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and… What’s Wrong With This Picture?

I want to show you a picture that may look normal to you, but not to me.

You might tell me it’s nothing more than area of cattails, a common sight along the shoreline of many ponds and lakes.

Maybe that’s what you would say. But when I took this picture the other day, I felt like I was in a twi-light zone that didn’t allow me to explain what I was seeing.

Here’s the problem. My son and I have kayaked this lake more than once a week for the last two summers. We did so last fall until the weather turned too cold. We put our kayaks in and out of the water at this launch site. Even though this is Reeds Lake, never did we see one cattail growing  at this spot.

Now, there was not only a huge area of cattails, but red winged blackbirds staking out nesting territory, and small trees growing among the cattails in an area that had nothing but seaweed last fall.

Even more strangely, we had walked onto a frozen lake only a few weeks ago, from this very shoreline, and never saw anything but snow covered ice. No cattails.

Click on Pictures to Enlarge

Feeling a bit like a couple of Rip Van Winkles waking up after a very long nap, we just kept looking at each other and laughing. I took these pictures to prove we weren’t hallucinating.

After a few minutes of not knowing what to think, we walked over to a couple of fishermen and asked them if they were familiar with the lake. They looked at us kind of funny and said, “Yes, why?” When we told them, they started laughing too. Knowing how strange it looked, they explained that during a windstorm a couple of days earlier this whole area of bog and cattails had broken off from the opposite shoreline, and drifted to this corner of the lake.

It was a reasonable explanation that I don’t think I could have guessed.

After having a day to think about it, am thinking something similar happened along the shoreline of Galilee 2000 years ago. Am wondering whether a group of fishermen from Bethsaida, a possessed woman of Magdala , and a tax collector from Capernaum didn’t seem just as unexplainable to the neighbors who had known them… before meeting Jesus.

The New Testament record of Acts describes how amazed people were by what they were seeing in the disciples of Jesus after the wind of the Day of Pentecost(Acts 2:2). So, Luke writes, “When they (Jewish leaders) saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13).

Shows backhoed bog that drifted with the cattails

In some ways, the answer was the same. The wind had blown.

Isn’t this what the New Testament describes? People changed not by their own effort, but by the breath and Spirit of God?

So am asking myself again this morning a question the Apostle Paul wrote to followers of Christ in Galatia (years after his own dramatic change): MD, I ask,  “Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect (spiritually complete and mature) by the flesh? (Gal 3:3).

Seems to me  that this is a question, and an answer, worth thinking about, together– again today.

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58 Responses to “and… What’s Wrong With This Picture?”

  1. plumbape says:

    It seems you have a wonderful way of looking at things.

    Where would we be without it

  2. bratimus says:

    The first thing that came to my mind as i was reading along before reading the cause of the wind blowing. Jesus parable of the “Wheat and the Thistles” came to mind

  3. scout1 says:

    Mart -I love the thoughts today! It’s like an area that was dead now comes to life by what was blown in and planted -took root and now is noticed by you and your camera! Interesting thoughts! :)

    There are a folks on my prayer list that are needing that –“changed not by their own effort, but by their willingness to be changed by the breath and Spirit of God!” Has that principle changed? No! And I hope that I am one of them that God is still changing -especially no by my own effort OR interferrence! ;)

  4. foreverblessed says:

    The wind, being the Holy Spirit blowing through our lives!
    I think that when we loop up to Jesus, then we inhale His AIr.
    The more we look up tne more we inhale and can breath out.

    In Galatians Paul is warning the christians: going back to to law as our guidance in life is trying to capsulate His Wind in a can.
    The law does not give us Love, and Peace, Joy. Use the law for what it was meant: to define what sin is. Then look up to Jesus and ask Him for His life,
    the Wind of love, peace joy, patience, and let it blow through your life.

    It took me several years to get this picture, and to let go of the law as my guidance in life: Jesus is my guidance, if I lay down my old life, my old self, and follow Him, I do not need to worry that I will break the law.

  5. florida7sun says:

    Mart, beautiful column today. There are times when saying more is saying less, so I will keep it brief. I think of how the Spirit guides our steps in sharing the Gospel throughout the world. Each one of us is like that bog moved from place to place. He rejoices to let His Word and His Church provide a nesting place for those who hunger for righteousness. The wonder of it all! How glorious it is to be one with His Spirit…to surrender to His Will and to be pliable in His Hands. He desires all to receive and take shelter in His gift of salvation.

  6. SFDBWV says:

    So many thoughts come to mind with Mart’s story and question.

