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Jesus and the Fed

Last Wednesday, the front page of our local newspaper declared, “In the Fed we Trust…bailout of insurance giant aims to stabilize quaking global economy.”

Then came the bad news. Behind closed doors, Washington lawmakers got enough of a wake-up call to prompt a rare bi-partisan agreement. All said that without urgent Federal intervention, national and global markets could collapse.

The proposed solution that both Republicans and Democrats will be trying to finalize this week is also beyond our ability to comprehend. For openers, seven hundred billion dollars of tax payer money in a desperate attempt to prop up “the fragile trust” of a national and global economy– with no assurance of outcome. But for now, experts tell us, there is no other choice.

Some authorities say this global financial crisis was caused by unregulated greed…which other authorities say was necessary to fuel economic expansion.

And on the heels of such events, unless we’re struggling with even greater crises, many of us are wondering what this means for us. Suddenly, we’re no longer just thinking about the class struggles and self-protective strategies of national elections.

Yet, in these days of crisis, we might also have a moment of unusual clarity. Some of us may may also find reason to think again about the one who paid far more than 700 billion for our rescue– after saying,

“Don’t store up treasures (i.e. in which you trust) here on earth, where they can be eaten by moths and get rusty, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures (i.e in which you trust) in heaven, where they will never become moth-eaten or rusty and where they will be safe from thieves.”

“Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be…”

“So I tell you, don’t worry about everyday life– whether you have enough food, drink, and clothes. Doesn’t life consist of more than food and clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than they are.”

“Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not.”

“And why worry about your clothes? Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won’t he more surely care for you? You have so little faith!”

“So don’t worry about having enough food or drink or clothing. Why be like the pagans who are so deeply concerned about these things? Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.”

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Jesus

(Matthew 6:19-34 NLT)

PS: Hey, thanks for stopping by. Would love to have you join in the conversation below. No need to agree with what I’ve written. Mutual respect and a shared interest are what matter here. And if you don’t have time to register or comment now, we sure understand. Please just consider giving a quick thumbs up or thumbs down as that will help us know whether this is the kind of post that is apt to bring you back for more… or keep you away…

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33 Responses to “Jesus and the Fed”

  1. Abate says:

    I have nothing to add or subtract but to say that the article is timely and a reminder of the One whom we can trust always – forever!

    In Him

  2. poohpity says:

    I for one am so sick of bull. It would be nice to totally know what is really going on other than what we are allowed to know. Sometimes (like today) my faith is even at odds with what I see even in the church. Greed and dishonesty are running rampant with the American people.

    I am praying for the Lord to touch my heart and restore my faith because sometimes I just do not understand all the bull.

  3. Valkiria says:

    I hear you, poohpity! Is bad enough when we see things outside God’s people…
    We had a chance to buy a bigger house, but we decided to buy one that we could afford to pay, not what the Bank said we could. We try to live within our means, and yet we see so many people trying to “keep up with the Johnson’s”…and then more greedy people, making tons of money out of those bad deals. All I can say is, I wait in God and He’ll reward us.
    Praying for us all in these bad financial moments!

  4. rokdude5 says:

    Most of us could truly be finding ourselves in a “poorer” future. But even then, God got our future covered. Its all about faith in Him to provide us what we need – not what we want.

    Funny, in my youth, I used to read Mad Magazine whose main character’s, Alfred Newman, credo was “What? Me Worry?” Who would of thought that there was an element of biblical truth there?

  5. SFDBWV says:

    In 1999 my son was very seriously injured in an automobile accident. It has left him with little use of the left side of his body. He is in a wheelchair doesn’t remember a great deal of his life. He is in constant pain and is sick nearly every waking moment. Most all his friends have gone away.Also in 1999 my wife of 31 years contracted cancer and died the following year.
    Up until these disasters befell my family, I worked 2 full time jobs and did contracting work on weekends. I worked hard to provide for my family and always thought of myself as a faith filled struggling Christian. I understood all the promises writen in the Bible and believed each and every one.
    No matter how hard though I worked to provide for us it always seemed we could never get ahead. I was never greedy, only wanted to have a home and a car and some of the pleasentries life offered.
    After the matters I explained earlier came crashing down upon us. I had to quit working at a paycheck at all.It was now my full time “job” to attend to my son and wife…No more payday. I had to put my faith to the biggest test of my life.
    It’s been 9 years since and my son and I still live in our own home. We have pleanty to eat and are able to share with others. We have clothes we watch tv as evidenced by this message we have a computer and are able to share the gosple through this vehicle as well. We pay our tithes and always have something left over at the end of the month. I stepped out into these past 9 years not knowing how any of this would be possible. I had no choice I could only give my needs over to God through his Son and my Savior Jesus the Christ. This is where we are and will remain until his comming. Taken care of by him and waiting for him.
    The crumbling financial empire of the world is only the beginning of this worlds woes, but our eyes are fixed on the Lord not the sea of troubles that surround us.
    God bless you RBC for letting us share our light with you.

