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State of Emergency

DSC02448Concerns felt for the tragic losses of the people of Haiti, and for those in Florida and our own Southeast coast go far beyond our sense of moral duty.

States of emergency bring out the best in our common humanity—and sometimes the worst.

When “acts of God” turn lives upside down, neighbors reach out to one another from next door— and far away…even as others see a chance to get ahead at the expense of those who have fallen.

There’s an often-quoted saying that says, “If you can’t see the difference between right and wrong, you don’t need religion, you need empathy.”

But what do we need when, with or without religion— we lose even the most basic of human feeling for those who are suffering?

Questions like this have ancient roots. When fire, wind, and war fell on Job, broken-hearted friends showed up at his door to comfort him— until they heard him lash out at God.

Looking back, we see how Job’s story exposed the common theology of his day—that we get what we deserve (Job 4:7-8).

In Job’s case, that kind of religion eventually broke him, even before his friends tried to defend the honor of God by accusing him of hiding the scandal that would explain his losses.

Job was preview. Someday, far off in the future, another generation would lose human empathy, while defending moral and religious duty, at the expense of one— who didn’t end up arguing with his accusers. Instead he would pray— “Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.”

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80 Responses to “State of Emergency”

  1. tedmgossard says:

    Yes, good to see this through the lens of grace. We naturally in our sin, don’t. It can be a real challenge to look at the world this way. We see these horrific events in a country already beleaguered and we wonder. And we see evil rewarded and I guess we see all kinds of things, which are not along the lines of grace. God seems to spill the apple cart when people don’t attribute grace to him, and refuse to live in that way, our hearts being hardened. The answer of course: the gospel: Jesus.

  2. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends —

    Have been keeping the people in the path of Hurricane Matthew in prayer for protection and provision. With all of the states of emergency around our world, we can let our hearts become thoughened — hardened. But, Jesus still stands as the Savior of all humankind. His heart was/is never hardened — and He went all the way to death in complete surrender in the love of His Father and love for the world.

    Worldly “compassion fatigue” can set in unless we keep Him in clear focus. God, it seems to me, welcomes our questions about justice, kindness and fellowship. Grace notes sound and Jesus-sightings are reported. Ministers of grace are being dispatched.

    It is often in the state of emergency that faith ignites in hearts. Those who are watching and listening can rejoice that help is on the way.


    15C/59F here with clouds and more rain forecast

  3. SFDBWV says:

    Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work to the good for them that love the Lord.

    I have volumes of thought to weigh down our discussion, but I will for now say that no matter what happens or looms on the horizon when I don’t fret about them or become anxious concerning them, rather trusting everything to God, I am more at peace.

    Today’s headlines has the Governor of Florida saying it could have been much worse. I like that attitude.

    41 and partly cloudy here.


  4. joycemb says:

    Having empathy for those who do not have the ability to empathize; “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” is the most profound empathy I’ve ever heard of or seen.

  5. jeff1 says:

    We call on Him
    Whenever storm clouds gather
    We call on Him to light our darkest day
    Why must it be that only when we’re lonely
    And hopes are dim, we call on Him

    Why don’t we call on Him before we loose our way
    To count our blessings and thank Him while we may

    We call on Him when no-one else will answer
    We ask of Him a reason to go on
    When our cup of joy becomes a cup of sorrow
    Filled to the brim, we call on Him

    Why don’t we call on Him before we loose our way
    To count our blessings and thank Him while we may

  6. jeff1 says:

    You have just said it Joyce, it is most profound, yet God understands what man cannot; who is it that needs His love but those who have forgotten how to!

  7. street says:

    Joel 2:24-26

    The threshing floors will be full of grain,
    And the vats will overflow with the new wine and oil.
    “Then I will make up to you for the years
    That the swarming locust has eaten,
    The creeping locust, the stripping locust and the gnawing locust,
    My great army which I sent among you.
    “You will have plenty to eat and be satisfied
    And praise the name of the Lord your God,
    Who has dealt wondrously with you;
    Then My people will never be put to shame.

  8. street says:

    But what do we need when, with or without religion— we lose even the most basic of human feeling for those who are suffering?

    A Savior!

  9. street says:

    who didn’t end up arguing with his accusers. Instead he would pray— “Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.”

  10. street says:

    7 It came about after the Lord had spoken these words to Job, that the Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite, “My wrath is kindled against you and against your two friends, because you have not spoken of Me what is right as My servant Job has. 8 Now therefore, take for yourselves seven bulls and seven rams, and go to My servant Job, and offer up a burnt offering for yourselves, and My servant Job will pray for you. For I will accept him so that I may not do with you according to your folly, because you have not spoken of Me what is right, as My servant Job has.” 9 So Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite went and did as the Lord told them; and the Lord accepted Job.

  11. foreverblessed says:

    Thank you very very much, Mart, lots to think about now!
    A religion that says: you get what you deserve!
    Is that what my religion is?
    Or: You must have done something wrong otherwise these tragedies would not have come upon you!
    Is that what my belief is?

  12. jeff1 says:

    As a child, Forever, I heard this saying constantly “You Reap What You Sow” “you have to face up to the consequences of your actions” but in my case I believe it was lack of action.

    When you hear this said often enough then you believe it.

