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Inside Information


Flickr Photo by: Ground Report

Sometime back a fast food sandwich by the name of Meat Mountain made news. Layered with six different kinds of meat, two cheeses, topped with chicken tenders and three strips of bacon, it sounded like a one of a kind sandwich made for a temporary media splash. According to a BBC article, Meat Mountain was not a promotion, but one of a growing number of off-the-menu items. According to a food expert, people around the world are using social media to learn about items that are available to customers who are in the know.

Jesus talked about having access to a food that that his disciples didn’t know about (John 4:32). They were confused because earlier they had left Jesus tired and thirsty, at Jacob’s well, as they went into town to get something to eat. While they were gone Jesus also talked to a thirsty woman about a kind of miracle water that must have made her wonder what kind of person she was talking to (John 4:13-15).

In speaking of living water and secret food, Jesus was following a pattern of using physical ideas to lead them to spiritual discovery. For water Jesus pointed the woman to himself. For food Jesus told his disciples, his food was to do the will of God.

Leaves me wondering how much of our common every day experience is meant to help us look beyond it…



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75 Responses to “Inside Information”

  1. rokdude5 says:

    I always try to think of whats going on in my life as being much grander than “its about me” and of course, I fail to see the larger Godly picture. Thanks for increasing my awareness.

    Speaking of food, as we know the story about feeding the 5000 that followed Jesus one day. A little boy gave up his bread and fishes to do so though had it been today would he have been so willing if it was a hot dog and donut? Sorry I constantly think of those weird things.

  2. poohpity says:

    That reminds me of what Dr. Sid Buzzell said, “Truth discovered is more powerful than truth taught.”

    Discovering how getting to know Jesus better and better seems to be more important than the very elements we take in to sustain life. When we invite Jesus into our lives it opens up a whole new way of looking at the world around us, our relationship with/to God, ourselves and others.

    Remembering back when anything that happened in my life I would ask God what are you trying to teach me in this. One time when busyness was filling my family’s life with work, school, sports, volunteer service the brakes went out on my car. At first I started grumbling and complaining then the lord put it on my mind to slow down and look at what was more important and it was being pushed aside. I see now that everything has a spiritual meaning when I take the time to pay attention.

  3. oneg2dblu says:

    Funny how just tasting a little “Daily Bread” is so filling.
    In Christ, that filling is our daily need, and God never fails to fulfill it for those who only, “Ask, Seek, and Knock.”

  4. joycemb says:

    God came down and met us where we were, and still does. That blows my mind sometimes when I think about it, I become so easily distracted by the mundane everyday things, yet God used the everyday things to teach us about Himself and His good plan for the world. And still does.

  5. pegramsdell says:

    If I stay close to Him, Jesus will show me things about my everyday that I never saw coming. And how important I am to Him. And to His plan for the people around me. Good post.

  6. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    Mart, you wrote:
    “Jesus was following a pattern of using physical ideas to lead them to spiritual discovery.”

    To me, his parable-telling is an example of speaking of spiritual matters by using examples from the fields, the flocks and the marketplace.

    Jesus told his disciples, “For to those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away. The reason I speak to them in parables is that ‘seeing they do not perceive, and hearing they do not listen, nor do they understand.’ With them indeed is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah that says:

    ‘You will indeed listen, but never understand,
    and you will indeed look, but never perceive.

    For this people’s heart has grown dull,
    and their ears are hard of hearing,
    and they have shut their eyes;
    so that they might not look with their eyes,
    and listen with their ears,
    and understand with their heart and turn—
    and I would heal them.’”

    Yesterday, the preacher said, “The image of the Church in the world is not a two-seater red sports car with room for one bag of groceries, Jesus and me. No. Rather, the image of the Church in the world is a big bus that opens its doors to everybody.”

    It seems to me we breathe in examples of kingdom-living all day long & they are not hard to understand.


  7. jeff1 says:

    I believe that is what I find hard in the modern world to stay close to Jesus. Its just too noisy a world with too many changes. I don’t fit in as the song goes ‘this world is not my home I am just a passing through, my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue’. The world may be a smaller place with social media but it’s a complex world and I am a simple country girl at heart. I cannot see beyond today and I am fine with that but the world wants more so I am happy to let the younger generation take their place in a world that has left me behind.

  8. cas139 says:

    I’ve been considering the vast difference between the excess and messiness of a mountain of meat and the purity and simplicity of pure spring waters. It is intriguing that the meat mountain sandwich is not advertised in the normal way but put out as a secret only the most knowledgeable in the ways of the modern world, including social media, can enjoy. Though all that piled meat and grease certainly doesn’t sound healthful, the idea that it is a secret for only the few seems to make acquiring it more tempting. The thought of Eve’s reaction to the “exposed” secrets of the tree of knowledge that were dangled tantalizingly in front of her comes to mind.

    By contrast the spring water sounds rather bland. Yet Jesus describes this pure water that he will give us for the asking as “welling up to eternal life.” Water is necessary for life and this water offers new life. Like the initial skepticism of the woman at the well, I have a hard time taking in the ease of asking for and receiving this living water.

    Which will I choose? These are questions to ponder during this season of preparation for the death and resurrection, the sacrifice and gift, of the One who offers new life. Thanks for the vivid images, Mart. They did get me thinking.

  9. remarutho says:

    BTW the photos of “excessive” sandwiches overflowing with meat in the “Meat Mountain” article are a sharp contrast to the “living water and secret food” Jesus is talking about!

    Eight meat patties instead of two seems over the top to me — just saying…

    Jesus’ menu is very light by comparison! He is the Light of the world, after all. :o) Maru

  10. joycemb says:

    Thinking about this today what comes to mind is how the disciples went through a process of having their eyes opened to truth. I think of others like Moses, Abraham, Joseph and his brothers, and Jonah who learned the secrets of the Kingdom i.e. the ‘Inside Information’ through hanging on, trusting, and believing there was more to life than what they saw in their daily lives.

    Thinking how grateful I am that this ‘Inside Information’ is now out there for all to know and have, if they want it.

  11. SFDBWV says:

    Dealing with the weather and life issues has kept me busy and occupied; -18 this morning.

    As we work together to try and figure out our place with God, we find it difficult to separate us from Him as far as where we are in the whole scheme of things.

    At the same time our created beings place us at the center of our consciousness. Can we, are we, able to see God, life and the mysteries of existing without it being connected to us?

    I think not.

    The stories of the Bible place only a very few people in all of the world’s population in a direct use of God for the creation of a special people and out of them Jesus the Christ.

    At the same time Bible characters were also designed for a use by God to set up events and then and in a future use all for God’s purpose.

