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Sounds and Silence

2088306783_f8c8306b63_z(1)Why did the Savior of the world need to be born with so much acclaim— only to be followed by 30 years of silence— before stepping onto the stage for which he came?

Why couldn’t the Lamb of God just show up like one of those Old Testament prophets who seemed to step out of nowhere… to get on with it, without dragging so many people through news that didn’t seem to go anywhere?

Why did anyone have to endure Elizabeth’s untimely pregnancy, rumors about Mary, commotion in the temple, in the skies over the shepherds fields, in Herod’s court, and then in the streets of a city troubled by the rumor that the long awaited king had been born— only to be followed by 30 long years of nothing?

Thirty years is a long time. Long enough to forget a lot. To lose hope.

According to Jesus’s forerunner, God could have raised up Jewish sons out of the stones that were everywhere. So why didn’t he do something like he did in making Adam, without a childhood, out of the dust?

Maybe the answer is somewhere in the bigger story of the promise to Eve about the seed of the woman, in a series of miracle births to childless couples, of generation after generation that put its hope in sons who lived, more or less, like the fathers before them.

As it turns out the Savior of the world shared our experience, from infancy to the grave, for better and worse.

Maybe there is far more wrapped in those 30 mysteriously normal years than we ever imagined in that one Silent Night. Maybe those miracle-less years allowed the Son of Man to experience what we know all too well—and even more, if he bore the pain and strain of our humanity without reaching for the nerve deadening self-deception we use to temporarily alleviate our pain.

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38 Responses to “Sounds and Silence”

  1. narrowpathseeker says:

    Wow, this really triggered my memory and got the thought processes moving this morning…first of all the 30 year period got me, because that is about the length of time God chose to wait to answer a prayer to heal my breaking heart.

    Then the last part of the last sentence, “he bore the pain and strain of our humanity without reaching for the nerve deadening self-deception we use to temporarily alleviate our pain” made me realize how much God strengthened me over that time period. Back then when I hurt…I hurt BAD…I couldn’t think straight and I felt pain all over my body from mere emotions and often would just want to die. It has been so long since I felt that way that I almost forgot. I still have strong emotions but they don’t effect me as hard nor for as long as they once did. I don’t know why God does anything He does but I am confident that it is for our good. May we ALL have a Blessed day.

  2. street says:

    Sounds and Silence
    thinking He had to live the perfect sinless life before God in order for it to be accredited to our account in order to maintain justice and in the same way he bore our punishment.

  3. jeff1 says:

    It is in God’s silences that I have learned to trust Him. I can be impulsive in my thinking and come to the wrong conclusions and when I realize this I am aware how much I need God and He is always there listening and understanding when no one else does.

    Others rarely listen to what I am saying, I know by their response they have not listened and they rarely understand either.

    Like you Narrow, I am mostly mystified by God, yet I know He is working, in me, in others, in the world, I do not even understand fully how I know, it is heartfelt, yet the mind boggles.

    Getting to know God is very different to knowing about God and it is where I wander and loose my way.

    The God I am getting to know is different than the God I learned about and this causes confusion!

    I am so much more at peace when I take refuge in ‘Christ’ and I feel so much more at ease then trying to figure God out.

    I’m only human, I’m just a man/women
    Help me believe in what I could be
    And all that I am
    Show me the stairway that I have to climb
    Lord for my sake, help me to take
    One day at a time

    One day at a time sweet Jesus
    That’s all I’m askin’ of you
    Just give me the strength
    To do every day what I have to do
    Yesterdays gone sweet Jesus
    And tomorrow may never be mine
    Lord, help me today, show me the way
    One day at a time

    Do you remember when you walked among men
    Well Jesus you know
    If you’re lookin’ below, its worse now than then
    Pushin’ and Shovin’ and crowdin’ my mind
    So for my sake teach me to take
    One day at a time

    One day at a time sweet Jesus
    That’s all I’m askin’ of you
    Just give me the strength
    To do every day what I have to do
    Yesterday’s gone sweet Jesus
    And tomorrow may never be mine
    Lord, help me today, show me the way
    One day at a time

  4. joycemb says:

    Mart your last paragraph really gets to me. How often I have used my own wits to deal with pain Jesus is well accustomed to and yet I don’t trust Him enough with it, or trust even that He will take it away even. God said to Paul, “My grace is sufficient” when he begged for freedom from pain. Yes Jesus life teaches us how to live in suffering. I have a chance at winning this battle called life! HALLELUJAH!

