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The Word of God

DSC01121Imagine talking to someone who has never read the Bible before. Literate, intelligent, intrigued with the Scriptures, and knowing of your interest in The Book, the person asks, “how do you read it’?

Which of the following do you think you might, or definitely would not say?

I read every word as the Word of God.

I read it literally for what it says

I read every word as if it were written to me

Until I find words that apply to me
As if all of the promises in the book are mine to claim
As a handbook for success
As a book of timeless truths
As God’s love letter
As my connection with God
As a means of prayer.
I read it as a story
To see how the story can help me know God
To see how all parts of this story can help me understand the Good News of Christ
To learn from the mistakes and success of others
For daily inspiration.
As a book of hope.

Then, imagine meeting that same person 10 years later. Recalling the earlier conversation, you ask the questions this time. “How did you do with The Book? Did you ever learn to make sense of it?

As if ready with the answer the person says, “It took a while, but eventually I learned to read it as if…

Every good thing I found in The Book

Every bad thing

Every story

Every person
Ever shortcoming
Every true need
Every expression of noble desire
Every imperfect prophet, priest, or King
Every imperfect parent, child, master, servant, neighbor
Every idolatrous view of God
Every misrepresentation of God
Every misinterpretation of life
Every true or false word
Every temporary provision
Every note of a fleeting moment
Every indication of what is good, true, beautiful or honorable
Every misunderstood idea
Every lost hope
Every broken dream
Every broken promise
Every wonderful vision
Every foreshadowing
Every hint of a new day
Every lack of justice or mercy
Every cruel judge
Every example of wisdom I found in this Book…helped me see my need of The Word of God…. and to believe that,

1In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He existed in the beginning with God. 3 God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. 4 The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. 5

He came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t recognize him. 11 He came to his own people, and even they rejected him. 12 But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. 13 They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God. 14 So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son. (John 1:1-3; 10-14 NLT)

What would you think?



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63 Responses to “The Word of God”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Personally I would have to say that the individual in question possessed good reading comprehension skills.

    31 degrees and clear


  2. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & BTA —

    My first response is that I am happy that the friendship based upon Bible reading seems to have made it through a decade. That is encouraging!

    My reasons for reading the Bible trend toward the last half of the list of advice offered:

    “As God’s love letter
    As my connection with God
    As a means of prayer.
    I read it as a story
    To see how the story can help me know God

    *To see how all parts of this story can
    help me understand the Good News of Christ

    To learn from the mistakes and success of others
    For daily inspiration.
    As a book of hope.’ (asterisk included by me)

    The newer reader seems to have found the great Good News
    of Jesus in the decade of Bible reading.

    That one kept at it — through times of dryness and richness — eager searching and slight boredom — excitement and disinterest — passion and rejection — belief and unbelief.

    To come out believing, “He (Jesus) was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son,” means the Bible reader’s reward is very great!


  3. SFDBWV says:

    Mart what is it you are wanting to say?

    That people can read and understand all of what you have lain out here for us to see, yet act counter to it?

    That the reason there is trouble within the faith is because we tell that story yet become offended when it is not accepted as we have given it?

    That those who would control our thinking tweek it so as to change the message?

    The men who evangelized the world at the beginning did not have a New Testament only the writings of the Torah with the good news that God had forgiven man for everything and all he had to do was believe it because of the death and resurrection of one very special man, Jesus of Nazareth.

    Preach the cross not the failures of mankind.


  4. SFDBWV says:

    Forgot to throw in that I seen my first robin this morning.


  5. poohpity says:

    For the first part I would not say;
    As if all of the promises in the book are mine to claim or
    I read every word as if it were written to me. Because I know that neither of those are true. I do not know if I would say any of those if someone asked, “How do you read it?”. When I first read it I did so out of a burning deep within my heart and like I have said in the past the look on my mom’s face after she spent time in her morning devotions which even made that burning hotter.

    I would first mention that only God seems to put intrigue in our hearts for the book because many people read it for oh so many reasons. Some read it to disprove that there is a God and come away knowing that there is while others walk away from it not believing anything it says. God knows those who’s heart long to know Him and that book seems to be an instrument that is used in oh so many ways for that purpose.

    So prayerfully read it for your self and see what you have to say but if you ask how I read it at first I read it cover to cover now I am a fan of reading Chronologically. For a first time reader I do not think I would fill their minds with anything else but just to find out for themselves.

  6. street says:

    thinking it took God several thousand years to reveal Him self through His Son. ten years would not be long enough to make a proper reply, but by faith we open our mouths anyway. thinking love would be the best springboard.

