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Coming Together into 2015

Day is starting here in the Great Lakes region of the U.S. at 15 degrees with blowing and drifting snow. P1010151_edited-1Just got a phone voicemail alert that our offices have a 2 hour delay in opening as we all dig out and face the icy, snow covered roads.

As you can see, I have access again to our blog Admin site. But am going to need more time to get up a new post. Maybe this is a good chance to check in with you and see what parts of the world we come to this site from, and what might be on your mind and heart as we enter 2015 together.

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22 Responses to “Coming Together into 2015”

  1. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends —

    I write to you from the N. Willamette Valley of Oregon. We are nestled between the Coast Range and the Cascade Mountains. This morning we have a temp of 36F and cloudy conditions.

    As part of the Family of God, we have been keeping vigil with the wife and children of a 90-yr-old saint who went home yesterday afternoon. At the same moment, we have a grandma flying out Sunday to be with her daughter who is expecting a new baby boy within a few days.

    In these things, as with so much more, we pray for one another and for the body of Christ — the Church Universal. It seems to me we are at our best for Jesus as we are mindful that we are bearing the message of God’s love to every life we touch.


  2. saled says:

    I love that last sentence, Maru. Yes, I hope to be mindful that I am bearing the message of God’s love to every life I touch. It’s so easy to get pulled away from what is our true purpose on earth.

    Snow day today in far eastern Maine, almost as far east as you can go in the U.S. The unexpected time off from work has given me a few minutes to write. I read this blog almost everyday and over the last few years it has given me the joy of a much larger hope in God. I love that word ‘hope’. In spite of the chaos and confusion, the unrealized dreams,and my failures, we have this wonderful hope that Christ will indeed restore the world, right the wrongs, and bring us peace.

  3. remarutho says:

    “…this wonderful hope that Christ will indeed restore the world, right the wrongs, and bring us peace.” Thanks for the words of hope, Saled! May we spend 2015 watching for these signs of Life you mention.

  4. SFDBWV says:

    Good morning to all, it is a steady 18 degrees here in West Virginia along the North Branch of the Potomac River. In fact the river begins from its spring head only a few miles upstream from where I set.

    For those who have followed the Blog they know well that winter is brutal here along the top of the Appalachian Mountains.

    Yesterday it didn’t get above 6 degrees until after 1:30 pm then only rising to 12 before dropping to 4 by bed time. Since I am up and down all night and have access to a National Weather Service outside temperature sensor with its readout displayed in my home I was shocked at 2 am to see the temperature had risen to 28 degrees. Then when Matt and I got up at 4:30 am it had settled back down to 18. Go figure.

    They are calling for negative numbers again tonight.

    The difficulty I have in answering Mart’s request about what is on my mind as we begin a new year is that I could write a tome and just begin to say what is on my mind, and even at that, the priorities of it change daily if not hourly.

    I will say that I enjoy the friendships I have connected to here on the site and privately as a result of it; from all around the country and around the world. I love hearing about the lives and struggles and victories of people all over the globe and how even though some of us live in very different places and circumstances we all share a common humanity and faith.

    How we care for each other and how we can, through this medium, come together in prayer for each other and various personal needs and concerns. Because I know there is real power in prayer I know how very special it is for us to be able to do that for each other.

    Praying and hoping for the best for all of us today.


  5. rokdude5 says:

    Hello fellow BTA blogger. Its a balmy 38F in the San Gabriel Mountains and we had a light rain through out the evening.

    Its terrible that BTA got hacked but we shouldnt be surprised as the ultimate source is the underworld.

    Im glad BTA is up and running again. I wish you all a blessed day.

  6. poohpity says:

    Here in Mesa, AZ it is 52 anticipating 72 for the rest of the day.

    Ended 2014 and began 2015 with 2 of my children trying to live life without the Lord or me in their lives. Jan 4th my oldest son had an engagement party which I was not invited to and his brother did not attend because he said if mom isn’t invited then he would not go. My oldest daughter has some major problems with health issues both mental and physical. I have been diagnosed with a tumor on my arm(basal cell carcinoma) that has to be surgically removed about a 4-6 inch circle and just getting over a breathing problem that caused me to miss Christmas eve services. My youngest who does not have insurance has been running a fever at the highest was a 103 and the lowest 101.7 so I had to put it on my credit card for him to be seen $100 for the visit and 130 for the medicine, missing three days of work.

    It was the best Christmas I have had in a long time with no drama and mega doses of peace. My youngest son got a Glock 21 for Christmas and we went out shooting on Christmas day. Then I spent a quiet New Year’s Eve and looking forward with hope this new year in understanding God’s goodness, grace and watching what He will do in all our lives to grow us up in Him. I am really enjoying going through the Bible this year in a different translation ESV and also enjoying the DTW series along with ODB.