    “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do”

    I do not have to be an accuser of Christ to wander from his safe keeping!

  13. jeff1 says:

    When I think of how He came so far from glory
    Came to dwell among the lowly such as I
    To suffer shame and such disgrace
    On Mount Calvary take my place
    Then I ask myself this question
    Who am I?

    Who am I that the king would bleed and die for
    Who am I that He would pray not my will, Thy Lord
    The answer I may never know
    Why He ever loved me so
    But to that old rugged cross He’d go
    For who am I?

    When I’m reminded of His words
    I’ll leave Him never
    If you’ll be true I’ll give to you life forever
    Oh I wonder what I could have done
    To deserve God’s only Son
    To fight my battles until they’re won
    For who am I?

    Who am I that the King would bleed and die for
    Who am I that He would pray not my will, Thy Lord
    The answer I may never know
    Why He ever loved me so
    But to that old rugged cross He’d go
    For who am I?
    But to that old rugged cross He’d go for, who am I?

  14. street says:

    the locust, My great army!

    “My great army which I sent among you.”

    Deuteronomy 32
    “See now that I myself am he!
    There is no god besides me.
    I put to death and I bring to life,
    I have wounded and I will heal,
    and no one can deliver out of my hand.
    I lift my hand to heaven and solemnly swear:
    As surely as I live forever,
    when I sharpen my flashing sword
    and my hand grasps it in judgment,
    I will take vengeance on my adversaries
    and repay those who hate me.

  15. street says:

    jeff said,”I do not have to be an accuser of Christ to wander from his safe keeping!”

    2 “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write:

    These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands. 2 I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. 3 You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.

    4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. 5 Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. 6 But you have this in your favor: You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

    7 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.

  16. street says:

    But what do we need when, with or without religion— we lose even the most basic of human feeling for those who are suffering?

    we need brokenness, the law and uncleanness, hunger and thirst, repentance and solid ground. a ground unmovable and unshakable. a Savior, a King, and God.

    very similar to Priest Prophet and King.

    in Job advocate judge and redeemer.
    Job asked for these things and a court date with God, he was not disappointed.

    Hebrews 9:27
    Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,

    Matthew 5:25
    “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison.

    Hebrews 12:14
    Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

  17. street says:

    In Job’s case, that kind of religion eventually broke him, even before his friends tried to defend the honor of God by accusing him of hiding the scandal that would explain his losses.

    in away his three friends lit a fire in job that changed his direction. job trust in God directed him through the circumstances of the world and sustained him when he got stuck. God came and met with job to get him unstuck. brokenness

    thinking, we must be ready to meet with God at all times or he will come like a thief in the night or be left in the dark like the 5 virgins.

    thinking of the verse the apostles asked Jesus, “why was this man born blind, was it his sin or the sin of his parents?” job’s three friends are still active in the world. yet they asked the right Person.

  18. street says:

    State of Emergency

    saw this question yesterday that was left unanswered.
    what was your hardest lesson?

    today it came to mind. the hardest lesson starts with repentance then an increasing difficulty, humility is even harder lesson, then comes the most difficult of all, love. not in receiving it but in giving it. the hardest lesson for me is the one that is coming.

    i can do all things through Him Who strengths me.

  19. jeff1 says:

    That kind of religion eventually broke Job and it is breaking this world!

    Is it God’s intention to divide and conquer? God has His reasons!

    I may not understand God’s reasons but I can trust His motives!

    He’s got the whole world in His hands, the times may have changed, the faces may have changed but the God of eternity still knows where to find His children!

  20. street says:

    Romans 2:4
    Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?

    kindness in the storm, and after.

    The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

    Give ear and come to me; listen, that you may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David.

  21. SFDBWV says:

    Working from the bottom up Jesus’ statement on the cross spoke to His generation, to His accusers, to His executioners and we are told to all future generations of believers and unbelievers alike.

    Yet He was born into the world for that moment and every event in the string of lives across thousands of years were orchestrated to produce the man Jesus and that moment in time.

    His accusers hated Him, His executioners were so indifferent to His pain and suffering they cast lots for His cloak, in obedience to prophesy without even knowing it.

    His mother, brothers and friends were broken hearted and confused. Among those who stood along the way or shouted for His release there were many who were horrified for this torture to be applied to any other human especially such a man as this man. One man executed at His side accepted his fate as deserved, yet in his own pain and suffering though Jesus’ suffering undeserved and ask for his forgiveness acknowledging Jesus’ authority in faith and in death. So we have both sympathy and empathy both present at the cross.

    Interesting that an earthquake and a torrential rain storm both occurred at the moment of Jesus’ death.

    In truth I am sorrowed for the loss of life and loss of property in the path of Hurricane Matthew, but I am also thankful I was not involved. Am I now to feel guilty because this happened to someone else and not me? I am too far away to do any on the ground aid, the best I might do is give some money to an organization that can help and of course pray for all effected. After that I am done.

    Do I think the hurricane an act of God? No I don’t. Do I think in the aftermath of sadness and sorrow God will be glorified? Yes by some and no by others who will attach blame for their situations and loss.

    Welcome to planet earth.


