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Love Song


Flickr photo by: Carson

How do we know we are in love? Am guessing many of us can remember with a smile the wonder… and the pain.

Sometimes it takes a lifetime to discover that seasons of blind desire aren’t the same as the love that makes us good for one another.

Without taking anything from the gift and wonder of romantic love, this may be a good time to remember that love is more than something we just fall into and out of.

The 13th chapter of Corinthians doesn’t say it all. But its author might have given us one of the most beautiful love songs ever written when, for the sake of the greatest Lover of all,  he wrote,

“1Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.

2And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

3And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.

4Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;

5does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;

6does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;

7bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

8Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.

9For we know in part and we prophesy in part.

10But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.

11When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

12For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.

13And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” (1Cor 13:1-13)

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72 Responses to “Love Song”

  1. foreverblessed says:

    Thank you veery much Mart for bringing this up.

    love…. is not provoked,

    Love is not easily provoked, King James
    Love…is not easily angered The New International Version
    While it is very easy to be provoked on this blog, at least, that is my experience here.
    That is one thing that has tought me a lot in commenting here: learn to discipline your natural inclinations. For me it is the same as dying to the old self. My old self is easily provoked, but I should not give in to that feeling. I should bring that feeling to Jesus, and deal it with Him. Bring all your anger to Jesus. It is not a thing that is easily done, when you are new as a christian you go to a fellow christian, and hopefully he helps you by directing you to Jesus. He takes all our anger, all our provocations, and He gives back to us: Love and patience, and all good things.
    What would we be without Jesus, but it takes disciplining, we don’t fall into it.

  2. SFDBWV says:

    Good morning, it’s minus 3 degrees Fahrenheit with peeks of the moon through the clouds. We had about 6 inches of snow yesterday and I can tell you this “I do not love the weather”.

    But what ya gonna do?

    I suppose the topic of love on Friday the 13 has many possibilities of discussion, not to mention the upcoming 14th a day set aside for love.

    I have printed out and framed ! Corinthians 13:1-13 hanging on the wall as a daily reminder of what real love is. I didn’t know it when I put it there, that life would teach me the same points and lessons given there.

    The problem is that it takes a lot of living to learn the truth of what is outlined there.

    In the young, love is most often confused with sex and especially sexual attraction. As a result after the excitement and passion of sex wears off so does what they thought was love.

    Whereas real love is always about sacrifice, some people twist it to become a possession and if threatened to lose what they think they possess, tragedy on several levels can and does happen.

    The whole concept of love and of our Creator will ultimately bring us back to one of our familiar topics…Why if God loves me? (Fill in the blank)

    At the same time I have to ask myself; do I love the people in my life because I get something from them, or because I can do something for them. The best answer being that we give and take in mutual agreement together always willing to give all for the other.

    I hope we all can show love and respect for each other as we together this subject. I expect we might hear from Bill as this is his favorite subject.


  3. bubbles says:

    I don’t think love should habitually point out all faults in another and try to change the other person but accept them as they are, faults and all.

    “Expectation is the root of all heartache.” ~Shakespeare. Expect nothing and hope for less.

  4. remarutho says:

    Happy Friday the 13th!

    Jesus has given us many valentines. I will not lengthen my post with direct quotes, trusting us all to make our way to the Scriptures to find them. I have been pondering the very great valentine Jesus gave Peter, James and John on the mountain-top when God drew back the veil of earthly appearances and showed them (and us) his true nature and identity. (Mark 9:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

    This promise is a keepsake I hold in my heart in dark days: The Cosmic Christ. Even as we believe as best we can, and hope for kingdom outcomes in everything, we still take our comfort from the great love of God in Jesus — the ultimate “Dear Valentine, I love you.”


    “For we know in part and we prophesy in part.
    But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.”

  5. street says:

    read this passage for the first time with the thought going through my mind, God is love. hope to see Him.

  6. street says:

    bubbles let our hearts ache for God.
    He will not overlook our sins as you very well know.
    pray for those who stumble, for we all stumble and need each other for help, for accomplishing His purposes.

  7. bubbles says:

    I know that. I wasn’t referring to God in that post. Thank you.

  8. joycemb says:

    Good morning all!
    Yes love accepts me ‘just as I am’ but doesn’t leave me that way. In my case I too often need to be reminded of that; it’s painful sometimes but serving God demands it. I didn’t have a clue what Agape love looked like so used to often consult these scriptures to teach me how to love. As Mart said it’s not an exhaustive list but useful. The reason these words were penned is because of squabbling among believers over the use of spiritual gifts, or rather the misuse of them. Still they point to the whole reason for being a Christian in the first place, because God so loved us first John 3:16 and He only wants us to love Him and love others; a lifelong learning experience (at least it is for me anyway).

    Subzero temps as a nephew from the Deep South stopped by yesterday with his truck and tiny dog he puts boots on so his little paws won’t freeze. He and his pup weren’t too keen about the weather but would like to try ice fishing after getting over the shock of seeing cars and ice houses on our frozen lake. Some know how to make the most out of seemingly bad weather!

    Glad you are back Bubbles!

    Blessings, Joyce

  9. joycemb says:

    Steve said it so well:
    At the same time I have to ask myself; do I love the people in my life because I get something from them, or because I can do something for them. The best answer being that we give and take in mutual agreement together always willing to give all for the other.

    This is Agape love on a human level: the “one-anothering” we are commanded to do.

  10. street says:

    been thinking Job 28 would fit in here. been thinking love and life are the mystery so hidden from proud beast. shakespeare and the world have been hocking a counterfeit since Eden.

  11. joycemb says:

    Agree street it’s a cynical world without Christ in it.