    I am excited in how the Lord will use us this year to reach out to the hurting, lonely, hungry, homeless and those in prison as we step out of our doors everyday to share the Gospel. I can not believe after all these years that there is so much more to grace than I have ever believed in the past it brings a big smile to my face and a warm glow to my heart. Praising God everyday has a whole new meaning no matter the circumstances it brings a unmeasurable joy into life.

  7. Mart De Haan says:

    Am so amazed that we are able to connect and compare thoughts and experiences from such distances.

    Love to hear not only your thoughts on a current topic of conversation but also the weather, temp, or current happenings in your town or city.

    If on any given day you don’t want to weigh in on the subject at hand… just letting us know that you have stopped by, and from where, adds to our group experience and circle of friends.

    Wish those who have never stopped by with a comment would give us a shout or a wave :-)…

  8. joycemb says:

    God Is at Work in Your Unremarkable Days by Blogger Jon Bloom is a very good take on the unremarkable days of our lives noting that there were between 2,000 and 6,000 YEARS (wow) between Adam and Abraham. I just read this and am thankful for the peace I have when there is either craziness or complete boredom. But the idea behind the article is that God is at work, always and no matter how long it feels we must wait for changes to take place. I am very encouraged as this could apply to so many areas of my life and yours. His kingdom will finally be set up here for eternity, whether next week or the next 2,000 years.

    After blizzard sunny day here with just a couple inches of snow (Mart I think most of it blew your way).

  9. marma says:

    Greetings from Central Florida! Highs in the 60’s today, though we have had more than our fair share of 70’s through the holidays.

    Passed a quiet Christmas with family.

    The mild days with high humidity and moisture are bad for my mold allergies and have caused me to decry living in Florida periodically. I don’t know that I could cope with snow after all these years, though!

    So enjoy the FB postings from ODB and DTW; encouraging! Keep up the good work Mart and all. Watched the Messiah series over the holidays. SO good.

    Thanks for those who have prayed for my brother. He is still “status quo” living on his own. However, the Lord has been showing us what we can do to help, and what we must leave in His hands. Day by day.

  10. mankerma says:

    Greetings from Pittsburgh, PA.
    It’s very cold here in the city. This morning it was 10f with wind chill -7.
    We are also still sad the Steelers are no longer in the playoffs.

    I have been reading this blog since 2008. It has truly been a blessing to me.
    2008 was a very hard year. I was empty and didn’t know what it was. God had blessed
    Me in so many ways but there was a void. He let me serve in the US Army, get a
    BS degree in accounting, a house and a beautiful daughter yet I was empty and searching and seeking. This blog along with all the resources here helped me get back on track. My heart was yearning for Jesus!! Although I was raised in the church I did not have a personal relationship with The Lord. Church was something I did on Sunday. Thank God for all those before me that prayed for me because I was lost. Outwardly it appeared I was doing well but inwardly I was a mess. In 2008 I turned forty and decided I wanted more. God had blessed me with 40 wonderful years when he could have killed me. That’s when I decided I wanted to know Him and His word. I began to search and seek even harder. It was then someone gave me an ODB booklet. What a blessings. I began to read each day. Wish I could report everything changed immediately but it didn’t. It seemed things got worst but I continued along pressing my way. One day, I forgot my booklet, so I googled ODB and found this gem. I have learned so much through you guys. What a blessing. There is not a day that goes by that I do not read this blog to check on my friends in Christ. Every comment every praise report have blessed me or given me a different perspective. Thank you to all that regularly comment. I have learned so much and I am much further along in my walk with Jesus. I cannot say that I’m off the milk of the word yet but I’m growing up in Jesus. Praise God.

    Thanks to all
    Mary Ann

  11. smjane says:

    I don’t normally comment but I have read the very first blog written here and every single one in between and every comment too. A lot has happened over the years and I miss a lot of the people that used to stop by. I think about Jack a lot, he was funny and I wonder what happened to him and lots of others. Bruce too I remember he used to sign his always ending in Solo de Gloria or something close. I was very sad to hear he left to be with the Lord. Bob too, but I think he left because he got sick of American’s. Which I can’t say I blame him being an American myself I understand completely. All of you too who are so faithful. A marvelous group you all are. Through all the little fights and stuff it’s just like a real home. Now Gary I tell you get off that fast grab a cheeseburger say a prayer and get back here. This place wouldn’t be the same without you. Bill with his marvelous love posts always a great reminder we all need so badly. Steve, Glenna and Matt and all your friends you talk about Steve, you have a great way of painting a picture with your words. Sometimes I think I’m right there with you plowing snow or feeding the critters or helping Matt. Prayed for you all and all the others too. Pooh and Maru and foreverblessed and Joyce and so many others. I know I haven’t mentioned all of the people here but you are all truly a blessing. I hope you all have a blessed year. It’s freezing cold here but feels like summer it’s only -10 below wind chill not -40.

  12. joycemb says:

    Mary Ann I am so happy to meet you! Loved your testimony, it’s so encouraging to hear about others’ journeys. Hope to hear more!
    Blessings, Joyce

  13. tracey5tgbtg says:

    It’s good to hear from those who read the blog everyday, but rarely post comments. Every voice contributes to the discussion.

