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The Big If

Seems to me that the Snoopy 1 and 2 MetLife blimps that cover televised sporting events with the slogan “For the if in Life” are a pretty effective way of getting out an insurance company’s name and message.

Could even get us thinking about the bigger “ifs in life”.

  1. If we make criticizing others our business, we will be criticized.
  2. If we make the law our message, we will be regarded as hypocrites.
  3. If we make government our hope, we will eventually be defeated.
  4. If we make who Jesus is, and what he did for us, what he is doing in us, and what he can enable us to do for others our overwhelming pre-occupation, we will be acting as if we believe the Scriptures when they tell us:
  • He can enable us to do anything he wants us to do
  1. No one else deserves to be compared to him.
  2. No one else is the source of the life our hearts were made for.
  3. No one else and nothing else deserves our trust.

If he “has our hearts” we will reflect his attitudes toward everyone.

PS… Here’s a picture of what remains of the boat that Bob from Cornwall England talked about in his comments below. Bob took some pics of the boat in different conditions. This shows how it ended up. Thanks Bob!

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61 Responses to “The Big If”

  1. bubbles says:

    Thank you, Mart.
    This is so very true.
    It was a blessing to read your thoughts this morning.
    What a wonderful Savior is our Jesus!

  2. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    The Big If ?

    4. If we make who Jesus is, and what he did for us, what he is doing in us, and what he can enable us to do for others our overwhelming pre-occupation, we will be acting as if we believe the Scriptures when they tell us:

    * He created everything.
    * He died for everyone.
    * He will save anyone who trusts him.
    * He can enable us to do anything he wants us to do

    That’s the Big If, do we actually believe the scriptures and live as if our very lives depended on every word being true.

    I know I have lived points 1 to 3 and have seen the exact results in my life, when criticizing others and trusting in the wrong things, yet I still do not live my life as if I believe the scriptures to be true.

    I can quote bits, especially when I need help and am clinging on to what little hope and faith in God I have.
    But the truth is there no one else to trust in and rely on for the if in life.
    I have lots of regrets and “if onlys” in my life but the if Mart is talking about is the unexpected if that we can’t plan for.
    Maybe, like Paul, if we trust totally in Jesus for all our needs and fears, we will be seen as clearly as the insurance Blimps mentioned above and people will then see the name of Jesus lifted high above the earth and emblazed on our lives for all the world to see.


    ps. Jesus has been here with me and for me these last few weeks and all those financial fears I had have been brought into line and no longer look like insurmountable mountains.
    Praise Him, He is a true and faithful God.

  3. SFDBWV says:

    I think I’ve seen this *IF* list here before. It is always true and always speaks to my heart.

    If, always has a continuence.

    If (when) you make a decision, be prepared for the consequences that follow.

    If (when) you make Christ King of your life, be prepared for criticizim, be prepared for trials and tribulations, be prepared to be tested….But if you fail, understand that He is always faithful to be there to comfort you and forgive you.

    It is not your strength that makes you strong, but His strength that enables us to accomplish His goals as well as for us to endure.

    Christianity is not for the *sissies*. It takes courage to stand up for Christ. Stand up to your family, your co workers, your friends, and to stand as a witness against a hostile world.

    One big truth I have come to learn is this…*IF* you make Christ your eternal choice, you will never be sorry you did. He is the one decision you need never repent for having made.

    Good morning to everyone, cold and damp here in West Virginia. 41 degrees F.


  4. SFDBWV says:

    Have to amend a little error in my last comment. When I said that Christianity is not for “sissies”…I was in error.

    Christianity is for everyone, and even the sissies will find new strength and courage once they have made the decision for Christ.

    Christ becomes our strength and our courage, as well as all of the armies of heaven and His angels as our allies.

    Sorry, I didn’t want to say something misleading.


  5. xrgarza says:


    First of all I like to apologize for being so long winded. Or should I apologize for having long fingers? :)

    Mart, I first got saved and accepted the Lord as my savior when I was ten years old. The Lord healed me, as I was born cripple, that night my entire family became Christians, and we left the Catholic Church.

    So we are talking 43 years in all, it wasn’t until I was thirty years old, that on my own I began to read the Bible to search for knowledge, truth, wisdom, & understanding. That was twenty years later.

    It’s now been twenty three years, that I have been diligently seeking scriptures to live a better life, I have been so busy becoming a better person myself I have no time to sit around looking at who is doing something wrong or not. When I do see something inappropriate, the first thing I ask myself: “am I doing that too?”