    Remember the song “The Rose”? This song is a rare combination of poetry and music that is perfect together, everyone who sings it does a good job, but I liked Bette Midler’s rendition the best.

    “ Some say love, it is like a river that drowns the tender reeds.
    Some say love, it is a razor that leads your soul to bleed.
    Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need.
    Some say love, it is a flower and you its only seed.
    It’s the heart, afraid of breaking that never learns to dance.
    It’s the dream, afraid of waking that never takes the chance.
    It’s the one who won’t be taken, who cannot seem to give.
    And a soul, afraid of dying that never learns to live.
    When the night has been too lonely and the road becomes too long
    And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong,
    Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snow lies
    The seed that with the suns love in the spring becomes the rose.”


  7. tallmark says:

    May take time today to smell the flowers as you are blown about by the winds of change.

  8. tallmark says:

    May YOU take time today to smell the flowers as you are blown about by the winds of change.
    Gray skies and the threat of snow in the forecast for Saturday here on the west end of the U.P. of Michigan. That’s OK though, the snow will melt and raise the rivers and that means whitewater season is a little longer and there will be more kayak time on the river.

  9. rxman says:

    I understand how salvation is through the Holy Spirit, but have always been confused on how we live our lives through the leading of the Holy Spirit. And apparently I am not alone, as evidinced by Paul’s exortation to the Galatians. And isn’t that what a lot of churches are teaching, although they would never admit it.

    It seems a lot easier to follow a bunch of guidelines (laws) than to depend on the Helper that was sent by God. My problem is being able to differentiate what is my flesh (and my own thoughts) from those that are from the Advocate. What do you think?

  10. SFDBWV says:

    Mart and his son could scarcely believe their eyes and as Mart stated wondered if they had stumbled into an alternate universe. This couldn’t be the same place they had been to only weeks before.

    I am reminded of the Jewish elders and leaders who heard the speech and boldness of Peter and John and were marveled at these men who were only days before ignorant and unlearned (Acts 4: 13).

    Power, boldness, a complete metamorphosis had changed these men, they had become different then they were after being with Jesus.

    This is how it must be with us; we must show a different and empowered presence once we come to Jesus of Nazareth the Christ.

    We should be hardly recognizable from the old person that was before that meeting and new birth with Christ.

    Spring is here today in the mountains of West Virginia, blue skies and 33 degrees.


  11. BruceC says:

    Saved by grace through faith; and then going back to works. Rather we should let our works prove our faith Who throughg His grace saved us. Sometimes we all get up in confusing the difference. Some believers nay think after years of knowing Christ “I am a good person; look at what I do!” Really? Not just a sinner saved by His grace to do His will?
    You are right Mart; folks should see something different about us becuase of Christ.
    Your tale about the lake also reminded me of how people in the world will be shocked when the church is removed from planet earth and the seven years begins.
    Things just won’t be the same.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  12. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    The thing that caught my attention from Mart’s Story is the fact that he asked the local fishermen.
    As many have gathered, I am walking the streets of my nearest town to help/nudge people into filling out our ten yearly census form.
    Sometimes it is best just to ask someone, a next door neighbour, about a person or property.
    Apart from being so much easier and quicker, you find out so much more.
    When confronted with strange and unusual circumstances it is often best to just ask. Whether it be God or the person next to us, then we will find out what is really going on.
    As “a man” I have spent hours wondering or driving around looking for a house or street because I did not want to look stupid for the asking of directions.
    That is just shear pride and that stops us from growing and moving on.


  13. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    As for the sea change in the fact that a whole chunk of life or the “wind of the spirit” had moved from one shore to another, that is just the way God works.
    Taking people and changing circumstances to effect the lives of others that are used to the same routine.
    Now Mart and his son have to launch their Kayaks from another place, maybe meet new folks and who knows what will happen?


  14. oneg2dblu says:

    Talk about water’s edge changes… could you imagine if you saw the Red Sea part? The axe float? Jesus walking on the water right in front of you?
    Or the water changing into wine, or the Nile turning into Blood? It would look like your best friend, the one you drugged and drank and did all kinds of evil stuff with, who has just found Christ and is now trying to tell you about it! That is what I call the “shock treatment,” but they cannot deny the change!!
    If you then go back to your old ways… then, they will understand you again.
    Tell me something and I may forget!
    Show me something and I may remember!
    But involve me, and I will understand!
    We are involved with a Holy God, through His Perfect
    and Only Son, born of a Virgin, died on a Cross and
    returned to Live in US, through His Holy Spirit… that they cannot believe!
    Because, it does not involve them!
    We cannot produce a picture of it, but we can live it daily!! Gary

