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P1030461 (1)In the 8th century before Christ, King Uzziah ruled Judah for 52 years. It was a time of unusual stability, material prosperity, and national security, marred by a devastating earthquake and— the leprosy that forced a popular leader to give up his throne.

In the year that King Uzziah died, the prophet Isaiah had a vision. He saw the LORD high and lifted up— in such wonder— that Isaiah confessed, “I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips.” (Isa 6).

Today we remember Isaiah as the prophet who foresaw (without understanding what he was seeing)  a rejected Servant who— almost 3000 years later is leading a people— whose love for him is to be known by our willingness to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s— and to God what is God’s.

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141 Responses to “Perspective”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Mart I kept a journal of Scripture verses that God gave me during those very dark hours of the first year of Matthew’s return home from the hospital and his mother’s slow death from cancer.

    It is filled with Isaiah’s Scripture verses. A cousin of mine said that Isaiah was like a miniature Bible in its own right.

    Why the emergence of the “jackass” again?

    What unsaid message is it you really want to say?

    We can put up church signs here and never say what is on our hearts or we can be honest about our “thinking” and our journey in this life as Christians.

    Yes people can be stubborn, as well as God have a jackass speak for Him. It is all about what we perceive from the message not so much the messenger.


  2. joycemb says:

    Good morning Mart and all!

    So glad to see a new subject here. Giving to Caesar what is due him and to God what is his, is, often confused. I just read a commentator who said the coin that Jesus used had a likeness of Caesar on it- making it an idol and likening it to how Israel had turned from God to worship false idols. Nationalism then and now is an affront to God. Our ultimate obedience and worship is to be to God alone. This can only be done if we are His alone. Beware of false idols. Check your loyalties. God is not mocked, we reap what we sow. Blessed be the name of the LORD God almighty, who was and is and ever shall be, Amen.

  3. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends —

    Have not kept up very well these past days. We here kept a prayer vigil on Election Day 2016 — praying for our nation. What are we praying for? For order to prevail? For massive changes to come quickly? Have not myself been moved to pray for one presidential candidate or another. It is the transfer of power that has caught at my heart in these days.

    Thank God for Isaiah’s vision of the Lord upon His throne — calling the prophet to go to the people. So, Jesus can use anyone who accepts His cleansing and anointing to bring the Good News that we may give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. What we offer is all that we are and all that we have for the sake of His coming kingdom.

    *Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” He said, “Go, and tell this people:

    ‘Keep on listening, but do not perceive;
    Keep on looking, but do not understand.’

    “Render the hearts of this people insensitive,
    Their ears dull,
    And their eyes dim,
    Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
    Hear with their ears,
    Understand with their hearts,
    And return and be healed.”

    Then I said, “Lord, how long?” And He answered,

    “Until cities are devastated and without inhabitant,
    Houses are without people
    And the land is utterly desolate,

    “The Lord has removed men far away,
    And the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land.

    “Yet there will be a tenth portion in it,
    And it will again be subject to burning,
    Like a terebinth or an oak
    Whose stump remains when it is felled.
    The holy seed is its stump.”*

    Blessings all day,

    Foggy in the valley – 9C/49F

  4. poohpity says:

    Maru, I was awakened at 3:30 this morning and started in prayer for this new transition and God’s mighty hand to touch the hearts of all of us. Now is a time for peace, civility, hope, mercy and above all love to be shown to our fellow citizens. We so need God’s guidance and wisdom that was the prayer request from Trump and it is mine as well along with replacing hate with compassion.

  5. SFDBWV says:

    I am off and running with a full day, and won’t likely be here again until tomorrow, but I wanted to say two things before I go.

    Today is the United States Marine Corps birthday, November 10 1775. In a small tavern in Philadelphia PA the organization known and feared worldwide was established. To my comrades in arms I say Semper Fidelis to you all.

    Tomorrow will be Veterans Day and I will have more to say for all of them as their sacrifice will never be forgotten by me.

    Good day to all and prayers for you all to be blessed.


  6. street says:

    Zechariah 6:9–15

    [9] The word of the LORD came to me: [10] “Take silver and gold from the exiles Heldai, Tobijah and Jedaiah, who have arrived from Babylon. Go the same day to the house of Josiah son of Zephaniah. [11] Take the silver and gold and make a crown, and set it on the head of the high priest, Joshua son of Jozadak. [12] Tell him this is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘Here is the man whose name is the Branch, and he will branch out from his place and build the temple of the LORD. [13] It is he who will build the temple of the LORD, and he will be clothed with majesty and will sit and rule on his throne. And he will be a priest on his throne. And there will be harmony between the two.’ [14] The crown will be given to Heldai, Tobijah, Jedaiah and Hen son of Zephaniah as a memorial in the temple of the LORD. [15] Those who are far away will come and help to build the temple of the LORD, and you will know that the LORD Almighty has sent me to you. This will happen if you diligently obey the LORD your God.”

    17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

  7. street says:

    a people— whose love for him is to be known by our willingness to give………. to God what is God’s.

    Glory, Thanksgiving, Praise, Worship, Obedience, Love, Faithfulness, Long-suffering, Perseverance, Loyalty, Honor, Reverence, Fear, Heart, Mind, All….even my sin.

  8. jeff1 says:

    In life I have many different roles, but in death I am His completely, the race is finished.

    From ‘Footprints In The Sand’

    “Lord,” he said, “You promised to be always with me. You said that you would never leave me or forsake me.
    Yet, I have noticed that during the most difficult times of my life, there was only one set of footprints.
    I don’t understand why you would leave me when I needed you most!”

    Then the Lord replied, “My child, I love you, and I would never leave you. During your times of hardship and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”

  9. SFDBWV says:

    In Flanders field
    By Lieut-Col. John McCrae, who died in France January 28, 1918 after four years on the Western Front.

    In Flanders fields the poppies blow
    Between the crosses, row by row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
    Scarce heard amid the guns below.

    We are the dead. Short days ago
    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie
    In Flanders fields.

    Take up your quarrel with the foe;
    To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
    In Flanders fields.

    I hope you all enjoy and remember those who gave us all they had to give. Especially our Lord who also gave up His life for us all.


  10. tiysh says:

    In the same way as God permits the rule of earthly Authority(be it good or bad to humanity at a point in time)for His own reason and Ultimate Glory, so is He telling us that we can never compromise when it comes to our love for Him.

    The question now is?, do we love Ceaser or God?, who created man?, where do we spend our eternity?

    Fact that I respect Authority does not mean I should please Authority at the expense of pleasing God

    What is it that belongs to Ceaser? ( the enemy) on this earth that God has created Himself?

    If our souls belongs to God who is able to take it at any point in time without any ones approval nor notification, then our lives should be lived in pleasing Him here on earth.

    As Jesus talks of us giving to Ceaser what belongs to him, lets genuinely ask ourselves of the things that belongs to Ceaser and the things that belongs to God,

    Let’s not compromise our faith in any way in the name of giving to Ceaser what belongs to him
    Its good and in the right direction to respect every earthly Authority here on earth (God allowed it all for His own reason and purpose as He did in the days of old)
    but as we do, let us not compromise our FAITH
    Shalom!! and Lovely day to lovely people.

  11. joycemb says:

    Welcome tiysh and bullwinkle I remember you from a while back. Good to have other voices added to the mix! May the LORD bless you and keep you, may He make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

    Many times in the OT God said He would not have any other gods (idols) before Him. Reading this morning in a commentary it said that the greatest command is to love God and your neighbor, that if we don’t put Him above all things we can’t really love our neighbor. Perspective is everything. Our actions prove our right perspective don’t they? Love wins every time. Praying that Christians everywhere will put down their swords and put on love which covers a multitude of sins. (Yes even after a nasty electoral race)

  12. joycemb says:

    A heartfelt AMEN to your post Tiysh!