  7. joycemb says:

    The Bible says that God is love. I think it takes a lifetime for some of us to begin to comprehend what exactly that means. We can read the words on paper, yet without the presence of the living God in our lives and all around us talk is cheap, so to speak. I couldn’t understand much until He created a dynamic relationship with me. Still I’m ever learning and joyful knowing Him. Love is wonderful!

  8. street says:

    the Word of God
    how do you read it?
    thinking of the many people who came to Him in the New Testament and were blessed greatly and some who came and were not so much. some times i wonder why some were not blessed so much? were they looking for something else? i also noticed we come to Him, but in realty He came to us.
    His ways are foreign to us.

  9. street says:

    mart said,” Every imperfect prophet, priest, or King”

    an imperfect capital king?

  10. oneg2dblu says:

    Mart, this may not be what you are looking for, but, it is all I’ve got.

    Here’s some options, I’ve Been Thinking About:

    I would say you would first read it as an inquiring sinner.
    I would say you first read it as any other book.
    I would say you first read it as just another story.
    I would say you first read it as being alone, or possibly feeling lonely, empty, guilty, and afraid of death.
    Then I would say, something happens when it speaks to you, when it reads you instead of you reading it, and when you can see yourself woven among its many stories, you have discovered only half of the story, the human condition, which it so beautifully cuddles and defines.

    After those common human attributes come to the surface, or as real as your bathroom mirror, then comes the a real awakening, the gift, the knowing, the immense discovery that this word is also just as living, or alive as your reflection, or your shadow.
    It is meant to provoke in you something more than just the story, or the encyclopedia’s meanings of the words on the page.
    They are written there for you, to you, about you, and about an Amazing God which was probably at the beginning of the first read through the story for you, just a word inside a book, but now has moved you and has moved inside you, and then you get a glimpse and realize this story, is the Greatest Story Ever Told!
    A story with the power to change the world, as it changes something inside you first, then, every other thing you ever encounter, because now you see within it, the Author and the finisher of your Faith is indeed alive and within you.
    And that my well read and learned friend, is exactly what the story can do to any child, any teen, any adult, and even the most aged sinner among us.
    It makes it’s truth known…
    If not, then I would say, you have just read for yourself, another book, another story.
    But, what else would any other common man know about such grand ideas?

    If they are still stuck on being only a lonely, well read, unchanged man, who never really heard the voice of God within the pages of His Word, who never saw the words become real, alive, and worthy of the Greatest Author and Savior ever known to man, reaching out to you, saying gently, “Follow Me!”

    Then, you have not allowed it to read you.

    Be Blessed, Gary

  11. jeff1 says:

    Joyce 1.09 pm

    The Bible says that God is love. I think it takes a lifetime for some of us to begin to comprehend what exactly that means.

    Yes, Joyce, even today, I find it hard to focus on a God of mercy. I was brought up to fear God and when I fail, hell is always looming over me.

    Peace of mind can be difficult to find in this unsettled world so listening to God’s word helps me find that peace of mind and hope for the future in knowing that God loves us more than we sometimes understand.

  12. joycemb says:

    Viv we will never find peace in this world, which is why I eagerly look forward to my “graduation” . I too find peace only in the word of God. Oh how I wish that Day would come soon.

  13. street says:

    interesting question mart.
    thinking what would you say to an Asian who could have no background or knowledge of Scripture or history of the mid-east that dominates western news and the business of the un.

    i guess starting with the basic. it’s a book about the beginning of man the present condition of man and his future. and it’s obvious implication that in God breathed.

    you know mart you must have taught at a Bible College.

    is there such a thing as humble boldness?

  14. street says:

    gary i don’t know if a multi set program is and answer to mans problem. never worked before will not work in the future. thinking of the evangelists i have run into almost always encouraging seeker to start in 1John and work from there. they might have some other questions that my lead to another place. knowing the Scriptures is a big help. i have to say any start is a start. i am beginning to understand God knows what He is doing and the feeling of helplessness is unnerving.

  15. poohpity says:

    God’s desire seems for us to get to know Him. He sent His Word(Jesus) into the world for that very purpose along with other reasons and that Word was revealed from the beginning, in the middle and until the end.

    I learned all those “Everys” and before I even began to read I saw my need for the Word of God as I see that need everyday so far and hopefully nothing will take my eyes off that need.

