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Calming Thoughts

P1040169Earlier this week a few short words from the 131st Psalm caught my attention. The songwriter seems to have found a way to calm his mind about the kind of questions that could drive us mad. He writes,

LORD, my heart is not proud;

my eyes are not haughty.

I don’t concern myself with matters too great

or too awesome for me to grasp.

Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,

like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.

Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.

O Israel, put your hope in the LORD—

now and always. (Psalm 131)

Seems like there may be a clue here to being able to reflect on questions in a way that leaves us  still wondering— but not desperate. Will a mother or a nurse know intuitively what the songwriter is seeing?

Is there a reminder here of the kind of song we need to calm our own hearts—as long as we consider what a “mother knows” in light of way the song ends?


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51 Responses to “Calming Thoughts”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Mart I am glad to see you got your computer troubles repaired.

    This particular Psalm like all the others seems always to be a moment in time reflected by its content. Each comment dealing only with the mental needs and condition of the writer at that particular moment in life.

    I see what you have given here to be more connected with the child than the mother, in the child’s peace and contentment safe within its mother’s arms.

    Life and all its complications unknown or of no concern, fully at peace there in the comfort and care of its mother.

    It is where the writer wants all of Israel to be fully at peace and content there cared for by her Creator without worry only trusting completely her fate to God content and at peace.


  2. poohpity says:

    Mart, it seems that when we are still in need of the things that other humans or things can provide like a dependency to gain our self worth, provision, safety and identity being weaned off of that, to looking to God. God being our soul/sole provider literally. We look to Him for our worth, as our provider, our safe place and to show us who we are to/in Him.

    We are slower to ask the “why” questions i.e. “why does God allow this?” “Why do bad things happen to good people?” “If God is good then how come …….?” or question that we may never know the answers to but trust that God does and we can rely on that but still not giving up our wonder or curiosity not losing any sleep over the things.

    Sort of like being weaned off of human dependence to dependence on God. Like Peter stepping out of the safety of the boat, what he knew to be dependable, to walking on water which was way out of the things he knew to be trustworthy and understandable to the unknown.

  3. phpatato says:

    Good morning Mart, Steve and All

    Keep it simple-stupid.

    There is a little gold nugget of wisdom for everyone who can grasp onto that concept. I am finding that in this day and age, the deeper one goes in trying to find an answer, the more questions crop up along the way. There is never any peace, it seems to me, by asking what I know to be a complicated question, because it opens the door to me trying desperately to find the answer and that answer may not come until the Day of the Lord. So it is, after a season, I find that all I’ve accomplished is to expended a lot of time and energy in searching for something that I just wasn’t supposed to know…now.

    The peace is in asking the question through prayer and then waiting for His answer, knowing that those “Who, What, Where, When, Why, How” answers may not come while I walk this earth. At some point, there comes a time where I have to let go, and move on…
    When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
    When sorrows like sea billows roll;
    Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
    It is well, it is well with my soul.

  4. phpatato says:

    Sorry Pooh, I did not want to single you out. When I checked the topic, only Steve had commented. It took me a few distractions to complete my comment. You are included in the All.

    Good morning Pooh!

  5. joycemb says:

    Like a weaned child…calms and quiets itself. The child does not let-go easily of the warmth and comfort of mom’s very upclose and personal presence. Yet mom knows and understands that by saying ‘no’, the child will learn to become more of his own person and learn to develop ways to take care of his needs in the world. Though it’s painful for both, mom must remain steadfast all the while knowing that that child of hers will be just fine, once they give up the struggle and give in to the inevitability of physical separation and growth.

    Much the way our God takes care of us, yet knows when to let-go and watch while we struggle with our choices and thoughts past and present.

    Yes Mart I like the analogy the psalmist uses for the peace that is available for all. For all who work through the struggle of being weaned from childhood to maturity in the faith.

    Street you keep coming to my mind as I think of this. How is the struggle going?

  6. joycemb says:

    Not to forget that the wise and successfully weaned child always returns to the source of it’s existence.

  7. remarutho says:

    Good Evening All —

    The lamb in the illustration is near it’s mother. So, Jesus was continually going to a quiet place to be near God without distraction. The stress of worldly struggles is balanced by the calming presence of the Lord. Our calling to follow Jesus takes us to the same unchanging Source.