  13. SFDBWV says:

    Viv there was an American musician whose passing was in the news this morning. His name was Leonard Cohen, he wrote a song titled “Hallelujah”.

    If you have never heard this song, I recommend it, just for its beautiful music.


  14. SFDBWV says:

    Not much time, but I do want to address Mart’s comments as well as some of the communities.

    Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is His.

    The issue in Scripture was whether or not the Israeli’s should pay taxes to an occupying force or not. Jesus said yes.

    However He then said to give God what is His.

    Wow, for starters I wondered what is it that is God’s and what isn’t?

    Scripture says that if we do not pay tithes we steal from God.

    Yet in my imaginings I can’t believe that God needs money, only our obedience of financially supporting the established structure of worship. Also in my imagining I can see where tithing could also be supporting any or all in need of financial help or even being fed and clothed and cared for.

    This “giving” being a form of worship of itself.

    So back to my original thought; what does not belong to God?

    I am being called away, so I will have to leave it there for you folks to think about. I have been ever since I originally read that passage of Scripture.

    45 under cloudy skies.


  15. street says:

    23 Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25 Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26 Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

  16. street says:

    the Word of God is good seed, may it find the good soil.

  17. joycemb says:

    Thinking about what Jesus said about who to give what to. What happens when we reverse them? Giving to Caesar what is Gods is idolatry, giving to God what belongs to Caesar gets burned up. That narrow way again, there is no room for side trips and vacations. It’s all or nothing.

  18. joycemb says:

    To clarify myself, when I speak of the “narrow way” I’m thinking of the parameters of the walk, not the destination. It’s a daily thing, the “already but not yet”. Our walk of obedience to the calling.

  19. street says:

    no one can serve two masters, either he will serve the one and hate the other.

  20. street says:

    Luke 14:26
    “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.

  21. street says:

    don’t think it is caesar that comes in conflict with the rule of Christ on a regular basis, it just might be ourselves. thinking of joseph’s brothers and his father in all the decisions they had to make during a famine. there was only one real choice. so much for free will. God is merciful!

  22. street says:

    a rejected Servant and a rejected Son.

  23. SFDBWV says:

    If anybody were to misread Mart’s comments and believe that the past 8 years here in the USA have been, “A time of unusual stability, material prosperity, and national security.” They would be in grievous error.

    We always try to connect the ancient events of Israel to our own countries including and especially those being judgements and prosperity.

    Yet only a handful of countries are even mentioned in the Scripture and always in connection to Israel.

    Seeing the Bible as a guide to living a better life always brings us full circle back to obedience to a law of do and don’t.

    Seeing the Bible as showing the need for Jesus of Nazareth then as well as now and His first coming with a look ahead to His 2nd shows us that the theme of the Bible is always about Jesus the Son of God and the second part of the God Head or Trinity.

    As I strain to see the events in my own country and the world as being connected to Scripture, what I see is the reality of the vision in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the statue of man and its meaning.

    From ancient Babylon to the last world government we see a downward spiral from gold to a mixture of iron and clay.

    Then Jesus returns to remove the governments of man with His own Kingdom.

    What I see from Scripture is that what God wants from us is to simply believe Him. Not to believe “in” Him, but rather to believe what He says.

    So what is it we give unto God? Our trust in Him and our faith in what He says to us.

    Where do we find what he has said? Not only in Scripture, but in that still small voice in our hearts.

    Only when we silence that voice are we truly in jeopardy of being forever lost. Rejoice at the knowledge that the conflict within us is proof that His Spirit is still with us.

    20 degrees and getting colder as the dawn approaches.


  24. poohpity says:

    My willingness to give God what is God’s. To me that is my worship, adoration, reverence, mind, heart and soul, time, dedication, submission, ears that listen and a mouth that shares His Good News.

    My willingness to give Caesar what is Caesar’s. That to me is like following the rules as long as they do not coincide with God’s principles, praying for those who have been set in authority over me as a citizen, respect and honor the leaders, to participate in what God has set into place. Remembering that they are only people who like me who make mistakes and are not perfect.

  25. street says:

    Seeing the Bible as a guide to living a better life always brings us full circle back to obedience to a law of do and don’t.

    thinking the law of do and don’t does do this circular repeat cycle. it is madness. thinking the answer is death. let me explain. thinking of Luke 8 where the woman touched the hem of His robe. she got past the law of do’s and don’t and reach out in faith. this is where it gets real interesting. Jesus came to a complete stop! He asked who touched Me? the way He said it made people deny that they touched Him. then the one who did. fear took hold of her and she came before him trembling. Jesus said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

    their meeting was over as fast as it started, yet she would never be the same. God has a memory and He uses it too! job asked God that He would remember Him after he joined the sons of men in dust. how much more as we live here in weakness?

  26. jeff1 says:

    God asks me to trust Him! Yet, I am forever asking, why this Lord? why that Lord?

    God has already give me the reason I should trust Him without the why’s!

    Jesus is the evidence that I can trust God regardless if I have a difficult life on earth or not!

    I do not know why some suffer more than others only that God knows the reasons and motives of us all.

    I may bring some suffering on myself and at other times it may be through circumstances that I have no control over so there will always be ???? that I will not have answers for but God has ask be to trust Him because I can.

    God asks me to keep my faith simple but human nature does not do simple! Who complicated the world we live in; men not God!

    A comment made to me by another believer that if Jesus was on earth today He would be crucified again, by this world, made me realize that generations change but men do not.

    God is changing the world right under man’s nose but as usual man is oblivious to what is staring Him right in the face!


    Great is Thy faithfulness, Oh God my Father;
    There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
    Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
    As Thou has been, Thou forever wilt be.

    Great is Thy faithfulness, Great is Thy faithfulness!
    Morning by morning new mercies I see.
    All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
    Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

    Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
    Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above
    Join with all nature in manifold witness
    to Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.

    Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!
    Morning by morning new mercies I see.
    All I have need Thy hand hath provided;
    Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

    Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
    Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
    Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
    Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

    Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!
    Morning by morning new mercies I see.
    And all I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
    Great is Thy faithfulness!
    Great is Thy faithfulness!
    Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.

  27. street says:

    In the year that King Uzziah died, the prophet Isaiah had a vision. He saw the LORD high and lifted up— in such wonder— that Isaiah confessed, “I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips.” (Isa 6).

    i guess you could say isaiah could say the pic is of himself. he kinda implied hoof and mouth disease. i really think it is my best side though. looking at self does get old……peaking into heaven is much more fun. paul spoke about boldness in going before the Thrown! from some of the readings i have seen recently imply the elect are already there whether they understand or not. it would be cool to catch up with our heart. still being conformed.

  28. street says:

    thinking of the woman that touched the hem of His robe. Jesus told her to go in peace. He did not ask of her anything else that we know of.

  29. SFDBWV says:

    What is a nation, but a gathering of related and likeminded people.

    In the pre-flood earth there is little mention of “nations” only cities and the inhabitants being corrupted by the cross breeding of fallen angels. So utterly evil that God killed off all inhabitants except the “ones” He placed into the Ark.

    With Noah’s “bloodline” pure so that the generational process would produce the Man Jesus.

    Once the waters of the flood receded and the Earth as it became were completed man had become “one” nation already angry at God. God then made the emerging people go into all parts of the world and create separate speaking “nations”.

    Many thousands of years later a Disciple of Jesus of Nazareth would proclaim that the followers of Jesus are “an holy nation”, (1 Peter 2:9 KJV).

    God is a nation builder.

    After the flood the record of God and man is shown with connections to “governments” almost always at odds with those in control, but occasionally in sync with God’s designs for them.

    The Bible is a “political” history of how God used politics to mold and sculpt His plans.

    Why then are we surprised or chastised today when we “choose” leaders based on our faith based political views?

    In my opinion when we go privately into the polling place and in secret cast our vote we are indeed doing just as Jesus requested by giving unto God what is His, our decision based on His guidance and our Christ like nature.