    This same God is described by Jesus as keeping His attention even upon the needs of a tiny little bird.

    Would I then suppose God is also not keeping His attention on you and me individually? I know better, I know He is a micro-manager and so totally involved in yours and my life to the smallest detail.

    Dreams you have that you may feel has the influence of the Holy Spirit’s leading will be experienced in such a manner as only you can recognize. Any epiphany you might experience will be in a language or communication you recognize.

    The same for all of Scripture as it was written for the people it was given to.

    I have always understood that Jesus began speaking in parables only after He was rejected by the elders of Israel. So that they couldn’t understand what it was He was saying clearly.

    For me there are two pictures from Scripture and my life with God. The big picture and the smaller one. The big picture being the overall plan of all of mankind and creation, the smaller one being His overall plan and place for me.

    Both views are given just enough “Inside Information” for me to be in concert with God as is in compliance with His will and both tie in together as being His great plan for us all.

    Trust and obey there is no other way.


  12. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    Your struggles with the weather over your way are in my prayers these days, Steve! Cold and snowy as it is, thanks for hanging in with BTA.

    Steve asks:
    “Can we, are we, able to see God, life and the mysteries of existing without it being connected to us?”

    You answer “I think not.” I also come up with a resounding “No” to the question as well. In Him we live and move and have our being. No intellectual exercise or philosophical position can ever place a human being outside the Being of God. (Sorry, dear atheists!) It cannot happen. The breath of our bodies is the Breath of the Almighty.

    In that sense, the big and small issues of our life-journey play out in the presence of our Creator God. All spiritual information is on the heavenly menu. As you point out, it was the hard-heartedness of the church leaders of the day that made their ears unable to hear and their eyes unable to see the wisdom Jesus was freely offering.

    The human ego is a barrier to secret food and living water provided to Jesus.


  13. Regina says:

    Good Morning, All

    I hope all is well in your lives. Just read Mart’s intro. comment to this new blog topic, and I pray that the LORD will help me share my thoughts and insight on the topic, and that I’ll gain wisdom and understanding from what’s shared with me.

    Off topic… thank you, narrow, for the encouragement regarding my comments (in the previous blog). And I’m very glad that you enjoy them. Funny thing is… or maybe I should say ironically, after I shared that true story with yall about the Texas Ice Storm of 2013, the cold and rain that we received this past Sunday got worse Sunday night (temps in the low to mid 20s). So, when I woke up Monday morning, I saw snow on the ground, on cars and on the roofs of houses! Several business and school districts were closed yesterday and today. So, I’ve been off work (some blessed days of rest) for two days now.

    pooh, Love the C.S. Lewis quote and Bible verse that you shared with it (2-22-15/9:27 pm)! :) Gonna share all with friends and family on fb. I enjoyed reading all of the comments on the previous blog topic, and looking forwarding to reading the comments on the new blog topic. bubbles, May the LORD bless you and protect you, Num. 6:24, NLT, you’re still in my thoughts and prayers.

    Cloudy, icy and 27 degrees in Dallas right now…

    Love to all,

  14. jeff1 says:

    I fear that history repeats itself for today the world is still unable to hear. Men want to take the credit today for progress in the world, one nation wanting to lord it over another. I suppose that is what we are fed on the television and the newspapers but I am reluctant to believe that everything is as they say for they have their own agenda. Truth today is difficult to detect for everyone seems to have an agenda of their own. This means that Bible prophecy is very much on track and thankfully, in God’s time, the world will be read of tyranny and strife and all will enjoy God’s blessings.

  15. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… good points, dreamland included.
    God can use all things to deliver His Message, even a Donkey.
    We know that the world and the worldview held today, by default do not get it, being Enemies of God at their birth, so b naturally they would reject the Word of God.
    They, like the Disciples, could not ever get the message alone, or without Inside Information, Christ Himself, or His Helper.
    We, just like the Disciples who knew who they were following, still needed to grow, and without receiving the Promised Gift of God, the Holy Spirit, or Inside Information, then our chances of ever finding or discerning the correct spiritual message, probably is not going to happen.

    “A person hears only what they understand.” Geothe

    Hebrews 4:1 (MSG)

    Without God-given Faith. no true rest for any spiritual beings or those made in God’s Image, ever exists in this world.

  16. oneg2dblu says:

    I’m afraid that MSG when posted here is not a sweet tasting version. PUN
    Hebrews 4:1 MSG
    “For as long, then, as the promise of resting in him pulls us on to God’s goal for us, we need to be careful that we’re not disqualified. We received the same promise as those in the wilderness, but the promises didn’t do them a bit of good because they didn’t receive the promises with faith. If we believe, though, we’ll experience that state of resting.
    But not if we don’t have faith. Remember what God said,

    “Exasperated, I vowed,
    ‘They’ll never get where they’re going,
    never be able to sit down and rest.'”

    Message delivered, Gary

  17. joycemb says:

    Hello all,
    Heavy on my heart today is the continued news of Christians overseas being kidnapped/murdered. Praying the persecutors will be awaked by the inside Good News of Christ’s love for all. God can reveal His heart to them in miraculous ways. Blessings and peace to all under persecution today in Christ Jesus.

  18. narrowpathseeker says:

    Good Afternoon All. I just wanted to say Thank You. All posts today were interesting, inspiring, and compassionate. I’m also glad that despite the cold and crazy weather that all here seem to be ok.. thanks be to God.

  19. bubbles says:

    Regina, things are ok here. Thank you for caring.

  20. phpatato says:

    Good evening everyone

    Well I live about a 45 min drive outside my nation’s capital of Ottawa On. Ottawa received the distinction of being the coldest capital city in the world yesterday morning. Last night’s temperature broke a record …. -26.9 C (celsius). The previous record was -20.9 C set in 1989. Now couple that with the wind chill for a temperature of very near to forty below. Forty below is the same in Celsius and Fahrenheit. According to Environment Canada (Canada’s weather department similar to the US National Weather Service), “Given the latest forecasts, it appears that some places in Ontario may experience their first month entirely below freezing since February 1978. This Arctic air remains firmly in charge over Southern Ontario for the time being”.

    I agree Pearl, I too am so hoping that our friends here are warm, safe and sound. Bubbles, I am so happy that the rains didn’t fall and your roof stayed secure.

    Regina – We had a freezing rain ice storm in 1998. It took down branches, whole trees and toppled hydro towers like toothpicks. I was 14 days without hydro the first week of January that year. Nearly 16,000 troops were dispatched to the areas affected by it, making it the largest peacetime deployment in Canadian history. I know first hand what ice storms are like. I pray you keep warm and safe. Watch your step when walking. If you are really really stuck for something to help melt the ice off your step, table salt will work if you use enough of it. It won’t be as good or work as fast as road salt but in a pinch, I’ve seen it loosen the ice so that I could scrape some of it away.

