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Our Kind of Kingdom

DSCN5185The Bible’s first mention of a kingdom shows up in a reference to Babel and a strong man named Nimrod (Gen 10:10).

In the clamor that followed Babel’s attempt to build its own greatness (Gen 11:1-9), competing regimes tried to enforce their will on one another.

Eventually a new kind of nation was born out of bondage, nursed in a no man’s land, and raised in a place of promise. Protected and provided for by an unseen king, the citizens of this favored people tired of being ruled by a leader they couldn’t see or control. So they got what they asked for— a big man who, in their eyes, stood head and shoulders above the rest— and soon turned into a shrinking, jealously fearful, wild-eyed madman.

By the time Jesus began talking about “the kingdom of God”, Israel’s short-lived taste of greatness was a tearful memory. Yet when the Teacher from no-where offered his manifesto for a better social order, his idea of a citizen who could look him in the face and say “My Lord” ended up being voted down.

DSC02462Even after Jesus’ surprise victory, those who knew him best had a hard time settling for the new kind of kingdom he envisioned for them (Acts 1:3). Right up to the end his closest friends were still focused on their lingering hope for nationalistic power, security, and material greatness (Acts 1:6-7).

Years later, when the Apostle Paul wrote letters that ended up being read all over the world, he occasionally referred directly to the kingdom of God. But when he did, he made it clear that the rules of definition and engagement have changed (Rom 14:17) (Col 1:13).

As Paul lived out his last days under house arrest, waiting for a hearing before a self-professed lord of lords, he boldly talked about a new kind of citizenship in a better kind of kingdom  (Acts 28:23). In the shadow of the Roman emperor, he all but ignored the authority of Caesar—in ways that rose above political and military prowess, partisan antics, moralistic sentiments, and nationalistic pride.

Like Jesus, Paul spent his last days talking about the heart and Spirit of a Kingdom within the kingdoms of the world— that transforms religious bigots and murderers into worshippers of a Shepherd King who washes feet, forgives his enemies, and teaches his own that they will know us by our love.

In our best moments, isn’t this what we all long for?

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166 Responses to “Our Kind of Kingdom”

  1. jeff1 says:

    God’ ways are so different to man’s ways yet He works through those whom allow Him access to their hearts and minds.

    In my best moments I know Jesus’s way is what I long for.

    In my worst ones I am part of the maddening crowd.

    Jesus died for a world that does not understand Him today any more than in His time on earth.

    I am thankful that God does not change, though throughout time we do our best to change Him to fit our purposes, but God knows man better than man knows Himself and that is that He needs saving from Himself.

    Jesus died to save mankind because God knew there was no other way!

  2. SFDBWV says:

    Even though Mart doesn’t want to get a political discussion going the subject he has opened up this morning is “political”.

    The world God created and to which He had declared to be “good” was corrupted and so much that He was sorry He had made it at all and so He and He alone destroyed it as it had been created saving only Noah and his family and the animals He sent into the ark.

    As Mart gave reference to the first post flood kingdom was led by Nimrod and it was Nimrod’s plan to build a tower to show off their ability and a ruled, governed and purpose minded people.

    I have heard it said that the purpose of the tower was to survive another flood and so it built to what its builders thought was above the flood levels.

    Right away they put their trust and future plans into their own hands and not God’s. They separated themselves further from God.

    However God did not want mankind to be united in its efforts, not just yet so He scattered people all over the globe, as is what He told Noah’s children to do anyway and they did not.

    Look to archeology and you will see “kingdoms” of every style and size all over the world, and all very similar in intent and purpose.

    Jesus said to Pilate if His (Jesus’) kingdom was of this world His servants would come and fight for Him, but His Kingdom is not of this world. John 18:36

    And so the conversation of “Our Kind of Kingdom” begins.


  3. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    In the 21st century, we experience any kingdom with a crowned ruler to be an “item of history,” not in step with the spirit of our times. And, the rulers of Israel/Judah were merely human. They sought to expand their territory, wealth and power. Something greater is here…

    The Kingdom of Jesus Christ, our kind of kingdom, is
    completely different from any other kingdom. The Scriptures you cite, Mart, help show the difference — and if we are willing, even work in our minds and hearts to transform us into faithful subjects of this royal Lion of Judah-Worthy Lamb of God.

    Colossians 1:13 – For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

    Romans 14:17 – for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

    Joy today & always,

    48F and clear. Forecast to reach 84F today here.

  4. poohpity says:

    Isn’t that how all the wars get started by people trying to impose their will on others. The authoritarian, controlling people who demand their will on others and not allowing them the freedom of making choices on their own which causes oppression and hopefully one day rebellion against those hard task masters. The unseen God wanted to be the guide and leader who had only the good of His creation in mind while people normally have their own good in mind by wanting to control others.

    People for centuries have wanted someone they can see, touch and feel to govern them but God warned them the consequences of wanting a person to rule over them. (Deut 17:14 NLT; 1 Sam 8:5,11, 19; 10:19) Well God gave them what they wanted and their desires turned into disaster for them as it is still till this day.

    On the other hand our leader has shown us how we are to treat people and be a member of His kingdom; by being a servant, by not demanding our own way, being kind to our enemies, and showing love and care for those who really do not deserve it. Are we members of that topsy-turvy, unside down kingdom or the kingdom that wants to rule over others?

  5. poohpity says:

    Mankind desires power but pure power and strength allows freedom.

  6. jeff1 says:

    It is God given power that changes the world not man driven power.

    It has to come from God and therefore it is predestined and God’s promise fulfilled.

    It’s God’s plan to redeem the world and not man’s.

  7. SFDBWV says:

    It is with a dry smile and wit that I begin this from the story of God giving the people of Israel what they wanted.

    I for one will never believe that God is ever surprised or blindsided by any event of history. Rather I will forever believe He controls all of our tomorrows and owns history.

    Having said that, when the people of Israel pushed for a king so they could be like the other nations around them I have to wonder exactly how it was presented to Samuel and by whom? Who was at this point speaking for the majority of Israelis?

    Did several million people ascend on Samuel and demand a king, or did the social media of that time self-appoint someone they felt represented their will and have that individual speak for the majority?

    Was it even a majority? It certainly was murmuring, just like in the wilderness, but like in the wilderness it is never 100% of the people.

    Reading through the Bible story it was God who chose Saul, not the people.

    Of course the story picks up the Messianic tone when we have the first king fail and the second one succeed. It is a Bible theme; first man Adam, failure, second man Jesus’, success.

    So in a twist, what I see is not so much what the people wanted happening, but God’s will being exacted, just as He wanted.

    I am going to keep it short tonight as I have no time and too many directions to take this subject.

    Rain 42 degrees with snow coming for the next few days. It’s ok I have a fresh supply of critter food on hand.


  8. street says:

    thanks mart this one will be fun to think about.
    my first thoughts were, Revelation 22: 20….Come, Lord Jesus.

  9. poohpity says:

    Steve, if you read the first part of 1 Samuel 8 you will have your questions answered about who came to Samuel to ask for a king. But God knew they were going to do this during the life time of Moses which was 400+ years earlier. God did not seem to want them to have a king because He wanted to be their King but warned them how bad on them it would be however allowed it to happen. Anyway that is what the bible says about that without guessing or assuming.

    I know being a parent there were things I knew would not be good for my kids and all I could do was warn them but they had to make their own choices. Sometimes some parents make all the decisions for their children so they never learn to think for themselves and to make mistakes which is what we all learn from. That is the difference in being a guiding parent or an authoritarian and controlling one.

  10. poohpity says:

    God never seems to force His will on anyone we have to make the choice to desire His will over ours. But God does give many warnings of what happens when we have chosen to go our own way, we see the consequences of those choices around us everyday. God is not a puppet master or dictator we have to chose Him and His ways or there would be no free will or love cause no one can force someone to love them or it would not be love.

  11. street says:

    thinking about nero, who killed himself a few months after pauls death, discovered the madness found when rejecting truth. this righteousness joy peace are remarkable gifts. i also remind the readers that persecution of the christians broke out after the fire that destroyed rome. paul ask God that it would not be held against them his brothers who left him high and dry. thinking their dispersal increased the spread of the Gospel that was in trusted to his care. blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

  12. SFDBWV says:

    Nebuchadnezzar dream shown a statue whose head was of fine gold, his breast and arms of silver, his belly and thighs of brass, his legs of iron and his feet part of iron and part of clay. Daniel 2:32-33.

    Then a stone smote the image upon its feet and broke them into pieces. Daniel 2:34

    In the beginning of the interpretation (Daniel 2:37) Daniel explains that the God of heaven has given Nebuchadnezzar a kingdom, power, strength and glory, his is the head of gold.

    After Nebuchadnezzar’s rule other kingdoms will arise all inferior to the one above it until it comes to the feet of the mixture of iron and clay where upon the stone that was cut without hands breaks the statue/image into pieces and the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall stand forever. (Daniel2:39-44)

    Here in Daniel’s dream is the history of the world and the ruling nations and the outcome of man’s desire to have a king to rule over them.

    We clearly are in the age of the feet of iron and clay, just as clearly Jesus of Nazareth is the stone, upon whose kingdom shall last forever.

    You can’t have it both ways. Either God places people in a position of power in order to exact His will or He doesn’t

    If you believe He does His will is done whereas these world powers are shown in the dream and whereas Daniel says that Nebuchadnezzar was given his kingdom by God.

    If you believe that men control their own destiny apart from God’s will, then you ignore the written Word of God and remove God from the equation of history and of future events.

    All of these kingdoms show that men fail to rule themselves and that only the Kingdom of God with Christ as King is the perfect government and Kingdom over man.

    It is still all about Jesus being superior to men and our only hope of living in a perfect existence and environment. We cannot create this only God can. And will.

    It is always going to be God’s will over man’s for His purpose and in the end.


  13. jeff1 says:

    I watched a programme last night and it reminded me how far this modern world is from God.

    There is nothing wrong with people wanting to eat well and exercise to give them a healthier lifestyle but when I listened to the show it revealed that Scientists now believe that in the future they will be able to prevent ageing and diseases.

    It seems that man will always believe he can solve his own problems and so this world never really changes.

    What brother’s me most about man’s advances is the ethics used to obtain them.

    God’s ways are not man’s ways and faith is a gift from God
    and I ask God today!

