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Is This How God Loves Us?

Paul prayed for it. He longed for the faith and actions of his readers to be rooted and grounded in it. He wrote as if it is an immeasurable ocean with which God wants to fill us– in the face of all that we fear and hate (Eph 3:14-21).

He saw Christ as its source and that, in being filled with it, we can be filled with the fullness of God (Eph 3:19).

Paul also believed that all of the Law of God could be fulfilled by having it toward one another (Gal 5:14).

According to the inspired apostle, it’s found in Christ. It requires the presence and help of God to experience. It’s immeasurably huge. It’s inexpressibly important. It’s at the very heart of the character and presence of God.

So how can we begin to understand this love? On one hand we know that he expressed it to us in the life, death, and resurrection of his Son. But is the love that he has shown us in Son the same kind of love that he asks us to show one another?

What is the scope of the love Paul describes when he writes  that “it” is “patient (suffers long)…kind…does not envy…does not boast…is not proud…is not rude…is not self-seeking… is not easily angered…keeps no record of wrongs…does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth…always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres… never fails…” (1Cor 13:4-8).

Do each of these characteristics of love first describe the way in which God loves us?




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27 Responses to “Is This How God Loves Us?”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    I think that to properly describe God’s love, one has to experience His written Word from cover to cover. His love is shown and explained in all of His actions toward man.

    He is the creator of all that exists, His thoughts and understanding is what everything is made of, His will and desire is what holds it all together.

    His love is clearly shown in all of His actions. His love is a selfless love, a love that desires to give life to the lifeless and awareness to the dead.

    His love is always about providing for and giving to people who don’t deserve it and did nothing to earn it.

    His joy is found in our faith, but His love is found in our existence.

    Does He want people to grovel at His feet and present themselves as religious followers of rites and ceremonies? No He wants people to treat each other in the same way He provides for them Isaiah 58 describes it clearly what He wants from us.

    More importantly He wants us to have a heart and nature to love each other in the same way He loves us. So He made it possible by giving us a new birth through His Son Jesus of Nazareth.

    Every thing we know and understand is a gift from God, everything! He wants us to do likewise with each other, give all of what we can for the benefit of others.

    If we were all to practice that we would all be taking care of each other and no one would go hungry or naked or be alone.

    God’s love is a love of service to others and sacrifice.


  2. alegria says:

    Thanks Mart and Steve for the thoughts on God’s love. It’s a good day for me to be reminded of how much He loves both me, and every person.

    I think God’s love encompasses everything in 1 Cor. 13 – except the “does not boast” part. God is God……..and as such, is the only being who has the right to boast. He is perfect and does not need to be humble – though he exemplified that in Christ on the cross.

    And as Steve said, God’s love is manifested in many other ways, cover to cover, throughout the Bible – with Jonah in the whale, Elijah and the prophets of Baal, Paul and Silas in the jail and Stephen being stoned………and so many other examples. His love is unfathomable, but what a blessing to spend this life exploring the depths of that love!


  3. oneg2dblu says:

    Good morning… as to the Love that God shows us…
    I do not think one has to read the bible cover to cover, or go to church and practice a religion for the rest of our lives. Because, HIS LOVE, was captured in its fullest, when He first Loved Us! We were not very practiced in any thing, other than our sin nature. We were not well read of His Works either, we were naked. broken, sinful, unworthy, but He did not see that as being a stumbling block when we called out to Him.
    The only thing that is required, is our seeing our need for a Saviour, and Believing that He will see us in that moment!
    That is the Love of God, in every foxhole, on every bridge’s edge, in every motel room, at death’s door, He is there with Open Arms waiting… that is the Love of God. To be in every one’s path when they need Him the most, never failing to respond! I called, He answered!
    That was all the Love I needed at that moment. Yes, the rest is in the living out, the learning of His word, the assemblng of the saints, the practice of a religion that we feel we need, to help express our Love in return, when we see the neeeds of others and respond accordingly, we have this love of His! In his Love, Gary

  4. poohpity says:

    I think the kind of love described in 1 Cor 13 is how God loves us, a love that apart from Him we are not capable of. His love does not smother us but allows us freedom, not to be controlled but to make mistakes and learn from them. A love that is not domineering but sits back and watches carefully as we take our first steps and allows us to fall/fail and says try again. Although God knows what is best for us He allows us to figure it out on our own and then never says I told you so. A love that knows it can not do everything for us or we will be crippled and never mature. The kind of love that took the penalty for the wrongs that we did and will do with out stopping us from making those errors. I know for myself a love that I may never fully understand but that I am so thankful that I have.