    I believe something very similar occurred in the wanderings of the “nation” of Israel in the desert. (Exodus 32:26 KJV) (Deuteronomy 30:15 KJV) (Joshua 24:15).

    We free people of the earth who are privileged to vote for our futures should always vote by “rendering unto God what is His.”

    18 degrees under the super moon.


  30. poohpity says:

    Last night I was privileged to go to the most recent play our church put on called “1776” a musical. It reminded me that when our Declaration of Independence was drafted and ratified there was much disagreement about what would be in it but the one common factor was they wanted freedom from the tyranny of the King of England. When they focused on the thing they had in common it sure did make the process easier. The one who did not agree left and decided to join the military rather than be part of the fledgling government.

    At that time we had no president just representatives of the people from each of the 13 states. George Washington at that time was in the middle of the battle with nothing, no supplies going against England. 5,000 militia troops against 25,000 royal army troops but the militia had drive, passion and guts for freedom.

    The real enemy was from without but now it seems it is coming from within. People with hatred blaming it on others rather than peaceful protests there is looting, fires, destruction, murders and our President nor HRC does not call out to stop this madness when it is the very people backing them that is doing this and had been doing this for the past 6 years now.

  31. joycemb says:

    Phil 1:6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

    Such a comforting promise in these days of national upheaval. The spiritual perspective always trumps (no pun intended) the worldly one.

    Come LORD Jesus

  32. street says:

    With Noah’s “bloodline” pure so that the generational process would produce the Man Jesus.
    hate to burst your bubble but the bloodline of man is completely corrupt! the process is One of Promise, the very Word of God. so much that the Redeemer was born of a virgin. the Word of God made flesh, humble flesh. without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness/covering for sin.

    as for nations, it started out as family and degenerated into nations because of rejection of the Head of the Family. you see a Nation called out now and called the children of God. yet it is not apparent to the world or sometimes even to us. so we continue in Hope.

  33. street says:

    Isaiah 10:17
    The Light of Israel will become a fire, their Holy One a flame; in a single day it will burn and consume his thorns and his briers.

    Zechariah 3:9
    See, the stone I have set in front of Joshua! There are seven eyes on that one stone, and I will engrave an inscription on it,’ says the Lord Almighty, ‘and I will remove the sin of this land in a single day.

  34. street says:

    18 And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary.

    no more work for wages. peace with God!

  35. street says:

    Oswald Chambers is pretty good today.

  36. SFDBWV says:

    Street you hide your gender, talk in riddles and sometimes are very confusing, but I have not seen you be sarcastic before.

    You haven’t burst my bubble just shown your lack of studying and lack of tolerance for the thoughts of another.

    Too bad. Just another reason not to visit BTA as often as I would like.


  37. Regina says:

    Good Afternoon, All
    It’s so good to have some time to chat for a few… with you. I pray all is well in your lives.

    I want to (briefly) share some thoughts on the election 2016, and the transition of power from one president to the next…

    This election year was historical in many ways and on many levels… even children were (very) interested in who our next president would be… The republican candidate (who has no “presidential” experience or training) was favored by many, and the democratic candidate, if elected, would have been the first female president in our nation’s history.
    I didn’t vote for the president elect because of his character flaws and other issues that were uncovered while he was campaigning for president. The most egregious CFs (for me) was the fact that he was openly critical of people of other ethnicities, and he admitted that he doesn’t pay taxes. He also filed for bankruptcy more than once (he’s been “living large” on the backs of honest, tax-paying citizens), and he used tax-payer income to protect his “ill-gotten gain”. Am wondering if he’s going to pay taxes now that he’s president? The former democratic candidate isn’t an angel (she has shortcomings too), but I believe that she’s more qualified to serve as president of this country. So, here’s my challenge… Can I pray for a leader that I don’t respect? …a leader that I don’t admire? With much help from the Holy Spirit, I can.

    64F in my neck of the woods…

    Love to all,

  38. joycemb says:

    I hadn’t read OC yet today thanks for pointing it out street. Nothing can match the grace of time alone with Jesus. Nothing.

    Steve sorry you are so upset, hope you have a better evening. Blessings to you and your family!

  39. Regina says:

    Btw… I love OC, street
    What you said about today’s devo made me curious, so I’ll read it some time today…

  40. poohpity says:

    Perspective! If we are fed by one side without hearing from the other side then often our perspective can be unduly influenced one way or another. Influences can be often without facts and based only on opinions or emotions. Proverbs 18:7 “The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.” (Proverbs 21:2)

  41. poohpity says:

    Oooops that was supposed to be Proverbs 18:17

  42. poohpity says:

    Regina, just read your comment and would like to give you a little something to think about not to change your mind but just some facts. First many entrepreneurs have ventures that do not succeed and those particular entities can go bankrupt without the person themselves going bankrupt which Trump himself has not. Second with many companies the loss taken can be deducted from future tax returns but that does not mean in anyway that Trump has not payed taxes. It is not required by law that anyone running for President needs to show their tax returns but they are to provided a financial statement which he did. Since no one has seen his tax returns no one knows what he has paid in taxes that was just propaganda.

    He has actually stated he will not take a salary from the government while being President that is over 400 thousand a year. All of his gains from his companies he has earned legally remembering also that not all of them succeeded. As far as ethnicity he has people from all, working within in his companies in high positions even woman. The things you stated are what was used against him by his opponent to smear him and most were only a small piece of a total picture twisted to suit her narrative.

    I understand people do not like him but at least do not like him for the truth not political rhetoric.

  43. street says:

    thinking about common sense, rational thinking, rule keeping, and any thought of man for that matter. i think paul had his list of rubbish too. counted it all a lose and unreliable. yes we are liable to give an account for what we have done with what God has given us. God’s Word can make a man blameless in His sight forever! Jesus is very reliable. come to Him and find peace.

  44. joycemb says:

    Isaiah confessed, “I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips.” (Isa 6).

    Truer words were never spoken among mortals. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding…” Even Gods chosen let Him down. There are no saviors worthy of the respect and praise He deserves. We must be careful who we put our trust in, mortal man will always let us down. And disappoint. I think that includes all sources, whether books, teachers, media etc. There are really only two perspectives that matter, good and evil. “Choose you this day who you will serve,” God said. “As for me and my house we will serve the LORD.”

  45. street says:

    Psalm 36

  46. street says:

    Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens,
    your faithfulness to the skies.
    Your righteousness is like the highest mountains,
    your justice like the great deep.
    You, Lord, preserve both people and animals.

    “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty;
    the whole earth is full of his glory.”

    17 And the Lord said to Moses, “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.”

    18 Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.”

    19 And the Lord said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

  47. narrowpathseeker says:

    I came here this morning to urge ALL here to pray, pray, and PRAY some more…I am nearing the end of a year of daily devotionals taken from Andrew Murray’s sermons called TEACH ME TO PRAY. He emphasizes the importance and Power in UNIFIED prayer for lost souls, for our enemies, for His missionaries, for our leaders, for each other…for EVERYBODY!!!

    When we are Enabled to see ourselves as clearly as we see others, it is quite humbling…then when we see others that are totally blind to their own uglies, we can take on that old false pride again by thinking ourselves superior to those blind souls. I have to struggle with this often….and watching the Trump protestors burning flags before veteran’s day, rioting, promoting hatred, and causing hardships of all sorts with transport delays for workers, children, the elderly, etc ..All this while protesting hatred, intolerance, and lack of respect!!! Lord have mercy!!! The blind leading the blind!! I want to scream ….BUT …then I am reminded that I have walked in their shoes….we need to pray for them…may they come to see themselves in a realistic light.