  16. cbrown says:

    “Getting to know Him”. Last night I talked to two men who were in prison, the 1st man is halfway through a 12 year sentence and was introduced to Christ as he was waiting to be sentenced. He was introduced to the Savior by a man he called Papa Jack. Jack helped him to learn how to open God’s Word and over the last 6 years he has grown as a disciple. The second man was sentenced to a life sentence in 1975 at the age of 20. Last night he asked me to help him with his anger. After talking with him for several minutes and determining the source of his anger I asked him if he would like to accept Christ as his Savior.He prayed and professed Jesus Christ as God and accepted His sacrifice as payment for his sins. He then forgave his father. I had the opportunity to tell him how to open God’s Word daily to receive spiritual nourishment and I am confident he will.

  17. poohpity says:

    Hallelujah!!! Praise God for His mercies!!

  18. remarutho says:

    Thanks for the good word, Chris!

    “…for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”

    May hunger and thirst for God’s Word increase more and more!


  19. SFDBWV says:

    Congratulations Chris on your work and success.

    Continuing for everyone as well;
    The matter of prison ministries reminded me of the idea of literal interpretation or metaphoric usage of the word prison.

    Is Our Lord instructing us not to forget those incarcerated behind bars in an actual jail or spiritually as those imprisoned by their sins or separation from God, even those in that place of torment after death?

    Or perhaps He places no restrictions on the idea of prison and means both the literal as well as the spiritual.

    Seeing that Mart has left out nothing relevant to the Word of God in his descriptive explanations and questions I see that this subject has nearly no restrictions in subject matter.

    29 degrees under a clear blue sky.


  20. pegramsdell says:

    Praise Jesus for the prison story. My son is in prison for 10 years and he was raised Christian and loved Church, but he made wrong choices as an adult. I know the only time he goes to Church anymore is when he is in jail. I pray he reconnects with The Lord and makes a true change in his direction. I love him and I’m so encouraged that men and women of God will be speaking to him like Chris. Thank you for your testimony.
    And about the topic…. I think starting with the book of John is good and the Gospels, Revelations……

  21. poohpity says:

    I think any place one starts is a good starting place. The NT seems to be a good starting place since we live by the New covenant not the Old because that seems to be mostly for Israel but the New is for both.

    From reading the bible when one thinks about it we all deserve prison because we are all guilty of sin but they did not have prison back then so they stoned the people of Israel instead or the earth opened up swallowing them or fire burned them up just because they made a commitment to follow the Lord then did not. But rather than admit it and offer a sacrifice for the actions they met death. God in His great mercy could not allow disobedience because that disobedience would have infected all those millions of people traveling through the wilderness and God seemed to want a separate nation different from those around them.

  22. poohpity says:

    Mostly for Israel or any foreigners who also joined with them.

  23. oneg2dblu says:

    cbrown… thanks for sticking to your agenda.
    It blesses us all. :)

  24. oneg2dblu says:

    As far as what type sentencing that was to be done back in the Old Testament, according to the word of God, the stoning a person to death for certain crimes was the sentence, so it was an act of Obedience to the Law, which they were willing to obey.
    There were no options, because the Law back then, was the Law.

    And for that reason, God directed, and His People, who served Him, should accept it, and obey it.

    Not so much today though…

    Today we serve a different law, the law of political correctness, the law of ignoring God’s Law, and making our own laws now take precedent.

    We all suffer for it, and “May God Forgive Us,” for doing so.

    We no longer know not what we do, “For all a man’s ways seem right to him,” as he ushers God out of the schools, out of the courtrooms, out of the marketplaces, and out of mans ways.

    Yes we have built ourselves a mighty prison system.

    Come Jesus!

  25. jeff1 says:

    Maru 12.25 am

    “…for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea”.

    I wish I could believe that it would make a difference in this world but I lived in a community where knowledge of God’s word was wide spread but the difficulty was just as Gary said if hearts and minds do not know God then all will take from that knowledge what their self dictates. In my Country it is what our culture dictates.

    God’s truths are very different to man’s knowledge for the Bible is a blessing in the right hands but a curse in the wrong ones. History surely tells us that.

    My father never studied the Bible in great depth but did pray, listened to biblical teaching and searched himself for answers and I know today that his wisdom was God given.

    There is nothing my father did not tell me back when the troubles in my Country started that he was not right about and that is God given wisdom from a man who walked the walk.

    Gary, you are not wrong, without obedience, I am more of a hindrance to God, but it has taken me a lifetime to understand this because I am a slow learner.

    My mother always said my father was a very intelligent man and he was much quicker at understanding important matters than most people I knew.

    I believe he connected with God and his decisions where God driven. I wish I could see that in our leaders of today but I believe most of them are self driven.

    It is the times we live in the younger people today are being brought up in a very different world and they are being taught self preservation and in a world that no longer accepts God, it takes self preservation to survive, just thinking.