    The battle continues, but we can rest without final answers because the Source of calm is also the Source of holy and ultimate justice. No lamb can explain that powerful paradox — we simply trust.

    Praying to, worshipimg and praising our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer fill us with spiritual nourishment. The Prophet Isaiah, after writing down far reaching predictions and proclamations of God’s work among the nations, spoke words of comfort sent from God:

    “As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you;
    And you will be comforted in Jerusalem.”

    “Then you will see this, and your heart will be glad,
    And your bones will flourish like the new grass;
    And the hand of the Lord will be made known to His servants,

    “But He will be indignant toward His enemies.”
    (Isaiah 66:13-14)

    Grace & Peace,

  8. SFDBWV says:

    With a few exceptions the Psalms are filled with a soothing calming presence. I am always “cared for” whenever I am led to them or even if I just pop open the Bible to them.

    Without exception I am also reminded that Saul’s tormented spirit was only soothed and calmed when David played his harp and sang his poetry to him.

    A few subjects ago I shared a BBC story that stated evolutionists could not place music within the evolutionary process. I think because it is a created gift from God, a language to speak to our hearts in such a way as only it can. And poetry in my opinion is a music of words.

    Trust God always, He knows what He is doing.

    27 degrees under a clear sky.


  9. jeff1 says:

    Today is a day for reflection as we remember those who sacrificed and are still sacrificing so that this world can be what God intended to be.

    I find that there is music that is food for my soul and this one as was performed at the Royal Remembrance Service in the Royal Albert Hall last night is such music.

    Great is thy faithfullness

    Great is thy faithfullness, O’God my Father;
    there is no shadow of turning with thee;
    thou changest not, thy compassions, they fail not;
    as thou hast been thou forever will be.
    Great is thy faithfullness! Great is thy faithfulness!
    Morning by morning new mercies I see;
    all I have needed thy hand hath provided;
    great is thy faithfullness, Lord, unto me!

    Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
    sun, moon and stars in their courses above
    join with all nature in manifold witness
    to thy great faithfullness, mercy and love.Refrain.

    Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
    thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
    strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
    blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!Refrain
    Great is thy faithfullness! Great is thy faithfullness!
    Morning by morning new mercies I see;
    all I have needed thy hand hath provided;
    great is thy faithfullness, Lord, unto me!

  10. bubbles says:

    My mother has been gone 38 years yesterday. She passed away at a young age. For many years I wanted to know why it happened. I always thought one day God would answer my “why.” I thought if I were patient and would continually look for the answer God would tell me why.

    Then one day I was standing in a line for a wake of a godly man whom God also took at a young age. It looked like he was doing everything right. He loved the Lord, served Him full time alongside his wife. He died suddenly. As I was standing in line to see his wife, a thought came to me that I think God placed in my mind. I had been wondering why God took this young man who loved Him and served him. . . WHY did he need to die? And then the thought came. . . I didn’t NEED to know. God knows. The answer that I had been searching for so long wasn’t what I thought it would be. It’s all right to NOT know the why of how God works. And then I had peace.

    Perhaps when we get to Heaven, God will make all things known to us about why things happened here. But if He doesn’t, I don’t need to know. Maybe in Heaven all of the whys we have now won’t matter to us then. I have stopped searching for the why because it no longer matters to me.

    Even if I did know why, it would have still happened. I know my mother was a believer. I know she is with Jesus and I would never wish her back. I still miss her very much. And I’m grateful for the years we had together.

    Perhaps there isn’t one large reason but many small reasons. Whatever it/they are, God doesn’t make mistakes.

  11. street says:

    the verse,” be still and know that I AM God.” comes to mind. with an addendum I love you with and everlasting love.

  12. SFDBWV says:

    Bubbles I just want you to know we all love you here at our house and all of us have to trust God for some very deep and troubling questions…Having good friends around us helps.

    Thank you for being our good friend.


  13. bubbles says:

    I’m thankful you your all’s friendship as well.

  14. poohpity says:

    I was wondering this morning if the very one who anointed David as king shared his story about his mother and what happened after he was weaned. Hannah prayed ever so sorrowfully for a son because she had been barren up till that point and God granted her prayer request. She gave birth to Samuel and cared for him until he was weaned then dedicated him to the Lord.(1 Samuel 1)

    He went from knowing his mother’s voice and being weaned from that to learning to recognize the voice of the Lord. Being soothed by his mother to being soothed by the Lord.

