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A Reason to Ask

Photo by: Johan Hansson

As we enter another election cycle, we will once again see the way our political system inclines us to misquote one another in an attempt to create an unfair advantage over our political and moral opponents.

Yet who can doubt that our own desire to be seen as conservative, Bible believing, followers of Christ also results, all too often, in careless, unintentional, and even willful misrepresentations of those we believe to be in error?

If we are people of the truth, rather than people of the lie, why would we not take the time to find out whether those we disagree with have really said, or meant the words and thoughts that we attribute to them?

Yesterday, I heard a story of personal reconciliation that happened when a friend faced his own heart with enough honesty to doubt his own conclusions about wrongs that he believed another person had done to him many years earlier. By the raw, broken, and life-giving honesty of another, I was reminded of my own inclination to see myself and others in ways that say more about what I want to believe than about the truth.

What better reason do we have to ask questions about our own inclination to overlook that part of us that, even to this very moment, loves darkness more than the light? (John 3:19-21).

Imagine the grace, the truth, the light, and the love that could be shining with a few more honest questions– asked only at the expense of the darkness.

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13 Responses to “A Reason to Ask”

  1. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart!

    I was touched by your report of a friend who:
    “faced his own heart with enough honesty to doubt his own conclusions about wrongs that he believed another person had done to him many years earlier.” Thanks for that. My comment is more personal than political.

    I have recently entered a season when my younger brother sees me in a new light. My criticism of his former behavior now makes sense to him. I have somehow gotten “smarter” without doing anything! Let me not be so bold as to claim that I have brought grace, truth or light to my sibling. I was hard on him. My conservative Christian demeanor and attitude used to rub him raw.

    I am encouraged because God is always at work in and through all facets of life in this weary and fallen world. Ministers of grace, seen and unseen, abound in all places! I cannot account for anything but the “new song” my brother is now singing. However the clouds have been parted; my brother was lost & now is found! I am rejoicing & thanking the Lord!

    19-21″This is the crisis we’re in: God-light streamed into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness. They went for the darkness because they were not really interested in pleasing God. Everyone who makes a practice of doing evil, addicted to denial and illusion, hates God-light and won’t come near it, fearing a painful exposure. But anyone working and living in truth and reality welcomes God-light so the work can be seen for the God-work it is.” John 3:19-21
    (The Message)

    Refreshed in the wilderness,

  2. tallmark says:

    Thanks for your verse Maru. I’ll be thinking about whether I am welcoming to the God-light… or not.
    Hot one again here on the west end of Michigan’s U.P.

  3. foreverblessed says:

    A few years ago my husband attended a workshop communication. With 10 people they were together a few days somewhere in the woods. At the end each had to evaluate all other participants. So my husband got 9 evaluations about himself. But then the leader said: you also have 9 evaluations you gave about the others, don’t forget them, these may be much more valuable to you then to the other.

  4. SFDBWV says:

    When Paul explained the “Armor of God” he uses the picture words to describe the Word of God being a sword, Ephesians 6: 17.

    Hebrews 4: 12 tells us that the Word of God is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword.

    Revelation 19: 15 speaks of the one who has a sharp sword going out of His mouth, smiting the nations. In verse 21 it is recorded the remnant were slain with the sword which proceeded out of His mouth.

    James has a great deal to say about the tongue of man, James 3: 5-18. All of which states that it is by way of what we say that has power of life and death of both the body and soul.

    I say these things because it is no trivial thing how we use our words.

    Words either in writing or spoken are an illustration of what is in our hearts, Christ Him self said so, Matthew 15: 11, Matthew 15:18.

    We can speak blessings or coursings and like God our words have creative power and energy.

    So I need always to remember these thoughts as I express myself in any arena be it political or otherwise. This leading to self examination as to motives behind every thought and action, especially the act of speaking.

    It would seem best to say nothing ever, or even to have an opinion, to just set like a mushroom grow old and die, offending no one.

