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One Last Drink

Over the years, I’ve wondered about Jesus’s comment to the Samaritan woman about the last drink she would ever need.

Standing at Jacob’s well, in the heat of the day, she didn’t know what he meant either.

Has anyone ever gotten what they would call one last drink from Jesus?

So what was Jesus promising this woman?

He surprised her by knowing that she was on her 6th man (John 4:17-18)—and that since, she wasn’t wearing the ring of this one, she probably hadn’t found her perfect match.

Yet that conversation ended— with a sense of dawning finality.

Could Jesus have been saying something like, “After today, you will always know that Jacob’s well (Israel’s well)—has come to you. And I won’t ever leave you or forsake you.”

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147 Responses to “One Last Drink”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Good morning Mart. As I have shared before, every morning I go outside for a special private time with God. I do almost stay in constant communication with God all the time, but this one few minutes in the morning is a special time when I “go to the well” to prepare me for the day.

    “Living Water” seems to me to be the “Well Spring” of the Triune Spirit of God that dwells with us and flows from us.

    Once “fixed” within us we would never be looking for something else to slake that thirst of looking for the truth. The truth of who God is.

    The Samaritans were in error and Jesus knew this.

    For me each day is new and each day I go to God in prayer to be immersed, to be washed, to be filled, renewed and prepared for the day ahead.

    I think of it more as a renewing of a vow, than getting my last drink from the well.

    A warm morning of 57 degrees under a dark cloudy sky.


  2. jeff1 says:

    When I look at my life failed marriage, failed relationships at work, failed family relationships then it is difficult for me to see how God has been with me.

    I view myself as both my religion and culture has taught me that failure at life comes because of a failed relationship with God.

    I have spent more of my life hiding from God then running to him.

    I believe that is because I do not understand God, certainly not in the way my father did.

    My father had a God given gift of sound judgements while I am much more my mother who did not.

    The difference in my father and my mother being my father had a stable family Christian upbringing while my mother did not.

    Correct me if I have got this wrong but the difference in God and humans is that God accepts me in my frailty and uses His Spirit to work through me and promises to never leave me while others (including myself because I behave the same to others with weaknesses) see me as what I am a weak human being.

    Being a weak human being give me empathy with others with weaknesses but it also explains why strong minded and strong willed people will not have any empathy with me because they despise my weakness and I have found at times my friend whom I would call strong willed and minded has accused me of being weak and it caused friction between us. As it happens she had a stable Christian family relationship upbringing.

    Is it not so that me being the weaker is also the needier for Christ?

    I am the one lacking!

    This is just me thinking the differences in my faith upbringing to others who have influence over me.

    It is not about who is right or wrong but what makes us different in how we see God and each other.

    What a friend we have in Jesus
    All our sins and griefs to bear
    And what a privilege to carry
    Everything to God in prayer

    Oh, what peace we often forfeit
    Oh, what needless pain we bear
    All because we do not carry
    Everything to God in prayer

    Have we trials and temptations?
    Is there trouble anywhere?
    We should never be discouraged
    Take it to the Lord in prayer

    Can we find a friend so faithful
    Who will all our sorrows share?
    Jesus knows our every weakness
    Take it to the Lord in prayer

  3. SFDBWV says:

    Just a little side note.

    Once the woman at the well encountered Jesus, she became a missionary and told all she knew about Him.

    They then flocked to Him to find out if she was right and what all the fuss was about.

    Once we encountered Jesus did we not also want to tell everyone we knew about Him?

    Return to that first “excitement” and remember how satisfying that drink from the well tasted.

    Good morning Viv, I still think you do very well in your Christianity.


  4. poohpity says:

    Yes, I have received that one last drink from Jesus.

    Jesus knew the truth about this woman, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. He knew her, knew about her and everything she had ever done yet did not reject her.

    She was first rejected by the Jews because she was a Samaritan, rejected because she was considered less than by just being a woman then she was rejected by the people in her village because of her lifestyle that she had to go to the well at noon rather than when the other woman went in the morning. Three strikes and your out but YET Jesus. Understanding the truth about herself simply and honestly no pretenses, masks or hidden areas and she was accepted by this person and that is what she told her village. The village people she once was afraid to even talk to because of their rejection.

    “Could this be the Messiah?” because without her saying anything He knew everything about her and offered her eternity, Living Water that never runs dry and is forever faithful. Not by the things she had done but by believing in this person who went out of His way, out of the culture in those times and not caring what anyone else thought about her just to take the time to sit and talk with her publicly probably meant more to her than most of us would know. Acceptance after all the rejection she had known, a relationship that would never end.

  5. street says:

    one last drink?
    never be thirsty again?
    living water?
    trading water that perishes for water that gives life?
    i perceive you are a prophet.
    she knew she was a sinner and she had no hope, except in the promised Messiah.she was waiting for Him in samaria.
    the amazing thing is He showed up and in the most unexpected way.
    broken cisterns or fountain of living water?
    being tested is part of the program,dry times will come.
    going back to broken cisterns one more time?
    does He has all of me?

    Luke 3:16
    John answered them all, “I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

  6. street says:

    I won’t ever leave you or forsake you.

    They wandered in deserts and mountains, living in caves and in holes in the ground. [39] These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, [40] since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.

    Proverbs 13:12
    Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

    23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

  7. joycemb says:

    I think you are right mart. The details of who what where when how are not as important as the fulfillment of the promises to Israel of a messiah. I don’t think it was Jesus’ intent for the story or for any personal encounters as told in scripture to be about individuals but about Him and His role in Gods plan. If we do empathize with someone or see ourselves in scripture it’s more prudent to remember ALL have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God. At the foot of the cross we are all the same–bankers, lawyers, prostitutes, bakers etc. it’s the big picture that’s important to remember; I think there is much less fighting that way. Like looking at history. Beyond our differing memories what was the final outcome? Was it good but messy at the same time, of course. We are all a mess apart from God who makes all messes new!

  8. SFDBWV says:

    Way off in a future time God will create a new heaven and a new earth.

    Not one of us can accurately imagine it outside of what we have already experienced and know.

    We are both an earthly (flesh) and Heavenly (spirit) being.

    We pretty well know that as earthly beings we need food and water in order to stay alive.

    But what of a spirit being? Do they need water and food?

    We read of a river that flows from the throne and trees to heal the nations in a future time.

    Yet God will make a new heaven and a new earth and none of the former things will be remembered.

    One last drink of from our Creator and the well spring of His life giving force will flow from within us forever.

    I am pretty sure He isn’t talking about H2O.

    Hoping this isn’t our last drink from Mart as well.

    46 degrees under a dark cloudy morning sky.


  9. saled says:

    Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled. Matt.5:6.

    Jesus used the metaphor of physical thirst representing the deep desire to be right. I bet the woman at the well had a real desire to be a righteous person, but when you are on your 6th man, how does that work? It probably feels like there is no hope for you, you have made so many mistakes that you can never be made right.

    I love this story. Here is Jesus coming alongside this woman instead of at her. And offering her the hope to be made right.

  10. SFDBWV says:

    Saled, I for one couldn’t agree more. I think you have spoken well.

    Jesus is offering this Samaritan woman and us “righteousness” along with His eternal Spirit.

    I hope Spring has arrived for you there in Maine.


  11. poohpity says:

    I so love how Jesus has personal contact with the people most rejected. He came for those who need Him not those who thought they were fine in and of themselves. Luke 5:31-32 NLT; Matt 9:13; Mark 2:17

  12. joycemb says:

    Righteousness assumes personal purity. My Utmost 3:26 explains it well and goes along with what we’ve been talking about here for a while now. Blessed day everyone!

  13. jeff1 says:

    I love that Jesus gave me the law to show me that I can never be right with Him. If I had not failed in trying to keep the laws I would not have realized how impossible it is to do so.

    Jesus died for all, even those in ignorance, his last words tell us that “Father, forgive them they know not what they do”.

    Not the words of a man looking for justice or revenge but the words of our Lord looking for mercy and forgiveness for all.

    O, the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus.

    Jesus, good above all other,
    gentle child of gentle mother,
    in a stable born our brother,
    give us grace to persevere.

    Jesus, cradled in a manger,
    for us facing every danger,
    living as a homeless stranger,
    make we thee our King most dear.

    Jesus, for thy people dying,
    risen Master, death defying,
    Lord in heaven, thy grace supplying,
    keep us to thy presence near.

    Jesus, who our sorrows hearest,
    all our thoughts and hopes thou sharest,
    thou to us the truth declarest;
    help us all thy truth to hear.

    Lord, in all our doings guide us;
    pride and hate shall ne’er divide us;
    we’ll go on with thee beside us,
    and with joy we’ll persevere.

  14. poohpity says:

    Our Daily Bread for today was written by Mart and it is so good.

  15. joycemb says:

    Lol! ODB having the same arguments as we’ve had here…nothing new.

