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This is my Body

DSC02563We call where we are staying— our place.

Paul likened us to Bedouin-backpackers. He made a distinction between us and our address (2Cor 5:1).

Another way this gets tricky is when we try to work out what Paul meant when he said, that when he did wrong—in his place, it wasn’t really him, but sin “living in him” (Rom 7:17). Sounds like he’s was saying that sin lived at his address and that he had some responsibility—and needed mercy— for what happened at his place… without confusing his place with some sense of himself

Who wants to doubt that there is something mysterious and mystical going on here?

Yet somehow Paul was able to keep his feet on the ground. While echoing the ancient songwriter who referred to God as our “dwelling place” (Psalm 90:1; Acts 17:28) he still had a realistic sense of identity with the “the body” he had been given as a place to be, meet, and stay in touch with others.

And when Paul met with others, we know that one of the things they often talked about was what it meant for God himself to say through Jesus, “this is my body… “broken for you.”

I wonder whether they also talked about whether God ever points to them (both individually and together)— and says to the eyes and ears of heaven, “This is my body”… “Here I am staying”…

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43 Responses to “This is my Body”

  1. joycemb says:

    Love that Mart! To be part of the Body of Christ- what a privilege! This makes my day! Thank you

  2. joycemb says:

    And to know that Gods not leaving is also a great encouragement, unless we go with Him:-)

  3. street says:

    We call where we are staying— our place.

    could we call our circumstances our place too?

  4. street says:

    Paul likened us to Bedouin-backpackers. He made a distinction between us and our address

    Hebrew bedouin wander. even the cities are temporary.
    even paul’s ,it wasn’t really him, being pressed out of shape to be conformed to the image of Jesus. the proving ground is indeed a mysterious and mystical that brings awe to my mind and heart. the complete freedom that God uses to bring about His will. quite staggering.

  5. poohpity says:

    Sometimes I get caught in the weeds Mart but I have always believed that there is a reason why not one of the bones of Jesus was broken. Even in the end when the soldiers broke the knees of the criminals but did not break the knees of Jesus. When an animal was to be sacrificed in the OT it had to be perfect animal with no broken bones or defects. So my point is some translations say this is my body broken for you rather than this is my body offered/given/which is for you.

    On to the topic after being sidetracked, lol. I think Paul being a tent maker knew it was only a temporary dwelling place like our bodies are. Jesus’ body was only a temporary dwelling place for God. Knowing that our bodies even though they are temps are a place that the Spirit of God dwells with us and that is where he will stay even though this body is still a connection also with sin. This is my body please come and dwell within me while on this earth until I get a new body with you in heaven.

    Actually everyday I feel this tent being ripped and torn and the glue that holds it together in extreme circumstances is always the Lord.

  6. poohpity says:

    It was the bread that was broken 1 Cor 11:24; Luke 22:19

  7. Regina says:

    Good Evening, All
    Pray all is well in your lives… phpatato, thank you for providing a good description of one of your country’s classic dishes. Poutine still seems a little odd to me though… My stomach would not be happy if I gave it french fries, cheese curds and gravy. Do Canadians eat mashed potatoes with butter and gravy, cooked greens (e.g. collards, spinach, etc), cornbread and meat (for meat eaters)? That’s a classic meal in the U.S. southern states… Now, I’m curious about the origin of Poutine (the first person who ate it) and other foods in your country and mine…

    50 degrees and a night time sky in my neck of the woods…

    Love to all,

  8. SFDBWV says:

    Mart in truth I have read this new subject over several times trying to get the gist of what it is you are wanting to discuss.

    The picture seems to me to be children singing ring around the poesy, a famous children’s game during the plague about every one sooner or later dies.

    “We all fall down”.

    Yesterday I went to the cemetery to mark off a grave for a 65 year old woman who had not lived here for most of her adult life, but will be buried next to her family. Something her brother came to me about Tuesday morning just after she had died to arrange.