    Why me Lord?
    What have I ever done?
    To deserve even one
    Of the blessings I’ve known

    Why me Lord?
    What did I ever do?
    That was worth love from You
    And the kindness You’ve shown

    Lord help me Jesus,
    I’ve wasted it
    So help me Jesus
    I know what I am

    Now that I know
    That I’ve needed You
    So help me Jesus
    My souls in Your hand

    Try me Lord
    If you think there’s a way
    That I can repay
    What I’ve taken from You

    Maybe Lord
    I could show someone else
    What I’ve been through myself
    On my way back to You

    Lord help me, Jesus
    I’ve wasted it
    So help me Jesus
    My soul’s in Your hand

    Now that I know
    That I’ve needed You
    So help me Jesus
    My soul’s in Your hand
    Jesus, my souls’s in Your hand

  14. joycemb says:

    Proverbs 14:12 NIV comes to mind.

  15. street says:

    mart said,”Eventually a new kind of nation was born out of bondage, nursed in a no man’s land, and raised in a place of promise. Protected and provided for by an unseen king, the citizens of this favored people tired of being ruled by a leader they couldn’t see or control.”

    a nation born out of sin, nursed in between life and death, raised in the land of promise, never though of my country as a land of promise, but the promises are good in any land, yes protected and cared for by an unseen King, i should have been killed so long ago, His grace and mercy sustain me. His freedom reveals much about Himself and us. may we be found in Him

  16. street says:

    In our best moments, isn’t this what we all long for?

    yes the human heart longs for love….
    it also longs to worship.

  17. SFDBWV says:

    Let there be no mistake about my feelings, I love my country and I have served it at first as a United States Marine followed by a life time of being the best citizen I can in contribution to my country and my neighbors.

    I am proud that my nation was founded under the principals of free Christian living and not under the heel of a tyrants boot.

    As proud as I am of my country, I know it is not the promised kingdom given in Scripture. However when you consider that the Kingdom of God is also a state of mind and if whatever nation or kingdom you live in you practice the principals of the Kingdom of God, you are living as though you were in His kingdom no matter what the circumstances. And if as a nation we live that way we prosper and grow and His light shines from our success.

    However like every example of national living given in Scripture concerning Israel, when we fall away from God and living as though we are in His kingdom, we fail and our success turns to failure.

    Look at the condition of our country today and think about why it is as it is and there is no mystery as to why there is rampant drug addiction, civil disobedience, racial unrest and unhappiness. We have taken God out of the equation of ruling our country and suffer for it.

    I personally have never seen such a disgusting display of national elections ever, nor has our history. The outcome of which will only continue our decline.

    All I can really do is pray for Christ’s kingdom to come and come swiftly, sadly knowing the cost of His return will have upon the earth.


  18. street says:

    Protected and provided for by an unseen king, the citizens of this favored people

    3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

  19. street says:

    steve thinking of Jeremiah 25
    He is always right and just in all he does.
    and so in control.

    the sorrow is from great lose
    the joy is from great gain.

  20. poohpity says:

    The Kingdom of God is a state of mind?

    The statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream seems to have represented in history has shown these to be the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greco-Macedonian and Roman empires. But then goes on in Daniel 2:44 the Kingdom of God will break apart every kingdom that people set up in this world and we know that the prince of this world is the Devil. If one believes God puts people in power then what say you about Hilter?

    Didn’t the kingdom of God come when Jesus appeared?(Matt 12:28) Isn’t our kingdom kept in heavenly place away from the corruption of this world(1 Peter 1:4-5 NLT) Until one day when the kingdoms of this world will be overtaken the the Kingdom of God will be established.(Rev 11:15)

  21. SFDBWV says:

    Yes pooh the kingdom of God is also a state of mind.

    Because of the Crusades England ended up with control of the Holy Lands.
    Because of Hitler and his holocaust the controlling powers at the end of WWII gave the Jew back her own homeland.
    Because the Jew now has a country again, the prophesies concerning the “end times” are now beginning to unfold.

    All in God’s time and all in His control.


  22. street says:

    poo said,” If one believes God puts people in power then what say you about Hilter?”

    yes poo hitler was Gods servant just like the devil is too. God promised the knowledge of good and evil and He has kept that promise. the real interesting thing is many people know of and who God is and still reject Him. the sin of man doesn’t nullify the will of God. some learn to hate sin as their Father does. when people reject God they start doing all these things contrary to God’s will. as bad as wicked rules of the last 100 years have been none will compare to the anti christ that is coming. even so, come Lord Jesus.

  23. street says:

    you know mart the Kingdom was never voted down by some and it remains to this day visible and invisible to others. when our King finally comes, what a day that will be. yet we patiently wait for our bothers and sisters to come to maturity knowing that all He has for us are for our good and His glory. i think job and Jesus teach that. you could add jonah too. His ways stretch us beyond are finite capacities.

  24. poohpity says:

    I respectfully disagree Hilter was not God’s servant he was an instrument of evil and the absence of God, can God bring good from evil that happens, yes! God brings good or can use anything to bring about good. I am wondering if a lack of knowing God and His character can lead one to believe the enemy that does everything in his power to misconstrue and malign the character of God.(Matt 4:8-9)

    If people were to do the will of God and pray before they do anything things would be a lot different than they are. Evil reins when God is not asked to be there.

    The Kingdom of God is something that grows in the heart of a believer through faith and that faith is a gift from God. It is the kind of Kingdom that transforms lives, gives forgiveness to enemies and love for all. That is not a state of mind it is the Spirit of God living within a person who has asked Him into their life.

  25. joycemb says:

    God has a way of getting out of the man-made boxes we try to put Him in. He is soooo much more.

  26. street says:

    been thinking of the few who voted for Jesus.

    John 19:37-39

    weren’t they surprised sunday morning?

    thinking of the ones who had been healed forgiven and fed. this kingdom is going to be Great!

  27. oneg2dblu says:

    I get it, that we do not like to think of the Kingdom as a state of any man’s mind.

    Perhaps if we were to rephrase it to saying, the Kingdom is to the Renewed Mind, a State that is Forever of the Divine.

    So, no matter whether an evil or a righteous people, or states of mind are in power, their power/authority is only temporal, and ultimately God is neither surprised or confounded by them, and we know this, the Ultimate Control off all that exists will Always be in His Hands.

    In this life and in the eternal life after this one.


  28. saled says:

    In paragraph 5 Mart says that the disciples had a hard time accepting the new kind of kingdom that Jesus envisioned, and that they were still focused on nationalistic power, security, and material greatness. And then in his next to last paragraph, he says that Paul spent his last days talking about the heart and Spirit of this new kingdom within the kingdoms of the world and how it transformed bigots and murderers into worshipers of the Shepherd King who washes feet, forgives his enemies, and teaches his own that they will know us by our love.

    And then Mart asks if this isn’t what we all long for in our best moments. Oh, to spend more time in this kind of longing!

    Recently I watched the entire BBC TV series ‘Merlin’, a modern version of the legend of King Arthur and his Camelot. I so love the concept of a king who realizes that he is not all that different from the common person.And I love the Shepherd King who washes feet, touches lepers, and associates with women of poor reputation.

    But like the disciples, I struggle with a desire for an earthly king who guarantees security and provision. It takes a long time to learn that the kingdom is within, not without. I think maybe that it is not until we are nearly at the end of our lives that we can begin to hope to change our focus to a different kind of kingdom and king.

  29. poohpity says:

    Let me explain a big difference on how God used Nebuchadnezzar to bring Israel to their senses but Hilter was doing his own evil. Israel was warned by a prophet that they were going to be taken to Babylon because they had given up on God and God told them if you do not fight against them all will be well with them while they were there. But Israel as usual did not listen and fought against Babylon and lives were lost. Hitler just killed people to get rid of a whole race of people. So calling Hitler a servant of God is just plain hooey.

    Israel was just going to loose their home for a time until they repented(turned back) to God. They had the ability while they were in Babylon to plant crops and work no longer in their own country but they could live there in the Babylonian kingdom but they were still God’s Kingdom people and there was hope to one day return to their own land. There was no hope of anything with Hitler except severe suffering, persecution, and a horrible death, so it was Satan who was trying to break Israel by crushing them.

  30. joycemb says:

    That reminds me of Job for some reason. Satan was challenged to sift Job to see how faithful he was to God. In that sense I suppose you could say that Satan was a tool in God’s hand, right?

  31. poohpity says:

    Satan was challenged to sift Job?

  32. poohpity says:

    Or was Satan trying to prove God wrong about Job’s character?

  33. SFDBWV says:

    Pooh, just a little advice, try expounding on Mart’s subject rather than trying to pick apart what I and others have to say and we can all have a much more pleasant experience here.


  34. poohpity says:

    Steve, lol I have been talking about the subject. Have you been? You may take my relies as picking apart what others have been saying but I look at it as just discussing the ideas brought up even if they have nothing to do with the subject. Don’t read what I write if it bothers you but my hunch is it bothers you more that I do not agree with everything. It is OK to think about things in different ways and from a different view points that is how adults talk together.

  35. SFDBWV says:

    Oh well I tried. Have a nice day pooh.


  36. poohpity says:

    I believe in God so I speak about Him. I speak about the unseen world while living in the seen world. Boldly speaking about where my citizenship lies in the new kingdom. In the world or kingdom in which I live it is such a mess and is only temporary so focusing on God and the things He says, who He is, gives a break in all the madness looking toward or forward to the eternal can give a place of safety and rest in the here and now.

  37. poohpity says:

    Steve, I know how you feel I have tried for years to get you to talk about the subjects at hand but it has not worked either still till this day. You have a wonderful day and I really mean it. Deb

  38. joycemb says:

    I am wayyy off topic but am asking for prayer. My doc added another antidepressant about a 6 weeks ago and am having severe ringing and hearing loss in one ear. Today I cut it in half and shouldn’t have, oh well, I don’t have to go anywhere today but it’s really annoying. Thanks, Joyce

  39. poohpity says:

    Joyce, sending heartfelt prayers on your behalf before God our great physician.

  40. joycemb says:

    thank you pooh

  41. cbrown says:

    Joyce,will be praying for you also. Chris

  42. joycemb says:

    thank you Chris and all others’ prayers. I so
    appreciate this fellowship.

  43. oneg2dblu says:

    joyce… your plea for prayers rings in my ears as well.
    May you find His Peace in spite of any actual momentary
    suffering you are now having.
    Your doctor needs to know whats going on with you, in
    your recent changes, perhaps even an imbalance in your bodies Niacin levels may be in play here, as Niacin can help with certain ear problems.
    Just thinking out loud, not diagnosing.
    Some medications can effect us in ways that are troublesome with all their side effects, but, other things may also be going on so let your doctor know.
    We can also pray for your Dr. to help you find you relief.
    Lord hear our prayers for our Sister in Christ.

  44. narrowpathseeker says:

    Joyce, I am praying that the Lord provides whatever you need to get better. Hang in there.