  16. joycemb says:

    :( Poor Mart

  17. street says:

    one last drink
    thinking about the verse, ” he shall bruise Your heel and You shall bruise his head.” i think of the ones to come and find this prophesy to be true, they refuse to be ruled by this head that is damaged. they return to Him who loves with an everlasting love.

    the next verses that comes to mind is in Job.

    “Let those curse it who curse the day,
    Who are prepared to rouse Leviathan.

    “Lay your hand on him;
    Remember the battle; you will not do it again!

    i ran into this verse and it is disturbing. it speak of the one who substitutes good for evil.
    Deuteronomy 29:19-21

    may the blessings and promises of Jesus be found in you in great abundance.

  18. cbrown says:

    Street the last verse of Job 41 is: “He looks on everything that is high;
    He is king over all the sons of pride.”

  19. street says:

    cbrown along those thoughts i like the Hallelujah Chorus, ” And He shall reign forever
    King of Kings
    For ever and ever
    And Lord of Lords !”


  20. poohpity says:

    Joyce it actually takes the last five or so topics and makes the point Mart was trying to get all of us to think about and take under consideration to think through. Just as they have been misunderstood that was also true there except for the few that read it to understand the bottom line that it is completely out of our realm to understand another’s heart or motives so it is better to look at our own.

  21. street says:

    Righteousness assumes personal purity. My Utmost 3:26 explains it well and goes along with what we’ve been talking about here for a while now. Blessed day everyone!

    i’m thinking the Spirit He gives us insures we pursue purity, because he will discipline us till we surrender.
    Jesus yoke is easy and light! either we delight in Him or He bruises the head of him we are serving or whatever is getting in the way. righteousness is a gift along with faith, the life lived is in response to this love and gifts He has given. our hearts minds souls strength gifts salvation. to him who has even more shall be given! He gives to all some turn back and thank Him, like the story of the 10 leprous. must hold unto the fact he does take from us as job found out and it is painful. rest = never thirst again?

  22. joycemb says:

    I only wish the price of rest wasn’t so painful sometimes.

  23. joycemb says:

    But I have counted the cost and its worth it.

  24. SFDBWV says:

    “The meek shall inherit the earth”.

    The reason for this is because the meek cause no trouble, ruffle no feathers and don’t fight back.

    Everyone else is at war with each other and sooner or later those who live by the sword die by the sword.

    Hmm, could it be Jesus may have referenced the sword of the Spirit here?

    Along with that thought comes the next, “the breastplate of righteousness”

    I would suggest looking up the “Armor of God” Ephesians 6:13-18 KJV.

    What is a breastplate for? It is to protect your heart.

    The problem is not with Christians who seek righteousness, it is with people who confuse seeking righteousness and being righteous with *SELF* righteousness.

    Those who look down on people who seek righteousness are *not* demonstrating righteous behavior at any level and do so only because there is something “not quite right” in their heart.

    Mart can put up a thousand subjects but until a person adopts the heart of Christ and quits worrying about whether another is looking or sounding righteous, nothing changes.

    The reason any of us may be, seem or sound righteous is because Jesus is righteous and it is He who lives in us directs us, leads us and whose ideals we seek to live by.

    If you are not showing the righteousness of God in your life, again, something is “not quite right” in your heart.

    Picture a man standing in full armor and the center of him, the biggest target is the torso. In the picture of the full armor of God the torso and heart is protected by the breast plate of righteousness.

    It isn’t others I fight against, it is the spirit that leads them that I am at war with.

    No, very little meek about me, if that offends you I am sorry for that, but then it isn’t the earth I seek to inherit, it is the Kingdom of God.

    43 degrees wet and cloudy after a night of rain.


  25. poohpity says:

    Steve, It sounds like the way you put it that that Armor is used against people even going as far as using it against Christians?!? But that is not who we are to use it against. “11Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms”.

    Many assume the term “meek” means weak, tame, or deficient in courage. But the biblical understanding of meekness is power under control. In the Old Testament, Moses was described as the meekest man on earth (Numbers 12:3, KJV). Jesus described himself as “meek and lowly” (Matt. 11:28-29, KJV), which was consistent with his vigorous action in cleansing the temple (Matt. 21:12-13).

    Power under God’s control means two things: (1) refusal to inflate our own self-estimation; and (2) reticence to assert ourselves for ourselves. Paul captures the first aspect perfectly in Romans 12:3. “For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of yourself more highly than you ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.” Meek people see themselves as servants of God, not thinking more highly of themselves than they ought to think. To be meek is to accept our strengths and limitations for what they truly are, instead of constantly trying to portray ourselves in the best possible light. But it does not mean that we should deny our strengths and abilities.

  26. poohpity says:

    oops I did not cite the last two paragraphs they are from the “Theology of Work Project” bible commentary.

  27. narrowpathseeker says:

    Good Morning

    Just checked in to wish all my brothers and sisters a Blessed day. I am going to read Our Daily Bread before I comment further and I haven’t time right now. However, I am fairly sure I know the source of whatever problem has arisen.

  28. poohpity says:

    ODB again today is so great.

  29. SFDBWV says:

    Continuing on, God says to Satan (the accuser) “Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him, a perfect and an *upright* man, one that feareth God and escheweth evil?” (Job 1:8 KJV)

    Job speaking of his past blessings says in part, “I put on righteousness and it clothed me: my judgement was as a robe and a diadem.” (Job 29:14 KJV)

    Again God speaking about proper behavior regarding loaning a brother something says, “And it shall be righteousness unto thee before the Lord thy god.” (Deuteronomy 24:13 KJV)

    Isaiah speaking as a prophet for God says, speaking of transgressions and falsehoods that there was no man; speaks of bringing an intercessor whose righteousness sustained Him, again He put on “righteousness” as a breastplate. Speaking of course of Jesus the coming Messiah. (Isaiah 59:16, 17 KJV)

    Let us please put this silly notion that we who seek righteousness are somehow in error of our Christianity to rest.


  30. poohpity says:

    I hope all Christians will seek after righteousness but thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought is still self righteousness. Apples and oranges. It seems two totally different attitudes and motivations involved.

  31. poohpity says:

    One is pursuing, seeking God and the other is seeking self importance.

  32. poohpity says:

    All those who came in contact with the woman at the well treated her in a manner of self importance so therefore thought less of her thus the rejection. However the love of the Lord is not based on anything we can do but on who God is.

  33. joycemb says:

    Steve you are right. Jesus said “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness”. You have nothing to apologize for to anyone. RC Sproul likens it to an athlete who works hard at being the best they can be versus one that thinks he the best and just lives on what he’s already attained. To be accused of being self-righteous is judgement. Only God can judge your standing with Him. To sit back and say, it’s all good I’m saved so I don’t need to put forth any effort is wrong. Even the apostle Paul and Peter talked about the work if you will of living out the great gift of salvation available to all. The modern church has changed so much from the 1st century church. Paul and Peter’s words get ignored a lot because they don’t fit in with popular theology today. It’s sad.

  34. joycemb says:

    Pooh you are being very judgemental and self-righteous in your statements this morning.

  35. joycemb says:

    Jealousy is unbecoming a Child of God.

  36. joycemb says:

    I’m not judging you, pooh, your statements speak for you.

  37. SFDBWV says:

    There is a comment that goes as follows “Resting on your laurels.”

    It is born from the Roman gesture of putting a laurel wreath upon the head of the victor. And the subsequent failure of said person to ever do anything else but “rest” on their one accomplishment in life never going forward and doing anything else.

    The primary and most important action a person can do is in accepting Jesus as Lord. Thereby obtaining salvation.

    However that does not end your responsibility of being Christian.

    I will repeat in part a comment from Spurgeon, whereby he says that non-Christians do not read the Bible, what they read are Christian’s.

    So what a non-Christian knows of Jesus and of Christianity is the behavior, actions and words that Christians use and exhibit.

    If your behavior is not an attempt at righteousness, then it is an exhibit of unrighteousness.

    Something the world is very used to seeing.

    Thank you Joyce for your comments. By them I see that pooh is up to her usual mischief.

    Funny too because ODB today speaks of the image of a person is what people see.


  38. poohpity says:

    Thank you Joyce for your flawless opinion. Who do I have to be jealous of by the way?

  39. poohpity says:

    Is that what ODB was speaking about? Boy did I ever miss the point then.

  40. poohpity says:

    Mart is teaching about “Not Quite Right” on Discover The Word today which is also very good if I am understand the point right.

  41. poohpity says:

    Joyce, what did I say that was in judgment or self righteous?

    Steve, what did I say that was causing mischief?

  42. street says:

    To be meek is to accept our strengths and limitations for what they truly are, instead of constantly trying to portray ourselves in the best possible light. But it does not mean that we should deny our strengths and abilities.

    have to take issue with the idea of strengths and abilities here. thinking we should be strengthened and encourage in the Word of God, the Spirit of God, and much grace here! there is a shift from the rule of God to the rule of self taking place here. we do this all the time, the important thing is to recognize it when it happens. we are not to be ignorant of the schemes of the devil and/or our own short comings. i have no strengths or abilities apart from the True Vine, aka Word of God and His Holy Spirit. apart from Him i can do nothing.
    tired of doing nothing?

    just as the body without the spirit is dead so is the Word of God without the Spirit of God. you must be born again.

