was the female that started digging, and it was 3 times. It was the female, is God trying to tell me something?
    What did I do 3 times now in this fight we had? Was I digging too deep?
    Then I knew I indeed had asked questions I shouldn’t have done.
    I went to my husband and apologized, 3 times. And so he was blessed this day, and it was me who was to bring him the blessing.
    That is it. I hope it was for some encouragement to anyone.

  16. poohpity says:

    wow forever what a great lesson in grace, forgiveness and extending mercy.

    Two months ago I prayed and asked God to help me understand the true meaning of grace. That very weekend I tuned the TV to a sunday morning sermon based solely on grace. Then a couple of weeks later I went to the store where I met a 80yo woman and we began to talk for almost 30 minutes we exchanged our phone numbers and said good bye. Then the very next week on another trip to the same store we ran into each other again and we both discussed grace and I told her about what I had learned from that teacher. She had bought the book from him and was done reading it so she mailed it to me. I would have not been able to afford the book on my own. It has so blessed me in a further understanding of grace. The Lord provides.

    That book talked about if we had a white dry erase board we as humans would find the one little speck of black on the board and focus on that rather than all the white areas. God in His grace sees what Jesus has done for us and rather than keeping our eyes on Jesus we would rather look around at the specks in others and ourselves. While Peter kept his eyes on Jesus he was able to walk on water but when he started to look around he sunk.

    Receiving feedback from someone who really cares is way better than flattery. Proverbs 28:23 NIV

  17. quietgrace says:

    Forever so glad to hear about your encounter with God in the garden. Truly beautiful! Thank you.

  18. tracey5tgbtg says:

    When I first read the opener, I was a little hurt. It starts off saying it is a good thing to ask questions, but then says, to my ears at least, but don’t push it.

    In fact, all that comes to my mind in response is questions. Which I am too scared to ask.

    Steve you said, “As I had said in my first comments I wish him luck, but it is my experience that such people will not get the message or at best think it is for another and continue on with being who they are unless dealt with bluntly and directly.

    My advice to the remainder of conversationalists is to recognize the bait, avoid it and scroll on to the thoughts of another or just continue to share your own all in a spirt of good will and friendly fellowship.”

    Unfortunately, this prompts a burning question in me that will do nothing but promote useless controversies, but still I ask that question – Who are the “such people” and who are the “remainder of the conversationalists”?

    Everyone, please feel free to skip my comment and I understand if I my login to this site is deleted.

  19. poohpity says:

    tracey, I always enjoy when you join in the conversation and the only reason I do not give any kudos is cause of the guidelines. Steve’s ugly remarks were meant for me cause I ask questions to stimulate discussion not to trap anyone but for the reason I said above. The same innuendo’s that he has done for years due to the time I went one on one to him and said the same things refump did. So his(Steve’s) comments were not directed to anyone else but me. I never skip anyone’s comments they are as unique as each person is.

  20. belleu says:

    Well, I appreciate foreverblessed’s testimony on how the Lord showed her she had done wrong. God has also shown me my many faults, and yet he shows me in such a loving way as he did with her. He is such a wonderful God. I have had to apologize to my husband quite often.

    I know a little bit about alcoholics, since I am one and went to AA meetings. I no longer drink through the grace of God. Those meetings were full of love and the Spirit of God. I did feel ashamed of being a drunk mostly because I was hurting my husband. I don’t recall thriving on self-loathing. Hating myself has been part of my life since my father molested me. Sexual abuse tends to do that to people. It is a horrible feeling to live with day in and day out. I don’t recommend it to anyone. I’m only alive and coping today by God’s kind grace and mighty strength. I praise His name for his wonderful care over me.

    I don’t want to argue about alcoholism so I will say no more about it. It would be great if we could all ask the questions we want and write what we want in love. As long as we do so with prayer and love I think we will be okay.

  21. cbrown says:


  22. SFDBWV says:

    First of all let me be very clear, Mart and I have *NOT* discussed this topic off line at all and I would never betray the trust of a private conversation between friends here in this arena or anywhere else.