  22. street says:

    empathy 1. the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. 2. the imaginative ascribing to an object, as a natural object or work of art, feelings or attitudes present in oneself

    thinking some think the cross foolishness to others a stumbling block. to the elect a work of God.

  23. jeff1 says:

    No one can change that it is a work of God and why would I/us/they want to regardless of my/our/there beliefs.

    Grace covers a multitude of sins and whether I believe my suffering has come from me getting what I deserve or not; Grace assures me that it is not God’s way that I get what I deserve but man’s way.

    It is man who changed God throughout history and is still doing it to this day but “GOD DOES NOT CHANGE”.

    Who did Elvis go to when he was a broken man? to God; because he had been brought up with the gospel and no matter what this world did to him he returned to the gospel because he had experienced what this world and its ways will do to you and returned to the ‘ONE’ who would welcome him with open arms.

    Elvis was the American dream but like everything in this world it cost him dearly and I am sure that when he was on top he was not without friends but when he hit rock bottom that is when he realized who was indeed his ‘True Friend’.

    It is not ‘I’ WHO IS FAITHFUL TO ‘GOD’ should any man boast.

    It is God who mends broken hearts but I may have to wait until I get home for Him to do so!

  24. SFDBWV says:

    Admittedly I don’t care for crossing over site discussion, but was taken by the subject of “Our Daily Bread” this morning.

    I have always been a student of the American Civil War. If you are privileged to read the letters home these men wrote what you find are a people profoundly filled with faith and love, but caught up in a war that tore them apart. These were not the “dogs” of war, but rather compassionate men who thought they were doing Gods will.

    Joshua Chamberland as mentioned in the ODB subject was such a man and possessed the right mettle to show compassion (sympathy) to an enemy (men) he never really hated but through war learned to respect and endure the same horrors as they (empathy) and so as the defeated Confederate army marched by he and his soldiers saluted them and honored their sacrifice instead of bragging of their defeat or insulting them. Healing could begin.

    Chamberland was a very devout Christian and the principals and moral character he possessed he learned and lived from an education of and devotion to Christianity.

    These people of that age were very different from the people you see today. A sad testimony to the downward spiraling condition of humanity.

    A point of interest concerning Joshua Chamberland is that he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions during the battle of Gettysburg that saved the Union Army and ensured a victory for the Union.

    I read a few years ago where his medal ended up in a yard sale.

    Imagine after 145 years from now what earthly honors you have accomplished will mean to those living then.

    Compassion, sympathy, empathy, concern for the suffering of any other are acts of love and another thing we are told is that “love will win in the end.”

    28 degrees this morning.


  25. poohpity says:

    Job was up against religious people who claimed to know God but in the end we see they had no idea who God is, according to God anyway as He asked Job to pray for them and offer up sacrifices on their behalf. Just like Jesus spoke from he Cross, “Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.” They did not know they were fulfilling a sacrifice God had intended from the beginning of time even on the behalf of His enemies, accusers, those who lacked empathy and those who had no idea who God is.

  26. street says:

    [11] Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. [12] As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance [13] and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” [14] When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed. [15] One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. [16] He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him-and he was a Samaritan. [17] Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? [18] Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” [19] Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”

  27. joycemb says:

    1 John2
    28 And now, dear children, remain in fellowship with Christ so that when he returns, you will be full of courage and not shrink back from him in shame.

    29 Since we know that Christ is righteous, we also know that all who do what is right are God’s children.

  28. joycemb says:

    We can have all the empathy or sympathy in the world yet see others unchanged. It is only God that can change a willing heart, one that is willing to be changed through obedience to Christ and Christ alone.

  29. street says:

    steve said,”Admittedly I don’t care for crossing over site discussion, but was taken by the subject of “Our Daily Bread” this morning.”

    thinking….instead of division and boundaries….thinking of healing and wholeness…the coming of a kingdom.

    thinking Salvation is our walls and ramparts…

    We have a strong city;
    God makes salvation
    its walls and ramparts.
    Open the gates
    that the righteous nation may enter,
    the nation that keeps faith.
    You will keep in perfect peace
    those whose minds are steadfast,
    because they trust in you.

  30. poohpity says:

    Job’s so called friends kicked him when he was down with their lack of understanding of God. They failed to support and grieve with him in all his loses. They showed the most horrible side of humanity thinking people are where they are because they deserve it. When in reality we deserve the worst but we are given the best, grace.

    People often think they have failed God in some way but if we believe that God is All-Knowing(omniscience) then He knew what we will do before we do it, what we are going to say before we say it, what we think before we think it YET still showed us His very best. The love of the Father is beyond anything we can understand.

    Rather than thinking God is a genie to do what we want, when we want it and how we want it how about just worshiping Him for being Who He Is and really knowing the state of emergency we all are in and our need for Him.

  31. joycemb says:

    I don’t know if any of the readers here watched the townhouse meeting between Trump and Clinton the other night but I LOVED how it ended, asking the candidates to say something positive about the other. Wow. What a graceful ending to a very messy debate. It lifted my spirits immediately to a higher plane, where love only sees the good in others. What a brilliant Light that has come into the world. Thank you Jesus, the Light of the whole world!