  5. injesusname says:

    Hi All, I only have a small comment, I think that knowing the Word is so important and the only real way to understand the Love spoken of by Paul is to practice it! The Knowledge from His word is only the beginning but by living life and doing His word is where the rubber meets the road! I have mingled with some of the baddest meanest people to walk the earth and when I showed them Love and compassion that wasn’t judgemental, I would see them break down to tears, they needed Gods love as much as I did and it taught me that this kind of Love that Paul speaks of is the most powerful weapon God gives us as Christians, there is no defence against this!! And I can testify to that!
    Blessings Dale.

  6. joemk says:

    Mart, 1 Cor. 13:8 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible: love never fails! How powerful? But your post today has gotten me reflecting: alright love is all over the Bible – God is love and has commanded us to do just that, love (love for God and neighbor are the greatest commandments according to Jesus (mat. 22: 37)). but what does love mean? and especially the question you pose: What is the scope of the love Paul describes? are we to love in the same way, same measure we have been loved by God or is our love for God and each other different from God’s love for us? and my first take on it is that while God’s love is pure, perfect and infinite, our love is corrupted, often selfish and very very limited. God gave his son for us because of our sin, does God expect the same level of sacrifice from us? I doubt because thats a really high standard. but God does expect us to love. I am honestly a little confused about what is expected of our love because of our weakness and inability to love perfectly. or is that why God has given us a helper, a companion – the Holy Spirit! I would appreciate some help here.

  7. foreverblessed says:

    Joemk I was thinking in the same line: help, how are we to do that.
    But God’s standard is high: be you perfect as I am perfect.
    I was thinking, the only thing we can do is ask. Ask for more faith, more love, more patience, Jesus is right next to us, living in us, I can ask, and wait in faith..
    James 1:5
    And the fact that we feel so incomplete, only means that we grow in closeness to God, because as before, we would think we did quite well, The more we learn of the love of GOd, the more we see how much we fall short.
    But I think the only solution is to ask more, and put it into practice as Dale wrote injesusname

  8. bratimus says:

    The characteristics of love described in 1 Cor 13:4-8 just scratch the surface of the love that God has and that God is. We humans tend to try to put love into words, when it takes a life time to just to show love.

    We are commanded to imitate God’s love that was shown to us through Christ, in Christ. We can’t perfect it, we are human, we are flawed do to are human nature.

    If we endure through faith in Christ, the hope is that we will finally see the full love of God.

  9. poohpity says:

    That is why God’s love is PATIENT. God takes into account our inability to show perfect love however we are to strive to grow and mature in love that is when we realize that we can not hold others to what we are unable to do ourselves and understand that only God’s love is perfect.

    foreverblessed you mentioned Matthew 5:48 calling us to be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect but the preceding verses shows us to rise above the normal attitudes of the world by being kind and loving to those who do not treat us that same way. Just like we expect different behavior from a baby, a child, a teenager and an adult depending on a person’s spiritual maturity. If we say we have love for others and are hateful, angry, unforgiving and prideful we are deceiving ourselves but there again God’s love HOPES for us to aspire to be more like Christ.

  10. peterpugliese says:

    When I think of Christ’s love I look no further than to my own salvation. It was at that moment the love of Christ became real. Prior to that moment what occurred was unexplainable. I look at Paul and his Damascus road experience and can’t help but think that as he wrote his epistles there wasn’t a time when he wasn’t reminded of how his life was changed for eternity. Once Christ changes our lives His presence in us provides us with visual clarity something we previously didn’t have. What a joy to be able to open the scriptures and be able to glean from God’s word His truths. We are justified by faith in Christ and no other. We are holy because He is holy. We are loved because he first loved us. When I think of my journey and realize it’s all because of God’s unconditional love I find myself in awe of the God of creation, my salvation, and my eternal destination.

  11. nezzar says:

    Mart, Absolutely loved those pictures.


