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DSC02468Can you imagine Jesus living the way we do?

What if his schedule wasn’t open enough to be spending time at the lakeshore with friends?

What if he didn’t have time to be alone, to pray, or to even to talk so much about what was important to him?

What if he had to do what we do? Do you think he might say, “I don’t know how you do it?”

Or would he find a way that escapes us at the moment?

Can we imagine what he would do— or what we would do— if we could exchange places with him?


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133 Responses to “Imagine”

  1. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    So happy for your news, Regina. And continue to hope for a good report from over your way, Bubbles.

    The post for this morning, Mart, has much to do with the struggle every reader of Scripture has in placing him/herself into the historical era(s) of the narratives. This could be a great conversation!

    One comment that occurs to me early on is this: God chose just the perfect place and time for Jesus to be born into human flesh.

    What would the world be like if the grace Jesus brings — and the moderating, gentling effect of the Holy Spirit’s presence were not operating in our time? I shudder to think of it.

    Apart from the considerations just mentioned, I imagine Jesus would make time to hang out with His friends — and to meet as many people as possible. I imagine He would not be wealthy or influential — and I wonder at age 30 what kind of on-line presence He would have — Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, blogging…Interesting to imagine…

    Joy all day,

    50F and clear in the valley this morning

  2. poohpity says:

    Back then it does not seem that there was a rush but more of a steady slow pace. I say that because they seem to walk and talk together most of the time. After the miracles started people then began to swarm Him not for who He was or His teaching but more so for what He could do for them. I wonder if that still isn’t the reason people come to Him? The lake shore then seemed to be more of a respite.

    He did not seem to miss that which was important, the people He came for. I love my Jesus but no I would not like to trade places with Him because He came to die, so that we can live this life and enjoy all that was made, well if one has the time.

  3. poohpity says:

    The other day as I was driving down one of the main roads there was a man sitting there on top of what looked like a cooler. Just sitting there no sign or not asking for anything and the tug on my heart was to stop and ask if there was something I could do for him but instead I drove past. That has been several weeks ago and it still haunts me because I would have stopped in the past but I am so concerned about me right now I missed the blessing. I imagine Jesus would have taken a moment out of His day to turn around and speak to Him. Even if it meant turning around and going out of His way but I failed in answering the call but I know He would have stopped.

  4. jeff1 says:

    I cannot think of Jesus living today as He would have been used to solace compared to the busy world of today.

    I find time to meet with friends and I believe Jesus would make time as it would be important to Him especially as He needs them to know what is happening in the world.

    He would take time to pray and be alone and talk about important matters as He did back then.

    I think Jesus would tell us we make life difficult for ourselves as that would be true of myself. I need to clean up my own back yard before I can clean up anyone else’s.

    If He had to do what we do He would do it so much better because He is highly intelligent and would see a way where I would not.

    I could not exchange places as I do not have His leadership qualities along with many other attributes He posses that I don’t.

    I need Jesus much more than He needs me because He has been a servant and knows what I do but I would be less then adequate at doing what He has to do.

  5. street says:

    Can you imagine Jesus living the way we do?
    nope….light has nothing in common with darkness.

    What if his schedule wasn’t open enough to be spending time at the lakeshore with friends?
    He was busy doing His Fathers will.

    What if he didn’t have time to be alone, to pray, or to even to talk so much about what was important to him?
    He had no time for darkness or emptiness.

    What if he had to do what we do? Do you think he might say, “I don’t know how you do it?”
    He did what we do, but turned His back on evil and carried my cross. need to learn how He did it.
    Son of Promise.

    Or would he find a way that escapes us at the moment?
    I will never leave you nor forsake you.

    Can we imagine what he would do— or what we would do— if we could exchange places with him?
    no i can not imagine what He would do…..i do know i need to die to self in order in order to be with Him. He gives life when we die to self. everything He gives is wonderful. full of wonder with no end. everything else comes to an end, wasn’t this eternal life He spoke of?

    [14] But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.

    who captivates your heart? He gives us new hearts.
    the flesh is in opposition to our new hearts. thinking our minds need to be renewed the heart is fine? looking forward to being mature in Christ. He is faithful.

  6. street says:

    You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. [3] You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. [4] Such confidence we have through Christ before God. [5] Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.

  7. bubbles says:

    Maru, Everything is ok. Thank you for praying. I was very afraid.

  8. remarutho says:

    Hey Bubbles —

    Glad to hear you are comfortable — or more comfortable now. God is good. May the Lord enfold you and keep you safe and free from fear — giving you hope in Jesus.

    Yours in Christ,

  9. SFDBWV says:

    When I read the topic this morning I smiled and laughed to myself. As this was one of those extreme days where every minute had to fit into the next in order to get all accomplished right up until this evening.

    Everything went well and I had not a moment to spare.

    I like I am sure many of you have a very busy life and oftimes very stressful.

    My first thoughts after reading Mart’s thoughts was that like Maru stated, Jesus the Jew was born at the exact time God wanted as it fit all of prophesy. Now if God wanted Jesus to be born into our time all of prophesy would have told a very different story. Just as the Book of Revelation tells of a very different world than that of the time of Jesus’ birth.

    There is a song out there that asks the question, “what if God were just like us?” Riding the bus setting on the park bench standing in line at the deli and so forth.

    I think the truth is that Jesus wants us to see all of us as if we were looking at and interacting with Him all the time, in the faces of everyone we see.

    In essence He *is* here right now among us as we live for Him in place for Him until his return.

    Like Maru, I believe the topic has good possibilities. I hope to help explore some ideas tomorrow morning, but for now it is the end of my day.


  10. street says:

    looking at the pic above and thinking, can you teach an old dog new life?

  11. poohpity says:

    No we can’t but Jesus has, does and will if one let’s Him!!

  12. bubbles says:

    Mari, there was a health concern. All is well. If it were to happen again it will be better. Thank you.

  13. street says:

    poo said,”No we can’t but Jesus has, does and will if one let’s Him!!”

    He makes gifts some can not refuse.

  14. SFDBWV says:

    “Christian”, Christ-like.

    Our responsibility to Jesus is to emulate His behavior and especially His attitude in all things.

    One of the many things written of Him that struck me was His willingness to go and help any who ask it of Him.

    He gave up His own “free” time always in order to help those who needed it of Him.

    Whereas God the Father still provides all I need, which includes the time I need, in order to accomplish His will in my life; Jesus who is credited with creating the universe and time itself, would have no problem “making” the time He needed for His and His Fathers will to be accomplished.

    I think that where Mart has named this subject “Imagine”, it could also be sub-titled “Aware” or “Awakened” as I think Jesus is in fact alive and living as we do and we should be about trying to live as He did here and now always.

    Like He explained to the Disciples that He is in the Father and the Father is in Him, the same is applied to us once we received the Holy Spirit as we are in Him and He is in us.

    Not only have we exchanged places with Him, we are simultaneously existing with Him together as we continue to live in whatever time in the saga of mankind on earth.

    Yesterday Matt had to get all of his morning exercise routines and shower accomplished early so that we could leave here for Morgantown by noon. As I had a six month checkup with my cardiologist. We had the entire day and every minute planed out and thankfully everything went according to plan. We had a wonderful day out and though exhausting, a good day without troubles of any kind.