  12. poohpity says:

    “11When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

    It seems earlier in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians(1 Cor 3:1 NLT) addressing being able to see, understand and hear things from the Lord such as love comparing to how children behave or still being immature in one’s relationship to Christ, following desires of the flesh/world with responses that display contentions, readiness for strife and speaking evil of others rather than peace loving and the other characteristics of love.

    There seems to be a vast difference in having child like faith or depending on God as a child thus leading to intentional actions that demonstrate the love we have received rather than acting childish with no self control and reacting to circumstances or others.

  13. joycemb says:

    I believe Paul is comparing child/ adult to our understanding of God, Whom we will not have a complete understanding of until Jesus comes. Meanwhile, the spiritual gifts are given to each for the individual/corporate building up of the body to a become more and more like Christ who is our glue and goal.

  14. SFDBWV says:

    Just something for you all to ponder this evening.

    I have never fully understood the purpose of the “Song of Solomon” as a part of Scripture and even felt a little uncomfortable with some of the verses.

    I have read from people who try and explain it, but I still am a little unsure about the things I’ve read.

    At any rate it is a love song as our topic states.

    09 degrees and a clear starry night.


  15. street says:

    poo said,” There seems to be a vast difference in having child like faith or depending on God as a child thus leading to intentional actions that demonstrate the love we have received rather than acting childish with no self control and reacting to circumstances or others.”

    been thinking about this and the race laid out before us that is clearly marked. child like dependence with child like trust are the requirements of faith. love is the sustaining force that compels us to godly action. we have a race marked out by Jesus Himself. self determination will lead you of coarse and into trouble. Jesus told us each day has troubles of it’s own. my thinking is i can not make it on my own and i know Jesus finished well. so…..

  16. rokdude5 says:

    Hello Everyone! Waaaaaay back in the day, it was Friday the 13th. I went to fill up my car and it took $13.00! (Now Im dating myself…lol) Later that morning, I went to park my car at the local government building and I ended up in slot #13! Then I said under my breath, “Lord, Im not superstitious so why are all these #13 keeps coming up?” Next morning, as I reached for my coffee, my Bible flipped open to 1 Co 13! How awesome is that?

    1 Co 13 was originally written in ancient Greek. The ancient Greeks had 6 different words for “love” each with its own distinctions.
    There is Eros, or sexual passion. This kind of love named after the Greek god of fertility, and it represented the idea of sexual passion and desires. The English word “erotic” is based on this word.
    Philia, or deep friendship. The city of Philidelphia is based on these Greek roots. (Delphia means brothers in ancient Greek.)
    Ludus which means puppy love.
    Pragma, or longstanding love. This is the love that is between couples that over time deepens from passionate love.
    Philautia, or love of the self.
    Lastly, Agape, or love for everyone. This is the word that you would find in 1 Co 13 if you were reading it in the original ancient Greek.

  17. joycemb says:

    That’s a good story RJ ! I hadn’t even connected today’s date (13) with chap 13

    Long ago our church was taught the different word descriptions for love, and used to practice by saying, “I agape you”.

    In the true spirit of love I do Agape all here and hope for a peaceful and restful weekend for all you hard working people!

  18. street says:

    ops in my last post about being child of dependence, and trust i overlooked an obvious requirement that God mentions in quit a few places. it called humility. His word keeps us and sustains us lest we become like sodom and gomorrah.

  19. joycemb says:

    Thinking this morning as I reread chapter 13 how far short I fall most of the time. Is there any hope for me? Yes obviously for when Jesus comes I will see and understand love completely as Paul said. I do envy him for being with God though.

    This morning a friend called from her vacation spot and we talked about how we just don’t have the energy we once had and it takes us a day in bed to recover from a day of activity that once used to be so easy. Time marches on and though our strength may fail Gods word never fails and we are so thankful for that; God is ever faithful even when we can’t do as we did when we were young (physically). However we can tell others of His power to save. Psalm 71:17-19 NLT

  20. poohpity says:

    Happy Birthday Mart! The love you act on is way more than a clanging cymbal of words and noise.

  21. joycemb says:

    Pooh- I have a question and would appreciate an honest response; do you see me as noise and clanging? I know you said you would not talk to me but really would appreciate your response as I am open to change.

  22. phpatato says:


    I have often wondered if the words in Scripture that are songs, like those found in Psalms and Song of Solomon, were available for us to hear in their original music with the original instruments, would it be easier for us to understand them. I know you probably have never done this, but to the women out there, it would be like seeing a dress hang on a hanger and think it only ho-hum but when you put it on, you realize just how beautiful the dress really is. Coming from a home that had a mother who dedicated her entire life and talent as a pianist/organist to the Lord’s work, I find myself longing to be in heaven just to hear the magnificence of just how utterly wonderful the music is in glorifying our Lord. Hearing these songs found in Scripture set to music will bring on a whole new appreciation and understanding, I’m sure.

    Romans 14:11 For the Scriptures say, “‘As surely as I live,’ says the LORD, every knee will bend to me, and every tongue will confess and give praise to God.'” NLT

    Snowy and cold today. Up to 4 inches of snow expected and temperatures tonight to be 22 below F (-30 C) with the wind chill. Spring ahead is 3 weeks away. First day of spring is 34 days. Can’t tell I’m too excited can you? :-)

  23. street says:

    dear steve i know none of the music is preserved or saved. we are told to make a new song, not the old ones! we are all musicians of sort since we can torment our selves with a score that doesn’t seem to want to go away,lol. this post also made me think of a future time when Jesus rejoices over us with singing! i think of Him as a Rock Star with out all the short comings of man. what a pleasant thought of love expressed…..we need to set ourselves aside to find this love. job struggled with righteousness and found love. God bless you all days of His eternal love.

  24. poohpity says:

    Joyce, my statement was to Mart. As to whether I see you as noise or clanging, no, I see you as a human being that Jesus loves so dearly that He died for you.

