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Mary Did You Know?

P1010151_edited-1This year, just before Christmas, a wonder-filled five minute National Geographic YouTube video has captured my attention.

It has also renewed my appreciation for one of the wonderful lines of Mark Lowry’s Mary did You Know—“that your baby boy… is Lord of all Creation?”

Without him was nothing made that was made… (John 1:1-4) (John 1:14)



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91 Responses to “Mary Did You Know?”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Thanks Mart, a good start to my day.


  2. SFDBWV says:

    This morning the song “Mary Did You Know” reminded me of a book I have titled “Moments with the Savior” “A Devotional Life of Christ” by Ken Gire
    What I found unique about his writing is that it is in three parts; first he gives a verse of Scripture, followed by meditation in real time view, and ends with a prayer associated with the verse and thoughts surrounding it. The book being a collection of such material.

    I would recommend it to anyone, in fact a few years ago we bought several and gave them away as Christmas gifts.

    We have been enjoying a cold wet December, 38 degrees and foggy as I write this morning.


  3. remarutho says:

    Thanks over this way as well, Mart —

    “My soul exalts the Lord,
    And my spirit has rejoiced in
    God my Savior.” (Luke 1:46-47)

    “He is before all things, and in Him
    all things hold together.” (Col 1:17)

    See “what God has wrought”!

    Third Week in Advent —
    Thanks again,

  4. poohpity says:

    Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.

    He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth.
    He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see—such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him.

    He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together. Christ is also the head of the church, which is his body. He is the beginning, supreme over all who rise from the dead. So he is first in everything.

    For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.

    This includes you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions. Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.

    But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News.

  5. joycemb says:

    Thinking about how thrilled the Father must have been when his own son was born into the ‘nest’ on earth amongst all that he had created. What a thrill he must have had!

  6. street says:

    did you know?
    getting tired of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. i long for for the day i don’t go there anymore or swayed by it’s lies. sure there is good there, but the poke or emptiness i can do without. there is a better tree out there to eat from. the growing part from eating is a slow process. One i must submit too. it must be my joy and crown.

  7. joycemb says:

    Street sometimes just worshipping God is enough. It gives him an opportunity to teach and us to learn from Him. Matt. 12:25 the first few words are important to remember; Jesus knows our thoughts.
    Jesus prayer in Matt. 11:25-30 brings comfort and peace when we are overburdened by our thoughts. I know this well.

  8. joycemb says:

    Street sometimes just worshipping God is enough. It gives him an opportunity to teach and us to learn from Him. Matt. 12:25 the first few words are important to remember; Jesus knows our thoughts.
    Jesus prayer in Matt. 11:25-30 brings comfort and peace when we are overburdened by our thoughts. I know this well.

  9. street says:

    that makes sense in that eating from the tree of good and evil is divided and that person can not stand. where as eating from the tree of life has no downside.

    been thinking worship of God is the only thing, not the go to thing. like it’s the chief end of man.

  10. street says:

    yes i know He knows my thoughts and i hope He is well pleased by them.

  11. hera says:

    The NatGeo vid – wow! Such beauty! Thanks for sharing that. Really in awe, my pupils must be fully dilated during the whole 5 mins of it :-) and thinking what a joy & adventure it would be working in NatGeo, documenting all those magnificent animals and able to be in those places….beside their beautiful, cute appearances, I like looking at those animals eyes, it is said that eyes are windows of the soul, to me even the eyes of the most fierce like tigers, lions or snakes etc are not menacing..their eyes do not hold hatred, contempt, gloat…etc-emotions ‘indigenous’ of humans…
    To think of those awesome, wonderful creations….how much more awe & wonder I’d get when God finally allow me to really see His presence! All Glory to God…Amen.
    May all experience wonderful moments that show God’s glory this holiday season.

  12. bubbles says:

    The cardinal photo is lovely. Thank you.

  13. SFDBWV says:

    Watched again the National geographic video this morning before I went outside to feed the much smaller and less threatening of God’s creatures.

    The matter reminded me of Revelation 4:6, 7, 8. I am sure the description of these “beasts” are symbolic, yet I find them very intriguing.

    I read a few days ago whereas the Pope made some mention of pets in heaven. Creating a stir among pet lovers and hope for their beloved little friends.

    I for one have always believed every creature has a soul, remembering a quote from Job that says “In whose hand is the *soul* of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.” Of course modern Bible translators changed it to say “the *life* of every living thing.” So to make them feel better about the statement, but I prefer the King James Version and so stick with it. (Job 12:10)

    I especially enjoyed the music that accompanies the National Geographic video. A true blessing and another curiosity as to how music can touch our *soul* and stir us so emotionally.

    Just had a wow moment. It is a mixture of rain and freezing rain and has been all morning with dark gray skies, yet when I looked out a few moments ago, just for a few minutes the eastern sky lit up with bright pink hues with a mixture of blue sky showing through; just long enough for a praise prayer before it surrendered to the dark and stormy look again.



  14. poohpity says:

    Steve, thank you for sharing your wow moment. The vivid colors of all creation seem to be more vibrant when contrasted with that which is dark and stormy. Just thinking that behind those clouds the colors are still there but for a time they are blocked from our sight but we can trust confidently that the color is still there.