    Just as we ask of from God.

    45 degrees and rain.


  15. narrowpathseeker says:

    Steve, I think you are one of the most Christ-like people I know. You take care of EVERYBODY and still find time to come here to inspire, teach, elate, and entertain us with exceptionally interesting stories and analogies.

    Others here are very Christ-like as well, but as far as I know, none have a plate as full and over running as yours in addition to being under the care of a cardiologist. All this makes your light shine brightly!!

  16. street says:

    Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

  17. poohpity says:

    If Jesus lived in our times today I believe He still would take that time to meet the needs of one person at a time and to share who He is by clarifying that the many things that the religious people have said about Him are not really what God is all about. I do not think that He would be welcomed into many church groups or by religious people especially when His teaching was contrary to self promotion and He would still be attacked by people who become defensive when He said things that prompted people to look within at their own hearts rather than others.

    I do not think He would have been involved with social media since it seemed that the touch of a human means so much more to people than talk.

  18. jeff1 says:

    I had a conversation with a man who was not of my religious denomination and we both where talking about if Jesus where on earth today. He said that sadly he believed that Jesus would face the same difficulties today as He did in ancient times and I wholehearted agree with him.

    Times change but people do not and Christ is as needed in this world today as He was back then but a younger generation are turning away from God because the religions of the world have failed to attract them to Him.

    The extreme religions who claim to represent God on earth are not an example of godly behavior and turn more away from God then they do attract people to Him.

    The good news is that the bible tells us that God knew this would happen and it does not change the fact that He is still in control of heaven and earth despite that men believes otherwise.

    I must focus on Jesus and His teaching to keep myself aware of His intentions or I too can get lost in the flow of hysteria that envelops this world.

    If it where not for Christ I too would be lost but I am among the blessed who is aware that Christ wants to save those who for whatever reason believe they are not worth His love and mercy.

  19. foreverblessed says:

    This topic reminds me of the exposition Oswald Chambers made on Gen 12:8, see my Utmost of Januari 6
    Abraham pitched his tents between Bethel and Ai.
    Bethel stands for fellowship with God, Ai stands for the world.
    In the life of Jesus:
    Worship- Waiting- Work
    were in complete harmony, so while He was working He was also worshipping.
    And that is a discipline that must be developed!

    In my town there is a 750 year old estate for single religieus women, not nuns, but devoted to God. There was an art exhibition lately, and it showed a film of women doing laundry while praying. Doing chores and meditating.
    It is not easy, but Jesus commanded us to do everything as if we did it for Him.

  20. foreverblessed says:

    But Mart us probably more regering to how much we do, and not how we do it, in a worshipping way.
    Maybe we could skip a lot of things that pack our days, and make them full.

  21. poohpity says:

    Do you think he might say, “I don’t know how you do it?” No I think Jesus might say, “What is it that motivates you in doing what you do or why do you do it?”

  22. street says:

    if “He” were here today?!?! ouch! i bet that one hurt the Godhead. we are yoked to Him, but are love for Him is weak or wanders. adversity in a way draws us back to Him. it’s good to cry out to Him, but better to worship and serve.
    i think the bond of the yoke is love.

  23. joycemb says:

    Jesus told Mary and Martha what was important. Luke 10:38-42

    I think things need to get done, but I also think Jesus is talking about what is our priority.

  24. joycemb says:

    And to what or Whom are we devoted to?

  25. joycemb says:

    Remembering also when Jesus said, “Get away from me, I never knew you,” after being told all the things they had done for Him.
    As street would say, “ouch”

  26. SFDBWV says:

    Ok I am just not sure what the drawing of the dog is all about relevant to our subject, but it does remind me of a few things.

    One of Chuck Missler’s commentaries gives the analogy saying that if we imagined a world where instead of people there were dogs at the top of the ladder, then imagine that the creator of all of the universe came to live on that planet for a period of time as a dog. However instead of being born as a Great Dane or some other grand breed of dog He was born as a Chihuahua. That being the humble Spirit of our creator.

    Often we have spoken of the unfailing love and loyalty of dogs as an example of how much better they are at being faithful, than us.

    Dogs aren’t spoken of in Scripture very highly, so maybe we should stop and think if they are a better example of showing loyalty and love where does that place us in that order?

    My friend Pearl tells me she and Frank have adopted an unwanted Rottweiler and rescued it from execution. And what a loveable and good pet it is for them. I want to tell a quick little story of one I knew some years ago if I may.

    Some friends at the time operated a small convenience store here in town and they had a giant big old Rottweiler that seemed to slobber all the time.

    Every time I came around that dog would come and set on my foot right up against me until I showed it some attention and loved him some before letting me leave. He was going to get you to love him even if it meant not letting you leave until you did.

    An example some of us could learn from.

    42 degrees and foggy.


  27. jeff1 says:

    My friend says I have an unrealistic image of heaven and it is true I have a child like view of heaven. There is an advertisement on television promoting cheese and it shows two angels sitting on clouds eating it and explaining how light the cheese is.

    I can not imagine heaven but my friend who has studied scripture understands the reality of heaven.

    She explains that heaven is actually here on earth though I cannot see it now but God will come to earth and live among His people.

    Thinking of this song of John Lennon’s and perhaps he had a dream of similar nature despite the fact that to many the fame and fortune that he had would be heaven here on earth.

    Imagine there’s no heaven
    It’s easy if you try
    No hell below us
    Above us only sky
    Imagine all the people
    Living for today…Aha-ah…

    Imagine there’s no countries
    It isn’t hard to do
    Nothing to kill or die for
    And no religion too
    Imagine all the people
    Living life in peace…You…

    You may say I’m a dreamer
    But I’m not the only one
    I hope someday you’ll join us
    And the world will be as one

    Imagine no possessions
    I wonder if you can
    No need for greed or hunger
    A brotherhood of man
    Imagine all the people
    Sharing all the world…You…

    You may say I’m a dreamer
    But I’m not the only one
    I hope someday you’ll join us
    And the world will be as one

  28. road1234 says:

    hmmm happy letting God be God and me be me not imagine tradin place dont know where to begin to be god

  29. poohpity says:

    I can imagine Jesus living in today’s time as He lived back then because the one thing about Jesus, He is the same no matter what century it is. He used parables to fit in with the agrarian culture of those days so He might use parables that would fit in with our capitalistic society but even the vast majority of them could even fit in no matter the culture or society because people remain the same.

    If He did not have time to pray, be alone or share what was important to Him we would not know very much about God or what we mean to God. Everything about Him seemed to have purpose, meaning and for a cause or goal. It seems He lived intentionally.

    Mart, I would guess we would have to know about how He lived His life on earth back then to even begin to imagine what it would be like in this day and time.

  30. poohpity says:

    “My Jesus”

    Which Jesus do you follow?
    Which Jesus do you serve?
    If Ephesians says to imitate Christ
    Why do you look so much like the world?

    ‘Cause my Jesus bled and died
    He spent His time with thieves and liars
    He loved the poor and accosted the arrogant
    So which one do you want to be?