  25. jeff1 says:

    Street you say you think of Jesus as a Rock Star without all the short comings of man. When I was young my Rock Star idol was Elvis Presley. I had my bedroom papered with photographs of him and all my family laughed at how, for all the age of me, I was so struck with Elvis. It was Elvis actually that introduced me to gospel music. My first album was ‘His hand in mine’.
    Wow! he sang it with such feeling that I was hooked for life. Michael Buble said of Elvis’s voice it must have been kissed by God. Despite his shortcomings I do believe Elvis will be singing in heaven for I believe he sings like a man with a heart for God. I also read where he won 3 of his emmy awards for his gospel music. Music is probably one of the best ways of uniting people besides sport and there is such a variety of music that there is something for every taste.

  26. joycemb says:

    Thank you for answering Pooh, glad to hear we are on the same page, Happy Valentines Day!

  27. street says:

    How do we know we are in love?

    John 14:15

  28. Ted M. Gossard says:

    Woops. Moderation. Please accept my first one. Sorry. :-)

  29. narrowpathseeker says:

    Joyce, again, IMO your honest and humble acknowledgements and your heartfelt remorse of your short comings which we ALL have in some form or another shows your advanced progress in the Christian realm. That coupled with your wise discernments and forthright manner is very admirable. Thank You.

  30. saled says:

    There is an Elizabeth Barrett Browning poem that contains these words: “I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me.

    Many of us don’t have a valentine we can direct these words to. So much of love in the here and now is the ‘bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things’ kind of love.

    But in the Browning poem I find my hope in Jesus. This is what redemption is all about. jeff1 mentioned Elvis’ voice. There is something inside us that applauds when someone does something well, Elvis’ singing being the example here. There is something that He has created us all for, and though now we may ‘see through a glass darkly’, He is making something out of us too.

    Blizzard conditions here in Downeast Maine this morning. The good news is that it has warmed up from a low of -22 Farenheit to 10 degrees above this morning. If this storm brings the 20 plus inches predicted, we will have received nearly 100 inces of snow in the past three weeks. My cousin is the captain of an oil tanker that delivered a load of oil to Antarctica last week. Conditions there were less severe than here in Maine! But at my house, we are ‘bearing and enduring, and believing and hoping that spring is truly coming and soon!

  31. jeff1 says:

    I learned the hard way that to actually love is much more difficult that then we may realise. In our everyday life love is mutual. We accept love from others and we give love to others.

    I had not really thought about love deeply enough until I learned to hate. Life maybe was too simple for me and I accepted too easily.

    I changed over the years and learned that life was not so simple and men’s hearts were complex. How it happened I don’t know nature or nurture, no my parenting had nothing to do with what was going on in my heart. It was myself, this was me, people may say they hate someone and not very much behind it, but I hated with vengeance. Once you realise you can hate like that it is scary.

    Could I really be a child of God and hate like that, that haunted me, in my struggle God spoke to me and I realised that God wanted to change my heart from what it had become and I wanted that too.

    I still struggle but I am now sure that God is with me in my struggle and will keep me safe from harm. When I was in some very manic states my fear that God would leave me resulted in panic attacks. I needed to know that God loved me even though I was capable of hating and he did show me that mainly by words and song.

    While I always believed in God and heaven, living in a society where hatred and violence were at the forefront I realised that hell was real too.

    Having been brought up in a Christ focused Church and struggling with God has given me the foundation to struggle with Satan knowing God has saved me from myself is knowing God loves me more than I or Satan can hate me.

  32. SFDBWV says:

    Just have a minute. Wanted to say that love is the most free of all things. It cannot be demanded from someone, nor forced on another, can only be freely offered and freely received.

    -6 degrees as I write. Blizzard conditions last evening and a little lesser overnight.

    It is not going to warm up much more than what it is today or so we are told.


  33. jeff1 says:

    Ideally Steve that’s how it should be. Peoples motives for loving are not always pure though the other person may be well into the relationship before they realize that and also have been badly hurt.

    You have also heard that love is blind and by that I mean you see the person in a different light than another person might see them. That’s the reason we are attracted to different people.

    Love lived out is complex, that is what my 95 year old Christian friend taught me. She said we were brought up to believe in fairy tales i.e. you fell in love, got married, had a family and lived happily ever after. I am not saying maybe it does work out like that for some people but I find most people’s life does not run smooth as clockwork.

    The world is still very much the romantic but life in the real world is much more difficult. The Pope once said of his flock they should start living in the real world and not some fantasy and he is right.

    What is wrong and as always been wrong is that Christians are too heavenly to be any earthly good, we focus on Christ in heaven and forget the devil is still here on earth.

  34. SFDBWV says:

    Matthew enjoys watching Steve Harvey in the afternoons while he has his dinner. If you are not familiar with Steve he is just a very funny guy and one with a very big heart.

    One of the things he tries to do every show is help women who keep striking out at finding that right man.

    So he finds out what the woman is looking for in a man and finds usually 3 for her to pick from after an on camera interview.

    Our television is awash with dating or meeting services intended to make that perfect connection for people looking for love.

    Whereas I am sure there are many success stories, I am sure there are just as many failures.

    Person to person attraction is often called a chemistry or even a spark. An unidentifiable attraction that often makes no sense. But there is also no denying the attraction.

    But is attraction the same as love as defined by Paul?

    The fairy tale can happen, but only if the people involved aren’t looking only for something for themselves. A loving relationship is as I already stated, one of mutual giving and taking, as well as mutual goals and expectations.

    One thing is for certain you cannot force someone to love you any more than you can love someone you don’t.

    I am reminded as I write of the very beautiful song sung by Bete Midler “The Rose”.