  15. phpatato says:

    I have been listening to this song, Mary did you know, on you tube, a couple of times a day since I received it through a notification on facebook. Powerful words, wonderfully done.

    One young man of this group is a professing Christian, and the background information on how he became part of the group is pretty amazing. He is the beatboxer in this a cappella band -their music is performed with no background instrumental music.

    Because I know I can’t post a link to a webpage, a google search on you tube – Pentatonix/Mary Did You Know – will surely take you to the song.

    Mart, the line that strikes my heart is “that sleeping child you’re holding is the great I AM”.

    I hope you find the song and that it Blesses you as it has me. (Little Drummer Boy is another great one done by them – to my ears anyway).


  16. poohpity says:

    Thanks Pat very good rendition. Sadly I read the comments wish I would have passed on that but that darkness sure did show the reason Jesus came.

  17. phpatato says:

    Deb, there is a version of the song on faithtap dot com that has no comments available. It is unfortunate that comments can have the ability to detract from the beauty of the words in the song. But you are so right, those comments and ones like them are indeed the reason why God sent His son into the darkness below.

  18. rokdude5 says:

    Every time the subject of Mary comes up, I think we short ourselves by not studying her more. Here’s a young teen-er who gives God a “whatever”….not a surrender with resentments but with astonishing love and complete faith in His providence. How many teen-ers (or adults) do any of us know who even come close to this?

    “Whatever” you want to do with my life, Lord, let thy will be done”.

  19. street says:

    Matthew 11:11 Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist! Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

  20. jeff1 says:

    I agree RJ religions are always criticising each other instead of learning from each other. Listen to the words of this song I find them very interesting and a reminder that we are all part of God’s plan.

    Oh Blessed Mother we pray to Thee
    Thanks for the miracle of Your Rosary
    Only You can hold back
    Your Holy Son’s hand
    Long enough for the whole world to understand

    Hail Mary full of grace
    The Lord is with Thee
    Blessed are thou among women
    And blessed is the fruit of Thy womb,Jesus
    Oh Holy Mary dear Mother of God
    Please pray for us sinners
    Now and at the hour of our death
    And give thanks once again
    For the miracle of Your Rosary

  21. bubbles says:

    John 14: 6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me. ”

    We pray to God the Father in Jesus’ name because he is our intercessor and high priest.

    Hebrews 4:15 “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities. . ”

    Heb. 12:2 “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

  22. joycemb says:

    I found a very good article by Nancy Leigh DeMoss entitled “Mary: Portrait of a woman used by God” online which explores and explains the non-Catholic understanding of Mary and her role in the birth of Messiah. I thought it was very good.
    She played a very important part in our journey in faith.

  23. poohpity says:

    Mary was confused and afraid but she presented herself to God as His servant and believed God. That faith was what her relative Elizabeth said made her blessed. There have been several throughout history who have had that same kind of faith and from what I understand faith is given to each from God and I bet He gives special faith to accomplish His will to whomever He uses and God knows the heart of those who are open to His leading.

  24. SFDBWV says:

    For those not familiar with the Fatima incident of 1917 I would recommend seeking unbiased reading of the matter.

    I remember telling my sister back in 1982 when my mother had died that we had someone there in heaven to help us with our prayers.

    It was just one of those things you say in an attempt to ease another’s pain, but I have since seen the little innocent comment as one that opens a door of understanding.

    All of us lay claim that we are given authority on earth and *in heaven* regarding spiritual matters, and prayer is a spiritual matter. We are encouraged to pray for each other, if we believe in life after death are we to suppose intercessory prayer ends with death?

    I love the words of the rosary and see nothing sacrilegious about it and I see nothing wrong with honoring Mary any less than any number of the *hero’s* of Scripture.

    Mary and Joseph have a very unique place in the story of the Bible and though *anointed* and empowered by God to accomplish His will, they did their part and so have a very special place in the history of the Savior of all mankind.

    Mary also had a place in the continued story of Christianity, she didn’t just disappear after the crucifixion.

    Just enjoy the music and be a brother or sister to all Christians, especially at the time of year chosen to remember His coming.


  25. joycemb says:

    Well said Steve. Thank you and am praying for all who are having a tough time this year as the holidays can be hard for some. But hope is always there to lift us up, much like the hope Mary had in her God and her blessed child.

    I was thinking about the stillness surrounding that Holy birth, maybe punctuated only by revelers at the local tavern or the sounds of animals wild and tame. But also thinking of the wide expanse of starry skies with no skyscrapers, airplanes, or car lights off in the distance.

    Oh Holy night! Be still and know that I am God…..Psalm 46:10-11

  26. poohpity says:

    I never understood that we can claim authority on earth or in heaven. I thought that was only for Jesus(Matt 28:18). I know Satan tempted Adam/Eve to be like God and Satan said it was his to give Jesus in the wilderness temptation but I have not understood that we can claim that.

    Before I started this journey with the Lord I once believed my relatives that had gone before me could speak on my behalf to God but since have come to understand that I now have an intercessor that knows what is best for me/us and understands even my deepest needs (Romans 8:26-27 NLT). I am also called to pray for others in the Spirit (1 Tim 2:1-2 NLT) while on this earth. I read where Saul had a witch call Samuel back from the grave to intercede for him to God and Samuel seems to have said why disturb him in 1 Sam 28. If I believe that where my relatives are resting in peace why would I want to disturb that serenity when it is only God who can help me anyway?