  6. poohpity says:


    Thank you for sharing!! You are a wonderful man and father!! My hat is off to you!! We have a wonderful provider don’t we???

    Similar circumstances here but it was me who suffered the illness but it was a blessing because I got to stay home to be a mom. We lived on a very small income but my kids were not latch-key kids. They had all their needs met and have grown up to be wonderful, imperfect, young men. LOL. Now my health is way better and in that time I also got my BA and they are on their way and now I want to be on my way. In His strength we can do all things!

    This morning my faith was faltering until I read Isaiah 54:4-8 He gave me this in 1991 because I was experiencing the rejection of my children’s biological donor lol. I was feeling lonely again this morning and He reminded me, Hey girl you got ME and I am all you need.

    Now I like the bare necessities so when I get called to go somewhere I can just go. Like to go help in Galveston so just waiting on the info.

  7. Mart De Haan says:

    SFDBWV, I’m also deeply moved by your story of real wealth… in the middle of problems we wouldn’t wish on an enemy. And poohpity, I just read the Isaiah 54:4-8 text that gave you strength this morning. Wow!

  8. Terry Laudett says:

    I have been listening to “Discover the Word” for about 10 years and have been reading your blog for several weeks. I have not commented before, but I want you to know that I appreciate what you do. You and your co-workers have had a huge impact on me. Thanks for patiently teaching every day!

  9. poohpity says:

    Hey rdrcomp,

    If all else fails we got your back!

  10. nitha says:

    I am Nitha from Indonesia.This is second time I visit this blog.This morning I listened to Deutche Welle radio and it was about financial crisis all across the globe.In Indonesia prices of goods is getting higher and higher and it makes me worry.But now as I read this blog it is a reminder to look beyond all the troubles.Let no worry take control in all aspects of our life and let us do things we can and leave the rest to Jesus. If we live, we live for Jesus and if we die, we die for Jesus.
    Thank you Pak Mart.( Indonesian, the same to Mr.)

  11. plumbape says:

    I would just like to comment on yesterdays quote “nothing is good or bad, it’s thinking that makes it so.” I’ve always considered that “THINKING’ and “BELIEVING” something was the same thing in the quote. Like the example Mart gave about some people THINK some foods are unclean and we THINK it isn”t. Also the differances of opinion on forgiving are what we think or believe is right or wrong. The first time I read the qoute I thought it didn”t make sense but it is a profound statement when I gave it time to sink in. After all, it seems to me anyway, everything we do in life starts with a thought, a decision, thinking about it. I’m a day late and I THINK this blog is wonderful, and so are you brothers and sisters in Christ!
    Thanks Michael

  12. Aries says:

    I believe not by accident I discover this blog. I’m bless with Mart and everyone comment here. Eventough I still have struggle in my financial life. But still in God we trust. :D

  13. Aries says:

    Wow I met Indonesian people too here. :D Hi nitha I’m from Indo too. :D

  14. Your Love Inspires says:

    You mean I have been led astray by the Prosperity Gospel? (just kidding) Poohpity, I come in agreement with you that not much makes sense. A lot of what I here today is anti Christ in it’s message and that includes much of what comes from a “pulpit.” Many of our leaders continue to show themselves as driven by the pursuit of money and power, the truth be damned. I am sick of politicians claiming to come in His name while showing through deed and dishonesty that they are “wolves in sheeps clothing” and they are leading many astray. Here in California I see many bumper stickers that proclaim “God bless America” and I have to ask myself… for what. The lies… the lust for power… the greed… the death, destruction and ruined lives…, supposedly for a “greater good?”

