It’s been called the first hint of the Gospel.
God says to the Serpent: “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”
Reading our Story backward, we know that it was the Great Accuser who shows up in the form of a Snake asking beguiling questions about the goodness of our God (Rev 12:9). We also know that the seed of the woman is the Son of Man who will, in infinite wisdom, defeat our enemy through his own judgment.
But Genesis read forward would sound like a different story than we have come to know. Pages 1 and 2 give us no reason for alarm or fear. When the Serpent approaches the woman she finds him charming. Up to this point our first parents only know a world full of good seed.
Today, the good seed has come to harvest mixed with every imaginable hybrid. We quote Virgil the Roman poet who penned within his own story, “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.” We know by experience about the Trojan Horse left at the gates of Troy. We’ve made the same mistake as the Trojans who thought their enemies had left a parting gift because they had given up and sailed home.
Yes we do know some of the rest of our story. We know that in the seed of the woman there would be a far greater revelation of our Creator than what our first parents could see in their walks with Him in Paradise.
Yet we have only begun to open the gifts of Christmas…