  45. narrowpathseeker says:

    Steve, in addition to all your other admirable qualities, I think you have become amazingly patient. Thank you for the example. I have a long way to go to even come up to your toenails in Christlikeness, but I will keep praying and trying. I hope you have had a Blessed day.

  46. street says:

    been thinking about the kingdom
    there is a book i read for awhile ago and may need to revisit by the title call “the greatness of the kingdom”, by mcclain.


  47. street says:

    mart said,”in ways that rose above political and military prowess, partisan antics, moralistic sentiments, and nationalistic pride.”

    love for this kingdom must increase over love for self.

  48. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    Greetings from Atlanta GA!

    Mart, you wrote about “Our Kind of Kingdom”:

    “Like Jesus, Paul spent his last days talking about the heart and Spirit of a Kingdom within the kingdoms of the world— that transforms religious bigots and murderers into worshipers of a Shepherd King who washes feet, forgives his enemies, and teaches his own that they will know us by our love.”

    One of my favorite songs:

    We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord,
    We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord,
    And we pray that all unity may one day be restored.

    And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love,
    Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.

    We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand,
    We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand,
    And together we’ll spread the news that God is in our land.

    We will work with each other, we will work side by side,
    We will work with each other, we will work side by side,
    And we’ll guard each one’s dignity and save each one’s pride.

    All praise to the Father, from whom all things come,
    And all praise to Christ Jesus, his only Son,
    And all praise to the Spirit, who makes us one.

    Joy all day!

    42F and sunny here in the Southland. Forecast to reach 65F.

  49. jeff1 says:

    God’s kind of Kingdom is not man’s kind of Kingdom and I am thankful for that.

    From Hitler to present day extremeists this world cannot rid itself of evil for as my son so rightly says when man gets rid of one tyrannt there is another ready to take his place.

    Man cannot do what God has already done and Christ defeated evil at the cross.

    There is a better world to come because of God’s plan to redeem it.

    It is a fine line between love and hate and I have walked it and though in my heart I know which is right, in my mind there is confusion.

    I need Christ’s forgiveness as does my enemies.

    I believe my Salvation is a gift from God and I believe this is the truth of the gospel of Christ.

    Street you say love for the Kingdom must increase.

    I say the religions of the world have distorted the truth of the gospel to their own ends.

    The reason for my being is in Christ alone, there is no other, for He is the fulfillment of the Gospel.

    To my thinking the word fullfillment means complete in that my sins are washed by His precious blood and I am a new creation in God’s sight.

    Keep it simple, look to Christ and know you are saved; listen to man and doubt God’s word.

    My God and Father! while I stray,
    Far from my home In life’s rough way,
    Oh! teacher me from my heart to say,
    “Thy will be done!” “Thy will be done!”

    If thou shoulds’t call me to resign,
    What most I prize, it ne’er was mine.
    I only yield thee what was Thine,
    “Thy will be done!” “Thy will be done!”

    If but my fainting heart be blest,
    With Thy sweet Spirit for its quest,
    My God! To Thee I leave the rest,
    “The will be done!” “Thy will be done!”

    Renew my will from day to day,
    Blend it with Thine, and take away,
    All now that makes it hard to say,
    “Thy will be done!” “Thy will be done!”

    Then when on earth I breathe no more,
    The prayer of mixed with tears before,
    I’ll sing upon a happier shore,
    “Thy will be done!” “Thy will be done!”

  50. SFDBWV says:

    Well morning has risen on a cold 06 degree f day. We ended up with just over 1 foot of snow yesterday all as a reminder that we do not control the weather.

    What we do though is dress accordingly when outside and keep the temperature in the house nice and comfortable.

    Mart asks isn’t that perfect kingdom what we all long for. Yes but that perfect kingdom is not yet a physical reality of our life on earth.

    However inside we can live a kingdom life by practicing it.

    It can be cold and disagreeable outside, but we can choose to be warm and comfortable inside our hearts, minds, and beings.

    Most importantly in how we treat others.

    There is a clear example given in Galatians 5:19-20 as to the works of the flesh (outside) against the fruits of the spirit (inside) in Galatians 5:22-23

    For now the kingdom we seek can be found inside our hearts in desire and in action; a state of mind. As we await that perfect kingdom far off in the future.


  51. poohpity says:

    God is real, God is active in a believers life and in the world. If we could adjust our way of thinking on our own many would but it is God’s Spirit who is real and active that adjusts or transforms our thinking and our lives.(Proverbs 3:5-7 NLT; Luke 11:20 NLT; Romans 12:2NLT; Romans 14:17 NLT; 1 Cor 4:20 NLT)

  52. foreverblessed says:

    The song Jeff gave, I have been reading it over and over again.
    Could it have to do something with ‘Your Kingdom come’
    ( beside the first and foremost belief in the Son of God, being our Deliverer)
    The Kingdom, now in our hearts, when our will has become His will,
    or, maybe better: His will has become our will.
    Nog grudgingly, but happily, we are totally convinced that His will is best, and if we do not onderstand what He is doing, we trust Him!

  53. bubbles says:

    Would you please pray? I think I had food poisoning Friday night. I’m dizzy today and am not running on all cylinders. I have to get paper work done today that wasn’t done on Friday or Saturday. I wish I could sleep all day, but work has to be done. Thank you.

  54. SFDBWV says:

    Praying for you bubbles.

    Steve, Matt and Glenna

  55. oneg2dblu says:

    Bubbles… Prayers for your speedy recovery. Been there done that, no fun at all, and is very dehydrating.
    Please try to keep yourself hydrated today, it cures many unpleasant conditions in the body.
    Nothing beats good old water, and soup is a great choice also.

  56. oneg2dblu says:

    Yes bubbles… Praying for your recovery, and thinking please keep yourself hydrated today, that alone cures many things that the body finds so unpleasant.

  57. oneg2dblu says:

    Sorry for the double post, I though I lost that shorter version as it popped off the screen and went away, and now there it is… spooky stuff going on with my little web book, today.
    Perhaps it also needs some hydration…

  58. narrowpathseeker says:

    Bubbles….I am sorry I am so late reading your request for prayer. I will most certainly pray for you but hope that Steve and Gary’s prayers have already been answered. If you are still feeling slightly ill, try drinking apple cider vinegar, honey, and water. 2tsps Vinegar, 1 teaspoon honey, 4 oz of water.

  59. street says:

    jeff said,”Street you say love for the Kingdom must increase.”

    this is similar to when john said He must increase “i” must decrees. the fact of the matter i need to understand “i” have been crucified with Christ….

    mart’s title is “our” kind of kingdom? to many christians running around thinking my kingdom instead my Lord. “i” think “i” is the greatest hindrance to the Gospel of all it’s foes. paul says he is crusified with Christ, past tense. Jesus says we need to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily and follow Him.

    i wish the moment we become christians we would be raptured out of here, but this is not the Lord’s will for us. it is up to us to seek and to follow. it is up to us love in all godliness wisdom and knowledge of Him. this love comes from Him not us. they will know we are His by His love not ours or “i” search the Scriptures for Him daily and don’t stop you can not live without Him nor can you love apart from Him. thinking we must be completely satisfied with Him. looking for my Redeemer Shepard Bridegroom Maker Savior Champion Lord Bother Father King Judge Witness……

    thinking the more we take up our cross the more we become aware of different footholds sin has on us and we come to the place of surrender. not to sin….but surrender to God, like paul. Jesus Who surrendered to God’s will to redeem us from sin. paul make a statement should we love any less, in regard to human relationships. 2 Corinthians 12:15

  60. bubbles says:

    Thank you. Worked off and on all afternoon; enough is done to get by tomorrow. Still dizzy and cannot eat.

  61. street says:

    poo said,”Isn’t our kingdom kept in heavenly place away from the corruption of this world”

    Luke 19:11-27

    it’s really a kingdom in a kingdom, one will remain and the other will pass away. the one that remains is going to have a Loving Wise Just King. it’s very hard to wrap my mind around that since it is quite foreign to me. looking for His return. please Lord do not let me be dismayed. the idea that this King is going to make me a son or a prince is a great comfort. come on my bothers and sisters let go into the vineyard and go to work. be careful there are snakes and wolfs in the vineyard

  62. street says:

    so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.”

  63. remarutho says:

    Prayers going up for you, Bubbles!


  64. street says:

    this kingdom in a kingdom is true. makes me wonder about the church we see in the world. could it be a church in a church too? the parable of the ten virgin comes to mind again. it makes me think of the verse, Hebrews 8:11.

  65. refump says:

    Praying for you both, Joyce and Bubbles.

  66. SFDBWV says:

    Yes Mart we all long for a “more perfect union”. Our nation that you and I live in was founded upon that principal.

    I have many times stated that I enjoy the intellectual enlightenments of history and science as both showcase God.

    Science continually proves a “Creator” even though they waste their time looking to disprove Him, and History continues to prove man’s inability to govern himself without God at the helm.

    I think mankind has tried to recreate Eden and do without God since he was kicked out of paradise. However without Jesus there is no bright future for man.

    Matt talked a bit with bubbles last evening she was still feeling sick. I do pray today she is doing better. I also pray Joyce that you get your medication straightened out to where you are doing better.

    40 degrees and rain today.


  67. poohpity says:

    To seek out God with all that we are shows God how much we long for Him. He then sees our hearts and gives us all that we need to live this life not without toils and snares but a knowing that He has overcome this world. He gave us the tools and provisions we need when we put Him first. (Matt 6:33) Humbling ourselves before God allows His Kingdom to have it’s way within us. (1 Chron 7:14; James 4:10)

  68. poohpity says:

    oops that was 2 Chron 7:14

  69. joycemb says:

    Psalm 119:71 came to mind this morning as my ear is still not hearing anything but a hissing sound. Glad for two ears :-).
    Even so God led me to a divine meeting with an 80 year old neighbor who had just found out his 53 year old daughter has terminal cancer. His wife died 5 years ago, a DUI caused him to lose his new truck and his property he gave to his granddaughter to live in, well she sold it and kept the money for herself. He’s a gruff, angry man but is going back to church and he obviously trusts me with his pain. Yes, afflictions are not fun but they always have a purpose I believe. His name is Art.

    I found a very good article titled “Lessons in Affliction” on a website from the Netherlands (forever I think of you of course) hnrc dot org

    I also think of James who said to count it all joy! With a Kingdom perspective it’s much easier to do I think. Blessings to all with gratitude for your prayers, concern, and fellowship.


  70. street says:

    steve said,”Yes Mart we all long for a “more perfect union”. Our nation that you and I live in was founded upon that principal.”
    there is no union between light and darkness. it’s a lie and foolishness. we live in a garden of wheat and tares.

    i am begining to think i was a tare and now grafted into a new vine. the neighborhood is not the same any more. i can breath!