    I know what you mean by where the rubber meats the road. If you ever pray for more love in your life God will give you a reason to need it and put someone who is unlovable in your life. So what do I do and what happened to me. Where the rubber meets the road happened to me. There is someone at work who extreemlly difficult to love, but I know that I have to. I am confronted with the fact that I am incapable of loving him on my own, and all I can do is allow Jesus to love him through me. I think that loving the unlovable in my life is the most important, chalenging and rewarding part of my Christian walk. I covet all your prayers for God’s Grace to help me love this person. My marriage could use the balm of God’s love too. Its not just words, but putting God’s word into practice that is important. Please pray for me that as much as I’ve learned about love I can put into practice.

    Going through a lot of conviction this week in a God imposed valley. It doesn’t feel good to have Jesus shift my learning from “about love” to “to love” I need the grace of God to empower me to love when my coworker irritates me, or my wife brings up the past. Its hard to take when God shows me how unloving I realy am and how all the knowlege I have is useless without action. Like I said before I covet all your prayers for God’s Grace in my life.

  12. branch says:

    It has been my experience that God loved me before I even knew Him, but through circumstances in my life He made himself, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit Known to me. God allows us to know what He wants us to know when He wants us to know it. This is available to all who trust Him. Our commission is to love and witness to all people we encounter. Praise Him.

  13. dodi says:

    God’s word tells us Love covers a multitude of sins and in the last days the love of many will wax cold, due to the iniquity that is abounding upon the earth. But perfect love casts out all fear / be ye perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect. Perfect that’s almost an unatainable quality….well it is…. if you think of it as without error or flaw. But the word> perfect translated in the Greek means> to be complete, mature and/or healthy. So when I read God’s word and Christ said be ye perfect as your father in heaven is perfect in reality he is saying my children (be complete) be complete in my love & my word. Christ prayed that we would be one just as he and his father were one. We love God completely / loving ourselves correctly / and loving others compassionately.
    Every good and perfect gift is from above or every good and complete gift is from above. “Love one another as I have loved you” The Song of Solomon reads …. …. the water’s cannot quench love and floods cannot drown it. Divine love bestowed upon us doesn’t reform us but transforms us so we may allow Christ through us to reach out share His grace and love to others. I sincerely believe that we conquer our enemies thru His love. ________

  14. oneg2dblu says:

    Another day opens, and here we are defining that which we in our flesh, know we can never fully achieve. We who know Christ’s Love for us, yet as well as we can, we cannot even comprehend or express, it grandness, depth, or unsearchable limits.
    But, because we have experienced love in our flesh, and in our Born Again God-given Spirit, we have another level of expression, that the “unknowing world” the “unsaved world,” cannot express.
    For they have “not yet” had this love of God expressed to them, impressed upon them, felt the indwelling of, know the unbounding possession that overtakes those who Love Christ!
    How do you express fully to a child who has never had a piece of chocolate, the feel it gives one who has developed a profound taste for it!
    God has allowed us, a taste of it, and given us an appetite for it, a longing for more that pales even our urge for our next breath, that we must have to stay alive. Being Alive in Christ, is God’s Love expressed! That is experiencing a touch of God’s Love for us!
    Birds are chirping, and it is getting lighter now,
    68 outside, but deep inside each believer’s heart, it is burning with desire for more of Him! Gary

  15. SFDBWV says:

    I know my days are busy and crunched, but when I looked in on the topic this morning, I seen a different question put to the topic. Instead of “What is God’s Love” I seen “Is this how God loves us?”

    Either I misread terribly yesterday morning or it has changed.

    I am bewildered this morning as a result of it and I will simply stay away from the conversation for a while.


  16. tracey5tgbtg says:

    I think one of the ways God shows us He loves us is in His forgiveness of our sins.

    In the account of the sinful woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair, Jesus remarked, “Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven – for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little.”

    The more we realize how much we have been forgiven, the more we see how much God loves us. When we forgive others then we are showing them God’s love.

    Someone who thinks that there is not much in their life that needs to be forgiven, or even that what they do is not wrong and therefore does not need to be forgiven, will never understand how much God loves them.

  17. BruceC says:


    Thanks for saving me all the time of typing and composing my comment. You took the words right out of my mouth; or should I say heart.