  32. street says:

    thinking of job’s lament of the day he was conceived. he wishes the one who told of his birth was cursed. thinking of satan in the garden that led to the corruption bitterness and suffering since eden. thinking job wanted to go back before he knew this great evil that befell him to an earlier time before he was created. his three friends broke new ground in job in that he wanted to defend his innocents. job understood others suffered for not committing evil and wanted condition that would allow them to defend themselves. in other words he wanted to live rightly! as the book plays out we learn we can not defend ourselves, but need to rely on the one that loves us. thinking of the One with the bruised heel and the one with the bruised head. where the one with the bruised head is not worth going back for help, because he is no help at all. he has been exposed as a fraud.

  33. jeff1 says:

    Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure light,
    Like a little candle burning in the night;
    In this world of darkness, we must shine,
    You in your small corner, and I in mine.

    Jesus bids us shine, first of all for Him;
    Well He sees and knows it if our light is dim;
    He looks down from heaven, sees us shine,
    You in your small corner, and I in mine.

    Jesus bids us shine, then, for all around,
    Many kinds of darkness in this world abound:
    Sin, and want, and sorrow-we must shine,
    You in your small corner, and I in mine.

  34. SFDBWV says:

    Finally heard from Pearl and Frank in NC. They were without power and had been on a generator, and lost cable from downed tree, but all are ok.


  35. SFDBWV says:

    The top story on the weather channel is of the flooding in North Carolina, what you see are people helping people.

    A story this morning that also caught my eye was about a sports figure, Tim Tebow who prayed over a stricken fan who was having a seizure during a baseball game.

    Last evening I heard a fellow from Texas there in Lumberton NC to help rescue and aid in the recovery say that he was there because it is the right thing to do.

    All of these stories make me feel good about people.

    I purposely do not watch the ugly disaster of election politics at this time because there I see the worst of humanity.

    I made up my mind how I would vote long ago, the actions of the candidates and the polls have no effect on me.

    Unfortunately there is no one to rescue us from the disaster of this year’s presidential election, it would seem the only place to be in that flood is on the “Ark” and just float above it until the water recedes.


  36. jeff1 says:

    When I was younger life was black and white to me; there is good and bad; and I must choose what is good.

    Human nature and maturity has taught me that life is not that simple.

    Yet, there are those who see life in black and white i.e. when a friend of my younger son died from an overdose of drugs his brother was very confident that had the youth not messed with fire he would not have got burnt.

    As a mother I had known the lad who often had called with my younger son but was oblivious to why my son was not eager to associate with him.

    I am thankful that my younger son was so sensible; but the young man left a mother and possibly other siblings and I felt for them as I would if the boy had died from normal circumstances.

    I have learned a lesson from that which my father learned from me when I was young; you cannot tell a person to have empathy with someone until they have lived life themselves; because it is where God teaches us lessons that we never forget, nor should we, because they go to making us a better human being if we allow them to.

    I am a better human being now than I was when I was younger because God has learned me lessons about myself and others; i.e. life is not black and white there are grey areas.

    I must do what is right in the circumstances I find myself and often it is the greater of two evils.

    When evil came to our land I took the side of the law enforcements because I had been brought up that they where on the right side.

    Since that there have been numerous revelations showing that the law enforcements are made up of human beings who in choosing the greater of two evils did not always make the right choice in the laws eyes.

    The individuals may now be held accountable for their actions but no doubt they believe they made the right choice at the time.

    I see life much more complex now than I did when I was younger and it is why I am more and more thankful that God is in control and not myself or others. I have slipped and fell too many times to know God’s job is not an easy one yet the more I learn about life the more I cling to God.

    I do not believe I know God better but I have learned that human nature is what it is; and it is in knowing that; my faith in God is all in all to me!

  37. poohpity says:

    The Arc is nothing compared to the Cross. If one is so worried about the world and the spiritual condition of those in it, then what stops them from telling more people about Jesus and the Cross so they will not perish but have a relationship with God for eternity? No one deserves what Jesus did for them not even Noah.

  38. poohpity says:

    The newest news about our election is that info has come out that the Clinton people are mocking the faith community and therefore are mocking God. Uh-oh

  39. joycemb says:

    Good news friends!


    5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

  40. joycemb says:

    Sorry that’s John 1

  41. street says:

    jeff said,”Since that there have been numerous revelations showing that the law enforcements are made up of human beings who in choosing the greater of two evils did not always make the right choice in the laws eyes.”

    thinking the government is a chosen instrument of God to keep the peace. we are told to offer ourselves as instruments of righteousness to God. some people think in doing this they can use the techniques, violence and ways of the devil to accomplish this goal. Jesus showed us a different way. Jesus said, ” I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life , no one can come to the Father, but by Me.”

    Galatians 2: 17 But if, while seeking to be justified in Christ, we ourselves have also been found sinners, is Christ then a minister of sin? May it never be! 18 For if I rebuild what I have once destroyed, I prove myself to be a transgressor. 19 For through the Law I died to the Law, so that I might live to God.

    Romans 6:12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts, 13 and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. 14 For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace.

    this next verse i find so stunning…..

    Romans 3:If some did not believe, their unbelief will not nullify the faithfulness of God, will it?

  42. jeff1 says:

    Romans 8: 38-39

    Pooh, what stops people telling about Jesus is that so many have closed their hears and do not want to hear!