    Blessed are the poor in spirit
    Or do we pray to be blessed with the wealth of this land?
    Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness
    Or do we ache for another taste of this world of shifting sand?

    ‘Cause my Jesus bled and died for my sins
    He spent His time with thieves and sluts and liars
    He loved the poor and accosted the rich
    So which one do you want to be?

    And who is this that you follow
    This picture of the American dream
    If Jesus was here would you walk right by on the other side
    Or fall down and worship at His holy feet? Holy, yeah

    Pretty blue eyes and curly brown hair and a clear complexion
    Is how you see Him as He dies for Your sins
    But the Word says He was battered and scarred
    Or did you miss that part?
    Sometimes I doubt we’d recognize Him

    ‘Cause my Jesus bled and died
    He spent His time with thieves and the least of these
    He loved the poor and accosted the comfortable
    So which one do you want to be?

    ‘Cause my Jesus would never be accepted in my church
    The blood and dirt on His feet might stain the carpet
    But He reaches for the hurting and despises the proud
    And I think He’d prefer Beale St. to the stained glass crowd
    And I know that He can hear me if I cry out loud

    I wanna be like my Jesus
    I wanna be like my Jesus
    I wanna be like my Jesus, yeah
    I wanna be like my Jesus, oh, oh, oh

    Not a poster child for American prosperity, but like my Jesus
    You see I’m tired of living for success and popularity
    I wanna be like my Jesus, but I’m not sure what that means
    To be like You Jesus

    ‘Cause You said to live like You, to love like You
    But then You died for me
    Can I be like You, Jesus?
    I wanna be like You, Jesus
    I wanna be like my Jesus

  31. street says:

    jeff said,”She explains that heaven is actually here on earth though I cannot see it now but God will come to earth and live among His people.”

    thinking of Heaven and Earth. some day i think they will be married. right now i think they are divorced because of sin. thinking husband “and” wife.

    thinking thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

    thinking further… the transfiguration God, Saints, and men together. i think God is living among people on earth, it’s just there not finished in an eternal state yet, but are eternal from what the Bible says.

    Lennon’s dream died. Jesus is still alive and will never die. He is coming back. wisdom and power of the cross are irrevocable. in other words God keeps His Promises.

  32. joycemb says:

    Steve you said, “Every time I came around that dog would come and set on my foot right up against me until I showed it some attention and loved him some before letting me leave. He was going to get you to love him even if it meant not letting you leave until you did.”

    I love that picture. It reminds me of the patience of God.

  33. jeff1 says:

    Street, While I don’t believe Lennon wrote it to reflect heaven I think if the world were like the words in the song then the world would look like a little bit of heaven instead of what it is.

    He noted that wars are about one country having power over another and there would be no hunger or greed if we learned to share instead of hoard for ourselves.

    Religions want to rule the world to their beliefs so he was thinking correctly when he said if their where no religion then there would be nothing to kill or die for.

    An idealistic view which is not realistic in this world but I share his desire for the world to come being of a similar type.

  34. road1234 says:

    Poof your song makes all being poor being good? dont think that being poor makes for good many sluts liars thieves arrogant people can be poor He spent time with them did he condone there ways think only when repented sorry and confessed.

  35. jeff1 says:

    I am thinking how those who do not believe in God see my beliefs as idealistic in viewing a world without pain, suffering and war which is my dream of what heaven will be like!

  36. street says:

    jeff don’t kid yourself…..there was a war in heaven and a third of the angels fell. many are reserved,Jude, in chains for judgment. even demons when confronted with Christ knew they could be judged and confined permanently at any time He chose to do so. lennon’s world came to a violent end, but we look to a world that is to come. a Kingdom where love rules in grace and truth. this garden will pass away and give way to an eternal state. even the millennial Kingdom will pass away to this New Heaven and New Earth.

    i think lennon was thief and a lier. he was like one who tried to get into the sheep fold another way. not by the gate. many people listen to the songs of this man, but can you honestly say he can compare to the song of the Gospel? the wisdom and power of God?

  37. street says:

    jeff thinking about war famine pestilence and death. people think these are caused by people and i guess you could say that is true. God says they are a result of evil or sin. they are also controlled by God’s sovereignty. He uses them to control and regulate His garden in order to produce the fruit He is looking for. the really interesting thing is the suffering of the innocent like job. he is the real monkey wrench in thinking about God. His ways are far past our human understanding. when it is past your understanding it’s time to pray for help. He will not withhold any good gift from His children. sometimes no is a really good gift.

  38. street says:

    jeff i hope people see your beliefs as Theistic and autonomous. far superior to the ignorance of man. the hard part is denying the self, taking up the cross and fallowing Jesus.

    i find it interesting that Christ Words ideas stories and instruction where so threatening that the leaders killed him. they did recognize His Authority in teaching and in driving out the merchants in the temple area in spite of the temple guards and gate keepers.

  39. street says:

    makes me think…. what would the world look like, from the view of a person, who walks with Jesus?

    i know abraham moses samual david jeremiah elijah were turned inside out and upside down when walking with God.
    will He do no less with us?

  40. street says:

    just read chambers devotional today. my thoughts turn to off subject. it’s 6 second sound bite, “Out of the wreck I rise” every time.” i was thinking in my car, while driving home from the store, about the way people drive. plotting them on a scale in my thoughts from 1 to 10. 1 would be an elderly sunday driver going home from church as careful as they can from physical impairments of life, mario andretti would be a 5 on the scale, and of course a 10 would be evil kenevil. no matter where you are at driving your car you need to look out for the others on the road, because they want to get where they are going too.

  41. poohpity says:

    road1234, Do arrogant or prideful people feel the need for help or in other words being poor in spirit? Look who Jesus spent time with in scripture weren’t they tax collectors, prostitutes, sick,etc. those in need by one way or another. The arrogant or the stain glassed crowd are more dependent on their own self righteousness/self sufficiency and most often do NOT think they need any help from anywhere much less confess their failures. I think that was what you were referring to, not real sure.

  42. jeff1 says:

    Street, my thoughts on Lennon are not relevant it is the song because I am a great lover of music and words mean a lot to me. What I am wondering is why Lennon choose the words he choose to write. I am thinking that he was seeing the world of the future when God reigns.

    I never was fond of the music of the Beatles or Lennon but this is the one song that caught my imagination because in it is a desire for a world that is peaceful, just and sharing and is very different to the world today.

    The modern world does not consider God and non believers do not even care what I believe, it is I who care about my beliefs.

    My son who does not share in my beliefs did say that I did behave better than other believers he had known and would consider me to be a godly person and that is what I try to be but struggle to do it when confronted with hostility of others.

    I agree that the hard part is following Jesus but my father was an example of a man who did it well and he told me that suffering was inevitable in this world and I know he came through a lot as his generation did but I never heard him mention it.

    My father just put his trust in God and accepted his difficulties and always was ready to help others in their’s and I was blessed to have had such an example in my life.

    I try not to judge others as I know many did not have an earthly father like I had and are indeed ignorant by their heritage.

  43. street says:

    jeff said,”I am thinking that he was seeing the world of the future when God reigns.”

    i think of the irony of the way lennon died. he was killed by a guy that wanted to be him. i wonder if lennon wanted to be God?