    Also, days before I voted, I still had no idea what to do.. thus I prayed….I asked the Lord to choose our president.. I really thought Donald Trump didn’t have a chance..I had completely intended to leave the presidential block blank, but at the last minute voted for Trump.. When Frank called into me in the morning that he had won…I couldn’t believe it… so I believe that Mr Trump was God’s choice and I further believe that we need to pray for him as well as ALL of our leaders. Ok …I’m done….may all have a Blessed day

  48. SFDBWV says:

    Good morning Pearl. Personally I pray almost unceasingly all day about a great many things. Matt sometimes wonders why I bother, but always prays for me.

    In our home and among each of us we have love in our hearts for each other. That wonderful double edged sword, love.

    It causes us to be both comforted and afraid. Fearful always for those we, love. Comforted in just being able to be together here and now.

    At seventeen in May of 1965 I enlisted in the US Marines because my country was fighting against its enemy, and my country’s enemy was my enemy.

    The 60’s was that point in time when America divided itself between the Liberal left and the Conservative right.

    While one burned the flag chanting the motto “drop out and turn on.” Another died on battlefields far from home.

    Everything in life between these two camps are seen from very different views, everything.

    Liberals want to force you and I to live under their ideals, while denying us the right not to.

    They are spoiled children without conscience, only concerned with having their own way.

    They can never understand nor will they that those men how died on battlefields far from home did so, so that they could pout, demonstrate and have the freedoms that they do.

    They are led by others because they are open to being led. They don’t even realize who and what it is that leads them. While defining the term hypocrite by their actions.

    I will pray with you for our country as I have been in service to my country and my community all of my adult life and yes it is “love” of both that drives me to pray for their best in every regard.

    An 18 degree morning under the “Super Moon” again it is 32 as I send this off.


  49. joycemb says:

    Perspective: (not thinking of anybody but myself here)

    A Message to Baruch
    45 When Baruch son of Neriah wrote on a scroll the words Jeremiah the prophet dictated in the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah, Jeremiah said this to Baruch: 2 “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says to you, Baruch: 3 You said, ‘Woe to me! The Lord has added sorrow to my pain; I am worn out with groaning and find no rest.’ 4 But the Lord has told me to say to you, ‘This is what the Lord says: I will overthrow what I have built and uproot what I have planted, throughout the earth. 5 Should you then seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them. For I will bring disaster on all people, declares the Lord, but wherever you go I will let you escape with your life.’”
    Things, people, successes and yes, even failures come and go in life. But the greatest thing is to have a life, a life created in the image of God. Feeling so blessed today!

  50. poohpity says:

    Steve, how did you answer Matt when he wonders why bother to pray?

  51. poohpity says:

    If you say: I believe in God, I trusted God, and He didn’t come through; then you only trusted God to meet your agenda. -Timothy Keller

  52. jeff1 says:

    Thinking from God’s perspective; how we must bring Him sorrow when we disagree and behave like children in a playground, wanting our beliefs to be right instead of agreeing that His way is right and do what we have to do without the lamenting.

    God is our refuge and our strength,
    Our ever present aid;
    And therefore, though the earth gives way,
    We will not be afraid.

    Come, see the works he LORD has done–
    The judgements He commands,
    The desolations He has brought
    To pass in many lands.

    In every land throughout the earth
    He makes all conflict cease;
    He shatters bow and spear and shield,
    And brings His reign of peace.

    Be still, and know that I am God,
    On earth exalted high;
    And all the nations of the world
    My name will glorify.

    The LORD Almighty is with us
    To strengthen and sustain;
    For Jacob’s God our strong defence
    And fortress will remain.

  53. joycemb says:

    I believe Steve has talked on here many times about why he “bothers to pray”. Not sure why he is being tested so much lately but I have every confidence he can stand up to the challenge. His faith is strong and so is his God. Without testing there would be no growth in holiness. I’ve been tested plenty on this blog, but I’ve grown stronger in my faith and confidence in God. For that reason I thank each and every one here who has forced me to look to God for help and strength to endure. God bless you all.

  54. poohpity says:

    Gosh it seems to me that there is a lot of disappointment from Steve towards God about answering prayers, so just wondered what he tells his son.

  55. joycemb says:

    If you are sincerely concerned then pray for him. That’s the loving thing to, praying always with thanksgiving in you heart.

  56. street says:

    almost 3000 years later is leading a people— whose love for him is to be known…

    just thinking……

  57. foreverblessed says:

    Yes, pray for him, and for his son, Matthew.
    What I have gotten from Steve’s story, is that Matthew is the one who has a hard time believing God is answering his prayers (our prayers).
    Let’s all stand around him and lifting up his arms, just like the Israelites did in the wilderness with Moses.
    Matthew we love you all! And we find if incredibly courageous, the life you live, in such physically restraints.
    And we pray for Steve and Glenna that God will be merciful to them and bless them mightely.

  58. foreverblessed says:

    Psalm 13 (How long O Lord) from Brian Doerksen.
    ” How long O Lord, will You forget me
    How long O Lord, will You look the other way?
    How long O Lord, must I wrestle with my thoughts
    and every day have such sorrow in my heart

    Look on me and answer, O God my Father,
    bring light to my darkness before they were fall”

    I dedicate that song to Matthew, in the track there is some lamenting musical sounds with it, very touching.

    There are some more lyrics to it, that despite the trouble, the psalmist keeps trusting God, because without Him we have nothing else.

    Hang in there, Matthew!

  59. foreverblessed says:

    Last line of the song should be:
    Before they were fall = before they see me fall

  60. SFDBWV says:

    Dear friends pooh has ask a legitimate question and one that is over 17 years long.

    Over the years I have said many things to Matt and I wonder often if sometimes trying to impart my faith into his broken mind is a mistake. As often he doesn’t remember everything.

    Sometimes all I can tell him is that no matter what, I love him.

    It was over 3 months before I could hear him even speak again and in his confused and disoriented mind he believed if his dad would come and get him home everything would be back to normal.

    His memories only bits and pieces I tried to reconstruct with him. Always praying together every night and every so often he recanted the Lord’s Prayer from memory as I had raised him up in the Lord and only a month before this happened to him he and I dedicated our lives to the Lord.

    Still to this day he has trouble recognizing faces, only voices are what he recognizes for sure.

    In those first couple years he recognized my voice as being dad, but often believed I was an imposter and would tell me when things didn’t go well that I would be in trouble when his real dad came home.

    We here sometime back spoke of the difference between sympathy and empathy, so I hope none of you ever have to live the life we have.

    As Matt got better he would have me help him set on the side of his bed and insist I get some twenty feet away from him and he believed he would stand up and walk to me. He would pray to God in his heart he believed yet hundreds of times all he could do was set there unable to get up. Realization reflecting in his face and spirit.

    So slowly he gave up trying.

    Every morning at 8am he has me get him to the toilet so he can have a bowel movement, every day he prays that god will let him poop. Yet it is just impossible to have this succeed every day and when it does not he blames God or believes that God doesn’t care.

    He will get angry and I have to work at calming him down and try to ease his pain.

    To answer pooh’s question the answer may be different at different times, but sometimes all I can say is that I love him as I hug him and try to make him feel less alone.

    He believes that prayer works for others, just not for him and so God must hate him.

    Trying to tell him otherwise just makes his disappointments all that worse.

    And so the struggle continues here every day all day long with hope the energy that keeps us going and when he has none I have to have more.

    His mind may be broken and his memories lost or confused, but one thing remains clear to him, he loves me and through it all that has never been taken away from him and keeps him going.

    I hope I have in part answered some of your questions and pooh’s as well as I have only given you a piece of these past 17 years.

    36 degrees with light rain.


  61. SFDBWV says:

    Matthew says to thank you all for praying for him, he guesses that is good.


  62. poohpity says:

    Ladies, since Steve first appeared on this blog 7 years ago, I know it is not your business really, but I have prayed for him and his family as I do for everyone on here, I just do not share that I do. I came on here 8 years ago and to serve my family in Christ I pray since physically and financially I am limited. Steve and I used to have a pretty close relationship as I did with his wife and son even got to speak with his brother during Steve’s heart attack time. So thanks for your input but as usual it is ill informed and I know often people like to give opinions on things they do not know anything about, so I understand.