    Just today I met with a Psychologist to begin working through the damage of being sexually molested as a child and post tramatic stress disorder from the many tragic, out of the ordinary, near death experiences I went through. I was told by a friend that I should seek a Christian Psychologist but decided not to, leaving it in God’s hands who I would end up with. We ended up talking a bit about exploitation of damaged souls by people of faith and he shared with me that he has worked with many of “the least of these” who were turned out and put upon by people who called themselves Christians. Sad but true…

    What is the answer? I can continue to pray and read His Word and He will give me the descernment to know what is from Him and what is not, while holding myself accountable to walking in His Spirit, making sure I continue to “take the log out of my own eye” so I can see clearly to duck and dodge the drama (bull) while being a solid witness.

  15. poohpity says:

    Your Love Inspires,

    God bless you for seeking help! I will sure be in prayer for you and your recovery from the abuse you suffered. I have to look at other Christians as I do myself as perfectly IMPERFECT, just like you said. Reading daily and praying I can pretty much guarantee you that your recovery will be better than expected. You already have good insight. God bless you!

  16. BruceC says:

    Since March I have been out of work due to severe arthritis and severe COPD. This after a lifetime of working since my youth. I have applied for disability and have been turned down; so now I am going through appeal. Not easy going from “having” to hardly having. But God has been faithful all the time though I may have not. And none of us are faithful; 100% all the time. We still sin. But God’s grace is greater. I think that there is the possibility that the people of this nation may get stronger through all this by looking toward the Lord. It has gotten here by turning it’s back on God. This crisis will have many searching for answers and we need to pray and prepare our hearts to tell them the “Way”. We need to pray for our land and its leaders. Spent most of my adult life seeing this country spiral downward in the spiritual sense; which is reflected in our culture and what is left of our values. And it breaks my heart. Keep praying my brothers and sisters; for this may only be the beginning of sorrows, so to speak. We need at all times to be ready with the “Answer”. God bless all of you.

  17. Motorcycleminister says:

    Mart, In response to your request…A great “thumbs up”. As for respect…you, your family, and ALL of the RBC family has earned my repect. You are a Gift from God to our world. Your abilty to share God’s Word with Love and Respect to others is awesome. In 1950 I was born Jewish and in 1990 I accepted Yeshua as my Lord and Savior. I now go into prisons with my motorcycle sharing God’s Word and the salvation Jesus has for us all. Your pamphlets are discussed with many of the prisoners I minister to. RBC…Thank you all for providing God’s Word and hope for not only the prisoners but for all of us. As for our Feds, God will provide what we need, and if chaos and destruction is to happen, that is from the greed and lack of following God’s Word and his Commandments. We must all keep our FAITH in God and His Son Jesus and they will provide what we need, not what we want. May God continue to Bless RBC for teaching us and directing us to His Word, from both the Old and New testaments. With God’s Love, Barry

  18. cwilson0209 says:

    Hi Mart,

    Thumbs up – this is an excellent post. I believe we are in the last days and can observe together here the signs of the times. This is a great place to take note of these events and share our thoughts & feelings about them and how our LORD would have us respond with others from all over the world.

    I love this blog and read it at least every other day, though I rarely comment. I imagine that there are a lot of folks like me.

  19. dlarose says:

    On the way to work this morning I listened to the news talking about the financial crisis that you are experiencing in the USA. I am from Canada and it would be very easy for me to be insensitive about what you are all facing. We in Canada see American policy at work globally and just shake our heads.

    In difficult times I think that we all must do some self reflecting. Have we all bought into the “Greed is good” way of life? This is a time for Christians everywhere to do some serious reflecting. Any economy that is based on greed has to be flawed. I don’t think that your government should bail out Wall Street. Maybe it is time to rethink what the politicians tell us. Maybe the American dream needs to be redefined or reinvented.

    The other day I saw six John Deer combines going down the road. Each combine had a flag. Canadian, British, Saskatchewan, and Rough Riders flags flew in the wind. As dads and moms drove the combines children tagged along for the ride. I feel very proud that there are still some places in the world were we have not forgotten our heritage or values. Yes it is time for us to rethink some things. I am reminded of the scripture that says to look for the good ways.

    I hope that our Christian leaders everywhere will point us in the right direction in these unsettling times.

  20. pegramsdell says:

    We must trust in the Lord. That is the only way we will ever have peace. And the one thing I need the most right now is peace. Thank You Jesus!

  21. poohpity says:

    My Name Is I AM

    I was regretting the past,
    and fearing the future.

    Suddenly my Lord was speaking:
    “My name is I Am”.

    He paused.
    I waited.
    He continued,

    “When you live in the past,
    with its mistakes and regrets,
    it is hard. I am not there.
    My name is not I WAS.