    The subject of Mart’s topic is being baited into an argument that has no purpose other than to argue.

    My comments are my *thoughts* along the line of the subject. My experiences are my experiences and no one else’s.

    For expressing both I am labeled judged and condemned by people who profess to do none of those things and love everyone.

    I could easily return insult for insult, but rather I will say “good luck” and blessing to all.


  23. foreverblessed says:

    What a thing it is that God is soo different then our own natural inclination!
    When Bellue wrote, forever had done something wrong, my own old self would come up again: but the other one was wrong too, I was only reacting to the wrong.
    That is my old self.
    We cannot be a disciple when we do not pick up our cross Matthew 10:38-39
    Losing my life is this: looking to my own reactions, not bothering that the other is in the wrong.
    God had told me I was wrong in my reaction. He did not say anything about the other party.

    So many times when we ask questions it is for showing the other where he is in the wrong.

    Honest questions of ourselves to God we can always ask, always.
    I did ask God about the behavior of my partner, he is watching so much tv, and not helping me in the garden.
    God gave me this answer too, yesterday: “now you know how I feel when I have a job for you, but you do not hear my voice, and do you own work.”
    So, there you are, that is God talking to me, but I am not new in the faith, He has been busy with me for more then 16 ears more closely, so the time of great comforting, and only comforting, 16 years ago, were then. Now the things He says are tougher, but always in love, not condemning.

    When I lose my life for the sake of Jesus, then I will find it!

  24. street says:

    (1) don’t get involved in any question or argument that is at the expense of the big Picture/Story: who Jesus is and what he has done for all of us; and (2) don’t give others a chance to ignore the most important questions by chasing those that are pursued merely for the distraction of the argument.

    good lessons on true discussion, because if not kept they continue the darkness and folly of the devil. the goal of walking with the Lord is to abide in the light, motivated by Love for Him and mankind.

  25. street says:

    tracey5tgbtg says:
    July 22, 2014 at 5:58 pm
    Unfortunately, this prompts a burning question in me that will do nothing but promote useless controversies, but still I ask that question – Who are the “such people” and who are the “remainder of the conversationalists”?

    It is us!

  26. tracey5tgbtg says:

    foreverblessed – as usual you always point back to the relationship between ourselves and God. Thank you, it is never about what others do.

    Street – I know it’s me!

  27. quietgrace says:

    Proverbs 27:17 shows the importance of conflict, actually within the Church. As difficult as it is for me to be around strong-willed, confident people there is a purpose in it all. What good is a dull knife blade? I was convicted of my sensitivity to what others say yesterday but the Lord showed me the way out, which is to submit to Him, not others, and ask Him to change me as He sees fit. His way is to become more Christ-like from the inside out, not just on the outside so as to appear Christian. He wants to destroy the workings of the flesh, which are very stubborn sometimes! Mine for sure!

    Forever you brought up such a good point as usual that we can look good on the outside, attend church, write on Christian blogs, but our interpersonal relationships are where the real life of Christ takes on meaning. I know how difficult it can be living with someone that is of a different mind than you, as I once did also. But as difficult as it was, it was a great time of spiritual growth for me, as it has been for you.

    Bellue I so appreciate your courage and honesty and thank God for what He has done for you. I can relate in so many ways to your past experiences.

    I do think that no matter how ‘sharp’ we think we are already, there is still much to learn. One writer likens the sharpness to the double-edged sword Heb.4:12 word of God that divides between soul and spirit. We who are gathered here are here for a purpose Heb. 10:24-26.

    Steve and Pooh I’m sad for the battle you seem to be in, but at the same time rejoice in what God is doing in you both. Perhaps He is using you to make some changes in each other? Only you can know that as Jesus reveals it to you. (Please don’t pounce on me, I say this in all humility and just what I observe on this blog). But if you do-pounce on me- by God’s grace I will learn something new through it and if nothing else, enjoy the closeness of my savior while I hide away for a while. (He IS my go-to hiding place anyway)

    Blessings, Grace

  28. cherielyn says:

    Questions about Questions are the result of an inquiring mind. I find myself often wondering what prompted a question, whether during my Bible reading/devotions or during county board meetings and then searching for answers by asking more questions. It sometimes seems to be like a circle – never ending!