    I still can hear the anger and disappointment with God that he has shared over those years because I do pay attention to what all write on here and really listen to what everyone is saying even when it is not said.

  63. joycemb says:

    Thanks Steve for helping us all understand better how yours and Matts life goes. Brain injury is so difficult do deal with. Your love keeps him calm as Jesus in the flesh to him. He is very blessed to have you.

    Pooh as I have heard Steve say he doesn’t read your posts I assumed you were at odds. And along with private conversations with both of you in the past it did seem to be the case. So I don’t think forever and I were that far off with our observations on here. But I do hope you can come to agreement in the LORD and pursue peace. It would be of great advantage to myself and others here. It’s hard for me, being sensitive to hurt, not to say something when things erupt here. However, blaming me for your problems isn’t prudent or healing. Grace is humbling. I know. Community is messy at times but it’s what we are called to in Christ. Sometimes I prefer my coffee club where free-for-alls are expected, but not really cherished. But we are called together in and under God. And expected to change as our indwelling of the Holy Spirit is at work in us. Be careful about paying attention to what is not said as the interpretation comes out of judgement and not grace. It’s another counseling technique born out of secular philosophy (Freud, etc). The mind is born out of our sin nature, and the devils playground. I wouldn’t trust anything about it. Keep your focus on God alone and let Him interpret what others say and do through His mind, the mind of Christ. Speaking to myself here also. We all need to be reminded how crafty our common enemy is.

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart and LEAN NOT on your own understanding. Proverbs

  64. joycemb says:

    btw remember that this is the Internet, and millions can read what is written here and though we often can forget when we are speaking to one person it’s everybody’s business. It’s a big world out there :-)

  65. joycemb says:

    Not unlike a tv reality show here. I know there are readers that don’t post here. Think about that!!!

  66. joycemb says:


  67. poohpity says:

    Joyce if you had listened to what I said which was that both you and forever were assuming that I do not pray for the Durst family. I came to that conclusion because you both told me that I should pray rather than asking questions. Along with the rest of what you wrote is again speaking without knowledge but just again assuming and your perspective which again is without merit. You do the things you tell me to do, you act the way you are telling me to act, you believe the way you are telling me to believe. YOU are leaning on your understanding. Every single little thing you accuse me of comes from your heart, mind and how you are not how I am. So listen and follow your own advice. Look around at your relationships with family, friends and God because that is where help is needed rather than trying to tell everyone else how to live their lives.

    Try being sensitive to the way you hurt and abuse people.

  68. joycemb says:

    The hurt you feel comes from you own inner fears and disturbances. Praying for your healing also pooh.

  69. joycemb says:

    Oswald Chambers is so pertinent today :-) thank you LORD.

  70. poohpity says:

    I did not say I was hurt or in fear or disturbed, not listening very well again.

    Prayer works when it comes from a heart of faith that God exists and listens, with the good of others in mind and accepting how God answers. It is like trying to cook a seven course meal with only a carrot.

  71. joycemb says:

    No pooh I said it. I said it about you.

  72. joycemb says:

    When it comes to human nature there is nothing new under the sun. Only God can heal a wounded heart.

  73. joycemb says:

    Please have the last word, pooh.

  74. jeff1 says:

    Steve, I believe I have my days when I see where Matthew is coming from. I trust God because I do, but I do not try to understand what God is doing outside my own little world because it is just to complex to understand.

    My father warned me to keep my faith simple and he was not wrong because those who complicate their faith and ask too many questions, that there are no answers to, come unstuck.

    I cannot understand why God allows young children to get diseases and die so young and I never will.

    I know from my own experience that I have suffered the consequences of my own bad choices but there is suffering where there is no apparent reason for it and only God can understand.

    It always comes back to the ‘Cross of Jesus’ and God saying if you have doubts look what I have done for you through my Son. It is finished in Christ should any man boast.

    The only perspective that matters is God’s and we have His; we are His, and we are forgiven, regardless of the fact that we all fall short, because we don’t surprise God with our bad behaviour as He knew we could not follow the laws and He covered our backs.

    God never expected perfection from anyone but man puts that burden on others, by judging another, against what is right in his mind and that is not the way God works.

    I don’t think man will ever understand God while on this earth because God is so far exalted from men’s thinking and we can be thankful that this is so.

    The Church has one foundation,
    ‘Tis Jesus Christ her Lord;
    She is His new creation,
    Through water by the word.
    From Heav’n He came and sought her
    To be His holy bride;
    With His own blood He bought her,
    And for her life He died.

    Elect from every nation,
    Yet one o’er all the earth,
    Her charter of salvation-
    One Lord, one faith, one birth.
    One holy name she blesses,
    Partakes one holy food;
    And to one hope she presses,
    With every grace endued.

    Long with a scornful wonder
    Men saw her sore oppressed
    By schisms rent asunder,
    By heresies distressed.
    Yet saints their watch where keeping
    To hail a brighter day,
    When God should stop their weeping,
    Take their reproach away.

    The evening sun is shining,
    The cloudy day is past;
    The time of their repining
    Is at the end at last.
    The voice of God is calling
    To unity again;
    Division walls are falling,
    With all the creeds of men.

    Back to the one foundation,
    From sects and creeds made free
    Come saints of every nation
    To blessed unity.
    Once more the ancient glory
    Shines as in days of old
    And tells the wondrous story-
    One God, one faith, one fold.

  75. phpatato says:

    Dearest Joyce

    It is a futile thing what it is you are trying to do. Much like banging one’s head against the wall hoping that will change things. Speaking for myself, I so appreciate your efforts though. The world needs more of you – a peacemaker. XOXO

    Super moon. I knew “this” was coming.

    Steve – Love ya brother! XOXO

  76. poohpity says:

    If that behavior is seen as being a peacemaker then it is no wonder I am seen as a trouble maker.

    “What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.” Isaiah 5:20 NLT

    It is a shame that those of you take so much time trying to get me to see the nature of my wrongs but totally neglect those wrongs in your little clique and in your own lives. Must be wonderful to be as perfect as you think you are. Maybe you have banged your heads against the wall so much it has effect your minds, hearts, what you read, what you hear and broke your mirrors.

  77. poohpity says:

    This is the same thing that is happening in our country people were paid to disrupt Trump rallies and cause trouble then call Trump and his supporters hate mongers. The people in the streets that are rioting calling it protest when they destroy personal property, shoot people, set fires, loot business, beat people up yet it is the supporters of the Pres-elect who are the intolerant, haters, and all the other names they call them. This has been happening for years now even before the election started but when did the current President say, “stop this” while police are being assassinated but he brings Black lives Matter people to the White House supporting this insanity? Or have you heard Clinton say anything to her people which all these rioters are to stop this madness?

  78. bubbles says:

    Please…. this arguing has me on the verge of tears. Is Jesus smiling down on this fighting? Please, please, stop. Please be kind. Please show love like Jesus loves us. We should forgive because we are forgiven. tenderhearted…. words that edify… let no corrupt communication proceed out of our mouths but that which is good to the use of edifying that we may minister grace unto the hearers. Please…. show kindness…..please be gentle.

  79. street says:

    thinking about what jeff said about doubt questions and even suspicion about what God is doing. she brought up questioning i added the other two. read a little about the the genesis of ethics by visotzky. unparalleled soap drama of all time. even in the chaos God brings order and hope. it is when we come to Him like abraham it changes everything. sure chaos and wilderness are still here, but it was never about us, but about Him! He was about His Fathers Will.

    4 For Christ is the [a]end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.

    an end to works guilt and shame, and new life under another Headship in the Holy Spirit, not the flesh.

  80. street says:

    poo i am a little disappointed in your argument in that you want to use the same ineffective tools as others and admit as much from what i can see.

    i was guilty a few days ago in another conversation and i pray for the opportunity to correct my error with the offended party. and they are still offended. just have had no opportunity yet.