    When you live in the future,
    with its problems and fears,
    it is hard. I am not there.
    My name is not I WILL BE.

    When you live in this moment
    it is not hard. I am here.
    My name is I AM.”

    ~ Helen Mallicoat ~

  22. Miss Pearl says:

    Thanks for this timely reminder. As a Christian I thought that I knew and believed Christ’s teaching regarding wealth, the handling of money and that my attitude should be helpful to a hurting world and DIFFERENT from the world. But as events have begun to unfold over the past year and half I have felt angry, helpless and worried. I’m surprised at my own worldliness I guess.

  23. Mart De Haan says:

    poohpity, that HM poem is really good… and thanks to all for adding so much honesty and so many perspectives to this discussion…

  24. rokdude5 says:

    Aries Says:
    September 22nd, 2008 at 8:47 pm I believe not by accident I discover this blog. I’m bless with Mart and everyone comment here. Eventough I still have struggle in my financial life. But still in God we trust.

    uuummm…Aries..I doubt you would find most of us would think that you found this blog “by accident”. You may not have planned to visit this blog at first but my thinking is that the good Lord brought you here for a reason. Rom 8:28

  25. alexdizon says:

    TO Your Love Inspires – I have gone through the same horrors in this life. I shall keep you in prayer. God has delivered me and He will do the same for you.. in His time, for His purpose, through His grace and all because of His love for you. This applies to everyone actually.

    For you and the rest of us, I pray that we keep this truth in our hearts and minds:

    3 You keep him in perfect peace
    whose mind is stayed on you,
    because he trusts in you.
    4 Trust in the Lord forever,
    for the Lord God is an everlasting rock. (Isaiah 26:3-4)

  26. rmg@shentel.net says:

    I don’t believe the taxpayer should bail industries out. If greed and corruption bring a company down, as apparently they have, with the deception and overreaching of the un-understandable derivatives, which I believe to be the real problem, let them crash and course-correct. When our government appoints Wall Street insiders to high office and then they feel it their obligation to use our money to bail their buddies out, that is wrong and I don’t agree that it would be the end of the economic world if the government did nothing. This bail out is probably not going to help, anyway, but we will be horribly more indebted.

  27. GRANT says:

    These are great posts and very moving/motivating. I believe in living within my means, too, only. Graham Greene said that one should see charity as blind just like love. I try to give much to charity, and have some healthy “play”, as Emerson put it, as well, for me and my health’s sake. I also believe what Churchill said once about the courage to go on despite many obstacles, to persist against the odds, and thought of SFDBWV’s wonderfully inspiring message and life. Living proud, against adversity, within our means, giving to ourselves for health and to charity, and ministering unto others are the important goals; too much greed and money-mongering by anyone is contrary to what Christ’s message is to us when he told us what we had to do to be saved.

  28. Yeshua says:

    Hi All! I hope to meet all of you as my sisters and brothers in Christ in eternity. I try to hold on to that we are only in this life for 80 to 90 years maybe, but eternity is forever! I would think to God 80 to 90 years is just a heart beat. As Peter said “one day to God is like one thousand years”, so time is really short.
    To keep our fears away the Holy Spirit is right with us. All of this has to happen before the glorious return of our Christ Jesus the Lord. Revelations and Daniel among a few books in the bible tell us of the coming events. One global economy, one world bank, both bad news, but to me I try to keep it in prospective. The king is coming and God is doing his work. God never sits idly by he is in control and I for one cannot question his sovereignty. I keep my eyes on the prize which is Israel. When Israel is being attacked by all nations then the promise of our Lord is there! Just think Israel is the size of Vermont and about seven countries at this time want to wipe them of the face of the map. So get ready, look up he’s on the way back. We have seen miracle after miracle and prophecy after prophecy fulfilled just in the last 60 to 70 years. The global economy is God’s way of saying ENOUGH! When my faith wanes and fears grip hold of me I focus on what has to be and know that the power and glory of our Lord is in control. My motto is: My new passion is hope; inasmuch as I have faith. My heart goes out to all of you suffering. Let is be so for now as this time as we know it is coming to an end. We will suffer as Christians but please look to other countries (I live in the USA)that carry far more of the burden then we do. VOM (Voice of Martyrs-www.persecution.com) is an Organization that needs our prayers daily. Our sister and brothers are fighting the good fight! I for one could not imagine not being able to read my bible daily or worship our Lord upon being jailed or worst executed because of my faith in Jesus Christ! God Bless you all!

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