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The Wisdom of the Cross

Solomon put a high value on wisdom. According to him nothing that we desire can compare with it (Prov 3:13-15).

But then came Paul. He wrote that God made Christ to be wisdom for us (1Cor 1:30). Since wisdom is the ability to use knowledge to reach a desired goal, Paul seems to be saying that Jesus used his own life, death, and resurrection to secure our relationship to God in a way that our pursuit of wisdom could never accomplish (1Cor 1:17-31).

Does that mean that finding Christ brings our pursuit of wisdom to an end? If so, what do we do with the emphasis Paul gives to wisdom in some of his other letters  (Eph 1:17; Col 1:9, 28)? In his last letter he even reminds his readers that all Scripture is God-breathed and is valuable for knowing how to grow to maturity in Christ (2Tim 3:16). Even though Paul doesn’t use the word “wisdom” in that text, he seems to imply that’s what all Scriptures helps us find.

Just as importantly, if Paul means that knowing Christ brings our need for wisdom to an end, what do we do with the Apostle James? He assures followers of Christ that if in the middle of the tests and troubles of life they find themselves in need of wisdom, God stands ready to give it for the asking (1:5). Later in the same letter, James even goes on to list the marks by which such wisdom can be recognized (James 3:13-17).

According to James, the wisdom that comes from God (1:5) is first of all pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and without hypocrisy (3:17).

These words raise an important question. Is it possible that James here is doing far more than giving us a list of Christ-based virtues? Could he be showing us how Christ himself used wisdom to do for us what we could never do for ourselves? Do we find here insights that help us understand the wisdom of the cross?

Could those same insights help us see what it takes to see the character of “Christ formed in us” (Gal 4:19)?

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17 Responses to “The Wisdom of the Cross”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    The Wisdom of the Cross…Jesus said in Luke 24:44 that all things written of Him in the Law of Moses, the prophets, and the Psalms must be fullfilled concerning Him.

    To set back and take a look at the events of man, over the course and history of his being is quite revealing.

    From the begining or the fall of creation, God had already established a plan to restore creation to its proper place with Him.

    We almost exclusivly talk about the fall of man, but it would seem that the rebellion and fall of the angelic realm came first.

    When we put a name to the spirit of evil, it is most always Satan. He has no power that God doesn’t allow for him to have, yet he seems to be either very stupid or very ignorant in his attempts to thwart God’s plans.

    We see from the beginning that there would come a Savior from woman, as more prohecy was given it was known that this savior would come from a virgin woman.

    So from the beginning Satan attempted to have the woman killed, by convincing her to eat of the fruit and die for it, then to kill her son and bring guilt upon the remaining one…See, he isn’t very smart at all. Like a lot of us he only has a little information, and like us strikes out in all the wrong directions.

    Throughout history man has killed virgin after virgin in pagan worship, an attempt to stop the birth of the Messiah, and even to the point of attempting to have all the Jews killed to stop the birth of Christ, even to a new low point of Herod killing all the boy children in Bethleham…All a misdirected attempt by a stupid over reacting spirit to prevent Christ’s coming.

    Knowing now, what we know, we understand that God always had the Cross in mind for the salvation of mankind and of all of creation.

    That He Himself would be the Savior and that He Himself would not only give advanced knowledge of His coming, but see to the fullfillment of every detail including the matter of the Cross. That He would overcome human suffering and death, for His own creation.

    As we can set now and look backward over time at the whole matter, we can see the wisdom God displayed. Yet for us to have the wisdom to look forward, takes the indwelling of His Spirit for us to understand that which we have not yet seen…Still it is His wisdom, not ours that gives strength or power to us.

    It is now for us to be wise in what we have been given from Him in order to do His will, in our own lives as well as doing His work in bringing the Gospel to all.


  2. markwest59 says:

    Wisdom of the Cross was first pointed out in Genesis, when Adam and Eve sinned, God provided a sacifice slaying animals and dressing them with the skins. That pointed to the Cross. When they sinned they became self conscience,and dressed themselves in fig leafs and fig leafs represented religion and doing things man’s way which doesn’t. They lost God conscience, knowing they were naked they saw self.I dont think Satan understood the shedding of innocent blood,or he would have fought against Jesus being crucified.He was blind and didnt understand that the seed of a woman would brusie His head,and that’s what Jesus did on the Cross.We in this life will never understand all about the Cross, but my desire is to understand all I can. For the preaching of the Cross(what Jesus there did)is foolinesss to them that perish, but unto us that are saved it is the Power Of God 1 Cor,1:18

  3. poohpity says:

    The scripture references you gave Mart really challenged me to understand that in the wisdom of the Cross we have nothing to brag about. What God does is far beyond our human reasoning and it is done in such a way to draw those who will believe it apart from what we know or think we know, what we can accomplish in our own strength or our own merit. It is far from what we as the human race can understand if we truly have spiritual wisdom. It goes beyond taking credit or bragging about anything good we do because we know the source and give the credit to God where it belongs. The wisdom of the heaven is quiet gentleness, peace loving, courteous, allows for discussion and is willing to yield to others; it is full of mercy and good. It is wholehearted and straightforward and sincere. James 3:13-17 That is wisdom from Christ. Got wisdom? :-)

  4. pegramsdell says:

    Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16

  5. foreverblessed says:

    What a very good thought!!
    Is our search for wisdom over, now we have found it is in Christ?
    Good thought: that makes me think, that finding Jesus and knowing more about Him is endless on itself:
    2 Peter 3:18
    But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

  6. foreverblessed says:

    The last topic markwest59 wrote:
    The wisdom of God is Jesus and Him crucified 1 Cor 1:18

    THere is so much in that verse, when I was in a more legalistic church I often wondered what these verses would mean, 1 Cor 1:18 and 2 Peter 3:18,
    but now that I have found it, so great! We are not under law, we are under grace in Christ,Romans 7 and 8 and He makes us holy, so if we are to be holy how will I go on sinning, why would I be afraid not to be under the law but under grace?
    It is just a matter of trusting God in Jesus!