    I shared earlier this year when my mother passed away, how I grew to despise her, I virtually hated my mother, it was two and a half years ago, twenty years after I began to diligently reading the scriptures that I recognized that I was saying one thing and doing another. I had to repent.

    For years, I would say things like “The Lord is my provider” but every time that I lost my job, I would freak out. Almost three years ago I lost my job, I began to freak out when I realized that my actions did not match my words.

    So I immediately corrected my actions and shortly after I got this really nice job. Since then I couldn’t wait to lose my job again because I wanted to know that I really believe that God is my provider and that my employer is not my provider. Well I lost my job two and a half months ago, Praise God! The Bible says that those that God loves, He gives rest.

    Not stressing about a job or money was the easy thing to do, what to do with all of my additional time was the hard thing although; I have gotten plenty of rest and my savings account has more than doubled. I accepted a job this week that has offered me everything plus more of what I believed I needed and wanted.

    I said all of this simply to say, looking at the wrongs of others will not get me far. And I would have gotten here a lot sooner if I had someone showing me how to better interpret scripture for daily living.

    Apostle Paul said, “Imitate me!” I want to live my life in such a way that I too can say those words, because if I can do it anybody can! I will be joining the Navigators and Shoulder-to-Shoulder in mentoring fatherless middle school boys.

    Keep me in prayer as this is more than a community outreach for me; I believe it is a passion that is a result of my calling.


  6. pegramsdell says:

    Good word Rocky. We all need someone to show us how to live scriptually. I know the bible says we only need the Holy Spirit to teach us, He also sends us pastors and teachers to help us along the way. And a really good church helps a lot too.

    I will be lifting you up Rocky to Our Lord for your venture in mentoring the boys. I’m sure God will touch those young guys through you. Especially about living in faith. It’s not about what we have, but what is available to us when we believe.

    I remember years ago, when my kids were little, my husband went out of town for 6 weeks as a truck driver for a new company and we had like no money. I got $20 to last a whole week. Don’t know how except by God. I went to the store, bought a lot and still got change. Had like 4 paper bags of food. Go figure. God is good! I prayed over that $20 bill before going into the store. Nothing is impossible with Him. Only with me.

  7. poohpity says:

    Wow, that is a heart full. If I truly trust God then it will be displayed in less of me and more of Him. If I want to be noticed for anything then I am not really understanding that it is Him who works in and through us. Then the praise and recognition goes to God not me “if” I really get it. “If” I truly understand that apart from Him it is self seeking, self recognition, self serving and self satisfying. That is a really big “IF”. He is still working on those things within me.

  8. davids says:

    This is quite an interesting subject and replies. In terms of logic, these are not only “Ifs”, they are “If…Thens”, although the “Then” is not explicitly stated. “If we make criticizing others our business, [then] we will be criticized.”

    It seems to me that a life of faith is about getting the Then part correct. Many people think that Christians act as they do because they think, “If I lie, then I might go to Hell.” But really it is upside down: “If you love me, then you will obey what I command.” John 14:15.

    Many people, even in the Church, are confused about the “Thens” that are promoted by some leaders. Naturally, sin has consequences, but not always directly or clearly. Being legalistic leads people down a legalistic path that is a dead end. Salvation is by faith, not obedience; obedience is the result of faith put into action.

    Worse are the leaders that promote false Thens. That if you pray, then you will get whatever you ask. That if you are a good Christian, then you will enjoy prosperity and avoid adversity. These eventually weaken the believer’s faith when they turn out not to be true.

  9. jaausc says:

    Beautifully outlined Mart. Sounds like a sermon or lecture outline! Would love to hear it fleshed out more…which is, in essence, what you do each week. Lay out the outline, and the comments flesh out the substance!

  10. bubbles says:

    “He can enable us to do anything He wants us to do.”
    Thanks for this reminder.

    Again, at work today, there was a situation that will now be ongoing for an indefinite period of time. May be long, may be short. This situation seems impossible.

    Yesterday, I could see things were falling into place for this to be put on my plate. The words, “He can enable us to do anything He wants us to do” came back to memory. I truly believe God laid this job in my lap, and He has placed this situation in my path for a reason.

    Your words this morning, Mart, you words were an encouragement and reminder about what I needed to know how to handle this situation correctly. Your words brought my eyes back to Jesus. Thank you so much.