  43. street says:

    Steve you are right. Jesus said “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness”. You have nothing to apologize for to anyone.

    even righteous job had to repent, Job 42:

    “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear;
    But now my eye sees You;
    Therefore I retract,
    And I repent in dust and ashes.”

  44. street says:

    well mart it is raining again. soon the light will shine.
    after darkness, light.

  45. joycemb says:

    Street of course you are right, all have sinned! Yet our behavior as Christians should bring glory to God for all He has done for us. How is God then glorified if we condemn another as pooh is so good at? Even though the one condemned is nameless it’s still unsettling, but then most temptation is. Hence-temptation. May we all be given strength to endure so Christ is lifted up, not ourselves.

  46. joycemb says:

    Aren’t we told in scripture to grow into maturity, not stay stuck at the foot of the cross but to move out and inhabit the land? If we sin God will warn us but will not tolerate for long. A wise person listens to the spirit of God in ourselves and others. We never have the complete picture. We are all only a part. We are seeing through dark lenses until we see Jesus face to face,

  47. joycemb says:

    The struggles here may have more to do with maturity vs immaturity I think.

  48. joycemb says:

    @10:23. Snarky comment pooh.

  49. poohpity says:

    Oh Joyce that was after your false accusation, lol

    street there is not one thing wrong with having a accurate assessment of our strengths and weaknesses but in God’s kingdom we are to only take account of things on the amount of faith we have. Romans 12:3 NLT

  50. poohpity says:

    street the paragraph you found fault with was copied from “Theology of Words” project which is what I believe from the bible but you will have to register your disagreement with them.

  51. street says:

    [1] Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, [2] fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. [3] Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. [4] In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. [5] And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, [6] because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” [7] Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? [8] If you are not disciplined-and everyone undergoes discipline-then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. [9] Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! [10] They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. [11] No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. [12] Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. [13] “Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.

  52. narrowpathseeker says:

    I read this in one of my devotionals the other day and I thought it explained very well the mentality of a person that offends regularly and unremorsefully and judges anyone who would dare to “judge” the unChristlike behavior and calls THEM judgemental.

    “Many say they love God but they hate His laws. God’s precepts are compared to cords: They bind men to their good behavior, but the wicked think these cords are too tight therefore they say, “Let us break them” .. They pretend to love Christ as savior, but hate Him as a king. These sinners would have Christ put a crown upon their head, but not a yoke upon their neck. He would be a strange king who should rule without laws.”

    And NO …none of us can keep all of God’s laws, but I think those of us who try and fail..keep trying..moreover when we fail we feel remorse….the devotional gives reference to Psalm 119:97 Oh how I love thy law! I meditate on it day and night.

    I believe the author failed to obey the laws that he loved, but I doubt very much if he had the attitude that he could do anything he felt like because God loved him and would forgive him.

  53. street says:

    i think of strengthening my feeble arms and weak knees?

    How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live!

    sound like some exercise in our future. training in righteousness?

  54. street says:

    you are quite right poo you did say you took it from a source and posted it here. it is my impression that you agree with it when you posted it. finding myself in a battle of right and wrong. the wounded keep piling up. poo i mention you only because you handle it. my confidence in God to get you back up and moving is legendary.

  55. narrowpathseeker says:

    A commentary in a study bible this morning on Matthew 18: 8,9 could be considered to be a “pro” for the ignore button on this blog…the ignored person wouldn’t know they were being ignored nor by whom and the same opportunity to protect ourselves from any would be offender is available to everyone. I know I don’t want to offend anyone and if I do I would want them to be able to avoid me if I cause them discomfort in any way.

    So here is the commentary on Matthew 18: 8,9 We must remove stumbling blocks that cause us to sin. This does not mean to cut off a part of the body. It means any person, program, or teaching in the church that threatens the spiritual growth of the body must be removed.. For the individual, any relationship, practice or activity that leads to sin should be stopped. Jesus says it would be better to go to heaven with one hand than to go to Hell with both. Sin of course affects more than our hands, it affects our hearts and our minds.

    I think the ignore button could solve most of the problems we face here without being offensive to anyone unless we are one that WANTS to offend people.

  56. narrowpathseeker says:

    A commentary in a study bible this morning on Matthew 18: 8,9 could be considered to be a “pro” for the ignore button on this blog…the ignored person wouldn’t know they were being ignored nor by whom and the same opportunity to protect ourselves from any would be offender is available to everyone. I know I don’t want to offend anyone and if I do I would want them to be able to avoid me if I cause them discomfort in any way.

    So here is the commentary on Matthew 18: 8,9 We must remove stumbling blocks that cause us to sin. This does not mean to cut off a part of the body. It means any person, program, or teaching in the church that threatens the spiritual growth of the body must be removed.. For the individual, any relationship, practice or activity that leads to sin should be stopped. Jesus says it would be better to go to heaven with one hand than to go to Hell with both. Sin of course affects more than our hands, it affects our hearts and our minds.

    I think the ignore button could solve most of the problems we face here without being offensive to anyone.

  57. joycemb says:

    That went well….:(

  58. joycemb says:

    Street @1:52 some do not like words like submit and discipline, but whether we like them or not if we belong to God He will discipline whether we like it or not. Today’s feed shows that. Bless God who does not leave us in our sin. No matter how legendary.

  59. poohpity says:

    Thank you street.

  60. joycemb says:

    Pearl being ignored is very hurtful. There must
    be a better way, a more loving way. Lord show us your way-

  61. bubbles says:

    The woman at the well story makes me thankful. Jesus did not look at her as an outcast. He spoke to her, He SAW her as one needing Him. I am thankful He loves all of us no matter who or what we are; no matter what we have done, not that we do things to earn salvation or love. I am thankful Jesus doed for all of us. His promises are kept. I am thankful for His mercy.

    I think when we remember that Jesus loves everyone, it helps us see others through His eyes.

  62. joycemb says:

    although this is a very good place to grow- like iron sharpening iron or in this case strong personalities duking it out over and over again. Hmmm.

    I do hope no one lays verses down we all know and use with care against one another :-)

  63. joycemb says:

    I think we can all agree bubbles that Jesus loves everyone but looking through human eyes is hard sometimes when emotions are triggered, but I do agree with you.

  64. jeff1 says:

    I think if we consider that when we fail as believers to get along then we are in reality failing Christ. He needs us to get along because as Steve as said non believers view God on us, and if there is friction, then they will say, they cannot even agree among themselves and yet they preach Christ but they do not practice what they preach for their outer being does not match their inner one.

    When we realize that we hurt Jesus more than we hurt anyone then maybe we can put Him first and let our difference be what they are immaturity vs maturity and Paul was a leading light when it came to maturity in Christ because he considered himself to be nothing which in reality showed he was indeed mature in every aspect.

    Let us not become complacent in that knowing Salvation is ours we use it to paddle our own canoe rather than advance the Kingdom of God on earth.

  65. SFDBWV says:

    The sun rises and sets the world goes round and round and nothing is ever really new.

    The subjects that Mart put up are meant to be explored by we his “friends”. For the most part any one of us can give our thoughts on the subject in one or two posts.

    The thread of conversation then takes on a life of its own always trying to stay in base to the subject, but usually as an abstract thought.

    Sadly our conversations are overtaken by strife. A very unchristian way to behave and it always has its destructive results.

    There is a difference between being “meek” and being “humble”. If there was not a difference the Word of God would have used humble in place of meek in the “Sermon on the Mount”.

    A humble person doesn’t always have to be center stage, or have the last word, or be brash and aggressive against another or others.

    A humble person can be very wise and see very clearly, but know how to use that wisdom and how to avoid the traps set by the spirit of “strife”.

    Whereas a meek person just lets others push them around and shout them down. Non- aggressive.

    Again, the woman at the well encountered Jesus. A Samaritan woman was considered impure and to drink from a vessel they had touched was a violation of the current thinking in Judaism Law.

    Jesus enjoyed breaking the Law as a way of demonstrating He is the Law.

    The Samaritans believed in a coming Messiah, but believed Him to be like the Prophet Moses, not a King like David.

    Jesus explains that if she knew who He was she would ask for living water. Water that satisfies and nourishes forever.

    She believes Him. This is very important as we all start to please God from that one single point when we *believe* Him. As a result she becomes a missionary and runs to tell everyone else about Him.

    This story has many directions. One is a racial issue as the Jews considered the Samarians to be only “half” Jews and impure.

    Jesus only seen a woman who needed Him spiritually, and one that could do what He instructs others to do later. By giving a drink of water to any who thirst is the same as giving Him a drink of water.