    God is still Sovereign and lets us do all kinds of things. the thing that really bothers me is the idea that He would not delight in me. i also know He prefers us hot or cold. lukewarm is not a good place to be. keep praying till he answers. if you read the New Testament you will see the church is a little messy just like the Book of Genesis. God really is amazing!

  81. jeff1 says:

    Thinking how we all attend different churches in our different nations but I do not put the teachings of that church before Christ’s teaching.

    I have noticed a falling away from my church i.e. my children’s generation have left the pews. My sons believe religion’s are hypocritical and when you see church leaders covering up for their elected clergy when it was discovered they where abusing children and moving them form one diocese to another I get why they are suspicious.

    I also get why some of my friends feel nearer to God fishing then in a church pew.

    When I do go to church I pray it is for the right reasons because it is easy to form a habit of attending your place of worship but it is also very easy to get caught up in the politics of how that church is run.(not so nice side of any church).

    The reason being I am human and in a gathering of different personalities I will warm to some people more than others depending on my own personality.

    Dividing people is easy because we all have our selfish streaks and God is not mocked, He sees us from afar.

    Unity will come when ‘Jesus’ returns and silences all our wayward mouths because we all have them whether we like to admit it or not.

    God gets it right, agree, there is still much work in me needs doing, ‘Lord’ and it is ‘YOU’ I look to for such miraculous work. GOD HELP US ALL!

  82. SFDBWV says:

    I am not sure what happened after I posted yesterday. My effort was only to answer a simple question.

    Yet then too often there are no quick or easy answers. Sometimes just more questions.

    The title to this subject is “Perspective”. Webster defines Perspective in part “A specific point of view in understanding or judging things or events, especially one that shows them in their true relations to one another.”

    I have found in my life that my view of things often change with time, with circumstance, with experience.

    My observation in life is that we all “see” things from a very different “point” in time, in our lives, in our experiences and even from our own personal hopes and dreams.

    My back yard, made somewhat famous from Mart’s allowing to showcase some of my nature pictures, gives me a real “perspective” of life as it is. In the spring everything starts to grow all at different rates. Some choking out the life of others, some growing in harmony with each other. All gathering their life force from the same soil, rain and sunlight.

    As spring turns to summer and summer to fall everything at varying rates matures and blossoms. It is in their blooming when they are at their best, at their peak and appreciated by we who look at their beauty as well as the other creatures of nature that feed from them and are sustained.

    When their time is over and winter begins to settle in most all wither and die.

    With the exception of a few evergreens rhododendron and laurel. Their lives are less dramatic as they just quietly exist continuing to perform their intended use even through the cold winter days and nights.

    We are not all that different from the growing things I observe in my backyard.

    Street if your comment is in reference to our little bumping heads, please be at peace I harbor no ill feelings and ask your forgiveness if my remarks to you offended you.

    31 degrees under a partly clouded sky as the “super moon” sets in the western timber.


  83. poohpity says:

    street, I thought the New Testament teaches us to be aware of our own faults and admit them to each other but it does not say look for the faults in others and point them out. Another place it says if we as bro/sis see someone caught in sin that leads them away from God, those who are Spiritual go one on one and talk with them if they do not listen then take another and if that does not work take it before the church because it is by grace that we all live, move and breath. Yes you are right there are times when I get caught up in the false accusations and I have yet to learn to walk away and not feed into them. I am still learning and sometimes growth is slow but I never professed at any time to be without faults and failures, so patience would be nice. Let the one who is without faults and failures and knows our heart look at us and judge.

    As far as disappointment goes do not expect things from people and then one will never be disappointed. That is another lesson I am learning, slowly.

  84. street says:

    thinking of the Kings High Way. even the blind and the lame can run on it without getting tripped up. it is marked out beforehand by the One Who went before us. He marked it well. thinking along these lines. marked out with His Banner.

  85. street says:

    I thought the New Testament teaches us to be aware of our own faults and admit them to each other but it does not say look for the faults in others and point them out.

    in away you are correct. thinking we need to take them to the cross of Christ first and leave them there.

    “I” died, Christ lives!!!

  86. jeff1 says:

    Thinking how nice it will be to be changed from this creature that I am!

    I am weak but Thou art strong
    Jesus keep my from all wrong
    I’ll be satisfied as long
    As I walk, let me walk close to Thee

    Just a closer walk with Thee
    Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
    Daily walking close to Thee
    Let it be, dear Lord, let it be

    When my feeble life is o’er
    Time for me shall be no more
    Guide me gently, safely o’er
    To Thy kingdom’s shore, to Thy shore

    When life’s sun sinks in the west
    Lord, may I have done my best
    May I find sweet peace and rest
    In that happy home of the blessed

    Just a closer walk with Thee
    Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
    Daily walking close to Thee
    Let it be, dear Lord, let it be

  87. poohpity says:

    street, it is not about me being correct it is what God in the bible teaches not me. The only one I can take to the Cross is me by trusting and depending on God not doing things in my strength or the way I think things should be done that is living by the flesh not by the Spirit. Living by the Spirit I take a step back and allow God to work cause when I try I just mess things and people up.

  88. poohpity says:

    especially when it come to Spiritual matters.

  89. street says:

    jeff said,”He sees us from afar.” where did you get the idea He is afar?

    Mark 1:15
    “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”

    Luke 12:33
    …. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.

    Luke 21:8
    He replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.

    Luke 21 30 When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. 31 Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.

    But they urged him strongly, “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.” So he went in to stay with them.

    Jesus no longer moved about publicly among the people of Judea.

    Romans 13:12
    The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

    1 Corinthians 8:8
    But food does not bring us near to God

    Hebrews 7:19 and a better hope is introduced, by which we draw near to God.

    Hebrews 10:22
    let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.

    James 4:8
    Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

    James 5:8
    be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.

    1 Peter 4:7
    Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.

    3 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

    5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins.

    10 Therefore, my brothers and sisters,[a] make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, 11 and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  90. street says:

    poo you remind me of when the early church servants had no small disagreement and split up to forward the gospel.

    God’s peace and joy rest on you.

  91. poohpity says:

    street, Do you know the reason that Paul and Barnabas split up and went in different directions? Hint: It had to do with Barnabas’s cousin

  92. poohpity says:

    street, how did those verses teach that God is not afar? Because it is truth that God is afar, as well as inside of us and all around. He can be close but because heaven is His home He can be afar too. Maybe asking Viv what she meant by afar would have been better rather than jumping to conclusions about what you think she meant.

  93. street says:

    steve i think all kinds of things that need to thrown out with great expediency. the thing that baffles me is getting stirred up by listening to other people speak, especially Scripture. i call it the flood or deluge. the hard part is sorting it out. even if i get it sorted out it is even harder to response, to remember to respond with love and grace. it is really hard when some one is speaking and it goes against what i understand about Scripture, poo can testify to this and i am sure you are aware of it too. thinking when this happens obedience or asking God for clarification are in order. i do know this, it is better to obey God than to pray, either way they are to be in harmony with each other. i do know you have a cross to carry and many are praying for your success. God’s grace and mercy in Christ sustain you and the rest of us, street

  94. street says:

    think of the name Emanuel, God with us.

    5 For Moses writes that the man who practices the righteousness which is [b]based on law shall live [c]by that righteousness. 6 But the righteousness [d]based on faith speaks as follows: “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’ (that is, to bring Christ down), 7 or ‘Who will descend into the abyss?’ (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead).” 8 But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart”—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, 9 [e]that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, [f]resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, [g]resulting in salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in Him will not be [h]disappointed.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13 for “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

    i believe this will answer your question poo…..i am still struggling to understand this Scripture too.