    Please pray that the “I” will stay out of the way, and God can love others through me.

  11. foreverblessed says:

    He can enable anything He wants us to do,
    He wants us to give, give and you shall receive.

    Did I write a few months ago that I helped a mother in paying the rent for her son?
    I was cycling in my bike in our town, and was praying to God, who shall I go to? And I saw a vaque figure of this lady in front of my eyes. So I went to her, rang at the door, she opened, and it turned out that she was at her wits end, praying to God to help her out. If on 4 oçlock that same day 1500 euro was not payed her son would be put out of his apartment. I saw a mother weeping for her son, and I did it for her, so in one moment, just because I had prayed about it where to go too, I thought it was the thing to do: help her out.
    That’s something I have never done, giving so much money to someone.
    And you know what: My husband got an extra assignment by his boss, and he was paid for it, two weeks ago he got the payment: 1419 euro, and a dinner ticket for 100 euro.

    So God gave us back the exact amount and a bit more, a dinner for two.
    This is such a big happening for me.
    I bet that all christians who work in the ministry and do not ask money but live by faith, must get such encouragement by God!

  12. davids says:

    foreverblessed, thank you for such a strong witness of God’s mercy and blessing.

    He sometimes acts in obvious ways, but often in more subtle ways. Our challenge is to maintain our trust when His ways are not obvious, when the “If I do this, Then I expect this to happen.”

    2 Chronicles 20:1-37, “When you trust in God, there is no need to fear.”

  13. xrgarza says:

    Peg, thanks, yes we have the Holy Spirit, but the great commission commands us to go to the ends of the earth to teach, preach, etc. Etc. Being a mentor is simply teaching by example.

    Bubbles, I’ll be praying for you that God will have favor during this challenging time.

    Foreverblessed, I couldn’t have said it better, love today is so conditional, and so many want to profit from it simply for helping someone.

    How can I go to someone & say “I have hope for you, but you have to pay for it” hope has already been paid for.

    The Apostle Paul never raised an offering simply to build his ministry, nor did he ever accept any government grants. He built tents to support himself.

    It is important that I take the Apostle Paul’s approach. With my new driving job, I will not have to raise a dime yet my needs will be met as I minister to these young men. Praise God!

  14. Regina says:

    Good Evening All
    Just stopped by to say hello. :-) I’ve been busy for the past two days with chores/errands. Been a little tired lately too. Hopefully, I’ll be able to comment on this blog topic later. Awesome “truths” shared in your intro. comment, Mart.


  15. Hisgirl4life says:

    “If he “has our hearts” we will reflect His attitude toward everyone.” So many scriptures point to the condition of the heart. “As water reflects a man’s face, so a man’s heart reflects the man.” Every action comes from what lies within the heart.

    Thank you for this post…it was a real encouragement to me as were many of all of your comments. Steve…you said, “It takes courage to stand up for Christ.” (in our workplaces, with our friends, in our world and even in our families…perhaps the most difficult). That is what Jesus asks of us…to never deny Him. Thank you for your boldness! His word tells us even when we are faithless He remains faithful.

    Rocky, your story touched my heart also. Forgiving others is not a one time event. It is only through God’s strength, with the love of Christ flowing in and through our hearts that we can love those that hurt us. Congratulations on your new job. I pray it will increase your territory for Him (Prayer of Jabez) and God will be glorified in your work with youth.

    The verse about fear your shared David is a wonderful reminder of God’s love for us. No matter what we are going through at this time, whatever the circumstances, knowing God is allowing them brings assurance that nothing can touch us that is not divinely orchestrated by Him. We are each exactly where God wants us to be…wherever that is in whatever the circumstance. The difficult part of that is that none of us are exempt from hardship and suffering. It is during those times that I’m challenged to lean upon Jesus for strength to have an attitude like His.

    Foreverblessed…thank you for sharing the story of God’s faithfullness. These are stories to share with generations to come!

    God bless you Mart for your encouraging words and each of you for your inspiring thoughts! So many times the encouragement is just what I need.

  16. marma says:

    Hi, all. Work has been very busy. I’ve popped in to read blog and responses from time to time, but haven’t had time to post.

    As Mart says, “He can enable us to do anything he wants us to do.” Thanks to all of you who have shared your experiences with this principle.

    Mart’s blog and especially that sentence really hit home, talking as he does of our allegiance to Christ based on those “ifs” and what follows.

    =Especially tonight after my visit with my mom, who is 89 and for whom Christianity is just a religion.