  44. road1234 says:

    Poof ment that song sounds like it s glorifying sluts liars thieves. dont think so. think only those that comfessed and were sorry and want turn around. pretty sure He didn’t like liars said satan was liars father. that s what i think. dont know what arrogant liars feel the need for

  45. poohpity says:

    No it is not glorifying sluts, liars or thieves. Those are the one’s Jesus came to save! He came to save sinners like me. When one realizes they are a sinner they seek forgiveness, mercy and grace. So it seems that maybe Todd Agnew’s song, “My Jesus” toad1234 may have been misunderstood.

  46. poohpity says:

    ooops not toad1234 but road1234 ;-)

  47. poohpity says:

    Jesus loves sinners that is why He did what He did on the Cross, not the sin but the sinners themselves. Arrogant people look down on others especially those who Jesus came for and loves. The song was saying that people who are full of themselves would not recognize Jesus if He came into their midst nor would they welcome Him into their churches.

  48. remarutho says:

    Good Evening All —

    It is night here, though getting to be morning or even midday whether other BTA folks are. 47F and cloudy over my way.

    Not sure why the tension over what Jesus has accomplished. It seems to me Jesus is, was and will be the Savior and Redeemer of all creation, time without end. Amen.

    Wondering myself whether Mart has titled this brief posting “Imagine” so that there will be a measure of freedom from ideological and semantic entanglement. :o)

    We here may only wonder about the time of history — the epoch in which Jesus lived his 30-odd years as a flesh and blood human. The Son of God has always been — along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. His Life has no beginning and no end.

    How would Jesus live in an era like ours? We can best answer by considering how we live in this electronic age of information. Jesus would do a superior job of living at any time in history. Time is only measured in the movement of the universe. Since He created all this, He remains Lord.

    Mart, you ask whether Jesus would say, “I don’t know how you do it.” How do you do it? Do you focus on your own corner of the world, and basically filter out the massive questions of justice and truth? Or, do you ponder the huge questions that only God can answer?

    You ask, Mart, “would he find a way that escapes us at the moment?” Am not sure Jesus found a way. He said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” He laid down his life to bring all creation back to its Creator.

    It seems to me we cannot do what Jesus did in the divine sense. I take the final question you ask, (“Can we imagine what he would do — or what we would do — if we could exchange places with him?”) to be a question about His time (1st c. AD) and ours (21st c. AD).

    Jesus is not a captive of time. He is said to sit at the right hand of God the Father in the heavenly realms. (These days I sometimes wonder whether He has just risen from His throne to come our way once more.)

    We humans are held closely in the movement of time. We escape time only by crossing the divide of death in the flesh. We say farewell to those who have done this — with every hope of greeting them again in eternity.

    But spiritually we can be born again — putting the old man or woman, boy or girl to death and rising to New Life in Christ. In this spiritual rebirth we do not exchange places with Jesus in time. Rather, He comes to abide and make His home within us, according to His promises.


  49. SFDBWV says:

    Very well spoken Maru.
    33 degrees and foggy.


  50. jeff1 says:

    Street, I personally believe that John Lennon was overwhelmed with his success as a working class lad from Liverpool might be at reaching the height of fame they did at the age they did.

    On the statement he made in 1966 he said that he was not implying that the Beatles where in any way greater or comparing them to Jesus Christ but what he was saying that at that time they had a bigger influence on the youth in England than Christianity or Jesus had at that time.

    He also admitted that he should not have said it but that some newspapers took it out of context and wrote it to say something he did not say.

    I will not speculate on whether he wanted to be God but understand from what I read that he believed in Jesus but not established Churches and admitted that it was Church hypocrites that put him off Church.

    I have read that it was his wife Yoko Ono who pulled him away from his faith before he was murdered in 1980.

    He was anything but perfect but last time I looked in the mirror I realized that neither am I but it is God’s love and mercy that transcends us and accepts us warts and all.

  51. road1234 says:

    poof, are the arrogant and prideful sinners? didnt Jesus come to save all sinners? is prideful and arrogant unforgivable? think not i was prideful arrogant jealous hateful thief liar and all the rest. you said >>>> Arrogant people look down on others especially those who Jesus came for and loves. <<<< isnt that saying He loves liars sluts and thieves only? sounds that way to me…seems like one of those looking down on the arrogant and prideful to me.and slut seems like a very vulgar word to me is that really sung in church with thqt word or is it harlot or prostitute?

  52. poohpity says:

    road1234, your misunderstanding of the song and the relevance of the wording would probably only be satisfied by the author. Each explanation I seem to give you gets twisted, attacked and words added so maybe go to the author and register your disgust with him. His name is Todd Agnew. Each time you write poof in reference to me is quiet rude as well. You remind me of our friend Gary who has this art of butchering what others write to fit his agenda.

    Words are words but thank you for the good example of what the song is saying.

  53. poohpity says:

    Quite rude not quiet, lol

  54. joycemb says:

    Good morning all,

    Yet Jesus came to save sinners, didn’t He. We all have our “agendas” I think unless we are humble enough to accept that imagining Heaven is often left to our damaged imaginations. We can’t even ask questions sometimes without being labeled a heretic in some circles. Closed minds are closed minds and so is healthy discussion. I’ve been my own worst enemy also. Learning and growth in grace have been my agenda. They open the mind to a world that Jesus showed us and that I strive to live in every day. Which is why I no longer allow what others say to upset or annoy me. Imagine that!

  55. poohpity says:

    I imagine that as Jesus did in the 1st century He would always to do things in a way that escapes us at the moment. His ways seem so topsy turvy to the way of the world and I do not think it would be any different now because after all that is what He has askes of us. He is alive now.

  56. joycemb says:

    Alive in us!

  57. joycemb says:

    The more dead self the more alive in us He is.

  58. jeff1 says:

    It is my lack of imagination that is difficult I cannot get my head around what I can get my heart around that Christ is alive in us!

    I agree Pooh Jesus’s way is very different to this world and why He is so misunderstood.

    Man for all his accomplishments cannot do what God has done and worse still he is still ignorant of the fact that he cannot.

    The lesson I have learned is that God knows man much better then man knows God.

    What a friend we have in Jesus,
    all our sins and griefs to bear!
    What a privilege to carry
    everything to God in prayer!
    O what peace we often forfeit,
    O what needless pain we bear,
    all because we do not carry
    everything to God in prayer!

    Have we trials and temptations?
    Is there trouble anywhere?
    We should never be discouraged;
    take it to the Lord in prayer!
    Can we find a friend so faithful
    who will all our sorrows share?
    Jesus knows our every weakness;
    take it to the Lord in prayer!

    Are we weak and heavy laden,
    cumbered with a load of care?
    Precious Savior, still our refuge—
    take it to the Lord in prayer!
    Do your friends despise, forsake you?
    Take it to the Lord in prayer!
    In His arms He’ll take and shield you;
    you wilt find a solace there.

  59. joycemb says:

    Jesus called the Pharisees “white washed tombs”. I think we are all tombs waiting to die. Jesus can’t live in a tomb, He’s alive!!!