    I think that it was Steve who said we get impatient; and when I get impatient I find that this verse is what reassures me that God is worth waiting for because time is a healer and there is much healing to be done.

    For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ our Lord.

  43. poohpity says:

    I think it is because of a lack of faith and knowing the incredible love, grace, forgiveness and mercy that God has bestowed on us.

    Viv, if you have time today listen to discovertheword.org and how many people are effected in bringing people to Jesus. It was so applicable to what many have said on here.

  44. jeff1 says:

    I can bring people to faith or at the very least hope in Jesus by being an example i.e. walking the walk myself.

    I will not do it through preaching to them.

    It is the indwelling Holy Spirit that brings a person to ‘JESUS’ and is the miraculous work of God.

    I learned that from my father on the days he was on this earth.

    The one thing my father never was; was anxious about my waywardness or the waywardness of others.

    He knew when he was out of his depth, i.e. the drunkard he gave money to, he understood was in God’s hands.

    After my friend tried to help the drunkard and made matters worse she came to me and admitted she was way out of her depth and she must leave the person in God’s hands.

    I must keep myself right with God so He can do His miraculous work through me i.e.

    Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.

  45. poohpity says:

    One of the ways people hear about Jesus is tell them of His story and sharing ours, that was what He asked us to do, not to be the moral keepers. I am sorry but that is quite the opposite of preaching to them. Preaching to people about God is often seen as a deterrent and is actually not living out what we say we believe. I guess even that program could be misunderstood. I thought it may be encouraging but as usual I was wrong.

  46. joycemb says:

    ..”who didn’t end up arguing with his accusers. Instead he would pray— “Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.” Mart this grabbed my attention, wow. Thinking of the many times I’ve argued and feeling sad now about it.

    Jesus I’m trying to follow Your ways. Help me to be more like You, Thank you for loving and teaching me with mercy, kindness, forgiveness, and especially, grace. Amen

  47. joycemb says:

    Two people can have different ways of walking the walk but it doesn’t mean one is right and one is wrong. We are all gifted differently. Do what you are gifted to do, it all fulfills the purpose for which the Holy Spirit came in the first place,

  48. jeff1 says:

    I am sorry Pooh, but there are people who will not let you tell Jesus’s story to them because they do not believe it and will tell you so.

    We live in a secular world where more people do not believe in ‘Jesus’s story than do. My closest family are among them.

    I am not telling you not to tell Jesus’s story to people who want to listen but I am telling you that I have been told to keep my faith to myself and that if I wanted to believe that was my business but let them believe what they want to and I do not argue with people like that because I once was as sceptical as they were.

    It was the indwelling Holy Spirit that awakened me to God’s presence and I am just saying that I believe until non believers have the same awakening they will not believe me about God.

    I do not see myself as a moral keeper because I have wandered from God more than I have walked with Him but I was brought up when morals where important to family life and I am a product of my time on that matter.

    What I am saying is that I share my life with all types of people and I do not see myself any different to them except that I believe God is in control and His will, will be done.

    As someone who suffers from manic episodes I depend on family for my well being because they recognise when I am becoming unwell and support me through it.

    I depend on non believers as much as I do believers in this life and I face the same difficulties in life as others so I am not by any means a moral keeper but listen to others stories of how they have learned from their mistakes.

    I see from this life that I am always learning and in my experience the more wayward I am the more learning I have to do.

    It is not about watching others morals but behaving as a believer should live and I struggle enough with that myself that I do not have the inclination to judge others.

  49. joycemb says:

    Those who refuse to listen to a voice can see through their actions that Jesus is alive and real. We all fail miserably as far as we are aware, but awareness does not mean we are not being heard or seen or read even. As long as our eyes are on the Prize Jesus will draw people to Himself, as the snake lifted on the pole by Moses did so many years ago.

    Some worry that they are not saying enough (not you pooh), but worry changes nothing. As I know you’d agree also Viv.

  50. jeff1 says:

    Yes, Joyce, I spent the most part of my life worrying what others thought of me before I ever considered what God thought of me.

    It is God who accepts me as I am because He knows I want to be a better person, so that He will be proud to call be His child.

    I see God working in people; I know a woman who lost her husband and son in a bomb and it is 18 years since her loss and I see her healing.

    I have met her twice recently and she smiles and talks of her husband like anyone would talk of a deceased love one; but I had met her many times previous to this year and she never smiled nor talked of them and I could see the pain on her face.

    I know her through a friend and I used to be afraid to speak to her in case I would cause her more pain and now I stop and can engage in conversation with her.

    God works in us and through us even when we are not aware of it and that’s what really matters in a world where many need it.

    As you say, Joyce, many do worry that they are not saying enough; when experience has taught me that the least said the easiest mended and actions speak louder than words.

  51. poohpity says:

    Of course there will be people who do not want to hear and there are reasons that is why I suggested listening to that program but who cares anyway really. We do not try to shove the Lord down anyone’s throat or preach to them or beat them over the head with bible ease. You are right no one wants to listen to that, I do not want to listen to it. I will listen to people who I know that they really care and that is very easy to tell. People want to be cared for and shown they matter. Then the best thing to do is nothing when it comes to anything about Jesus just leave it to others. Jesus will get His word through someone to those He has called. We can chose not to be part of anything He has asked us to do.