    I was raised in a family where you didn’t discuss “religion” and “politics” with anyone outside the family (and only the “acceptable” views were allowed inside the family). That training has been hard for me to overcome as a Christian over the years, And that practice of silence/avoidance hasn’t changed in my family to this day.

    I don’t often speak out as I would like to or as I should, probably, but I do speak out at times, thanks to the Spirit of Christ in me. It is easier for me to do things for Mom which can be a witness of God’s love, too, but I think she needs to hear the words as well.

    Appreciate your prayers that I would be a faithful witness to my mom and to all others God puts in my path. It is important to be real, to be transparent in our faith.

    Hope you all can put up with this post…kind of worded it a little hodge podge.


  17. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    A fishing boat from our village got to close to the shorline yesterday and was toppled over by the surf. One Fisherman came ashore with the boat anf the other was washed out to sea. Luckily the Air Sea Rescue helecopter is based on a hill just behind the village and was able to winch him out and take him straight to hospital.
    I was amazed, as we watched the boat being tossed about on the beach, how as the tide came in it took the boat back under the water, broke its mast and then as the tide started to go down, it spewed it back out again and onto the beach broken in two.
    I guess there are alot of IFs in this scenario, the main one being if the helecopter base was not so close etc.
    Thank God He is always close and will never leave us or forsake us. Always there to rescue us and pluck us to safety!


  18. Hisgirl4life says:

    Bob, thank you for your story. Boats being tossed about reminds me of going through life’s struggles. We can either make a choice to fix our eyes upon Jesus during those times and know He will bring us through them, around them or over them; or, we can place our focus on the storm and become angry, bitter, resentful, discouraged, depressed or frequent a host of other unhealthy attitudes. It is a continual daily surrender…thank you for sharing that God is always there…just a life vest away! IF we choose Christ, THEN we are protected by HIS hands.

    Marma, your love of the Lord will be seen in your life and the life of your loved ones. Keep sharing…

  19. SFDBWV says:

    Bob, I also enjoyed your boat story. It brings to life the story of the Disciples in their fishing boat and their fear when the storm came up. Thinking they would drown until a sleeping Savior awoke and rebuked the storm…”Peace, be still”.

    If, the Christ speaks, even the wind obeys Him.

    Of course there is also the story of Christ walking on the water, as mentioned by Hisgir4life.

    Also the story of Paul, and his shipwreck, how placing Christ into the issue changed disaster into miracles.

    All designed to accomplish God will.


  20. foreverblessed says:

    Marma, I do not think Mart was talking about talking about Jesus, but more of living in Him.

    the following devotional talks about “talking”
    (God talking by twolisteners). If it is allowed here is the text:

    April 23 Too much talk

    Guidance you are bound to have as you live more and more with Me. It follows without doubt.

    But these times are not times when you ask to be shown and led, they are times of feeling and realizing My Presence. Does the branch continually ask the Vine to supply it with sap, to show it in what direction to grow? No, that comes naturally from the very union with the Vine, and I said, “I am the true vine, ye are the branches.”

    From the branches hand the choice grapes, giving joy and nourishment to all, but no branch could think that the fruit, the grapes, were of its shaping and making.

    No! the grapes are the fruit of the Vine, the Parent-Plant. The work of the branch is to provide a channel for the life-flow.

    So, My children, union with Me is the one great overwhelming necessity. All else follows so naturally, and union with Me may be the result of just consciousness of My Presence. Be not too ready to speak to others. Never make yourselves do this.

    Pray always that the need may be apparent, if you are to do this, and the guidance very plain. My Spirit has been driven out by the words of men. Words, words, words. Many have called Me Lord, Lord, who have not done the things that I said.

    Discourage too much talk. Deeds live, and re-echo down the ages — words perish. As Paul: Though I speak with tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, . . . And have not charity, I am nothing….

    Remember that rarely to the human heart do I speak in words. Man will see Me in My works done through you, meet Me in the atmosphere of Love and self-effacement. Do not feel that you have to speak

    When man ceased to commune with his God simply and naturally, he took refuge in words—words. Babel resulted. Then God wanted to do away with man from the earth. Rely less on words. Always remember that speech is of the senses. So make it your servant, never your Master.
    “And that ye study to be quiet.” 1 Thessalonians 4:11

  21. SFDBWV says:

    I am amused reading the points in this topic. They all are short answers to most any or all of our previous topics and subjects.