    A little off topic. Please keep my wife and I and our fellow church members in prayer as we began last night to work on our version of VBS. It’s done in a big tent outdoors at a low-income appartment complex for five days and has been a huge success since it began several years ago.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  18. injesusname says:

    Nezzar, You have my prayers and I will ask God to give you wisdom and patience. Please understand that in this life most tell us that for “every action there is an equal and opposite reaction!” In my walk with our Father I have noticed for every action there is NO REACTION! What do I mean? (Glad you asked) :) When I am faced with a person who is acting less than human God has taught me to act as if their outburst, insult, whatever they have done to try and demean me; I simply act as if they had said nothing! I ignore them or I ignore what they have done or said to demean me. I have found that after several attempts from the disruptive person to irritate me they simply stop because they only do it to get a reaction from me in the first place.(I am not there so I can’t be more specific sorry) Secondly if faced with violence (I was almost attacked by a real bad biker dude once) I simply backed down and left myself wide open, in other words I told him if you hit me I will go down with no fight from me. I was asking Jesus for strength the entire time. Again though no equal opposite reaction. He stopped btw and just walked away! You see what happens when you don’t react is you just give the outcome to God! Pray at that very moment asking God to take care of the reaction, and He will. Giving it all to God is simply that, giving it to Him and letting the outcome be determined by Him. When you choose not to react you are still doing something, I am not saying lose your ability to reason here don’t confuse the two, but relying totally on God means that when He promises to look after us as we do our own children, it is up to us to believe and act on those promises. Sometimes it means keep quiet and let God respond. And be patient it doesn’t all happen over night, it may take months of not reacting to finally see a change in the other person but I can guarantee it will happen when God wants it too. And my wife used to drag up my sorted past as well, I did the same thing as always I refused to react to her statements in fact when she would do this I would go over and give her a big hug and say “that was then, now what do you see? Jesus has changed my life inside, are you not seeing it on the outside? If not just wait because it is coming! :)” And “btw I Love You!” Gods love spoken of through Paul is the power of all the universe summed up in one 4 letter word. No evil can resist it, when our reaction is one of Love nothing can stop it, and if the other party feels it necessary to continue attacking us then God will avenge us, He has told us “vengence is Mine!” and I trust that He will do what he says. So in conclusion I feel that your pain is in your “reaction” or fighting with how to react; this is what causes all of your suffering, my advice is give it to our Father and He alone will deal with it; and you will be at peace! I am praying for wisdom and patience for you now! Blessings

  19. cherielyn says:

    Quoting from Mart, “Paul also believed that all of the Law of God could be fulfilled by having it toward one another (Gal 5:14).”

    Galatians 5:14 (KJV) “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

    Many, many years ago I wondered how the Law of God (the Ten Commandments) could be fulfilled by having love towards others. About 10 years ago my pastor taught on this subject during a Bible study and it all became so simply clear.

    If you love “your neighbor” as yourself, it will not be a problem to keep the Ten Commandments. If you had PERFECT love you would not have other gods before God; would not have/bow down to idols (money, prized possessions, etc?); would not take the name of God in vain; would honor the sabbath; would honor your father and mother; you would not kill, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness or covet your neighbor’s wife or possessions.

    Fortunately, we are no longer under the Law, but under grace because of Christ’s “one sacrifice for sin forever.” This does not mean that we can flagrantly sin. As humans, with flaws, we do sin, but are forgiven.

    Just think what this world would be like if we could love that way! It would be the perfect place to live. Looking forward to heaven, which WILL be the perfect place to live with perfect love towards everyone’s “neighbor”.

    On another note: Got a call, shortly after 5:00 a.m., this morning, from my son who is a corrections officer working the night shift. He called to give me a heads up about people being evacuated from an apartment fire on the street my mentally handicapped son, Mike, lives on. The village is small and there are only three apartment buildings in the whole village. Two of them are on Mike’s street!

    Mike is a very deep sleeper & I was concerned that if it was his building he might not wake up unless someone busted down his door. I called him, got the answering machine & told him that if he was in the apt to pick up the phone. He answered & asked why I called & woke him that early in the morning. I told him what was going on & to check & see if it was his building. If so, get out & if not, to call me back; 25 minutes went by & he finally called back to tell me that it was the two story building just down the block from his building. He said flames were coming out of the roof.

    Thanking God for Mike’s safety, but praying for the people who have lost everything. It was a 20 unit building and is a total loss.

  20. poohpity says:

    Steve the original question at the end did change but it said the same, just in different words to match the body. So do not be bewildered.