    I read the blog every day, every comment. BTA is the first thing I check when I open up my laptop. Love to read the discussions. So thanks, Mart, for keeping the blog going.

    I hope everyone who reads the blog feels comfortable to chime in.

    No surprise, it’s cold here. 14 for a high.

  14. SFDBWV says:

    Back in the late sixties and early seventies there was a political term called the “silent majority” to describe all of the people who weren’t politically active.

    I have kept a list of most of the participants here who have commented, though at one point I gave up as it became too much to keep track of. I still try to write down new commenters and a little of what they share in order to help me remember as we go along this journey together. It helps me also keep it more personal rather than just the casual person met on the street.

    It is because of the “silent majority” that I have said many of the things I have and though I sometimes fail, I do try and remember not to offend any. However I also have learned in life just how easy it is to offend without knowing it or intending to.

    Any time one takes sides on any issue, there is another side who takes issue with it.

    So it is with all honesty that if I have offended any I am sorry, for I am who I am and when I share here what you read from me comes from my heart and from my life’s experiences. All met to show my walk and struggles as a man who is like all of you going through life as a Christian, trying to figure it all out and find my place in it.

    The older I get and further along the path I go it all becomes clearer, and just like any news one hears I enjoy sharing it with my friends.

    Minus 3 degrees under a starry sky this morning.


  15. bratimus says:

    The Monterey bay area, CA it’s a cool 47 degrees this morning and the days highs will be in the mid 60’s. Don’t comment much, but read every topic

  16. poohpity says:

    Hey Marma!! The things with your brother seem better than they were which is really good to hear. It is also good to hear that you are placing so much in the capable hands of God and living day to day. One day at a time is enough to handle. :-)

    Hey bratimus long time and really good to hear from you again.

    I agree with tracey about every voice adds to the discussion of our given subject/topic.

    Every person is part of a beautiful tapestry that God is weaving together even dark treads add dimension and depth. smjane, I also remember Jack the only person on here that I ever felt anger towards which filled me with much remorse and still does. Self control was certainly not part of that conversation for me, regretfully.

  17. fadingman says:

    In Beatty, Nevada, it reached 70 degrees yesterday… and it was the first day I was able to relax and enjoy in a while. I am getting over a 3 week bronchitis and nasty cough. I traveled around Christmas to Soledad, Ca to visit my younger stepson, who is doing quite well. But travelling sick was a nightmare, and probably led to the bronchitis.

    My wife is in Monterey, Ca for a funeral today. I wish I was there with her, but it is probably for the better I stay home and recouperate some more.

  18. SFDBWV says:

    Awoke this morning to the cold water frozen in my kitchen, “Oh the Joy”!

    Minus 5 degrees and find it amazing that the “WeatherBug” people think it is 20.

    It didn’t take me long to thaw out the pipe as I know exactly where the weak spot in the line is. Very aggravating and frustrating it seems that no matter how well insulated, if it does freeze up it is always in that location. Just under the kitchen stove where it comes up out of the ground and into the house in an area only about 16 inches high.

    Starting to get those beautiful pinks and purple hues of the sunrise, it looks like it is going to be a beautiful day.

    Like most everyone, I have been following the news in Paris and as troubling as that is, I find almost no mention of the catastrophe unfolding in Nigeria. Both having a common connection to how misguided people use their religion to exact such horrific acts upon mankind.

    As I watch the beauty of the sunrise this morning I can’t help but feel the return of our Lord has to be near as I don’t see any other hope for this world except in Jesus of Nazareth the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

    Wherever you are this morning I hope you are safe and warm and content with life.


  19. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    We are a diverse and widely spread fellowship. Amazing and wonderful how the distance and differences do not hinder the working of Christ’s kingdom in our midst.

    It is warm and foggy in the valley this morning. Our weather generally comes onshore from the Pacific — and our warm rain becomes heavy snow in the mountain ranges to the east. 42F this morning, with patchy fog.

    The BBC has done a more in-depth analysis of the rise of the Islamic State. Heard a bit of it this morning. It seems the radical Imams and Ayatollahs now advising the group believe we are in the last days. They therefore teach that their formation of a caliphate in Syria answers the prophecy of the Koran – and is an act of obedience. They are minting gold I.S. coins, made mostly from the gold taken from churches. The irony of this is striking, in my opinion. (James 5:7, 8)

    Blessings all day,

  20. joycemb says:

    Maru where I live we use hay bales or bags of leaves to insulate around the perimeter of our homes if they aren’t well insulated. Growing up I dealt with frozen pipes every winter! Ugh.

  21. joycemb says:

    Oh sorry it was Steve with the frozen pipes.

  22. remarutho says:

    Ya, Joyce —

    We have mild winters in general, though very wet. It is discouraging to have a 16″ portion of pipe exposed & find it frozen. Brrr! Hope all can be thawed out, Steve.


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