    Other religions? 1,2,3, “No one else”
    Other resources? “No one else”

    “He created everything” For “everyone” to accomplish “anything”, that He “wants us to do.”

    Not through our own understanding,
    Not through the law,
    Not through our combined efforts of self governing,
    Only through our acceptance and surrender to Christ.

    All done through Faith in the Bible, Faith in God, and Faith in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.

    Well done Mart De Haan


  22. dja says:

    The 2 letter conjunction “if” is all throughout the Bible-sometimes it is written and sometimes it is understood in the context. And as Davids said, they are followed by then, again sometimes written and sometimes understood.
    It was the familiar “If’ verse that the Lord used to bring me to my knees 37 years ago. I was searching, and a friend gave me a book to read on Revelation (not one I would recommend today, but the Lord used it in my life!). As I read the book, I searched the Scriptures for “proof”. It was then that I came to Revelation 3:20 “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. IF anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” It was at that point that I fell to my knees, confessed my sins and need of Him, and asked Jesus to come into my heart. The Lord is so good! I am so thankful for His leading me to my salvation. He is the One Who worked in me to seek Him, and we know that He has said IF we seek Him, we will find Him. What a Savior!

    Marma: I understand how hard it is to speak with family. After coming to Christ, I left my family’s “religion” and it is sometimes hard because they think all the things they do will save them. My heart aches, but, over the years, the Lord has helped me to pray for them, and to speak a word in season. He has also given me peace within, because I know that only He can do that work within their hearts.

    Bob, I’m thankful the rescue was succesful. What a frightening thing that must have been for them and for those witnessing it. I remember being in a horrible flood. The road I had just driven over collasped into the river, but I made it over right before it collasped. I had often wondered about that-If I had been later, If my car was heavier,etc., but later after I had come to Christ,I realized that it was the Lord who brought me safely over that road before it collasped-it had nothing to do with all the conditions.

    Not raining right now, but 50 degrees and overcast in Northeast PA. Have a wonderful day!

  23. poohpity says:

    1″If” you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, “if” any comfort from his love, “if” any fellowship with the Spirit, “if” any tenderness and compassion, 2then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. 3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

    5Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
    6Who, being in very nature[a] God,
    did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
    7but made himself nothing,
    taking the very nature[b] of a servant,
    being made in human likeness.
    8And being found in appearance as a man,
    he humbled himself
    and became obedient to death—
    even death on a cross!
    9Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
    and gave him the name that is above every name,
    10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
    11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
    to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:1-11)

    I would be nice to live not for the praise of man but to give Praise to God.

  24. pegramsdell says:

    okay steve…..lol….I heard on the tv at lunchtime that marion county is supposed to be upper 40’s tonight. how bout that?

  25. SFDBWV says:

    Peg, Our high yesterday was 43, and our low was 39….Summer am gone!

    Pretty sure it has been spittin some snow out there with the misty rain we’ve been having….

    Florida, sounds pretty nice about now.


  26. SFDBWV says:

    Snoopy 1 and Snoopy II….All new to me. What ever happened to the Goodyear Blimp?…

    A few weeks ago a young man whom I know, wanted to show me his new daughters photo. As he reached behind him I expected him to pull out his wallet…..

    Well he didn’t, he pulled out a little device that can phone, text, take still and motion pictures, scan the internet, keep his calander of events, compute and more…

    I just laughed to myself as he went about showing off his daughter.

    One thing is for sure, *IF* things keep moving as fast as they seem, I will have been there and back before I know I’m leaving…

    Good evening to all


  27. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Lots of Sunshine here even though the ground sea is rough from Atlantic storms and temperature heading back to 21C(70F) at the weekend.

    Usually a sign of a topic change due when we start talking about the weather!


  28. pegramsdell says:

    you are too funny steve.

  29. foreverblessed says:

    dja, Della, thank you for your testimony, and your advice not to give a book on revelation to someone new! But it worked anyways, because Jesus is the Big Boss.
    Steve, what do you mean with snoopy 1 and 11, and good year blimp? and what are the temperatures in Celcius. Why do you guys not go to the metric system? Its much easier,
    but beside the point here.
    I find Mart’s topic very very good.
    What if…
    God loves us sooo much,
    we cannot even comprehend it.
    Even if we fail,
    He still loves us soooo much
    Proverbs 24:16 The righteous fall 7 times, but rises again.
    (That was the scripture I got last weekend during a christian conference.)
    “Our Lord’s extraordinary itinerary of redemption should fill our hearts with gratitude and praise!”
    Pooh, did you get the verse out of the ODB of today, it is such a good goal to aim at but together with Jesus, He will enable us to be so.
    And over here it is 20 degrees celcius, which is pretty nice for the time of the year.

