One of our friends asked a good question in response to the last post. Does anyone have a valid reason for being angry with God?
Our answer to that question, as well as our thoughts about “anger with God” may depend on the extent to which we are inclined to “be right” or to “do right” as a way of life. If our answer is, “of course we are never right to be angry with God,” the next questions might be, “But what if we are?” Or what if we really feel that we do have a valid reason to be angry with God?”
The opposite extreme would be to put such a high value on being honest to ourselves that being angry with God was just an unexamined, and unquestioned way of life.
My guess is that most of us would agree that relationships with Christ grow from the inside out, and from down to up (i.e. from our admission of need to his help).
Can we also agree, then, that being real with God is one of the first steps to being right with him.