  95. street says:

    poo think of it this way, when Jesus stood with peter james and john on the mountain of transfiguration. that is a picture of the Kingdom israel looked for. we will see this in the thousand year rule knowing some will rebel and be condemned. God has a different Kingdom in mind in the New Heaven and New Earth Who’s Architect and Builder is God. right now we see that Jesus has gone away to receive a Kingdom for Himself. we also know it doesn’t diminish His Power or Authority here and now. in the end he will transfer this Kingdom to His Father. the Eternal has come and the sea is done away with.

  96. street says:

    poo if the Holy Spirit is in the temple, how could God be far away?

  97. poohpity says:

    God is every place.

    The transfiguration was not the kingdom Israel was looking for they were looking for a warrior to over throw Rome. Not the Kingdom that was laying down His life as a servant.

  98. jeff1 says:

    Just to clarify my post:

    Dividing people is easy because we all have our selfish streaks and God is not mocked, He sees us from afar.

    I believe I distance myself from God when I am behaving ungodly; which is what I was trying to say, that when gathered with others and my behaviour is not befitting that God still sees me from afar.

    It has been my experience that I am either very near God or very far away from Him and that is what I believe that I can draw near to God or I can distance myself from Him but He is always there waiting i.e. it is not my faithfulness but His faithfulness.

    I am not sure that you can be any other way with God it is ‘all’ or ‘nothing’.

    I am either completely and utterly overwhelmed by His presence or I do not feel His presence at all but God is every place as Pooh as said; it is about my walk with Him or my failure to walk with Him as the case may be!

    Wandering is in me, but it is different for everyone and it does no good to compare!

  99. poohpity says:


  100. joycemb says:

    Romans 9:15New International Version (NIV)

    15 For he says to Moses,

    “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
    and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”[a]

    Romans 9:15 Exodus 33:19

    I think that for all of our musings about G-d and how he affects our lives He still has the last word. :-)

  101. street says:

    jeff, Oswald Chambers devotion today talks about the ups and down of the human experience. the thing that he tries to convey is the constancy of God or Kingdom walk in daily life. i say Kingdom walk but it is also a cross walk daily.

  102. joycemb says:

    I thought this was a good explanation of life with Jesus.

    Dallas Willard Daily Devotional: Spiritual Growth

    While the initiative in the revival and reformation of the soul originally comes from what lies beyond us, we are never merely passive at any point in the process. This is clear from the biblical imperatives to repent and to believe, and—for the person with new life already in them—to put off the old person and put on the new, to work out the salvation that is given to us, etc., etc. It is certainly true, as Jesus said to his friends, “apart from me you can do anything” (John 15:5). But it is equally true for them that “If you do nothing, it will be without me.” In the process of spiritual reformation under grace, passivity does not exclude activity and activity does not exclude passivity.

    Hence, the invasion of the personality by life from above does not by itself form the personality in the likeness of Christ. It does not of itself restore the soul into the wholeness intended for it in its creation. It does not alone bring one to the point where “the things I would, that I do, and the things I would not, I do not,” where “sin will have no dominion over you” (Romans 6:14). Rather, I must learn and accept the responsibility of moving with God in transformation of my own personality. Intelligent and steady implementation of plans for change are required if I am to lose the incoherence of the broken soul and take on the easy obedience and fulfillment of the person who lives ever more fully within the Kingdom of God and the friendship of Jesus.

  103. jeff1 says:

    It is God who sees our need and meets our need daily.
    He also sees and meets our growth daily and it is an individual walk with Him.

    I cannot walk in another’s shoes and he cannot walk in mine and it is futile to understand why God allows suffering in one’s life and not another’s but just like Job’s friends we try to ponder the reasons when God tells us to focus on ‘Christ’ who is the fulfilment of the ‘Gospel’ and leave the figuring to Him who is omniscient.

    Mine eyes have seen the glory
    of the coming of the Lord;
    he is trampling out the vintage
    where the grapes of wrath are stored;
    he has loosed the fateful lightning
    of his terrible swift sword;
    his truth is marching on.
    Glory, glory, hallelujah!
    Glory, glory, hallelujah!
    Glory, glory, hallelujah!
    His truth is marching on.

    I have seen him in the watchfires
    of a hundred circling camps,
    they have builded him an altar
    in the evening dews and damps;
    I can read his righteous sentence
    by the dim and flaring lamps;
    his day is marching on.

    He has sounded forth the trumpet
    that shall never call retreat;
    he is sifting out the hearts of men
    before his judgement seat;
    O be swift, my soul, to answer him;
    be jubilant, my feet!
    Our God is marching on

    In the beauty of the lilies
    Christ was born across the sea,
    with a glory in his bosom
    that transfigures you and me;
    as he died to make men holy,
    let us die to make men free,
    while God is marching on.

    He is coming like the glory
    of the morning on the wave,
    he is wisdom to the mighty,
    he is honor to the brave;
    so the world shall be his footstool,
    and the soul of wrong his slave.
    Our God is marching on.

  104. joycemb says:

    Battle Hymn of the Republic, I haven’t sung that since I was a kid but I still remember the words!

  105. foreverblessed says:

    I have been here almost 8 years, and I have not noticed the anger and disappointment! But the quiet faith of Steve!
    God bless you Steve, and Matt and Glenna.

    God bless

    Kyrie eleison
    God have mercy on us..
    I have been gone two days, two funeral.
    The cathlics pray that a lot:
    Kyrie eleison

  106. poohpity says:

    forever, that is ok not many people pay close attention to what others really say. Steve has written many times about his prayers for his son and not thinking God is listening or answering. I understand his anger and disappointment at God which tends to really test one’s faith. But do not believe what I say, ask him, all I have done is read what he writes. I would imagine that Steve worries about Matt’s care because Steve is not getting any younger and is not as strong as he once was and I bet he is some what scared about what happens when he is gone as any parent would be.

  107. joycemb says:

    Steve, do you worry about Matts care? Or do you bring him before the Lord each day if not hourly or minute by minute sometimes?

  108. joycemb says:

    A parent without the LORD would have worries for sure, but a Godly parent knows Who is really in control. Pooh I’m sure you can agree that Steve is more Godly than most here simply because of the struggles he’s had in the past 16 years or so.

  109. joycemb says:

    Or not, whatever:-)

  110. joycemb says:

    Even a seemingly innocent comment can give the devil a foothold. Better to encourage than open the wrong door. We all have enough troubles every day but keeping our focus on Light and life always dispels darkness. Jesus is the way.

  111. poohpity says:

    Oh Joyce, it starts again. I do not agree that Steve is more godly than most here because of the struggle’s he has had. His or other’s relationship or lack of with God is not for me judge nor is it any of my business, that is between him/them and God. So therefore I do not think it is wise to voice my opinion on who is godly and who isn’t. I have a hard time just keeping on eye on the condition of my own heart.

  112. poohpity says:

    It all depends on perspective. Some people go further away from God when struggles, trials and sorrows happen and some grow closer. Matt 13:20-23 NIV

  113. joycemb says:

    It appears to me and others here that Steve continues to grow closer to God. No need to second guess!

  114. street says:

    our daily journey has a good devotional today about what poo and joycemb are chatting about.

    thinking today about Genesis, book meaning beginning. as i thought of it’s meaning today it occurred to me it’s more about a work of God. the sequel, Exodus, continues as a work, in that God says, “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy…..” yet there is much more to understand, more books, especially in intersession.
    i am beginning to see how we will always be giving thanks and praise to God for what and how He has made us!

  115. SFDBWV says:

    After a very long day of hurrying Matt’s exercises this morning and then off to Morgantown to my 6 month check up with the cardiologists I just sat down here to check things out.

    To answer your question Joyce simply and clearly yes indeed I bring Matthew before our Lord every day. It starts in the morning continues all day and sometimes when he wakes me over the night.

    Not only Matt, but Glenna and Crick myself and others placed upon me to pray for.

    Another time Joyce I will tell you of how the relationship and situation Matt and I share has helped me not only understand people better, but see God clearer each day.

