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Right Under Our Nose

Photo: Dakota Duff

A segment on NPR today calls attention to a stress reliever and health factor that is right under our nose. In a discussion about the potential effects of breathing on everything from digestion, heart, brain function, and our immune system, “Mladen Golubic, a physician in the Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Integrative Medicine, says that breathing can have a profound impact on our physiology and our health.”

The article caused me to think about parallels in our spiritual life. How much of what we are looking for is there, right under our nose?

Is it even possible (I ask myself) that right under my own nose is a mouth that needs to take a deep breath… and to stop moving long enough to hear what others are saying—and far more importantly– to be still long enough to know… who is God?

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24 Responses to “Right Under Our Nose”

  1. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Right under our nose is the promises of God.
    I don’t even have to pick up the bible anymore, just click on a website and I can read or hear all that God has done and wants to do for me.
    So why don’t I live as if every blessing from God is mine, simple, I have to believe them and except them and then apply them to each defunct and failed area of my life.
    Funny the old joke about what is right in front of you but you can’t see it (Your Nose) seems strangly true. The only time we know it is there is when we smell something.
    Maybe that is why God sometimes allows us get ourselves into a smelly place before we take notice and start to rely on Him and all He has promised us.


  2. bubbles says:

    Has anyone ever read a particular passage or verse that has has been right under your nose many times over the years, and then suddenly really “understood” what it was trying to say, or had a deeper understanding of it? Then, the thought “Why didn’t I ever see that before?” comes to mind.

    Those verses become so real and personal.

  3. SFDBWV says:

    Psalm 46:10..”Be still and know that I am God”

    Have to be still in order to hear that still small voice, 1 Kings 19:12

    I think Mart, you seem to do very well in listening, at least you have created a chorus of people here, world wide, with little inhabaitions to expressing their thoughts..

    Every day when I look in on the blog, I wait for insipation before commenting..Remembering a famous quote,

    “A wise man speaks because he has something to say, a fool because he *has* to say something.”

    I very much like the dog picture Mart. Thinking how often a dog as well as people stick their nose into places it does not belong, and then dealing with the consiquences.

    Remembering the 400 year period where God did not speak to the Jewish people…400 years, kind of makes us feel a tab bit impatient when we don’t get an immediate reply dosen’t it.

    Bubbles you are 100% correct, in that we can read and reread scripture all of our lives, and continue to get more and more meaning from what we had always been reading. Each time gaining a new revelation of God and its being so simple, wondering how we missed it before.

    We didn’t miss it, though right under our noses, we just have to be readied to understand it…a job of the Holy Spirit.

    Only the Holy Spirit can know the perfect alignment or axis of when we are at a point of understanding a truth of scripture, and while reading or meditating on scripture are at a point of being able to accept it, He then is able to open our eyes and heart to the *Truth*.

    All very personal, between you and God.

    Though you may be able to share what you know, others are at a different place with God and so may not yet be able to accept what you have learned.

    The consiquence being we may get mislabeled as arrogant or stupid, by others who have just not learned yet that we all have a personal relationship, with God.

    11 new inches of snow last night, I have been busy plowing all morning and am getting ready to do some more. 17 degrees f and continuing to snow…19.8 inches so far for the month…it has now snowed every day of the month.


  4. poohpity says:

    I was ignorant to the benefits of breathing until I learned how relaxing it is to do deep breathing. I watched myself during stressful situations and found that the breathes I took were short from the upper chest and rapid. Then our physical bodies go into a fight, flight or freeze mode. It took sometime to learn to breathe deep from my middle abdomen which as I took a deep breath in my abdomen would rise and as I pushed it out the abdomen would go in which forces the air all the way out. The blood pressure goes down and I became more relaxed so that I could think instead of react. Although I am no longer ignorant to the importance of deep breathing it is still hard to do when I am in tough situations because I have to focus enough on my abdomen and what it is doing but the benefits are sure a lot better.

    The spiritual application is so important to take time to refocus off the circumstance and unto God who is there right under our noses to do for us what we are unable to do for ourselves. Reacting to any circumstance we face is doing it on our own strength but if we take the time to pull back and give it to God the outcome far exceeds anything we can accomplish.

