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Family Business

Photo by: Chili68

In our last post we looked at some dialogue about a stranger who comes into a store and talks to the manager about being there to do family business. The words had meaning only if we supplied the story behind it.

Of all the possible scenarios, two options were that the stranger was either the son of the store’s owner, or the son of a god-father of a criminal gang. Picking one of those two would have suggested the nature of the stranger’s business.

Some of you immediately saw the Father-Son parallel that we had talked about in an earlier conversation.

In this ultimate relationship, the Son’s first recorded words (at the age of 12) were that he had to be about his Father’s business (Luke 2:49).

Later we learn that this Son was so committed to doing his Father’s business that he said, “I do nothing without consulting the Father. I judge as I am told. And my judgment is absolutely just, because it is according to the will of God who sent me; it is not merely my own (John 5:30).

His words had echoes  of the ancient principle that says wise people acknowledge the Lord in all of their ways with the confidence that the Lord is able to “make the path straight” before those who trust him (Prov 3:5-7). Another way of saying that is that if our heart is set on doing “the Father’s business” then the Father will lead us (put our path in front of us) in ways we don’t even understand.

Just yesterday, my co-workers and I were reminded in a staff chapel of another story from the 9th chapter of Joshua. In this incident, the children of Israel were deceived by the lies of a masquerading delegation from Gibeon when the Jewish leaders acted on their own judgment, without asking the Lord for counsel (Joshua 9:1-14).

Knowing and being about the family/Father’s business is such a big part of the story that gives meaning to all of the words of the Bible.

Raises questions in my mind of whether I really know that business, and how focused I am right now…

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30 Responses to “Family Business”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Mart, for most of us who have been or are working class people our work life has been about earning a living and for most the care of our families.

    Life like the scriptures is layered with purpose that is both immediate and far reaching.

    In expecting God to provide for our needs, while we are able He provides work for us to do in order to provide the means for those needs.

    It is a combination of our obedience and His provision that enables the matter to be accomplished.

    In part we are about “our Fathers business” by living the life He has set before us. Whether it is coal miner, truck driver, store clerk or cleric.

    Everyone can’t be a Pastor as it is a special calling, but we can all be evangelists by telling all we meet about the Lord, we can all be preachers by using whatever opportunity to tell others about the story of our Lord.

    In doing so, we are always about the business of doing the will of God, in fact God will bring others to our door just for that purpose, usually just when that person needs to hear the gospel and is ready to receive it.

    The great problem for us Lay people is that we always want to do more, and think we are ready to. Impatient we often stumble because we are out there without approval from our Lord, like most young people we think we know more than we do and believe we are ready for more than we are.

    We must let God have full control and learn to be happy in what ever part of the story or business He wants for us to be.

    Each one of us makes the whole and Jesus is the head of the body , His body going about His Fathers business.


  2. Mart De Haan says:

    I appreciate so much what you are saying and regret that anyone might think that I’m talking in what we usually think of as “ministry” terms.

    I’m convinced that “doing the Father’s business” is not primarily about talking, writing, or singing about our Lord… or about our faith.

  3. SFDBWV says:

    I agree fully Mart, all of us can smile and say thank you or please, all of us can open a door for someone or stop by to see an old friend. We can all not steal from our employer and do the best at whatever job we do. We can be faithful to our promises and pay all we owe, even forgiving someone sometimes who can’t pay us. We can stay faithful to the spouse of our youth and not lust after the flashy good looks of disaster.

    We can live and live a life that Jesus Himself was cut off from living; we can enjoy a meal with thanksgiving amongst family or friends. We can build and not tear down, we can learn as well as teach, we can hold our tongue and not fuel anger.

    We can show love in word and action and certainly be about our Fathers business.

    Thank you Mart, you are equally appreciated by me and my household.


  4. scout1 says:


    I guess my response on your last post was off the mark; I didn’t understand what you were trying to talk about Mart, sorry. I’m pretty simple of mind. I think that our Father’s business is having a testimony that we should and following the Lord’s plan for our life. His business is accomplished when we obey, (maybe not understand). Even if that plan is to do one thing He asks of you -your whole life. I love the Bible stories -those folks did a lot of plain living in between the times that God had them actively doing something.

  5. Mart De Haan says:

    Scout1, That’s so important for us to see!

    As Steve also indicated earlier, so many of us feel guilty for not being more involved in “the Lord’s work”… Yet the Apostle Paul writes to the Thessalonians, encouraging them to grow in the love of Christ (that you increase more and more); and “that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands… that you may walk properly toward those who are outside, and that you may lack nothing” (1Thess 4:9-12).