    I can’t even remember when I last commented here. Life has been a whirlwind since January and I am trying to catch up with life.

    I found it impossible to keep up with BTA, so sadly have missed way too many of the topics and the comments posted about them. I may not know what has been happening in your lives, but God knows and you have all been in my prayers.

    Hoping to once again follow on a more regular basis, now that I am feeling so much better.

  29. poohpity says:

    grace, no pouncing from me. I have received feedback from many on here some of it I know I do and some of it just has no merit. I have tried over the years to mend this relationship and I will not give up praying. I so respect Steve as a dad, caregiver and a leader in his community. I have known him and his family apart from the blog for many years and call him my friend. Just as I was getting to know you apart from the blog. We are all a work in process and at times we want to help God do His work to only find we He does not need our help to change people in fact we tend to mess up His Masterpiece.

  30. poohpity says:

    Hey, Cheryl!! Welcome back and so glad to hear you are feeling better.

  31. tiysha says:

    As a matter of fact, I’m learning so much about humility on the topic raised. Every comment matters and I believe each one of it blesses a heart. Let’s ask these questions in love though.
    Forever blessed thanks for that garden experience.
    God bless us all.

  32. poohpity says:

    If we live for the praise of man we will be die under their criticism.

  33. poohpity says:

    Jeremiah equated foolishness with not knowing the ways of the Lord. (Jeremiah 5:4 NIV) So if we ask questions bent on our human nature or understanding the answers probably will lead to the controversies Paul talks about. Paul talked about foolish things as being wisdom of the world. (1 Cor 1:20 NIV) The world considered what Christ did on the Cross as foolish. (1 Cor 1:18 NIV) So maybe understanding the difference in healthy and destructive questions has to do with the focus, whether it focuses on getting to know God, depending on Him and His ways as opposed to different philosophies of the world that lead to man’s efforts. (Gal 3:3 NIV; 1 Peter 2:15 NIV)

  34. foreverblessed says:

    Guess what song I am practicing this week for upcoming Sunday.

    Cherielyn, good to hear from you!! God bless you.

    Right now my country is mourning, 40 cars with the first bodies are driving at this moment on the highway, to bring them to the place where they will be kept for searching out who is who.
    On the side people waiting, throwing white roses.
    Just after 4 pm we had a minute of silence, after the last post was given on the trumpet.
    It is good to have ceremony to remember all the victims, war victims they are.
    We are caught in a fight that is not ours. I hope and pray that the peace of mind will stay in our leaders. These people did not shoot a civilian airplane on purpose.
    God’s way is of de-escalating strife.

  35. street says:

    Questions that might cause trouble.

    What are you looking at?

    Why did you do that?

    Who do you think you are?

    Where do you think you are going?

    Where did you get that Idea?

    circumstances and timing can greatly increase conflict.

  36. poohpity says:

    forever, I know the people from your country and other countries had nothing to do with this battle between Ukraine and Russia. The loss of innocent people. With anger it causes much hurt to so many even those not involved it spills over. So much going on all around the world now a days. Many of us are praying.

    Hopefully people will be curious about our faith and hope. The bible teaches us to be ready for those type of questions, if we are not sure about what we believe it seems people can get defensive. People being naturally curious ask questions as Mart pointed out.

    Folks who are controlling do not like anyone to ask questions cause they may feel like it is challenging their authority. Asking questions can challenge old ways of thinking and open us up to learn new things. At first it may cause one to get a little defensive but then asking ourselves what is it about that question that causes such feelings to arise.

  37. poohpity says:

    What is Paul trying to teach us as we share God’s word and dealing with questions we are asked?