  15. injesusname says:

    Interesting question, for years I pondered the question of just how do I give it all to God? I struggled with that notion. It didn’t make sense to me, I had heard many say it but there seemed to be nothing that I was able to do to accomplish it! That was exactly the point! I am a type A personnality, and as a result I thought I was in control of everything in my life, when things got really bad because of sinful choices it all came crashing around me. To truly be healed I had to first realise I was not at all in control of anything and second that God was and is! Thirdly giving it all to Him ment taking all my “issues” to Him and then the willingness to live an obediant life, and He blessed it. The only thing I controlled was the desire to change and bringing that desire to Him. He did the rest and as a result the Holy Spirit has blown into my life and not only am I healed but helping others as well. Hopefully people have seen the cattails that are now present in a life changed by Christ. Blessing to you All!!

  16. poohpity says:

    To those who are filled with the Spirit the light will shine through them for Christ. To those who aren’t filled with the Spirit they will desire the light to shine upon them to bring honor and glory to themselves. It is very evident where a light shines in this dark world. It goes from “look at Christ” to “look at me” and everyone can see, it will be no secret. Humility will honor the light shinning on Christ where it belongs. Although we can not see where the Spirit is going or where it has come from we can see where it finds a place to rest as it was evident that the cattails found a new place to grow.

  17. peterpugliese says:

    As I finish out a day at work, a day that provided many challenges, I now sit back and reflect upon how God is at work in the midst of daily life. As I look at your photographs my mind’s eye takes me to a shore line where the calm of the water calms my spirit. I think of Jesus and Peter and their encounter as revealed in John 21. How many times had the disciples fished these waters? They knew the shoreline like the back of their hands, they were experienced, seasoned, well worn fishermen, but this time something was different. It was on this familiar shore where they met the risen Lord. Have we ever experienced the Lord in such a way? I think of the changes He’s allowed in my life. I think of times when something was unrecognizable, only to be made recognizable by Him. Nothing I did changed my view it was by the work of the Holy Spirit that my focus became clear. As you brought to life the movement of the cattails to a place where they’ve never been and how their appearance changed your view of something familiar doesn’t God work that way in our lives? In the back of my mind I am constantly reminded of His grace and His peace. So as we encounter places we’ve been in the past and realize they may not look as they once did, we can be sure that our Lord who guides our steps in His truth will remain faithful. His will for us is that we see His glory (Jn. 17: 24). Isn’t it a blessing to know that as things change in this world where we live, we know the Lord has something in store for us that is unchanging. What a joy to live in His love.

  18. oneg2dblu says:

    bob-in-cornwall… great analogy, God transplants things in our lives, to transplant us as well!!
    That way we don’t stay stagnant. We don’t get toooo comfortable, because his plan is to constantly groom
    and grow us!
    Just like he does with churches that we get tooo comfy
    in, he has a way to show us that a particular setting was perfect at one time, but we can change, we and grow differently, and sometimes have to move on!
    He has done this with me on more than one occasion,
    sometimes it is that He allows me to see that the things that were growing me, are not applicable for me anymore. I move on when this spirit prompting overtakes me.
    Usually, it takes a few weeks to get the true feel of a church, but sometimes one service is all that’s needed!
    It is always good to move on’ if there is something not quite right going on there. Discernment protects us!
    God always provides the perfect place, it is usually right where we are growing, thriving, and being blessed
    by where He has planted you! Like the barn!!
    But, like your plant in the window, sometimes moving around is the best thing for us!
    I’ve been at the church I’m now attending for at least seven years, five years before that, and five years before that. Moving churches, is like reading another translation, it opens the mind in new ways!!
    I know you have felt this as well, in your past!! Gary

  19. marma says:

    Steve- thanks for sharing lyrics to the rose. Hadn’t heard it in a long time. I could relate to it, because often as a believer, even, I’ve been like “much afraid” and never willing to take risks, especially the ones the Lord asked me to take.

    Mart-Your wind story reminded me of a trip I took to the panhandle of Fla years ago. The first day there the wind was calm, and the gulf was calm and clear. That night the wind blew so hard the rattle of the shutters kept us from sleep. The next day, the gulf was choppy and all stirred up. What a difference a change in the wind made!

    We are born of the Spirit, as believers, and anything that truly stirs this world will come through His power.