    Did she continue to be as she was before she encountered Jesus? Someone looking for satisfaction in life by a string of men? Or was she finally settled when she found the one man who could slake her thirst for life once and for all?

    We can only hope.

    Was she there in the courtyard shouting for Jesus to be released instead of Barabbas? Did she stand along the pathway to Golgotha and weep? Was she there at the feet of Jesus as He hung on the cross?

    We can only imagine.

    Not very many meek people here among us, I can only hope the humble and wise among us are not over taken by the evil intentions of the *spirit* of strife. And we enjoy exploring the woman at the well in detail.

    49 degrees and wet after a night of showers.


  66. SFDBWV says:

    Hello Viv, I was writing as you were posting. I see once again we are in agreement and both of us trying to get everyone to get past the unpleasantness of disagreements to a better fellowship.


  67. narrowpathseeker says:

    Joyce, yes, being ignored is hurtful as is being subjected to agitating innuendoes whether they be blatant or subtle. However the ignore button would not compel EVERYONE to ignore ANYONE. Those who choose to endure such behavior are free to do so if they think that is the “loving” thing to do. Others may consider that to allow anyone to freely exercise cruelty towards those already enduring hardships is enabling them to do so and do not think of it as a loving act. At any rate, the ignore button would put a STOP to the poor example of Christianity being put forth here.

    AND YES Jesus loves everybody, just as parents love ALL their children. No parent allows their children to behave anyway they choose just because they love them….there are rules….just like Jesus is savior AND king.

  68. jeff1 says:

    Thinking Steve, that having lived in a country where disagreements have caused so much pain I am weary of it.

    I long for growth that leads me to a better understanding of God and not get into divisive strife that brings us all down instead of bringing us together.

    I believe what you are saying Narrow may be the solution as then each person has control over whether to choose to engage in dialogue or not and also you are correct that it will stop drawing us into unchristian behaviour which is destroying the fellowship that this blog is trying to promote.

  69. jeff1 says:

    Thinking Steve, that having lived in a country where disagreements have caused so much pain I am weary of it.

    I long for growth that leads me to a better understanding of God and not get into divisive strife that brings us all down instead of bringing us together.

    I believe what you are saying Narrow may be the solution as then each person has control over whether to choose to engage in dialogue or not and also you are correct that it will stop drawing us into unchristian behaviour which is destroying the fellowship that this blog is trying to promote.

    Trying to submit this post for over 2 hours but keep getting bad gateway.

  70. joycemb says:

    Good morning all. I had a restless night as I drank too much coffee yesterday and too little water and struggled with leg cramps half the night. 2 glasses of water down and kitty asleep on my lap I’m feeling better already!

    Speaking of water, I’m thinking about bubbles answer to my question still and then after reading Pearls post I remember what Jesus said, Let the children come to me. Only Jesus can give the water we need to thrive and survive. What can I do to promote this important principle of the kingdom? Thinking.

  71. poohpity says:

    I thought, although I am wrong many times, that Christlike behavior was that of forgiveness, mercy, grace, kindness, gentleness, patience and love. Jesus was meek and lowly considering others before Himself. Jesus did not break any laws, He lived everyone one of them that was the only way He could be the perfect sacrifice and who did He sacrifice Himself for, His enemies and sinners.

    So which of you can claim to be Christlike in your own behavior? Although it is easier to point fingers at others, it is not Christlike to accuse others of doing the very things you yourselves do. There is only one power who is the accuser of God’s children and it sounds as if that one has many followers.

  72. street says:

    one last drink
    woke up this morning thinking with bta friends. well sorry i was not with them. i was thinking with someone else on my mind. in other words i was not ignoring Him. it occurred to me what this title implied “one last drink”. mart you are a crafty one. the idea we need one more thing? isn’t this the snake oil salesman all over again? selling you the next thing in line of false hope and broken promises. thinking i have not been ignoring bta friends, have been ignoring Jesus? would my conduct and questions ferret out such behavior? the scribes and pharisees always asked questions of Jesus and He saw right through them. the truth hurts and the truth heals. paul was amazed out how fast people could drift away from the truth. he labored with the power of God till Christ was formed in them.

  73. joycemb says:

    And aren’t you pooh doing the same thing- accusing others of accusing?

  74. joycemb says:

    Pooh where is the fruit in your argument?

  75. joycemb says:

    There are no victims in the Kingdom, only learners.

  76. street says:

    this one is for jeff, your post spoke of getting tired and i do too.

    Blessed is the one
    who does not walk in step with the wicked
    or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers,
    but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.
    That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
    and whose leaf does not wither—
    whatever they do prospers.

  77. foreverblessed says:

    Thank you Street, for that Psalm!
    This is about drinking from the well of Jesus, so that we never will be thirsty again!
    I see that as a disciplinary thing, I have to set my eyes on Jesus when I am disappointed. Disappointed maybe because of strife…
    Like Peter, he started to look at the high waves instead of steadfast ly fixing his eyes on Jesus!

    I have such a trouble with that, to look first to Jesus, and pour out my heart to Him, and wait at His feet till I am at rest again in myheart. Till I receive that Peace from God!

    Psalm 62:8
    Trust in Him at all times,
    pour out your hearts to Him,
    for God is our Refuge


    That Selah is good,
    Sit down for a while and meditate on that verse.

  78. foreverblessed says:

    But I must admit, I am not that advanced in ring a more mature Christian yet. I think over and over what the other is doing wrong. Every few seconds I must say to myself, have I poured out my heart to Jesus about it?
    Have I waited to hear His answer?

  79. poohpity says:

    Joyce drink that One Last Drink then you will be more concerned with your own behavior and not that of others.

  80. foreverblessed says:

    Psalm 63:1-11
    O God, You are my God,
    earnestly I seek you
    my soul thirsts for You,
    my body longs for You,
    in a dry and weary land
    where there is no water

    I have seen You in the sanctuary
    and beheld Your power and Your glory.

    Because Your love is better then life,
    my lips will glorify You

  81. foreverblessed says:

    May God bless you, Pooh!
    May He keep you
    May He make His face to shine on you
    – the first day-
    And be gracious to you,
    May He turn His face towards you
    And give you peace
    – the second day?-
    Numbers 6:24-26

  82. poohpity says:

    Thank you forever He does and is very gracious to me.

    Joyce can you share one time when I have in anyway insinuated that my behavior is always Christlike because I know it is not but for me to say anything about that in another is saying that I know their heart or motives which would put me in God’s place and there is not one person I can ever say without a doubt I know that so therefore I am less likely to comment on whether someone else is or is not Christlike. I can identify false teaching but I do not personally attack or accuse the person of not having a heart for God cause I do not know that at all.

    It is not my job to compare myself with anyone else whether I am a better Christian or not but it is my job to be the best Christian I can be and I know without a doubt there is much room for improvement.

  83. joycemb says:

    Pooh said : So which of you can claim to be Christlike in your own behavior? Although it is easier to point fingers at others, it is not Christlike to accuse others of doing the very things you yourselves do. There is only one power who is the accuser of God’s children and it sounds as if that one has many followers.

    You are accusing others

  84. bubbles says:

    Joyce, I did not answer a question

  85. SFDBWV says:

    Wondering what I or perhaps some of you learned from the story of the Samaritan woman?

    Yes Mart I too believe there is an offer of something eternal in the story.

    I can’t help but wonder how many miss their hour of opportunity though, and why?

    The last several subjects we have had would have been broadened had we had our departed friend Gary.

    I don’t know whether he gave up and left in disgust or died. It is one of those thing we never know. The only persons I know of whose death was told here was Bruce, by his wife and Charlotte by me.

    What I know of from the story is that the un-named woman believed Jesus to possibly be the Messiah. I also know that believing Jesus is Messiah and Lord is all is required of us to obtain salvation.

    However what comes next?

    If I erroneously discard all of what is said advised, demanded and recorded in the OT and only read and followed the teachings and leadings of the NT, would my “Christianity” end with obtaining salvation?

    Would everything then in life be only compared to that?

    If that were true there are a great many pages of the NT that did not have to be written.

    Paul was very narrow minded in his views of being a believer and follower of Judaism. Even the inspiring testimony and death of Stephen did not open his eyes to the truth.

    Without it being said it would seem no amount of arguments from followers of Jesus could convince him otherwise.

    It took not one, but several miracles to convince Paul. The blinding light from heaven, the voice of Jesus speaking directly to him, his subsequent blindness and the healing from the hands of a reluctant follower to open Paul’s eyes to the truth.

    Paul was a stubborn man, it took a stubborn God to stay at it until Paul was saved. However that did not end Paul’s Christianity.

    God anointed Him for a purpose and Paul obeyed.

    Had he not, would God have simply raised up another to achieve His purpose? Only conjecture can answer that.

    But what of our Samaritan woman? Jesus corrected her religious belief and brought her salvation, she shared what she knew with others and we hear no more of her in the written Word.