    Take care and God’s blessings to everyone


  21. poohpity says:

    “We always know when Jesus is at work because He produces in the commonplace something that is inspiring.” –Oswald Chambers. So Mart it seems there are quite a few that agree with your last sentence, “Leaves me wondering how much of our common every day experience is meant to help us look beyond it…”

  22. poohpity says:

    When I think about the harsh, bitter cold that surrounds us Jesus is that safe comfortable cozy chair I crawl into and His love is the blanket around my shoulders with a fire warming my feet feeling secure, welcome and cared for.

  23. saled says:

    I grew up knowing the spiritual meaning behind the phrase ‘Jesus is a rock in a weary land’. One crop my area is known for is wild blueberries. My grandparents owned blueberry land and from the age of 5 I was part of the harvest that takes place every August. Raking blueberries is truly back breaking work. The rake has only a 6 inch handle, and you gather the berries bent over. Each raker has a ‘strip’, an area maybe 10 or 12 feet wide lined off with twine that your are responsible to work in. Some of the strips stretch for 1000 feet or more .The berries are dumped from the rake into 5 gallon buckets that you then carry the length of your strip to be boxed for trucking.

    It always made me glad to get a strip with a big old rock in it. The rock was the perfect place to sit and rest. And often it gave some shade if you sat down on the ground on the right side of it. So I understood the symbolism about Jesus being a rock in a weary land. And as an adult I’ve ofter thought about his words, “Come unto me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” I just didn’t seem to be able to find the rest that I was looking for.

    Been reading Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald lately and in it he talks about what Sabbath rest i meant to be. It is different from leisure in that it is a time to reflect on your work and see how it lines up with your purposes and God’s truths. And I can see how when your work, purposes and God’s truths are in order, you can truly rest, even in the midst of chaos. So for me, even though as a child I understood the symbolism, it has taken a life time to begin to understand the rest that our rock in the weary land provides.

  24. poohpity says:

    Wow that was very insightful saled.

  25. poohpity says:

    I understand rest from trying to please people and being accepted and found that in Jesus.

  26. jeff1 says:

    I find that Jesus accepted me as I am while others are trying to change me into what they think I should be. While others grow impatient with me when I don’t measure up to their expectations he says I can use your service, what men reject I can still use.

    While I live in a world that still sees those who are bottom of the scale as insignificant God gives me strength to go on because he does not love me any less for being deficient and understands why I may feel unloved.

    He reassures me that his form of love is not fleeting like man’s love but eternal as he is eternal.

    My son was at his friend’s fathers funeral the other week and he was telling me what the Clergyman said in his service.
    He said that when he visited the gentleman the man said to him the Doctor’s have told me they will not resuscitate me
    when I am at the end but you are promising me resurrection and was smiling at the fact.

    Here is an inspirational verse by Helen Steiner Rice just one of my favourites from this truly inspirational writer.

    The Praying Hands

    The “Praying Hands” are much much more
    than just a work of art,
    They are the “soul’s creation”
    of a deeply thankful heart-
    They are a Priceless Masterpiece
    that love alone could paint,
    And they reveal the Selflessness
    of an unheralded saint-
    These hands so scarred and toilworn,
    tell the story of a man
    Who sacrificed his talent
    in accordance with God’s Plan-
    For in God’s Plan are many things
    man cannot understand,
    But we must trust God’s judgement
    and be guided by His Hand-
    Sometimes He asks us to give up
    our dreams of happiness,
    Sometimes we must forego our hopes
    of fortune and success,
    Not all of us can triumph
    or rise to heights of fame,
    And many times What Should Be Ours,
    goes to Another Name-
    But he who makes a sacrifice,
    so another may succeed,
    Is indeed a true disciple
    of our blessed Saviour’s creed-
    For when we “give ourselves away”
    in sacrifice and love,
    We are “laying up rich treasures”
    in God’s kingdom up above-
    And hidden in gnarled, toilworn hands
    is the truest Art of Living,
    Achieved alone by those who’ve learned
    the “Victory of Giving”-
    For any sacrifice on earth
    made in the dear Lord’s name,
    Assures the Giver of a Place
    in Heaven’s Hall of Fame-
    And who can say with certainty
    Where the Greatest Talent Lies,
    Or Who Will Be the Greatest
    In Our Heavenly Father’s Eyes!

  27. street says:

    1 Corinthians 1:30

    John 6:27-29

  28. joycemb says:

    Vivien thank you for posting the poem! Haven’t read anything of hers in a long time, she is so talented and surely knows God.

  29. foreverblessed says:

    Thank you all for your comments.
    Saled, that was awesome, thanks! Jesus our Rock, the one we can Rest in. It takes me such a long time too, to totally Rest in Jesus.
    When I can rest in Him, then I know that my life is in His Hands, and that He takes care of all, and there then is a whole new world opening to me: that what concerns Jesus, and that mostly is His loving heart for all those I know. Now I have a lot of prayer time for others, (ideally speaking, for each day brings again worries I have to lay at the feet of Jesus)
    That makes the poem that Jeff1 gave yesterday so full of meaning! Thanks for that poem.

    Last night we had a prayer evening with our church, and the theme was Fasting: Isa 58:6-12
    being concerned about others! And that is possible when we are sure that God tkaes care of us Matt 6:25-27
    (If you happen to be new in Christ, then just give your own load to Jesus everyday, day by day, keep looking to Him.
    I believe that God gives us pryaer for others when we are really comfortable with Him and in Him, praying for others will come)

    With Marts theme; “Leaves me wondering how much of our common every day experience is meant to help us look beyond it…” I try to look outside, look at the birds and reember the words of Jesus: be like them, no worry

  30. oneg2dblu says:

    foreverblessed… thanks for sharing those verses.
    In my old NIV that last part of Isaiah 58 says,
    “you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”
    Powerful word pictures for me personally, having a background in building and construction, but even more powerful is being called to know and do God’s Work.
    If we know the story of Nehemiah’s calling and where God provides his every need to accomplish that which He called Nehemiah to do. We see those verses come to fruition.
    Where ever God places us, and calls us, He also provides.
    I’m seeing your calling is a Prayer Warrior, and your works being accomplished in the here and now,are certainly producing Fruit which is in keeping with your Salvation.
    Obedience to the calling is also commanded everywhere in the scriptures, as part of the fulfilling of the Word.
    In your cited choice of verses, they are completed in the context by their following verses, Isaiah 58:13,14
    Like the rest of God’s Word, as it is Divinely Expressed and Impressed upon me personally, every thing is conditional, even our Salvation.