  71. street says:

    joyce mentioned, “Lessons in Affliction”
    been thinking about this for awhile. my thoughts run this way. God is very close to them because He is behind it. the reason i think is for us to call out to Him. some never do. i think of the israel in Exodus of the cycle they went through. we cry out in three way that please and honor God repentance help and intercession. all honor God. i think intercession honors Him the most. thinking of Jesus.

  72. joycemb says:

    Street I think the reason Jesus said we must become as little children is because He knows that as adults, with all our experiences and learning we often overthink things. I know I sure do. What a gift to let-go of all our worldly thinking and become as innocent as a child. So glad you are breathing again!

  73. joycemb says:

    Pooh yes, humbling our filthy selves before God is what we all need to do. But I think our tendency is to hide from God just as Adam and Eve did when they became aware of their sin. It takes real guts to admit our sin sometimes. But oh how sweet and warm that Water when we finally jump into it!

  74. street says:

    There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, On the throne of David and over his kingdom, To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness From then on and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this.

    In all their affliction He was afflicted, And the angel of His presence saved them; In His love and in His mercy He redeemed them, And He lifted them and carried them all the days of old.

    Grace, mercy and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.

    To those who are the called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ: 2 May mercy and peace and love be multiplied to you.

  75. foreverblessed says:

    Joyce, is it thankful in prosperity and patient in affliction?
    A very good article, thanks for posting!
    Good to hear you are doing well despite your affliction!
    May God bless you with a deeper awareness of Him, and I also pray that for all of us!

  76. foreverblessed says:

    Way off topic, but I have just been to an Exposition of Hieronymus Bosch, in Den Bosch. The City arranged this years ago, working on Getting so many of his paintings together.
    It is so interesting!
    It gives the message of the bible to all visitors.
    Jeroen is his modern name, liked to warn a lot:
    If you live by the lust of the flesh, you will be drawn to Hell.
    I did not like that part of his message, yet the Exposition was very very good! Gary might have liked it too!
    What a way to preacher the Gospel. One part of the exhibition was called Jesus Christ, and showed many paintings about Christ.
    One of them was Christ as God, leading Eve to Adam in the Garden. It looked a Paradise, but the animals around them were already fighting. The evil coming closer to them.
    It has been an inspiring evening, God bless you all!

    ( am also praying for you Bubbles, that you may be as a little child trusting your Father!

  77. poohpity says:

    Here is a song from MercyMe called “Greater” it tells the difference in being a Kingdom Kid or in the kingdom of this world.


    Bring your tired
    Bring your shame
    Bring your guilt
    Bring your pain
    Don’t you know that’s not your name
    You will always be much more to me

    Everyday I wrestle with the voices
    That keep telling me I’m not right
    But that’s alright

    Cause I hear a voice and he calls me redeemed
    When others say I’ll never be enough
    And greater is the One living inside of me
    Than he who is living in the world
    In the world
    In the world
    And greater is the One living inside of me
    Than he who is living in the world

    Bring your doubts
    Bring your fears
    Bring your hurt
    Bring your tears
    There’ll be no condemnation here
    You are holy, righteous and redeemed

    Every time I fall
    There’ll be those who will call me
    A mistake
    Well that’s ok

    Cause I hear a voice and he calls me redeemed
    When others say I’ll never be enough
    And greater is the One living inside of me
    Than he who is living in the world
    In the world
    In the world
    And greater is the One living inside of me
    Than he who is living in the world

    There’ll be days I lose the battle
    Grace says that it doesn’t matter
    Cause the cross already won the war
    He’s Greater
    He’s Greater

    I am learning to run freely
    Understanding just how he sees me
    And it makes me love him more and more
    He’s Greater
    He’s Greater

    There’ll be days I lose the battle
    Grace says that it doesn’t matter
    Cause the cross already won the war
    He’s Greater
    He’s Greater

    I am learning to run freely
    Understanding just how he sees me
    And it makes me love him more and more
    He’s Greater
    He’s Greater

    Cause I hear a voice and he calls me redeemed
    When others say I’ll never be enough
    And greater is the One living inside of me
    Than he who is living in the world
    In the world
    In the world
    And greater is the One living inside of me
    Than he who is living in the world

    There’ll be days I lose the battle
    Grace says that it doesn’t matter
    Cause the cross already won the war
    He’s Greater
    He’s Greater

    I am learning to run freely
    Understanding just how he sees me
    And it makes me love him more and more
    He’s Greater
    He’s Greater
    Than he who is living the world

  78. street says:

    poo the song you posted reminded me of,
    “Matthew 11:28
    “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.


    “Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters;
    And you who have no money come, buy and eat.
    Come, buy wine and milk
    Without money and without cost.
    “Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
    And your wages for what does not satisfy?
    Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,
    And delight yourself in abundance.
    “Incline your ear and come to Me.
    Listen, that you may live;
    And I will make an everlasting covenant with you,
    According to the faithful mercies shown to David.

    we know david is apart of the kingdom, and so can you. what is holding you back?

    Revelation 3:18
    I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see.

    purchased by faith in the One Who makes the offer.

  79. street says:

    i meant to post this earlier about His rule in the Kingdom not being difficult or a burden to Him. i can see why this would bring a great peace and comfort to the citizenry.

    Isaiah 9:5-7

    For every boot of the booted warrior in the battle tumult,
    And cloak rolled in blood, will be for burning, fuel for the fire.
    For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us;
    And the government will rest on His shoulders;
    And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
    There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace,
    On the throne of David and over his kingdom,
    To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness
    From then on and forevermore.
    The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this.

  80. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    Thanks, Joyce for Psalm 119:71. Praying for your ear to clear up soon. Am thinking of your neighbor, Art, struggling with discouragement, pain and hopelessness. So happy to hear he is returning to worship at church. How can a Jesus-follower make a place in their heart for those who are beaten up by life if we have no troubles or afflictions of our own?

    Have asked for prayer for my brother, Jack, at BTA before. His health is failing, he was widowed about a year ago, he had to put down his elderly dog, and has been evicted from his apartment. My heart is aching for him, but he is firm in resisting any surrender to Jesus, even in these days. Please remember my brother in your prayers.

    This Kingdom of Heaven has an effect on the world we may not see or understand. It is the over-arching reality of the universe. Song of Songs 2:4


  81. jeff1 says:

    I cannot fully understand what God is doing in the world, faith comes down to trusting God, and for me personally when I get confused because it seems God has forsaken this world, then Christ is the evidence of His love for me and this world.

    I put burdens on myself when I allow this world to confuse me and loose sight of Jesus.

    I was raised in a Church that focused on Christ, and that is why I have remained in that Church, because I see so many Churches dividing God’s word, while focusing on Christ keeps me less judgemental and more supportive of others.

    Jesus lived as a servant and not as a King and to follow Him is to do likewise and it was God’s will that He died and was ressurected and as a follower that is God’s will for me too.

    I will not do it perfectly and God never insisted that I do but rest in Christ and renew my strength when the going gets tough. He is my refuge when I am weary in this world and I am often weary and that is when other believers give me support and I have to say it is not the judgemental believer I will turn to for support but the one who understands my weariness and lifts my spirit with their reassuring instead.

    Our kind of Kingdom must be to lift each other up when difficulties arise and not be critical of one and other or it will not get off the ground.

    The Church that does this will be the one true Church of Christ for Christ did not whip people into surrender but loved them into surrender.

  82. SFDBWV says:

    Maru I buried a brother a month before burying my wife who never shown any degree of Christian behavior in his life and as far as I know never surrendered to Christ as you put it.

    Only a few weeks ago his daughter ask me if I thought her dad was in hell.

    I answered her by saying only God knows that answer and who is to say what in those last moments of a person’s life goes on between them and God.

    Like you Maru I have seen far too much grief and heartache in the world to judge another for their apparent disbelief. In fact I think the more vocal and disagreement in the surrender to God stems from disappointment in believing to begin with. In an odd way their anger at God for their situation shows a very strong belief. Their logic being how a loving God could allow so much pain.

    A question we all cover up with blind trust, blind to all we see in favor of what we “hope” for and see hidden in Christ.

    Certainly I will pray for your brother and all that need that miracle of peace that comes from God.

    Philippians 4:4-7 KJV

    36 degrees and rain.


  83. remarutho says:

    Thanks, Steve.

    Just this morning I started a little list of my brother’s Dr’s name, the hospital where he has been in and out receiving crisis care — plus the names and numbers of a couple of his best buddies. He lives on the other side of the country from me.

    Told him that hope never disappoints us. People and situations may disappoint, but never will hope disappoint. May the Lord pour out blessings as you pray for this lost lamb! (Romans 5:3, 4, 5)


    62F and cloudy here

  84. poohpity says:

    I know it is from the sin of mankind that causes suffering, sickness, pain etc.(Prov 3:13) we wanted to have things our way, the ways of the kingdoms of this world but where I do have opened eye trust and knowledgeable faith that God can and does turn it around for good is from experiencing His Kingdom in our lives and those who have gone before us. God seems to want us to use the brains He gave us to acquire wisdom, understanding, reasoning and grow in our knowledge of Him and how He works, God’s kingdom awareness.(Heb 5:14; Acts 17:11; James 1:5) All we have to do is come to Him and ask.

  85. poohpity says:

    I am weak but Thou heart strong
    Jesus keep me from all wrong
    I’ll be satisfied as long
    As I walk let me walk close to Thee

    Just a closer walk with Thee
    Grant it Jesus, is my plea
    Daily walking close to Thee
    Let it be dear Lord, let it be

    When my feeble life is over
    Time for me shall be no more
    Guide me gently safely over
    To Thy kingdom shores to the shores

    Just a closer walk with Thee
    Grant it Jesus, is my plea
    Daily walking close to Thee
    Let it be dear Lord, let it be

  86. joycemb says:

    Resting and trusting in God. Thank you all for prayers, spiritual songs, and encouragement.

  87. street says:

    dear poo, you said,”I know it is from the sin of mankind that causes suffering, sickness, pain etc.” to a certain extent i agree with you, yet we know that innocent people still suffer greatly. for God has made them innocent, blameless, righteous. my example in scripture is job. may times i found myself agree with his three friends only to discover i had been duped again. what God has made righteous is righteous what He makes blameless is blameless what He makes Holy is Holy. and this is the love of God that He makes sinners sinless and adopts them into His Kingdom. enter His gates, Kingdom, with thanksgiving, enter His Court, home, with praise. looking forward to seeing my bta friends together at home in the Court,home, of Dad.

    i am praying that we would be able to communicate the wisdom and power of God to our family and communities so they would be able to see the hidden treasure that would compel them to sell all they have and purchase this treasure. i remind my bta friends it takes time to sell off all you have to meet the demands of the price. praying the work begins and will be completed to the glory of God. God’s grace and peace be with you.