  15. poohpity says:

    I wonder if we are not more attuned to our own voice or to the voice of other human beings so much that often we are unable to recognize the voice of God as He speaks to us?

  16. jeff1 says:

    I often believe that I hear what I want to hear instead of what God says. I have preconceived beliefs that are there since childhood and they make me who I am today. Those beliefs go against me as well as for me.

    I was brought up to trust in authorities because I was told they where appointed by God but when such authorities abuse the privilege I am quite lost as whom to trust.

    It is being let down in this world that has driven me to trust only in God but that also creates an emptyness in me for my weakness has always been that I have taken people at their word and I find it difficult to not take people at their word yet it is where I have so drastically failed in the past.

    It is quite parylising not to trust anyone but God when I am not always sure I recognise God’s voice anymore.
    In a world like this one you can become quite lost and I now rely on trusted family and friends then on my own understanding.

    I have found peace in not trusting my own understanding for I have always been my own worst enemy.

  17. joycemb says:

    Be still and know that I am God. Yes street it does take complete stillness to hear the still small voice of God. Why do I listen? Yes, because He loves me with an everlasting and abiding love. Love that doesn’t even come close to human love.

  18. jeff1 says:

    God’s love knows no bounds while people’s love is restricted to those they know and love. In our humanness we cannot understand the vastness of such love! We can only in a small way imagine it by the love we have for others and even the love we have for others is reciprocated while God’s is freely given.

  19. joycemb says:

    Yet because one of the fruits of the Spirit is love we are without excuse for not loving others, freely and without demand.

  20. jeff1 says:

    If there is no excuse yet I cannot find it in my heart to forgive my enemies then it is a burden I must carry. The one who knows God’s forgiveness is the one who needs it most.

  21. joycemb says:

    Viv God is very patient with us, isn’t that a very calming thought!

  22. street says:

    dear jeff i know God will never leave us nor forsake us. there are times when we are in a tempest or just bored out of our minds. God seems far away and quiet. i think times like this are times of testing and finding out what we really believe and hold on to. my failures are a constant reminder of my weakness and my need for God, without Him i am a dead man. life is empty and meaningless. sure people can be happy and content with current things and circumstance, but they are temporary and a lie of what is really going on. thinking God loves and takes pleasure in His children when they revere Him and abide in His will. thinking we should find comfort and contentment in all we do, because we are pleasing our Father. God help us to keep in step with your Spirit.

  23. SFDBWV says:

    A few subjects back we explored a little of what it meant that the Gospel isn’t about being a good neighbor. “Calming Thoughts” also isn’t exclusive to the Judea-Christian theology.

    In fact when I picture a person perfectly calm I imagine someone in what I consider a “Yoga” position eyes closed in some spiritual trance.

    The peace that Jesus offers is peace between God and man not between men and it would seem not within our own spirits.

    Most Christians if honest are always at odds with the Christian concept of dealing with the sin of the world and loving you neighbor no matter what their conduct may be.

    There is little room for being at peace when there is such a conflict that rages within us. The truth being that that conflict is never fully over.

    One of those little things that helped me understand some of this are the words of Paul who said no matter how much he wanted to do that which is right still he does things wrong. As well as Billy Graham who once said regarding some worrying about the unforgivable sin, that if you worry about it you have not committed it.

    I love that old hymn “It is Finished”, indeed the battle is over, but it was the battle between good and evil and the separation of God and man that was won, the conflict will always be within us until we are reunited with our Lord.

    The only calm being *trusting* our Lord in the midst of calamity, disaster, heartache and all the ugly this world can and will produce until His return.

    Who said being Christian would be easy…Not Christ.

    Rain and 42 degrees in the mountains.


  24. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    Mart, you suggest:

    “Seems like there may be a clue here to being able to reflect on questions in a way that leaves us still wondering— but not desperate.”

    This morning I recall the saying the English shared as they endured the Nazi Blitzkreig of WWII. They spoke peace to one another by repeating, “Keep calm and carry on.” We are not paralyzed by shocking events — we continue in our journey of faith taking each thing as it comes.