    So my thoughts are if we go to anyone else but the Lord in prayer are we not worshiping them in some form or another? I know in the Catholic religion people also go to confession cause we are taught to confess our sins to one another but aren’t we to be a safe place for others to come and openly share our hearts not that they can forgive us but it keeps us humble and is healing (James 5:16 NIV). Sadly when we share often people take that to gossip about others behind their backs and maybe a priest seems a safe place to that but then don’t they give a person penance acts to do like so many Hail Marys and Our Fathers. God forgives us when we confess/admit (1 John 1:9 NIV). Isn’t Jesus our great High Priest (Heb 4:14-16 NLT)?

    It all comes back to the fruit of Mary’s womb, Jesus. The mother of Grace, Jesus. I do not think Mary would have ever wanted the light to be shined on her just like all other followers/saints of the Lord they wanted to point people to the true light of the world, Jesus.

  27. joycemb says:

    Pooh in order to understand the Catholic way of interpreting scripture you have to study Catholicism. Evangelicals have a different mindset as they are taught. And both believe on their lives that their interpretation is right. I studied and went to mass for a year- I can tell you it is the most worshipful experience I have ever had. Eastern Orthodox is equally impressive. Are there those in Catholicism or Evangelicalism who don’t really know God but only through what they’ve been told? Yes! But learning to love others as commanded also entails those we don’t understand well. It helps to walk the proverbial mile in another’s shoes. I did that and was so blessed by the whole experience, and got a view of that faith that truly brought me to my knees in thankfulness and humility. It’s part of growing in grace.

  28. joycemb says:

    You ask really good questions Pooh!

  29. jeff1 says:

    I don’t think that it is about Mary wanting a light to be shined on her I think it is that she intercedes on behalf of the Roman Catholic congregation. I have always been preached to that they are the of the lower light and as such God has less expections of them than of Protestants. Their is a scandal with Catholic priests abusing Children and many catholics are turning away from their Church because of it. When I was growing up Protestants told me that Catholics worship the virgin Mary but I attended a Wedding in a Catholic Church and when saying prayers I noted that the words were that Mary would intercede for them in heaven this is very different than worshipping Mary. Joycemb is right if we don’t understand because we have not been taught then we are listening to others who just sometimes want to point the finger and haven’t got their facts right. You must always look at a person’s motives for saying what they say about another’s religion for often they are questionable at least that has been my experience.

  30. SFDBWV says:

    If you like good praise music and something both enlightening and surprising, listen to some of what Donna Cori Gibson has to offer.

    When I come to God in prayer, it is to God the Father that I speak to. I do so in the name of and under the authority given me to do so, of Jesus of Nazareth.

    Do I pray to named saints or Mary? No I do not, but I welcome the prayers of any person alive on earth or in that heavenly Paradise on my behalf.

    Instead of centering on differences between Christian doctrines, I find it helpful to center on common ground first and then try and understand firsthand what may be seen as different.

    Any road that leads to Jesus as Christ, is in my understanding the right road for whomever it is traveling their road.

    So long as it leads to Jesus as Lord and Savior, all the pomp and circumstance or rituals that go along with it doesn’t matter.

    Jesus is my intercessor because He stands in my place for me, though I don’t deserve being in the presence of God and my prayers unheard by Him, He listens and allows it only because Jesus and only Jesus is worthy and intercedes on my behalf.

    Lot more to say but not time to.


  31. street says:

    i guess if you depend on nepotism, a system of liturgy, the queen of heaven, or creation you certainly will find no need for the Holy Spirit whom God sent. be careful about adding or taking away. as for worship, is what goes on outside the temple more important than what transpires inside the temple? israel was decimated for her idolatry and unbelief in the wilderness and as a nation. thank God He has left a remnant, lest all become like sodom and gomorrah. work out your most Holy Faith with fear and trembling. in Ephesians 6 it talks about armor. it’s to protect us not from the devil he can do nothing to the soul it is to protect us from the Holiness of God. it takes preparation and practice to wear such gifts given to us by our Father. God bless you in Christ Jesus.

  32. poohpity says:

    Joyce, are you assuming that I have not learned about other religions or that I am not showing love or grace by basing my beliefs on what is taught in the Bible?

  33. poohpity says:

    street, where does Paul say in Ephesians that the spiritual armor is to protect us from the Holiness of God?

  34. poohpity says:

    I am so sad that people look to religions which is man’s attempt to put our focus on man not God. They look at what mankind can do to earn God’s favor. Looking to Christ we realize it is God’s love for mankind not the other way around. Our love is imperfect and marginalized to say the least. God’s love is immeasurable, unfathomable, simply amazing and a gift. Jesus is the gift that keeps on giving and giving. We do not have to have any other person nor is there is other person that can make us right with God but Jesus. We do not have to have any other go between not Mary not Paul not Matthew no one but Jesus, now we can go to God ourselves because of what He did and our belief in Him.

    If anyone tells you any different then they are not seeking what is in your best interest which is what love is. Seek the truth and compare what others tell you by what is written in God’s Word.