    It was in the older part of our cemetery and so a little difficult finding the correct corners in order to create a lot for her. Ironically it was the cornerstone of one of my great grandparent’s grave lots that enabled me to find a beginning point and so accomplish the task. He was a mining engineer and I thanked him for his attention to detail. I hope he was pleased that I could be helped still by his work.

    I strain to remember the comedian’s name who was famous for saying. “The devil made me do It.”, But this fits when we think that “we” don’t do wrong, but the sin that resides within us is to blame.

    There in our cemetery are a great many who died believing Jesus is Lord. Their lives were filled with all the troubles and struggles that life here in this world produce. Though they died their bodies were the dwelling place of God and even though dead their souls are with God, but there comes an hour when their bodies will rise again, because of the indwelling of God in them. And once again they will be complete as God intended.

    There also are many who did not make the choice to accept God’s offer of peace. What remains of their bodies will also rise again, but because they dwelt alone without His Spirit in them, they will face judgement and our God will decide their eternal destiny.

    Though this body here and now a temporary home, it is a home for us and God to dwell together, much like the tabernacle in the wilderness. But God has plans to erect a permanent home for us to live and dwell together with Him. All because of His body becoming the “Lamb” of God and our sacrifice.

    It is my hope and yes prayer that those who made the wrong choices in life will find that His sacrifice was for them as well when He judges their lives and decides their eternal dwelling place.

    40 degrees and rain, snow coming today and for the next several. Looks like winter is still with us.


  9. poohpity says:

    It would be nice if after accepting Christ we no longer did wrong things but I agree with Paul that that is a human impossibility. The great thing is to be aware of the wrongs I do. The reasons that it is a great thing to be aware because that makes me even more aware of God’s grace and keeps me humble.

    I have failed in areas of parenting, friendships, family relationships and in my relationship with God not doing things I know I should do. Those failures do not make me a failure but a human being who God knew would sin.

    The church collectively is also the body of Christ together we make that up. Having been sick for the last 2 weeks I miss meeting together with other sinners saved my His grace. I miss worshiping together, singing praises to our King; enjoy hearing God’s word and sharing in communion. The communion helps us remember who we are and what Jesus did for us as often as we meet together.

  10. joycemb says:

    Pooh hope you feel better soon!

    Reading George McDonald yesterday he said he doesn’t believe it’s good to hope for freedom from troubles via death as God s intent in trials is to make us more like Jesus. Sobering thought. Perseverance is best no matter what I suppose. But keeping our eyes on Him we see him, as did Stephan in the midst of his horrific trial, and seeing should be enough. Still looking through dark glasses here. But with stars in my eyes! Sorry for the side trip off topic.

  11. jeff1 says:

    Mart says:

    ‘Yet somehow Paul was able to keep his feet on the ground’.

    As someone who has a chemical imbalance and requires medication to balance it I know what it means to be high as a kite and then the opposite to be in hell itself.

    Keeping my feet on level ground is not something comes easy but God has His ways and painful though they may be He knows what’s best.

    Yes, we all fall down but it is the number of times we keep getting up that is truly amazing and that is ‘up’ to God and not ‘down’ to us.

    Too often God has had to remind me as to who is Captain of His vessel.

    God promises to never leave me and so now each time I fall down, I know who is going to pick me up again.

    I am getting to ‘know God’ and it is in ‘getting to know Him’ that I start to trust Him.

  12. jeff1 says:

    You have made me chuckle, Joyce, I love it, still looking through dark glasses but with stars in my eyes. Same here! and I pray that we continue to do so!

  13. street says:

    14 We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. 15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature.[c] For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.

  14. street says:

    steve i believe it was flip wilson who said the sayings the devil made me do it and here comes the judge.

  15. street says:

    20 And again He said, “To what shall I compare the kingdom of God? 21 It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three pecks of flour until it was all leavened.”