  60. poohpity says:

    I believe He called them “whitewashed tombs” because they tried to look godly to those around them but inside their hearts were far away from the God they were supposed to represent. So far away they did not recognize Him as He stood right in front of them, that is what I imagine might happen to us today as well when we have a surface relationship with Him.

    ““Now listen to the explanation of the parable about the farmer planting seeds: 19 The seed that fell on the footpath represents those who hear the message about the Kingdom and don’t understand it. Then the evil one comes and snatches away the seed that was planted in their hearts. 20 The seed on the rocky soil represents those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy. 21 But since they don’t have deep roots, they don’t last long. They fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God’s word. 22 The seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God’s word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth, so no fruit is produced. 23 The seed that fell on good soil represents those who truly hear and understand God’s word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!” Matt 13:18-23 NLT

  61. joycemb says:

    My point is, we are all in need of grace!

  62. joycemb says:

    Imagine, how would Jesus address a Pharisee today? Would He scold them, or love them into receiving grace?

  63. street says:

    picking up on joycemb’s thread. asking the question when can i give up my hatred? when can i be free from the influence of evil? when can i have this abundant life?
    could the answer be when you love me with all your heart?

  64. joycemb says:

    Love Jesus enough to die for Him. Die to whatever comes between us and perfect love.

  65. poohpity says:

    I imagine that Jesus would treat the Pharisees the same as He did then. Anyone who pushes people away from God by demanding them to live in a way and under such bondage to something they themselves were unable to do was repeated several times in the epistles then as I would imagine it does now. Paul was a Pharisee so I would think that anyone that changes their ways to understanding God’s grace just like anyone of us when we change(repent) the direction we are going.

  66. joycemb says:

    Jesus loved Paul before he repented and changed.

  67. joycemb says:

    Jesus instead of saying ‘why are you killing my people’ said to Paul, “why are you fighting against Me?”

  68. joycemb says:

    Crucifixion makes all the difference between Jesus mission then and now for all of us.

  69. poohpity says:

    Jesus’ mission was to prove a love for ALL mankind, to show us God’s love for ALL mankind and the Holy Spirit is the same. All evil is against God. People can either chose to accept that love or to turn away from it. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. God seems to want all people to know of His great love for them but they have to make the choice to know of it or reject it.

    So if one knows God in which ever person that is in, it is all One God so there is not much we have to imagine but that does not mean we know or can fathom the extent, length, breathe, width or depth. But we can spend a lot of time growing in knowledge of Him and that time will be time well spent because the closer one gets to Him the more He changes our hearts and the more our desires become like His.

  70. jeff1 says:

    This dismissal prayer which we say after Holy Communion says it all that we are to be a living sacrifice in this world and follow in His way.

    Almighty God,
    we thank you for feeding us
    with the spiritual food
    of the body and blood of your Son Jesus Christ.
    Send us out in the power of your Spirit
    to live and work to your praise and glory. Amen

    The blessing

    The peace of God,
    which passes all understanding,
    keep your hearts and minds
    in the knowledge and love of God,
    and of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord;
    and the blessing of God Almighty,
    the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
    be with you and remain with you always. Amen.

    Go in peace to love and serve the Lord
    in the name of Christ. Amen.

  71. poohpity says:

    Beautiful and timeless. Thank you for sharing it.

  72. joycemb says:

    Street I’ve been thinking of your 2;41 post.

    I think we have to go ‘outside the camp” (world, sin, death) where Jesus went. He’s in us, in the physical world and battling sin-death. Yet He’s our only hope of escape. Abiding, following, rejecting the world’s ways/sin. We must do this consciously or be guilty as a Pharisee.

    I know there are a lot of holes here, but I’m too tired to flesh this out tonite. Besides, would take up too much space.

    Any more thoughts?

  73. joycemb says:

    One more thought..If, as some say, all my sins are forgiven then why worry about my actions? Can I sin again after being forgiven? And be forgiven again? I think yes. Communion, as Viv pointed our reminds us of the sacrifices we still need to make. Death to self.

  74. street says:

    thinking of the naked love of God displayed on a cross through the premeditated plan of God to give us a hope and peace in the mist of complete and utter sinfulness. knowing this kind of love is indeed painful. discovering this love is worth the risk. i have to say this kind of love is completely foreign to me.

  75. joycemb says:

    Ephesians 2.

    I think this kind of love is foreign to us all, street.

  76. poohpity says:

    Romans 6:1-2 NLT

  77. jeff1 says:

    Yes, it is foreign to me too I am more a faith and hope person but I truly believe those who love are closer to God and the reason I believe that is I seen that kind of love in my earthly father and I have seen it in others whom I would consider a more Godly person than myself.

    I should trust God to perfect me though and that means constantly focusing on the one who died for me and the example He set for me otherwise I should not call myself a follower or it takes away from God rather than exalts Him.

  78. SFDBWV says:

    This is an open door to all the possibilities you and I can “imagine”. What comes out is what we are capable of seeing in our mind with all of its shortfalls, experiences, and pain.

    I am mindful that very little is given to us in Scripture concerning Jesus the child, the teenager, the young adult, only His public ministry, death and resurrection in His 30’s.

    So I am left to “imagine” that the private life of Jesus is that He experienced all the same frustrations, inconveniences and troubles that people do.

    That He had boyhood friends, that He had to share His space with His brothers and obey His earthly parents.

    Prior to His public ministry He was a carpenter, so anyone who has ever been a carpenter knows that He would have had deadlines to make customers to satisfy and the difficulties of balancing life around His work.

    In short He would have had all of the same struggles Mart outlined in His opening topic comments. Since it is written that when Mary His mother ask Him for help concerning her running out of wine during the wedding ceremony at Cana and He responding that it wasn’t His time yet, I am left to understand that His time for public miracles had not yet arrived. However He did turn the water into wine, which is the recording of His first miracle.

    He solved that particular problem supernaturally.

    Perhaps a glimpse of a future wedding feast we are invited to attend.

    My point I suppose is that in Scripture there were two Jesus’, the man and the Son of God. Each would have dealt with life’s problems within the “confines” of their ability, their timing and of their purpose.

    As you can see, my imagination can go in many directions as I am sure can any of yours.

    I imagine Jesus could have solved His problems and I am sure He can help us solve ours.

    Rain, fog and 51 degrees.


  79. bubbles says:

    As a teacher, some days students NEED me every second of the day; some have needs I cannot meet. Some are like empty wells that can not be filled. Helping with love and compassion is what we are there for. But it can exhaust on some days. In the middle of days when I’m “needed” more than others, Jesus comes to mind. I pray for help and then think about how Jesus would have conducted himself in a crowd. I would enjoy being able to watch him in person; how he moved through a group with kindness and compassion.

  80. SFDBWV says:

    One of Matthew’s favorite movies are the “Back to the Future” trilogy.

    Having said that, if I were suddenly able to “exchange places” with the Author of life, the Creator of the universe I would hope that along with the exchange I would have His mind and not solely just mine.

    For if it were me let loose with His ability there is no telling what kind of mischief I would create trying to fix all the things “I” see wrong in my life and the worlds.

    I think I will just let God be God and me be content living within His will.

    As always bubbles we here in our home keep you in our thoughts and prayers.