  35. street says:

    dear poo how many children run to their Father in self made armor? would it not be better to run to Father with what He has provided instead of suffering lose? salvation is not the issue, displeasing Father is the concern. it’s better to learn from the mistakes of others than to make them ourselves. all the saints will make mistakes and Dad will correct us. if you look closer at the armor you will notice truth, righteousness, faith, gospel of peace, salvation, and Word of God all come from God, not from men. the blood of Christ protect us from condemnation, the armor protects us from His displeasure. Be Holy for I am Holy. in the Old Testament it talks of the priest wearing foreign cloths. God bless you in your Christmas apparel.

  36. joycemb says:

    No pooh all I was saying is that the Catholics interpret the truths found in the Bible differently and practice their faith in God and Jesus as the messiah differently than most evangelicals or other mainline denominations. Jesus told his disciples not to worry about those who weren’t traveling with them as long as they were preaching the gospel. Even Paul was more concerned about the gospel being preached than how the converts were worshipping.

    As far as scandal in the Catholic Church there are plenty in the evangelical churches also. God is faithful to clean up his house whether individual or corporate.

  37. poohpity says:

    street, the armor is to protect from Satan’s lies and deceit. We are covered by the blood of the Lamb that is from also a covering from us being sinful by nature.

    Eph 6:10 A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

    13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.

  38. poohpity says:

    One piece of that armor is God’s Word so we are not carried away with false beliefs that take us down wrong paths.

  39. oneg2dblu says:

    Brothers and Sisters… while reading through the last several posts, I see inferences of many roads, (always a mistake,) because the bible does not back up the many roads theory, although it sounds loving and right, because all a man’s ways seem right to Him, unless you can back it up with the word of God, then we have no contest.
    But if not,it opens us to a false teaching, false doctrine, false religious bent, and much more division, even if the other ways make you feel all tingly and arev great sounding, so can many other things that can actually kill you, do likewise.
    One God, One Way, One Road, the Narrow and difficult one which few find, according to the word, as all other roads lead to destruction.
    Not voicing my views here, just biblical truth that can be proved by the word.
    Show me one verse that says we are to pray for those who are dead, and then a witness or second to it.
    Also, if one’s way after death can then be changed by another’s wishful prayers.
    For it is already set in motion for each one to die, and then comes the judgement.
    If God saved a City for the sake of a Remnant, that was done before that city was annihilated, not after they had perished.
    I too am only a product of what I have been taught, and do not seek to know all other religions ways, because I can not find that requirement in scripture.
    Idolatry is rather well defined in scripture as worshiping any other thing, and what we are to Worship is also very limited, narrow, and one way.
    Universalism sounds so lovingly right for a loving Almighty God who’s very will it is that none should perish.
    But, what does should really mean here, when the scriptures are so full of what happens to all unbelievers and idolaters?
    Christ, who it the word, came to divide, and we see that divide everywhere in the world and even in the Church.
    Be Blessed, Gary

  40. joycemb says:

    Street I’ve been trying to figure out how you tied the body armour with shielding us from Gods Holiness. I can sort of see it but I think we need to be careful that our conceptions match up with the written word. Not saying it’s not one way to envision our relationship to God, but it seems hard to justify by the way scripture is laid out.

    Moses and others were changed physically after encountering the living God, but the veil was torn at Calvary and now the only thing between us and God is our physical body; spiritually we all have access to the Holy of Holy’s through the blood of Christ.

  41. joycemb says:

    Universalism is many different ways to get to God: Buddhism, Islam, good works, Christianity. I have seen nothing discussed here but Christianity in its varied forms.

  42. poohpity says:

    I did not say anything about scandals in the church Joyce. The church is made up of people and people make mistakes, errors, they have faults, etc. that is why we look to Jesus not those who run churches or religions or denominations. Why do you think that the Catholic church made such a huff about people getting the Bible to read for themselves? They tried everything they could to keep it out of the commoners hand. You went to Bible college didn’t you? Didn’t they teach you the history of the Bible? What were the reasons Christians fled to the America’s? What was the reformation about?

    When people say to me the Bible is left to interpretation I know they have not read it. It is not hard to understand on a whole but some of it can cause divisions but I wonder if they even have the Spirit in them in the first place. There is more we can agree on than there is that we do not agree on. While reading it I found where many religions have taken parts out and formed the different denominations but it is not a partial book it is a book of redemption from God for man.

  43. cas139 says:

    I am a Roman Catholic. There seem to be many misperceptions of what that means. As a Catholic, I am first and foremost a follower of Christ. I read and study the Bible on my own and in group Bible studies, and I hear the Word proclaimed through the “liturgy” that allows for Bible readings from the old and new testament at every “mass.”

    But since this topic has much discussion of Mary (whom I honor but don’t worship, I thought I’d share my perspective of Mary with a reflection I wrote last Advent about her:

    I’ve been asking myself what is that thin thread that has kept me connected to Mary over these many years. Then, this morning I was reading the chapter “Given” in Henri Nouwen’s “Life of the Beloved.” In it Nouwen speaks of our lives as the gifts we give, both in body on this earth and in spirit and memory after we’ve left this earth. He notes that our gifts aren’t so much our talents as our ways of being. We can give the gift of presence or patience or concern or love to those around us. These are the things that are carried through the generations of those we’ve touched with these gifts.