  16. street says:

    By the greatness of Your arm they are motionless as stone;
    Until Your people pass over, O Lord,
    Until the people pass over whom You have purchased.
    “You will bring them and plant them in the mountain of Your inheritance,
    The place, O Lord, which You have made for Your dwelling,
    The sanctuary, O Lord, which Your hands have established.
    “The Lord shall reign forever and ever.”

  17. jeff1 says:

    Pooh says: ‘It would be nice if after accepting Christ we no longer did wrong things but I agree with Paul this is a human impossibility’.

    I agree too, Pooh, and like you I have failed in many areas of my life and there are many times when I do not know whether my illness comes from me feeling so much like a failure.

    Ironically, it is all the difficulties in my life that brought me closer to God. I always believed in God but I did not go any deeper then that.

    It is in seeking God that I discovered I fell very short of being a follower of Christ.

    I often feel I take one step forward and two steps back in my progress but I am finally getting to know that God doesn’t leave me because I fail and that is what makes God’s ways so much higher, because in my humanness I put expectations on others who are very much like myself, but then I discover that they are often as in need of God as I am and that’s what makes me ‘PART OF THE BODY OF CHRIST’.

    It is our need of God that keeps us humble and that is where God wants us to be but it is a battle to be humble in this world but I believe that when we loose our humbleness we loose our capacity to love others as God intended we should.

  18. SFDBWV says:

    “Sounds like he was saying that sin lived at his address and that he had some responsibility-and needed mercy-for what happened at his place…without confusing his place with some sense of himself…”

    Ok let me try and sort this out.

    Our body is our address, but our souls though at the address actually a separate entity of the address.

    Sin resides within the body/address, but not the soul.

    Our bodies do wrong as a result of the sin that is in the body in contrast and against the nature and desires of our souls, which because we share the body/address, the true nature of our beings/essence shares in the blame of the sin.

    Very confusing.

    Even though this address/body is temporary and damaged goods as a result of sin. It is God’s plan as I understand it, to fully cleanse the body of sin, reunite it with the soul, make it an eternal new being exactly like the resurrected body of the “first born” Jesus of Nazareth, when we are resurrected as well.


    4 inches of snow, 24 degrees.


  19. poohpity says:

    Viv, I too felt like a failure many times until I learned that failures do not mean I am a failure, it just means I failed and have to learn something new. Without admitting my failure I may tend to think of myself more highly than I ought and realize that everyone fails at some point or another. You have said it before that God picks us up and dusts us off and we get anther chance and that does not mean we will never repeat the same mistakes over and over. That is what I find so amazing about God’s grace, He never runs out of it.

    That also helps me realize that within the body of Christ we all share that part of humanity, we all mess up so why not share the same grace we have been shown.

  20. poohpity says:

    Thank you Joyce.

  21. joycemb says:

    I still find those last words of your post Mart very comforting yet solemn as I think of the structure of the Bible. In the beginning God created.. all the way to Rev. 21-22 with its warnings of Jesus’ return and what it requires of us who wish to be a part of Gods kingdom for all eternity. The “free gift” Rev. 22:17 that keeps on giving. I’m in!

  22. joycemb says:

    “Sounds like he was saying that sin lived at his address and that he had some responsibility-and needed mercy-for what happened at his place…without confusing his place with some sense of himself…”

    Rev. 22:8-9 NIV Another prophet that needed a reminder that our aim and goal is to worship God only because we are all sinners.

  23. jeff1 says:

    That is a very good point, Pooh, as partakers of the ‘Body of Jesus Christ,’ it is imperative that we do not judge each other and I put my hands up to being guilty of this but it is wrong in God’s eyes and therefore I must do what it takes to remain humble in order to accomplish God’s will on earth.

    Sorry I have went off topic Mart but I read this article and wanted to share.

    This article first appeared in the bulletin of the Limerick Reformed Fellowship (Ireland), and was written by missionary-pastor Martyn McGeown.

