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A King’s Story Unfolds

One of the great challenges to understanding God’s Word is finding its storyline within its 66 sections. But when we uncover the basic plot, we find that not only is the Bible a good read—it’s our story.  ¶  In these pages, we learn of a Great King who outmaneuvers the terrorist strategies of a former servant to rescue a group of hostages from the grip of a terrible death. Let’s take a closer look.

The Vision of a Great King

A great King steps forward to share his wealth, and to unveil his vision for a free world where citizens live forever without boredom or regret.

The Rebellion

When citizens of the kingdom meet one of the King’s former servants, they fall under the influence of the rebel’s pride and hatred. In the process they lose their innocence, their home in paradise, and their peace of mind. Patiently the King begins the long process of winning the hearts of the few who will return to him.

A New Beginning

Most citizens, however, remain suspicious of the King. At one point rebel forces fill the land with such pain that the King starts over again. Using a natural disaster of unprecedented scope, the King brings a violent culture to an end. Everyone dies except eight members of one family. With one family the King starts again. With one family the King rebuilds the trust necessary for the fulfillment of his vision.

A Competing Vision

Before long, however, descendants of the remnant family form their own vision. They decide to build a city so great that it will keep their children from growing up and moving away. The King knows that if the new City Center succeeds, it will give citizens a false sense of security. So he intervenes. He causes the workers to speak in different languages so that they cannot understand or cooperate with one another.

One Family for All

Then, the King adds another element to his own vision. He chooses one family through which to introduce himself to all others. The story of this chosen family is dramatic. Rescued by the King from the slaveyards of a powerful prince, their escape proves that the King has no worthy rivals. In the days that follow, the laughter and tears of this one family show their neighbors what happens to those who either accept or reject the King of kings.

The Failure of the Family

Again, however, the King’s plan seems to falter. The family decides they don’t want a king they can’t see. They want the kind of leader the neighbors have. They want a sovereign who will not only settle family disputes in times of national peace—but who, in times of war, will lead them into battle and fight for them.

When the King gives in to their demands, he also gives them the consequences of their choices. Before long, their new rulers are weighing them down with taxes, scandals, and abuse of authority. Conditions become so bad that when the great King sends messages, these family leaders kill the messengers. They won’t admit how far they have wandered from the great King’s vision.

The King’s Intervention

Only by the King’s personal intervention does he once again rescue his citizens from their own choices. In a dramatic move, he disguises himself as a servant and walks through the villages and streets of the nation that is rejecting him.

In the process of showing his people what they are missing, the King makes family leaders so angry that they decide to kill him. For his own reasons the King lets them have their way. At the insistence of family leaders, and by the foreign hands of an occupying army, the King allows himself to be executed like a criminal.

The King Reappears

The King’s death is not the end. Three days later he reappears. The mystery of what he has been doing requires explanation. When understood, the meaning of his death and resurrection deserves to be announced to every citizen in the land.

The International News

With friends and enemies scrambling for an explanation, the King allows the chosen family to be divided and scattered. Before long a remnant of the family has multiplied into a movement of international messengers. For a limited but unknown period of time, the King works through a new “family” made up of believing citizens from every people group on earth. When the work of these international representatives is done, the great King calls them to his Palace. In their absence the King mobilizes his forces for a final battle.

The Last Battle

As the rebel leader organizes his resistance, the King unleashes a series of powerful events. The battle is intense. The sky is darkened. Mountains fall.

When the smoke and dust clear, all the people have been brought either to their knees or to their death. The Rebel and his followers are given the darkness they have chosen. They are granted separation from the love, peace, and wisdom of the King.

The Fulfillment of the Vision

Entrance to the Kingdom is reserved for those who have chosen to be a part of the King’s vision. The prophet’s words are fulfilled: “I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.’ Then He who sat on the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new.’ And He said to me, ‘Write, for these words are true and faithful’” (Revelation 21:3-5). —Mart De Haan

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