A journal article speaks of reading the Bible backward and forward to see how each page and chapter helps to tell the Story.
A pastor’s weekly messages reinforce the thought that what God has done in the past helps us to understand what he wants to do in us again today.
A treasured book reinforces the thought that we live forward but can often only begin to understand what God has been doing in us by looking backward.
By the calendar of Christ we are now once again in the 50 day period between Passover and Pentecost.
For three days, no one knew what would happen now that Jesus had been crucified. In the 40 days that followed no one knew when or where Jesus would show up next. Then for 7 days after Jesus’ last words and ascension, his friends waited to see what Jesus meant by the promise of his Spirit.
Seems to me that these are the kind of backward looks that can help us lean forward in the faith, hope, and love that enable us make the most of the moments given to us.