    Belgic Confession, Whom God Justifies He Also Sanctifies.

    1st Corinthians: 1:30″But of him are ye in Jesus Christ, who of God is made unto, us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption Ghost”

    The subject of Belgic Confession 24 is “Off man’s sanctification and good works.” Sanctification, like justification, is part of salvation, and endless confusion will be avoided if we carefully distinguish between these two aspects of our salvation.

    Justification is a legal declaration that we are righteous based on the alien imputed righteousness of Christ alone and received by faith alone. Justification therefore delivers us from sins guilt. Sanctification is God’s work of making elect, believing justified sinners holy. Sanctification, therefore, delivers us from sin’s defilement. Both justification and sanctification are necessary because we need deliverance from both the guilt and defilement of sin.

    Salvation is it its entirety from beginning to end the work of God. Therefore, God alone justifies and God alone sanctifies. Just as we cannot justify ourselves, so we cannot make ourselves holy. Sanctification is the peculiar work of the Spirit, which is why He is called the Holy Spirit. Justifications is God’s act as judge in declaring us righteous. Sanctification is a work which God performs in our souls in which He works holiness into us. Justification changes our legal state or status. Sanctification changes our actual moral condition. God never simply justifies us and then leaves us in our sins. Whom God justifies He also sanctifies. Justification is the once for all, justification is the final once for all, final, legal verdict of Almighty God as Judge: justification cannot be overturned, changed, annulled, increased, or decreased. Sanctification is a progressive work of God in us, by which we are transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.

    There are other differences in justification and sanctification as well. In justification we are passive. God declares concerning us that we are righteous. We did nothing at all. In sanctification we are active. God does not sanctify us without means: He uses our activity of living in good works; He uses prayer; He uses the means of Grace (the preaching and the sacraments) received by faith in order to make us more and more holy. We must not imagine that we will simply be “zapped” with holiness as we sleep! Sanctification requires of us that we fight against sin in ourselves and produce good works. In sanctification, says the Belgic Confession, God “make(s) him (the believer) a new man, causing him to live a new life, and freeing him from the bondage of sin.” However, we must also understand that sanctification is not dependent on us. Sanctification is not even a cooperative effort between God and us. In sanctification we are active, and God will not sanctify without activity in us, but God produces activity in us.

    If you understand that as a sinner, you are not only guilty, but also defiled, polluted and enslaved by sin, you will rejoice in sanctification just as much as justification. You will pray “Lord sanctify me. Make me holy. Cause me more and more to die unto sin and live unto righteousness. Cleanse me and create in me a new heart.”

    What man who stands accused before the law is content to merely here the justifying verdict from the judge without also experiencing freedom? Sanctification is the blessedness we receive as we leave God’s court, free to serve Him in thankfulness for what He has done for us.

  24. poohpity says:

    I think that fits perfectly with the topic. In our body through Christ Jesus we are justified and sanctified to benefit the collective body of Christ. I just so enjoyed reading that Viv, thank you. No matter what country we live or culture or social status that is exactly what holds us together in unity of belief by the Holy Spirit.

  25. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    Thanks for this post, Mart, bringing us to consider the circle of God’s love in the body of Christ. We live in mortal bodies that are both fragile and resilient.

    Even as our bodies naturally fail over time, we have a life in Jesus — in His body — that is indestructible. God’s grace works wonders. It can allow some to live for years beyond what “health” would allow. It is as though there is “divine health” in Christ’s presence that sustains the most frail constitution.

    I have seen this, mysteriously, in religious and non-religious persons.

    The discussion, Mart and Friends, makes me think of Jesus’ picture of God’s people as the vine and branches (John 15:1-11). He speaks of how good it is to abide in Him — in His love and therefore in the Father’s love.

    The sin-nature persists after our conviction of sinfulness (by grace), our justification (by grace), and our sanctification (by grace). Yet, the branch that draws life from the Vine remains or abides in the flow of God’s love — cleansed by His pruning.

