Look who showed up in my yard the other day. But is it a preying or praying mantis?
Found out that, even though it is a natural predator it is a—praying mantis. Also learned that “mantis” comes from the Greek word for “prophet” or “fortune teller” and that Mantises were considered to have supernatural powers by early civilizations of ancient Greece, Egypt and Assyria.
Even though I’ve been a life long bug lover, only recall finding a mantis a handful of times (once on a sidewalk in Malaysia) which may have something to do with its ability to fade into the forms and colors of its surrounding.
Once again, had the sense that I was looking at an intelligent, slow moving and awkward alien, as it turned its huge eyes to look at me.
One writer I Googled up spoke of the praying mantis as one of nature’s signature symbols of the connection between creature and Creator. Is that because of its prayerful posturing? Or because it reflects our fallen condition in its reputation for cannibalizing its own especially in its nymph stage, or during mating.
Can’t remember what the rest of my day was like. But for a few moments I felt like a child again—caught up in something so natural and yet (like the house fly, ant, or mimicked green leaf or brown twig) a wordless prophet of wonder.