    There are times when we are in situations that call for an immediate response but because we are no longer ignorant to the Word of God we are filled with His power to make those choices right away. So instead of fight, flight or freeze we can act in line with God’s Word.

  5. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Steve, I know only too well the quotes and proverbs regarding fools and wise men and keeping your mouth shut so seeming wise even if you are not. I loved your quote…. “Every day when I look in on the blog, I wait for insipation before commenting..Remembering a famous quote,

    “A wise man speaks because he has something to say, a fool because he *has* to say something.””.

    That sumed me up today! I saw a blank page on the blog and eager to comment before you, said the first thing that came into my head. Like you, I normaly consider carefuly what to say or say something that is current to me at the time.
    As they say “there is no fool like an old fool”
    Right under our nose! lol


  6. BruceC says:

    I am no stranger to “breathing” and its importance. Because of cigarettes, I now have COPD. If I over-exert myself I can get into trouble and have to reach for my inhaler. I take two other inhalers morning and evening. I am paying the price for my stupidity and stubborness. But I also weary of both believer and unbeliever consantly reminding me of it and having the “fingers” pointing my way.
    When the “phrase “right under your nose” comes to mind I think that as Christians we sometimes go searching to other books and people for answers. Sometimes this is good; but it can also make us fickle and dependent on others for strength and answers to our questions.
    Good in the sense that other more knowledgeable and mature Christians have the responsibilty to help us along and sometimes we need them to explain things we may have difficulty grasping.
    Bad; in that we could get led astray by erroneous doctrine and wind up confused and in despair.
    We should be as the Bereans and search Scripture to see if things are so.
    But His Word is always under our nose and we need to delve into it and pray for guidance of the Holy Spirit.
    Sometimes God places the answers to our prayers right under our nose too; but in our ingnorance and pride we refuse to see it because it doesn’t fit “our guidelines or desires”.
    Then I think of many unbelievers who have the answer to the toughest questions about life right under their nose too. I can’t think of any where or at anyplace in time where the Gospel and the Word of God is so readily available and spoken about as in the free nations of the world. And yet they go on blindly seeking answers in the ways of this world; oblivious to His truth and on a darkened path. May the Lord help us to increase our light.
    Please continue to pray for my wife; tomorrow at 10:30 AM is the time of the procedure. She has a low pain threshhold and so, is apprehensive of the pain. The rest of what could happen isn’t bothering her as she knows she is in the Lord’s care.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  7. xrgarza says:

    Or to be still long enough to listen to what God is trying to tell us.

    Yes it is possible, The Bible tells us to be men of self-control, and I believe that this is an important area that we need to take full responsibility over because it won’t happen by itself.

    Bubbles: All the time!


  8. toria says:

    What Bruce describes as far as going to other books and people for answers really sums me up. I struggle with being able to really see things, even things right under my nose, which is usually where they are. I always want to get someone’s advice or find a book. It is so important that we go to God’s word and seek Him with our whole heart. He really is faithful to reveal to us what we need to know.

    What Mart said in the post really sums it up beautifully: “…to be still long enough to know… who is God?” We can do this through prayer, reading His word and listening to teaching. We can sit at His feet and just wait on Him and meditate on His goodness (Phil 4:8). I love the points Steve made about the Holy Spirit revealing truths to use when we’re ready or at that point when we need that new or deeper dimension of the truth for a particular situation. It really is very personal.

  9. bubbles says:

    Along the lines of ‘being still’:

    Our church has a candlelight service close to Christmas each year. Several years ago, our pastor asked all of the congregation to prepare our hearts and come in quietly to church that night, and to refrain from unnecessary talking/fellowship before the service began.

    The sanctuary was illuminated only by candles in the cold, dark winter evening. The pastor’s sermon was about the shepherds receiving the news of Jesus’ birth from the angels. He commented among other reasons, the shepherds may have been chosen above others because they were out where they were still and quiet and were not caught up in the rush of life. Their hearts and minds were still and ready to hear what God told them.

    The pastor said many times we are so surrounded by noise we miss the blessing of hearing what we need to hear in our hearts. He reminded us that we must practice being still and quiet.