    Was Jesus no more than a curiosity to her? Or did she believe Jesus to be Messiah. Those who she told about Jesus became believers because of what she said and what they witnessed themselves. Though never stated it would seem she was convincing because she believed. I hope so.

    I am reminded by Jesus telling her if she knew who it was she was speaking to she would ask for far more than she could realize.

    What is it we ask for when we are at the well with Jesus?

    What is it we would ask for if we only truly knew who He is? And what it is He wants for us and of us. Maybe we should think about what it is we don’t ask for as if we think we don’t need it and bring that too before our Lord.

    Maybe once our eyes are opened we can see better, then run and tell others what it is we see and have learned.


  86. jeff1 says:

    Street 10.31 am post

    Thank you I enjoyed the Psalm.

  87. joycemb says:

    Bubbles maybe you didn’t even read my question but you had a good answer anyway!

  88. jeff1 says:

    Thinking? Why me Lord?

    Why me Lord, what have I ever done
    To deserve even one
    Of the pleasures I’ve known
    Tell me Lord, what did I ever do
    That was worth loving you
    Or the kindness you’ve shown.

    Lord help me Jesus, I’ve wasted it so
    Help me Jesus I know what I am
    Now that I know that I’ve needed you so
    Help me Jesus, my soul’s in your hand.

    Tell me Lord, if you think there’s a way
    I can try to repay
    All I’ve taken from you
    Maybe Lord, I can show someone else
    What I’ve been through myself
    On my way back to you.

    Lord help me Jesus, I’ve wasted it so
    Help me Jesus I know what I am
    Now that I know that I’ve needed you so
    Help me Jesus, my soul’s in your hand.

  89. saled says:

    Abraham believed God and God counted it for righteousness. I found several Bible verses containing these words, some in the Old Testament, and a couple in the New. When I went through the Bible with J. Vernon McGee, the repetition of this statement struck me. God values faith, and counts it for righteousness.

    Good question Steve, what is it that we ask for when we are at the well with Jesus.

    I used to agonize over my unrighteousness. I didn’t know the value of loyalty until I had been disloyal. I didn’t know the value of so many of the virtues until it became apparent that I didn’t possess them. I ask Him to create a new heart in me and how complete that work will be here on earth, I don’t know.

  90. poohpity says:

    From a quote in “Christianity Today”; “It’s striking that while most of us desire to please Jesus, few of us take the time to check the Bible to find out if we are actually doing it. Clearly, there’s a disconnect.”.

  91. street says:

    saled said,” I ask Him to create a new heart in me and how complete that work will be here on earth, I don’t know.”

    Hebrews 11:40
    because God had provided something better for us, so that apart from us they would not be made perfect.

    this looks like we we all be made perfect together at the same time. if not we would be missing a few parts and that would not be perfect.

  92. jeff1 says:

    Pooh 8.12 pm post

    The only disconnect is my relationship with Jesus because I am either fully is or I am not and if my heart is not right then I am not right.

    It is perseverance and a longing for God to change me from this creature that I am.

    It is my stubbornness, my self righteousness that gets in the way of my Salvation as it is a gift from God which does not have to be earned.

    What gets in the way is my pre-conceived beliefs that I have to do works to earn God’s favour and it is disconnecting myself from these beliefs that will set me free from this world and its evil because God’s Grace is free to all who truly long for it.

  93. SFDBWV says:

    Mart has wondered over the years what Jesus meant by “One Last Drink”.

    I think it a good thought, but not to answer Mart and give him an answer he can accept, rather a thought as to what it may mean to me.

    So much of the promises of Christianity are not for now, not for this life, but a promise of a life to come.

    Yes all of Christianity’s teaching provides for us precepts to live by here and now, but much of what is promised is not about here and now.

    Mart mentioned that in his mind the woman at the well standing in the heat of the day didn’t understand what Jesus may have meant.

    Maybe because it was a hot dry day and what was on her mind was the heat and perhaps being thirsty and how the water would give her relief.

    Maybe her thinking was “here and now”.

    It is hard to stand waist deep in the mud and not think of the mud.

    But perhaps Jesus was taking her and subsequently us from the here and now to a time when all of here and now is past. Perhaps even to that time when there would be no remembrance of “now”.

    People put a lot of importance of living here in this world, Jesus put more importance not on this world, but in a coming one.

    So we all have one last drink before we die, but awaken in an existence whereby the water of life is all the water we will ever need again.

    42 degrees and a little foggy after rain last evening.

    Today is Matthew’s birthday, he is 39. He and I will go out today to have a birthday meal at Burger King (his wish) some shopping at the grocery store a little cake at home and then rest.

    Matt does not want to be in this world anymore and from what Glenna and I have seen of it neither do we.

    We believe the promises Jesus made and our hearts and eyes are fixed on His taking us there.


  94. joycemb says:

    Steve I can hear how weary you all are. Tell Matt happy birthday and thank him for sharing his dad with BTA for so many years. You are good people.

  95. joycemb says:

    Steve I can hear how weary you all are. Tell Matt happy birthday and thank him for sharing his dad with BTA for so many years. You all are good people.

  96. poohpity says:

    Viv, the quote from that article was part of bigger piece about bible illiteracy called “The Epidemic of Bible Illiteracy in Our Churches” which all the things you listed can be found in the pages of the bible then we do not have to guess about our Salvation, what we mean to the Lord, earning things that are freely given to us, the deep love the Father has for us and the extent He went to, to prove to us that love. So that while we live we can have a life of living in that Love which brings fuller meaning to our time here so it will be filled with wonder, adventure if not only from what is around us but also from what comes from having a relationship with the Lord and seeing things through His eyes.

  97. foreverblessed says:

    Lord, to whom shall we go?
    You have the words of eternal life
    John 6:68

    It is Jesus Himself, the Life giving Word

    So the one who feeds on Me
    will live because of Me verse 57

    We can read the Bible, as I did, but if I do not see the Son in the words it is of no use, for the moment.
    Let’s pray for those who do read the Bible, that their minds may be opened, the veil lifted, in Paul’s words

    He who belongs to God hears what God says John 8:47

    Let’s pray for those people whose hearts are closed to Jesus, that God will put His seal on them, and draw them to Him, when the time is right

  98. foreverblessed says:

    John 5:37-40
    …nor does His word dwell in you,
    because you do not believe the One He sent
    ( Indeed Saled, how important faith is)
    You diligently study the scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life.
    ( But they are only words, if Jesus is not in them, in other words, if we do not have faith in Him, there is no life in the words)
    These are the scriptures that testify about Me,
    yet you refuse to come to me to have life

    That same life, that is like the drink of water, and we will never ask for anything else.

    Jesus is all I have
    Besides you I desire nothing on earth
    Psalm 73:25

  99. foreverblessed says:

    I like the Big translation more

    Whom have I in heaven but You?
    And being with You, I desire
    nothing on earth

    Psalm 73:25(KJV)
    See what the KJV says

  100. joycemb says:

    My 8:28 post said “awaiting moderation” that’s why I reposted. I was afraid I’d been kicked off the site!!!

  101. phpatato says:

    Steve, please pass on my Happy Birthday wishes to Matt. Tell him today he celebrates his very FIRST 39th birthday and that I hope his special day is wonderful in every way. xo

  102. joycemb says:

    Forever the psalm you just posted is what I said to myself when I woke up this morning. It put a lift in my heart and a spring to my step. Taking my cat for shots today, he’s such a fun cat to love and purrs even in his sleep!

  103. foreverblessed says:

    NIV translation not BIG, sorry, auto correct

    About the last drink, and no more thirst,
    David spoke of all his longing fulfilled in Jesus, ( God, as Jesus was not yet made known)

    My soul finds rest in God alone
    My salvation comes from Him
    Psalm 62:1

    But I have given them yesterday already. Psalm 63:1-11

    My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods
    (foods as in drinks)

  104. jeff1 says:

    Steve, my thoughts on your comments. I can remember my dad telling me when my grandmother was left living on her own and she lived in the mountainside which was very lonely that she told him one day that she was ready to die.

    She felt her time on earth was over for her days were so lonely since my grandfather had died and though my dad spent a couple of days a week staying with her he had his own responsibilities i.e. work and us and other members of her family lived too far away to be of any assistance.

    I can remember thinking how sad that she felt this way but now in my advancing years and having had a taste of the difficulties in this world it is so much easier to see where she was coming from.

    As the song goes ‘This world is not my home, I am just a passing through, my treasurers are laid up somewhere beyond the blue’.

    History repeats itself and I can see myself turning into my grandmother and longing for the day when my time on this earth is over and I will be reunited with my loved ones already departed and where time will no more separate us from God or our loved ones.

    How similar we are in our thinking Steve for it is in believing God’s promise is what matters to us and not what happens in the here and now but in the eternity that follows.

    Have a good day out and I do understand something of what you feel as I believe this world takes its toil on us all.