    Heard Pastor Goff at Mother Emanuel AME Church Sunday before last. His premise was clear and beautiful:

    >Children of God have a song to sing
    >Our song teaches about and celebrates God’s character
    >Why do we fail to sing God’s song?
    >The time has come to take back our song

    The Psalmist David sings in Psalm 131 that our (only) hope is in the Lord. And that is enough, especially in the midst of trouble and strife. Even the most wise and learned do not know what will happen next. What a child of God knows is that God is sovereign “from this time on and forevermore.”


    35F and cloudy this morning in the valley.

  25. poohpity says:

    Mart, a mother may know intuitively what the song writer was saying in that before a child is weaned they are mostly concerned with their daily needs being met the needs of the flesh. Most children in the days of old were weaned between the ages of 3-6 years old during that time a child was very dependent on the mother. Their behavior also was no different that children of that age today. Any parent knows they are demanding, throw tantrums and are more concerned with self than anything else. They know their parent as a means of safety, nourishment but they really do not know their parent outside of being their fleshly provider. No matter what their behavior is like the minute they come to suckle they rest in the arms of their mother, the screaming, demanding stops and calm comes.

    After that time they learn to self sooth, to eat on their own, to discover the world around them apart from their mother no longer crying for her milk.

    Paul equates our spiritual journey similarly. 1 Cor 3:1-3; Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ. 2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. 3 You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans?”

    Jesus also spoke to those who first followed Him as not ready yet to understand what He was teaching, “I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.” Most often He used parables to relay truths.

    So it seems like going from the calm of being dependent on a mother’s milk to becoming calm in dependence of God but a child can not understand that yet but the song writer seemed to be trying to explain that in a way that would be understandable to the hearers. The trust involved with not having to have all the answers like Job did as those who have put their trust in the Lord are calmed in just knowing that he is here with us through our journey and will never leave or forsake us. Knowing His love does not have to be earned and it is not because of anything we can do but because of who He is that would calm any soul.

  26. joycemb says:

    Good evening friends.
    Just rereading the post and am so blessed by the last verse. Taking poetic license my paraphrase reads: Oh Joyce, Steve. Deb, Viv, Maru, Street, Gary, Pat, Pearl, Lovely, Forever, Mart, Chris, Saled, Motorcycleman, along with all the others I can’t think of at the moment–put your hope in the LORD!

    That’s what life is all about isn’t it.

  27. poohpity says:

    I already have! :-)

  28. jeff1 says:

    Pooh, your post 10 November 10.18

    This is an excellent post Pooh for it explains so well where I feel I am between being weaned off what is worldly and I seem to take a step forward and two steps back at times.

    I need to trust God more for while in my heart I trust God my head is not always in a good place!

    I have always had hope too Pooh but my journey has revealed to me characteristics in myself that I do not like and because of those characteristics I fear God more than I trust God.

    I was brought up more with a God who punished than a God who loved me and that seems to be why there is so much guilt to my disobedience. Knowing God has forgiven me is not the same as experiencing His forgiveness and I think I am struggling with guilt more than with God.

    I cannot say like many that I was not brought up with the gospel so there is greater guilt when you fall away for while I can see much false teaching I was brought up in a Church that focused on Christ.

    There are people who have been faithful to God all there lives and I have not yet He still loves me. I know people who are so much nicer people than I am so how do I understand His love for someone who does not deserve it.

    I seem to be able to get my heart around it but not my head if you see where I am coming from!

    I suppose in my thinking I believe God should love me less than those who where always righteous!

  29. poohpity says:

    Viv, none are righteous. God’s love for us is not dependent on our behavior but because of who He is. No person has been truly faithful to God but again God is faithful to those who have put there hope in Him. The guilt that goes on in your mind is from the dark forces of this world so that it can take you away from the joy and abundant life that Jesus offers. He paid the price already for everything you did in the past, do today and in the future so that you could live guilt and shame free. Once believers get that milk down then the real journey begins full of wonder and amazement.

    Forgiveness is not a feeling it is knowing, believing and accepting in what Jesus did on the Cross. So when those feeling of guilt, which we often can not trust come to mind, we have the power to cast them away in Jesus name, letting go of the torment that the evil forces of this world hold us captive to.