  10. poohpity says:

    Amen bubbles along with stilling our minds to the thoughts that consume them which are so self and action focused most of the time.

  11. scout1 says:

    Mart, is that your dog?

  12. dja says:

    Bruce C: I am praying for your wife. May the Lord comfort her as she goes through this procedure and endures the physical pain. I pray this will go quickly, that the hospital staff will be kind and caring, and that your wife will be strengthened everyday as she is healing from this procedure.

  13. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Like Mart said, right under my nose is my mouth!
    Not to speak does not always mean we are listeneing but, if we must speak, let it be prayer, especially for others.

    BruceC, I am also praying for your wife today, as well as others here who have requested God’s help.


  14. pegramsdell says:

    Bruce C, I am praying that your wife will breeze through the procedure with little or no pain. Thank You Jesus! And that she will heal quickly.

  15. poohpity says:

    BruceC, Your family are in my prayers today. I prayed for the Lord to go before you and make everything safe, secure and comfortable for your wife and worry free for you. God bless you guys as you are going through this. Love Deb

  16. SFDBWV says:

    Given that it is almost 9am I would guess that Bruce and his wife have already gone on to the hospital…I will remember to pray for her at 10:30.

    It is interesting that the Quakers, have a doctrine of silence, as well as that of being peace makers.

    Those two actions often are used together.

    Another 12 inches of snow yesterday, and still snowing today…a nice balmy 11 degrees f. as I type.

    How do you spell *dejavu*


  17. poohpity says:

    It is 7:30 on this side of the country and 50 degrees F and 10 degrees C.

  18. foreverblessed says:

    AS many have commented, to think over before writing. Bubbles asked what verses were right down under our nose:

    I would like to make a long comment about it, I have done this before, but since I am so impressed by the deep truth of them here they are again:

    It is Colossians 2:6-23
    These verses were used in my old Sabbath keeping church.
    That is the 7th day, not the first day.
    Specifically v16-17,this verse was interpreted meaning that no-one should judge you what day to keep, since all christians keep the first day, but that Christ is the Head, and He commanded the 7th right from Genesis, the 10 commandments given to Moses in Ex 20, ans Jesus Himslef kept the Sabbath.
    Up to this point as I was always instructed.

    Till my eyes were opened, not immeditately, but through a deep dark valley..
    These verses mean the direct opposite of what I always heard:
    2:17 Keeping of days were a shadow of things to come:
    And that is Jesus IN us, as Mart wrote about the last few topics: Christ in us, the Hope of Glory, Colossians 1:27
    Colossians 2:16-17
    the reality however is found in Christ

    Isn’t that a big Thruth?
    How could I have been so blind as not to see it.
    I was blind but now I see.
    If Jesus lives in us, we are at the heart where GOd wants us to be.
    No material thing of this world, keeping of days, eating of cerati foods add anything to it. These are called: basic priciples of this world. Col 2:20 NIV
    They are harsh, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgerance v23
    Since only through the circumcision of our hearts , done by Christ v10-12 can we restrain our old nature, far better: even kill it.

    Well that was kind of like a sermon.
    (I am praying for Bruce and his wife, if the time difference is 6 hours they are gettig ready now.)

  19. InHisHands says:

    I have been and am still praying for your wife and you, as well as those other requests that have been asked. My prayers include all my BTA family.

    Hmm “DEJAVU” isn’t it spelled SNOW, lol – praying for your safe care during this cold, slippery season. Though I miss it at times, I am glad for my desert with maybe a day or two of snow, then just chilly weather.

    Sometimes I think that the things we miss “under our noses” is opportunity – Life keeps us so busy that sometimes God places someone in our path or a situation in our life to get glory and honor from and we are looking straight ahead at “LIFE” and miss the opportunity. Don’t know if that makes sense, but watching my son through this time of legal frustrations – I can see (from looking in) how God has been trying to get his attention, and have Josh see HIM more clearly, and my son can only see the circumstances. Then I have to take a knee and ask forgiveness for my missed opportunities – and to have my eyes opened to see ‘under my nose’ what He wants me to see.

    Blessings to you all today!!

