Laughter can be a wonderful gift… full of wonder, joy…sometimes foolish, sometimes cruel.
In a dark season of life, Solomon sensed there is a time to laugh…
Modern science and medicine might lead us to believe that, for all of the benefits observed and measured, we were made to laugh— for our own health, and the good of others.
Sarah laughed. When the Lord asked Abraham why she had laughed, she said she didn’t laugh, to which the LORD replied, “yes you did laugh.” Later, she said the LORD made her laugh (Gen 18:11-15) (Gen 21:6).
Abraham and Sarah must have had more than a smile in their eye when they eventually named the son of an old lady—and her old man— “laughter.” (Gen 21:3-6)
The story that follows shows that there is a time to laugh, a time to cry, and a God whose heart helps us look beyond our moments to Him…with more than a smile.