  30. poohpity says:

    foreverblessed, yes I did. It seems like when we have a topic the daily scripture reading fits in some way. God opens our eyes to so much when we read the bible everyday. I just love God and His word. Sometimes when I may not understand a topic I ask God and I am directed to scripture and it then makes sense to me. Marts scripture references always help to understand what he is saying too. There is so much deeper meaning for this topic especially for me to consider the areas that I still need to trust God in. I have been saying to myself “If” I really trust God then why am I acting this way or that way and really get surprised by the implications.

  31. marma says:

    Dja: Yes, my heart aches, too, and as she gets older, I guess I feel more the urgency. I think your sentence, “only He can work in their hearts” is something I need to pray for my mom—I need the reminder that it is going to be God, not me. Thanks!

    And thank you all for reminding me that to live out Jesus, I must live in Jesus.

    Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. John 15:4

  32. poohpity says:

    It is easier to measure the weather outside then to look at the condition of our hearts. ;-)

  33. poohpity says:

    Amen marma.

  34. SFDBWV says:

    If, can be a dangerous thought. I think most of us live somewhere in between a great many, ifs.

    I had seen where someone had went back to an old topic, “What If We Are Wrong”. It reminded me that there are many positive as well as negative conjectures in life.

    I walk through our cemetery and see so many names, many of which I can put faces to, more that I can not.

    They all lived, had hopes had disapointments, loved and were loved, experianced the ups and downs of every day life. Some believed some did not, all have come to face the final *IF*.

    They may have had to hold on to hope through life, but now they face, the face of hope.

    If a man does not have Christ, where does he place hope?

    As the unbeliever slips into death, does he think that it is all over, and that only unconsious sleep awaits him forever, that nothing matters…Or does he think there at that last moment…what if I was wrong?

    It is a sad thought, to think that when time is up and there is no more opportunity left for some to make the decision for Christ, that they then fear that one *IF*.

    Yet it may be in that eternal moment as they lay dying that they finally come to grips with who Christ is and in their last thoughts accept Him….We will not know the answer to such questions until we ourselves stand face to face with the face of Hope.

    Better weather ahead for us here in West Virginia today.


  35. SFDBWV says:

    A little bird told me that Mart has been feeling a little under the weather since his return from Israel…

    Let us all put our prayers together for our friend Mart and see him up and around and feeling his old self fast.


  36. Mart De Haan says:

    Thanks, Steve, actually turned the corner and feeling a lot stronger. Got a good nights rest last night.

  37. BruceC says:

    Will pray for Mart. And please continue to pray for my wife. We think she is finally getting over the same bug(symptoms) that I had for a week. Also we found a lump a little larger than an acorn in her lower back on the right side. She already had an appointment with her doctor for the middle of October so we will see what develpes. We are in God’s hand!


  38. pegramsdell says:

    That’s good to hear Mart. Your health and the health and well being of all of the bloggers is a priority for me when I’m praying. Thank You Jesus for keeping us healthy and strong to serve You and others.

  39. pegramsdell says:

    Including your wife BruceC in my prayers. :)

  40. Mart De Haan says:

    I just inserted with a PS in the post above a picture of the boat that Bob from Cornwall wrote about and took pics of.

  41. foreverblessed says:

    Looking at the boat, it looks quite broken: that’s what my life was, and see how gracious God has been to me.
    Mart wrote: If he “has our hearts” we will reflect his attitudes toward everyone.
    It is good to see in my heart what I think of others, do have so much mercy to them?
    Somewhere above I wrote about the fact that God enabled to give so much monwy for another woman’s son, the rent and fines. later I found out that the son hardly works, hardly looks for a job. If I myself would have evaluated it, I would have never done so. But God led me to do this in a miraculos way. Maybe the son is blessed because of the mother who seeks to live in Jesus, and gives much to many people all around her. Or maybe God is so much more mercifull to the boy, then I would have been.
    While God has been so mercifull to me, where I did not deserve any. May His attitude become bigger and bigger in me.

  42. foreverblessed says:

    Sorry, did not do a spell check. Bruce, I will pray for your wife too. And for Mart too. It was good of you, Steve to think of him. All that traveling is wearisome, and he has a blog going on too.
    His little children playing in the playground.