  52. jeff1 says:

    I choose action instead of words, Pooh, you do as you wish, there are believers who put people off God by their words and their attitude and that does much more damage to the ‘Body Of Christ’ but that is just my opinion and as Joyce as said each of us as our own way of pleasing God and in doing so hopefully make a difference in this world.

  53. joycemb says:

    Right Pooh, we retain freewill throughout our lives. No matter how we choose to be a witness for Christ its about Him, right? I know you love the Lord Jesus and rejoice in how He is loving and changing you. He is faithful.

  54. poohpity says:

    I am totally excited about what Jesus has done for me and I want to share it whenever possible whether it is in word or deed. I am also excited about what the bible teaches and what I get to learn everyday. I am so excited that I am loved, forgiven, adopted, saved, that it is hard for me to keep my mouth shut or to keep my hands from doing good for people. I know I do not have to be perfect which I am far from to be used, just available. Actually He can use me more when I realize just how imperfect I am. I make mistakes, fail, say things I wish I did not, feel things I wish I did not and do things I need do-overs all the time. So I am very excited about what Jesus did for me and if I do not say anything someone or something else will but I want to live out my part in my family even if it is a small thing to me, it is not small to my Savior.

  55. joycemb says:

    Pooh people such as you and I that have had radical life changes are sometimes more vocal and excited especially thinking about where we would be in life if we hadn’t been rescued. I know many lovely Christians who grew up in Christian homes and don’t have a particular conversion date yet know Him as well yet often better as they have walked with him from an early age; not having to deal with as much personal change. God loves us all the same though! How blessed to be a part of Gods family and to all learn together ! I thank God for you and Viv along with others here I’ve been journeying with the past few years:-)

  56. jeff1 says:

    Take heart, Jesus had the same difficulties with His disciples arguing who was His right arm; and we are no different, there are times I do not behave like a Christ follower and that is why I am reluctant to call myself one, a believer; since my parents taught me how to pray; but I believe a follower has to be worked at and for some like myself it can take a lifetime and I stumble and fall more times than I follow.

    I am simply being honest about my own walk of faith which has been filled with doubts and talking to God about how I feel and in many cases did not feel out of numbness for the people that I knew who had been so badly affected by the troubles here.

    Pooh, you talk of sharing my faith, I tell you that I have sometimes difficulty keeping my own faith and that is me being honest with all here and before God.

    It is not in my mind I trust God because that is where my weakness lies but in my heart I know God and even when my mind is in turmoil, God still speaks to my heart.


    I probably find that easy to believe because I was blessed to have a father who never ever let me down and my own children have a father who never had any time for them so I know how important a father is in this life and I cannot imagine how other like, Joyce, have managed except that her faith in God is steadfast and true.

    I know Pooh, you are passionate about your faith in Jesus from what you write but you must understand that many struggle to keep their faith as I do.

    Suffering from manic episodes just clarifies for them that I am mad, but if I am; it is from the evil of men and not from my belief in God.

    I do not even talk at all to God, just sit quietly and listen to gospel music and the words calm me and reassure me or read from the devotionals and I am able to get on with my day.

    A day at a time has the gospel song goes is what works for me and if you find what works for you then do your best and let God do the rest!

    Thank you Joyce for being a steadying influence on me here because in my humanness I have a tendency to slide.

  57. poohpity says:

    Viv, I have yet to find anyone that has not had problems in their faith journey, I sure have. You share your faith journey every time you write on here by the way, maybe you do not realize it but you do. Everyone I have read about in the bible has had struggles in their faith journey even those who walked and talked with Jesus still did. That is another thing we ALL have in common. Adam was the very first one to have struggles in his relationship with God by doubting.

  58. poohpity says:

    God is patient with us. He knows even when our faith is tested and it will be that it is God that is faithful even when we fail to be. God remains steadfast and true. I have learned from experience that the times I have doubted Him or been so angry and in self pity He never leaves me.

    Viv, by the way I also have bi-polar disorder so I also know what it is like. I shared that a way long time ago.

  59. SFDBWV says:

    Not new to regulars here that I am not all that comfortable with the Book of Job. I admit there are some great pearls of thought that are given, but it is the confrontation between God and Satan that bothers me.

    Very early in my youth I learned not to be drawn into another’s game of being taunted or provoked into their level of argument.

    Yet here we have God being provoked into proving Job’s faith to Satan. Allowing great pain and suffering to Job in order to do so.

    What comes from this story is that Satan may be given the ability to torment us given God’s permission.

    From this we might say that God may not send sickness into a body or disastrous weather, but will allow it.

    You may not like it, but from this you see God allowing evil in order to accomplish His will.

    It is a facet of God that makes me uncomfortable and, yes, fearful.

    Job’s children were killed.

    Enter Jesus into the story and there is Satan again being allowed to tempt Him, but like Job not allowed to kill Him.

    What could have been more evil than the hearts of those who did accuse Him and have Him killed?

    Look at the outcome of the Disciples whom Jesus ask God not to lose. All except John died violent deaths.