  31. poohpity says:

    Spiritual discovery seems to be like a person who goes to a bank wanting to open an account. When the banker asks what will be the initial deposit the person replies I have no money I just want to open an account and live off the interest. The banker scratches his head and replies but you have to put something in to get something out. How can one find out inside information or life application from the bible when the basic information is not there to draw from?

  32. street says:

    i love the bank account Jesus has given me, in the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and the fellowship of the saints, to draw on His everlasting resources. i think in times of great need and suffering we are enriched beyond are fears. Jeremiah 26:24

    Job 1:21

  33. joycemb says:

    When I was younger and a busy wife, mom, volunteer, seamstress, active in my church I used to use Psalm 23 to visualize a quiet place to talk to the Lord. All those things; shepherd, still waters, pathways of richeousness, all seen in a quiet wood brought me peace in my busy day. But as life ramped up with divorce, college (at 50), death of a child, and deteriorating mental health I learned to see God in the everyday troublesome fear-laden and even horrific days of my life. When I realized God did not promise me a rose garden as many had preached/ promised that also was a chance to learn that EVERYTHING can and does point to God. Yes Mart I do think that “much of our common everyday experience is meant to help us look beyond it”.
    Blessings in Christ Jesus to all and prayers for all,

  34. jeff1 says:

    I was reading another inspirational poem today from Helen Steiner Rice wanted to share it.


    Let me not live a life that’s free
    From “the things” that draw me close to thee-
    For how can I ever hop to heal
    The wounds of others I do not feel-
    If my eyes are dry and I never weep,
    How do I know when the hurt is deep-
    If my heart is cold and it never bleeds,
    How can I tell what my brother needs-
    For when ears are deaf to the beggar’s plea
    And we close our eyes and refuse to see,
    And we steel our hearts and harden our mind,
    And we count it a weakness whenever we’re kind,
    We are no longer following the Father’s Way
    Or seeking His guidance from day to day-
    For, without “crosses to carry” and “burdens to bear,”
    We dance through a life that is frothy and fair,
    And “chasing the rainbow” we have no desire
    For “roads that are rough” and “realms that are higher”-
    So spare me no heartache or sorrow, dear Lord.
    For the heart that is hurt reaps the richest reward,
    And God enters the heart that is broken with sorrow
    As he opens the door to a brighter tomorrow,
    For only through tears can we recognise
    The suffering that lies in another’s eyes.

  35. street says:

    been thinking about inside info of the Book of Jeremiah and Job. for some reason the two have come together over the last couple weeks. have to admit they both got me down, not to their level. i have to leave Job alone for awhile, just say-in. difficulties will come, it’s just a matter of when. people call Him Savior for a reason! His love and abilities are stronger than death. it’s interesting that sinners and saints appear to come to the same end. that is not the case! Godly people leave a clear trail others can follow there by preserving the world for the next harvest. when the harvest is over so is the garden. it’s ok, it’s temporary. He knows what we need and His love is forever! faith and trust all the way through the finish line! immeasurable grace, mercy, and peace be yours in Christ Jesus.

  36. oneg2dblu says:

    To me, every Born Again believer obediently follows Christ, as they already have their account opened in Christ, and already have the means, or the deposit required, the deposit of the Holy Spirit.
    There is no other profitable way of opening an account with any “real interest” for the Salvation of mankind, other than the one the Holy Spirit provides for every new believer.
    Maybe, you could take that little note to the bank and try to cash it in, but only God can really verify the name He has written on your account, in the Book of Life.
    That’s my two cents added in whether you like it or not, do what you will with it.

    Jeff1… great poem!

  37. cbrown says:

    Gary,great post!

  38. SFDBWV says:

    I too have been thinking about Mart’s last thought of “how much our common everyday experience is meant to help us look beyond it.”

    It is the mark of a spiritual person to tie in everything that we experience with a purpose and power beyond our sight and earthly senses.

    It is that same inherent awareness that for millennia’s has caused mankind to “imagine” God.

    As I understand it, because of this longing to know beyond our senses and know our creator that God bared Himself to Moses and ultimately became the man Jesus of Nazareth. So that we could know the True God and Father of creation.

    In the theology of the Eastern Orthodox churches they believe that the reason God doesn’t speak as He did in Biblical times is because he said all He needed to say then. It is up to us to listen.

    Like Mart has gave mention to, I too try and see the hand of God in every experience I have, even in my dreams and especially in the people I meet and the going about of day to day activities. Always wondering, what might this mean, and what lay around the next corner; orchestrated by God.

    I only had a moment to stop in and say hello, as it is a normal day of being used. 08 degrees and flurries.


  39. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… It’s just another day of walking in blessings, in our knowing Christ, and having seen His life portrayed throughout His Word, as we also daily get the opportunity to serve others.
    That is the Heart of Christ in action, given to all those that will follow obediently in His footsteps.
    You my brother are blessed with the Gift of Helps!

  40. street says:

    steve said,”In the theology of the Eastern Orthodox churches they believe that the reason God doesn’t speak as He did in Biblical times is because he said all He needed to say then.”

    this statement took me back, and i had to think about it for awhile. this came up.

    He did speak!
    did not.
    did to.
    did not.
    did to!

  41. joycemb says:

    Street I have heard some reformed preachers say the same thing, that God finished speaking after the disciples died off. Wondering how one maintains a ‘personal’ relationship with God with this way of thinking? Is the relationship to an idol, i.e. movie star, author, painter? Or to a philosophy or religious ideology? Or to a ‘Law’ of demands? This has me thinking too!

  42. joycemb says:

    This is a little off topic but wanted to share a wonderful booklet I just read on the Discovery Series on this site called “10 reasons to believe in Christ, rather than religion”. I think it is so easy to get off track with some the things we see in the natural, even and especially some religious thinking. After reading it it is so clear to me how Jesus’ conversations with the religious elites of His time were misled. Anyway, its a very good read.

  43. street says:

    Acts 5:31-33

  44. remarutho says:

    Good Afternoon All —

    It is something to contrast the thirst Jesus was experiencing with the thirst the woman at the well was experiencing. Only Jesus can satisfy spiritual thirst. The woman believed that Jesus is Messiah. Maybe she would always think of the spiritual water of Life every time she took a drink of water from then on.

    It is exciting to think that as the disciples returned to Jesus bringing food, He told them he had food they did not know about — because the Good News was being taken to Sychar by the woman who believed Him. She left in such a hurry, she forgot her water jar at the well.