    I guess there are a lot of reasons we depend on the flesh; habit, desire, fear, pride. I think sometimes we feel pressure when we are around other Christians to measure up, so we try to do it in our own strength.

    Has someone mentioned the quote, “the flesh profiteth nothing”? It’s a good one to remember.

  20. melisa says:

    hmm…the interesting think..:)
    when you say it to yourself,,i have asked it to myself too sir…:D
    thinking all of my work in my life,,its the best in God’s eyes or not…
    maybe,,i have done the bad thing in God,,but He has loved me ,, He wants me to keep my heart always..:)
    God bless all..:)

  21. SFDBWV says:

    I believe it was in 1620 that the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth Mass, wind blown from England were they were escaping from religious persecution.

    In my thoughts no wind blown transplanting of the seed of Christianity had as big an impact upon the future world as this event. Unless you consider the voyage of Paul from Jerusalem to Rome.

    However what seed is in the wind today?

    Should the officials at Mart’s lake clear the area of the new growth? Or allow them to choke out the lake and prevent it purposed use?

    Should we clear the waters of our own lakes? Or allow the seeds of change to go on unencumbered?

    Morning thoughts from a windy wet mountaintop in West Virginia.


  22. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I always thought the pilgrims were orignally a German sect that came to England for refuse from persecuition then decided to move on to the “New World”
    Of course Plymouth Mass, was not there ’till they landed.

    The greatest wind of change was the sacking of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple by th Romans in AD70 ish, causing the gospel to be spread throughout the world.


  23. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I will stand to be corrected on any point od US history as it was not taught too well in our schools when I was young.

  24. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… you may need to “batten down the hatches” for the winds of change may hit your area with a lot of power today. May you and your family weahter it well, and come out on top! Prayers for you and yours went out early this morning. Gary

  25. oneg2dblu says:

    PS 32… today’s ODB. Verse 3: (REGRET) “When I am silent my bones waste away through my groaning all day long.
    Verase 5: (REPENT) “Then I acknowledged my sins to you and did not cover up my iniquity I said I will confess my transgressions to the Lord and you forgave the guilt of my sin.”
    Here is my thoughts about those verses…
    When we Regret, it is all about self.
    When we Repent, it is all about taking it to God!
    Sin has its own consequences, and unfortunately, that must be accepted whether we like it or not! But, the GUILT of that Sin, can be Forgiven through Repentance to the Lord, and not through our regret alone!
    We must Repent of Sin, to be Forgiven!
    Of course, a “Seared Conscience” has no guilt, or no Relationship/Recognition of God, to take sins to!
    God-less and Blinded Pagans, can’t repent, they can only regret! Gary

  26. florida7sun says:

    Hi Steve and Bob:

    There is also an interesting passage (no pun intended in “The Light and The Glory by Peter Marshall and David Manuel:

    “It was the Lord who put into my mind (I could feel his hand upon me)the fact that it would be possible to sail from here to the Indies. All who heard of my project rejected it with laughter, ridiculing me. There is no question that the inspiration was from the Holy Spirit, because He comforted me with the rays of marvelous inspiration from the Holy Scriptures… No one should fear to undertake any task in the name of our Saviour, if it is just and if the intention is purely for His holy service… The working out of all things has been assigned to each person by our Lord, but it all happens according to His sovereign will, even though He gives advice.” – Christopher Columbus

    We do not see the wind or the Holy Spirit, but He has risen and moves us for His Names’ Sake from neighbor to neighbor… and (in His calling upon our lives) can even blow us around the world to share His Good News.

    Love to all, Ray

  27. oneg2dblu says:

    I’ve just had a cup of Java, so hang in there with me and my many words this morning,knowing they are not always all mine… As we “Grow in the Lord,” in the reading of His Word, we find different meanings and words that impress upon us, even more so, then the last time we read the same passage. That is how He grows us, as He exposes to us, what we can bare at a particular time during our growth periods in Him.
    We do not possess the Faith, being it is “not yet fully tested,” when we first come to Know the Lord! But, our new growth in the Lord definately overwhelms us!
    It is a beautiful thing to be in the presence of a Newly Born Again Christian, no matter what Church, or the Denomination he follows, Christ uses our “new wetness” to Witness for Him, if othat Faith, is founded in Him!
    We are all here to share that our Faith and Growth with each other, sometimes pruning others , sometimes watering others, sometimes just embracing the sweet fragrence, that others can bring into the winded words they speak for Him. God Provides!