    It is written that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

    Yes our eternal condition is safe in the Lord Jesus, but our physical condition and the lives of those we love are all at risk here in this broken world. Life is not easy and the Book of Job shows that sometimes no matter what we do in obedience to God, floods come.


  60. joycemb says:

    I’m reading “A Case for Grace” by Lee Strobel and I highly recommend it. I borrowed it from the library. Wonderful true stories by an investigative reporter who’s own life was changed by Jesus. Heartwarming to say the least. It’s in the stories of life our faith is encouraged, even with stories that don’t seem to be good, like Job, yet the “getting there” of faith is often messy to say the least. I thank God His thoughts and ways are so far above ours and that I can rest in His goodness.
    Blessings abundant BTA friends!

  61. poohpity says:

    From the story of Job, it seems Satan’s main goal was to get Job to curse or deny God. Not to much about obedience but about trust no matter what happens in our lives do we still call out to God even if we do not understand the reason why things happen. If it is intended disaster(fire), war, illnesses or natural disaster which were the things that happened to Job yet he did not curse God which is what Satan wanted.

    Satan still plagues our world to this day as he has from the beginning with disasters in hopes we will turn away from God or never get to know Him in the first place. So if our relationship is not very close to God you know Satan has a hand in it someway or another.

  62. SFDBWV says:

    Praying for Anias and Jadon McDonald after their 27 hour surgery to separate them.


  63. SFDBWV says:

    Ever walk into a noisy room and when you enter the entire room gets silent?

    Yes it is a little uncomfortable isn’t it?

    The two boys I mentioned were 13 month old co-joined twins at the head. Yesterday they had surgery to separate them.

    If you followed their story their parents are a young Christian couple who have endured some very tough times with their boys in such condition. Their mother said she loved them just as they are and almost couldn’t imagine them separate.

    My hope is that such a surgery is successful with no serious side effects and this wonderful family can go forward with a happy normal existence. My hope is and will always remain rooted in Jesus of Nazareth.

    In truth I would hope for the same outcome for my own family; that my son could have a happy normal life.

    This is sympathy and empathy at work.

    32 degrees and fog again.


  64. poohpity says:

    What is normal?

  65. joycemb says:

    Prayer request: My friends’ son who suffers with Lupus, brain injury, PTSD, depression and alcoholism just got out of treatment and WANTS to go to a Christian based program called Teen Challenge in my state. This would be a wonderful place to find healing for him, as I know others have been healed in many ways there through encounters with Jesus. Please pray God would make a way for him as the 3 centers here all have waiting lists. Thank you all for caring about this young man (43). (When he was 12 his dad threatened to kill him with a knife held to his neck and then saw him shoot his mother in the face, then turned the gun on himself and died. His mom is my friend and a Christian.)

    This is a sign of hope that he wants to go and is looking finally to God for help!

  66. jeff1 says:

    I am glad you ask this question Pooh! What is normal?

    Expectations have been for me the most difficult part of my life. Expectations of myself and of others.

    What is normal for one person can be the opposite for another i.e. it is our perception that we are normal until another says it is not their normal.

    The more I know human nature the more I realize how well God knew us and our shortcomings and the fact that we all have them.

    I have learned from my children that I am not as righteous as I think I am.

    My son’s outlook is much different to mine on my Country here and him being the next generation it gives me hope for a better future because he sees what I did not see until he pointed it out to me.

    I was brought up a Protestant and British and the war here has always been that the Catholics want Ireland united for the Irish.

    My son said that the Catholics were right because the Protestants owned the land proving the Catholics had been discriminated against.

    I never was a land owner but just a working class Protestant who was no better of than a working class Catholic so I never seen it that way.

    I never even thought why Protestants were the land owners other than they inherited it from their forefathers.

    Life is complex and people even more complex and I seem to be always learning but at the same time not understanding.

    If everyone looked that God owned the land and we should be prepared to share it then it would be easy but God knew our shortcomings and until He takes control of the Kingdom on Earth; What is normal?

  67. jeff1 says:

    This is wonderful news for you, your friend and this young man who has been through so much. May he find the peace and reassurance that God loves Him.

  68. SFDBWV says:

    Joyce, what an awful set of tragic circumstances for any person to endure in life. This man does indeed need our support, thank you for offering us the opportunity to pray for him.


  69. SFDBWV says:

    In this theme of having sympathy or, heaven forbid, empathy with another during “states of emergency” it is always my nature to try and bring some kind of life experience to the subject in an attempt to illustrate or showcase the subject matter Mart is offering for us to explore.

    This is normal for me.

    When I gave the story of the co-joined twin babies and how difficult keeping faith and living with children with such a heart wrenching disability must be for their parents. I was attempting to show sympathy and some empathy for their situation.

    Normal in my discussion is meant to imply life as most other people can enjoy. Clearly two babies joined at the head cannot stand or walk, feed themselves or even set in a chair. I shouldn’t have to go on to explain what is normal for most of us as I am certain most understood my meaning.

    Why would pooh ask a philosophical question in the midst of an emotional discussion concerning having sympathy for another human being. Because that is her normal to be contentious and argumentative.

    Viv glad to have the opportunity to join in the philosophical side of such a remark because she is a trusting and kind hearted soul, that is her normal.