    Bad gateway again difficulty posting.

  105. foreverblessed says:

    Oh, yes of course, best wishes to Matt!
    I pray this verse over him
    Joel 2:25
    That God may repay him all the years that seem to be stolen from him

    Then he will know God, and be reassured, and never again will be feel abandoned!
    Joel 2:27

  106. foreverblessed says:

    Bad gateway, I could not even read any new comments today, just till now, past 4 o’clock

  107. street says:

    one last drink?

    26 When God spoke from Mount Sinai his voice shook the earth, but now he makes another promise: “Once again I will shake not only the earth but the heavens also.”[k] 27 This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain.

    28 Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe. 29 For our God is a devouring fire.

    i revisited this verse from a previous post. consuming fire and one last drink. creation shaken and removed, only unshakable things will remain, very ….

  108. poohpity says:

    Father I lift up the Durst family and Viv into your wonderful arms, give them a desire for life. May they draw closer to you and learn about all that you have to offer in this life beyond all the evil we can focus on and experience the river of living waters that flow from You. In Jesus’ precious name I pray.

  109. jeff1 says:

    Pooh your 8.43 am post

    Thank you for the reply. Personally, though I do not know the bible, I do know that this world looks like the bible said with hatred and wars being the state of the world today.

    I am so tired and sick of war because my father was in the war, my son was in it and I was 15 when the conflict broke out here and I am 63 this year and there is still no agreement on how to run the country.

    I believe I have run out of hope for peace on this earth any time soon and long just to be at peace with God in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection of the world to come.

    This does not mean that I do not believe that others like yourself may find wonders here and now through your relationship with Jesus and in advancement of the Kingdom so please know that I wish you well in your discoveries.

  110. mtman says:

    Maybe the most memorable drink like Jesus offered the woman will be when he returns.

    I remember when I was living in Tallahassee, FL that we had weekend bible get together’s. Notable people who taught, preached or were well know Christian celebrities would without planning just assemble at a location and some of us would be notified and we would all attend.

    I specifically remember one such weekend we had an ex-NFL player who then ministered to tennis players named Tom Skinner. He stood up and gave a talk about how we are actually incapable of being righteous except through the grace of God. His example was how we try to hammer down one area of sin in out life and as soon as we do so another one pops up. Then we go to hammer it down and another pops up and the cycle continues. Like the carnival game ‘whack a mole’.

    That is not an excuse to stop trying but knowing we can never be that good or perfect by ourselves. It is only with the Lord’s help that we are ultimately presentable to God. We should try our best and be loyal and faithful but it is only through ‘grace’ that we can come sliding into home plate and tell God that we have done all we could with what he has given us. That is when He tells us we have been a good and ‘faithful servant’.

    It is either the first drink or the last or both that really counts for our salvation. Just my thoughts…RIP Tom Skinner.

  111. jeff1 says:

    Pooh, I see we posted within a minute of each other so thank you for your prayer for I am not knowing what to pray right now.

  112. poohpity says:

    That was a wonderful post coming from experience thank you mtman.

    Viv, I often do not know what to pray either but just put things in the hands of the Holy Spirit because He knows all our needs and how to intercede for us. Sometimes all I do is just call out to Jesus and say His name. I think that is often times enough and all we need to do.

  113. poohpity says:

    There was a time just this morning when all I could say was JESUS. My daughter-n-law this morning after working a 12 hour shift at the hospital on her way home fell asleep behind the wheel. The car went up a power poll and on top of a irrigation outlet which is about three feet tall, standing on it’s rear tires only came away with just bruises. I know tomorrow she may be hurting in more places than she is right now but for now she is just resting. I have no idea how she got out of the car the way it was positioned. Her arms are burned, face bruised and back hurt so please join me in prayer for her, thank you.

  114. joycemb says:

    Praying for her pooh.

  115. joycemb says:

    I just came across this wonderful meditation from God Is Enough.

    Jesus saves me now.

    JESUS saves me now.
    Jesus SAVES me now.
    Jesus saves ME now.
    Jesus saves me NOW.

    Repeat these 4 words thoughtfully and prayerfully placing the emphasis on a different word each time you say it. In order to enter in to this blessed inner life of rest and triumph you have 2 steps to take; first, entire abandonment, and second, absolute faith. Whatever the present complications of your particular experience or temperament, these two steps, definitely taken and unwaveringly persevered, will bring you into the green pastures and still waters of the life hid with Christ in God.

  116. street says:

    steve asked,”However what comes next?”

    thinking growth development maturity fruit reproduction?
    i guess it doesn’t matter as long as you are going with Him where He leads.

  117. jeff1 says:

    Should I know what comes next?

    My dad had a very different outlook to me as a believer.

    When I would ask him why there was so much suffering in the world he would answer ‘Jesus suffered’.

    My dad understood God in ways I did not as he seen suffering as a means to an end in that suffering in this world meant eternal life without suffering in the next.

    I never heard my dad complain when he suffered because he suffered well. As someone who fought in the war he seen suffering at just 18 years of age that some of us would never see in a lifetime. Though he never talked to me about the war as those who seen it rarely did my mother told me he had done 8 Russian convoys (I do have the medal from Russia awarded to them 40 years later) and also went on to serve in the Palestine Police and he did speak to me of the evils he seen there.

    In his personal life he would live to see his son and daughter suffer with mental illness, his wife die of cancer, care of his elderly mother till her death and finally his own battle with cancer which took his life in the end.

    If there is one thing I have learned it is the person who sees the most suffering that suffers well themselves.

    My dad believed his cup of suffering was part of life and that I should not complain but accept it was necessary in this world.

    On his wall he kept the poem ‘footprints in the sand’.

    Now when I feel overwhelmed by the difficulties in this life I think of these words and it gives me comfort that surpasses understanding.

    “My precious child, I love you and will never leave you
    Never, ever during your trials and testing’s.
    When you saw only one set of footprints.
    It was then that I carried you”.

  118. jeff1 says:

    Should I know what comes next?

    My dad had a very different outlook to me as a believer.

    When I would ask him why there was so much suffering in the world he would answer ‘Jesus suffered’.

    My dad understood God in ways I did not as he seen suffering as a means to an end in that suffering in this world meant eternal life without suffering in the next.

    I never heard my dad complain when he suffered because he suffered well. As someone who fought in the war he seen suffering at just 18 years of age that some of us would never see in a lifetime. Though he never talked to me about the war as those who fought rarely did my mother told me he had done 8 Russian convoys (I do have the medal from Russia awarded to them 40 years later) and also went on to serve in the Palestine Police and he did speak to me of the evils he seen there.

    In his personal life he would live to see his son and daughter suffer with mental illness, his wife die of cancer, care of his elderly mother till her death and finally his own battle with cancer which took his life in the end.

    If there is one thing I have learned it is the person who sees the most suffering that suffers well themselves.

    My dad believed his cup of suffering was part of life and that I should not complain but accept it was necessary in this world.

    On his wall he kept the poem ‘footprints in the sand’.

    Now when I feel overwhelmed by the difficulties in this life I think of these words and it gives me comfort that surpasses understanding.

    “My precious child, I love you and will never leave you
    Never, ever during your trials and testing’s.
    When you saw only one set of footprints.
    It was then that I carried you”.

  119. foreverblessed says:

    That of suffering, Jeff, Job had to deal with it too.
    Street often talks about Job!
    Job was righteous, and yet he suffered.
    Once Mart had a topic about Job. At that time I was reading the last couple of chapters of Job, and I though I read something: that God was telling Job,m I am the one who is disciplining a wild donkey, dealing with the Leviathan. That time I uinderstood that God was explaining to Job what He was doing:
    That God was showing to Satan what a real child of Him was doing: loving God unconditionally!
    That a child of God did not obey God because he would be blessed, but that a child of God would follow Him out of the love of his heart.

    I do think that often we suffer, because of evil powers in the unseen.

    That God is again saying to them: Do you see My servant ….?
    And Satan would say: Does ….fear God for nothing? Have You not put a hedge around him and his household adn everything he has?
    You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land.
    But stretch out You Hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to Your Face.

    Job 1:8-9

    Loving God unconditionally, God is training us to do so, by these tests!
    Job was not suffering very well. He started to complain to God. How God did get the message across to Job what He was doing, it is still a great miracle to me.

    “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
    Eph 6:12

  120. foreverblessed says:

    To be joyful when we are suffering, I am not very good at that either, not yet, I want to be!

    Often it is said in the New Testament: Rejoice, when you are suffering!
    Rejoice, when you do a search of that in the biblegateway, you can see all these exhortations!

    1 Peter 1:6
    In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.

    1 Peter 4:13
    But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.

    God tells us to rejoice!
    The whole life we live, is living in faith in Christ, if God tells us to rejoice, I am not to work myself up to joy! I ought to go in humble prayer to God and ask Him for the Joy that He has.
    Heavenly gifts, the Life Eternally, in which we participate now already. Now eternity has started.
    It had started the moment I gave myself over to Jesus.
    In His Hands.