    In Him we are fruitful, but apart from Him we can do nothing.

    The bread and the cup and the water of baptism are good, earthly signs of the grace of God in Christ working on the inside.

    1C/34F here with clouds


  26. foreverblessed says:

    Yes, Mary, so as long as we keep our eyes on Jesus, His Grace flows through us. I believe the action we have to make is focussing on Jesus.
    And in the same line, we have to stop reacting according to our old human nature. That is what Oswald Chambers tells us often. The Holy Spirit won’t do that for us, we have to decide to stop certain thinking. All though I believe that the Hy Spirit helps us to see better what type of thinking cones from the old man, and not from God.
    Oswald Chambers of today is also very good!
    Our self- willed determination to live a godly life!
    That has to be crucified.
    That is to say, that when Jesus hang on the Cross, that our human self- will hang on the Cross.
    We have to believe in the working of the Cross!

  27. foreverblessed says:

    On a side note: there is a video that is really good, you can do a search on: Trump video Lubach.
    Is is a humoristic program, introducing the Netherlands to Trump. It is hilarious!
    I think that humor is a good way to counteract the ordeal of this new presidency.

  28. jeff1 says:

    You and I, are thinking on the same lines, Forever, as our elections come up in March and with many ordinary people feeling that politicians mess up the country more than they fix it.

    There is a group of players called “Give My Head Peace” and lets say that our politicians give them lots of material to give us an hilarious act.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the show last year and it is on again next month so really looking forward to enjoying the lighter side of politics. I know they had hilarious jokes about Donald Trump but memory not being great I have forgotten them.

    I think humour is a good way to counteract any ordeal.

    Bless all our Politicians though, as my son would say they have a difficult job keeping everyone happy and there is a lot of truth in that.

  29. jeff1 says:

    Just thinking about a film I loved with the late talented Robin Williams and if I recall the title of it was “Laughter is the greatest medicine”.

  30. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    Supposing the Mary comment, Forever, is to me — could be wrong of course.

    Anyhow, the ODB devotion for today calls out Romans 8 with the assurance that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ.

    Famously, “not death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will separate” us from that love.

    Should the ability to perform good works for God’s kingdom be taken away from a Jesus-follower, God still deeply desires him/her to be enfolded and sheltered in Him.

    He calls us first of all to abide with, rest in, fellowship with Him and one another.

    Very comforting to me.

    Joy all day,

  31. SFDBWV says:

    Good morning Maru. Just guessing but I would say Foreverblessed has auto correct in her spelling. I actually thought that you once signed off as Margo, but like my dear friend Bubbles I keep her name to myself as she ask.

    I liked your comments as I think I have once again already exhausted my “thinking” on the subject.

    We got another 4 inches of snow and the weather has set into a very normal winter pattern of continuous steady snow showers and flurries with the temperatures staying in the 20’s and dipping teens at night.


  32. jeff1 says:

    Should the ability to perform good works for God’s kingdom be taken away from a Jesus-follower, God still deeply desires him/her to be enfolded/and sheltered in Him.

    He calls us first of all to abide with, rest in, fellowship with Him and one another.

    I too find these comments very comforting, because, I sometimes feel too exhausted in myself to often feel I can be of any use to God.

  33. remarutho says:

    Believe you are exactly right on the auto-correct function, Steve. It does not like “Maru,” but prefers “Mary.” Funny business.

    Yes, my given (used to be called “Christian” — remember?) name is Margot. But, I stick with the composite “Maru” which is in the center of my user name at BTA.

    I am the namesake of my two grandmothers — Marguerite and Ruth. Hence, Maru. Mother shortened Marguerite to Margot, believing it was more modern and easier.

    Agreeing over here that the discussion topic is so very open-ended there is nothing to hold onto.