    However God gave us the ability to think, discern and speak, so even though we are held accountable for every word we do say, Matthew 12: 36, we are also placed into a life that requires us to communicate.

    So I must use caution when I think, then speak….the trick being to think first and speak second.


  5. poohpity says:

    Mart, you said, “If we are people of the truth, rather than people of the lie, why would we not take the time to find out whether those we disagree with have really said, or meant the words and thoughts that we attribute to them?”.

    There are times when at first I have listened to people and thought what a heart for God then only to realize that their heart was more inclined to self honoring glory. Then there are times when I have thought of someone to be a bit harsh and uncaring then down the road have found that it was just a mask to protect their hearts which were very loving. The lesson in both cases was to take time by listening and watching and not be so quick to judge.

    As with politicians when someone who disagrees with them it seems the tendency is to start personality bashing and name calling rather than just stating their case and allowing others to form their own opinions about their platforms.

    Gosh as Christians I would think that ripping people apart and name calling would be things that are far from our hearts and tongues but that does not seem to be the case. We can disagree with each other in a civil manor without degrading the individual but it seems that is not the case. It would be nice if our words represented what we say we believe.

  6. poohpity says:

    I often wonder how it could be so hard to look within and admit the darkness that lies in each one of us. Do we feel it makes us less than? Or is it really what will humble us to the point of realizing how much we need God’s grace and each other for this journey of life?

  7. poohpity says:

    Another question I ask myself is “Am I spurring my fellow Christians to good works and searching the scriptures to know God better or am I wanting them to listen to my words for recognition and self importance?” All I can say as an answer to that one is “Ouch”!!

  8. bratimus says:

    The real question is,

    Is threr really a break between the eletion cycles?

  9. remarutho says:


    I don’t think so! There is constant “shaping” media work by political campaign folks. There is a break of maybe a year total in the four-year cycle. I have difficulty finding sincere statements of the candidate’s position in any campaign ad — video, audio, print or graphic.

    By election day, it is (cruel and unusual) punishment. Many political campaign communicators choose to discredit the ethics or the personal motivations of the opponent. I experience campaign fatigue the nearer the election we get. Whatever your political loyalties, I hope you would agree that 90 days immediately preceeding election day is plenty for campaigning. I am shocked at the amount of money spent on campaigns in our time!

    I pray for the initiative and perseverence to find out a candidate’s values and service record, so I can make an informed voting decision. I find it challenging to listen to the candidates who criticize rather than pro-actively stating their own positions.


  10. poohpity says:

    Over 80,000 homes lost power this afternoon due to a transformer fire. It started at 12:30pm and some still have the power out. It was 115 degrees here today. Our apartment complex’s power just got turned on about 30 minutes ago. Praying that it will be restored soon with minimal damage there are still 40,000 homes without power. No traffic lights, no gas stations, no stores.

  11. tha.khoza says:

    poohpity – this side of the world power outages are the norm so I can sympathise :)
    the light bulb reminds me of the scripture that says we are to be the light and salt of the world. this entails being radical yet humble in our dealings with the world. but i sometimes wonder how often i let God shine his light into the dark areas of my heart. because when i dont, it is then that i start seeing people through the very dirty lens of my eyes. i start seeing the speck of dust in others through the forest growing in my own eyes. i think its only through God’s grace and the “raw, broken, and life-giving honesty” of fellow saints that God’s light shines through us and humbles us to see ourselves clearly and to run back to God for his mercy and grace. This is a painful process and very humbling but if we are to be the light of the world then God’s light should infiltrate every corner of our lives first.

  12. poohpity says:

    tha.khoza, while in that situation all the neighbors came out of their apartments and were talking, sharing and comforting each other. It also reminded me of the things I take for granted while in many other parts of the world and even with our troops they live with no electric or AC. It helped me to see how really spoiled I am.

  13. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Thought this blog topic would be current for awhile longer. I love the picture in this blog.

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