  5. joycemb says:

    Sorry i couldn’t resist thinking of this song from my foolish youth. So glad I know the truth now though. A long dark silence has become the light of Life!

    “The Sound Of Silence”

    Hello darkness, my old friend
    I’ve come to talk with you again
    Because a vision softly creeping
    Left its seeds while I was sleeping
    And the vision that was planted in my brain
    Still remains
    Within the sound of silence

    In restless dreams I walked alone
    Narrow streets of cobblestone
    ‘Neath the halo of a streetlamp
    I turned my collar to the cold and damp
    When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
    That split the night
    And touched the sound of silence

    And in the naked light I saw
    Ten thousand people, maybe more
    People talking without speaking
    People hearing without listening
    People writing songs that voices never share
    No one dare
    Disturb the sound of silence

    “Fools” said I, “You do not know
    Silence like a cancer grows
    Hear my words that I might teach you
    Take my arms that I might reach you”
    But my words like silent raindrops fell
    And echoed in the wells of silence

    And the people bowed and prayed
    To the neon god they made
    And the sign flashed out its warning
    In the words that it was forming
    And the sign said “The words of the prophets
    Are written on the subway walls
    And tenement halls
    And whispered in the sounds of silence

  6. bubbles says:

    I am sorry to bring this up again, but my back is hurting again. I came close to falling down from this today. I had to be picked up twice today. I’ve never had pain like this. It catches and I cannot breathe. I need to work tomorrow.

  7. joycemb says:

    Bubbles have your gallbladder checked, I went through that for 3 days, couldn’t move or breathe when the pain hit. God will supply your need. Praying for you sister.

  8. bubbles says:

    Thank you. I carried two heavy bags and should have set one down. I was in a rush and didn’t think. This is a muscle spasm that won’t go away. I need to work tomorrow.

  9. tiysh says:

    Why did the saviour of the world had to be born with so much acclaim only to be followed with thirty good years of silence before stepping into the stage for which HE came…………wao! Mart………..

    The reality is it happens even today in our lives, I have also received prophecies and seen dreams over the years I’m still waiting on God for its fulfilment.
    As to why it takes a longer time I cannot say all, but one thing I know of is for God to prepare us to receive it and make use of it when I comes
    Abraham waited for 25 years, Joseph also 17 years and etc. but they all made manifest as God promised

    How matured are we to handle these blessings as prophesied?

    In as much as Jesus was God, He was also man…. Mary is the one that Pushed Him up for his first miracle
    Jesus initially said. my time is not up yet, but when Mary took the step to tell the servants do all He tells you to do….. , Jesus performed………

    As Christians, how are we also helping others to ensure that which God have said about them comes to pass quickly in their lives?
    Blessings indeed comes from the most High God but it always comes though men, how are we prepared for that

    May God grant us the grace we need to hold on till the right time, and may it also never pass us by when the time is due

    Good morning lovely people of God

  10. SFDBWV says:

    Simply wonderful to see you post Trysh; superbly stated and in my opinion very accurate.

    It is one of those things I see forgotten all throughout the reading of the characters in the Bible; the fact that only a very small amount of their lives are written about and then only concerning a work God is accomplishing through them.

    I am reminded of the 400 year period of “silence” that took place between Jacob and his family entering Egypt and the emergence of Aaron and Moses.

    It is my belief though that all over the world in every minute detail God was moving and interacting in the events of man, before, during and of course after that 400 year silence Scripturally speaking.

    On a personal note here, Matthew caught a bug while we were at the movies Saturday and we have spent three pretty rough days, 5 hours of which was spent in the emergency room at the hospital yesterday. He seems to be a little better this morning. Though stubborn enough that he still insists on doing all of his exercises.

    Also a lifelong friend died yesterday and I will be meeting with his widow later today to pick out his grave.

    Life goes on my friends and it my pleasure to have added you wonderful people here to my life.

    Joyce I too love “The Sound of Silence”.

    Bubbles we are praying for your full healing.


  11. SFDBWV says:

    Please excuse my mistake in typing. It is Tiysh, not trysh.


  12. jeff1 says:

    In this world we shall have tribulations! My earthly father taught me that my expectations where wrong.

    God has already blessed us because He has saved us from hell and if I have glimpsed heaven on this earth I have also glimpsed hell on it.