  26. poohpity says:

    So then if a person who is ” Literate, intelligent, intrigued with the Scriptures, and knowing of your interest in The Book, the person asks, “how do you read it’?” I guess the main emphasis of “knowing of your interest in The Book” would not be figured in then? So the answer would be simple, I am not interested in it.

  27. remarutho says:

    Dear Vivien —

    Just when things look the worst, God in Christ gives power to the faint and strengthens the powerless.

    The way Mart is presenting “The Word of God” in this posting helps me look up and hope. He wrote of that person who read the Bible for ten years:

    Every example of wisdom I found in this Book…helped me see my need of The Word of God…. and to believe that,

    “to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.”

    Self-driven power-mongers seem to have the whip-hand in our day, but God is good and faithful. As for me, I cannot look to them for the help only my Jesus can give.

    I am rejoicing in the prisoners who have given their hearts to the Lord, even in jail. One person at a time, God’s promise “…for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea,” draws me closer.


  28. foreverblessed says:

    Chris, God bless these men in prison, and bless you too!

    I know of a young man from Iran, I think I have told the story already, he is now in my church, when he was still in Iran, He turned very depressed as teenagers van. He went to an old friend of him, the friend just so happened to have become a Christian. He gave him a bible. Back at home he started to read in Genesis. But that made him even more depressed! So he went back to his friend, who advised him to start reading in the Gospels, about Christ! So he started reading in Matthew, and was dumbfounfed about that man: Jesus!
    He had never heard of anything like Him, the way He was, the Grace, the healings, and most of all, that He forgave his enemies while being crucified.

    So the story of Jesus grabbed him, and from there his journey started, his walk with Jesus!

    I find that so exciting! As here in the west, we all know about Jesus, at least most of us, and we take it for granted.
    But knowing Jesus is the great pearl.

    I have heard this advice too:

    Start in John, then in 1 John, and then the other Gospels.
    Knowing Jesus, and being known by Him!
    It’s all about a living relation to me.

  29. SFDBWV says:

    John 21:25, “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen”

    There are two movies out this season, one already in the theaters “Risen” the other coming soon being “The Young Messiah”, most likely I will wait and buy them as a DVD. Matt has been asking about them both as they are advertised often on TV.

    Point being we use our imaginations to fill in the blanks that Scripture doesn’t tell us. What we imagine tells more about us than it does the Messiah.

    Seen on the news today that Iran test fired two long range missiles in defiance to the agreement they brokered with Obama. Both having written on them that Israel must be wiped out.
    The US elections are an inane asinine farce and there seems to be no shortage of genocide going on everywhere at several levels. It seems everything everywhere is getting worse.

    Contained within those same pages of Scripture Mart has offered are the warnings of such a time in the history of man.

    The power of the Word of God is that it touches every aspect of humanity and every detail of our lives, all of past history and future events.

    Are we able to sum up something so enormous that if everything it has opened up to us or accomplished throughout history could be fully understood by us or written in books that the whole of the world could not contain?

    Many afternoon thoughts and all out of time.

    71 degrees under a sunny sky.


  30. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… I get your point and hear your frustration.
    I ask this, which one of the two evils do we then get to chose from, through this hideous electoral process that looks to bring only more of the worldly into the picture?
    It is a very frightfully unsatisfying place to be, if you are looking to vote the bible.
    Yet, somehow we must know that God is in control of all things, even this ever darkening world we live in.

    There is always a light or a hope found somewhere and today I saw it on the morning news, as Franklin Graham is on an agenda the get the voice of the godly people to rise up and be noticed.
    I wish I knew more of the particulars, perhaps others may contribute more, but my pressing work schedule got in the way, and I did not get to hear his whole mission.
    I’ll have to google it to find out more.
    Later, Gary

  31. oneg2dblu says:

    P.S. I still have not seen the Robins yet, when they hit here in huge numbers as usual, I’ll give you a heads up.

  32. oneg2dblu says:

    “The only hope for this country is God.
    We have taken God out of the political debate.
    We have taken Him out of the public space.
    And I want to put Him back in.”
    Franklin Graham

    Now, there is an agenda I can wrap my arms around.
    You can read more about online.

  33. oneg2dblu says:

    “Decision America Tour”

  34. jeff1 says:

    Maru 9.33 am

    Yes, I do get what you are saying that I must focus on God’s promise and not on men’s promises.

    I know you are right that God is good and faithful and I must remind myself of this constantly when I doubt or feel fearful.

    It is good to come here and listen to yourself and others who help me in my faith.

