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US and Israel

Over the weekend, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has once again been in Tel Aviv in an effort to help broker a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians.

As a global economy feels the pressure of rising oil prices, The Middle East Quartet, made up of the United Nations, the European Union, Russia and the United States, is urging both sides to comply with the terms of The Road Map to Peace.

Meanwhile a humanitarian crisis is growing in Gaza even as Hamas militants continue to launch rockets into Jewish communities. The terrible human price of suffering in both Jewish and Palestinian homes is immeasurable and growing.

In previous posts, I expressed my convictions that followers of Christ need to rise above national and political alignments to show concern for both Jewish and Arab communities. I want to be counted with those who believe that biblical predictions of the eventual outcome should never be an excuse to ignore the urgent need for a just peace, humanitarian relief, and spiritual answers.

At the same time, it seems important not to forget the obvious:

Whether loved or hated, Israel is a magnet. She attracts immigrants, journalists, and statesmen from all corners of the earth. Jewish, Christian, and Muslim visitors stream through Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion airport to see a few acres of land tied in a tangible way to their deepest thoughts and beliefs.

Israel’s existence is an international object lesson. Her 4,000-year history has given the world a physical statement about the nature of God. The events of her birth, growth, demise, dispersion, and regathering are a living record to One who can predict the future and explain the past.

Israel’s land is a stage. At its longest and widest points, it is a 260- by 60-mile platform on which the most important drama of history has played before a watching world. Her story is a romance of inexpressible affection, and a tragedy of immeasurable pain.

Her location is strategic. Positioned on a historic landbridge and trade route to Africa, Asia, and Europe, Israel of the past sat at the crossroads of the world. As the curtain of history has risen and fallen on the Jewish people, all the world has been compelled to watch Israel to protect their own interests.

Modern Israel is a museum of history, a vast archeological dig whose treasures bear tribute to the record of the Bible. She is a backdrop to the people and events of the Scriptures.

Israel is an enigma. While being called to be a “holy” nation, separated from the world to give honor to God, she is said by the same book to have sunk lower than Sodom and Gomorrah. She is a “holy land” that makes no one holy.

Israel is a timepiece. The calendars of the world are set by the events of her past. The tick of every clock moves us closer to the any-moment return of her Messiah.

Israel is an obsession. The world cannot ignore her. God has tied her to the hopes and fears of the world, and to the day set for all of us to give account of ourselves to our God.

Even as followers of Christ wait for his return, the Scriptures are clear when Paul writes to the Romans,

“I want you to understand this mystery, dear brothers and sisters, so that you will not feel proud about yourselves. Some of the people of Israel have hard hearts, but this will last only until the full number of Gentiles comes to Christ. And so all Israel will be saved. As the Scriptures say, “The one who rescues will come from Jerusalem, and he will turn Israel away from ungodliness. And this is my covenant with them, that I will take away their sins” (Rom 11:25-27).

So let me ask you, if Israel is one of God’s many ways of calling a runaway world to himself– what are you thinking? If you disagree with anything I’ve said or implied, please leave a note. The whole idea here is not just for me to sound off, but for you to respond :-).

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10 Responses to “US and Israel”

  1. dep7547 says:

    I am thinking wow! This issue goes hand-in-hand with today’s “Our Daily Bread” message on Ascension–especially the idea given in Acts 1:7 and 8, where Jesus tells his disciples, “It is not for you to know the times or dates the father has set by his own authority. But you will receieve power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” When I became saved 22 years ago, this was my single greatest passion.

    However, at the time, I was single and I wrestled with God over the idea that I did not wish to depart this life without having a family of my own. I wrestled also with my own “thorn in the flesh” and prayed that God might grant me as many “saved” years as I had lived “damned” years prior to my salvation. In time. the desire of my heart was granted me and I have learned over the course of time what Paul meant about being better able to serve the lord as a single person than one who is absorbed with the happiness of another.

    Please do not take that wrongly–I love everything that the lord has given me; however, I have seen how unworthy I am to be so richly blessed. I mean, I am not monetarily speaking, wealthy, but with a wonderful wife and five beautiful children, I consider myself to be among the wealthiest. For years, I was dedicated to raising them rightly and praying faithfully for them as well as for the security of Israel, yet, as the children get older, it seems that I spend more time trying to resolve issues than praying about them.

    I write this with an awareness that time grows shorter every day. As a child, I remember a classmate once telling us that his grandmother said that the world would end in 2017. For some reason, this year has always stuck out in my mind. My middle daughter is hung up on the idea that is circulating about the world ending in 2012. I have come to believe that if it was possible to know the date, that more harm than good would come out of it, but how do we pray for Israel’s peace when we know that it will bring tribulation?

  2. poohpity says:

    I feel blessed that we are able to see repeated fulfillment of the prophesies of scripture through Israel and all that is happening. It seems as if it is just another way God has of revealing Himself to us. It makes reading the Bible come alive.

    dep you get to experience how God feels about loving His bride and dealing with us as His children with all our issues. Heehee He must really get perplexed with some of the choices we make like David when he decided to get involved with Bathsheba. I know when I look back on my life I really have a hard time realizing that He knew what I was going to do ahead of time, presently and in the future and still went to the cross.