    When I was in a psychotic state I seen the reality of hell. I was so drugged that I was walking like a zombie and I did not feel anything nor could I cry because tears would not come, I was emotion less.

    There where two men in my life whom God sent to get me through those dark days, one was a Cannon who had been a Clergyman at my grandparents church and the other was my father.

    The Cannon was a biblical man who explained to me about Jacob’s ladder and how God would establish His Kingdom on earth but first things first and there would be ascending and descending up and down the ladder in order to establish His Kingdom from heaven to earth. He calmed my mind that God was not angry with me because I had got it into my head that God must be angry with me.

    My father was the second person sent to lift me from my despair. I would not leave his side and had panic attacks when on my own and he had to spend months walking and talking with me to ease my mind and reassure me that God was not punishing me for my sins of omission or commission.

    In this world many believe that wealth and success is God’s blessing on them and that those who are not are in someway responsible for there own misfortunate.

    My mother always said that the truth will rise and today in places of power there is one revelation after another revealing corruption and deceit among the elected resulting in the ordinary man despairing as to whom he can trust anymore!

    I know I can trust God because of these two men in my life (both now passed on).

    These two men never looked for blessings because they knew they already where blessed, they never once preached to me, or condemned me, or judged me, but by their words and actions made me feel worthy and loved and revealed more of God to me then I had ever seen in my lifetime.

    How blessed am I!

  13. joycemb says:

    Sorry to hear Steve about Matts illness. His fight and will to keep on going though is a testament to your loving care of him. Just like Viv’s father and Cannon did for her. God bless all today!

  14. joycemb says:

    Steve I was just reading how it was the Benedictines who lived isolated in the desert that kept the Faith going during the silent 400 year period. Quietly and silently they awaited the birth of the Savior, reading and keeping prophecies faithfully yet never seeing the Light. We have seen those most important prophecies fulfilled though, hallelujah! How blessed we are to be living in a time such as this!

  15. joycemb says:

    Bubbles I hope you are able to work today.

  16. jeff1 says:

    Yes, Joyce, Steve reminds me of my dad, caring, responsible, patient and loving and he takes care of Matthew the same as my dad took care of me.

    I think carers are very special in this world because they are unaware that they have a God given strength for taking care of people who cannot take care of themselves. They give us hope in a world that can sometimes seem hopeless because they behave like heavenly beings in a not so heavenly world.

  17. foreverblessed says:

    Yes, I am praying too for Bubbles and Matt!

    Waiting years!
    I saw a Movie, called The Fear of 13
    about Nick Yates, who was sentenced to death in 1982, for murdering a woman he had never seen in his life.
    For 20 years he was in death row.
    In the eighties when he saw that DNA tests could be done, he had asked for such a test. But all the evidence was lost

    It was such an incredible document!
    Waiting- hoping – despair – new hope – waiting – despair

    A cycle that kept repeating itself.
    Amazing film
    And after 20 years it was finally proven: He was not guilty
    But even then he was not freed they took all his possions from him, all his books, ( He had read a lot, reading had saved him), and put him in the psychic part. The wards were afraid he would do something to them out of frustration.

    Waiting is such a big part in a christian life too. Like Tyish wrote!
    And the despair that comes with waiting, Matt knows all about it!!

    He who overcomes…

  18. foreverblessed says:

    The story of this man made great impact on me.
    The way people are convicted, you show the picture of the crime they are horrible, and at the same time there sits the suspect. The people of the jury look at the photos, and then turn to the suspected man, and then he knew they would convict him. And they did.

    The testing of the DNA and how that was frustrated. But some evidence was later found, and it took whole lot of years before it was allowed to be tested. Why is tgat?
    Now I did some more reading about the subject and I found out that DNA tests are not done on people who are on death row??

    I was talking to God, this is not right and I started to pray about it. That justice will be done

    And in the mean time I pray that God will bless this waiting time for the inmates.

  19. bubbles says:

    Thank you. I could not work yesterday. I have things that need done today. It hurts to move.

  20. SFDBWV says:

    I have always equated our lives here as Christians likened to grains of wheat growing throughout our lives to the point of being ripened or ready for reaping.

    Someone also may have thought in the same manner since we give death such a name as the “Grim Reaper”.

    Jesus used wheat as an example when teaching, and added the responsibility of those who tended to fields and vineyards to His teaching as well. So growing has a lot to do with living.