  81. street says:

    2 Corinthians 5:1-10

    [1] For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. [2] Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, [3] because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. [4] For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. [5] Now the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. [6] Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. [7] For we live by faith, not by sight. [8] We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. [9] So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. [10] For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

  82. street says:

    thinking of the long journey home by the prodigal son. he was beaten, humiliated, hungry, and at the end of himself. yet His Father ran. did the son notice his Father ran?

    So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it.

    special thanks to my bothers and sisters at rbc and odb for the faithfulness and sharing their joy in the journey.

  83. street says:

    I imagine Jesus could have solved His problems and I am sure He can help us solve ours.

    how did Jesus solve His problems?

  84. street says:

    jeff said,”I never was fond of the music of the Beatles or Lennon but this is the one song that caught my imagination because in it is a desire for a world that is peaceful, just and sharing and is very different to the world today.”

    yes peace and heaven are coming, but not before judgment. there is a parable about making peace with your “adversary” before you go before the judge. i believe many of you have already done this. i have to admit it is still a wilderness and Jesus was not spared the wilderness even though He was The Son. He did promise to lead us through it. He also promised when we pass through the fire it would not hurt us. He told us so much to remember,but the thing i like most is the promise He would bring to mind what was need when the time arises.

  85. jeff1 says:

    I watched a drama which told the story of a baptist dentist and his lover killing his wife and her husband in order for them to be together.

    This happened in our Province between the years of 1991-2011.

    He says he believed that God was telling him that his wife and his lovers husband would not be able to cope with divorce so that killing them would mean they would be in heaven leaving him and his lover free to be together.

    His wife’s father had given her over two hundred thousand pounds to leave him because he was concerned for her.

    The dentist not only inherited this but he got one hundred and twenty thousand pounds life insurance on his wife.

    The verdict on their deaths was suicide as he had made it look like that.

    Some twenty years later he called a meeting with his church elders and confessed what he had done also admitting to sexually assaulting women whom he had given drugs to when giving them treatment as their dentist.

    This man led a double life and was a religious fanatic in his church but in reality led life like a monster.

    The trial I watched on television and the suffering of those involved as well as the aftermath he has left with his four children and her two children.

    What kind of God did Howell believe in? He praised God and attended his church for twenty years without any sign of remorse and it was only when his son committed suicide and he made an investment in a gold company that left him broke that he admitted his crime.

    He had asked God to show him a sign that he was forgiven and when he met an american woman who shared his faith he confessed to her what he had done and told her he would now atone for it by looking after her and her family along with his own.

    At first she believed him but after the death of his son and a downward spiral in his life she left him and went back to America having told him that he must go to the police and confess what he did.

    Who really knows this man? Not the people who though they knew him!

    I imagine that He is complex way beyond human understanding and it is only God who truly knows what goes on in this man’s heart and mind.

    There are depth’s to each of us that only God knows and that is why I accept I need God’s grace rather than depend on my own understanding of what I would do in certain circumstances.

    If I have any doubt that I might fail to do what is pleasing to God then I know I need God’s grace.

    It is when I know myself well enough to agree with God that I understand why ‘Christ’ had to die for ‘my sins’ as well as everyone else’s.

  86. road1234 says:

    Pooh, yes addressing you as poof was rude i apologize for being rude this is not who I am frankly i would have been offended to addressed as pooh which slang for dung. each his own i guess

    will not apologize for what you call attack as not attack just pointing at what you said just like you do . you correct but dont want correction yourself. I think Jesus loved and came to save all sinners self righteous arrogant liars thieves prostitutes . think no sin is special so to speak…

  87. foreverblessed says:

    Thanks Jeff, for retelling that story, it passed by in the news, but I didn’t get it all. May God have mercy on that man, and on all his victims even more!

    And Bubbles, I was really struck by your description of being a teacher, I see in my mind Bubbles, like Jesus, surrounded by people who needed Him.
    May you be a blessing to all your children, and to their families! And may your fountain never lack supply in Jesus!

  88. narrowpathseeker says:

    I thank our Lord that we don’t have the option to change positions with Him. I haven’t handled the position of mere human very well. I don’t want to imagine the chaos, destruction, and terror that would result from me being in His place.

  89. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    The current topic is titled simply “Imagine.” It seems to me almost any comment that is posted has to do with the writer’s theology and self image — imaginatively place side-by-side with Jesus’s theology and self-image.

    I am wondering whether any of these is shaped by the believer’s road map, the Bible. Mart, you ask:

    “What if he (Jesus) didn’t have time to be alone, to pray, or to even to talk so much about what was important to him?”

    This question probes the character of our time of history, which is frantic in its pace and number of distractions — things competing for our attention.

    Jesus always took time to be alone.
    He took hours to pray and commune with His Heavenly Father.
    He almost exclusively talked about what was important to Him, especially the nearness of God’s kingdom.

    The bottom line on this posting seems to be what Jesus said and did — and especially the degree to which His behavior in the 1st c AD influences what we say and do in our own epoch. Or, perhaps, whether Jesus’ place is squarely in the center of my life — or not.

    Joy all day!
    Happy Trinity Sunday!

    50F and cloudy here this morning

  90. poohpity says:

    road, pooh is also the name of Winnie the Pooh which was the name of my Great Dane who I loved so much. Had nothing to do dung. I would gladly have accepted correction if I had written that song but I did not and I understood what he was saying in the song although it seems that you missed his point. If I would have been saying that any sin is acceptable you could accuse me but that is also not what I was saying nor were the other things you accused me of, so it was a false accusation not a correction. Warning! Warning! Danger!!

  91. poohpity says:

    Just because the long in name was changed the MO hasn’t!!!

  92. joycemb says:

    Good morning all and welcome to our new friend road1234,

    Imagining as this song was on my mind when I woke up this morning;

    Where could I go, where could I go
    Seeking a refuge for my soul
    Needing a friend to help me in the end
    Where could I go but to the Lord

    Jesus is so true and real and honest and faithful to me. Even and especially so in the midst of trials and temptations.

    Blessings to all,

  93. joycemb says:

    Pooh why did you add “pity” to your name, I’ve always wondered.

    I’ve also always wondered why everyone new that comes alone always seems to misinterpret what you say? Why do you think that is?

  94. joycemb says:

    along not alone

  95. joycemb says:

    Narrow I think we all can say the same thing. There is only one Jesus- a one of a kind!

  96. poohpity says:

    Well the first fact is not everyone who comes on here misinterprets what I say, it is very, very few. Those are the one’s that say things over and over again to make it seem like there are many.

    Second my dogs registered name was Poor Pretty Thing but a little three year old called her Pooh Pity Sing so her named was changed to that.

    Why do I think it is? Because people have issues and blame them on me, know what I mean? You have done it before so you tell me why it is?

  97. joycemb says:

    Viv I just listened to David Jeremiah and in describing sin he said what is needed is a ” new heart” then one can truly find forgiveness and start over again. It is hard to tell the religious acting from a changed heart sometimes. That story is scary and sad at the same time.

  98. poohpity says:

    Joyce, I bet you a penny that if you will reread what road has written it may remind you of someone who has been on here for awhile but the name has changed but not how he interacts.