    I think that has something to do with what holds me to Mary. She put her full trust in God’s vision for her as the work of her life. We don’t really hear much about what she did, but we feel her presence, there in the background, as Jesus walked his much more public path. Somehow, her words of love and faith, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my savior” echo through the gospels. They set the tone for the message that Jesus carried out to the world.

    So, for me, I think I continue to honor Mary for the great Gift she first gave of herself as the ultimate vessel of God’s love and the gifts she continues to give as the quiet, yet loving and faithful example of motherhood and faithfulness she is to me.

  44. joycemb says:

    Christine that is beautiful.

  45. joycemb says:

    Pooh yes I know all about the reformation etc.

    The last thing I have to say about the differences between Catholic and Protestant is the scriptures are approached differently therefore the spiritual practices are different. The only way to understand is by practice and study. We evangelicals tend to misunderstand some Catholic practices as we try to view them through our lense, as Christine has so eloquently shown us in her love and respect for Mary. Hail Mary, full of grace-The Lord is with thee; as with all who call upon His name.

  46. street says:

    poohpity says:
    December 17, 2014 at 3:06 pm

    street, where does Paul say in Ephesians that the spiritual armor is to protect us from the Holiness of God?

    poo is the armor an outward manifestation of what is going on in the heart/ temple?

    when david went into the vallley to meet with goliath he did not wear saul armor. i would trust he went with God and what He provided. i would think it would be the same as the armor in Ephesians 6. he believed God and did not add to it or take away from it. just thinking

    oh as for protecting from the Holiness of God. the Bible never recorded anyone not having trouble with it. the trouble is on our part, not God’s. He will make a way, not us. dress appropriately.

  47. jeff1 says:

    We are born into a Country, a culture and a religion and indoctrinated to it. Most of my youth was spent believing what I was told till I found out that other religions existed and they had different teachings. Who is it that indoctrinates us only teachers and preachers. How do we know they are false, some people are brought up like myself to keep their faith simple and they have done just that. It seems to me rather than getting into debates on whose religion is right we have been well advised as by keeping your faith simple you focus on Christ and not on what others are doing wrong. At the end of the day God will judge them in accordance with his will not on any body else’s. It is good that you are all so informed on God’s word but the rest of the World needs saving too and they are not so well informed.
    If it were would this World be in the state it is in today, words are all very well but actions speak louder.

  48. street says:

    poohpity says:
    December 17, 2014 at 4:32 pm

    One piece of that armor is God’s Word so we are not carried away with false beliefs that take us down wrong paths.

    wearing one piece of armor leaves you vulnerable and open to a lot of damage control. i think it’s a complete set. practice and exercise will improve your Fathers pleasure. just as a child scoring a goal on a soccer field. looking forward to the day i can keep up with the horses in battle and soar with eagles. God made us for so much more than what we are accustom to. we find all this in Him.

  49. poohpity says:

    Yes jeff when I went to Africa not only did we meet the physical needs but the Lord gave me the Words to share the Gospel and over 50+(stopped counting) people accepted God’s gift of salvation through Christ Jesus. His Word is being preached and acted out all over the world and even in our own neighborhoods. Until all human kind is out of this flesh I am sure there will still be problems no matter where we are. It does not stop until the Lord comes again that is why His grace is so amazing. Many cultures, many languages and many people groups. I have friends who are in many different places around the world meeting the needs of people in the name of Jesus. Each time we take a step outside our door and even on the internet or with pen and paper we share God’s Word it is our life and our mission. One day every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. There is God’s Word translated in many languages from all over the world some of those languages only a small group of people speak but translators are there learning the language so they can have God’s Word. Out of 6.9 billion people in the world 2010 of those 2 billion are Christians and it will not be because they have not heard it will be because they chose not to believe.

    street, show me where it says that the spiritual armor is to protect us from God’s Holiness? Did not David face a physical giant? Adam/Eve walked in the garden with God and after they did what they were told not to do, it was the Lord who came looking for them but they were the ones who hid. Jesus came in the flesh and no one needed anything to protect them from His Holiness.

  50. oneg2dblu says:

    jeff1… yes, keep the, or your, faith simple.
    But, once you know Christ and know the warnings in the word as well as the promises, then, that knowledge alone changes everything, because according to the word, you must be engaged in others lives and ways, and especially the brethren.
    James 5:19,20 “My brothers if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins.”

  51. street says:

    poo says,”street, show me where it says that the spiritual armor is to protect us from God’s Holiness?”

    show me where we do not need to wear what God has provided? i think some of the things we wear can really get us into trouble like doubt, disappointment, loneliness,ignorance and of coarse sin and pride. He is faithful even in all this. He left us a Helper. every saint needs to be trained. God will see to that.

  52. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    It seems to me the question, Mart, is shockingly simple as well as unanswerable:

    “Mary did You Know—’that your baby boy… is Lord of all Creation?’”

    The miracles surrounding the birth of Jesus are many — the end of Elizabeth’s barrenness — the inspiration of the pagan magi so far away — angels coming and going — the impregnation of a virgin by the blessed Holy Spirit…

    Surely Mary endured the stares of her neighbors as her pregnancy became more and more evident. Surely she clung to God for strength and consolation. But real, complete knowledge of all it means to be a Christ-bearer? Mary was not chosen for her great knowledge, but for her joyful willingness to be God’s “bondslave.”