    And from above we get gifts, Gal 5:22
    Santa Claus does exist, and one even much better: He gives us spiritual gifts, gifts that wont rot or decay. Gifts that have eternal value!

    I did not see these things when I was a young christian, taking the bible literal, and all the commandments, the 10, and all. trying to keep them, and forgetting that I should ask for \
    Patience, peace, love, longsuffering (that means suffering too), kindness, gentleness, self-control

    I was working so hard to work that out in my life.
    Tiring that is.
    Instead of humbly seeing that I missed these qualities, and that I had to ask them to God, in faith in Christ.
    I am His child, and all that He posseses, that is mine too,
    if I ask in faith.

    So in time, I am beginning to see what living in faith, in Grace is meaning:
    I give all my dirt to Jesus, my old man, my frustration, my depression (and I had a tendency towards depression) my worries,
    and I ask Him for the Gal 5:22

    At the Cross, is the big exchange.
    So that is why Paul was saying: I do not preach anything else but the Cross.

    Gal 6:14
    may I never boast except in the Cross of out Lord Jesus Christ,
    through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

    He gave gifts to men, even the rebellious
    Psalm 68:18

  121. foreverblessed says:

    these thing I am writing, not to anybody in particular, but to tell about my own history of being a christian.
    I was raised in a very fundalmentalist church, who took great time and effort into giving sermons about
    -Jesus second coming, and then, yes then…everything will be allright.
    -the prophecies, all these of Revelation. I know I was a child of 6, and had heard such a sermon, about the woes, the plagues, etc.

    And at night, after having heard such a sermon, in bed, I got scared, and fear crepped into me.
    When I looked at the world, and the news, only the bad things were noticed.

    20 years ago, I started to see, that it was the message of the Cross, that is the big pivotal thing!
    And that has already happened!

    Jesus is Lord of all, Lord of lords and King of kings.
    He is my Lord, nothing can harm my soul, when I am in Him.

    This is such a positive message, such great Joy should fill my heart:
    “This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith
    Who is he that has overcoem the world?
    Only he who believes in the Son of God”
    1 John 5:4-5

    I imagine a shield around us, just like all these gamers on the computer have, you can see the shield, and that makes them invincible.
    That who I am in Christ!

    Such a good thing Joyce, to recite that line:
    “Jesus saves me now”

    “Jesus has conquered all evil”

    And that it is a matter of our faith, growing and growing, that come what may, He has conquered all!

    And He is mine and I am His

  122. jeff1 says:

    Sadly, I am a lot like Job, complaining when I suffer and wondering ‘why me’ when my response should be ‘why not me’.

    I get it into my head that I must have displeased God instead of accepting like my dad did that all of us suffer to some extent in this world but that God has made us right with Him through Jesus and that it is finished because God says so and it is His word that matters.

  123. joycemb says:

    Oh I know how you feel Viv I used to say the same thing until God showed me people who suffer much more than I and began to feel thankful for the little suffering I have in comparison. Then of course there’s Jesus who suffered yet with NO sin. Imagine God suffering yet no complaining, willingly suffering to save mankind!

    One Sunday evening at church the pastor was talking about suffering when a disabled man stood up and asked “what is suffering?” It took the pastor a few seconds to reply “suffering is when you don’t get what you want”.

  124. jeff1 says:

    The reality is that there is suffering that does not come from God but mankind but just like Jesus suffered because of ignorance of Him so many today are still ignorant of Jesus and it is our turn to suffer until others do come to know Him.

    Patience, kindness, longsuffering for the sake of the Gospel in the sure and certain resurrection of the world to come.

    When I realize that Jesus and His followers gone before me have already done unimaginable suffering for me, and all God asks in return is for me to keep the faith then I realize how little my input but how great my reward.

    Nothing to the world I bring simply to the cross I cling.

  125. foreverblessed says:

    That’s it Jeff!

    Hold on to Jesus.

    This morning I woke up with this song in my head:

    Standing, standing
    Standing on the promises of God my Saviour

    Stand, persevere, do not be moved!

  126. foreverblessed says:

    I was one who tended to be moved!
    Overwhelmed by emotions when someone would run over my feelings.
    I want to be secure in Jesus! A spirit of rest in Him!

    A few weeks ago, at bedtime, I heard a voice speaking to me:
    Wankel niet! ( Do not be moved)

    I did not know why that was said to me, but then my husband said something to me, that triggered me in a wrong way.
    Then that line came to my mind:
    Wankel niet!
    Do not be moved.

    That was an eye opener! Not be moved! Whatever my fellow man says to me, Jesus loves me, He is my Rock on which I stand. The Rock is still there! Why should I be moved?

    ( When I was thinking about the voice, it was a woman’s voice, – but this is a different theme- could that be some of my ancestors? One of the cloud of witnesses that surrounds me? Maybe, when we are in heaven, we will sometimes be sent to earth, to stand by one of our dear ones, and whisper an encouragement in their ears.
    Maybe, who knows. I was talking about this to another christian lady, she had been Catholic, and still has warm feelings about Mary. She said, she thought it always was Mary who stood by us. She had to think it over that it could be my great grandmother.
    My great grandmother was a very sweet and loving Christian, I know that because of her neighbour, who was a young married woman who came living next to her in 1930.
    My family lived in the same house as my great grandmother, and we had the same neighbour. The one who would talk so much about her christian virtues.
    That lately I had started to dwell on the thought, that maybe she is the one that has been praying for me all the time that I was in that fundamentalist Christian church.
    It was Christian, but took too many things too literal.
    And yet, the One thing that should be taken literally:
    That Jesus took all our sins, and all our infirmities on the Cross. And they are gone, thrown in the deep sea if His Grace, if we believe that Jesus is the Son of God!

    And that it is literal that Jesus gives us gifts from above, if we ask in faith, and in a humble spirit, that we do not have these heavenly qualities Gal 5:22

  127. SFDBWV says:

    Blessings to you this morning Foreverblessed, I read that you are in the Spirit today. It is a wonderful place to be as we get glimpses and peeks beyond ourselves. A feeling and knowing deep in our hearts and yes, the gift of a little hug from God.

    Many years ago now I had received more than once the words “Stand fast”. Easier now to look back and see why.

    Standing fast on the promises of God the Father, standing fast on what I already know, standing fast on my faith. Hold on and just stand fast.

    Once about 20 years ago a very large semi-truck couldn’t stay on his side of a curve and went 3 feet across the yellow line to hit me right on the driver’s side of my pickup truck.

    As he hit my truck a clear and calm voice said to me, “Just hold on Steve you are just going for a ride”.

    After my truck quit spinning around I opened the door brushed off the glass and walked away. The semi had smashed the entire side of my truck from my door back tearing the entire rear end of my axles off my truck. My truck was a total loss, but I walked away with not even a scratch.

    It is my belief that from time to time the Holy Spirit speaks to us in voices we are familiar with or with a calm voice we just know to trust.

    I still stand fast as He instructed me to do, as events pass by as time moves on. Holding on to that which I know.

    It was in that truck wreck that God allowed me to “see” that sphere of love and protection he puts around us, like an impenetrable clear glass globe that allows us to see out, but keeps us safe within.

    There is so many wonderful things to know about God if we open our eyes and heart to allow Him to talk with us and not close our minds and hearts by allowing others to steal our joy.

    48 degrees f and a light rain this morning.


  128. joycemb says:

    The last drink….what else do we need? Nothing, we have everything.

  129. joycemb says:

    Steve no one can steal the Joy of the LORD from us can they. So wonderful and marvelous that Jesus died for me!

  130. joycemb says:

    Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go

    George Matheson pub 1882

    Scripture: Jeremiah 31:3; 2 Corinthians 5:14; Romans 8:35

    St. Margaret [.xml]
    Albert L. Peace, 1884
    copyright status is Public Domain
    Key: A♭

    O Love that will not let me go,
    I rest my weary soul in thee;
    I give thee back the life I owe,
    That in thine ocean depths its flow
    May richer, fuller be.
    O Light that foll’west all my way,
    I yield my flick’ring torch to thee;
    My heart restores its borrowed ray,
    That in thy sunshine’s blaze its day
    May brighter, fairer be.
    O Joy that seekest me through pain,
    I cannot close my heart to thee;
    I trace the rainbow through the rain,
    And feel the promise is not vain,
    That morn shall tearless be.
    O Cross that liftest up my head,
    I dare not ask to fly from thee;
    I lay in dust life’s glory dead,
    And from the ground there blossoms red
    Life that shall endless be

  131. SFDBWV says:

    No Joyce no one can take the Joy of Jesus from us, but they do try.

    Wednesday being Matt’s birthday he wanted me to take him to Burger King. So we went to the grocery store first and did some shopping for the special things he likes to eat and so pick out.

    Coming out of the store just after I got Matt seated in the front seat of our car an old man (older than me) stepped over to me and began talking to me.