  99. joycemb says:

    Yes pooh I have but learned that your way of interpreting scripture is not flexible so decided for the sake of peace to try not to impose my interpretation on you :-). Yes for a while I thought it was all my bad as that’s my baseline but am stronger now than I once was, thanks to the grace of God working through this fellowship.

    Thank you for explaining. Sounds like your name online has special memories for you. It’s nice to hear about that!

  100. joycemb says:

    Pooh I think you are wrong and why did you say that? @10:06? Your “street smarts” are leaking out again. (Not talking about our friend ” street”.)

    Not a spirit led remark.

  101. joycemb says:

    Divisiveness is warned against in scripture, as I read it anyway:-)

  102. poohpity says:

    It is not hard to tell those who have a changed heart from those who have not, it is more than evident. From a heart filled with grace comes a mouth filled with grace even toward enemies. From a hardened heart comes bitterness, harsh words, name calling, divisions, strife which normally sees those things in others. Imagine what Jesus sees and it was what he sees that caused Him to leave His heavenly dwelling putting aside His power to become like us in humility to become a servant out of love to lay His life down for All humanity to forgive.

  103. joycemb says:

    Pooh yes. I know introspection is not something you share here so wanted to say I hope you have a happy day in the Lord.

  104. poohpity says:

    The only thing that my street smarts helps me with is being able to read people and identify bull when I see it, read it or hear it! lol But God had given me that ability since before I lived on the streets which is what kept me alive while out there. While I was on the streets rather than listening to the bull I would have rather stabbed, shot or punched someone now I walk away. So throwing what you think about my street smarts back at me as a cutting remark just makes me smile at the ignorance.

  105. poohpity says:

    While I was on the streets when an old man was being beat up for just sitting in a bar I stepped in to defend him with my broken ankle and took being hit over the head with 2 pool sticks breaking open my head with a 6 inch gash. Or 5 women attacking a woman then I stepped in and took on the 5 women and crushed them in my arms getting the street name of bear. I stuck up for the weaker even if it meant being harmed myself so you do not know what I was even like while I was on the street, you do not have a clue.

  106. joycemb says:

    Not throwing anything at you Pooh, just pointing out what you seem to be unable to see. No room for earthly street smarts in the kingdom of God. We all have a lot of changing to do:-)

  107. joycemb says:

    The ability to read people is not a gift as I found out myself thinking it was a gift to be able to self protect. But God uses our ability to discern what’s going on in others to intercede for them through prayer in ways that others could not even begin to understand. Defensiveness is another way of self- protection, as is turning the conversation around on the other person. Bear, huh? I’ll bet you are not a bear any longer:-)

  108. poohpity says:

    What about Jesus’ words found in Matt 10:16 or Matt 7:15 so maybe the ability to identify bull is a good thing and as we place the Armor of God on us to protect us there are pieces that protect our minds(helmet) and heart(breast plate). Nothing wrong with guarding our hearts and minds my dear friend(Prov 4:23 NLT). ;-)

  109. poohpity says:

    Have not had to be a bear now-a-days but have had to guard my heart often from fiery darts that the enemy has used people to deliver.

  110. joycemb says:

    Yes we are to guard our own hearts so we don’t become that which tempts us toward evil.

    Prov. 4:23-27 Guard your heart above all else,

    for it determines the course of your life.

    24 Avoid all perverse talk;

    stay away from corrupt speech.

    25 Look straight ahead,

    and fix your eyes on what lies before you.

    26 Mark out a straight path for your feet;

    stay on the safe path.

    27 Don’t get sidetracked;

    keep your feet from following evil.

    I do understand about self-protection, believe me. Opening up and allowing Jesus to protect me was the most courageous thing I have ever done. Thinking of Stephan who died by stones, Jesus who died by crucifixion all the while people hurled insults and lies at Him. Yet He did not reply back, but trusted God for the outcome. Painfully aware of His demise. We must be like Jesus, my BTA friend.

  111. street says:

    that shield of faith works pretty good. don’t ever let it down or the rest of your armor. we are to be ready at all times, in season and out.

    thinking if we are currently enjoying His presents and living to please Him we would not be caught off guard when He returns. i always wonder how i will react to his return and what circumstances would be like. then again it would be a mute point if walking behind Him daily. waiting for Him to turn and say welcome home street.

  112. joycemb says:

    Street I’ve always thought that when He returns, whether I’m breathing or in the grave, I will feel a deep sense of relief, knowing all the sin hanging around yet I will finally be completely free of! Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus we have a sure reward coming! Yay come Lord Jesus!

  113. joycemb says:

    Matt 13 So the servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.’”

    To me it sounds like we are not to uproot evil but to wait until harvest time when Jesus does it by default.

  114. street says:

    Jesus ability to deal with sinful man in grace truth and mercy are legendary. His offer of forgiveness at the cross unparalleled in human history. really need to hold on to this One. there is no other.

  115. joycemb says:

    Amen, street.

  116. narrowpathseeker says:

    OK It is time to come clean. I have been very dishonest and was kindly and lovingly warned by a very wise and dear friend that it would lead to no good….which I now see it moving in that direction so here is where it ends.

    I, Pearl (narrowpthatseeker) registered here as road1234. I will not reveal my reasoning at this time, but in retrospect, it was a very bad idea. I do not believe I am the only one with more than one account but road will not be back here.

  117. street says:

    dear narrow many of us have duel personalities on the net and in our own hearts. like you said not a good thing and only leads to trouble. taking up the cross daily is the answer to this i think. i know we are to be unified as a single person and not duplicitous. this is one of the great mysteries of the Godhead. like the Word says you will eventually love the one and hate the other. i posted earlier when will the hate stop? when i love the Lord with all my heart.

  118. jeff1 says:

    I was listening to gospel music this morning and heard this by Amy Grant and wanted to share.

    ‘There Is Nothing Greater Than Grace’

    What do you say to someone who feels like they’ve lost it all
    Over the edge with no one there to break their fall
    And what do you say to someone who feels so unloved
    Giving themselves away a little bit every day just to be good enough
    And what do you say to a hopeless soul who can’t remember their way home
    And everything is out of their control

    There is no valley, there is no darkness
    There is no sorrow greater than the grace of Jesus.
    There is no moment, there is no distance,
    There is no heartbreak He can’t take you through.
    So before you think that you’re too lost to save,
    Remember there is nothing greater than grace.

    What do you say to someone whose life is on the line
    And there’s unsure what happens after their last breath in time
    What do you say to someone whose built a wall you can’t break through
    And it’s so hard for them to hear the truth

    There is no valley, there is no darkness
    There is no sorrow greater than the grace of Jesus.
    There is no moment, there is no distance,
    There is no heartbreak he can’t take you through.
    So before you think you’re too lost to save,
    Remember there is nothing greater than grace.

    So don’t lose hope, don’t let go
    Don’t give up, you are not alone

    There is no valley, there is no darkness
    There is no sorrow greater than the grace of Jesus.
    There is not moment, there is no distance,
    There is no heartbreak He can’t take you through.
    So before you think that you are too lost to save,
    So before you think that you are too lost to save,
    Remember there is nothing greater than grace.

  119. joycemb says:

    Pearl you made me gasp! LOL! I’m shocked but so glad you came clean.