  21. cherielyn says:

    injesusname: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You have no idea how much your post has impacted my thoughts! You posted it while I was typing mine.

    It is so easy to get caught up in reacting when a spouse slings abusive words at you and I have been guilty of reacting when pressed to the limit.

    Your comments have given me much to think about!

    I pray God will help me to develop the kind of response that you have when faced with that situation.

  22. poohpity says:

    Yesterday after reading and commenting on this topic I had a brief conversation with my step mom. I asked for some help from the trust my dad left. Her reply crushed me since not being able to afford an attorney to look after the interests of our side of the family. I did real good until the last part of my email to her in which I stated that she was mean and cruel. I had just got done reading all this about being kind to those who may not love us back. I felt so shamed and wrote back and asked her to forgive me for saying that. It is so easy to love those who agree and love us back but so difficult to love and do the best thing for those who don’t.

    It seems like I take two steps forward and then take steps backwards but in it all I am so thankful for the way God treats us when we mess up. His grace and mercy is truly amazing. I just really dislike the consequences when I act in what is contrary to His will. When will I ever learn.

  23. Mart De Haan says:

    Steve, I apologize. When I went back and read my post later in the day yesterday, I realized that, in my hurry to get something up, I hadn’t been clear in the way I asked the question. So I reworded some of the sentences and final question to try to make clear that I was asking whether God loves us in the same way he asks us to love one another.

    [I saw that you had responded thoughtfully to the general idea of the love of God. So had to weigh whether to leave the post as it stood or to clarify what I had written so that the post was not going in two different directions. Am sorry if it detracted from the point of your comment]

    I was hoping that someone would pick up on Alegria’s comment that all of the characteristics of love that Paul gives us seem true of God except the “does not boast”.

    My take is that God does not “boast” in that a boast– as I think Paul is using it– refers to an inflated sense of one’s own importance. In that sense, there is no boasting in God’s love.

    The reason I thought it important to think of the love of
    God in light of Paul’s 1Cor 13 description is not that I think God’s love is limited to these characteristics– but rather that his love is not less. In addition these characteristics (love is patient… kind… etc) give us a chance to reflect on how amazing it is that the Most High God condescends to love us in such down to earth and even “humble” ways.

  24. poohpity says:

    In the translation I have it says that Love does not demand it’s own way (self-seeking)in verse 5 and hardly even notices when others do it wrong. To me that says a lot about how God views us. Slow to anger. God always seeks our highest good. Boasting would seem to be prideful, selfish and haughty. That seems to be a characteristic of a dictator and I do not see God as that.

  25. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Hope all is well in your lives…
    Haven’t read the intro comment to this blog topic yet, but looking forward to it. Mart, the pictures you chose for this blog are BEAUTIFUL! :)

    Love to all,

  26. nezzar says:


    Thank you for your wisdom, your honesty and mostly your prayers. I will keep your advise in mind. I think this is something that Jesus has revielled to you, thanks for passing it along. It reminds me of the verse that says I (God) have taken the reproch that was meant for you. (Not exact quote.) On a more hummerous note it also reminds me of when someone chalenge me to combatives. (the Army’s form of wreseling) I usualy tap them twice on the elbow and as they look down at me I say “What is it to soon to tap out?”


    Thank you for keeping it real. What I mean is when we share not just our great knoledge but also our failings we show that even though we are saved we are still people, we still fail, but God grants us conviction and repentance. It just makes you more real and believable. I think that is something that many of us “Christians” forget. Forgetting to be real makes us look fake and judgemental to the outside world.

  27. Dinakar says:

    The final events in the christian calendar is the marriage supper of the lamb!. Both marriage and supper indicate the same thing “two becoming one flesh”.This event opens my eye as to why man was created – to be one with God. The second statement that comes to my mind is that “GOD is Love” if I’m to be rendered one with God then I need to be filled with Love.
    Man looks at actions (based on laws) but God always looks at the “heart”. As mankind I am prone to look at situations based on the law – if there is none present in a situation I make up one for it. What I need is a change in my operating system to transform from law based thinking to a Love based decision making process – this calls for a change in my ” operating system” – in computer jargon.
    It is comforting to know God never judges me by the law and all that He is after is a heart of Love. So my prayer to Him is to fill me with His love – continually.
    To be a part of a group filled with love is what the church is all about.
    Beam me up Jesus I just want to get home.

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