    God Bless All

  35. street says:

    gary said,”“The only hope for this country is God.”

    gary i have read were God gave the cup of his wrath to His chosen nation israel because of her sin. we have seen what He has done to her over time. kept His Promises. in all this, He called out and protected His remnant. thinking, like the piece of carpet left over after your house is carpeted and you don’t know what to do with it. most installers just throw it out. not God. now i also have read were God turns and gives the cup of His wrath to “all” the “nations” to drink. and they will. yet even then God is calling out a remnant of every nation tribe and tongue.

    just as an arab uprising swept the world, so to, a similar thing could easily happen in the west. you only have to look at human history. the names and stories have been change to make it interesting. and now, my point, the complete failure of of western culture is going to happen. if it happens in your lifetime do not be surprised and do not be discourage or dismayed. your Redeemer lives and this is not your Home! the ride is always bumpy, the destination is assured. it looks like a Kingdom and we are family of the King. the King is always available. i have to admit i need a deeper reverence and love for GOD.

    just thinking. the remnant walked a very narrow path of suffering and compassion for the condemned. thinking of job joseph jeremiah and of coarse Jesus.
    He Lives! and so too the other 3

  36. poohpity says:

    How I read the bible is as a history of God’s pursuit of mankind to develop a relationship with them individually, small groups and nations. How they react to that pursuit, some turn to Him totally giving their selves over to him, some only get their toes wet and some walk away or mixtures depending on the circumstances of life.

    Also to learn God’s will, His ways, His wisdom, His character, His attributes and His Holiness. I have read the future predictions and warnings that God has revealed to those who look and listen to Him. A guideline to live a satisfied life, filled with joy and in eager expectation of the hope given to us through the Word of God.

    It seems when anyone loves someone they want to find out all they can about that person, how and what they think and what makes them tick. I know we are only given of glimpse of that in the bible but over the years there is always something new to learn and admire about our God if one does not give up the pursuit just like He does not give up the pursuit of us. The difference is He knows everything about us and I would guess God would so enjoy us seeking and searching for all we can to know Him better and more deeply.

  37. SFDBWV says:

    Gary I have actually mentioned before that you would enjoy “The Billy Graham Evangelistic Associations” “Decision” magazine.

    The “Decision America Tour” you mention is about Franklin Graham visiting all 50 state capitals and calling upon God to heal our troubled nation.

    Continuing for everyone else as well;

    In an attempt to segue our topic into this thread I would ask what is it that Communist countries have feared about Christianity all of these years?

    My own belief is that it is the empowerment of the individual that Jesus brings that is the greatest fear of those who would control our thinking.

    Here in the USA and even of what I have seen abroad is that there is an unmask effort to squelch the message of the Bible and erase it from our culture, replacing it with the same concepts found at the Tower of Babel from not only its king Nimrod, but from one another. Genesis 10:8-10. A society of humanity without God and Genesis 11:1-9 shows the results of the people’s rebellion.

    Sure it is easy for some to say we are not of this world and are citizens of heaven and I agree totally with that, but it does not erase my heartache for my country to see it held captive by a satanic anti-christ spirit and watch as it destroys itself; when like any of us who make the choice for Christ, our fellow countrymen can also make the choice for Christ as a nation and avoid the judgement that follows when we as a people do not.

    I learned this from reading the pages of the Bible and from believing God. It is one of the things I might say to the individual Mart has introduced to us in his opening statements.

    It would be very selfish of me to only think of my own salvation and not be concerned with that of the whole of my nation.

    When Jesus first began His ministry He instructed His Disciples to go only to the nation of Israel (Matthew 10:5) then after the resurrection instructed them to go to all nations baptizing them and teaching them to observe all things he has commanded of us. (Matthew 28:19-20)

    I pray for the revival and salvation of my country in accordance to the will of God, but if I must I individually place the blood of the Lamb over the doorposts of my house in order to guarantee the salvation of myself, my household and those under my care.

    38 degrees and cloudy in the mountains of West Virginia.


  38. poohpity says:

    I thought Nimrod was a descendant of Noah from his son Ham and Noah knew God as did his sons. Them being rebellious then if they did not know God who were they rebelling against?

    Didn’t Jesus during His public ministry go to Samaria they were not of the lost sheep of Israel?

  39. poohpity says:

    It seems that Jesus at the time was sending the apostles to their own because they had been waiting for the Kingdom of God through prophesies to their people for centuries. So it would seem that He sent them to the people who were expecting Him to come but they turned their backs on Him so then they went to the gentiles after His own refused to acknowledge Him. John 1:11

  40. oneg2dblu says:

    Like was said earlier, all the books in the world could not contain all the things that Christ has done.