  88. street says:

    jeff said,”I cannot fully understand what God is doing in the world, faith comes down to trusting God, and for me personally when I get confused because it seems God has forsaken this world, then Christ is the evidence of His love for me and this world.”

    dear jeff, fear and darkness can cause confusion and misunderstandings. it will not stop the love that is between a Father and His child. nor will it stop the child’s growth.

    as for the world and the ruler of this world, they have been judged. God in His wisdom has delayed sentence till the harvest is completed. then the angles will be sent out with instructions. we have different instructions. and He has given us a Helper, it was a very good thing that Jesus went away. looking for His return. He never disappoints.

  89. joycemb says:

    Street thank you, your words to jeff are particularly comforting to me today.

  90. poohpity says:

    street, I do not think it is like Job’s three friends and their accusations and assumptions about Job being in the situation he was in due to whatever their reasoning was. I was thinking more of it as like what happened after the fall in the Garden of Eden when rebellion entered the world and interfered with the paradise kingdom of God walking with His creation. That will happen again one day when we are in heaven and the new Jerusalem that is spoken of in Rev when there will be no more tears, suffering or pain but until then we live in a sin infested world.

  91. narrowpathseeker says:

    Maru, Steve, I just read about your brothers and their similar dilemmas. I hope that by sharing an incident(miracle actually)that I experienced over 30 years ago, I can give you a little lift.

    As I waiting for traffic to pull out on to the main road to work, a co-worker went by and waved…I pulled out directly after he passed. When I got to an intersection which at the time consisted of a relatively narrow regular 2 lane road intersecting with two old narrow backroads, there was a large blue van stopped at the green light waiting to make a left hand turn. On the right was a car waiting for me to pass to make a right hand turn. I had plenty enough room to pass the van safely, but not enough room to avoid anything that should cross my path. I was doing about 45-50mph when an oncoming car that could not see anything past the van made a left hand turn in front of me… there was absolutely nothing I could do…I had about a second or slightly more till I collided with this car…YET all that transpired from the time I saw that car had to take at least 20 seconds or more!! That alone can’t be explained. First there was FEAR…a lump in my throat and I said out loud and quickly…something like, “In the name of Christ Jesus, forgive me my many sins, have mercy on me…here I come” A comforting warmth came over me that I can’t begin to explain and I closed me eyes and waited to die I remember the steering wheel turning back and forth…like a little child pretending to drive..but while my hands were on the steering wheel, I was not moving it. I remember thinking I must be air born, but I had not felt nor heard any collision. When I opened my eyes I was maybe 100 ft down the road and there was not a vehicle anywhere near the intersection. THEN I began to shake and by the time I got to work I had convinced myself that I was hallucinating and was losing my mind. BUT, the Lord made sure He took care of that too as He had a co-worker in front of me that SAW the car turn in front of me. He immediately pulled over to turnaround to come back to do whatever he could to help so he didn’t see HOW I got through it but he DID see that it HAPPENED and I wasn’t hallucinating. The point is, had I collided with that car and died, God turned a second into enough time to talk to Him and prepare for leaving this world or at least that is the way I saw it. Anyway, I hope it helps.

  92. narrowpathseeker says:

    PS…Maru….I am believing that in praying for your brother that even if you never witness any change that the Lord may work something out with him in that last second unbeknown to anyone else.

  93. poohpity says:

    When Satan with his evil no longer access in the world to tempt us to go away from God and is put into the fiery pit. With understanding don’t you think then people will not blame God for allowing the evil in the world but know it has come from the choices mankind has made that excluded God from their lives.

  94. remarutho says:

    Thank-you, Narrow & all Prayer Warriors here —

    Prayer is the powerful, unmeasured propulsion by which God the Holy Spirit moves into circumstances. Wonders are wrought in just that few seconds you describe, Narrow!

    Will rest easier tonight. Thanks for all who are called to pray & who joyfully follow through!


  95. bubbles says:

    Mari, I wil pray. Thank you for praying. I ate today and paperwork is more under control.

  96. bubbles says:

    Maru. Autocorrect is acting up

  97. Regina says:

    Good Evening, All
    Pray all is well in your lives… Steve said, “Like you Maru I have seen far too much grief and heartache in the world to judge another for their apparent disbelief. In fact I think the more vocal and disagreement in the surrender to God stems from disappointment in believing to begin with. In an odd way their anger at God for their situation shows a very strong belief. Their logic being how a loving God could allow so much pain.

    Can definitely relate to this sentiment, Steve & Maru, especially the last two sentences…

    A question we all cover up with blind trust, blind to all we see in favor of what we “hope” for and see hidden in Christ.

    Certainly I will pray for your brother and all that need that miracle of peace that comes from God.”

    Maru, I also pray that (one day soon) your brother will desire a relationship with Jesus…

    Light Spring rain and 68 degrees in my neck of the woods…

    Love to all,

  98. remarutho says:

    Thanks to Bubbles, Regina & All —

    Prayers so welcome. We can only trust in Jesus and entrust our loved ones to Him. My brother stops me when I tell him about all the mighty works of God in Christ.

    As you point out, Steve, all the anger and frustration built up in a troubled mind and heart is still a cry for God’s intervention and comfort. May the Holy Spirit supply what is needed for faith in Jesus!

    As the Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans:

    “For the Scripture says, ‘Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed.’ For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; for ‘Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.'”

    It seems to me the Kingdom of God gets traction in lives beyond what any Jesus-follower can say or do. It may be that our most important work is praying.

    43F and cloudy here

  99. poohpity says:

    Amen Maru! Prayer is stepping aside and asking for God’s help. It shows our surrender, our faith and activates God’s armor. It is our daily communication with our God and our kind of kingdom.

  100. SFDBWV says:

    Pearl I think the real life experiences we all have encountered with our Lord makes for the best reading here. Not that there is anything wrong with quoting Bible, but living Bible makes for a better witness of us and of our faith walk. Thank you for your story.

    It is the same for me when it comes to this subject of “Our Kind of Kingdom.”

    With the election process we have all suffered these past several months it is overly obvious that in spite of our best efforts to create an ideal Government we will never be able to produce an ideal candidate.

    However when the kingdom of God enters us, we can begin to live the kingdom life as outlined in the “beatitudes” and given in so much of the kingdom language and examples given by Jesus.

    No it won’t be perfect yet because we aren’t perfected yet, it all comes with a process that is finished when we are there with Christ in the final hours of this story.

    I have an amazing bird story to share later that has little to do with this or any of our subjects, just that it was exciting and quite memorable.

    It was 22 this morning under clear skies and 37 as I send this out to BTA.


  101. street says:

    steve said,”Pearl I think the real life experiences we all have encountered with our Lord makes for the best reading here. Not that there is anything wrong with quoting Bible, but living Bible makes for a better witness of us and of our faith walk. Thank you for your story.”

    steve you are quite correct in that a living Bible makes for the best reading in the world. i would also have to go on to say that we would not be able to make heads or tails out of anything without it. for in it is the revelation of God.

    i also think of the command to be Holy for I AM Holy.
    thinking the only way i could be Holy and stay Holy is to be in Christ. the Holy Spirit assures us this will happen. dear children keep your selves from idols. yes this is a 21’st century problem too.
    oh an idol is anything that stands between you and Jesus.

  102. poohpity says:

    street said, ” i would also have to go on to say that we would not be able to make heads or tails out of anything without it. for in it is the revelation of God.” I so agree, Amen!!!!!

    How would we be able to discern that which comes from God with what does not? How would we know the will of God or how would we learn about His kingdom without it? The necessity of the bible is the reason it has lasted over thousands of years and will continue to be needed for anyone who loves God and wants to grow in a relationship with Him. It is what every sermon is based on, every book that is written about it and it fills our minds with what is good and right while pushing out the garbage that often fills our thoughts from the world around us. Most importantly it is a desire that God places in the hearts of anyone seeking and searching for God. It is God’s history book.

    You can learn the difference in worldly thinking and in the Kind of Kingdom we long for. But no one knows that if they do not long to hear from God and they normally will make the bible as something repulsive which is exactly what the prince of this world wants for his kingdom.

  103. cbrown says:

    Pooh, like you I love the living Word of God and like Steve I know that it changes lives. I love to hear how powerful God is today.

  104. jeff1 says:

    My father did not read his bible but like myself listened to the stories of the main characters of the bible.

    I disagree that you have to know your bible to know God for God speaks to the heat of man.

    You may be destined to know God through the bible but God makes a way to communicate with us when we do not have the knowledge of the bible.

    I was taught to trust in the bible and where I find scholars like on the ‘Day of Discovery’ sight I listen and trust but I have seen in my own Country how the bible in the wrong hands can do a lot of damage.

    I must desire to know God’s will from the bible but too many take their own will and align it with their beliefs and confuse the word of God.

    The bible is not repulsive but those who believe that the bible said something it did not use it to justify repulsive behaviour.

    Many unbelievers today question how there are so many different interpretation’s of it showing that man takes what he wants from it.

    A personal relationship with Jesus will change the person because they are changed from the creature the have become and the bible is no substitute for God transforming me to become what He wants me to be.

    My desire should be to allow God’s will to be my will because I can trust Him while I cannot trust in my own understanding.

    I, self, stands in Jesus’s way until God transforms me to His image.

  105. narrowpathseeker says:

    This morning when I reread the Kingdom topic, the thoughts that kept taking over all other thoughts were that of “nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom” Just here in our own nation of the USA we have, countless kingdoms against one another and within those kingdoms are even more divisions…we have Black, White, Police, Women, Homosexual, Hispanic, Religious, Regional, Political, and too many more too numerous to remember and list. Some are claiming perpetual victim status and/or fighting for superior rights.

    It seems to me that in the forefront of those divisions is the Religious kingdom and within that is the Christian Kingdom which seems to be more divided than any other and even those divisions suffer countless more divisions. The only thing I am fairly certain of is that the Kingdom of God is FAR from being like any earthly kingdom.

    I say fairly certain because whenever I try to sort out right from wrong, good from bad, smart from dumb, loving from hateful among all the information pertaining to any particular circumstance, it is mentally exhausting. I am soon reminded of 1 Corinthians 8:1-2

  106. poohpity says:

    Yes it is a personal relationship with God and His work within us that causes a transformation. What book is it that you think the people of “Day Of Discovery” use or read? Yes people do misuse the bible for many reasons but that is no excuse because of what they do with it for one not to follow the Lord’s leading to read it. People have given their lives to get the bible into the hands of people who long for just one page of it and then the many who have lost their lives to translate it into every language group.