    Some say love, it is a river
    That drowns the tender reed.
    Some say love, it is a razor
    That leaves your soul to bleed.
    Some say love, it is a hunger,
    An endless aching need.
    I say love, it is a flower,
    And you it’s only seed.

    It’s the heart afraid of breaking
    That never learns to dance.
    It’s the dream afraid of waking
    That never takes the chance.
    It’s the one who won’t be taken,
    Who cannot seem to give,
    And the soul afraid of dyin’
    That never learns to live.

    When the night has been too lonely
    And the road has been to long,
    And you think that love is only
    For the lucky and the strong,
    Just remember in the winter
    Far beneath the bitter snows
    Lies the seed that with the sun’s love
    In the spring becomes the rose.

    Enjoy the poem.

    Still -4 degrees under a blue hazy sky.


  35. SFDBWV says:

    Vivian I wanted to add something for you as I go between things here.

    Very many years ago an old Amish man told me something I’ve never forgotten, it goes like this.

    “Not every marriage is made in heaven.”

    Which when I thought about it made absolute sense.

    It has warmed up to -1 degree; I wonder if I am going to be able to grill out today?


  36. joycemb says:

    I can’t verify this but I read that in Paul’s frailty he needed to be carried into a church on a stretcher and he would cry out “Love one another! Love one another!” I think of that often, that a man of his knowledge and calibre could reduce all he knew- all that God had taught him to one four letter word, love. The most important word but the hardest to do of all the commands. Surely God did a new thing in this fallen world when “He gave…” John 3:16-17

  37. joycemb says:

    Steve when my kids were little I would have a pretend summer day, I would dump sand on the basement floor, turn up the heat, dress in shorts, make beans and hotdogs/hamburgers, koolaid and set the little ones in the sand pile to play. We all loved it and it shortened the long MN winters a bit. I think you should grill anyway; in shorts and with some Hawaiian music in the background. I’ll bet Matt would think it a hoot!

  38. Regina says:

    Good Afternoon All,

    I hope all is well in your lives. I don’t think I’ve read Mart’s intro comment to this blog topic nor have I read any of your comments, but I’m SO looking forward to it! :-) Off topic here… Thank you, foreverblessed (Feb. 11, 2015 – 1:20 pm), for praying for my family and I regarding the sudden death of our youngest brother. We miss him very much, and can hardly believe that he’s no longer with us. He was a beloved son, brother, father, uncle, spiritual advisor and friend. We were finally notified regarding the cause of his untimely death. It’s a long medical term (I should’ve written down but didn’t–will get that info from my sister sometime this week–my mom may have written it down also) that I heard a medical examiner say on a tv show that I used to watch (Dr. G. Medical Examiner). On that particular episode, they speculated that a slightly overweight man was not feeling well the night before his body was found the next morning. Dr. G. (Jan Garavaglia) was tasked with determining the cause of death for his grief-stricken family. She said the man would not have known that he was basically a ticking time-bomb. So, nobody would have known that my brother had that condition in his body. Can definitely relate, now, to how Mary and Martha felt when Lazarus got sick and died (and though he was resurrected to life again, and given an extra ?? number of years with his family and friends, he still had to leave this earth a second time in order to make the transition from earth to heaven). I’m so thankful to God that my brother is in heaven with him, and I’ll see him again one day.

    Cloudy (with a good chance for rain) and 64 degrees in Dallas right now.

    Love to all…

  39. street says:

    dear jeff been thinking and ran across your post. i was thinking of a couple of movies with a reoccurring theme. i will use literary license for this. two priest were brothers. both of them lived and worked till difficulty came. one bother took up arms against his enemy and the other took up suffering. both brothers eventually died. some questions came to my mind. which brother served God? you may answer this many different ways. i think they both served. i came to a more important question. which one followed Jesus? you might say the one who suffered. they both suffered. and they both were priest. which one loved more? God bless you with a pure heart.

  40. SFDBWV says:

    Joyce i did grill even though it was 0 degrees it didn’t matter one bit. Matt was hungry and enjoyed his requested meal with thanksgiving and delight.

    It is 02 as I write with the promise of -10 or more tonight. it looks like snow and sub zero temps for the week.

    Enjoying feeding the critters too, especially in this weather.


  41. foreverblessed says:

    Love song.
    Since Mart put this subject on, I have been meditating on the 1 Cor 13 chapter and the Love Song of Solomon.
    Could it be the two are connected, something in me says, Yes. they are very much connected.
    The Song of Solomon, is very poetic, and a bit of a mystery, maybe the love chapter of 1 Cor 13 explains it in a bit.

    All the fruits in the garden might me the positive aspects that love has: being patient, being longsuffering, always hoping for the best, all these positive traits.

    I also keep on thinking that this chapter is God’s love letter to us. Mostly I look at it, like Joyce did, and see how much I fail in love. But I can also look at it as this is the way God loves me, and all of mankind.
    Paul writes that it is a mystery, the way of love between a man and his wife, Ephesians 5:31-33.
    A great mystery, Jesus the Bridegroom loving His Bride, the Church, I believe the Song of Solomon has something to say about that.

    (Dear Regina, may God keep on in comforting you. If you knew better where your brother is now, you would be so glad with him. If only we could see with more spiritual eyes, I pray that God may help you in this)

  42. foreverblessed says:

    Sorry, when I read the comment about comforting for the I hope not to say something that is harsh. It is good to grieve for the ones we lost. Mourn, and cry, and go through all the emotions that go with it. But that God may give you strength, also Pat in her grief. God is with us, and Jesus is our strength and our Comfort, may God keep you in His Strength. Not in your own strength. May He be especially close to you with all His love, as this love song so describes.