  28. poohpity says:

    I have thinking about your question Mart, ““Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect (spiritually complete and mature) by the flesh? (Gal 3:3).” I was wondering if after we come to be believers we then begin a whole new set of rules to follow and expect others to follow them as well. That would be loading another burden on our backs. I remember the freedom I felt when I began this journey with the Lord but at times it seems to not be free anymore. I ask the Lord to bring a better understanding and breath to remember that first love and the reason that Christ went to the Cross. He took that burden so help me to acknowledge that it is nothing I can do to earn it or keep it.

  29. poohpity says:

    Then gave us the Holy Spirit to change us so we have no room to boast about anything except what was done for us.

  30. jam200 says:

    Thanks for the wonderful story.

  31. Mart De Haan says:

    Yes, am with you. There’s something about our Lord’s offer of rest to the weary and burdened that seems to be speaking of the oppressive expectations we put on ourselves and one another (Matt 11:27-28).

  32. dja says:

    Pooh, as I began reading your last post, I was remembering when I first came to the Lord, and then I read ” I ask the Lord to bring a better understanding and breath to remember that first love and the reason that Christ went to the Cross.” That first love was so wonderful, so unhindered. I can remember feeling like I wanted to burst out of my skin. I wrote letters to my old co-workers. They all thought I had lost it since leaving that job, but I didn’t care. I only wanted to share the good news.

    Then, a number of years later when my husband came back to the Lord, we joined a reformed church. The teaching and preaching was so wonderful, but what Mart said “the oppressive expectations we put on ourselves and one another” wore us and our children down year after year.

    When we left that church we felt like a heavy sack had been lifted from our backs. I remember reading Psalm 30:11&12 and just sobbing with joy, “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. Oh Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever.”

    The Lord brought us to that church and 12 years later brought us out. We are thankful for the teaching and preaching throughout those years, and we are thankful that the Spirit of God worked in us to see and understand for ourselves and others Matthew 11:28-30.

    I love the reformed faith. We have been members of a different denomination in the reformed faith for the past 16 years. Reformed (Calvinism) does not mean legalism. We have many Christian friends who are not of the reformed faith. That matters not. What matters is that they love the Lord with all their hearts, souls and minds. Our bond is Christ and Christ alone.


  33. foreverblessed says:

    Thank you Della! That feeling of the first love for Christ!
    This week something was brought to me by the wind, it just came to me, and I know it was sent by God. (a musical instrument)
    And I am so thankful for it, my joy is so great! I feel that first love again. Jesus is the Master of the Universe, and He can send anything He wants, it sails on the wind and arrives just in time for us fou our use.
    That we may grow in faith in Him.

  34. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    We are all off to church today, let’s hope we can all partake and honour our Father. He is more blessed than we are when we open our hearts to Him in Worship, not because He seeks it but because He knows it also blesses us.
    That is the mutual Love Jesus talked about, being one with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and being one with each other.
    That is why Paul said that Love only sees the good in the other person and never the bad.
    So when you get to church today just remember to Love the Lord your God with all your heart, Soul, mind and Strengh and your Neighbour as Yourself, (there the ones next to you right now)

    Have a wonderful day!!


  35. SFDBWV says:

    When I think of correct or incorrect doctrine I am sent to Revelation 2 in order to see what it is that pleases as well as angers our Lord.

    Here hidden in mystery of God’s Word are the clear definitions of right and wrong doctrine.

    Who were these hated Nicolaitans? What was the hated doctrine of Balaam? What was the sin of tolerance that allowed a false prophetess (Jezebel) to seduce others into violating the “rules” of fornication and eating meat sacrificed to idols? Even though given an opportunity to repent she would not.

    What was forgotten and what was the nature of the “first love” that our Lord stressed for us to return to?

    What was it that pleased our Lord?…Our works, our patience, our hatred of evil, our investigation of leadership, our labor, our charity, our service, keeping the Word,

    However our wonderful Lord gives any and all of us hope when He says “Behold I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Revelation 3: 20)

    This is the toughest matter to understand, the combination as well as the separation of works and grace.

    Though freely forgiven for no action from us except the acceptance of Jesus as Lord, we then are also given works, labor, service and discernment in order to continue on in our walk with Christ. And are called into judgment for how well we do or don’t do in the matter.

    So then there is a delicate balance between accepting the faith and doing nothing and accepting the faith and action.

    Personally I believe the “first love” as being a deep and abiding need for Christ, and longing for Him.


    Snow this morning, just to remind us that June isn’t here yet.