  38. poohpity says:

    It seems in 1 Tim 1:6 NLT Paul was teaching Timothy and us that arguing over jots and tittles in wrong doctrine that one can miss the intent of the teaching. Earlier in that chapter the people of Ephesus were bringing up myths and fables about salvation stirring up questions and arguments rather helping people understand God’s plan of salvation.

  39. narrowpathseeker says:

    I haven’t been here in a very long time, but had very strong compelling thoughts to come here this morning. When I read the topic and Steve’s response…I believed I knew why I was drawn here. I was pretty sure I didn’t have to read any further to know that the very reason I left here, had finally been addressed. BUT, I didn’t want to take on the anger. Despite the many very Christlike souls on here and the interesting subject matter, the non Christlike baiting and mean spirited behavior that was evident almost everyday at some point far outweighed the positive aspects for me. SO I stay away, but continue to pray for the family here.

    Tonight, I had strong compelling thoughts to come back. Then I read a post bashing Steve and I knew I had to post my thoughts on this.

    NO, none of us are perfect…we are ALL sinners of some sort and to various degrees. BUT, there are some things that are just so obvious that are ignored and accepted that it is sickening at best…Aren’t Christians supposed to have the gift of discernment?!!! When it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, smells like a duck and even LOOKS like a duck day in and day out for years on end..surely even a Christian can call it a duck without being accused of judging or pointing fingers. So, the way I see it..Steve was merely calling a duck a duck.. The duck remains and sheep run and other sheep not only protect the duck …they praise it. AND if Steve was addressed with “brotherly love”….then I must be totally ignorant..OK…I know how this is going to go…so I won’t stick around to subject myself to it….but, I’m fairly certain I will drop in next year and nothing will have changed one bit. Lord have mercy on us all!

  40. poohpity says:

    What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

  41. belleu says:

    In my opinion, and it is only my opinion, Steve and poohpity are contemptuous of each other. It isn’t easy for us humans, but as Christians we are not supposed to hold anyone in contempt. I do it myself and need lots of prayer to stop it. Many times, when my husband does something I don’t like, I am contemptuous of him, and that is a great evil. I am also contemptuous of crooked politicians or any number of people I read about in the news. Okay, so I have to pray about this all the time. I find the best way to conquer contempt is to pray honestly for that person that God may be with them, helping them etc. But I still have trouble almost daily.

    Jesus told the story of the Pharisess in Luke:18:9 “And He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt:..”

    Lets face it. Everyone feels contemptuous of someone – even if it is just a terrorist. It seems to me it is one of the easiest sins to commit. Even you, narrow, are contemptuous of some of us on the blog. But how can I condemn you when I do the same thing all the time?

    pooh, It would be better if you just stated your opinion and didn’t try to keep the discussion going by trying to stimulate the conversation as you say. It just leads to hurt feelings and trouble. Don’t bring up an opposite opinion unless you really believe it, not just to see what people will say. Steve, try to love drunk people :)

    foreverblessed, My heart goes out to you and your country and the terrible cost of war on innocent people. I pray God will be a comfort to everyone there.

    Nice to see you back, Cherielyn. I’m so glad you are better.

  42. poohpity says:

    belleu, I do believe what I say with all my heart. It is what I read in the Bible and I believe. I have no contemptuous feelings towards anyone. I do not advise anyone what to think or believe I just ask what it is that they do believe. I seldom voice an opinion because my opinion is not worth much and really does not matter. But what the Lord says about us is the most the important thing. He loved us with His life. All our faults and failures of which for myself I am more than aware of them but should I hang my head in shame or be very grateful for His outrageous grace and all the fault finding is not going to change any person only Jesus can do that. Like I have asked before I do not know if I have hurt anyone unless they tell me what I have done. What did I do? You told me it is trying to lead the conversation for you OK, will you forgive me? I can not promise I will never do it again I enjoy talking about the topics not any of your faults.