    I had two grocery carts to repack and load in the car along with Matt’s wheel chair.

    He began by asking me what had happened to Matt and then went on to tell me his own father was crippled while working on the railroad and had to live out the remainder of his life unable to walk.

    He then continued on with where he had worked and when he retired and perhaps some people we both may have known.

    I ask him if he wouldn’t mind to let Matt tell him all about what he does, agreeing he went over to Matt’s window and began to listen to Matt giving me the opportunity to get our groceries repacked and loaded into the car.

    Matt had fun telling him all about his exercises and how much weight he had lost and as soon as Matt finished the old fellow returned to me.

    It turns out his ancestors and mine lived in the same area of Garrett county MD and that his grandfather was the pastor at the Swanton Methodist Church.

    When he had finally come to a point where we could part I thanked him for our visit and told him it was our pleasure to have met him. His attention then fixed on someone he remembered also coming out of the store, so I left for Burger King with Matt.

    Sometimes some folks just need someone to listen to them. A face to look into and not feel alone.

    Matthew wanted me to thank all the well-wishers who said happy birthday to him here. He is always sincere and so are his thank you’s.


  132. saled says:

    When a couple of the writers here posted about their weariness with the life on earth, it reminded me of a saying my now deceased aunts and uncles had about ‘making it up March hill.’
    March was maybe the biggest challenge of the year to both the natives and the earlier settlers here in Maine. The summer’s harvest or gatherings were probably gone, the wildlife in crisis also, and the fish had not yet returned to the streams and lakes. It was known as the starving time. How different life is in Maine today. Lots of us have our struggles, but it is not nearly as desperate as those pioneer times.

    Well, here we are, it’s the evening of March 31st and I am thankful to have made it up March hill. Winter just will not let go here. Normally maple sugar time would be ending with daytime temps in the 5o’s and nighttime just above freezing. But this year it looks like at least the next week will be cold enough for the sap to run.

    Winter came to visit my soul this week also. My sister broke her hip last November and because it did not heal, had surgery to replace the hip last Monday. She is diabetic and has heart disease and I know this paints a picture of a very out of shape lady, but that was not true. She worked to stay in shape and it was a fall on a slippery floor at the yoga studio that broke her hip. Anyway, because of the heart disease, they were replacing her hip by using a spinal block instead of general anesthesia. But when the surgeon went to put in the new hip, he cracked the socket that the hip goes into due to the unknown weakeness of the bone. That necessitated putting her under general anesthesia until a specialist could come and put plates in her pelvis and the job could be finished. She has been in intensive care since Monday and will be there at least until Monday because of the strain on her heart. She is in a very precarious position, her heart is weak, but her recovery depends on being able to get up and struggle through physical therapy. She is only 59. I would appreciate prayers for her recovery. Thank you. Feeling a little more hopeful tonight, as April is coming tomorrow, each day contains a little more light, and the doctor’s say that my sister is improving.

  133. street says:

    “Come, all you who are thirsty,
    come to the waters;
    and you who have no money,
    come, buy and eat!
    Come, buy wine and milk
    without money and without cost.

    am i reading this right? the water we are told to buy eat, eating water? even people with no money. yet the wine and the milk are free. wine is aged, milk is made every day. thinking the wine and milk, God doesn’t charge for it but man does. God’s grace. yet the the water has to be bought, considering the cost? buy and eat…..seems to me much more going on here then i thought of before. later in the New Testament i remember Jesus said he was living water among 6 other I Am’s in John. just thinking again.

  134. SFDBWV says:

    Prayers for your sister Saled.


  135. jeff1 says:

    Joyce post 9.45 am

    What a very beautiful poem Joyce, God’s love knows no bounds.

    The Magic of Love

    Love is like magic
    And it always will be,
    For love still remains
    Life’s sweet mystery!

    Love works in ways
    That are wondrous and strange
    And there’s nothing in life
    That love cannot change!

    Love can transform
    The most commonplace
    Into beauty and splendour
    And sweetness and grace!

    Love is unselfish,
    Understanding and kind,
    For it sees with its heart
    And not with its mind!

    Love is the answer
    That everyone seeks-
    Love is the language
    That every heart speaks-

    Love can’t be bought,
    It is priceless and free,
    Love, like pure magic,
    I a sweet mystery!

  136. SFDBWV says:

    Well we are still at the well…pun intended.

    If you consider that Jesus is the wellspring of living water and eternal life.

    And you consider that He now resides in you by way of the Holy Spirit.

    Then we too have within us that same “well” whereby we can offer that “one last drink” to any or all whom we encounter.

    The water of life has been flowing through all Christians since the Day of Pentecost and is part and parcel of our Christianity to offer it to all who “thirst” after righteousness.

    The cleansing of their souls and the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    A wet rainy morning in the mountains of West Virginia at 39 degrees.


  137. jeff1 says:

    Our Rector writes in the Parish News this month and I forget so many times to do it yet when I do, do it, I feel so much better in myself.

    ‘That…he might show…his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.’

    Ephesians2:7NIV(2011 Edition)

    The Bible says: ‘God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms…that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus'(vv.6-7NIV2011 Edition).
    God sent Jesus from heaven to earth, so that we can leave earth one day and go to heaven. This is evidence of God’s kindness, even to those who aren’t yet believers. Beyond that, enjoying the presence of Christ in heaven will remind us of God’s great kindness for all eternity. God places so high a premium on kindness that He never wants us to forget it. So if you want to be ‘godly’ you must endeavour to be kind.
    Sometimes Christians are so committed to the tenets of their faith that they come across sounding harsh, and end up turning people off. Be careful; you can have the right doctrine – and the wrong spirit! God’s grace attracts people, it doesn’t repel them.
    In The Lion and the Mouse, Aesop said, ‘No act of kindness, no matter how small, ever is wasted.’ It costs to be unkind, but it pays to be kind. So take every opportunity today to be kind to others. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson: ‘You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.’ The apostle Paul puts it like this: ‘Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honour one another above yourselves’ (Romans 12:10 NIV 1984 Edition). Today remember that to be kind is to be godly.

  138. joycemb says:

    Thanks for sharing that Viv, it follows what I was just reading in My Utmost 4/1 about spiritual hypocrisy. Exhortation is so good.

  139. phpatato says:

    Please know that I will be keeping your sister in my thoughts and prayers, Saled. My wish for her is an uncomplicated, speedy recovery!

    xo Pat

  140. phpatato says:


    The sap is running here in Ontario and sugar shacks are buzzing with activity. My son has become a right-hand man in a shack for his friend and wife. Nighttime temperatures are looking to be above the freezing mark this coming week so that may be the writing on the wall the the syrup season will soon be over here. Nevertheless, my son says this has been a normal year based on how many bottles of syrup they have sealed already. I hope your area producers experience a successful season. There is an awful lot of work that goes into making syrup. I hope their efforts aren’t for naught.


    2 inches of wet heavy snow on the ground from last night. High today expected to reach 4C. Tomorrow – sunny with a high of 11C. The white I see today will be just a memory come tomorrow. I’m not going to waste my time shovelling. :-)


  141. joycemb says:

    All this talk about syrup is making me hungry for pancakes! Know what I’m having for lunch :-)

  142. bubbles says:

    Trees are amazing things. . . I’m thankful God created them. Think about how the xylem and phloem work! It’s amazing how a tree will move water and sap straight up against gravity. God’s creativity is awesome. The word “awesome” is overused, but trees are truly awesome creations.

    Think about water. . how simple it is, and think of how God has made water the basic component of much on earth. And then how He has made that a picture of the Living Water He gives us. Then there are other things, like salt, yeast, the correlation between spring, Passover, and Easter. It’s amazing to see how God knit all of these things together. How much fun it is to learn of new connections that lead to a better understanding of the things of our Lord.

  143. saled says:

    Thanks Bubbles. Lots of great thoughts. I am reading The Hidden Life of Trees.

    Thanks all for your prayers for my sister. She is doing better and may get out of ICU tomorrow.

    Glad to hear of your normal run of sap in Ontario, Pat. There aren’t any big producers in my area, just a lot of people who do it on a small scale and maybe sell a few gallons. I’m too busy to do it this year, but looking forward to doing it with the grandchildren in years to come.

  144. poohpity says:

    saled thanks for the update on your sister however still praying.

  145. joycemb says:

    Pooh how is your daughter in law feeling?

  146. phpatato says:

    Speaking of the grandchildren, Saled, my daughter is taking my grandsons to the sugar bush this afternoon. They are learning how maple syrup is made in school so she thought a visit to the bush would be a nice connection to what they’ve been taught. They are in senior kindergarten. With the nice sunny day today, the sap should be running so they might be able to help their uncle empty the sap buckets into the collection barrel.

    Bubbles, I love how God’s handiwork is evident in all of nature. It truly is amazing – so much so that I just can’t fathom how people can say there is no such thing as God.

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