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With global markets sliding, banks failing, and personal questions about employment, retirement accounts, and home mortgages multiplying, it’s not surprising that many of us have been worrying more than usual.

Sometimes my thoughts echo the person who said, “If you’re not worried, you don’t know what’s happening.”

On the other hand, we’ve all found that too much anxiety is unhealthy. The wrong kind of worry adds to the weight of our concerns the overburden of imagined trouble.

So what can we do when the ground under our feet starts moving? One option is to use the moment to think about what really matters to us. Another thing we can do is to see if there is anyone we can trust to give us honest answers that cannot be trumped by the “what-ifs” of worst case economic, social, or medical scenarios.

At this point, my mind is drawn once again to the one who said, “You cannot serve both God and money. So I tell you, don’t worry about everyday life– whether you have enough food, drink, and clothes. Doesn’t life consist of more than food and clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than they are. Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not” (Jesus in Matthew 6:24-27 NLT).

But quoting Jesus raises other problems. Some of us think we’ve messed up our lives so badly that it would be hypocritical for us to open our Bibles. Some of us have spent too much time criticizing the followers of Jesus’ to want to be counted among them. And some of us are quite sure that we know ourselves too well– that if we tried trading our worries for faith in Christ– it wouldn’t last.

None of the above thoughts is without merit. They just miss the point. According to the Bible, there are two kinds of people in the world: Those who are “in Christ”, and those who are not “in Christ.” That one difference trumps all other worries. Not because those “in Christ” are better people, and not because those who are “in Christ” are immune to worry, moral failure, or financial ruin. The difference is that those who are “in Christ” have in him all that counts in life and death, and all that can never be lost either in this life or the next.

So let’s look at these two options that depend on whether or not we personally entrust ourselves to Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior.

What if we are not “in Christ”? Then according to the New Testament we are:

  1. Condemned for not believing in him (John 3:18)
  2. Lost (Matt 18:11; 2Cor 4:3)
  3. Guilty of sins against God and others (Rom 3:19)
  4. Spiritually dead, i.e. separated from God (Eph 2:1-5)
  5. Alienated from God (Eph 4:18)
  6. Enemies of God (Rom 5:10; Col 1:21)
  7. Children of wrath (Eph 2:3)

On the other hand,

What if we are “in Christ”? Then according to the New Testament we are:

  1. Declared to be right with God  (Rom 3:24)
  2. Redeemed from the slave-market of sin (Rom 3:24)
  3. Not subject to condemnation (Rom 8:1)
  4. Free from the law of sin and death (Rom 8:2)
  5. Inseparable from the love of God (Rom 8:39)
  6. Members of the Body of Christ (Rom 12:5)
  7. Set apart for God (1Cor 1:2)
  8. Called saints (1Cor 1:2)
  9. Made spiritually alive (1Cor 15:22)
  10. Destined for victory (2Cor 2:14)
  11. Enlightened by God (2Cor 3:14)
  12. A new creation (2Cor 5:17)
  13. Grounded in the profound simplicity of faith (2Cor 11:3)
  14. Given spiritual freedom (Gal 2:4)
  15. Children of God (Gal 3:26)
  16. One with all members of the family of God (Gal 3:28)
  17. Blessed with all spiritual blessings in heaven (Eph 1:3)
  18. Raised and sitting together in heavenly places (Eph 2:6)
  19. Created to be good for others (Eph 2:10)
  20. Recipients of God’s purpose and grace  (2Tim 1:9)
  21. Beneficiaries of God’s consolation, comfort, and mercy (Phil 2:1)

And all of this together means that those who are “in Christ” through simple faith in him are in the best imaginable position to weather the financial, social and medical storms of life. “In Christ,” we have the assurance of God’s presence and love regardless of our circumstances. “In Christ” we are in the best possible place to hear Jesus say,

“So don’t worry about having enough food or drink or clothing. Why be like the pagans who are so deeply concerned about these things? Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today” (Jesus– Matthew 6:31-34 NLT).

Hope this isn’t too long to be a discussion starter for us. The times are so uncertain. Yet this might be one of our best moments to discover or reaffirm what it takes to live without the kind of worry that is consuming so many.