    I believe he gave us marriage and children so we could have another clue into His character. I have been a single mom and I always battle with the desire to get married yet I know while I am single I can serve Him better. It seems that we want something other than what we have or where we are most of the time.

    He gave Moses the prophesy of Israel wanting a king when they had God as their leader and asked them to destroy the current inhabitants of the promised land. Whoops!!! Now they struggle with all the things God said would happen. Remember the show “Father knows best” well I guess he does. There has to be a bit of humor in this somewhere or it is very very sad. This is just another reason why reading the bible is so important to know we all fall down and He picks us up and brushes us off and sends us on the way again. Who could ever doubt how much He loves us.

  3. dep7547 says:

    Poohpity, thanks for the outlook on the whole marriage/family issue! I hope I did not make it sound bad–I believe that I have seen a couple of your posts in which you have mentioned your struggle with wanting to marry. I think you are right in stating that God gave us this great institution in order to get glimpses of his character. The struggle for me is in realizing that it is not just a matter of me praying and God leading–quite often, not always, he provides direction through my wife or one of our children.

    I am certain that you, being a single mother, have had similar circumstances with your child or children. If we admit it, we have a tendency (pride if you will) to think that we should have all of the answers and when we get directions from someone else we feel ashamed that we were not “good enough” to figure things out for ourselves. Imagine how God feels when he listens to all of his children all of the time! The apostle, Paul said that all creation “groans in eager expectation of the revelation of the children of God.”

    Not only that, but it was also prophesied that the saints who have gone on before us petition the lord as to how much longer until he redeems his creation. I know that it is a struggle to listen to two children who want to be heard at the same time–and we think we have problems! However, my original intention in my first post was to try to understand how we can put aside our human ideals and pray for the peace of a nation that deserves it as well as any other nation when we know that it will bring unrest to the entire world?

  4. charlie64 says:

    Although it is true that the Bible tells us what the outcome will be with Israel when the Lord returns and gathers His elect,we still need to be viligent and pray for everyone.I cannot begin to understand the politicts of those people and I would imainage that they would have a difficult time understanding our politics!!!!!!!!!! I know I can’t understand the politics of our government and I want no part of the politics that invade some of our churches!!!!!!!

  5. poohpity says:

    I guess the way to pray is for the Lord’s will to be done. He said one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is LORD.

  6. daisymarygoldr says:

    It is indeed very clear that the regathering of Israel (land and people) is crucial to the second coming of Jesus Christ. Israel’s initial rejection of the Messiah is being used by God to save the gentiles and likewise the salvation of the gentiles will eventually lead to the restoration of Israel. The 12 tribes of Israel will be represented among the multitude of white robed people from every nation, tribe, people and language (Rev 7). However, it must be noted that Jew (Deut. 7:7-8) or Gentile (Titus 3:5)- both are equal recipients of God’s undeserved love and grace. This is God’s wonderful plan of mankind’s redemption that is not based on works lest any one should boast (Ephesians 2:8). In the end, God will put us ALL together as His one big family when the ransomed ‘elect’ comprising of Israel and every other nation will descend from heaven as the ‘New Jerusalem’ (Rev 21)!

  7. Hephzibah610 says:

    Israel- When I look at Israel I see us. Israel is like a snapshot of the world. Her stubbornness, her faithlessness, her waywardness….it is us. But what’s more is I see the LORD being faithful to her, when she is not faithful. What a beautiful picture of so great a love! This is how He feels toward us all. We are unfaithful…yet He is faithful, we seek out idols and walk in foolish sinful ways, yet He pursues us and tries to win us. What great love this GOD has for us all. That while we were yet sinners…Christ died for us!!! Amazing love…Awesome GOD!!!

    Yes, I agree with much of what you have said! God has made Israel the center of the world…He has drawn our eyes to her…and we wait and watch as she prophetically shows us where we stand in history.

    May we pray for her peace–the Peace of Jerusalem= Messiah Yeshua!

  8. igetbored says:

    Let’s make one thing clear. Any church, pastor, or anyone in general who teaches hate towards Israel or that the church has taken Israel’s spot in God’s heart is truley wrong and will be judged for it by God. Israel is to be prayed for respected and loved for who they are. God made a covenant with Israel and it’s people long ago and unlike humans God does not break is word. Get it right people and take these words seriously for every knee shall bow and every toung will confess.

  9. Mart De Haan says:

    igetbored, I’m convinced that being honest about Israel in her current state of unbelief can be one of the most loving things we could do. In ancient Israel the false prophets were the ones who encouraged her to go into battle with the assumption that God would protect his people even in their rebellion and unbelief.

  10. LisaG says:

    This is quite a passionate subject and requires a great amount of loving prayer for the peace of Jerusalem…yet we should always remember that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world. We will be known as his disciples by our love one for another.

    Love, Agape Style

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