    The bible is used to transform thinking since it is God’s inspired word it has meaning and purpose because it comes from God. It is not something anyone can force or demand another to do, it comes from a desire. Some people like to be fed and some people like to feed themselves.

    The saddest part is it is the people who do not read it that have the most negative and derogatory things to say about it, who misuse and misconstrue what is in it when they do not even know. Those usually are the one’s also that characterize God falsely.

  107. narrowpathseeker says:

    I think I need to examine myself all the day long to see if I am seeking to learn God’s ways to act on them in the hope of rising above myself and becoming more Christlike or am I seeking to “puff” myself up and think myself superior to others with less “knowledge”. Sometimes it is very hard to be humble when subjected to our fellow self puffer uppers. Again, that is why asking for Mercy on us all is one of my foremost Requests in prayer.

  108. poohpity says:

    In the last days many false teachers will come and their deception will not be easy to spot or it would not be deception to lead many astray and unless one is grounded in truth they will never know. What does one go to for sorting through all the things that we are fed everyday, all around us if it is not the bible.

  109. poohpity says:

    Reading the bible, narrow, is not a means to be puffed up because it is available to everyone, in almost every language so how can one be pride filled about it? Only narrow minded people would accuse others of such a thing. Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe one may be encouraging and sharing that it is worth the time to read it. Maybe those who’s thoughts are evil only look for the evil in others.

  110. joycemb says:

    I agree Pearl the mercy prayer is at the top of my prayer list also daily even hourly at times. I think the more we take heed to the Kingdom of God the smaller the “things of the earth” become (to quote a favored song).

  111. joycemb says:

    As far as being “puffed up” about reading the Bible yes, even Satan knows scripture, the proudest of them all. And we can be so easily deceived at times. But thanks to the Spirit we are not destroyed.

  112. joycemb says:

    Viv I’m glad you are finding Day of Discovery to be helpful. I used to watch it on tv years ago and always felt uplifted and joyful after watching. Thanks be to God that you are seeking to grow in your faith, in spite of or maybe even because of your circumstances.

  113. narrowpathseeker says:

    Pooh, many years ago, when I was VERY full of myself as opposed to now still being somewhat full of myself)a J W who happened to be my supervisor responded to my self righteousness in my question, “How am I going to do that?” He answered, “Humble yourself my dear, HUMBLE YOURSELF!” I was convicted and in a short period of time I became close friends with a co-worker I thought was far beneath me. I EXAMINED myself…..and in my previous post I wrote of examining MYSELF… Could it be that you recognized yourself in my self examination but choose to deflate me instead of yourself? Maybe you could try the humbling yourself process. You may be happily surprised at the result

  114. narrowpathseeker says:

    Joyce, thank you.

  115. joycemb says:

    Pearl the scripture “I am crucified with Christ. nevertheless I live, yet NOT I but Christ lives in me” comes to mind and especially after reading My Utmost today. You are on the right journey as are we all. I think it really takes a lifetime to die to self and let God have control of us. Reading about Jesus’ life on earth teaches and challenges those things in me that are hard to give up. There’s no fast-track to holiness, is there….

  116. poohpity says:

    narrow, if I misunderstood that your “puffed up” statement was not directed towards me then I totally apologize for the misunderstanding. Will you forgive me?

  117. narrowpathseeker says:

    Joyce, if there is a fast track….I have not found it. :-) Need to run…just found out that my great grand niece died last night…she was down syndrome, had a bad heart and then Cancer…she was a teenager. She had been doing well and it was quite unexpected I guess.

  118. joycemb says:

    Pearl so sad to hear of death at such a young age. Will be praying for you all.

  119. jeff1 says:

    Pooh your post 14 April 8.11 am

    I know it is the Bible the ‘Day of Discovery’ team use but the point I was making is that I trust their interpretation where I do not trust others nor would I trust my own if I were to read it.

    I said you may be destined to read the Bible but my father who was a righteous man did not study the Bible but morally walked the walk.

    There where people I knew who fed themselves and then took their own understanding which was not Christ focused and talked the talk but did not walk the walk.

    There are too many interpretations today and I am thankful that God directed me to ‘Day of Discovery’.

    It is a choice whether or not to read the Bible but since I have had a bad experience in life of people claiming to know God’s truth while they were really following their own understanding I will continue to let the Discovery team feed me and be thankful that God finds other ways for us to communicate with Him.

  120. jeff1 says:

    Thank you Joyce for your post. Watching it as helped me to trust God again for I had become despairing seeing so many interpreting to their understanding which was coming down to avenge your enemies.

    I knew my heart was wrong when I wanted vengeance because my father had taught me the difference between right and wrong but I had not realized that so many did not know the difference.

    Hatred hardens hearts and I know that is true but God can soften them again but I have to allow Him to.

    There is still much hatred in my Country so the battle is in my head but God is in my heart and I believe He will not let go of me and I will not listen to those who say different.

    Narrow, sorry to hear of your great grand niece. Do not know any down syndrome but have seen them on television and they have a really nice nature. She is so young to have come through so much and it is a time like this that I realize how I can be so ungrateful.

    Parting is not easy when we care but knowing that she will be going to a Heavenly place makes the parting so much more comforting. God Bless All.

  121. narrowpathseeker says:

    Pooh, it was very heartwarming to read your humble apology and request for forgiveness. You are most certainly forgiven and thank you for making my day.

  122. narrowpathseeker says:

    Years ago I had two crow friends that would come when I went outside and “cawed” like a crow. They would land on my arm and take chicken from my hands. Funny story was one time when I wanted to show one of my sons how this worked, I was outside “cawing” and no one was coming…my son thought I had lost my mind….I kept cawing louder and he looked like he was going to cry…tried to get me to go in the house with him….THEN the crows came, landed on my arm and ate the chicken!!! Even today he will say that he was never so glad to see a crow!!! Well today I have finally got a NC crow to come take the suet pellets I buy for them while I sat just 3 feet from them.. They usually come to the deck and caw and wait for me to come out and fly to a nearby branch…I talk to them and tell them to come get it but they wait for me to go inside….TODAY I said…come and get it and he came while I was still there!! I love it…won’t be long now!! God entertains us daily with His critters!!

  123. joycemb says:

    I love your Crow story Pearl!

  124. street says:

    dear bta freinds, been thinking about your comments and some thought come to mind. in approaching the Bible…what we receive is determined before we start reading. if we approach as if we are alive we will leave dead because we didn’t understand we have no life in ourselves. we come to the Bible or God because He is life and alive, there is no life apart from Him. think about that people running around saying they are christians, and they are dead. the Bible calls them pharisees. don’t try to figure out which ones are and which ones are not. nicodemus and Joseph of arimathea would trip you up. remember the grace and mercy you received and give generously to others.

    15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.

    All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

    thinking it’s teaching for us not our contemporaries. the time will come after we get the board out of our eye then we will be put into service.

    32 Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.

    33 “Sell your possessions and give to charity; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near nor moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

    thinking the making yourselves money belts is making my heart and mind a vessel of true treasure, God Word and His Spirit. this also could be the diligent part. having fun with in season and out of season.

    thinking further….Love Joy Peace….we were not put here for success or pleasure, we were put here for Love Joy and Peace. may you find your all in all in Him. after you find this may you turn your heart to what He loves. patients kindness goodness…..faithfulness gentleness self control. in other words love your enemies. love makes away.

  125. SFDBWV says:

    Pearl We are very saddened to hear of your great grand niece’s death. Death is never welcome nor is it without sorrow.

    Our heartfelt prayers and sympathy for your family at this time.

    Steve, Matt and Glenna.

  126. joycemb says:

    Viv I was trying to imagine what it would be like to grow up in a culture that used the bible as an excuse to kill each other. I can’t but your caution about reading the bible sure make sense to me. The God that I experienced growing up was cunning, crafty, demanding of the impossible and saw every evil thought I had. Mercy was never in any of my families’ vocabulary. It was all about the strongest being the one you had to respect with undying love; born out of sheer terror.

    For some reason God chose to touch me personally, a touch that changed my perceptions of who He really was forever. I had, however, been seeking Him out since I was a little girl; always praying that He would change my family so they would just love me and stop hurting me.

    It seemed to take many years to have my prayers answered, but thinking of spending eternity with Him makes the journey all worth it. Unconditional love is amazing isn’t it! Love changes all things! To be loved and to love others is the greatest thing ever. All the other stuff is minor when looked through the lense of Love.

  127. oneg2dblu says:

    Narrow… Prayers for you, as God has a special gift awaiting those that mourn. They are blessed.
    May your grand niece also be blessed in her receiving her perfected new body, with no more tears, pain, or cancer.
    We can all rejoice in that promise, “Today, you will be with Me in Paradise.”
    Be Blessed, Gary

  128. SFDBWV says:

    My bird story is not nearly as heartwarming as Pearl’s. It was a rather startling few seconds of new territory.

    Our weather has been up and down for a few days now, but a couple evenings ago Glenna and I were setting in our swing on the back porch. My porch is double- deckered and the swing on the ground floor.

    The swing is directly in front of a window behind which is our computer desk inside the house. Matthew was setting ay the computer playing solitaire.

    Right to the right of the swing is the back door and entry into our kitchen. On around farther to the right and out of sight from the swing is our larger back yard and where I feed the critters.

    It was about 6:45 in the evening and as usual the feeding rock was covered with birds, probably 20 or so. Doves, blackbirds, cardinals, finches, chic-a-dee, and some others.

    All at once there was a great clamor of the flapping of wings from them all, as most of them flew around the house directly into the area of the swing. Slamming into the window behind us the outside wall of the house into the back door and even into the chains that hold up the swing. None flew into us but many came within inches of our faces and bodies.

    Within less than a foot from my face a blackbird hesitated just long enough to avoid hitting the chain and a hawk grabbed it dropped down about 2 feet and flew off with its evening meal.

    Matt was hollering and asking what was going on as he heard all the banging and thought someone was at the door.

    This all took only a few seconds, but a few seconds of experiencing a close encounter with the nitty gritty trials of life few ever see let alone are in the midst of.

    After the excitement calmed down I thought of how panicked the birds were being chased by the hawk. How they knew that their lives depended on out maneuvering and out running their predator. They are aware of death.

    I have over the years noticed that when suddenly there is nothing feeding or even in sight that there is usually either a hawk or a cat somewhere in the area and I begin looking to see if I can see it.

    So when alerted to there being a predator in the area they disappear until the threat is gone, but sometimes as I have seen the hawk or the cat will make a kill. I usually run off the cats, but the hawks stay up in the timber awaiting the right opportunity and I don’t interfere.

