Sometime back a fast food sandwich by the name of Meat Mountain made news. Layered with six different kinds of meat, two cheeses, topped with chicken tenders and three strips of bacon, it sounded like a one of a kind sandwich made for a temporary media splash. According to a BBC article, Meat Mountain was not a promotion, but one of a growing number of off-the-menu items. According to a food expert, people around the world are using social media to learn about items that are available to customers who are in the know.
Jesus talked about having access to a food that that his disciples didn’t know about (John 4:32). They were confused because earlier they had left Jesus tired and thirsty, at Jacob’s well, as they went into town to get something to eat. While they were gone Jesus also talked to a thirsty woman about a kind of miracle water that must have made her wonder what kind of person she was talking to (John 4:13-15).
In speaking of living water and secret food, Jesus was following a pattern of using physical ideas to lead them to spiritual discovery. For water Jesus pointed the woman to himself. For food Jesus told his disciples, his food was to do the will of God.
Leaves me wondering how much of our common every day experience is meant to help us look beyond it…