    I do like Mart’s observation about Paul, that he: “had a realistic sense of identity with the ‘the body’ he had been given as a place to be, meet, and stay in touch with others.”

    Not sure the body of Christ is a place. It is a gathering, a meeting and a point of contact with other souls.

    We can pray for the Christians in Aleppo, in Bangkok or Kathmandu without stirring out of our armchair.

    By contrast, our mortal body is a fragile tent, easily crushed by the forces of the universe. It would be much worn out by actual physical travel to distant places.

    The body of Christ is a mysterious foretaste of the courtyard of heaven, it seems to me. That body is a celebration of the great gift of Jesus’ Life.


  34. foreverblessed says:

    Indeed Steve, it was auto correct, as I had typed Maru, I had not seen it was changed into Mary.
    What a beautiful two names of your grandmother’s, Maru (check). I believe that our believing forefathers, and mothers are still connected to us, that they pray for us, and are part of the cloud that surrounds us. (hebrews 12:1)
    ( All though we are forbidden to seek contact with them, we should seek contact with Jesus/God/Holy Spirit.)
    They are part of the bigger Body, the Body of Christ.
    An interesting thought at the end of Mart’s comment:
    Does Jesus say, We, the collective Christianity, is His Body?

  35. foreverblessed says:

    Commenting via my smartphone was not possible anymore since a few weeks. It seems to be a problem of Firefox. Now J am using Chrome, and I have found out to change the language from Dutch to English. Boy,cwas I feeling proud, or inother words: happy! And one of the first few words I typed is Maru, immediately changed into Mary! LOL.

    Now, on the Body of Christ, these verses keep coming back to me:
    Eph 5:25-33
    Christ loving us as His own Body! We are His Body!

  36. foreverblessed says:

    Romans 7:4 now suddenly gets a new meaning to me

  37. SFDBWV says:

    Maru I love the history of your name. My mother’s name was Mary and her father Henry and so my mother was named Mary Henrietta.
    My father’s father was named Francis, his mother Ethel Frances, her father was named Edward, so my dad’s name was Edward Francis.

    My great grandfather was named Steven and so I am Steven Francis.

    Though I gave Matthew his own identity of Matthew, I continued Steven for the family connection.

    Yes Foreverblessed I think naming children from our ancestor pool is the right thing to do.

    And yes as understand it the “Church” or collective body of believers, is Jesus’ body represented here on earth.

    The Holy Communion is an act of belief and of “remembrance” of Jesus with the bread (of life) and the wine (blood) symbolic only.

    I read a quote the other day from a former refugee saying that to him America represented the fulfillment of a dream.

    The sacrifice of Jesus’ body enables all of us to realize our dreams because He now resides with us and us with Him…I guess we now all have an ID pass to ride on that “long Black Train” toward our final place of rest.



  38. remarutho says:

    The history of names is important, it seems to me, Steve and Forever. My grandmother, Marguerite, was born to a family that settled in Virginia and later in Kentucky, originally from Scotland.

    Edward was a special name to her also. My great grandfather and my father were Edward. Now, my grandson is Malcolm Edward. Very touching to me that my millennial children still pay respect to past generations.

    Abiding in the body of Christ, surely we stand among the great cloud of witnesses gathered in the unveiled presence of our Creator God. Whatever the names, these are the ones whose lives honored the Lord Jesus.

    The love of Jesus is our guiding principle, whether we are the first in the family to belong to Him — or the latest in a long line of faithful children of God. His gift of atonement is for anybody who believes in Him.

    Thank God the door is propped open. These are days of grace.


  39. jeff1 says:

    Ye chosen seed of Israel’s race,
    Ye ransomed from the fall;
    Hail Him who saves you by His grace,
    And crown Him Lord of all.
    Hail Him who saves you by His grace,
    And crown Him Lord of all.