  6. oneg2dblu says:

    Good Morning Family… We all want to do more, and for those of us whom God chooses to do more… we must rely on His Strength, His Spirit, His Provision. It is an awesome thing to be called by a Holy God, “Come to me all you who are heavy laiden, and I will give you My Rest.” So, we must always rest in Him, Christ Jesus, as being the foundation of all we are about.
    Mother Teresa, knew her calling well when she said, “I know God will not give me anything I cannot handle. I just wish He didn’t trust me so much!”
    She knew her calling, and it took much, but gave much more, because it “Gave back to God” all that He asked of her!
    This is the ideal… That we should surrender all, to the one who Provides all we will ever have!
    God Provides! Gary

  7. poohpity says:

    Just like the story yesterday we are given certain facts and we could either run with what we had been given our develop our own scenarios and assumptions. I think that we often do that with the bible too. Jesus showed us what His father’s business was before He left and then gave us the Holy Spirit to accomplish it. Never left alone to try and figure it all out but simple instructions where our heart, mind and soul need to be focused. Often as others have said taking on jobs that are not ours to do just what he has laid before us for just today to do.

  8. dja says:

    poohpity: I am so thankful for what you have just written. The Lord used your short paragraph above to help me see something that I have been struggling with today. Your reminder of what has been said ” Often as others have said taking on jobs that are not ours to do just what he has laid before us for just today to do.” was just what I needed to hear. After praying once again, this time with different eyes, I am no longer churned up. Thank you for taking the time to write and to be used by the Lord to encourage me.


  9. poohpity says:

    Della we can praise God together for speaking to us today.

  10. SFDBWV says:

    Want to share more thoughts with you all; Jesus gave us a commission to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28: 19-20) teaching them to observe all things He had commanded of us.

    Reassuring us that He is with us always unto the end of the world so that we would not feel that we were on our own.

    Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of every word of scripture, and is in fact God Himself. He demonstrated that He represented the very nature of God the Father and even said so.

    If we surrender to His will for our lives, we no longer have control of where things are going to take us, especially if we ask God to use us for His purposes.

    It is written that it is a terrible thing to be in the hand of God. So if we willfully place ourselves there be prepared for where He will take you. It is never that place you imagined for yourself, nor for your benefit, but rather the benefit of others.

    All the characters of scripture have a story of which we can read only a small part of their lives. It is in that small part of their lives that God’s work was specifically accomplished, yet they lived much longer lives and I am sure had many more misadventures. All within the confines of living the life God had set before them so that when their moment came they would be in the right place doing the right ting ready to be used of God.

    The business of God is the will of God.

    If we are to be about His business then we are to be in alignment with His will…..Not ours.

    Today is a day the Lord has made be glad in it, don’t complain but rejoice and as that old adage states “grow where you are planted”.


  11. davids says:

    The Lord gave us the Great Commission, but that doesn’t mean that we all need to run off to evangelize the nations.

    There are many ways to go about the Father’s business. Paul does not tell his readers “Go Forth!”. In fact he makes a point that each person has gifts given by God to serve in different ways.

    So I don’t think we should beat ourselves up if we are not great evangelizers. It takes the confidence and determination of a sales person.

    I give thanks for all those that go about the Father’s business: those that teach Sunday School, that sing in the choir, that read/speak in the service, that give to missions, that write blogs, and that build up His Holy Church.

    He is able to multiply all of our meager efforts, our loaves and fish, into a church that continues to grow after 2000 years. Halleluja!

  12. bubbles says:

    Mart, Thank you, thank you, for what you wrote at 8:37 a.m. this morning. It was encouraging.

  13. foreverblessed says:

    Doing our Fathers business,
    I was very encouraged by the words Jesus had for two older ladies in England, a century ago. You can find it in a very popular devotional: God calling by two listeners.
    God wants them to come to trust Him fully. THat their hearts and m ind are at rest in Him. When there is distress, or worries, fear, He wants them to stop anything they do and look for Him, until their heart and mind are at peace with Him again. Why is that? because God’s Spirit cannot work with an unsettled mind, such a mind cannot hear Him.

    the message of april 2 is very encouraging:
    “Study My words and carry them out unflinchingly, unflinching. As you do this, you will find that you are miracle-workers, workers together with Me — for Me. Remember this, not what you do, but what you are — that is the miracle-working power.

    Changed by My Spirit, shedding one garment of Spirit for a better; in time throwing that aside for a yet finer one, and so on from character to character, gradually transformed into My likeness.

    Joy, Joy, Joy.”

    “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth
    them, he it is that loveth me.” John 14:21

    ( Bob, I also noticed that almost every day they are encouraged to be joyful, to love and to laugh.)

  14. oneg2dblu says:

    foeeverblessed… great word on the unsettled mind, and John 14:21.
    Another thought that occured to me, is even when we are in our “most unsettled moment,” in Our Valley of Despair, the Miracle of the Spirit is, the He can be found, and when found, He is Willing!
    Call upon the Lord, regardless, of the State of your Mind, For He will never leave you or forsake you,
    He is an ever present help in times of trouble!
    Be Blessed!