    In the OT a well-known verse of Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a season for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 KJV). Even in the beginning of this world the seasons were written in the stars (Genesis 1:14 KJV).

    So here we are living and growing trusting God for the seasons in our lives including that time when we are ready to be harvested.

    I marked of my friend’s grave this morning just as daylight broke. Matt still has some issues, but slowly getting past the worst of this past week. We thank you all for your prayers and concerns.

    26 degrees and cloudy.


  21. narrowpathseeker says:

    Steve, I am so sorry about losing your life long friend. I am sure that hurts deeply, but I know the Lord will comfort you in a way no one else can. I believe God has given you an incredible strength that enables you to endure things that the average person could not. You may even at times think of that in a negative light, but I believe there must be great rewards for great works. So glad that Matthew is doing better. You are BOTH very inspiring and motivating. Thank you for your wise and thoughtful input you share here daily and a Joyful and Merry Christmas to you, Matthew and Glenna.

  22. narrowpathseeker says:

    A Merry and Joyful Christmas to Mart and EVERYONE here and a Blessed Happy New Year as well. May we all continue to pray for ALL in general and for individual needs here. Thank you all.

  23. SFDBWV says:

    Pearl thank you for your kind words and a very merry Christmas to you and Frank and your families as well.

    The grave digger this morning ask me what had happened to Mose (my deceased friend). As Mose would always come to the cemetery every time there was a burial and talk with him, so he knew the fellow whose grave he was digging.

    I explained that Robin, Mose’ wife had found him dead in the morning apparently from complications with diabetes.

    In the 44 years I have taken care of the cemetery it has always been my pleasure to help the families with their loved ones burial. It is the last thing that I can do for that individual.

    Matthew is feeling much better this afternoon, and hungry.


  24. phpatato says:

    Bubbles – I am sorry to hear that your back is so sore. Advil has anti-inflammatory properties in it and is a painkiller as well. That may help. Also, there is a product here in Canada that is called Robaxacet. I am not sure if you can get it down there but it is good for muscle spasms. It has a pain reliever in it, as well as a muscle relaxant. Praying you find that you are getting some relief from the pain and are getting better.

    Steve – I am sorry to hear about Matt’s illness but I am happy to read that he is feeling much better this afternoon. I pray he is completely better for Christmas Day. I have a sister who is on the tail end of battling 2 middle ear infections which had rendered her deaf for several days. I also have a friend who had to leave work quite suddenly with a gastro bug. He was a couple of days being laid up. On a personal note, I sat all night Tuesday night with my husband in the emergency department. After getting blood work done as well as a CT scan, it was determined that he passed a kidney stone which could yet be in his bladder, if he didn’t already pass it. They say that is a very painful thing for a man to go through. Women were survey as to pain intensity and results of the survey were that between child birth and kidney stones, the kidney stones ranked higher for pain.

    Winter seems to bring in more than just deep snow and bitter cold in the northern parts of North America. It also ushers in flu bugs/gastro bugs and aches and pains. On a brighter note, the days have now turned the corner with daylight hours increasing as each day passes. I look forward to March which is my favourite month of the year. I love how the world around me begins to wake up from a long cold winter’s sleep.

    I wish everyone here a very Merry Christmas.

    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13


  25. phpatato says:

    Oh and Steve

    I am so sorry to hear of your friend’s passing. Funerals at Christmastime seem harder to take somehow. My thoughts and prayers to you, as his friend, as well as to his family. May God hold you close to Him giving you comfort and peace during this sad time.


  26. Regina says:

    Merry Christmas Eve, All!
    Pray all is well in your lives today. Just left Walmart, and that’s one busy store this evening! It was full of last minute Christmas shoppers, and, thankfully for those of us who waited to buy groceries, presents, etc., we’re having some pretty mild weather all week. Just read Mart’s intro-topic for this blog post, and I can hardly wait to read your comments.
    Thank you for thinking about me, foreverblessed, and, yes, I did share on this blog that the Lord walked me through a divorce, and I pray He will do the same for your friend. Mart you gave us much to ponder in regards to how Jesus came from heaven to earth. I can picture myself as Mary or Elizabeth as they both had an amazing “with child” experience. Thinking that Elizabeth’s was *natural* and Mary’s was *spiritual*, though one could argue that both pregancies were spiritual. Thinking that, like Mary, Elizabeth (probably) had to endure some gossip and controversy too. Wondering if Jesus and John played together as children? Did they go to school together? How did John interact with Jesus as a child (especially since they were basically the same age)? Did John know from the womb that Jesus was the Son of God? When (at what age) did John go to the wilderness to live there (and eat his well known (famous?) diet of wild locusts and honey)? Like Mary, did Elizabeth also have more children? The first time we’re introduced to Jesus and John’s relationship (on any level) is when John baptized Jesus in the Jordan river (or sea of Galilee–didn’t do any research to find out which one). Yes, I’m very curious in regards to what happened in Jesus and John’s life during those “mysteriously normal” years. My thoughts for now…

