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Hearing the Joy

DSC02311In past Christmases I’ve written about how much I love listening over and over to “Mary Did You Know” by Kenny Rogers and Wynonna Judd. This year one of my co-workers asked me if I’d heard the Pentatonix version also on You Tube.

Once again we’ve all come to this day from many places. Some of our emotions reflect the natural celebration of the season. Some are like the changing moods of travelers— following a star in the night sky.

Wherever today finds us, whether alone or together, may we never tire of a song, a memory, or a hope that helps us hear some of the love, peace…and joy of the most wonderful of all riddles— partially unwrapped.

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14 Responses to “Hearing the Joy”

  1. Regina says:

    Merry Christmas Morning, BTA Friends! :-)

    Wake up your sleepy heads and enter this JOYOUS day with me! The day that we celebrate the birth of our LORD and SAVIOR, Jesus Christ! I pray that your day will be filled with blessed fellowship with family and friends (as you reflect on the LORD’s goodness throughout the year), good fun and good food! The LORD has been so good to all of us this year, and it’s such a blessing to know that He’s the same yesterday, today and forevermore!

    Want to pray for you BTA friends…

    Numbers 6:24-26, NLT
    May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.

    LOVE to all…

  2. poohpity says:

    Merry Christmas, Mart! My son sent me that rendition by Pentatonix. That is my most favorite Christmas song and still brings me to tears.

    Regina, good to hear from you and thank you for the Christmas blessing back at cha.

  3. phpatato says:

    Mart, I discovered Pentatonix a couple of years ago when they did Little Drummer Boy. Last year, I played their version of Mary Did You Know over and over and over and have again this year. Their harmony is beautiful isn’t it? My mom would have goose bumps all over her body if she were here to hear them but then I am quickly reminded that the harmony she is hearing from the angels praising God in heaven can’t even be compared. I vision her sitting at a massive pipe organ or a giant grand piano in accompaniment. I miss her so much.

    To everyone here, may the Miracle of the season fill your hearts with peace, joy, love and happiness. Have a very Merry Blessed Christmas.



  4. SFDBWV says:

    I said my Merry Christmas earlier this morning on the last subject before Mart posted his new one, but always room for more.

    Actually “O Holy Night” may be my favorite Christmas carol, but of the two renditions of “Mary Did You Know” given this morning, by Mart, I like Kenny Rodgers and Wynonna Judd’s best.

    I have a very interesting book “Moments with the Savior” by Ken Gire that uses scripture and the imagination of looking at them as if you were there in the mind and in the moment with them.

    Mary is a wonderful woman and even though just a young teenager she welcomed the opportunity to be used of God no matter what the consequences may be.

    Upon His birth here is one of the thoughts projected in the text, “Tears pool in her eyes. She touches His tiny hand. And hands that once sculpted mountain ranges cling to her fingers.”

    Once again it is our prayer that all of you have a very Merry Christmas Day.


  5. cbrown says:

    Good morning all! What a glorious day. I had my morning devotional and then listened to both versions of “Mary Did You Know”. What a wonderful way to start this Christmas Day, knowing That Jesus Christ is here with us.

  6. remarutho says:

    Merry Christmas Mart & Friends!

    Beautiful Candle Light service of worship last evening. We experience joy hearing the songs written, played and sung by those who are given that gift.

    We also hear the joy in the (re)telling of the story of that night in history when the choir of heaven proclaimed the arrival of the Holy Child.

    Wishing each one here the Light and the Presence of God the Son today and always! I cherish “Mary Did You Know?” in all its styles. The Pentatonix version is stunning and beautiful.

    Yours in Christ,

    33F and cloudy here. Still dark on the Pacific coast.

  7. bubbles says:

    The song asks if Mary knew. Reading her words in the response to the angel’s news showed she knew Scripture. Surely she did know.

  8. joycemb says:

    Merry Christmas all!
    I took my friend to “The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols” at church on Christmas Eve and she said afterward, “I may start going to church again, at your church!” I was asking God for a miracle of heart-change as she participated in the beautiful service and trust God is working in her heart. The choirs, ensembles, bells and soloists were amazing. My favorite though is Breath of Heaven. Mary Did You Know is very nice also.
    Joys abundant for the coming new year,

  9. SFDBWV says:

    “The Lord is my strength and song, and is become my salvation.”

    “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”

    The morning news is sad for many in Mississippi and Alabama as they have suffered fatal tornados on Christmas day.

    Christmas has come and went and for many it was just another day. I must remember to show Jesus every day as if Christmas is an everyday event.

    Today will be a sad day for my family as my mother in law is taken by her daughter to begin her life in a nursing home away from us and her home over nearer to her daughter. It will be especially hard on Glenna as she has cared for Crick as she would for her own mother these past 13 years.

    Crick came up yesterday to say goodbye to Matthew and ask me repeatedly to take care of her house so it will be ready for her when she gets to come home.

    I will see her off later today when Connie takes her away.

    Life is such a struggle, if we all could write a book of our lives connected with the lives of all those we have interacted with I believe there are great novels there within each of us.

    Like the stories of the Bible we would find there in every page, God present.

    Prayers for those in the southern US and all of you today.

    51 degrees with fog.


  10. joycemb says:

    Prayers for Crick and your family Steve as you begin a new chapter in your lives.

  11. jeff1 says:

    One day at a time ‘Sweet Jesus’ that’s all I’m asking from you.

    I have learned not to dwell on the past nor to be anxious about the future but to take each day as it comes for each day brings its own troubles.

    Our Rector reminded us at the service on Christmas eve how Jesus wasn’t just for Christmas. How easy I forget that when everything is not going ‘My Way’, as the song goes, but thankfully God is patient with my weaknesses.

    I need to learn to be patient with others and allow God to work in their weaknesses for it is a failing in me and I find waiting for God very difficult.

    It is others who lift me when I feel I am struggling with doubt, by their faith, and it never fails to amaze me how another’s beliefs can give me the encouragement I so often need to face another day.

    I tend to belief that we are products of our time and I was raised with Godly people. Today many have turned away from Godly teaching and I find my own children looking to Science instead for answers, but while I believe Science and technology have their place there are too many discrepancies in them for me to see how Science solves the problems of man.

    When men make discoveries it is usually so that one can boast to the other or for one Country to have power over the other while God’s way is so that all mankind will live to the good of all.

  12. street says:

    “Mary Did You Know”

    make Him known

  13. Regina says:

    Good Morning, All
    Up early this a.m… Just listened to the Pentatonix version of “Mary Did You Know” on YouTube, and it is *beautiful*!! Thank you for sharing, Mart!! :-) Gonna share that song with friends on facebook!

    Love to all…

    Btw, Tornadoes touched down this evening in areas surrounding my neck of the woods, and I learned, via friends on fb, that some people endured (incurred) devastating loss of property, etc. We got some hard rain in my area, but, thankfully, no tornadoes…

  14. Regina says:

    correction: Tornadoes touched down “yesterday” evening in areas surrounding my neck of the woods…

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