  15. oneg2dblu says:

    The Joy of the Lord is most bright in our darkest moments, and does not depend on our emotional state, or our house being in order, in order to find His Joy!
    Faith is after all, seing something that is not in veiw, and tasting what is not on the table before us, but believing we have it already, and rejoicing in that which we have! Come Jesus!

  16. poohpity says:

    I guess to me the family business can be summed up by and makes sense of the whole bible by; “37 Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” Matt 22 If we have these down we will know God’s love,who loved us first, and then treat others with the same love and respect as we want.

  17. poohpity says:

    I was also thinking that Jesus modeled for us complete dependence on the Father by modeling communication, healing, thanksgiving, worship, servant hood, listening, compassion, mercy and focusing on God’s will. When he judged as he did in the temple it was right for Him to do because of who he is and He could see their hearts and knew their motives.

  18. saled says:

    My Father is in the redemption business, and the reconciliation business. His Son accomplished this on the cross, and yet the mystery is that God has allowed us to somehow have a part in it. I believe this is the nature of our Father’s business, but I often wonder if I have yet had part in it. I hope that some of this is in the common actions of life that Steve mentioned. I take comfort in these verses from Proverbs 3:5-7 that Mart shared, especially verse 6. “In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path.”

    I think Pooh is right about it all boiling down to love. I have something almost as sweet boiling down in my kitchen this morning: maple syrup. I unexpectedly have the day off from work: snow day. We are getting yet another northeaster here in Maine, with up to 14 inches predicted.

  19. RobertC says:

    So, let me get this straight. You’re saying that the headship of the husband in the home, and the leadership of men in the church aren’t exactly a divinely ordained plan. They’re a reflection of a patriarchal culture in New Testament times. Paul was simply saying to his readers that since that’s how things are, they should make the best of it they could. RBC has certainly drifted away from the biblical clarity of former years. Your teaching is beginning to sound more and more like the vagaries of the emergent church, tossed to and fro by every wind of culture!

  20. poohpity says:

    saled, it is funny that you mentioned, “I hope that some of this is in the common actions of life” to find the Father’s business. I was reading about Gideon this morning. While he was about doing his everyday tasks threshing wheat (making maple syrup) but he was also hiding from the Midianites in the bottom of the grape press that is when God called him to do something. God uses everyday people doing every tasks, people with limitations, weakness and failures to accomplish His will.
    That story is in Judges 6&7.

  21. poohpity says:

    Wow, RobertC, where did that come from?

  22. poohpity says:

    Left field perhaps?

  23. tandgmartin says:

    Great topic, Mart. A very uplifting discussion. Thanks all.

  24. bratimus says:

    I’m going to have defend RobertC here a little not about the husband as the headship, that was established in Genesis.

    Culture does have an effect on the Church, I find no mention of the Pastor in The New Testament. We hear of the Deacons, elders and the elect this are groups of people within the body of believers in different town. I don’t read putting one person as head over a group of believers as a pastor. Somemight call Pastoring as a career choice over being call to go out and preach. Culture has had a big effect on the church. Is todays church really what God wanted. I’m sure ill read how I’m wrong, I’m not looking for my own preeminece, but how people look at Christians through the church man has made.

  25. poohpity says:

    bratimus, have you read any article on RBC that denied the headship of the male in a marriage? I bet not because all the discussions about this have pointed to the misinterpretation and abuse of that role in the home. The male leadership in the church as spoke of in Timothy and Titus were directions to a matriarchal society yet in Romans there are several mentions of deaconesses in the newly founded Christian home gatherings or church who were leaders. I have to explain why I said what I said because we were talking about being about the family business and then judgment and criticism about the bible soundness of RBC ministries. I was feeling confused about how that applied. I probably should have not replied at all but I have read all those articles and did not find anything they contained as being anything other than what is written in the bible. I have a bad habit of defending things I enjoy and respect.

  26. poohpity says:

    I probably should have just said, “Duck, iiiiinnn coming”!! LOL

  27. bratimus says:

    No haven’t read the article of Headship of marriage. I try to stick to the Bible and what the Bible says in the way of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. I think marriage has been effected by cuture or society as much as the church has. And it is all failing in the Hands of man, and there is a lot of work to do to get so many back on track before the end. AS many will be saved as come to Him!

  28. bratimus says:

    i did also say how i would be told i was wrong by someone. I give up, you all can have this playing Field whether it be LEFT FIELD right field first base or the catcher. If i wanted to be sciolded i would go talk to my mother

  29. poohpity says:

    brat, I did not tell you that you were wrong. I enjoy reading all your responses. I will not tell anyone they are wrong it is usually just attitudes I get involved in which is not my business really. When you read things I write think of it coming from a jovial person who likes to talk with others because I enjoy people. Not a mother figure but a friend who cares about you not to say that your mom doesn’t care about you. :-)

  30. poohpity says:

    You are so right about all those things falling into the hands of man but I feel the worse is our attitudes towards each other in the body when it would be nice if we built others up rather than tearing them down.

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