    John 21:25 “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen”

  41. poohpity says:

    If we only hang around people that say they are Christians we have not gone into the world, neighborhoods or to people we have never met to share the message of salvation thus we are keeping it to our selves.

  42. poohpity says:

    Then what stops people from reading the little that has been contained in the bible?

  43. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… thanks for your past recommendation about Decision Magazine. Yes, I would enjoy it.
    But, like our faith, if we keep it to ourselves then we are only doing a very small part, but, true Evangelism by its nature, comes about through its abundant sharing.
    So, I shared what small bit of light I heard on the news yesterday as best I could, right after you shared your displeasure with what you heard on the news.

    Hoping to incite others to search for more.

    Perhaps I’ve missed the Robbins as well.

  44. poohpity says:

    Gary, he will be here at our state capital March 18th at noon. He will be in WV on May 5th and was in Florida Jan 12th did you go?

  45. poohpity says:

    How can we incite others when we do not do things our self? That can be applied to reading the bible too. How can we share the excitement we find in reading God’s word or share His great mercies if we have not experienced the depth of them ourselves?

  46. joycemb says:

    God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we could ever ask or think.

  47. jeff1 says:

    Pooh 8.39 am

    Then what stops people from reading the little that has been contained in the Bible?

    I can tell you what stopped me, as a child those who preached from the Bible that I knew said that if I didn’t stop sinning then I would go to hell.

    I then tried to follow the ten commandments that I would please God and not go to hell but I failed to keep them and became discouraged thinking I will be going to hell because I cannot keep the commandments.

    My friend who had studied the Bible told me that I was saved because Christ died on the Cross for my sins and not to listen to those who where preaching hell for that it was the blood of Christ saved me and not my works or keeping laws.

    I became so confused that I did not want to read the Bible for I was afraid then I would confuse myself more especially as I was listening to others telling me how Christians where constantly arguing and disagreeing at what the Bible said.

    A friend of mine give me a copy of ‘Our Daily Bread’ and I started to read it instead and then came on line and find that I do better listening to ‘Discover the Word’ or ‘Day of Discovery’ where men are genuinely searching the scriptures where as the ones that I was listening to where from all different denominations and their interpretations where confusing me.

    Younger people today will tell you they are looking to Science for answers.

    There are too many denominations with different views on the Bible and that is not helping.

    I believe the Bible is the word of God and that what it contains will come true but I am a product of my time and the younger generation are being taught differently and while there is division among those interpreting the Bible then it is a case of whose interpretation is right!

    I see it that it is God’s promise and it will be fulfilled which matters more than who is right!

    Keeping my faith simple works for me but it is not everyone’s cup of tea.

  48. foreverblessed says:

    I really enjoy Discover the Word, these 2 weeks is about the most prayed prayer of the bible.
    I did not know that it was -God have mercy-
    -on me, – or on anyone else I pray for.
    Ministery of reconciliation, we have.
    I used to focus on all the wrongs in our society, name them one by the other. Now I know that I may pray immediately: God have mercy- on us.
    A ministery of reconciliation- I had read that when I was young, but did not know the implication that was in it for me!

    Walking with God and reading the bible is an ongoing thing, a learning processen, an ever increasing deepening of the meaning of what is written.
    With no loving relation with Jesus the bible may easily be used in a wrong way. But if our motive is to seek God, the Holy Spirit will finally instructies us. I know, because that is what He did with me.

  49. foreverblessed says:

    When I was very young, I did all these bible studies, they were more about the commandments, the history of Israël,but also lots about prophecies.
    These prophecies are in my head since then.
    Especially the statue of Dan 2:1-3, Dan 2:31-47
    Just for your information I write some down, if you are interested, other wise just skip this all together!

    The head is of gold, which portrays the Babylonians, then the silver part: Percian Empire, then the bronze: Greece, then the Roman Empire, that is the iron part, the hardest material, and the most cruel one. which lasts till the end. When Jesus will come, and the Kingdom of God will smash the statue to pieces.
    The Roman Empire was split in two +- 400 AD roughly, (the two legs in the statue).
    Then time goes on and the iron is mixed with clay.
    To me that is a very good description of how Europe now functions: endless discussions on what must be decided.
    Now with the refugee problem, every country works on it’s own, iron and clay do not mix very well.

    Just some history for anyone who is interested.
    But it did not make me a better Christian, I had to study the New Covenant myself, with many books of great Christian Writers, like Andrew Murray, Watchman Nee, Corrie ten Boom, to name a few.