    The prospect of the igniting of faith was (spiritually) like eating a full meal to the Lord, it seems to me. He was satisfied that in a little while these disciples would be moving out into a field ready to be harvested. The field “white unto harvest” is about souls of people believing in God and His Son.


  45. narrowpathseeker says:

    Hello All… Been spending a lot of time studying, but have also been reading some of the posts here.. Good stuff.
    Jeff1…Great Poem!! thank you.
    Gary…I fully agree with cbrown…Great post, Gary!
    Joyce…as always thank you for your honest, humble, and interesting comments.
    Steve, I hope for you to have a day of TOTAL relaxation..with just your basic home chores to do….SOON….. You do more in a day than I can get done in a month! ;-)
    Street…your post on 2/27 11:24am made me smile, as do so many others that you write.. thank you.

    I need to get back to matter at hand and haven’t time to write all that I would like, but want to say thank you to Foreverblessed, Maru, and others that I haven’t mentioned for your many insightful comments as well.

  46. SFDBWV says:

    Thinking again about “inside information”, I am once again reminded that God provided detailed information about everything, there in the Scriptures that we need to know concerning Him as well as events that shape our world.

    In looking at the stark difference between Islamic and Christian beliefs; Jesus said of John the Baptist, that he was the last of the “Prophets”. After him there would be no more.

    Islam believes that Mohamad was not only a prophet of the same God, but that through him came their Koran and their own view and understanding of what God desires from them…Inside information.

    Nowhere in Christian theology are instructions to kill any who disagree, reject or insult Jesus or His teaching.
    Everywhere in Islam is the call to murder an unbeliever and especially any who would dare insult Mohamad.

    As a Christian, I believe the words of Jesus as written in the Bible to be true. The Bible my source of information.

    Islamist burn Bibles in a spirit of hate and anger.

    Look at how the world was transformed with the introduction of Christianity into it and look what is going on today with the rise of Islam.

    The inside information I have concerning this matter can be found within the pages of Scripture, especially in the “Minor Prophet’s” and there in Revelation.

    My inside information leads me to look to the return of Christ very soon.

    Remember our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being martyred for their faith today and pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

    -4 degrees this morning, but spring also is coming soon.


  47. Regina says:

    Good Morning, All

    Bubbles, I’m so glad all is well with you (2-24-15/4:13 pm), and you’re welcome regarding my care and concern for you. Jesus wants us to bear one another’s burdens and fulfill his law of love.

    Jeff1 (2-23-15/1:51 pm), I agree with what you said about being “a simple country girl” at heart. Sometimes, I feel that way too… I’m totally ok with others getting the spotlight, I’m not really into high technology/would rather read a book, and I’m perfectly satisfied with doing God’s work in the shadows. But I know that’s in contrast to how Jesus described me. He said, now that I’m a new creation in Him, I’m the light of the world… He likened me to a city set on a hill…it cannot be hidden (Matt. 5:14).

    cas139 (2-23-15/5:32 pm), I like what you said about the messiness of a mountain of meat compared to the purity and simplicity of spring water. Your comment, which was very well said, brought Daniel to mind… His desire for discipline and self-control provided a supernatural level of spiritual strength for him. Thought about how he rejected the kings delicacies, and chose a much more humble diet of vegetables and water (Dan. 1:5-15). Thinking about how we need water, “living water” and natural water, on a level that’s even greater than our need for food! I crave that “living water” because I realize that I need it more than I need anything else. I viewed a picture of that *huge* sandwich online, and, I agree maru, I don’t think anyone should ever eat that much food for one meal.

    Steve, I pray that you, bubbles and phpatato will get some better weather in the areas where you all live, and that the LORD will sustain each one of you (families included) and provide whatever is needed until that better weather comes. I feel a little chuckle coming on, so I have to share what the weather was like in my neck of the woods the other day. When I woke up Wednesday morning it was raining, but a lot of the snow from the two previous days had melted. So, I hopped in the shower, hopped out and did face hygiene, threw on my clothes, including my overcoat, grabbed my umbrella and headed out the door. Well, when I got outside, the street was full of icy, snowy slush, and my car windows were covered with it. So, I had to scrape it off (window scraper), and I didn’t know if I’d be able to drive in to work. Well, by God’s grace, I made it in to work, and the sleet turned to snow! I watched the snow as I drove in to work (so pretty)! When I arrived, a good number of faculty, staff and students were already there (I work at a school–Guided Reading Teacher). We watched the snow, intermittently, throughout the morning, and some of the Teachers allowed their students to play in it because it’s so *rare* in Texas. Here’s the “chuckle” part… By the time I got off work, it was about 25 to 30 degrees warmer, and the sun had completely melted all of the snow! Every sign of that wintry morning that we’d experienced, only 7 1/2 to 8 hours earlier, was gone! I thought to myself, “only in Texas!” Lol! I was able to go to the store and drive to Bible study later on that day. The weather was good on Thursday too, just very cold (low 30’s all day). Drove to work on Friday morning without a hitch, though it started to snow/sleet while I was driving. Well, about 2 or 3 hours later, I was walking down a hallway, I looked out the window, the ground was *covered* with snow, and it was snowing (beautifully picturesque)!

    Long story short, we got ((a lot)) of snow yesterday, and there were many car wrecks on the roads and freeways! :( Texans are not familiar with driving in snow and slush on freeways and overpasses (myself included), and the snow is firmly on the ground this morning.

    Wow, phpatato! Haven’t *ever* seen anything like what you described in the Canada Ice Storm of 1998! However, over the past 6 days, we’ve seen some wintry weather that we didn’t expect to see (we usually have mild winters here) in the lone star state.

    Cloudy, 27 degrees with snow and ice on roofs, cars, and the ground…

    Love to all,

  48. street says:

    inside information….been reading today with a lot more joy. i found Easter in Jeremiah 30. thanks Dad!

  49. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… I am not questioning you integrity, or your in Christ heart, however, we part on your one point, that is that I believe that all the Gifts of the Spirit are still given, alive, and valid today.

    If Prophesy to you, no longer exists, then, which other Gifts of the Spirit are no longer given?

    Whose voice is it that we hear then, those who receive and believe today, being used as vessels of “Inside Information?”

    Perhaps it’s only the”methodology” that you are speaking about here and not the Gifting.

    Just because we are not seeing a Burning Bush, a Blinding Light, or hearing God’s Thundering Voice today, does not mean all Prophesy is Dead.