    Come Though Fount of ev’ry blessing,
    Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
    Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
    Call for songs of loudest praise.
    Teach me some melodious sonnet
    Song my flaming tongues above;
    Praise the mount-I’m fixed upon it-
    Mount of Thy redeeming love.
    Oh to grace how great a debtor
    Daily I’m constrained to be!
    Let Thy goodness, like a letter,
    Bind my wand’ring heart to Thee.
    Prone to wander-Lord, I feel it-
    Prone to leave the God I love;
    Here’s my heart-O take and seal it,
    Seal it for Thy courts above

    Was it for crimes that I had done
    He groaned upon the tree?
    Amazing pity, grace unknown,
    And love beyond degree!

    For nothing good have I
    Whereby Thy grace to claim;
    I’ll wash my garments white
    in the blood of Calv’ry’s Lamb.

  40. Mart DeHaan says:

    Thanks for riding with the conversation on this post. Together we believe in the importance of the body, the hope of its real redemption and resurrection—and the mystical nature of being spirit in the flesh. Conversation about family names is interesting! I’ll try to get something else up to consider soon :-)….

  41. SFDBWV says:

    “I wonder whether they also talked about whether God ever points to them (both individually and together)- and says to the eyes and ears of heaven, “This is my body”…”here I am staying”…

    This reminded me of the times when we are privileged to read of private conversations in the Bible. Such as the conversation between Pilate and Jesus, when Jesus proclaimed to be a King, but of a Kingdom not of this world.

    How did this private conversation become known? Did Pilate tell of it? Was it divinely given via the Holy Spirit to the Disciples after Pentecost?

    Is the Kingdom of which Jesus spoke of to Pilate an actual place or a state of mind?

    Mart spoke of where he lives as their place. Whereas from the view that here and now in this time, that is true, there was a time before and a time coming when it isn’t true.

    Suppose then that the only real truth exists without time, with an eternal God, where we, the real us, reside with Him and He with us. Just as Jesus said when he said, “I am in the Father and the Father is in me” saying they are “one”. We too are “one” with them.

    Our place for this “time” being in a temporary body vulnerable to sin, sickness and death, but we remain invulnerable to being separated from God our Creator.

    I have read that on a stone God will show us a new name either He has chosen for us, or we have earned during our stay at our temporary address.

    24 degrees and flurries.


  42. jeff1 says:

    Listening to gospel hour on the radio this morning and there were so many beautiful and meaningful songs but this one I have not heard for years and I needed reminded that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    Jesus loves the little children,
    All the little of the children of the world.
    Red and yellow, black and white,
    They are precious in His sight.
    Jesus loves the little children of the world.

    Everything is beautiful in its own way.
    Like the starry summer night, or a snow covered winter’s day.
    And everybody beautiful in their own way.
    Under God’s heaven the world is gonna find a way.

    There is none so blind as he who will not see.
    We must not close our minds; we must let our thoughts be free.
    For every hour that passes by, we know the world gets a little bit older.
    Its time to realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    And everything is beautiful in its own way.
    Like the starry summer night, or snow-covered winter’s day.
    Oh, sing it children!
    Everybody’s beautiful in their own way.
    Under God’s heaven, the world’s gonna find the way.

    We shouldn’t care about the length of his hair, or the colour of his skin.
    Don’t worry about what shows from without, but the love that lives within.
    And we’re gonna get it all together now; everything is going to work out fine.
    Just take a little time to look on the good side my friend,
    And straighten it out in your mind.

    And everything is beautiful in its own way,
    Like the starry summer night, or snow-covered winter’s day.
    Ah sing it children!
    Everybody’s beautiful in their own way
    Like the starry summer night or snow covered winter’s day.
    One more time!
    Everything is beautiful in it’s own way
    Like the starry summer night or snow-covered winter’s day…

  43. poohpity says:

    Steve, I would imagine the disciples either heard the conversation between Jesus and Pilate or after His resurrection He told them. John followed Jesus through it all and was there in the court yard with the Roman soldiers as was the Mary’s and Peter.

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