    51 degrees under a foggy sky in my neck of the woods…

    Love to all,

  27. SFDBWV says:

    I just can’t believe it is Christmas Eve already. Time it seems just keeps moving along faster than ever.

    I hope before now Pat you have gotten our Christmas card, as I was late getting them sent out again this year. It seems in a world of instant messaging, regular mail takes too long to get where it is sent. Yours came in plenty of time, thank you.

    Regina it is recorded that John leapt in his mother’s womb when Mary entered Elizabeth’s presence. Luke 1:41 KJV

    Personally I cringe at seeing programs on “The History Channel” or “National Geographic” whereby they attempt to tell about the missing years of Jesus.

    Cringe because they are all speculation and without any real evidence at all, but in a world where “fake news” is accepted, vulnerable and uninformed people are susceptible to believing almost anything. And once the seed of a lie is planted it is difficult to fully get it out of one’s mind.

    Like those “Missing Books of the Bible” books that are available to buy, there is a reason why they are “missing” from the Bible. Being false testimonies, just as Paul warned of already circulating among the believers at the very beginning of our faith.

    Tonight is a very special night and from our house to everyone’s within reading this message we pray for your Christmas miracle to come into being for each and every one of you.

    38 and rain.


  28. SFDBWV says:

    Before the subject changes I want to address the very last words of Mart’s concerning “the nerve deadening self-deception we use to temporarily alleviate our pain.”

    What a loud voice this statement has.

    Drugs, alcohol, pornography, even deeper and worse behavior comes from a world of pain. Whereby Jesus was acquainted with such things He abstained and overcame the world. Too many among us fall into the traps set by sin and far too many die as a result of them.

    I must remember that for those people I am to pray for them to find freedom from their “temporary” remedies and allow Jesus to bring them real true peace. As well as understand their pain and show pity, not anger at their choices in life.

    I guess this is why we pray for Jesus to come again and pray for His return to come quickly, for the end of people’s pain and to usher in real true peace on earth.


  29. s2inkzoo says:

    As I was thinking of this, this morning, it struck me that during the 30 years, God was with us. He was walking among us. He was doing it in innocence and gentleness. He listened. He laughed. He just spent time with people. He lived life. Who knows how much this meant to those around Him. There was hope, in flesh and blood. They may not have known he was God or the savior, but sometimes that special person that brings hope and joy is a light to a dark life. Although His ultimate purpose was to die for our sins, maybe there was more to the ministry of spending time with people, than the public ministry. For he didn’t come to condemn people, but to save them. And as soon as he started preaching, contention started with those living in sin. Which is why John prepared the way. So perhaps, there is more value to the 30 years he dwealt among us than we can possibly know .

  30. SFDBWV says:

    s2inkzoo, very well put, thank you.


  31. phpatato says:

    Good morning everyone

    When I read your comment this morning, Regina, I googled the song performed by Pentatonix called Mary, did you know. Thank you for jarring my memory so I could hear that song again. As a Mom, I simply can’t imagine myself being in her shoes knowing that she carried the Son of God in her belly. The magnitude of it is something I can’t fathom. It’s a bit overwhelming in my mind. The line – “when you kiss your little baby, you have kissed the face of God” nails it for me.

    Thank you

    Warm blessings to everyone on this Christmas Eve.


    34F and snowing as I sit with my hot coffee in front of me

  32. joycemb says:

    Blessings to all with the love and faithfulness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ. May you also enjoy the warmth of family, friends, pets and good food. And don’t forget the strangers!

    Daily Prayer for December 24

    Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt

    But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord”…Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:10–11, 13–14, NIV

    Lord God, our Father in heaven, you have sent us the Savior, who was born to bring great joy to all people. Glorify your name, we pray. Give the world the peace you alone can give, the peace that wells up in our hearts. Let your favor rest on us so that we may hold out under our sufferings on earth. We need your loving help to remain inwardly steadfast until everyone can be reached by the message, “Be strong in the grace of Jesus Christ.” Amen.