    But, certainly all the gifts, are still being given and used by God’s Insider’s today, even those in dreams and visions given just like John’s in Revelation, and we still have that Still Small Voice, still speaking within every believer.

    Perhaps the only Prophets we have today, are really only gained through selling of religion, or Religious Profits.

    Those who profit from Uttering and Selling their False Teaching, or those who practice profiteering their pricey giving out of Annulments, Prayer Cloths, Statues of Christ or Mary, Crosses, Hats, Shirts, Rosary Beads, and the like today.

    Ooops, I may just have prophetically turned over a few tables!

    Yes, I think we all need to leave our currently purchased and prized earthly vessels lying beside the well of awakening, and run into the Fields that are White for Harvest.

    Maybe someone here can direct to a website that sells Holy Water, I’m getting thirsty for another taste…

    (Pun Intended)

    “Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.”

  50. oneg2dblu says:

    Here’s another rant, provoked by not the using of words, but how they can be misused, and sometimes misinterpreted…

    From today’s ODB…”Christians can erase from their memory
    What God has erased from the record.”

    Why not remember how far you had fallen, or where you came from?

    My choice of words would be: “Christians should “always remember,” just where they were and what they were doing, when Christ rescued them from their miry pit of sin.”

    If I were to forget or erase from my memory all my forgiven sin, then my testimony of the lifestyle I came from, what sin I coddled, and how God saved me from it’s slavery would no longer have any witness, no showing of any change, or any real repentance from anything, no turning from the evil and then turning toward God’s cleansing, washing away, and saying to myself, I having erased my memory, am now wondering, forgiveness of what?

    Yes, the past is the past, and we need too press on into the future, but, do we also need to forget, to move on?

    Where did you come from, or have you also erased your memory?

    If we can’t remember which “Dead Ends.” we’ve traveled on before, we may be walking into something other than using Divine Wisdom.
    Just Thinking…

  51. poohpity says:

    It seems with spiritual discovery one has to be open to a different understanding of listening to a voice one can not hear audibly or growing in a relationship to/with One we can not see. Do I believe it is really possible? If I do not know Him how can I recognize when He is guiding/teaching me and may confuse my voice with His, my understanding for His. Do I really believe that God wants an intimate relationship with me and if so what is that really like?

    If I believe that God speaks through His Word who is it that stops me from seeking Him through that Word? Do I really believe God is real or is Jesus really alive? How do I know if it is the Holy Spirit teaching me or am I listening to the deceiver and have I been deceived?

    Are His Words more important to me than bread and water needed to sustain life?(Deut 8:3 NASB; Matt 4:4 NASB) If I believe that then what am I doing about it? Do I really believe? If someone accused me of being a Christian is there enough evidence that would find me guilty? (Matt 15:11; Mark 7:20) Do I believe that I am a disciple(student) of Jesus? If I am not His disciple then who am I learning from?

  52. oneg2dblu says:

    Pooh… Exactly, although we are based in Faith, isn’t our work or works, the evidence of a changed life?

    Doesn’t the way we love, the way we live, our walk, show the world, we are different?

    Easily as a counterfeit can be passed about, if not judged properly, or too quickly, but, through further examination, is it not then found to be just a little false, making the entire picture of it’s deception evident?

  53. poohpity says:

    A changed life is evidence of a changed life. If deception or counterfeit were easy to spot then it would not be a very good example of deception or counterfeit. But with the Spirit within and having the foundation of God’s Word it is not that easy to fall into the deception or counterfeit sadly that is where an empty bank account fits in. Most seem to walk around spiritually bankrupt with nothing to glean from but a worldly understanding. By the way those were rhetorical questions.

  54. jeff1 says:

    A world that no longer beliefs in God doesn’t really look at what Christians are doing they are looking at Science for their answers so I don’t see a great impact on the world. It is God who is watching us not the world.

    Just as God is watching he may use us in our corner to advance His kingdom but I don’t believe we change anyone that is God working in them as in us that does that.

    I am thinking of the time my friend said she was preaching on street corners and no one was taking any notice so until God awakens people they will not may any attention to our words or actions. If we think we can do that then we are setting ourselves up for a fall because its God who changed my heart not anyone else.


    Our Father knows what’s best for us,
    So why should we complain-
    We always want the sunshine,
    But He knows there must be rain-
    We love the sound of laughter
    And the merriment of cheer,
    But our hearts would lose their tenderness
    If we never shed a tear….
    Our Father tests us often
    With suffering and with sorrow,
    He tests us, not to punish us,
    But to help us meet tomorrow….
    For growing trees are strengthened
    When they withstand the storm,
    And the sharp cut of the chisel
    Gives the marble grace and form….
    God never hurts us needlessly,
    And He never wastes our pain
    For every loss He sends to us
    Is followed by rich gain…
    And when we count the blessings
    That God has so freely sent,
    We will find no cause for murmuring
    And no time to lament…
    For our Father loves His children,
    And to Him all things are plain,
    So He never sends us pleasure
    When the soul’s deep need is pain…
    So whenever we are troubled,
    And when everything goes wrong,
    It is God working in us
    To make our spirit strong.

  55. phpatato says:


    I believe your rant this morning may be unnecessarily raising your blood pressure for nothing. You stated:

    “Here’s another rant, provoked by not the using of words, but how they can be misused, and sometimes misinterpreted…”

    Your rant is exactly provoked on how the word *CAN* has been misinterpreted. I believe you misinterpreted the word can with you using this meaning or definition:

    *can*…..may; have permission to
    I believe you read the sentence in ODB as having this meaning – “Christians can or are permitted to erase from their memory what God has erased from the record.” I believe you read that the author of the ODB reading today, Dave Branon, was giving us permission to forget what God has done in erasing from the record what He did for us. In other words, sure go ahead, it’s ok to forget where we came from and how we were changed. That as a man of God, he was possibly steering people into a false teaching.

    I, on the other hand, took Dave Branon’s meaning of the word can as this:

    *can* – to be able to; have the ability, power, or skill to

    With that definition, the meaning of the sentence changes to “Christians are able to, having the ability to erase from their memory what God has erased from the record. In other words, if Christians aren’t careful, they can use their ability, power and skill to conveniently forget what God has erased from the record. They will be able to forget where they came from and how God has changed them. I believe that Dave Branon is giving warning for us not to exercise that ability or power to forget (until of course we have gone to God in prayer asking for forgiveness with a broken and contrite heart. And may I add an additional thought to the end of this…..asking for forgiveness comes with another step to have the process complete. And that step is to say sorry. Saying sorry and/or making restitution is an extension to being forgiven. If someone wronged someone, just asking for forgiveness from God is not enough. One must, at a minimum, say sorry to end the process.