    In our lives we can study in the bible, that is good, but what we do ,
    -faith expressing itself in love-
    that is what counts.

  50. oneg2dblu says:

    I know that through reading God’s word daily, His voice, His helps, His direction, His message, becomes greater and greater as you grow together with Him
    There is no directive I’ve found, that says you should join a particular denomination, or church, or read a particular translation.


    That is more the stuff of the world, or mere men pushing their preferences, their understanding, their religion.

    When you are done chasing those things, and realize that none are perfect, none are exclusively ordained by God, but all who believe in Him, are His Church, and His Bride.

    So, just practice daily the relationship with Him, and wherever you feel led, He is there.

    Wherever you find your eyes upon His word, He will direct you, and prompt you in your spirit to stay right there and grow, or move on and grow.

    I remember my quest for more of Him was so great that I sought to get it from everywhere, until, I found myself getting up out of bed in the middle of the night and throwing the Book of Mormon out into the garbage can in the yard.

    I could no longer allow it to have any room in my house or in me. I will say I looked at it with an open mind, and found much which I might agree with, but, also things that were not quite right for me.

    It was a powerful moment I will never forget.

    I’ve left churches in the middle of a sermon when feeling so directed, hearing in my spirit, get out of there, move on and grow with me, not with man.

    I wonder if others here have such moments, or strong
    prompting in your spirit?


  51. oneg2dblu says:

    I know that through reading God’s word daily, His voice, His helps, His direction, His message, becomes greater and greater as you grow together with Him
    There is no directive I’ve found, that says you should join a particular denomination, or church, or read a particular translation. None!

    That is more the stuff of the world, or mere men pushing their preferences, their understanding, their religion.

    When you are done chasing all those things, and realize that none are perfect, none are exclusively ordained by God and others excluded, but all who believe in Him, are His Church, and His Bride.

    So, just practice daily the relationship with Him, and wherever you feel led, He is there.

    Wherever you find your eyes upon His word, He will direct you, and prompt you in your spirit to stay right there and grow, or move on and grow.

    I remember my quest for more of Him was so great that I sought to get it from everywhere, until, I found myself getting up out of bed in the middle of the night and throwing the Book of Mormon, recently given to me by a Christian friend, out into the garbage can in the yard it went. Of course, I never told him.

    I could no longer allow it to have any room in my house or in me.

    I will say I first looked at it with an open mind, and found much which I might agree with, but, also things that were not quite a right fit for me.

    It was a powerful moment I will never forget.

    I’ve left churches in the middle of a sermon when feeling so directed, hearing in my spirit, get out of there, move on and grow with me, not with man.

    I wonder if others here have such moments, or strong
    prompting in your spirit?


  52. oneg2dblu says:

    Sorry for double posting, but, sometimes this little web book I’m using, has a mind of its own and posts, when I am trying to just move the cursor.
    Then, when I go to post, I get the message saying, “You’ve already said that!”

  53. poohpity says:

    Viv, what I hear from what you wrote is that you do seek and search for the truth whether it is from songs, ODB, DTW, or DOD. It may not be directly from reading the bible but from what you write I can hear a heart that is intent on learning to know our God better. Learning about His grace and mercy. A heart yearning to be filled and those you listed are very good places to search and seek to be girded in His truth which is the very first part of our spiritual armor to be able to detect false teaching as well as others ways the enemy attacks. I soooo agree that simplicity is the best.

    If all we learn about the Word of God is that He died for our transgressions, rose on the third day and ascended into heaven we have a good foundation on grace and when we understand that we are quicker to share and show that to others. I am sad that you have had such a bad experience with something as wonderful and inspirational as the bible but listening to truly good teachers you are still receiving the message found in the bible.

  54. oneg2dblu says:

    Just reading through the last few posts again, am remembering that my throwing out of that book, was something that happened almost twenty years ago, but it reads more like I was talking about a more recent event.
    What I meant to convey, was that my possession of that book was short lived.
    So, as in many other instances here what one might mean to say, and how they are heard by others, does not always match our intentions.
    Having said all that, I must say that all those who have suffered themselves as early believers by trying to live under the threat of hell propagated by churches who preach such things as perfection, but apparently lacked the understanding that our confession and our receiving of forgiveness is a Blessing from the Lord, given after our sinning, and is also part of Living the Abundant Christian Life.
    Once one understands that principle, then the burden is lifted, the forgiveness complete, the slate cleared, and the walk restored.
    I remember my Mormon friend saying that he would not even pump gas into his car on the Sabbath. All their meals were made the day before. Also he would actually greet all his other Mormon men friends with a holy kiss on the lips, and foot washing was part of their normal activities.