  36. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… the abiding need for Christ, and the longing for… IS what being a disciple, or lifelong learner,
    that is what separates us, Christ Followers, from those who just study the bible for its knowledge, and never grasp the needed relationship that IS required.
    Faith without works is dead! That is biblical!
    Faith is Given, and “never earned” through our works,
    is also biblical, and That is Grace, His unmerited favor,even this Faith the we now Possess!
    Its hard to believe now, but like many of us so accustomed to our works, didn’t we think we also found HIM? But, the Real Joy that was Lavished Upon us was to learn that WE WERE CALLED by HIM. We were INVITED!
    All unbeliever’s live lives that are about their works, bringing them something they earned and deserve.
    But, Our Lord, Our God, and Our Saviour, Jesus Christ who calls us, and gives us, “no credit” to anything we have done and found we deserved, when He gave us His Grace. For we “WERE SINNERS” who deserved Eternal Separation, or Death. But, He called us into the Light, and Life of His Son, to share in His Eternal Kingdom. ONLY if we accept His Invitation, do we get to eat with Him at the Banquet Table of Eternity!
    Deny Him, this Jesus who calls, and you will never taste any of it! LUKE 14 says that is biblical, for it is written!
    Those who have this Relationship with Him, have been Chosen by Him! We at first, may only have accepted, but now, we get to serve as well! Gary
    Sunny and warm in Melbourne, not a breeze in sight yet, but yesterday…
    it blew well enough for the broken tiller handle in my hand,and the unexpected swim was proof enough,
    that it will be there again this afternoon! It always rises like the SON!

  37. tracey5tgbtg says:

    Interesting story about the cattails. What I noticed was that things that seem so strange at first sight, can often times have very logical explanations that we just don’t know about.

    It made me think about people and how sometimes I might make a judgment about someone without knowing all the details of their life. Many times people act in ways that might be considered strange, but upon hearing their whole story, or even bits of it, we see them in a whole new light.

    Also, the question about starting out in the Spirit and then beginning to rely on the flesh gave me a lot to think about. I went back and read more of Galations and I could see how Paul was trying to tell these people not to put laws on themselves, but yet at the same time make them understand that this did not give them permission to abandon the law and live like sinners who have no conscience. Finally he says in Galations 5:16 “So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires on the sinful nature.”

    Bob touched on this when he reminded us to live by the two greatest commandments, love the Lord your God and your neighbor as yourself.

    Steve touched on this when he mentioned our “first love” which is a deep and abiding need for Jesus and a longing for Him. Amen to that.

    To me, works means that whatever you do, you do for the glory of God.

  38. Mart De Haan says:

    Steve, I agree with your take on “first love”…

  39. poohpity says:

    1 Cor 2:2; For I resolved to know NOTHING while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.

    Gal 2:20; I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by FAITH in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

    Help us remember today and everyday our “First Love” so that we will know that it is all about you Jesus and it was your love that set us free to love others as you have loved us.

  40. poohpity says:

    For those who have not seen the “The Passion of Christ” it is on TV tonight.

  41. poohpity says:

    Matthew 11:29,30; 9 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

  42. Toml5169 says:

    I am new to this group and thus submit my thoughts with humility. I do believe however that Jesus came to bring us back to relationship with God that cannot and could not be established through any system based on my obedience but only on God’s promise. The “bewitching” of the Galatians was trying to perfect a relationship God established through promise and we accepted by faith by following rules. Today as then we must fight against the fleshly desire to establish a system, as good as it might appear, of rules rather than Spirit infused Love. Today I lay my life as a palm branch before the King who entered on a colt but now reigns on a throne; and in my heart.

  43. SFDBWV says:

    Welcome Toml5169, you will find we all try to present ourselves with humility, don’t mistake confidence for arrogance. For it is with confidence that we enter into fellowship with Christ….Confidence in the cross and especially with Christ. As we humbly submit our heart and desires to His.

    It has been a pleasant day, cool and partly cloudy. With grilled steak and baked potatoes for dinner and strawberry shortcake for dessert.

    This weekend we watched all 4 of the movies centered around the rapture and period that immediately followed. Titled,” Apocalypse,”” Revelation,”” Tribulation”and“Judgment”. They aren’t meant to be exact verbatim from scripture just a story revolving around the events following the rapture. We enjoyed them.

    Passion Week begins and it seems logical that Mel Gibson’s movie “The Passion of Christ” would be on. However considering the extreme violent nature of that movie I have to wonder if they will edit out any of it.

    Going to the movies is such an effort for Matt that we tend to wait and buy the movies when they come out. So we have the Passion movie, it is quite bloody. I suppose that was the point of this movie, the violent passion Christ endured for His creation.