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14 Responses to “What-if”

  1. poohpity says:

    I have “Who I am in Christ” on my wall in the bathroom but I am concerned about whether my eyes are on myself rather than Christ. This is a phase I am going through now. I am thinking about more of who God is and what He has done, is doing and what He is going to do.

    I am so use to living on a below the poverty level income that that does not worry me. My worries come with dealing with people depending on me to take care of them like an aging parent. After being a single parent and all the responsibility that it took to do that I am ashamed to say I feel I do not want to take on more responsibility. I feel like running away. I have had the Lord for my husband but it would be nice to have a pair of strong arms of flesh to lean on myself. I am feeling overwhelmed at this point in my life and am having a hard time relying on the Lord for the solution.

    I rest in the fact that today sometime the Lord will renew my hope but it sure isn’t in the fact of who I am in Him it will be in the fact of who He is period. That great “I AM”. I believe we concentrate so much in our identity we over look exactly who it is that we worship.

  2. sitsathisfeet says:

    Psalm 27 The Lord is my light and salvation The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom (or what, my words) shall I be afraid? When evil advances against me when my enemies and foes attack me they will stumble and fall. Though an army beseige me my heart will not fear,even then will I be confident….. and it goes on to say later He will keep me safe in his dwelling: He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a rock. Thank you Lord for this encouragement and promise, though my world crumbles around me I will cling to him, and cry out to him in my need. I think it’s important to pray to the Lord in our need as well. It was interesting I was reading in Ruth and I always identified with Ruth more, as I was a widow before – but it struck me upon this reading what Naomi said: (Ruth 1:20 ) Don’t call me Naomi she told them. Call me Mara (which means bitter) because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full, but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The Lord has afflicted me, the Almighty has brought misfortune upon me. (NIV) How heartfelt her cry was, and the Lord helped her in her need to his Glory certainly, but she had all the feelings that go with her physical and spiritual growing pains. But, again we are in the refiners fire everyday, to be made in the likeness of him. And we are to Consider it all joy, whenever we face trials of many kinds because the testing of our Faith develops perserverence. Perserverence must finish its work so that we may be mature and lacking nothing.(sic James 1:2 NIV) All thse things and more I ponder in my heart, thanks be to Him.

  3. poohpity says:

    That was beautiful and a very good reminder that God is the one in control and it is He that brings us through everything in His grace and mercy.

    As I was reading today’s scripture and considering what is happening in our economy. It looks as though we have not learned very much from history as the Lord told Jeremiah 25:7 “and you have provoked me with what your hands have made, and you have brought harm to yourselves”.
    Shows to go ya don’t it!

  4. drkennyg says:

    It is a great relief to be in Christ. To know that we are citizens of Heaven and are dead to this world gives strength for each day. Our Father will provide as Jesus said so we should have faith and not worry. For me worrying has become something that happens to me when I dare to think I have a better idea about something than my Lord has. Since this cannot be I feel comforted. I don’t isolate and still function with the world around me. I do my best for others as I am able. I aim to maintain my health as much as I can – it feels like I honor the Lord when I take of myself as a member of His Body.

  5. christ4life says:

    Mart, you say “the times are so uncertain”-this I agree with. But have we ever lived in times that we are certain of? I rejoice that you have posted these thoughts because these times, I am certain, are those of which we were warned–“perilous times” (2nd Timothy 3; times in which men are “heartless, senseless, brutal God-haters” (Romans 1:31,NIV). These are the times when we must choose to remain in Christ because He, The Master, said that “he who stands firm to the end shall be saved” St. Matt. 24:13). All of us who confess our faith in Him must now demonstrate that faith by remaining in Him, even in these perilous times. Neither money nor Man can save us—ONLY JESUS CHRIST SAVES. ALLELUIA!!

  6. daisymarygoldr says:

    Very well balanced, articulated write-up that is amply supported with good scriptural references …though long it is definitely worth burning the midnight oil to answer the most worrisome queries in today’s troubled times!