  33. Regina says:

    Merry Christmas Eve, All!
    Sitting here in the quiet, stillness of late morning with laundry in the washing machine/dryer and eating a breakfast of brown rice, cooked greens and chick peas in a savory sauce. I became a vegetarian 4 1/2 years ago (because of food allergies and sensitivities), and I have not regretted my decision… One of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
    Steve, yes, I’m familiar with the Bible passage that describes John leaping in his mother’s womb when Mary entered the door to inform Elizabeth of her own miraculous pregnancy. My Pastor and others have taught on it on numerous occasions. Thinking that the Holy Spirit bore witness to the truth of Mary’s testimony by having baby John leap in Elizabeth’s womb. Wondering how much faith Elizabeth would have put in Mary’s testimony without the aid of the Holy Spirit?? Pat, SO glad that what I shared yesterday about Mary’s (extraordinary) blessing was a *blessing* to you! The song, Mary Did You Know? was sang by a small choir (3 people with powerful voices–not apart of the choir I’m in) at my church last Sunday for our Christmas presentation, and you’re right about the phrase, “when you kiss your little baby, you’ve kissed the face of God” that is a *phenomenal* thought!
    Was also thinking about those “nerve-deadening self deceptions”, Steve, but my thoughts were more attracted to the 30 “mysteriously normal” years that Jesus and John lived out. You know, much can be said about “normalcy”… With so much happening in the world around us, I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am for quiet, ordinary days spent with God! When we turn on the tv, were constantly bombarded with news of tragedy, disaster, poverty, crime, abuse, neglect, etc. occurring in other countries, and my heart hurts for those people! So, when the Lord gives me a gift of an “ordinary” day I know it’s a “special blessing” from Him!! My thoughts for now…

    59 degrees and a very cloudy sky in my neck of the woods…

    Love to all,

  34. SFDBWV says:

    Merry Christmas Mart and BTA friends.

    Steve, Glenna and Matt

  35. Mart DeHaan says:

    Yes, Merry Christmas to you Steve, and to you Pat and Regina for reminding me of Mary Did You Know? Here’s tiny url to the song in case others, like me, had forgotten the wonder… :-).. http://tinyurl.com/huu45nq

  36. poohpity says:

    Merry Christmas to ALL. May your day be filled with joyous celebration of our Dear Savior’s birth.

    Mart, I think we did get a glimpse of some things during that 30 years from Luke who did the most research into the life of Christ. He spoke about Jesus when was 12 in the Temple discussing scripture with the religious teachers who were amazed at His knowledge and understanding. Luke 2:47 NIV

  37. Regina says:

    ((Merry)) CHRISTMAS, Mart & ALL (beloved BTA friends)! :-) I pray that this Christmas is one of the *merriest* you’ve ever had! SO glad that Pat, Steve and I were able to refresh your memory, Mart, of the beauty and wonder found in the song, Mary Did You Know?
    On my way to church as soon as I get dressed… hurriedly ate breakfast, and will prepare to head on out as soon as I’m finished typing. Lol! We’re having a special Christmas service at my church today because Christmas is on Sunday this year. We usually don’t have Christmas service unless Christmas is on a Sunday (though we always have a Thanksgiving service, on Thanksgiving day). Well, I’m looking forward to celebrating the birthday of our Lord & Savior, and reflecting on His amazing grace/mercy toward us with friends and family.
    I may have more time to chat later on today.

    69 degrees, very cloudy and a possible thunderstorm in my neck of the woods…

    Love to all,

  38. jeff1 says:

    It is in God silences we realize that He is all we need!

    Joy to the World, the Lord is come!
    Let earth receive her King
    Let every heart prepare Him room
    And Heaven and nature sing
    And Heaven and nature sing
    And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing
    Joy to the World, the Saviour reigns!
    Let men their songs employ
    While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains
    Repeat the sounding joy
    Repeat the sounding joy
    Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy.

    No more let sins and sorrow grow
    Nor thorns infest the ground
    He comes to make His blessings flow
    Far as the curse is found
    Far as the curse is found
    Far as, far as, the curse is found.

    He rules the world with truth and grace
    And makes the nations prove
    The glories of His righteousness
    And wonders of His love
    And wonders of His love
    And wonders, wonders, of His love.

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