    Good grief this has really turned into kicking sand on the playground and who started it? Who started pointing fingers and why have we let it continue? Following by feeding into that anger and hatred instead of trying to change the conversation back to the topic. Don’t you people get it none of us are perfect in any way so why continue to throw stones?

  43. belleu says:

    I don’t think I am following into anger and hatred. I feel nothing of that in my heart for you, Steve or anyone. There has been a problem on the comments since I came here and people say it has been this way for years. Maybe it is impossible to fix since we are all sinners.

    I would ask you to have an unbiased friend of yours to read the last months of this blog’s comments and then give you their honest opinion on how your comments sound. The problem with talking on the computer with people is you don’t get to hear their tone of voice or see their facial expressions. Many times I feel you are jumping on people by challengeing what they are writing. Steve feels this too. I do forgive you and hope you forgive me for hurting your feelings. I have seen you ask Steve something like, “Do you lose your temper?” etc. which is not helpful. Or if I write about how I don’t go to church you bring up that it seems self-righteous people leave churches.

    I never dreamed I would write any of this and I’m sorry, but after everything everyone has said on this post I have to give my views. Steve did attack you by saying it was tossing pearls before swine. Does he hold you in contempt? It is obvious. The way you challenge him time after time shows you hold him in contempt. You both need to acknowledge your sin and ask each other’s forgiveness. If you don’t want to do that it’s up to you. If you don’t like me being so blunt, I’m sorry.

  44. poohpity says:

    belleu, I am feeling hurt and my spirit is broken. I welcome the feedback and thank you for being honest with me. You are so right we can not hear a persons voice or know their heart so then would it be better not to assume or jump to conclusions about them?

    Again I do not hold any contemptuous feelings toward Steve. I respect him as a dad, caregiver and leader in his community. I have gone one on one and on here to him asking for forgiveness over and over.

    Mart seems to have said over the last month that we have had some good conversations and I respect his opinion about our discussions. I took that to mean all of us. I wonder what he has to say about this one.

    To anyone else I have hurt that is not my intent at all not even close so please forgive me. Let’s stopping looking at each other and focus on the One who shows mercy and grace. Remembering that our opinions are based on our own perceptions and character not on the other person.

  45. cbrown says:

    Good morning. I have been listening to “Discover the Word” this week and I have an entirely different perception of the “eye of the needle”.Great stuff! But this morning the thing that resonated was the introduction. Two comments,”Our perceptions about what matters often needs adjusting” and “Truth discovered together is better than truth told”. The comments of the contributors on this blog are a blessing. Thank you.

  46. poohpity says:

    Chris, it would be remiss of me to say they are a blessing however they show how amazing God’s grace is. Praise God!

  47. poohpity says:

    The religious leaders asked Jesus questions to trap Him so they could find a reason to arrest Him. Questions about paying taxes(Matt 22:15-22 NLT), the resurrection(Matt 22:23-32 NLT) and the greatest commandment(Matt 22:33-40 NLT). It seems that is similar to what Paul was saying about turning others from wrong ideas with God’s help to believing what is true.

  48. foreverblessed says:

    Keep it up Pooh, God loves you and we love you!
    Thanks Cbrown, for -the disover word- of today:
    I listened to it too,
    with men things are impossible,
    but with God everything is possible.
    So it is with asking questions, many times I ask too much, and I should let God do the work, the Holy Spirit is the one who molds people.
    Like Steve brought up that it is useless to have a discussion with an alcoholic.
    I started to think about it, having one in my vicinity. Am I hopeless about that person?
    -A camel going through a needle-
    If I do not have hope, how can I pray for that person?
    Hope is so essential!
    Hebrews 11:1 Then with faith added to it, and I ask God, I pray for the heart and mind and soul of that person, then that will become substance, a spiritual reality!

    Like little children, full of confidence in our God, that in Jesus everything is possible. That is what I want to be, but many a time I worry too much, “o God, is this ever possible, is the alcohol too strong?”
    A camel going through a needle-
    Maybe there is lots of prayer needed, with many christians together.