    “If you’re not worried, you don’t know what’s happening.” …sometimes ignorance is a bliss and this is very true for a finance-illiterate like me. Jesus is right- there is no point in worrying and there is nothing more comforting and convenient to “Give all (our) worries and cares to God, for he cares about us”. (1 Pet 5:7)!

    Not to be anxious is also easier said than done but when there is no other way, the best way is to trust the Good Shepherd and we will never want. The Psalmist understood this best when he said “Even the strong young lions sometimes go hungry but those who trust in the LORD will lack no good thing”.(Ps 34:10)!

  7. peg says:

    It probably won’t be a bad thing to go hungry for a little while. Maybe we will get healthier.
    I do pray for those who are having a hard time and suffering. Especially those who are of the house of God.
    I try not to worry about what’s going on. I am so thankful for my job and that my kids have jobs. Praise God! I am trying to cut out certain luxery out of my life right now. Things I can live without, to save some money. Going back to the basics.

  8. SFDBWV says:

    I learned long ago to not waste my energy worrying about events out of my control.
    Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding.”
    3:6 “In all thy ways aknowledge him,and he shall direct your paths.

  9. rick_h says:

    Psalm 33.12-22 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance. From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth–he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do. No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death, and keep them alive in famine. We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you.

    (I have found solace in this passage, as it relates to the anxieties of today.)

  10. reueltr says:

    I’m glad that we are reminded who we are in Christ. After reading the article and sharing messages posted its simple reminder for us that

    ” When times are so uncertain, its the best time to discover that God is in control”

    As the plsamist said ” Don’t be downcast oh my soul, put your hope in the Lord ” Lord Bless!!

  11. Yeshua says:

    Hi All! I hope to meet all of you as my sisters and brothers in Christ in eternity. I try to hold on to that we are only in this life for 80 to 90 years maybe, but eternity is forever! I would think to God 80 to 90 years is just a heart beat. As Peter said “one day to God is like one thousand years”, so time is really short.
    To keep our fears away the Holy Spirit is right with us. All of this has to happen before the glorious return of our Christ Jesus the Lord. Revelations and Daniel among a few books in the bible that tell us of the coming events. One global economy, one world bank, both bad news, but to me I try to keep it in prospective. The king is coming and God is doing his work. God never sits idly by he is in control and I for one cannot question his sovereignty. I keep my eyes on the prize which is Israel. When Israel is being attacked by all nations then the promise of our Lord is there! Just think Israel is the size of Vermont and about seven countries at this time want to wipe them of the face of the map. So get ready, look up he’s on the way back. We have seen miracle after miracle and prophecy after prophecy fulfilled just in the last 60 to 70 years. The global economy is God’s way of saying ENOUGH! When my faith wanes and fears grip hold of me I focus on what has to be and know that the power and glory of our Lord is in control. My motto is: My new passion is hope; inasmuch as I have faith. My heart goes out to all of you suffering. Let is be so for now as this time as we know it is coming to an end. We will suffer as Christians but please look to other countries that carry far more of the burden then we do. VOM (Voice of Martyrs-www.persecution.com) is an Organization that needs our prayers daily. Our sister and brothers are fighting the good fight! I for one could not imagine not being able to read my bible daily or worship our Lord upon being jailed or worst executed because of my faith in Jesus Christ! God Bless you all!

  12. poohpity says:

    After my trip to Africa last year, I thought I would never complain about my lot in life again. Well lately I have. I asked the Lord to forgive me this morning for complaining and feeling sorry for myself. I have so much to be thankful for! God is in charge and I can trust Him with my life and my families because He has been faithful over and over again. He has a plan and I want to be part of it not fight against Him but walk along side. It is a proven path!!

  13. desert rose says:

    Thank you Mart for a great blog and for all of those who have left comments. I liked reading them all and having each one using different scriptures. I really haven’t worried about the economy simply because I know God’s hand is on it. I often wondered how we would get to the places in this world the Bible talks about, one government, one world bank etc. – so this has been an eye opener for me. We stand to lose what little we have but as for right now, I am not going to worry. Again, thanks for all of the comments each of you took time to write. Mart, I don’t think you ever need to think a blog is too long, just continue to be led of the Holy Spirit.

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