    When I first started blogging I never used any part of my real name as I was too afraid of others to be identified. My chosen name was ‘quietgrace’, as that’s who I saw myself as at the time. Quiet because I was so afraid, and grace because I knew that’s what saved me. I finally changed it to my real first name as I got more comfortable in my own skin, so to speak. And I did inform others here also so as not to lead to confusion or deception.

    You see I was misdiagnosed in the ’80’s as Multiple Personality and spent years reliving horrific memories that also retraumatized me, but at the same time helped me through some of the ptsd that still lingers. It was a miraculous intervention by God and man that began the journey of accepting myself, damages and all. I had several different names I identified with even. (This was before internet, thank God!)

    Your honesty is very lovely, Pearl. It warms my heart! Thank you dear!

  120. street says:

    thinking of 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 and adam and eve’s discomfort when they found out they were naked. it was a very uncomfortable place to be. wondering, is dying a good thing? thinking judgment leads to condemnation. they were granted grace and a temporary covering until the cross. i guess we all can understand paul’s longing for an eternal covering of shalom. we also know His Word can not fail. peace. make peace with your adversary before going before the judge.

  121. joycemb says:

    Yes, there is no judgement in peace.

  122. foreverblessed says:

    I was also very much struck by your honosty, Pearl!

    God calls Himself the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
    If Abraham, because it is God that calls,God the Father.
    of Isaac, because it is God who provides everything we need, forgiveness, salvation through Jesus.
    so Isaac stands for God the Son.
    You would say, that is a done deal.
    But God calls Himself also the God of Jacob, not his new name, Israël, but by his old name: Jacob, the deceiver.
    Because God identifues Himself with fallen man, man with hus self will, His own strength. It is God who trained Jacob, He sent him to Laban, and there the training started.
    So the God of Jacob stands for the Holy Spirit.
    He is more than capable of training our fellow christian.

    That us my point: After having tried to tell what is wrong with a fellow christian, one time, two times, there times.
    Have great trust that the Holy Spirit will sanctify that person.

    In the mean time:
    It is best to start blessing, and praying intercessory prayers, with a heart full of love.

    A heart full of love, that us what Jesus had for everybody! I do not have it, do I have to ask Jesus to fill me with His love.
    Everything done in love has effect, if I pray and do not have love in my heart for that person I pray for, it cannot be effective. So ask for God’s love!

    Well, what a lecture, and now for the sermon…
    But I wrote it in love for you all!

  123. foreverblessed says:

    Sorry for the typos, I did not proofread it.
    if Abraham is of Abraham,
    man with hus self will. hus=his
    And us=is

  124. poohpity says:

    We have God’s love when we can look within at the areas in our own lives where their are problems, faults, failures and then be grateful to God for His grace. Then we do not tend to think it is our job to tell others the things we do not like about them or the areas we want them to change, those are personal opinions which are based on assumptions or our perceptions hardly ever on any facts. It would be loving and wise not to be that person who makes a choice to throw the first stone before careful self reflection or evaluation and humbly letting it drop to the ground. I can imagine Jesus writing on the ground all the things He has seen in me.

  125. jeff1 says:

    This song comes to mind:

    Be Careful Of Stones That You Throw

    A tongue can accuse and carry bad news
    The seeds of distrust it will sow
    But unless you’ve made no mistakes in your life
    Be careful of stones that you throw

    A neighbor was passing my garden
    One time, she stopped and I knew right away
    That it was gossip not flowers she had on her mind
    And this is what I heard my neighbor say

    “That bad girl down the street should be run from our midst
    She drinks and she talks quite a lot
    She knows not to speak to me or my child”
    My neighbor then smiled and I thought

    A tongue can accuse and carry bad news
    The seeds of distrust it will sow
    But unless you’ve made no mistakes in your life
    Be careful of stones that you throw

    A car speeded by and the screaming of brakes
    A sound that made my blood chill
    For my neighbors one child had been pulled from the path
    And saved by a girl lying still

    The child was unhurt and my neighbor cried out
    “Oh who was that brave girl so sweet?”
    I covered the crushed broken body and said
    The bad girl who lived down the street

    A tongue can accuse and carry bad news
    The seeds of distrust it will sow
    But unless you’ve made no mistakes in your life
    Be careful of stones that you throw

  126. jeff1 says:

    Thinking this morning off topic of the difficulty I have separating people and evil.

    It is a struggle in a society where my enemies use evil against me yet they claim to know God as I do.

    My heart tells me I must love them as Jesus would love them but my mind tells me otherwise.

    I see there faces for they live among me and the hatred in their faces frightens me and I fail to do what is right in God’s eyes.

    What makes it worse is that to some extent I know why their hatred is in many ways understandable.

    Being raised in a country where it seems to me religion is exalted more than God I fear God as much as I fear my enemies.

    I fear God because it seems to me that no one here is doing what is right in God’s eyes but in our own eyes.

    My father understood this long before I did because He knew what was right in God’s eyes, righteousness was a gift from God.

    My father understood the implications of not putting God first but putting religion first and that is what has happened in my country.

    When I substitute religion for God I lose sight of righteousness and by not listening to my father I have done just that and find myself in a hell of my own making.

    I feel trapped in a world of my own making because I did not do the right thing at the right time and taking refuge in Christ is all I can do right now because I do not see a way out of this mess!

    Condemnation comes because I failed to obey and therefore ‘Christ’ is my refuge for to whom else could I turn?

  127. street says:

    dear poo and narrow, when i look at my own heart and see what is really there. thank God for the truth of His Word and the understanding of what i am. it compels me to turn and look to Him. the Gospel of Christ gives me great hope and the promise of the Spirit gives assurance of Salvation in Christ the Author and Finisher of the Faith He has given to me. it is true when Jesus said when He is lifted up He will draw all people to Himself. He was lifted up at the cross, at the tomb, and on the mtn of olives and is seated at the Right Hand of the Father. thank you Dad!

    does the deposit of the Holy Spirit give us the mind of Christ? certainly access to.

  128. oneg2dblu says:

    Been way too busy to attend lately, but have caught up again, to only find the same ones, doing the same things.

    Imagine… If we actually had to live up to all the degrading names placed on others here by one who says they are so gifted as to know how to judge/counsel others?

    Imagine how easily Satan also judges/counsels who he will use again today…

    And how again…they we fall right into his design.

    Come Jesus!


  129. poohpity says:

    I guess he picked you again!!

  130. joycemb says:


  131. street says:

    returning to these thoughts….trading places.
    if given a choice between yourself and God chose God. solomon chose wisdom….thinking what if he chose God? those who chose God come to the cross because that is where the Father draws them. by choosing God you chose grace by default. we are made in His image,yet severely corrupted. God preserves my dignity even though i had none. God truly can make something out of nothing. my hope is to be conformed to His Image. thinking could you chose grace apart from God? i don’t think it is possible.

  132. street says:

    welcome back gary. never thought of this as a good place to go for good counsel. more like a market place of thought. free to pick, choose, examine, and test drive. be careful none are immune to failure. certainly none have room for boasting.

  133. street says:

    gary said,”Imagine… If we actually had to live up to all the degrading names placed on others…”
    God calls us by name the devil calls by sin.

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