  30. poohpity says:

    There is such power in the name of Jesus! Claim that against anything that takes our minds captive. Even people who are used to accuse us they are pawns to the darkness. We have freedom to live as chosen, dearly loved, completely forgiven children of the King.

  31. poohpity says:

    No one deserves grace and mercy or it would not be grace and mercy. Those who live KNOWING not feeling under grace and mercy live like they have received it their hope is in the Lord not in themselves and their deception of thinking they are righteous. Our righteousness comes from Jesus.

  32. poohpity says:

    Because God is just and we did deserve to be punished for our sins but in His great love for us laid down His deity and came in the form of a man who took that punishment for us, in our place. That is how we KNOW how much we are loved. We did deserve His wrath but He gave us grace so that we can live in constant fellowship with Him now and forever.

  33. poohpity says:

    Viv, so maybe rather than thinking you are taking one step forward and two steps back because of the hope in Jesus it could be seen as taking two steps forward and one step back. Moving forward even if it is only an inch God knows your heart that is the biggest move forward and realizing your worth to Him. He gave His life for you.

  34. jeff1 says:

    The guilt that goes on in my mind is not always from this world, it is only part, there is guilt in my inner being that I struggle with, an ugliness in me that only God can know for I cannot explain it. I have not done anything really bad in my life. There is years of hatred for my enemies and feelings I have never understood and I have never been one with words so I just buried them and now I get these feelings of intense loneliness and sadness. I have family and close friends yet there is times I feel no one understands me and I am very much alone in this world.

    My brother suffered from he was a teenager with schizophrenia and I have had psychotic episodes since I was in my late thirties and I am on medication for them.

    There is very little understanding of mental illness where I am from, even from health professionals and people just look at you blankly if you try to explain so you end up keeping it to yourself.

    Here I have found a place where I can express myself without people judging me or looking at me like I had two heads.
    God does indeed provide a way for us doesn’t He!
    When I say it is good to know others have difficulties, I do not mean that literally but in the sense that I do not feel so quite alone when battling my demons!

  35. jeff1 says:

    What I am trying to say is that I do not wish people to battle demons only knowing they do makes me feel not quite so alone!

  36. poohpity says:

    Yes I have to say I do as well and there are people in my group that do as well. So you are not alone there are more out there than you think all around the world. You are never alone. :-)

  37. poohpity says:

    We have hope in the Lord because He shared with us, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

  38. jeff1 says:

    That is what is so hard to get my head around that He has overcome the world for the world is such a vast place and I feel so small and yet I am amazed at how often God shows His presence in my life. Often when I have given up on myself and others there is words or actions from people, music or nature and I know His presence is still with me and there is a peace that passes understanding.

    Sometimes there is private moments between God and I when I know that it is just for me to understand but it is when I pray at Church or in gatherings that I enjoy the experience so much better. Here I am among people who understand what it is to have hope in Jesus despite the ups and downs that life brings we can trust that all is well because it is God’s promise to us that Jesus made us right with Him regardless of who says what and after a lifetime of listening to others I have found that it is Jesus I should be listening to for in Him it is finished, we are His new creation.

  39. poohpity says:

    Thank you very much to all those who have served our country in the military. No words ever seem enough for the gratitude felt for the sacrifice you have made for our freedoms. Freedom is never free it always cost someone, something.

  40. rokdude5 says:

    Hello All, I agree with phpatato…keep it simple smarty.

    Since I need to practice Christmas songs now, I always find myself unwinding to those cozy Christmas songs like Drummer Boy, O Little Town of Bethlehem, O Christmas Tree, I ll be Home for Christmas….just to name a few.

    I always wanted to do Silent Night at church with all lights out except for a lone (but long) burning candle but Im never in charge with that kind of stuff.

    Yes I do agree that Christmas can be downright crazy but when all is said and done, I do find myself at Peace after all the gifts have been exchanged and playing those cozy songs.

  41. jeff1 says:

    I think the reality of my faith has not overcome my expectation. When I wasn’t trying so hard at my faith I excepted that God was in charge and all would be well.
    Life took me to unexpected places and there is where I failed to see God for I was going on in my own understanding. There is a truth about people and I know some who find it easy to trust God without asking questions but I am not one of them, I was in the early days when life was not so complicated. It has been pointed out to me that I have ‘why’ on my lips. I have to be honest with myself for I am before God and I cannot lie. There has to be a reason that I am a person who asks ‘why’ while others do not!