    In these days of Advent, I ponder how God has made a way so many times when there was/is no way. The archangel Gabriel spoke the truth: “…for nothing will be impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37) Can it be we haven’t seen anything yet in our lifetime? How many impossible things have been, are being and will be accomplished by the Almighty completely under the radar of human understanding? Wonderful! Unanswerable!

    Joy at Advent,

  53. foreverblessed says:

    The last couple of weeks I have been practicing on the Weihnachts Oratorium by Bach.
    It is beautiful music, and I enjoyed it very much. There is a lot of focus on the little baby boy that is born in a manger, small and insignificant as in earthly views. Mary as the mother who cherished him while he grew in her womb.
    At one point the director was pausing and said/ the message of Easter is in a way much easier then that of Christmas±
    Many people have been martyred and crucified, but a baby boy being born in a manger, angels singing, and telling shepherds, there is a king born. A little baby wrapped in clothes, is that the God who created heaven and earth.
    What a message! The God who created everything and all, He comes to us in a little human form, grown in the womb of Mary, nothing is too small for Him.
    That is the One who will rescue us, the One who is our Savior.

    (Singing all these lyrics of the Weihnachts Oratorium, was like having a great bible study, but then much more contemplative, as the words sink deeper when you sing them.)

  54. poohpity says:

    The only thing it seems to protect us from God’s Holiness and awesome power is His great Love. Simple. That love brought Jesus into being to show us that God wants a relationship with everyone. So this baby was born to die. I wonder if Mary knew that at the time? I know for me I am so glad we are not shown the path but we are asked to trust God while traveling the path.

  55. foreverblessed says:

    Pooh, I doubt that too. But the question was: did Mary knew that the baby was the Creator of heaven and earth?
    The Word who spoke and everything was created, became her baby? I believe that these things were slowly coming into her mind as the baby grew into a boy, and into young man. Everybody with eyes to see could look into His eyes and see the God was looking at them, (I believe so it was.)

  56. jeff1 says:

    Not all religions are brought to study the bible Gary so how do we know God’s word, we were brought up with faith in Christ and what he did on the Cross, you say your saving a person if you get them to turn away from sin, it is Jesus who has saved that person and me every day I am on this earth and I will still sin knowingly and unknowingly. That is not to say I go out to sin but the flesh is weak and I fail many times. Walking with God means I know I am weak but rejoice because God can work through my weakness. I know I fail but God’s spirit reassures me that I am forgiven. We all wander from the truth such is the nature of the Gospel. If we didn’t then we would be keeping the laws perfectly and be right with God and unless I am mistaken this is not possible when I am in the flesh.

    We must not be so heavenly that we are know earthly good. It seems to me that it is not God who expects us to get it perfect but those whom profess to know him through his word expect others with less knowledge to get it perfect.

  57. cbrown says:

    Good morning all.This morning the “Discover the Word” study was awesome. Praise God!

  58. joycemb says:

    Good day all !
    Mary did you know? Yes I wonder when she figured that out? In my spiritual journey I questioned where did God come from? When I discovered that God always was I rejoiced! God always existed! And came to walk on terra firma with all that He had created! I remember feeling such peace and joy that I now knew where I too came from as His creature.
    Mary being full of the Holy Spirit already knew this. But what a tremendous gratitude I feel for God revealing to me not only who I was, but Himself as well! And now all can know!
    Oh Joy!

  59. oneg2dblu says:

    Brothers and Sisters… as long as we have the word of God living in us, why not use it?

    “To whom much is given, much will be expected.”

    What greater gift are all we believers given then receiving the rock upon which the church is built, the Revelation of Jesus Christ as being Our Lord and Savior?

    Then after finding this great multitude of witnesses called His Church who then become our Spiritual family.

    How could we then turn a blind eye on how our family should live holy and acceptable lives for God, but also holding all things, all behaviors, all lifestyles as being acceptable, especially if God’s word clearly says, we should not live as the world lives, knowing there is also a better way?

    Hebrews 12:1

    1 Thessalonians 4:7

    2 Timothy 1:14

    Hebrews 12:14

    2 Peter 3:11

    Be Blessed, Gary

  60. poohpity says:

    Gary, I think there in lies the problem it is not for you to make sure your family is living holy and acceptable lives for God until you are able to do so yourself. First and foremost look into your own life and leave the rest of the family in Gods’ hands. God created the world and everything in it, I think He is able to change lives and He already did make them holy and acceptable by the blood of the Lamb. Receive that true blessing!

  61. rokdude5 says:

    There was a song called “Still Her Little Child” that I used to perform at a Baptist Church that describes what Mary saw when she bore, raised and watched her son being crucified.
    Still Her Little Child
    Words and music by Ray Boltz and Steve Millikan
    When she laid him in a manger
    He was still her little child
    In a city filled with strangers
    He was still her little child
    Though the inn was full
    And the night was cold
    She held Him close and smiled
    When she laid Him in a manger
    He was still her little child
    When the angels called Him Savior
    He was still her little child
    When the wise men gave Him treasures
    He was still her little child
    When the shepherds bowed before Him
    A star shone all the while
    When the angels called Him Savior
    He was still her little child
    When He grew in strength and wisdom
    He was still her little child
    When He spoke the people listened
    He was still her little child
    When He healed the lame and dying
    They would follow Him for miles
    And when he grew
    In strength and wisdom
    He was still her little child
    When the people turned against Him
    He was still her little child
    When they shouted crucify Him
    He was still her little child
    And when they nailed Him
    To a wooden cross
    Then we were reconciled
    When she held His broken body
    He was still her little child
    He was still her little child

  62. poohpity says:

    Thanks RJ. What a joy to listen to!