    Another good doctor’s visit, followed by a better visit to “Wendy’s”.


  116. joycemb says:

    Steve I can tell from your posts how your situation has changed you. Its very c!ear to me as I see you through the eyes of Jesus. His perspective is the one that matters to me. Blessings to you and your loved ones. Joyce

  117. street says:

    He saw the LORD high and lifted up

    i wonder how not seeing the LORD high and lifted up effects or mode and perspective on a daily basis?

  118. joycemb says:


  119. joycemb says:

    John 15:5

  120. joycemb says:

    Col 1:10

  121. street says:

    foresaw (without understanding what he was seeing) a rejected Servant…..

    understanding Christ and His crucifixion in light of our sufferings and adversity…..where do we get off complaining or murmuring? yes we are sheep, but don’t think it is a good place to be.

  122. joycemb says:

    If we weren’t sheep then we wouldn’t need a shepherd, right? I’d rather be a sheep, at least there’s hope for a way out of murmuring and complaining :-)

  123. foreverblessed says:

    Pooh, I would like to ask you a question:
    I ask this question out of love, since you are such an intense follower of Jesus, always talking how much you have been forgiven, and how you want to act out of grace.
    Treat others as you want to be treated yourself, that is also youf motto.

    When people in the past gave an evaluation what they sensed in you, f.i. anger or aggression, you have reacted intensely, that you did not like to be evaluated, that nobody knew what was in your heart, ” you have no right to give an evaluation”

    Now you have given an evaluation about Steve, on November 15, just before 9.00 am.

    Why is it that you do that, while you do not like to be evaluated yourself?

    You could be wrong in your evaluation. Like you were wrong in saying that I think that you do not pray fof Steve. I have never thought that. Neither have you asked me if I did think so.

    I write this with the intention to clear the air, that we be reconciled to each other, all of us. That thinking ill of each other is out.
    That we be of one mind, encouraging one another.
    So I want to encourage you, not tearing you down.

    My vision is that we be a praying bunch together.
    I asked for praying for Matt, that morning, in one mind, and all together that morning, as praying in unity does move mountains (figuratively speaking).
    I would like one day soon to do that again.

  124. street says:

    one of the things i am coming to understand is the importance of turning to God when things start to disturb me. i have turned to man and been disappointed because well, they are only man. God still gets my attention and teaches me through encounters with His creation. the things is, creation has many voices, hearing His Word,voice, takes time. He leads well and is patient. His love endures forever. you will find no one like Him. lean into His arms. if not fall in to them.

  125. jeff1 says:

    Thinking Street about your last sentence and footprints in the sand.

    “When you see only one set of footprints it is then that I carried you”.

  126. poohpity says:

    forever, I did not evaluate Steve and this is not trying to clear the air but trying prove something. I have really listened to Steve because I care about him and his family so I have paid attention to his struggles like I do the rest of you. I care and I listen. I do not jump to conclusions or assume. I read what people write and care what they have to say by putting 2 and 2 together over many different writings and over time. So it is not evaluating it is reading what others have in their hearts through their own expressions.

    If you think I pray then why would you tell me to pray? I do not need to be reconciled to you because nothing to me has ever separated us but obviously you must feel that way. I do not separate myself from people or feel ill feelings because we disagree or we think differently nor do I think any less or more of anybody for being different. I know we are all on a journey and I do not expect anyone to be any different than who they are even with all the masks people wear, the real person comes out one way or another we just have to listen.

    How we listen depends on the person listening. Do we listen based on our own perspective or are we open to learning about the other person and listening to their perspective to get to know them not who we think they are but who they really are.

  127. street says:

    leaning on Him and not your own understanding. it really helps to know His Word and His Spirit.

  128. narrowpathseeker says:

    Pooh, this is just one example of why you may not be viewed as favorably as you may like to be…..”I read what people write and care what they have to say by putting 2 and 2 together over many different writings and over time. So it is not evaluating it is reading what others have in their hearts through their own expressions.”
    This is exactly how people “read” what appears to be in your heart……. we read over time and put two and two together…but you seem to think that only YOU are allowed this….it seems that your views and interpretation of what others say are quite dependent on which end of the stick you find yourself.

    POOH….I think I was a lot like you at one time and I think it was in the seemingly rude and painful awakenings of people calling me out that set me on a more humble path and there is far more love down that path. I am praying you find your way to a more humble path as well.

  129. joycemb says:

    Pearl nice try but it seems the more grace that’s applied the more it feels like hitting ones head against a stone wall, or heart, even. I commend you for leaning on the grace I hear in your post that can only come from God alone. You have blessed me this morning by your attitude and presence here. Thank you and Gods richest blessings to you!

  130. poohpity says:

    May God have mercy on both of you.

  131. joycemb says:

    Pooh I know what you are capable of, yet your threats don’t scare me as they once did. It’s God alone who protects and gives me life. As I once said, God has used you to teach me that His grace is sufficient even in the scariest of circumstances. Even in frustration.

  132. poohpity says:

    If asking for God’s mercy on you both is taken as a threat then what would be a blessing for you? God give them what they have given to me, treat them as they have treated me, let them reap what they have sown. Is that better? No I would rather you both be shown mercy and grace than what you really deserve.

  133. joycemb says:

    Pooh I have received mercy and grace. What comes out of your heart on here for years does not bless but condemns. I don’t/can’t believe you mean anything for good, but for evil. You know how to evangelize, and do it well as I’ve said before, but so do demons. Therefore it’s hard for me to take anything you say seriously. I get upset with you when you bring unjust pain to others. Yet it’s all in G-ds hands, really, isn’t it? Those who bless you, you curse. You don’t seem to get it, at all. By “it” I mean the working of the Holy Spirit. Praising God for giving me eyes to see the deception.

  134. narrowpathseeker says:

    Pooh I have an image of a mad dog starving and unloved and whenever someone reaches out to help it, it bites them. The truth can be extremely painful but it is what sets us free from ourselves and our false pride. You can take offense or you can rise up in victory..it’s your choice alone. I ask for mercy everyday Pooh..for me, my loved ones, my friends and even my enemies…it seems you don’t think you need it…very sad and sometimes your attitude ignites anger…today I am sad for your stubbornness.

  135. poohpity says:

    narrow and Joyce you both were angry, hateful and bitter old women way before you ever met me. If it makes you feel better to blame me go for it, nothing will ever change as long as you continue to blame.

  136. narrowpathseeker says:

    Speaking for myself…I have been all of those things Pooh and I still struggle with it at times..and I confess them openly, remorsefully, and ask for mercy and forgiveness often. However, I recognize all of those things in you first and foremost, but you deny and get vicious when confronted. I think Joyce is right…the more one tries to help you the worse you get. I really don’t care what you say to me or about me …it is your path of choice..happy trails

  137. poohpity says:

    It is not your job to recognize those things in me, it is your job to keep on eye on them in you and only you. Neither of you are trying to help me it is more in the realm of demeaning, demoralizing and dehumanizing with evil intent, consider the hearts it is coming from. Try taking the log out of your own heart before you try getting the splinter out of mine.

  138. narrowpathseeker says:

    No Pooh all that you say describes YOU more than anyone here. AND it’s not that we have to WORK to recognize that….it is like a flashing neon sign that we can’t escape!! A few posts back I felt sorry for you then I got a little angry, then I remembered that making people angry seems to be your big goal in life so that you don’t have to be miserable alone. You don’t have to be!!! That is pretty sad…

  139. street says:

    12 Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

  140. joycemb says:

    Thank you street, that’s the game changer isn’t it. Bless you.

  141. narrowpathseeker says:

    This is a matter of the pot calling the kettle black and not only this kettle….every kettle……. over and over again Truth triumphs over EVERYTHING feigned. The act of instigating discord whenever the suggestion of unity or unified prayer comes up has not escaped my notice nor the notice of most here.

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