  43. narrowpathseeker says:

    Jeff1, I smiled when I read your post from 7:13am today. It reminds me so much of me!! As a child I just loved and admired EVERYBODY!!! As a young to 30 something adult I had learned to hate FIERCELY in thought and only by the Grace of God did I not carry it out physically on anything but dishes or other breakable material things….so I guess I LEARNED to hate.

    I worked third shift in an old factory to support 5 children and there was a very selfish and mean older man that worked after me that I had “learned to hate” and felt very justified in hating him….after all I was the white hat “good guy” and he was the black hat “bad guy”. One Sunday at church the sermon was on Love…and he who says he loves God and hates his brother is a liar!!! Well, that sermon played over and over in my head all day and in my dreams in the few hours of sleep I got before I went off to work at midnight. At 4 am the old man came into work early and was working right beside me. The hate started rising up as did the re run of that sermon. I started praying in that dirty old factory from the bottom of my heart…”I don’t WANT to HATE, YOU can do anything WHY don’t you just take it away?!! I don’t want this hate but surely YOU understand why I have it……” and on and on I went back and forth as I worked my machine for quite awhile….THEN all of a sudden I started shaking…I couldn’t stand up…has to sit down and still my whole body trembled….I thought I was having a nervous breakdown…when it subsided..I walked down to get a coffee…I nearly floated down…it was like I just got off a boat and crossed with floating sensation. The strange thing is that all of a sudden I didn’t feel any animosity towards anyone and even had good feelings about people I had previously detested…I was stupid enough to think it was MY decision not to want to hate and it wasn’t worth a nervous breakdown…it wasn’t until several months later that I shared the story with an older Christian woman who was having a hard time with the old man..tears started running down her cheek…,”don’t you know what happened to you?” . I told yes that I almost had a nervous breakdown…she told me I had been struck by the Holy Spirit….When she told me which scriptures to look up and I went over the episode in my mind…I was convinced that she was right..

    Therefore I believe that only God can change our hearts but we have to cooperate with the TRUTH…we can’t deny …I see you and so many other humble, honest people on here confessing their shortcomings…and it is soooo refreshing and inspiring in comparison to those who lie and deny their own shortcomings but cry about others shortcomings. Thank YOU for sharing so openly, honestly, and lovingly. Pearl

  44. narrowpathseeker says:

    Steve, so much for the warm NC weather I’ve told you about!! I was only 5 degrees here this morning and the power went out!! Yesterday, was tax day and a miscalculation cost us a lot of money… I told Frank we were Blessed to have the money to pay and we still had soooo much to be thankful for.. He agreed and we thanked Him for our many Blessings.. This morning it was very cold and no heat..we dressed in hats scarves boots and gloves and I had a couple of dozen handwarmers that I brought with me when I moved(Frank said we would NEVER need them!! lol) We broke them open and had them under our hats, gloves and socks…then he made coffee sausage and eggs on the GRILL at 5 above…again we thanked Him for the many Blessings..After we watched Glenna’s video of the young man adopted from Iraq sing Imagine..we were too ashamed to whine.. ;-) Stay warm

  45. narrowpathseeker says:

    Foreverblessed, I don’t recall you EVER saying something harsh. ;-) I think if I ever read something from you that sounded harsh I would immediately think it was a misinterpretation of words.. May God continue to Bless you with that encouraging and loving forthright spirit.

  46. jeff1 says:

    Street you post 3.02 pm

    Not quite sure what your post is saying or asking? Could you explain more.

    I can be honest here without ridicule Pearl but I am not always honest with those whom I know would not be so understanding so does that still make me honest or not! I am not always sure for I believe I can deceive myself but I believe God knows I want to be honest with Him so that I will not get in his way of working through me.

    The battle that goes on in my head is me trying not to let other people get in the way for I have always been a listener therefore people just keep giving me advice and I know they mean well but I want to listen for God’s voice so I get irritated with them not that I show it but then I get frustrated with myself for not hearing what God is saying.

    Wanting God’s TRUTH means not wanting my own way so I have a lot of work to do there being that I had a Dad that really spoiled me. I think that is why I can understand God’s love so well now I had a Dad who loved me unconditionally and there is very few that do. Everyone wants me to change and they want to change me to their standards, my Dad accepted me as I was and yet we disagreed on many issues but that did not stop him from doing all he could for me.

    The topic being on love today I thought I would mention that my Dad never said those words to his children nor us to him.
    It never seemed to matter for the attention my father give his family said it all really.

    I have often found that people are not always good with words but know just what to do and when to do it, definitely actions sometimes speak louder.

  47. narrowpathseeker says:

    Jeff1, you are even honest about NOT being honest with people who wouldn’t understand.. LOL. I think that’s pretty honest and of course being honest with the Lord is the important part. Well, I enjoy your posts, I just feel bad when you beat yourself up for being what I think is a beautiful person.

  48. street says:

    two priest were bothers.
    priest are people who are saved by God’s grace in Christ Jesus.
    brothers of the same earthly father and the same Father in heaven. bothers times 2.
    they were living as best they could and a bitter enemy came along. one took up arms or violence the other suffered and let it play out trusting God. eventually the flesh wears out and is done away with.
    the question of which bother served God is a trick question. they both were saved or righteous like job. the next question which one followed Jesus? you could say the one who suffered followed Jesus because Jesus never took up arms. that’s not true Jesus did take up a wip and cleared the temple. the one who took up arms suffered too because all suffer when face with a bitter enemy. now we come to the end. which one loved? the one who kept His commands. without love life is a noise and emptiness. without Christ there is no life. life is rarely and easy story. i just hope i do not get it wrong. i do know Jesus got it right. be exalted in my heart. hoping this can help you.