    It is a sad day for so many in the wake of the weekend storms that left so many dead and so many homeless. It would seem there is nowhere safe from the destruction that weather can present. Prayers for them all.

    Thank you Mart for your affirmation of my thought on our first love.


  44. nezzar says:

    I am in the military and Jesus has recently used me to reach one person who had left the faith, and bring him back, and to strengthen another who also strengthened me. I was also able to be a friend to our chaplain and to keep him from being too isolated and lonely. God was using me and for the first time in a long time I had put my roots down. I got transferred to another company and didn’t know what God was doing. I thought that this was just an oppertunity to progress in my carrire, now I understand that I am that piece of bog that was broken off the other side to put down roots here as well. I already see that God is using me to strengthen and be strengthened by people that are here as well.

  45. Ted M. Gossard says:

    Amen, Mart! Thanks for the beautiful, fresh reminder.

  46. Mart De Haan says:

    nezzar, am so glad to heart that you have seen the way the Lord has moved you into the lives of others!

    Also, to all, the way you have personalized in your comments above “a new reality the follows the wind of the Spirit” is so good I want our friends who check in on Monday to not miss the conversation. So am not planning to change the current post until tomorrow.

  47. Mart De Haan says:

    Also, because, through the explosion of social media, so many have decided (before a watching world) to respond to what they believe is “false teaching” in a manner that is contrary to the way the Bible says false teachers are to be addressed (i.e. 2Tim 2:24-26), I’ve added a clarification to the end of the “Whether Love Wins…or not” post.

    Have also continued the conversation there in an attempt to affirm all that the Bible says about judgment while making every effort to not say more or less than the words and spirit of Scripture ask of us.

    Misrepresenting one another by pulling comments out of context, and then spinning them for our own interests… while overstating with certainty what the Bible does or doesn’t say about heaven, hell, or judgment… does not, in my opinion, seem to be becoming to a follower of Christ.

    Let’s not make this issue personal by naming and dishonoring those who disagree with us. Let’s instead try to be like the Bereans (Acts 17:10-11) who, according to the book of Acts, were honorable enough to test even the Apostle Paul to see if what he was teaching them was consistent with the Scriptures that preceded him.

  48. SFDBWV says:

    Ok, I am amused as well as confused. Given that there has been such activity in an older post during the waning hours of this one tends to make me think this topic may have reached its limits of interest.

    As for me I never or very rarely go back and pick up an old discussion. It is too much like not letting go of an old argument and insisting on having the final word on the matter.

    Going back across old bridges and pathways rarely helps me reach that horizon ahead of me. As Jesus said he who takes the plow and looks back isn’t fit for the Kingdom.

    Not meaning to imply that remembering old wounds may be or not be a directive that they still need healing. Am implying that old discussions don’t perk my interest, just make me feel tired.

    Thinking of the subject of the current topic, gave me thought this morning that in spite of the heading of this discussion….It may be that there is nothing wrong with the picture.


  49. Mart De Haan says:

    Good morning, Steve,
    No need to go where you don’t want to go as long as you have a choice.

    As for the picture, it’s a matter of perspective isn’t it. I still keep thinking about how confused and unable to process what I was seeing–before getting the explanation. I had never before heard of a floating bog.

    Have also been thinking alot about how our human nature makes it difficult for us to accept, or at least find a place for, facts that run against the grain of what we “know” we know.

  50. SFDBWV says:

    Wow Mart you said a mouth full there. It is so hard for our human nature to accept change especially change we perceive as unwelcome.

    Also when we have that inner understanding as you mention, it is very difficult to accept what seems as facts contrary to them.

    I am certain that I am not alone in seeing the physical world around me change. Here in our little community houses torn down never to be rebuilt, families dying out never to be remembered by anyone again.

    Instead of a bright and shiny future a bleak and dismal future seems to loom on the horizon.

    Knowing what is right or what is best doesn’t matter, for events seem to be spiraling out of control toward the end, and there seems to be nothing anyone can do about it but watch it happen.

    Having a clear and present understanding of scripture or of spiritual matters are the same. When what the world may present as cold hard facts contrary to those beliefs come face to face with each other; often it seems to be an opportunity to stand firm on faith and that understanding and so pass the test of faith in what is unseen over that which can deceive.

    I an in the middle of Matthews exercises, we are resting between events, at 10 he will get out of his wheelchair lean on me and make 8 trips from the living room to the kitchen and back, a total distance of about 200 feet, an extreme effort and one that exhausts him. Yesterday he said to me “if” I am still in this I will continue to add to my exercises as time goes on…..”If”…Faith has a voice.