  43. marma says:

    What a picture. Gives new meaning to the song “When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed.” What wreck and ruin when facing life without Christ.

    Glad you are feeling better, Mart.

    Bruce, joining the others in praying for your wife, too.

  44. poohpity says:

    We all come to Christ as broken vessels. Our change and growth is in His hands who knows us better than anyone else. God repairs us so that we can be useful vessels to display His Glory.

    BruceC, I know the wait is scary. The unknown always seems to be scary. Praying for your wife and you during this difficult time.

    Mart, praying you will have the rest you need.

    Praying for God’s blessings to be on all and during these times of joy, trouble and trials we place our hope in Him.

  45. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Thanks for showing that picture Mart, I hope you are feeling better.
    After the next tide even that small bit of the hull dissapeared. The sea is an awesome power, very small with respect to God, that is why we should fear God because He is the awesome power behind it all.
    I watched the last part of Steven Hawkins tv program about the origins and end of the universe and could not understand how anyone can think it all just happened by chance. As far as I am concerned God spoke and it came into existance. Job Done, that is my Awesome Lord, Jesus, both God and man.


  46. dust says:

    Hi Everyone.

    Your comments are soooo relevant and I appretiate every one. What a wonderful God to love us in soo many ways. May God bless you all


  47. pegramsdell says:

    Thank You Dust. I appreciate your blessing. And may God bless you back 100 fold. :)

  48. foreverblessed says:

    BOb, totally out of topic: what is a hull, and does that word have anything to do with the town Hull?

    Today I read something else which is in line with what we already worte here that we are the branches, the sap flows through us, His life, and that blesses others, we hardly know what happens at the other end, how it reaches others, like it did help Dust.
    We could also see ourselves as the pipe through which the water flows.
    -What if the pipe were to say, “I do so little, I wish I could be more use.” The reply would be “It is not you, but the water that passes through you, that saves and blesses. All you have to do is to see there is nothing to block the way so that the water cannot flow through.”-

    We do not do anything, we allow the water to flow through us. We are not the Water, the water is God, omnipotent, so powerful, the strength of God is God working.
    Not us.
    We have to see that we put out the Self, that there is no hindrance. All who come in contact with us will be blessed, not because of us, but because of Jesus who is so full of love, and mercy, and power.
    (the pipe thing I got out of: God calling by twolisteners november 7).

  49. foreverblessed says:

    Today my friend is visiting me, she was in my old church, and has taken other roads, spiritual or something.
    Jesus is so hard to grasp for her. He cannot be born as God, she says, He was not God, He became God because of His good life. God gave me a silence, and a reassuracne while she said that to me: Do not worry, evereything will be allright.
    That was more then 6 years ago.
    Please pray for her, and for me, that I indeed will be a clean pipe.

  50. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Pe, A hull is the bit of the boat that toaches the water, and always is the same shape, due to the laws of physics ans Noahs Aek et.
    Kingdtons upom Hull in South Yorkshire it is a beuatiful place to live, and no, a ships hull is very different.


  51. SFDBWV says:

    foreverblessed, You friend you mentioned is not the only person who stumbles over understanding the mystery of the Trinity.

    Aside from RBC’s material, another good book I could recomend is “The Holy Spirit” by Billy Graham. He does a nice simple job of explaining it.

    I buy and give away both books as well as little Bible tracks as a way of furthering conversation with people, sometimes it helps.

    There are many *Cults* and false religions out there. Of course you were right in holding your tongue when confronted with your friend, as directed from your heart and the Holy Spirit’s urging upon you.

    But sometimes it is required to be bold, even at the expense of offending, if we be bold for Christ.

    Many a friend I have seen go the way of their ancestors, down into the grave…And I wondered, did I do enough? Could I have said more?…too late now.

    The Catholics believe we can still pray for the dead…I admit that I do and hope that my prayers are not amiss.


  52. Hisgirl4life says:

    Good afternoon all!
    Thank you for sharing the photo of the boat in the storm. It is quite a great comparison depictive of the brokenness within each of us. Apart from the saving grace of the Lord, we would remain helpless and useless in this world. Thanks Bob and Mart for sharing it!

    Hope you are feeling better Mart…your ministry is so vital to our world.

    Praying for you Bruce…

    For this day, Father, may we each feel your incredible love and grace poured upon us, over us, and through us so me may reach out to those in need of an encouraging word this day.