  49. foreverblessed says:

    Which one followed Jesus?
    Good question, it is good to think over what Jesus did, He suffered in order to save. The Spirit in Him had to suffer all the things that He did in the Passion in order that that same Spirit could be given to us in order to heal us, and make us whole
    It is said: He gave the Spirit.He gave it!!
    And it is also written that Jesus walked His course with joy, for the joy that was set before Him He suffered. And these verses in 1 Cor 13 tell me how He did it:
    Love suffers long and is kind; ..love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;

    5does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;

    6does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;

    7bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    8Love never fails.

    Think of it: Jesus is facing that evil when trialed, and it is said in verse 5: He thinks no evil!

    This is really also Jesus’s love song for us, the Bride, in order to set us free from the world of darkness and put us in the Kingdom of Light.

    I am right now learning the Mattheus Passion of Bach, and the first words in the first song say: See Him, the Bridegroom.
    The Bridegroom!
    And He has a love song.

    In the Song of Solomon there is a part where the girl has lost her Lover, and she is searching for Him everywhere, but cannot find Him Song of songs 3:1-2
    Bach also uses that part, in the Passion. The disciples and the women lost Jesus and He was gone. There this part of the Song of Solomon can be sung.
    How that would fit in in our won life now, I do not know, as we know that Jesus did raise from the dead, and is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

  50. foreverblessed says:

    Song of songs 3:1-5
    All night long on my bed
    I looked for the one my heart loves;
    I looked for him but did not find him.
    2 I will get up now and go about the city,
    through its streets and squares;
    I will search for the one my heart loves.
    So I looked for him but did not find him.
    3 The watchmen found me
    as they made their rounds in the city.
    “Have you seen the one my heart loves?”
    4 Scarcely had I passed them
    when I found the one my heart loves.
    I held him and would not let him go
    till I had brought him to my mother’s house,
    to the room of the one who conceived me.
    5 Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you
    by the gazelles and by the does of the field:
    Do not arouse or awaken love
    until it so desires.

  51. SFDBWV says:

    I am sorry Pearl you are probably getting snow as I write this. I do hope it is snow and not the ice that sometimes NC gets instead.

    Glenna showed me your woodpecker video on her Kindle last evening. Very entertaining.

    It was -10 when Matt got up, but has warmed to -9 as I write. We are supposed to get 4-8 inches of snow today and overnight. Oh well Our little town holds the WV record for the most amount of snow for the month of February, so I will just have to deal with it.

    Foreverblessed, in an earlier post I too raised the question of “The Song of Songs” or “The Song of Solomon” as well. I just have never understood its place in Scripture, though have heard others interpretation of it, I still am somewhat uncomfortable with it.

    It is understood to be a picture story of God’s love for His “Chosen People” Israel and the bond of perfect love, as well as an inspired portrayal of ideal human love and a description of the sacredness and depth of married union.


  52. jeff1 says:

    Thank you for clarifying I would not have thought of Jesus taking up a wip and clearing the temple as one who took up arms. Did they not both keep his commands then? You ask ‘which one loved,’ I don’t think we can answer that not knowing their motives or their heart.

    I know that is true that without Christ’s love I am nothing but I have gone through most of my life looking for love from others and come up empty. Some say that in order to receive love you must first know how to give love and that might be my problem. I am so familiar with hatred that I am not sure that I know how to love not in the full sense anyway, I can love my children, my family and friends but loving others when I find it difficult to even get close to people is a big ask for me. What am I afraid of that I believe I am a fraud for I speak the truth when I know whose company I am in but say nothing when not in company that would respond well to my views.

    My son once told me that I agreed with others because I was afraid not to but the truth is I never felt I had strong enough opinions or knew enough to disagree. I always believed it was best to stay quite or admit you were ignorant of the subject rather than talk of things you do not know.

    The truth is I do not want to study the bible for fear of adding to my already confused understanding of it. My son says fear runs my life and I think that others see much easier your shortfalls than you do yourself.

    He is probably right I fear almost everything in the world because I do not understand it. What I don’t understand I fear yet I fear understanding it for what then! I don’t know what to do with my understanding for it is always different to others understanding and they will argue they are right and I have never seen the point in arguing.

    Life is rarely an easy story, that is very true and why do we expect it to be easy, History tells us differently yet we some how convince ourselves that life should be easy.

    How come we never learn that there is no gain without pain in this world.

    Yes Street it does help, I am hear because it helps me and I hope whether you agree with me or not that you gain something from my wisdom as I am from yours and others here on this site. I Thank God for directing me here where I can express my hopes and fears without recrimination but with a genuine aim to help each other on our journey to the promised land.

    Dear God, I know I am not worthy
    But I need you so please won’t you hurry
    And help me turn back from the path I have trod
    You’ll never be sorry, dear God.

  53. foreverblessed says:

    Jeff, it is so good that you participate here, thanks for joining here, and Narrowpathseeker I am so happy that you participate again. And Joyce for telling so much of your life, and Pat, and of course Steve, and Pooh, all telling their life stories, and many others who I did not mention, it is hard to comment to everybody. But be all lifted up by the Love that Jesus has for us.
    We could focus on our own love, but what use is it, it falls short. It is better to focus on Jesus’ love, and there is this love song: 1 Cor 13
    The bible says: Look to Me and be saved, Isa 45:22
    (Steve, why can’t that Song of songs not be all of it what you mentioned, as you yourself often said: scripture has many layers?)

  54. SFDBWV says:

    Foreverblessed of course you are right, what I described is the accepted understanding of “The Song of Songs”.

    I suppose the passionate intimacy described within its verses just “for me” seem a little out of harmony with what the message of Scripture has always put forth.

    Not the love, the passionate intimacy. As the Bible message is all about love.

    Certainly without doubt the whole of Scripture has been described as a love letter to mankind, and I would suppose “The Song of Songs” its more intimate passages, I am just boyish enough to be a little uncomfortable with it.