    We are experiencing a nice long spring complete with lots of rain and cool weather, something that may be missed as summer comes.


  51. poohpity says:

    Or what we thought we knew but really did not understand yet. If it was my first time seeing the bog then I may not think anything was different but in the mist of a conversation I have found out something new it might make the picture look different. It would be nice to allow our minds to learn new things because the Holy Spirit teaches us in stages to what we are open to learning. If we are humble in Spirit.

  52. poohpity says:

    Just as it was an act of God to change the look of the area in the pictures it is also an act of God that changes us if we walk closely with Him.

  53. Toml5169 says:

    True perspective on the role of the Holy Spirit bringing truth when we are ready to accept it. Coming from an extremely legalistic background I will never forget the moment my eyes were opened from the Word (in Genesis no less)to the falsehood of what I held as truth. No person could have opened my eyes since I had all my arguments in place to uphold what I believed. Now some 30 years later I can only look back in wonder on all the changes God had in store; some of them painful lessons and journeys. Much like that bog I was displaced and moved to another shore, but I think mine was on a whole new lake. One more thought on this new lake we take down as many of the signs that say “no” or “don’t” and replace them with “it was for freedom that Christ set us free” and “serve one another in love”. May you all be blessed and a blessing today.

  54. oneg2dblu says:

    Just when I was sure we were all Belled out, I found myself putting in another two cents on the old blog topic.
    I had no intention of re-visiting it, but it was right there in my face this morning, and with a recent word from my Pastor to share with those who would venture back there for more, I posted a STRONG WARNING!
    As for this blog topic…I really enjoyed seeing that Redwinged Blackbird. I’ve missed them, being in Florida for over a decade now. For today, God Provides all we will need, as we Encounter Him in a fresh new way, as He alone transplants us! Gary

  55. florida7sun says:

    Gary, thank you for suggesting I revisit Mart’s photo.

    What also impressed me this morning was the “no parking” sign. The Lord desires that we grow in the knowledge of His Word. He does not want us to park anywhere for too long, but desires we apply life’s events and circumstances to our growth, as well as the growth of others He places in our path. If we become too complacent He will move us along. He has throughout my life; and when He does I am drawn to Him ever more as my first love… cherishing and remembering all the prayers He has answered on my behalf.

    The Lord also has a tremendous sense of humor. Often I picture Him laughing when I confront challenges, knowing that He is more than sufficient to work all things out for His honor and glory.

    Just washed my daughter’s car. Beautiful day… can not park here too long.

    Love to all, Ray

  56. oneg2dblu says:

    Ray… thanks for sharing that “washing” picture as well.
    It brings me back to the bus compound, where I had just parked mine for the morning and was walking in to return my key. As I passed a few buses, one stuck right out at me as being quite dirty. I thought what a lazy driver that must be, and immediately , that “still small voice” goes off and says, “Wash it!”
    It was the same series bus as my bus, so my key fit right in, and when I turned it over, on came the radio tuned into the same Christian Station I was just listening to!
    With a big smile I drove it up to the washing area, and was so blessed by it all, I could have washed it twice! What a joy knowing I was blessing another believer. :)
    Thanks for bringing that picture back to me.
    If I didn’t listen to that voice, and respond, I would have certainly missed that blessing! Gary

  57. florida7sun says:

    Beautiful story, Gary. With our focus on, and communion with, the Lord Jesus, His Spirit will always tug on our hearts leading us in the Way.

    His Spirit also washes us through the cleansing power of His Word. He is the resurrection and the life, now and forevermore. We can do nothing in our own strength.

    God bless you, and Happy Easter. He has risen!

  58. Dinakar says:

    When confronted with sin to the best of my knowledge there are three choices (may be more)

    Choice 1. is to Hide in under a Carpet and show a holy image to those around. This is hypocrisy which I have done on some occasions in the past.

    Choice 2. is to deal with the problem and with all my might and effort try to deal with the problem and get it under control (to get the balloon under water). This is a very legalistic approach probably what the Galatians did. For the major part of my christian life this has been the approach I have used.

    Choice 3. This is an option where you ask God to change me cause my God is a gentleman who will not change me without my permission. prerequisites for this option is a “heart of flesh” from the foot of the cross. At times I find my self praying without ceasing (lol). To ask my God to fill me with love is a prayer I do daily. The LORD is changing me daily and it is something I cannot boast about as an achievement.

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