  63. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… thanks for thinking you found my problem, there in lies the problem, as you have said.

    See how easy it is to see the faults in others and then want to correct them?

    But, wouldn’t that mean that you are doing exactly what you say,I should not do, with my looking out for others?

    If you think that not helping others see the error in their way, as being the best way for you, then it is the best way for you.

    But it is not for me, because to me, looking the other way is not part feeding the sheep.


  64. poohpity says:

    You are right Gary. Forgive me for correcting. I hope you understand I was not calling you a problem.

  65. street says:

    been thinking
    what did she know and when did she know it?
    well my bet is not much till after Pentecost. that’s when people started to catch on. did she remember the sign God gave that a virgin would have a Son? did she remember the promise to david, one of his descendent would sit on his thrown forever. did the suffering servant come to mind. what comes to your mind with the knowledge of Emanuel?

  66. joycemb says:

    Luke 1:26-55

  67. SFDBWV says:

    Have any of you ever had an epiphany?

    If you have when you first experience it, it is awesome and mind boggling, but over time the experience fades as well as the emotions connected to it.

    Over time you look for more *signs* or things connected to it as a way of explaining better to you just what it all means.

    Each encounter Mary had with other peoples visions had to bolster her expectations. The Magi’s appearance, the shepherds, Simeon and Anna. As well as Joseph’s dreams.

    But remember the story of a young Jesus who got left behind in Jerusalem at Passover (Luke 2:41-51); neither Mary nor Joseph understood what Jesus meant when He said He was about His Father’s business, (Luke 2:49) but Mary remembered all these little things, but didn’t fully understand yet what was going to happen.

    Mary like most all of us could see clearly the story after the end of the story emerged. God put a lot on Mary, but not the knowledge of His plans for Jesus’ passion and death.

    Not until it was finished.

    She wondered His entire life what was going to happen remembering the angel’s visit and announcement.

    If you have ever had an epiphany you may wonder your entire life as well, and just like Mary believing and full of faith that something special is just on the horizon every daybreak.


  68. street says:

    Revelation 22:7
    Revelation 22:12
    Revelation 22:17
    Revelation 22:20

    make sure you have extra oil, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. in other words, oil that will not run out.

  69. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    I had an epiphany, Steve, years ago when I allowed Paul’s letter to the church at Rome to soak into me. Though the entire letter is a theological statement, it is so much more.

    The decision to accept and to lean into the hope Jesus gives me is “the only way to live,” in my humble opinion.

    This is the passage that caught fire on the page and sealed my determination to live each day as you describe Mary’s outlook that — “something special is just on the horizon every daybreak”:

    “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God. And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

    Hope does not disappoint! Ever!

    Peace and Joy,

  70. street says:

    someone has been in the oil!

  71. poohpity says:

    Chris, were you able to get DTW today?

  72. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… I too had an epiphany, when the voice of a child (me) came forth inside of me at age 47.

    That little voice was singing “Jesus Loves Me this I know, For the bible tells me so.”

    That voice became my reality when I called out to Him, and He answered my call.

    Every day since that one, the scenario continues, as it gets relived, revisited, remembered, and the Peace that is beyond all the world’s understanding, for it is only found in Him.

  73. oneg2dblu says:

    Although I have since twisted it a little, to this rephrase; “Jesus knows me, this I love.”

  74. joycemb says:

    My first epiphany came when I was about 7 years old and dropped off at church. We sang “When He Cometh”. The song goes on to say that little children are like bright jewels in His Crown. I never forgot that no matter what anyone else said I was. I always knew I was special to Jesus.

    God sent Jesus into the world as a little child. How special is that!

  75. cbrown says:

    Pooh, catching up on the comments. Thank you for reminding me to listen to “Discover the Word.” (See below)

  76. cbrown says:

    Message from Rev McCollum fits the “Discover the Word” topic and our overall discussion. Cookies, Cookies, Cookies
    Tonight our Church kept bringing in cookies, in fact 30,000 cookies for our men to distribute Saturday to 1,500 maximum custody inmates in one of our state prisons. I wish you all could have seen the expressions of joy on the faces of the young and old as they brought in their cookies. Pray for us Saturday as we take cookies and the Gospel of Christ to these men all in glorifying our Father in Heaven as He gave His only Son to bring salvation to those who believe in Him.

  77. poohpity says:

    Chris, I will pray for hearts to be open to receive that very Good News. Onward Christian soldier. I am afraid I failed in continuing to write to a inmate that a friend on our blog asked me to write to. :-(

    Hopefully epiphanies happen often as we grow closer in our relationship with the Lord and as His Word comes alive in our hearts and minds.

  78. oneg2dblu says:

    Here is an epiphany found within this verse, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his marvelous face,
    and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.”