  55. jeff1 says:

    Thank you foreverblessed, it is good to share, through it I see God more clearly and get to know Him better as a loving God who cares for all and wants me to know that whatever happens in my life will work out for his purpose and our development in his Kingdom. Today I have limited vision but someday I will understand God’s plan in full. Until that day I must focus on Christ’s teaching so that I do not wander off on my own initiative into territory that only God understands for whatever will be or not be He as secured my eternity and I owe it to God to trust him that by past, present and future are in his keeping.

  56. jeff1 says:

    mistake in last sentence: should read my past, present and future are in his keeping.

  57. cbrown says:

    The introduction to the Song of Solomon in my bible says the book is the expression of pure marital love as ordained by God.My thoughts are That since Solomon eventually had 700 wives and 300 concubines who he received for much land and money I would debate that point.He also worshipped the foriegn God,s of his wives The shulummite on the other hand is described in Chapter 6 verse 9; She is her mother’s only daughter She is the pure child of the one that bore her The maidens saw her and called her beloved, The queens and the concubines also praise her.

  58. bubbles says:

    Steve, the snow is falling much like powdered sugar from a sifter here. One forecast at 7:00 a.m. is predicting we will receive 15.4 inches of snow. I’m hoping he was wrong. The winter had been so easy up until last Thursday too. It was 7F when I got up this morning, so we have been much warmer than you.

  59. poohpity says:

    “Sometimes it takes a lifetime to discover that seasons of blind desire aren’t the same as the love that makes us good for one another.”

    It took a long time for me to discover what love is. The chemical reactions in our brains that stimulate attraction is not love which seems to be like the blind desire that Mart is speaking of. Those reactions often cause emotions to overrule the thinking process. When God asked us to love Him with all our hearts, souls and strength(Deut 6:5), Jesus took it a step further with minds added to the equation(Mark 12:30) which to me says with everything that we are essentially. I can not remember once where God asked of or expected us to do that perfectly or beyond what we are capable of especially if we have not yet learned what love is. It seems to love someone is putting self aside to seek what is in the best interest of the one/s we say we love.

    Yet we are asked to love others as we love ourselves(Mark 12:31). To treat others as one wants to be treated(Matt 7:12; Luke 6:31). The sad part is when one does not take the time before they do or say anything to ask that simple question, “would I want someone to do that to me?”. Often it seems that some put themselves down(false humility) like self abuse and have yet to understand especially for the Christians that love is not ruled by emotions but takes into consideration thinking and the very soul they are crushing, it is no wonder they do that to others.

    I think when Paul was describing childish thinking it is because a child has yet to learn considering others around them only getting their own needs met. Intimacy is beyond a child’s capabilities. The Song of Solomon seems to be more of an intimate relationship as some say between God and His church but even if that is not a reflection of that relationship it reads like a description of an intimate relationship where they both know each other so well, their thoughts, actions, feelings and dreams that those around them are jealous for that kind if relationship but that seems to be the kind of relationship that God desires with us one of intimacy not perfection.

    Remembering back to the first time we understood what Jesus had done for us(our first love) rekindling our understanding of grace and mercy the more than likely that seems to be in the forefront in our relationship with others. (Rev 2:4)

  60. joycemb says:

    Pooh you have a lot of knowledge of what love is and isn’t! How is your program coming along for your church?

  61. jeff1 says:

    Most of us do put aside for those we love God wants us to go beyond those we love to the unloved which requires for us firstly to know that God loves us. I lash out at people because I feel unloved and that as you say Pooh comes from a misunderstanding about what love is in the first place. You have said something here about what God desires from us one of intimacy not perfection. As children we are told all the time we must be good. I can remember being told the bogeyman would get me if I wasn’t good. Santa would not come if I was not good. I would not get to the seaside if I was not good. The emphasis was always on being good so I believed God wanted perfection from me. You are right it takes a life time to discover that what God wants from us is what he gave us in the first place and it is to love one and another as he has loved us.

    The reason we self abuse is because we were brought up to believe God wants us to be so good and we cannot live up to it so we feel guilty for failure to reach the standard required of us except God never asked this of us to begin with.

    The good news is that God turns our failures into good works for there has been false teaching since time began. God does not waste my failure while men discard the foolish, God uses the foolish to confound the wise. God is goodness itself.
    O God make me an instrument of they peace.

    To God be the glory, great thing He hath done,
    So loved He the world that He gave us His son
    Who yielded His life an atonement for sin,
    And opened the life gate that all may go in.

  62. poohpity says:

    jeff1, what I hear you saying is that those people who threatened you with withholding good things if you were not good were teaching that to be loved you had to earn it? Jesus seems to be teaching the exact opposite that He gives us good things and love undeserved, that is grace. No body will ever deserve the love of God, He gave it because of who He is not because of who we are so we can never lose it that seems to make us more grateful, thankful and amazed.

  63. poohpity says:

    Joyce I have to disagree with you about knowing a lot about love. I only know a very small glimpse through what God teaches through a process of learning His Word and experiencing that word in my life. (Matthew 7:7) If one wants to know God will teach.

  64. joycemb says:

    Chris I have been thinking also about the poem Song of Songs and believe it is the ideal rather than the norm as Dolomon may have discovered eventually but could not find on earth. Paul’s description of love I believe is also the ideal which we all fail at , and certainly won’t attain to until we ” see clearly” meaning when we see Jesus face to face. Come Lord Jesus, come.

    Just as the remnant have struggled for centuries so we too struggle along today catching only glimpses here and there of our Ideal, Christ Jesus.