    Anyway Gary, could it be that your rant is all for naught? Or am I off track with how you defined the word can?

    But, having said that, I think it is wise to remember that once God has forgiven – as far as the east is from the west – to remember our sin no more, we should too. It is satan that uses the guilt of past sins to wreak havoc on our ability to move forward. We shouldn’t travel through life looking in the rear view mirror.

    Blessings to you and everyone today.


  56. bubbles says:

    The common everyday and looking beyond it. .. I’ve been thinking about that statement and what it means, and I’ve seen many things for which to thankful.

    God has protected,provided and prevented many things these past two months and I’m thankful and humbled. He has also allowed some things to happen and I can be thankful without understanding.

  57. joycemb says:

    Bubbles your last statement “God has protected,provided and prevented many things these past two months and I’m thankful and humbled. He has also allowed some things to happen and I can be thankful without understanding.” is perfect and how we can find joy in every circumstance! Thank you for this uplifting post and Gods richest blessings to all.

  58. jeff1 says:

    Very insightful poem I think:


    Thanksgiving is more
    than a day in November
    The students of history
    are taught to remember,
    More than a date
    that we still celebrate
    With turkey and dressing
    piled high on our plate…
    For while we still offer
    the traditional prayer,
    We pray out of habit
    without being aware
    That the Pilgrims thanked God
    just for being alive,
    For the strength that He gave them
    to endure and survive
    Hunger and hardship
    that’s unknown in the present
    Where progress and plenty
    have made our lives pleasant…
    And living today
    in this great and rich nation
    That depends not on God
    but on mechanisation.
    We tend to forget
    that our forefathers came
    To establish a country
    under God’s name…
    But we feel we’re so strong
    we no longer need faith,
    And it now has become
    nothing more than a wraith
    Of the faith that once founded
    this powerful nation
    In the name of the Maker
    and the Lord of creation…
    Oh, teach us, dear God,
    we are all pilgrims still,
    Subject alone
    to Your guidance and will,
    And show us the way
    to purposeful living
    So we may have reason
    for daily thanksgiving-
    And make us once more
    a God-fearing nation
    And not just a puppet
    of controlled automation.

  59. street says:

    Malachi 3:6
    been thinking how people get upset during discord. seems to me the board rules are under review. even with rules we are given free will to break the rules and upset some apple carts. that fact God can complete the transition from sinner to saint, bods well for the saint, even though they stumble. it seems to me our life rules are always under review. during the review process we just might get a glimpse of who we serve.

  60. joycemb says:

    I have been reading/studying David’s prayer of praise in I Chronicles 29:10-20 NLT What an amazing relationship he had with God. David’s instructions to his son Solomon in I Chronicles 28:9 NLT is also good advice for us so many years later.

  61. oneg2dblu says:

    Pat… I hope your blood pressure was not out of control either, as we each now have expressed our views, which certainly is part of why we are here to share/express them.

    Unfortunately, there are other religions that also teach that one must lose sight of all consciousness, or thoughts, if you will, but, I do not believe that Christ ever taught such.

    When he told the woman at the well about her past, and her sin which ushered in the very opening of her mind as to Who was speaking to her, He was using her past recollection of sin, to bring her to seek a change, even before He said, “Go and Sin no more.”

    Christianity is not about forgetting things, but more about the renewing of the mind, to both remember where we were then, and where we are now.

    Who we now are, as we “can” now recognize our Savior, from what we remember as a course correction from where we were heading, for destruction and death.

    Not for the purpose of saying, we can now forget.

    Gee, What was I talking about?

    Oh yeah, I remember now, I’m supposed to forget?

    To coin a phrase of the Apostle Paul, “Heaven forbid!”

    Tonight at church we were taught, that Christ never just shared the good news, He also always shared the bad news as well.

    Case in scripture: John 3:36 “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him.”

    Remembering the bad news, also helps us to remember the good news.

    (The bad news,) Making a stand for Truth will costly,
    (the good news) but worth it.

    Be Blessed, Gary

  62. oneg2dblu says:

    jeff1… “the world no longer believes in God?
    When has the world ever believed in God?
    The scripture says, we the world are born sinners, as enemies of God, so there is no salvation,but only wrath, or destruction for those who continue to reject God.
    If they could never be changed by us, who are commanded to go, Matthew 28:19…
    “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

    Then, to believe they will not listen to us would be futile, especially knowing the word says, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God.”

    Maybe, just maybe, the unbelievers in the world today could possibly hear even us.

    That’s really Good News to my ears.

  63. SFDBWV says:

    Very interesting to me Vivian that you would post a poem about the USA’s national motto.

    Even just as noticeable is the context of the poem directing a wayward nation back to its “Christian” roots.

    The ancient Prophets of Israel continually pointed out Israel’s sin and the consequence of her actions.

    The gift we receive from the suffering of the Israeli experience in Scripture is a view of what to expect when we don’t follow the exact same warnings given them for ourselves.

    What good is inside information if we don’t heed it or know what to do with it or how to properly use it?

    That may be where wisdom comes in.

    Not at all surprising to me was the revelation from an Obama insider that they counted on the “stupidity” of the American voter to push Obama Care over on the American people.

    Of all the American presidents and political leading of my country, I have never seen anything as bad as Obama and his supporters. It is almost unbelievable how common sense and the complete lack of foresight is absent from this administration.

    All of the combined “inside information” clearly given in the Word of God has been abandoned to play to the “world’s” liberal political views. Even as the world is awakening to the stark evil of Islam, Obama stays firm on his agenda of de-Christianizing America in favor of not offending his Islamic roots. Just like Ahab and Jezebel stayed with Baal in spite of the warnings from Elijah.

    And just like the story of Elijah, there were and are those who reject its leadership and remain faithful to God, but that doesn’t stop the punishment of a nation that’s leadership rejects the one True God, and in today’s light, rejects Jesus of Nazareth as Lord.

    A little rest this morning, since the skiff of fresh snow outside really doesn’t need much attention.

    “Today is a day the Lord has made, I shall rejoice and be glad in it.”


  64. poohpity says:

    I wonder how what we see in others can be insight into what is coming out of us? Isn’t that what Jesus teaches repeatedly?

  65. phpatato says:

    Good morning everyone

    Gary, my blood pressure was level and calm when I wrote what I did and I am glad you are fine too. I picked up on the word rant and so equated rant with a rise in blood pressure. I just wanted to point out that maybe, perhaps, you read the word can with a different meaning than what Dave Branon was intending. Letting off steam with a good rant every now and then is good for the blood pressure. I allowed myself to have a good rant just last week. :-)

    But on the serious side, Steve, my rant last week was for what you said this morning. The province in which I live, Ontario, has a premier who is the first openly gay premier. She is fulfilling a personal mandate by making changes to the *outdated* education curriculum of sex-ed *by bringing it into the 21st century*.