    But this was one of a kind moment and one I would not want to repeat too often.

    It also is to be remembered that with all the birds in a panic flying all around and straight at us not a single one flew into either Glenna or I.

    That’s our most current bird story, I hope all enjoyed it.


  129. oneg2dblu says:

    Here’s one of my bird stories…
    I can’t tell you how many times when I go out of my garage in the morning I am greeted by a Dove who usually is already busy cooing away.
    But, if he is being silent, or busy primping, I’ll happily start him up with my own version of his particular voicing and cadence, one high short whistle like blast, followed by three low resonating coo’s, which he never alters, and which always wakes him up and gets him going again.
    After a few back and forth exchanges, off he goes.

    Sometimes, I wonder if he enjoys it or finds it irritating?
    I know I always enjoy it… and even miss him if he is not there.
    All in all, like most animal encounters, it is always a blessing for me!

  130. joycemb says:

    Thanks Steve I did enjoy the story as with all your stories :-)


  131. joycemb says:

    Ah yes Gary I too have a wild pet of sorts that I look forward to seeing every day. In my apt I stuck a bird feeder high up on the window for the Chickadees to use. My squirrel pals can’t reach (on purpose as they empty it too fast) so I put sunflower seeds on the window ledge for them. If I forget they stand up and stare me down until I refill their personal stash. So funny to watch them! At first it was kind of entertaining to see them make giant leaps only to grab hold of the feeder then fall, or try to reach it from the top of the window and jump off trying. Quite the acrobats they are but I’ve got them beat; or do I when I feel guilty as they stare me down until I feed them again. Uh oh.

  132. narrowpathseeker says:

    Steve,I am in total agreement with Joyce as in… I love your bird story as well as all of your stories. God seems to entertain us all exceptionally well with His creatures, doesn’t He?

    Gary and Joyce…enjoyed your bird and critter stories too.

  133. jeff1 says:

    Yes, Joyce, Religion divides and there are no winners in war only losers. Love will triumph because it is God’s will and the next generation need love for they have seen enough of hate and what it does to people.

    I get over whelmed when I think of how God has brought me to my senses. Hate was consuming me but in my heart I knew it was wrong. I like many believed the way to beat my enemy was to kill them. My father always knew better because he was an intelligent man who had fought in the 2nd world war and understood the horror of it.

    No one listens to the voices of reason and nothing good comes out of one extreme trying to impose their will on the other but history repeats itself when we never learn from our past.

    I have found peace in my faith and hope that God touched me and He will touch others too and there will be a better world to come for God keeps His promises.

  134. street says:

    steve said,”After the excitement calmed down I thought of how panicked the birds were being chased by the hawk. How they knew that their lives depended on out maneuvering and out running their predator. They are aware of death.”

    our daily bread, “Dr. Connally’s pastor, Phil Christopher, said, “Every day for her is a gift.” He recalled a letter in which she wrote, “Every tour, trip, effort, I wonder if this will be my last and ultimate? Only God knows. And this is enough.”

    Psalm 118: 27 The Lord is God,
    and he has made his light shine on us.
    With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession
    up to the horns of the altar.

    Romans 12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

    sorrow and pain are real, hope is sure, though it tarry wait for it. may the joy of Christ sustain you.

  135. jeff1 says:

    Renewing of mind is difficult, so much evil around, it is the love of Christ sustains me.

    Peace in my heart knowing God’s will, will remain, while the rest will pass. God’s way not my way. Hallelujah the King lives! Joy to the world!

  136. narrowpathseeker says:

    Steve, Glenna, Matthew, Joyce, Vivian, Gary, and All, thank you for the prayers and condolences in the passing of my great grand niece Rayna. My heart aches for her parents who have sacrificed so much financially, physically, and emotionally to get her through this last year of chemo and treatments. The way I understand it is that she was done with it all and things were looking good and this was quite unexpected. They were visiting and were asked to leave the room…and that was it!! I heard that my grand nephew was begging her to come back…that makes me cry…I know that Rayna is at peace with no more pain, but prayers are needed for her Mom, Dad, brother and grandparents and great grandmother. Again, thank you so much for your prayers. PS I wrote a heartfelt thank you yesterday and thought it was posted but it is not here, so I apologize for the delay. May you ALL have a super Blessed day

  137. pegramsdell says:

    So sorry Pearl for your loss. Knowing her pain is over is comforting though, thank You Jesus! Praying for comfort to those who are left and missing her.

  138. jeff1 says:



    “Oh for the wings of a bird,” we cry,
    To carry us off to an untroubled sky
    Where we can dwell untouched by care
    And always be free as a bird in the air-
    But there is a legend that’s very old,
    Not often heard and seldom told,
    That once all birds were wingless, too,
    Unable to soar through the skies of blue-
    For, while their plumage was beautifully bright
    And their chirping songs were liltingly light,
    They, too, were powerless to fly
    Until one day when the Lord came by
    And laid at the feet of the singing birds
    Gossamer wings as He spoke these words:
    “Come take these burdens, so heavy now,
    But if you bear them you’ll learn somehow
    That as you wear them they’ll grow light
    And soon you can lift yourself into flight”-
    So folding the wings beneath their hearts,
    And after endless failures and starts,
    They lifted themselves and found with delight
    The wings that were heavy had grown so light-
    So let us, too, listen to God’s wise words,
    For we are much like the “wingless birds,”
    And if we would shoulder our daily trials
    And learn to wear them with sunny smiles
    We’d find they were wings that God had sent
    To lift us above our heart’s discontent-
    For the wings hat lift us out of despair
    Are made by God from the weight of care,
    So whenever you cry for “the wings of a bird”
    Remember this little legend you’ve heard
    And let God give you a heart that sings
    As He turns your burdens to “silver wings.”

  139. poohpity says:

    Viv, beautiful poem!

    Listen to my prayer, O God.
    Do not ignore my cry for help!
    Please listen and answer me,
    for I am overwhelmed by my troubles.
    My enemies shout at me,
    making loud and wicked threats.
    They bring trouble on me
    and angrily hunt me down.
    My heart pounds in my chest.
    The terror of death assaults me.
    Fear and trembling overwhelm me,
    and I can’t stop shaking.
    Oh, that I had wings like a dove;
    then I would fly away and rest!
    I would fly far away
    to the quiet of the wilderness.
    How quickly I would escape—
    far from this wild storm of hatred.

    Confuse them, Lord, and frustrate their plans,
    for I see violence and conflict in the city.
    Its walls are patrolled day and night against invaders,
    but the real danger is wickedness within the city.
    Everything is falling apart;
    threats and cheating are rampant in the streets.
    It is not an enemy who taunts me—
    I could bear that.
    It is not my foes who so arrogantly insult me—
    I could have hidden from them.
    Instead, it is you—my equal,
    my companion and close friend.
    What good fellowship we once enjoyed
    as we walked together to the house of God.
    Let death stalk my enemies;
    let the grave swallow them alive,
    for evil makes its home within them.

    But I will call on God,
    and the Lord will rescue me.
    Morning, noon, and night
    I cry out in my distress,
    and the Lord hears my voice.
    He ransoms me and keeps me safe
    from the battle waged against me,
    though many still oppose me.
    God, who has ruled forever,
    will hear me and humble them.
    For my enemies refuse to change their ways;
    they do not fear God.
    As for my companion, he betrayed his friends;
    he broke his promises.
    His words are as smooth as butter,
    but in his heart is war.
    His words are as soothing as lotion,
    but underneath are daggers!

    Give your burdens to the Lord,
    and he will take care of you.
    He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
    But you, O God, will send the wicked
    down to the pit of destruction.
    Murderers and liars will die young,
    but I am trusting you to save me. Psalm 55

  140. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    Back home again from travels to a conference. Enjoyed all the bird and animal stories! Thanks. It is both joyful and profound to consider those St. Francis considers our brothers and sisters.

    So sad for your family’s loss, Pearl. Rayna must have been a special treasure to all of you. Blessings as you grieve her loss — yet rejoice at her home-coming with the Lord.

    I will join the community here in celebrating the death and resurrection of Peggy, my friend who died of cancer last week. The service was delayed until tomorrow so distant family and friends could be here. Though she was much older than your great grand niece, Forever, she fought valiantly to live as long as possible. We miss her.

    Jesus does promise comfort for those who mourn (in His mountain-side sermon). May Jesus Himself comfort all who mourn today. My brother, Jack, sends thanks for the prayers on his behalf. He says he feels better. So the Kingdom of Christ comes near to our sad and lonely world.

    Joy all day,

  141. street says:

    dear jeff love the wings and burden story. thinking the yoke is what the Lord had in mind too. the light and easy yoke. the yoke is shared by two i believe. like compassion, shared suffering. two can not walk together unless they are in agreement. i also remember the government shall rest on His shoulder.

    Spirit and truth
    Love and godliness.

    He knows the way.

  142. street says:

    but a body you prepared for me;

    I have come to do your will, my God.’”

    He sets aside the first to establish the second.

    we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

    this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, 13 and since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool.

    14 For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.

    after that time, says the Lord.
    I will put my laws in their hearts,
    and I will write them on their minds.

    “Their sins and lawless acts
    I will remember no more.”

    these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary.

    definitly new kind of people and Kingdom. imagine when he returns, make hast to get ready. forgive the paraphrase of Hebrews 10:5-18 this is the way it spoke to me. your mileage may vary.

  143. SFDBWV says:

    When I was much younger I and a few other men in our community were the go to guys for being ask to be pall bearers.

    It was an honor and privilege to be so honored by the families of those who buried their loved ones to be a part of the service.

    I have over the years buried many friends and neighbors.

    I learned long ago to say as little as possible and just be there for whatever I could do to help.

    If you can imagine the best memories of these events were outside of the viewing room of the funeral home in the foyer where the men gathered to talk about the good old days and of course the lighter side of remembering the deceased. It was most often filled with laughter and stories about the person whose body lay in the coffin but whose memory was very much alive there among those who knew them.

    I have far too many stories of each and each will bring tears to my eyes to just tell of one. But all of them were people who helped shape me influenced me and helped me learn what it is to be human. Most importantly how important it is to be a friend to all who need one.

    Being human I can tell you a truth my great grandfather told my dad when he was young, “No one is ever dead as long as there is someone to remember them.” Which I suppose goes along with the statement at the grave of the Unknown Soldier, “Known but to God.”

    I too look forward to that day when there is no more sorrow, and God wipes away all tears.