    I believe that I walk with hope and not faith but I am told that it is faith that pleases God so I am not pleasing God by my asking ‘why’ yet I cannot change that I am whom I am and that person has always asked ‘why’.

    I truly believe that I ask ‘why’ for all the right reasons but I also accept that if God does not answer my ‘why’s’ then He know me best.

    I am discovering that in order to understand God working in me I must get to know myself and one thing I know about myself is that I have always been curious. My inquisitiveness often gets in the way of my contentment for while there are unresolved issues that I can leave with God there are some that need resolving otherwise they keep coming back to haunt me!

    I have went through my life expecting that I would get the answers but I am coming near to excepting that like the apostle Paul there are answers that God will not give me and I have to accept that His grace is sufficient for me!

    In the end it is God who is faithful to me for I a have to accept that while I do not doubt Christ suffered,died and was resurrected I have not trusted God completely when dealing with me on my journey for questions come from doubts while faith is complete.

    God bring calm to my thinking so that my faith in you is complete.

  42. poohpity says:

    Being clam and confident in the Lord we know that it is He that changes us. By taking us through the things in life we learn to rest and trust Him. We do not have to concern ourselves with that work our work is to believe and watch Him do what He does best, being God. God develops our faith so that no one can boast or be conceited.

    “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Phil 1:6

  43. poohpity says:

    I have never thought that God gets upset about us asking Him any questions at all. In fact it takes faith that there is even a God to ask those questions of.

  44. poohpity says:

    but it also takes faith and trust to know there are things that are far beyond our abilities to understand. I would not explain to a nursing child how they were produced or how much the mortgage is or how the electric grid functions or the chemicals involved in producing air.

  45. poohpity says:

    When the only thing they can understand is they are here, they breathe, have a roof over their head and light comes in the darkness.

  46. jeff1 says:

    My observation of children is that they have very inquisitive minds. Yet their simple understanding is comforting, for often, it is their simplicity that inspires me, for I would not have seen it from their perspective, yet there is an openness and honesty that can only come from one that this world has not touched yet.

  47. foreverblessed says:

    “Think what faith in Jesus Christ claims and provides— He can present us faultless before the throne of God, inexpressibly pure, absolutely righteous, and profoundly justified. Stand in absolute adoring faith “in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God— and righteousness and sanctification and redemption…” (1 Corinthians 1:30).”
    Oswald Chambers today in My Utmost

    I have been thinking a few days about this topic:
    I have quieted my soul….

    As if I could quiet my soul, it is Jesus that does it, through His Spirit, He sends His Spirit of peace, His Spirit of Love into our hearts and mind, if He doesn’t do that, then all my own effort is for nothing.

    It is Christ Himself, but on the other hand I can reach out to it, if I fill my mind with doubt and fear, whether I am saved or not, it does not quiet my soul
    I can quiet my soul, by saying to myself what Jesus has done for me, as Oswald writes above 1 Cor 1:30.

    And there are many other verses that confirm our status as Child of God, Rom 8, Eph 1 Col 1
    I read it, and believe them, and sing about it.

    Singing Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs also helps to quiet our souls.

    And what else is helpful: to give everything that went wrong today to Jesus, and then ask the Good from heaven, the Treasures from heaven.

    We give our dirt to Jesus, and He gives His righteousness, and all the other golden things: love, peace,goodness mercy… to us,
    That is the christian life!

  48. foreverblessed says:

    Thanks Bubbles for your story:
    “You do not need to know”, that was encouraging!
    And for all of you, especially Vivian, I am praying for you, That God may quiet your soul, and give you His peace, and Love, and Mercy.

    How was your move Joyce? Are you alright and settled a little?
    I have been praying for Regina too, may God keep you and hold you in His arms:

    “The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged”
    Deut 31:8

  49. jeff1 says:

    Thank you Foreverblessed thank you for the encouragement – a heart warming post and much appreciated.

  50. street says:

    Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,

    like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.

    Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.

    looks like one of the fruits of the Spirit, self control.
    God gives us choices, the devil gives us manipulation and deceit. a soul that is at rest with God is truly at peace.

    still wondering about the personality that comes out only in a relationship with another. without the other there is no revelation of person.

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