    Pearl emailed me yesterday after reading my comments and said how she prays for my own sons miracle and longs for him to have a “normal” life as well, that is because she understands what heartache is and has sympathy for another suffering human being, this is her normal.

    Yes there are a lot of normal in the world and the one normal that keeps a person from entering into a heart of Jesus is by acting from their normal base contrary to love and compassion for the feelings of another.

    Prayer for those who choose strife over love.

    39 degrees under a full moon.


  70. bubbles says:

    The moon was spectacular last night and this morning.

  71. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    11C/52F and stormy here. Heavy winds on the Pacific Coast — less so in the valley, but many branches and small trees down with some damage to buildings.

    You compare — in your post State of Emergency, Mart — the Patriarch Job — and Jesus of Nazareth — many generations later.

    It seems to me, in any time of history there are groups and individuals who “lose human empathy, while defending moral and religious duty, at the expense of one…” (as you said, Mart)

    Unlike Job’s predicament, later on when God’s One and only Son appeared in flesh, the persecution and hatred toward Him unleashed the greatest blessing of all time coming from heaven to earth.

    Sadly, even the sacrifice of Jesus’ Divine Self does not always reach and transform the hearts of those who cannot understand or empathize with another’s pain.

    Today’s ODB message finds the Apostle Paul urging and encouraging the church at Thessaloniki to continue to live lives of quiet faith as witness to the love of God in Christ.

    Perhaps a Jesus-follower gets to thinking (s)/he is not doing enough — not accomplishing enough for the Lord. But, in an era of lawlessness such as this one, we are called to “endure to the end.” (Matt 24:12)

    This fellowship encourages me to keep on witnessing to Jesus in even the smallest way possible.

    Sabbath Joy,

  72. remarutho says:

    My Scripture reference needs the next two verses, I believe — Matt 24:13, 14 — Maru

  73. jeff1 says:

    God does not call those to endure without being with them to endure.

    I may not always understand what God is doing in this world or my life but since I was a child I was brought up with the Gospel and the Bible is not wrong and that means God gets it right.

    I listened to the news this morning and it was revealed that Boris Johnston had prepared an article for the newspaper where he would support Britain remaining in Europe and in it he stated that ‘Brexit’ would trigger an ‘Economy Shock’ an ‘Independent Scotland’ and ‘Russia’ becoming more aggressive.’

    It was never published because two day later in an interview he announced his support for ‘Brexit’ because he wanted better for his Country.

    Whatever is happening in the world today it is for God’s purpose so let us take hope for it may get worse before it gets better but God has been with me in good times and in bad and He will be with me/us to the end.

    God is an eternal God and there is no end in God’s economy.

  74. poohpity says:

    Maru, prayed for all in Oregon and you were especially on mind as I learned of the storm coming your way. Glad to hear you made it through. :)

    Religion is usually a rule based, man-made organization which seems to be based more on a human doing rather than receiving by faith. Empathy seems more like I understand who I am before God so I understand you as a fellow human being. I understand your weaknesses because I have them too. I understand your fear because I have felt it too. I understand your brokenness because I am broken too. That understanding seems to come only when we know exactly who I am. If I think I am better or worse than I actually am then I will have lost sight of my need and when it comes down to it I will have lost sight of who God is. Job as he spoke to God at the end of his book realized who he was and who God is which resulted in him covering his mouth, speechless unable to say anything because he knew he did not have a clue really about all that God is.

    Religion says I think I know better than God so it has imposed unobtainable goals and purposes on the very people it was supposed to bring to God but instead it brings people to man’s logic, understanding and wisdom.

  75. joycemb says:

    Steve I feel honored to have your always caring presence here and your heart of concern for the suffering. You are a godly gentle giant on this blog. Thank you for being you and I thank God for how he has led and sustained your faith in this world.

  76. remarutho says:

    Thanks Pooh —

    And all who prayed for us here on the West Coast. We have seen nothing like what the East Coast has experienced. Have not heard of any loss of life so far over here.

    Blessings to all,

  77. jeff1 says:

    It does not matter whether we follow a religion or not God still works in hearts and God is way bigger than any religion.

    Religions may think they have power but God turns it around. He knows the errors man will make before He makes them and in the end will save man from himself.

    ‘Jesus’ died to save mankind and that is what God will do save mankind from himself.

  78. joycemb says:

    “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” James

    James’ definition is pretty simple and straightforward as to HOW to DO religion. I think if we try to focus on these who always need help (which can be because of religious wars) we are on track for Jesus’ agenda in the world. There will always be and always has been “wars and rumors of wars”.

    All suffering is common to everyone else, yet God can and does overcome it through our obedience and trusting in Him alone for our eventual redemption from the world even. The giving of thanks to God in the midst of suffering is the highest form of praise. May God be blessed in our sufferings all over the world as we offer up our praise and thanks to Him, acknowledging that Jesus is LORD. Amen

  79. joycemb says:

    As for being an orphan we are all orphans when our parents die or leave us. See how God cares for us!!!

  80. street says:

    State of Emergency
    thinking of the state of emergency facing mankind and the urgency of a needed remedy. the pace of justice is quickening in greater alarm and urgency. Jesus ask in Luke 18:8
    I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”

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