  144. narrowpathseeker says:

    Steve, your story about the funerals and stories told outside the viewing room reminded me of my brother’s funeral. My brother was quite the character….different… quick tempered but well liked . A co worker for many years gave his eulogy …the place was packed and this man just telling true stories about my brother had the place roaring with laughter…it was fantastic and uplifting. I wish I had it on video!!

  145. joycemb says:

    Thinking of the kingdom, and death. I had a very vivid dream the other night about my now deceased ex-husband. Many many people prayed for his salvation for several years while we were still married and after. He never repented as far as I or my children are aware. But he was found dead of a heart attack in his recliner 3 years ago, having been dead a few days.

    In my dream he was singing worship songs to the Lord, as was I, and suddenly the Spirit of God touched him and I watched him physically transform, his hard heart softened, finally, and then we both continued praising and worshipping God. It was a most amazing dream. And it got me thinking about the kingdom and what it means to be ‘saved’. The song we were singing was new to me and I sang it throughout the morning. I thought of the Catholic belief in a purgatory where they believe some go to complete the sanctification process, if I’m remembering correctly. And as I thought of it, well, if there is then yippee! We can’t really know if people have accepted Christ’s redemption, can we? Now I am thinking the Kingdom may be a lot bigger than I’ve thought. Anyway, it was a dream but very significant to me.

  146. foreverblessed says:

    What a beautifull dream!
    What good to hear!
    It reminds me of a lady, whose son had been a Christian, but got into a depressed state for a long time, in the end he committed suicide. Some time after the funeral, the mother had a dream: she saw her son, kneeling on the ground, Christ appeared to him, and stretched His hand out to him. The son accepted the hand of Jesus and stood up, she saw the new life flowing through him.
    That dream was such a blessing for her!

  147. foreverblessed says:

    Yes the Kingdom is much bigger then we think. But it is God who is the Master of the universeel. Not man, neither our doctrines.
    The disciples had been wrong about the Kingdom. It did not appeared physically in their time. But it did in the spiritual sense: Christ among them!
    Or: Christ in you
    Col 1:27

    Street often talks about it: Christ must grow bigger in us!
    Hé must increase, I must decrease
    As John the Baptist said

  148. foreverblessed says:

    God at eventide of April is speaking very much to me.
    On April 9:
    A further progress-step in My Kingdom is:
    If you, by the Spirit mortify the flesh.
    That is a risen body!
    A risen body, now already!
    But it takes a long disciplining process, after we started with Christ.
    Think of how much we could do in the Kingdom, if we have subdued our own body, our desires,
    We must remove the beam out of our own eye! that is the mortifying of the flesh.
    Our eyes fixed on Jesus, and working on disciplining our old self, and we will be mighty workers in His Kingdom.

  149. foreverblessed says:

    And, by the way, working on bringing our old man in subjection, through the Spirit, a great working ground is participating in a christian blog! See what reactions come up in yourself, and lay them beside the reaction of the Holy Spirit,
    and there you go…. Go to Jesus and give Him your old reactions.
    The work of the Cross is Basic in the Kingdom work.
    And we come away from the Cross and live in a resurrection Life, His Life in us!

  150. SFDBWV says:

    Joyce I have had so many dreams of the like you have shared with us, I could go on and on.

    However having been given both the gift of time as well as the gift of discernment, I can testify that as Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet act 1, “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than dreamt of in your philosophy.”

    God; life is bigger than we can imagine. We are only given a glimpse and place in it for a very short time.

    The peace your dream gives you helps you, a vison God has shared with you that is both healing and encouraging as well as a glimpse of the unseen kingdom that surrounds us.

    Meditate, share and give thanks that God knows the exact right time to work in us such things, when we are ready to receive them.

    28 degrees this morning under a starry sky as the first light of morning is beginning to appear.


  151. poohpity says:

    One day the Pharisees asked Jesus, “When will the Kingdom of God come?”

    Jesus replied, “The Kingdom of God can’t be detected by visible signs. You won’t be able to say, ‘Here it is!’ or ‘It’s over there!’ For the Kingdom of God is already among you.”

  152. poohpity says:

    If we are longing for the Kingdom of God then proclaiming the good news of that Kingdom seems to be of utmost urgency in a believer’s life as they follow Jesus’ example(Luke 8:1). The more we tell, the more will hear and the more that hear, the closer it is to being formed here and now in hopes of it’s final establishment. (Matt 24:14)

    The more that kind of kingdom resides in our hearts and minds, the more we will want to share it with others. But we first have to meet and spend time with Jesus so that kind of kingdom permeates our very being as we grow in that relationship then it becomes a priority to let others know the secrets of the kingdom of our God. The more you know the more God will open our eyes to a further understanding. (Matt 13:11-12)

  153. street says:

    Lamentations 2
    [10] The elders of Daughter Zion sit on the ground in silence; they have sprinkled dust on their heads and put on sackcloth. The young women of Jerusalem have bowed their heads to the ground. [11] My eyes fail from weeping, I am in torment within; my heart is poured out on the ground because my people are destroyed, because children and infants faint in the streets of the city. [12] They say to their mothers, “Where is bread and wine?” as they faint like the wounded in the streets of the city, as their lives ebb away in their mothers’ arms. [13] What can I say for you? With what can I compare you, Daughter Jerusalem? To what can I liken you, that I may comfort you, Virgin Daughter Zion? Your wound is as deep as the sea. Who can heal you? [14] The visions of your prophets were false and worthless; they did not expose your sin to ward off your captivity. The prophecies they gave you were false and misleading.

    The visions of your prophets were false and worthless; they did not expose your sin to ward off your captivity.
    Luke 18:13
    1 Samuel 3:10

  154. foreverblessed says:

    They did not to expose your sin…
    Christian blogs are difficult, so much arguing.
    I believe that is one of the sins of christians! The reacting out of the old man. The old man unleashed.
    Instead of crucifying the old man, that is taking our hurt feelings to the Cross, ( we need not deny them, but take everything that honderd us to the Cross, and ask from Jesus the feelings of the Spirit: peace, calmness, joy, love, Patience is a good one, forbearance) we react out of the old man.

    We have Jesus as our Example: He kept silent when He was treated unfairly! His body He had in total subjection.
    (See God at eventide, April 10)
    That’s our Example, and more than that: He is in us, Christ in us, the hope of Glory.
    And Glory is all the characteristics of the Spirit:
    Gal 5:22-23
    Gal 5:24-26

  155. foreverblessed says:

    Take everything that hinders us to the Cross
    ( not honderd, that is hundred in Dutch)

  156. street says:

    take all to the cross, hold nothing back.
    sell all you have to buy the treasure hidden in a field.

  157. street says:

    thinking made alive to God through the blood of Jesus. before Christ, i was dead to God.
    now that Christ is alive i am forever alive to God.
    the wisdom and power, Gospel, of God secure my life in Him, the Holy Spirit testifies of Christ and my sin. i am in agreement with God, therefor i walk by faith in Him not myself. i must deny myself take up my cross and follow Him. sounds like being yoked to someone who loves you very much. He must increase i must decrease.

  158. joycemb says:

    Dear street, don’t you know that the heart wants what the heart wants? Of course you do, but we know that “The heart is deceitful above all things”.

    Thank you for caring enough to confront.

  159. oneg2dblu says:

    joyce… thanks for recognizing that all controversy or arguments here, are not always from the old man position, but, can also be from the heart of concern and love found in the new man in Christ.
    As the new man with his renewed mind, should have a renewed heart designed for caring about God’s people in all things.
    So, the speck and the log should really just be left at the door, or at the cross so to speak, and not brought into the room for every confrontation.
    Just thinking…

  160. oneg2dblu says:

    As David’s heart was for God…

  161. street says:

    joycemb said,”don’t you know that the heart wants what the heart wants? Of course you do, but we know that “The heart is deceitful above all things”.

    yes joyce, the fun part is wanting to be crucified daily. when we do that the darkness and deceit fade away and the light shines unhindered. even abiding in the light we still need God’s Love Grace and Mercy. He changes not. He is our comfort. there is comfort in the wisdom and power of godly Love. yes david’s heart is for God and God’s heart is for david. the story is not over. neither is life. eternal life.

  162. joycemb says:

    Street you mention “the fun part is wanting to be crucified daily”. Why is it so hard if we are in love with Jesus? The heart likes to hide the truth of its filthiness, I think we should keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and let Him deal with our hearts. I sense joy all day and night when we trust Him to do what we cannot do in and of ourselves.

    God bless you on your journey as He has on mine also.

  163. street says:

    the “fun” part really isn’t fun, in a sense it’s a challenge that our flesh is constantly used as a foothold for the devil. it really is a Spiritual warfare. fun in the sense the war is over, difficult in knowing there are battles ahead. thinking we are victors and eye witnesses to this battle going on. paul talks about not getting tangled up in sin or in this world that is passing away. God is training us to conform to the image of His Son.

    been thinking of this cross is like a yoke that Jesus calls us to share. it’s a yoke He refused to give up. sure the sin is done away with at the cross,but the yoke of His love remains.

  164. joycemb says:

    Yes so good to be yoked with Jesus as we traverse this troubling world!

  165. joycemb says:

    Gary I think sometimes we read things into something that was not intended to be there. Difficult being a global blog with so many different cultures, experiences, and stages of growth.

  166. foreverblessed says:

    In church yesterday, we had a sermon on Galatians.
    We struggle in our christian life, the constant attacks, either of our flesh being tempted, or other wise thoughts of doubt enter in,” are we good enough?” Questions: how to go on, I keep missing the mark.

    But we were called to be free, free in Christ!

    Christ has carried all our sins, depression, shortcomings and worries on the Cross. He embraces us in our sins, worries, while hanging on the Cross, a close embraces, and He takes over our sins, and…. and the Father leaves Him, all alone He cries out in despair: where are You Lord? And no answer, silence! All the Psalms must Have gone through His mind, where the Psalmist asks, where are You God, why does it take You so long to come to my aid? But God remains silent. Then, while being abandoned, He still cries out: “Father, in your Hands I commit my Spirit” He did not lose his faith in God, and He dies!
    And as we are in het embrace with Him on the Cross, we die with Him.

    I struggle, and I forget that Jesus has struggled with my battles. I struggle on my own, instead of going with my load, my doubts, my worries to the Cross. Jesus embraces me IN my sins. I want to get rid of the load, and then come to Him. I do not use the Cross as it was meant to be used.
    In Love He embraces me, and my sins He takes over and dies to them, and I die with Him. And as Jesus was resurrected from the dead, I am brought to Life with Him, and I am now His.
    Gal 4:4-7,
    Gal 5:5 now by faith through the Spirit we await the righteousness for which we hope.
    For in Christ, circumcision or uncircumcision has ane value, the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

    That last verse is a good one for the next topic

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