  53. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Funny thing is there was no storm this week when that boat sank, it was due to human error and the fact they came too close to shore when the surf was large.
    The whole cenario just goes to prove that it doesen’t need a crisis to put the “if” in our lives. At any moment of any day we could face the same type of “ship wreck” in our lives and we need to cling to the “life raft” of salvation and life offered by Jesus.


    ps. It is a beautiful day today with no wind and temps of 21+C yet there is surf more than 20ft high and crashing over the harbour wall due to low pressure and storms hundreds of miles out to sea.
    Like the bank crisis, it does not have to happen in our own back yard to cause us grief in our lives.

  54. bubbles says:

    Bob, you are so right. Your comments called to mind 2 verses that have been very dear to the heart this week:

    Isaiah 41:13 For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.

    Isaiah 26:4 Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.

  55. dja says:

    I agree, Bob. Anything can happen at any moment in our lives, and we need to cling to Jesus. I couldn’t help but think about Psalm 121.
    “I lift up my eyes to the hills-
    where does my help come from?
    My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.
    He will not let your foot slip-
    He who watches over you will not slumber;
    indeed, He who watches over Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.
    The Lord watches over you-
    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
    the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.
    The Lord will keep you from all harm-
    he will watch over your life;
    the Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore.”

    How blessed we are to have a Father Who never slumbers nor sleeps. He is always here for us-24/7.

    Beautiful fall day in Northeast PA today. Temps in the middle 60’s, and the sky was so blue.


  56. Regina says:

    Good Evening All
    Hope all is well.
    Haven’t stopped by in a couple of days because I’ve been battling flu-like symptoms. Spent the better part of the day at the Salon. Didn’t want to miss my hair appointment, so I took some extra medication and let my hair stylist know that I was feeling well. Was careful not to be too touchy/feely while there. I’ve only read one comment on this blog topic so far, and I’m getting ready to read a few more before I turn in tonight.

    The weather in Texas was beautiful today. Wish I had of had more time to enjoy it.


  57. SFDBWV says:

    When I look at the wreckage of the boat in Bob’s picture, it brings a reminder of how fragile sailing vessels are, and has been discussed when we misplace our trust, just how fragile that trust can be.

    The passangers of the Titanic placed their trust in the, then, modern technology of ship building and the blind trust of the company that owned and opperated the ship….

    Any of you who have ever been on any ship at sea can appreciate just how powerful the sea can be, even beautiful and serene and calm, but always dangerous, and unforgiving of mistakes.

    It also gives one rise to appreciate the early adventurers who braved the unknown sea looking with couriosity at the horizon.

    Life is like a great voyage, with our eyes either fixed upon the water beneath us, with all its dangers; Or fixed upon the horizon

    Either way, I pray for a safe and happy voyage for all of you today, and as I, have placed our faith and trust in one Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ.

    Simply beautiful weather here in West Virginia this morning. 38 degrees f. and clear. Seven deer at the feeder, all too busy eating to worry about me.


  58. poohpity says:

    Our Daily Bread today fits so well with this topic. It hits the bull’s–eye about depending on our self or trusting in God.

    Chili today and hot tamale in Arizona, LOL!!!

  59. Regina says:

    Good Evening All
    I enjoyed reading all of the comments in this blog. Thanks Mart and Bob for sharing the picture of the ship wreckage. I hope/pray that the man who was injured will be alright. I feel much better today. I was MISERABLE at the Salon yesterday, but it was worth it not to have to reschedule (do not like rescheduling anything). Still taking medication, getting rest, plenty of water and healthy food.
    Steve – Great comment and comeback 10/5 (12:46 pm) It’s a reminder that God doesn’t reject anyone, but [some] people reject him. Also liked your comparison of the boat wreckage (picture shared by Mart/Bob) to the Titanic. I think the builders spent too much time worshipping the ship and didn’t know that it’s fate was in the hands of God. Thanks to all for your daily prayers, I really appreciate them. I pray that I will remember to pray for you all daily too.

    So glad you feel better, Mart. I agree with Hisgirl4life that your ministry is vital in this day and age. I will join others on this blog in praying for your full recovery.

    The weather was beautiful in Texas today. Don’t know what the temp was, but I’m guessing that it was mid 70’s to low 80’s.


  60. Regina says:

    Awesome testimony, pegramsdell (last paragraph) 10/5 – 12:46 pm

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