  7. kaliko88 says:

    So, if we truly seek wisdom we will find God and Jesus, and if we grow in that wisdom, Jesus will show us what to do with that wisdom.

  8. markwest59 says:

    In the book of Revelation it talks about the Lamb of God Jesus He was our sin offering,He will becoming back in Power, He wont’come back to be mocked, and spit upon,thru the Cross of Christ we are not only saved, but sanctified,and Holy, only that way (dirt can’t clean dirt).That’s Power saints! Paul whom was a great scholar of the old testament and writer of most of the new, says” I determind to know nothing save Jesus Christ and Him crucified.The modern church is caught up in schemes and devices and things of man’s owm plans, to try and live victorious and he fails its all in the Cross of Christ what He did there. We must carry it daily, believe daily, every second keep our faith there.I glory in the Cross, I thank God for the Cross, it was man’s self righteousness that crucified our Savior, Im so glad that he didnt come down from there or we would all be lost. The only thing that stands between God and judgement of hell is the Cross of Christ, now thats Power!!

  9. Regina says:

    Good Evening All
    Hope all is well with you all.

    Off topic here…
    Just want to share the thought for today in the ODB devotional:

    “In good times and bad, our greatest need is God.”

    Love that thought!
    Rainy weather in Texas for the past two days. Dry now though. Loved the rain. Tired tonight. Hope to share my thoughts on this topic and read yours when I have more time.


  10. markwest59 says:

    Aint it something when you look to the Cross of Christ,things of this world don’t matter to you,Fame, fortune,material gain holds no value.We dont look to ourselves.Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Arent you glad that the Cross of Christ has made you free.When we die to self,we live.Power

  11. pegramsdell says:

    Yesssssss! We finally got rain. It’s been like 34 days without rain. Thank You Jesus for the rain! Now it’s supposed to get chilly. God is good. Be blessed fellow bloggers at BTA and Mart. Have a super Jesus filled day. :)

  12. SFDBWV says:

    Mart has ask several questions in his topic comments. One of which is whether or not once we have Christ do we still need to seek wisdom?

    The quick and easy answer is a big YES.

    We are little babies in our relationship with Christ, and little babies need a great deal of learning in order to survive.

    So as for our need for wisdom, we need plenty of wisdom if we are to survive against a hostile world of unbelievers as well as those Wolves in sheeps clothing.

    Hopefully we gain wisdom as we grow in Christ. Some don’t and their actions and attitude shows it. They become a poor witness for Christ, only because they don’t think they need to grow.

    If we are truly students of the scripture and followers of Jesus, then we must learn from the scriptures all that we can in order to live better and be in a position to better serve God. This is a lifelong task.

    The difference between wisdom and knowledge is that wisdom teaches us how to use knowledge.

    Morning rain here today, much welcome and needed.


  13. SFDBWV says:

    Jesus suggested we not cast our pearls before swine. Meaning I have always thought that the pearls were bits of wisdom.

    Believing also that the pigs could not understand nor appreciate the *Pearl*.

    One simple bit of OT wisdom is to listen to that still small voice in our hearts.

    Exercising that *muscle* can strengthen it, as well as not listening to it can weaken it.

    The Catholic Bible has two more books dedicated to wisdom, one called “The Book of Wisdom” the other “The Book of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus).

    Realizing that all scripture is God breathed, believing that Jesus of Nazareth is in fact God, I must then realize that all leading and teaching found in the OT concerning our need for and longing for wisdom is taught from the same Spirit.

    So though we now have the Holy Spirit in us and we now have Christ, that self same Christ tells us to seek wisdom…I personaly know of no instruction from God that directs me to no longer seek wisdom, only to use the wisdom I have learned.


  14. foreverblessed says:

    You made a good point Steve,
    it is also very very good to study Proverbs as well,
    But in humility we ask Jesus how and when to put them in practice,
    It is also good to read the Proverbs to children, when they are young, My dad did that when I was young, and they have prevented me from doing many foolish things, by the grace of God that is. He put these scriptures in my mind when appropriate.
    have a blessed day you all who read this in Jesus name, Rie

  15. poohpity says:

    I would like to follow up on what Steve said about Matthew 7:6. It would seem that giving spiritual insight to some can lead to being attacked because they are not able to receive it. It is a caution just as the first few verses in Matthew are to point us to not judging others. It would then seem that sometimes wisdom from above is better left unsaid as to not cause trouble which would destroy peace and unity which James points out to be wisdom from above.

    Once we find the source of wisdom then we really do not need to have people know that we know because it can lead to division. Have you ever given someone advice when they did not ask for it? Wow that can really blow up in your face, I think that may go along the same lines.

  16. pegramsdell says:

    I know what you mean Debbie about giving advice.

  17. Regina says:

    Good Evening All
    Just dropped by to say hello! :-) Hope all is well in your lives. I really miss conversing with you all! I wish there were more hours in a day! Been really busy lately. Will definitely catch up when I have time.

    Was a beautiful day in Texas (mid 70’s).


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