    As we fix our eyes on you Lord Jesus instead of the images of the world around us which now attempt to shape us into its mold instead of yours, with all its many false promises designed to trap us, when our gaze is fixed on you they fall away and they lose their grip of deception.
    We find in you Lord, our center, our balance, our anchor, our peace, and in those things we find your promises are true and our eternity with you completes us.
    Come Lord Jesus for your bride, your church, your family, your followers, your friends, where everything we long for is found in you, and everything we need you provide.
    We are crated in your image and we are your possession.
    You knew us before the foundation of the world and set us apart, for even after this world and all we know of it fades away, we are still fully yours.
    Lord Jesus you called us to be holy as you are holy.
    Teach us the way through each testing we must endure.
    Convict us for every trespass and allow us to know that true repentance is ours and victory is ours as we learn to overcome.
    Grow us closer to you Lord, and closer to that awaited perfection even as we live in these earthly tents, as we live our lives in our flesh yet waiting the promise resurrection and its perfection and Divine purpose, eternally fulfilled and completed upon your return.
    “Come Jesus!”
    Just thought I would share the moment.
    Be Blessed, Gary

  79. joycemb says:

    Thank you Gary, just what I’ve been meditating on today.

  80. poohpity says:

    Chris, looking forward to hearing how God used y’all today at the prison.

  81. cbrown says:

    Pooh, there were 101 inmates that accepted Christ as their Savior.Time after time the guards and inmates throughout the prison thanked us for coming. The inmates constantly implored us to tell the ladies that made the 35,000 cookies, Thank you!What a blessing to have been a part of this day. Praise God!

  82. poohpity says:

    Oh Chris, splendid that made my Christmas. Praising God with y’all!! Thank you for serving.

  83. SFDBWV says:

    All of the stories of the Bible are of people whom God contacted empowered and anointed to the task of getting His will accomplished; with regards to the Biblical story, it is all concerning the restoration and redemption of mankind through The Messiah Jesus of Nazareth.

    This being accomplished God still contacts us and for the same purpose of accomplishing His will and the added feature of strengthening, comforting, encouraging and in some cases directing us as heirs of salvation.

    Our “moments with God” involve angelic visitations, His speaking clearly to us, revelation knowledge, an awakening and knowing without explanation, dreams, speaking in tongues, elated and euphoric moments that are only a foretaste of what it is like to be in His presence.

    All meant to aid and help us along life’s long and difficult journey. Never at our control, only and always at the discretion and an act of love from God.

    God did not abandon Mary and He will not abandon us, no matter how dark the night there will be joy in the morning.


  84. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    Rejoicing with you and your ministry, Chris! Over a hundred coming to Jesus in one day! Glory to God! We had the opportunity to give one Celebrate Recovery Bible to one person this week down at our food pantry. Same ministry — different scale! God is good!

    As you said, Steve, a little taste of heaven here and now.

    Joy to all these last days of Advent,

  85. joycemb says:

    Love to hear the redemption stories! God is still drawing people to himself after all these thousands of years, what a wonderful God we serve!

  86. poohpity says:

    Maru, if only one person accepts Christ there will be much rejoicing in heaven. So it is not in the numbers but just in the fact that one person understands just how much they are loved by the Lord. Onward Christian soldier. :-) Thank you for serving. Can you imagine if every Christian touched only one person and lead them to Christ?

  87. cbrown says:

    Dear Maru, same scale. We do not know what God will do. You are a blessing. Love you.

  88. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    Yes Pooh — and Yes Chris! May the Love of Jesus fill us all up to the overflowing brim!

    Am actually stepping off the usual routine to bake today and tomorrow! Cookies and bread. Resolved: To give gifts of self, not some sparkly item loaded into a store on a bulk stretch-wrap pallet. Giving a Bible is wonderful!

    Pray all will be able to relax and soak in the Christmas Story these next few days of 2014. Is 9:2-7 & Luke 2:1-20 God is so good.


  89. poohpity says:

    Day of Discovery has a video out for Christmas called “Love Came For Me” if you have time it will bless you oh so much.

  90. joycemb says:

    God is so good. Yet some of us will be whispering this truth through pain only Jesus knows and that others can only pretend to understand. Mary knew the pain of childbirth, parenthood, and the loss of a child. Jesus also knows every pain his mother and you and I feel. And that’s why I love him so; even though sometimes his love feels beyond understanding, much less knowing.

    What keeps me going in times like this is knowing that I can trust Gods word to be true and faithful despite my feelings. The truth being that God is good and it is our choice to step into his love and mercy. However, if we choose not to, we know that God remains faithful even when we are not faithful. And that’s the blessing through the pain. He holds on to us when we let-go and rest with that little baby in the manger.

    Blessings and prayers for all this Holy Week.

  91. oneg2dblu says:

    As I ponder these things in my heart…
    May God Bless all of us, “His Family.”
    Bring upon us all a Joy Unspeakable,
    even in the pain of childbirth,
    or the sufferings of this world.
    Where in Praising Him instead,
    brings on the exchanging of the temporal
    for the Eternal Joy, that only He can bring.
    Praise Him.
    “Let all who have breath, Praise the Lord!”
    Churches will overflow, and many Souls will be
    touched and filled, and for them the Mystery of the Ages then comes into their presence.
    No greater gift to open, then the one wrapped in Swaddling Clothes.
    Be Blessed,

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