    Now to me, that is religious practice. That is legalism.
    That is living to the letter of their law.

    But, is it Christian living, or is it the dictates of man’s teaching, man’s religious expectations, and man’s rote religious practice?

    I guess that is between each man, his religion, and his God.

    I can not judge that activity for others, I can only say for myself, I am not compelled by my God to do such things.

    I am compelled to pray daily, even constantly though.

    Yes, when I was attending another church years ago, I had participated in a foot washing ceremony for a fellow Christian’s dying father, and being part of that ceremony was a blessing for me and all the others there who were all sharing in diligently serving in Our Men’s Ministry.

    So, I get it!


  55. oneg2dblu says:

    It is not so much that we must serve, it is more that we get to serve, and we get to bless others through that service.

  56. cbrown says:


  57. jeff1 says:

    Yes, Pooh, I trust my source here but in my Country religion is very divisive and many are wandering. I no longer have my father, who was a source of wisdom, that I can not find in the present day.

    I still attend the Church I was brought up in as it still is focused very much on the teachings of Christ and it gives me peace of mind.

    I know it may sound selfish but I have to do what is right for me because my mental health depends on me keeping my faith as simple as that.

    I do not get into what God is doing in the world because it causes confusion in my thinking and is unhealthy for my mind.

    I am part of a small Community where one helps the other where possible and I would say I have lived in a very protected environment. I find it very disturbing in my mind when I listen to the world news and so I do not anymore.

    I have seen enough conflict in my own land and listening to what conflict is going on in the rest of the world can lead to me despairing.

    I trust God but I do not understand why the world is not a better place to live in since I was a child and I believe our generation have let down the younger generation by letting the world get so crazy.

    My mother used to tell me ghost stories as a child and how she had lived in a haunted house. I said to her that I would be very frightened if I saw a ghost and she said back that it is the living that will hurt you and in my lifetime I have found that she was so right for not only do people hurt you with their actions but their words too can be very unkind.

    I now count to 10 and hold my tongue when someone upsets me rather than answering and making a bad situation worse and I believe it works. Often people do not mean what they say but say it in a moment of frustration and it is not even meant for you for it is someone else who has annoyed them.

    People are complex as I have learned and half the time they do not mean what they say and the other half they do not say what they mean.

    My senior years have learned me that there is no such thing as knowing a person completely for all have secrets that they do no share with each other.

    We are a peculiar species when all is said and done!

  58. jeff1 says:

    last post, line before last should read, not share with each other.

  59. SFDBWV says:

    Rereading our topic from beginning to end, the title “Word of God” isn’t really the question in point; the question is what would we say following a ten year lapse in the conversation.

    At the outset of this imaginary story between me/you and an imagined individual who is reputed to be “literate, intelligent, and intrigued with the Scripture”. I have to wonder where one might find someone with those attributes who had never read the Bible. Or perhaps not already influenced by the beliefs and commentary of others, totally void of any indoctrination of Christian belief at all.

    An empty vessel.

    The after hearing what it was he come to understand about what he had read, what was it I may have to say.

    To him I might ask do you believe all you read and do you accept Jesus of Nazareth to be the Messiah and Lord. And if he does my next statement might then be then go and tell it to others.

    Telling others is a public demonstration of your faith and the act of obedience in spreading the Gospel.

    49 degrees and wet this morning.


  60. SFDBWV says:

    Way off subject I just wanted to inform any of you who may be interested that last summer the TV reality show “American Pickers” were here in our little town “picking” one of our citizens.

    I missed the showing of it last week, but have been told that it will be rebroadcast Sunday night (March 13) at 10 pm.

    I hope some of you who can will have a look as a way of visiting our home town.

    57 and partly cloudy.


  61. poohpity says:

    Oswald Chambers said, “Before God’s message can liberate other people, His liberation must first be real in you.”

  62. street says:

    been thinking of what gary said about serving.
    in my thinking i am linking the shamal Deuteronomy 6:4-5 and 1 Corinthians 13. many people serve and not love. love is harder than work and more demanding of self. it is absolutely amazing God commands sinners to love. i don’t mean like the world understanding of love either.

    also thinking of conflict between christians.

    can across this statement in regards to Jesus temptation after baptism. Jesus basically said it was more important to follow God than take care of physical needs. i tend to reverse them. i can also see why Jesus did some of the things He did. contrary to what you would think would happen. foot washing is a daily event.

  63. street says:

    It is impossible to read too much, but always keep before you why you read. Remember that “the need to receive, recognize, and rely on the Holy Spirit” is before all else. Approved Unto God, 11 L

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