    Vivien I appreciate your honesty with your struggles, struggled myself for a long time with seeing God as Santa who I was told always knew when I was naughty and was ready to ignore me if I didn’t do what was right all the time; a huge burden for any child but for one who was often punished just for existing it became an even more difficult learning curve. But Love won me over and so am still around and waiting for my Groom to get me.

  65. Regina says:

    Good Evening, All,

    Hope all is well in your lives. I’ve LOVED 1 Cor. 13 from the moment I read it! It has been a love story between me and that chapter! :-) Have never read the Song of Solomon though. Never had a desire to read that book. If I think about it from a Christian perspective (e.g. Jesus’ love song to his bride, the church), I might be persuaded to read it. Otherwise, I more than likely won’t go there…
    Thank you for your encouragement, foreverblessed (2-15-15 -4:52 pm), :-) The LORD is indeed comforting me, bless His holy name, and I know without a doubt that my brother is in a much better place now, and he’s a lot happier! And even though I feel sad sometimes, because I miss him, I also feel the LORD’s comfort and peace.
    Steve (2-15-15 -3:58 pm), I’m curious about Matt’s requested meal in 0 degree weather! I also think it would be enjoyable to provide food for critters (in that kind of weather) who might otherwise go without…maybe even starve to death. I had an opportunity to meet Steve Harvey (though I know he doesn’t remember me) at a concert I attended in 2012. My church choir sang at the concert, and before (or after) our song selection, Steve Harvey came back stage and greeted all of us personally! I thought that was so nice of him! We were also allowed to see a portion of his Christian comedy performance (it was a ticketed event and we didn’t have to pay because we sang two songs).
    I also want to offer my condolences to Steve in the loss of his friend Bruce (I thought you were referring to Bruce C. for a minute there, Steve!) and to Pat in the loss of her sister.

    Partly cloudy and 33 degrees in Dallas right now.

    Love to all…

  66. jeff1 says:

    Yes Pooh that is what I am saying that I believed God withheld good things from me because I had done something to displease him. I suppose I was so young when people said these things to me that they stuck with me right into adulthood. I really believed God was an angry God for a very big part of my life.
    My mother who was very unstable once told me we had been cursed because of her illegitimacy and I was very young at the time and it also stayed in my head. When things went wrong I then would believe my mother had been right. My father would tell me that I should not listen to my mother for she had been affected in her childhood but what you learn as a child does stay with you.

    It is good to hear Joyce not that you too have struggled but that you have gotten past it and like me have hope for the future. We are all growing and learning as we progress that God is indeed a good God who wants his children to do what is right but when we have difficulties He is there to help and not to condemn us.

  67. street says:

    jeff said,”Some say that in order to receive love you must first know how to give love and that might be my problem.”

    Luke 7: 40 And Jesus answered him, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” And he replied, “Say it, Teacher.” 41 “A moneylender had two debtors: one owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. 42 When they were unable to repay, he graciously forgave them both. So which of them will love him more?” 43 Simon answered and said, “I suppose the one whom he forgave more.” And He said to him, “You have judged correctly.” 44 Turning toward the woman, He said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has wet My feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. 45 You gave Me no kiss; but she, since the time I came in, has not ceased to kiss My feet. 46 You did not anoint My head with oil, but she anointed My feet with perfume. 47 For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little.” 48 Then He said to her, “Your sins have been forgiven.” 49 Those who were reclining at the table with Him began to say to themselves, “Who is this man who even forgives sins?” 50 And He said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”

  68. street says:

    only God can forgive sins

  69. jeff1 says:

    I know Street in my heart I am forgiven for my sins but the battle goes on in my head. I learned as a child I had to earn good things and so there is still a struggle in my head that if I am not good God will somehow leave me and that is my fear that God will forsake me. I have panic attacks that God will leave me because I do not measure up.

    When I had a psychotic episode I seen horns on people so I knew hell was real for I was in it. It terrified me and it was my friend who prayed and helped me through it. Since my father died she has been there for me in difficult times. We have been friends since primary school and I am blessed to have her. God always sends a helper.

  70. street says:

    dear jeff, read your post and remembered the sure and steadfast promise of God,” I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

    the promises of God are more sure than humanity. in them are security for humanity. to be upheld and safe in His eternal love that never fails. all the injustice, violence, and cure hate can not triumph over his grace and mercy in Christ Jesus. Jesus, the defender and Champion of my soul.

  71. joycemb says:

    Dear Vivien, my heart goes out to you as I read about your psychosis as I too have had those episodes and know how real they are. But street is so right that Jesus is our champion and defender and also that in Him is truth and not in ourselves. My journey has been to hang, lean, and trust in God even and especially in those dark and scary times as He is much more powerful and good than any delusion. Certain people trigger me so have to stay away from them and have also been triggered by Christian counselors which makes me wary of some.

    Only Jesus does not trigger me and the Bible tells me He created me and loves me dearly and forever so in that I am content. Sometimes I have wondered if Jesus/God aren’t also delusions, and except for the unexplained miracles in my life and others and the Bible I would be lost and dead for sure as I have been suicidal since I was 18 and made attempts but unexplainably God intervened so here I am. Hold fast dear one, the ride is not over and the joys are also unexplainable in the flesh but in the spirit they make perfect sense!

  72. jeff1 says:

    I am so glad you have mentioned people triggering you and having to stay away from them. My friend also said I should avoid people who might cause me to stumble so I am now careful of who I listen to.

    I am the same when wondering about Jesus/God except that I know too that God has always been there for me and I always have gotten strength from knowing he is there. Also other people telling their stories and the stories from the Bible are reassurance that God is not a figment of my imagination.
    I am sorry to hear of your suicide attempts and am glad you are still here with us. It would seem that some of us struggle more in the flesh but God understood this would be so and has sent us helpers along the way. Thank your for being one and to others on here too.

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