    Like all the praying that is done this week since that airplane disaster, it is as if God is picking up all the prayers, they sour up to heaven it seems to me, when we prayed in church on Sunday, and again on Tuesday, when I go to an oecomenic church prayer in the big central church in our city. Thanks for all your prayers! One mother who lost a child was so comforted this week, I do believe God is very active now. And around the world people have been praying.

    Or am I now going too far away from the topic what Mart has brough up?

  49. belleu says:

    It is good to hear about how God is comforting those who are suffering. Hope is essential. It is hard to get through life without it.

  50. Mart De Haan says:

    Was in the studio this week again recording Discover the Word conversations with Elisa and Bill. So it’s good to hear that some of you are following those on radio. If you’re interested, you can also get online at http://discovertheword.org/.

    Am once again catching up on the conversation here this a.m. Yes, we have our moments. But love endures, and I think we are all learning that we can’t go anywhere in life without (at best) needing to work honestly and graciously through misunderstanding and disagreements.

    Even those disagreements and misunderstandings can be turned into opportunities for responses that are of more value than the problems.

  51. quietgrace says:

    Good morning all!

    As I am struggling with a personal issue right now (as I’m sure most everybody is from time to time) I came across this quote from a study called “Mary, Devoted to God’s Plan” which goes,”the life of faith is made up of a series of steps that bring us closer to the fulfillment of God’s will, but not necessarily farther from the challenges and struggles involved with moving ahead.

    Grigoni, M. R., Custis, M., Mangum, D., Whitehead, M. M., Brant, R., Barry, J. D., & Vince, E. (2012). Mary: Devoted to God’s Plan. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.

    The thing that encourages me is to be reminded that no matter the struggles, whether involving personal relationships or weightier matters of world-wide importance recognizing that we who belong to God are part of HIS plan, not ours, puts it all in proper perspective, doesn’t it?

    Lets all fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith as we live today and the days ahead, however many that may be, or however difficult they may be.

    Blessings, Grace

  52. jeff1 says:

    Can I say as someone who reads this blog but does not make comments on it that I do feel encouraged by it. Even though you have differences you are sincere in your search for the truth and do try to work out your differences. I am not from your country or culture but share a thirst for the truth. My own experience continues to be a struggle and there are times when I feel terribly lost. Reading your comments makes me realize that others share the same difficulties and now when I feel that way can go to your blog for assurance.
    I also listen to Discover the Word and other resources so please be assured that this blog does make a difference to someone like myself.

  53. belleu says:

    Hello Jeff1, It is so nice to hear from you. I also gain a blessing from this blog and Discover the Word. Grace, looking at Jesus instead of the problems in my family is something that came to my heart this week. I have to look away from all our struggles and heartache and look at Jesus’ life and teachings instead. If I don’t, I get depressed and despairing.

  54. foreverblessed says:

    Thanks Jeff1 for telling, that is encouraging! I did post acomment but it is gone? I try again
    Grace wrote: fix your eyes on Jesus.
    In the devotion -God calling- the ladies are often encourged to look to Jesus in faith, in full assurance that He is with us, and that when we look so in faith to Him, then His life flows through us, that is the Spirit, and cleanses us bit by bit, in body, soul and spirit.
    I was asking God, where in the bible does it say so, and when I read -fix your eyes on Jesus- I immidiately knew where it was in the bible: Numb 21:8 the Israelites had to look up to the snake on the pole, and then they lived, so Life was flowing through them to make them live.

  55. foreverblessed says:

    1 Thess 5:23
    And it was the song -In the garden-, by Charles Austin Miles.with chorus: -and He walks with me and He talks with me- that I was rehearsing this week, when God talked to me in the garden, gently, about me asking questions. We can indeed ask too much, let God do the changing of the other, He is sooo gentle. The more we look up to Him, the more we become gentle too.

  56. quietgrace says:

    Forever the verse I was referencing is found in Hebrews 12:2. I too love that song- In the Garden.

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