    This new curriculum will dramatically increase the mentions of “Gender Identity” theory, sexual “identities” and “orientations.

    She is targeting 5 and 6 year olds in grade 1 by having them learn the *proper* and explicit terms for body parts including all sexual organs. Yup, 5 and 6 year old children.

    Students in Grade 2 will learn about the stages of development and related bodily changes along with the concept that “no means no.”

    Grade 3 will normalize homosexual family structures and homosexual “marriage” in the minds of 8-year-olds, without regard for the religious/moral beliefs of families.

    Grade 4 will be lessons on puberty which was previously taught in grade 5. Students will learn more about the dangers of online bullying and of posting or sharing sexual images, while specific lessons on the dangers of sexting will come in Grade 7.

    Grade 6 young people will be taught about masturbation and “gender expression”.

    Kids in Grades 7 and 8 will discuss contraception, anal and oral sex, preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Grade 8 students will also be taught there are six genders: male, female, two-spirited, transgender, transsexual, intersex.

    The Minister of Education insists the updated curriculum will be in place for the start of classes in September 2015, regardless of any protests, and said Roman Catholic schools must also implement the new policy. What is being downplayed is the fact that this premier sought direction for this new curriculum from her former deputy education minister, who will plead guilty to some of the seven charges related to child pornography. It is not known which of the child-exploitation offences, which included accessing, possessing, writing and distributing child pornography, counselling someone to commit sexual assault, and making an arrangement with a police officer to commit sexual assault, he will be pleading guilty to.

    I wish private Christian schools weren’t so expensive with their tuition fees so that young parents could have the choice of sending their children to these schools. Opponents of the public school system have always relied on the Roman Catholic schools to have at least some moral teachings be taught. But because the Catholic school board sought and received help from the public taxpayer coffers years ago, they are now nothing more than just puppets in the provincial educational system. Parents now will be left with no choice but to pull their children from the sex-ed classes if they oppose this new curriculum. And to think when I was a young parent my concern was when I pulled my kids from class when Darwin’s theory of evolution was taught.

    “Even so, come, Lord Jesus”


  66. joycemb says:

    Good morning all,

    Pat it sounds like it will be more important than ever for those who must use public/private education to teach their children at home what Godly behavior looks like. When my children were young I was able to afford a Christian school for one year, but after that it was public. I always asked what they learned in school, and if it went against the Bible we would talk about that; I made sure they knew and understood what God wanted from them. I have many friends who home school for those very reasons. I sure miss the good old days of reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic, don’t you?

  67. joycemb says:

    Jeremiah 2:13 NLT

  68. street says:

    i wonder if the Christians will ever have a Stonewall?
    i seems like ISSI is having one.
    if they do have a Stonewall will they be Christians?

    I know God is capable of many surprises.

  69. remarutho says:

    Good Afternoon All —

    God is the Master of surprises, Street, to agree with you completely. If your metaphor of stonewalling is from the game of cricket, I would say the best defense is a good offense. For those who follow Jesus, that would be Trust and Obey — and to pray at all times.

    The Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth — or the ProphetʿĪsā ibn Maryām — is Good News to anyone who believes in Him and His sacrifice of Himself for the redeeming of the whole universe. It surely is the finger of the Creator God that moves the history of the world!


  70. jeff1 says:

    You ask Steve why I should choose a poem about the USA’s national motto and I believe it is because it very relevant in today’s world and reminds us all of our roots-

    How Great the Yield from a Fertile Field

    The farmer ploughs through
    the fields of green
    And the blade of the plough
    is sharp and keen,
    But the seed must be sown
    to bring forth grain,
    For nothing is born
    without suffering and pain-
    And God never ploughs
    in the soul of man
    Without intention
    and purpose and plan,
    So whenever you feel
    the plough’s sharp blade
    Let not your heart
    be sorely afraid
    For, like the farmer,
    God chooses a field
    From which He expects
    an excellent yield-
    So rejoice though your heart
    is broken in two,
    God seeks to bring forth
    a rich harvest in you.

  71. street says:

    steve said,”The gift we receive from the suffering of the Israeli experience in Scripture is a view of what to expect when we don’t follow the exact same warnings given them for ourselves.”

    steve i admit i am being a little fly in the ointment here, but i have been reading the book of Job for awhile.
    my question is how can this be reconciled with the suffering of job?

  72. SFDBWV says:

    Street since you have been studying the book of Job for a while you know it is the oldest book of Scripture and written originally in Sanskrit.

    Well before Abraham and certainly before the breeding of the nation of Israel.

    You’ve also learned that it pleased God to allow Satan to kill Job’s children and totally destroy Job’s wealth and prosperity in order to prove something to Satan.

    You’ve also learned that we know nothing when we try and figure out God and a great waste of time to try and argue with Him.

    The positive things you should have discovered are that Job knew of the resurrection and that God will in the end restore all things according to His mercy and will.

    Once God established the nation of Israel and exposed Himself to Moses and His Prophets, His desires for we as people are exposed in how we are to live. When we don’t we can expect the consequences outlined in the history of Israel and the nations given in the whole of the Bible.

    If you are trying to compare the lessons of Job to all the rest of God’s instructions to every nation and peoples of the earth, it is only that God will do what God will do and we will just have to live with that fact.

    Other than that I just don’t get your point.


  73. poohpity says:

    If that is how God is Steve why would anyone want to be in a relationship with Him? Pretty grim picture! I sure would not want to get to know the kind God you describe or could it be that you do not know Him very well at all?

  74. poohpity says:

    Similar to what God said to Job about his friends that they spoke wrong of what God is like which took up a majority of the Book of Job. What they spoke and what you spoke are very similar in context and understanding.

  75. street says:

    dear friends many years and experiences have passed. i have touch on job over the years and struggled with different thought and ideas that were not correct. God in His mercy has brought it back to me at this time. i could speak of many new terms that i have learn from men who have covered the ground before my entry upon it. i don’t think it would help you if i gave you new terms and stories. which leads me back to what has taught me these new terms. this insight that i did not have before. the Holy Spirit has given me much to be thankful for. the book that has really been a blessing for me at this time in my life is, “on job”, by gustavo gutierrez. i don’t recommend you read the book till you have read job several times and tripped over it’s lessons. you will! the struggle is real and a true joy when it is with God! God richly bless you.

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