  20. BruceC says:

    Update on my wife. They didn’t do the procedure. The specialist believes that the growth is attached to the bone in her upper hip and has grown. They scheduled an ultrasound; and possible biopsy and MRI for Saturady.
    My wife and are upset to say the least because all this should have been done before. She showed her doctor the lump on Oct 21st. Now she is more nervous than before. Our “local” hospital has turned into a lagre octupus; opening clinics in five counties and buying up smaller hospitals. The “home” base is like a production line and the bottom line has become more important than patients. Many, many folks in our area are disguted. They have grown too fast and cannot handle the workload. They just took over the only other hospital in our county 15 miles to the south so the only other option is a 1 1/2 hr drive to a metro area for care.
    Please continue to hold us up in prayer and I will update after Saturday. God Bless!!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  21. bubbles says:

    Thanks for sharing. I’m so sorry about these circumstances. Please let your wife know many here are praying for both of you.

  22. dja says:

    BruceC, I am so sorry for this, but I know that you know that there is a reason for everything. If your wife was to have had this procedure today, it would be. Nonetheless, she has been waiting for a long time. My husband’s surgery was cancelled right before we were leaving(following a full day and night of prep). It was a blessing because the robotic arm broke, and we were so thankful it didn’t break during his surgery. He then had surgery the following week, but it was upsetting. Please know, with other BTA brothers and sisters, I am praying for your wife and for you. May the Lord give you peace within and wisdom for direction. If the 1 1/2 hour drive would mean better care, perhaps it may be the answer. I’m sure, as you call on the Lord (Proverbs 3:5&6) He will direct you.

    InHisHands; I am still praying for Josh and his legal problems. My son is still facing a court date on the 20th. Although the serious charges (all charges are serious to me)were dropped, there is a misdemeanor that he must appear for. As with you for Josh, we continue to pray that he will see that the answer to all of this is at the foot of the cross. He, too, doesn’t want to talk about the Lord, but we continue to pray and wait on the One Who changes hearts.

    We have only had light snow in the past couple of days. Steve, you certainly have had much snow already-I’m hoping it’s not heading towards NEPA. They are talking about a Northeastener coming up on Sunday. Maybe it will change its course:-) -NOT a snow person!

  23. SFDBWV says:

    Life is a very odd adventure. Most every one of us can look backward over our lives and see the error of our ways…

    Yet as we become more aware of God and of Christ’s influence on our minds and hearts, we are able to see the hand of God directing even the little events of our lives.

    Instead of errors sometimes it was God closing one door, for one He wanted us to go through.

    I know from many bruises and wounds, that God has placed me where I am for the purpose of what I am doing.

    The frightening thing is knowing that the future can be another doorway of pain and unhappiness, even knowing that God is there with me every step, and in fact has placed me there.

    Psalm 31 speaks to the fears and troubles David had, yet I love the last verse…:24 “Be of good courage, and He shall strenghen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.”

    Jesus even quotes the 31st Psalm by saying “Father, into thine hands I commend my spirit”

    My thoughts always go back to the early Christian’s and their horrible persecusion and executions for the amusement of the Roman crowds.

    What thoughts went through their minds as they were killed by lions or burned alive, worse having to watch as those they loved were given the same cruel end.

    I will always believe they too said “Into thy hands I commit my Spirit”

    Right under our nose, is God, and He is in control…Trust in that.


  24. SFDBWV says:

    When Matt was in intensive care at the University Hospital in Morgantown WV, a *physiologist* who also was a patient there, came down from her room to visit us.

    She told us not to believe anything that these doctors tell us, because they do not know *who* the *healer* is…

    Our adventure in that arena, was horrible and sufficating…The medical experts put all their beliefs and trust in the science they knew and their text books.

    They did not comprehend the ability of the human spirit, nor did they even believe in the Holy Spirit…So how could they understand that when the human spirit is combined with the Holy Spirit…Miracles happen.

    And they do happen.

    Right under our noses, every where around us is lifes miracles. Take time to appreciate them, and to give thanks for them…You will feel better.

    Another 7 inches of snow yesterday, that makes nearly 40 inches of snow for December….Just for the record, I did remember Pearl Harbor yesterday.


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