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In the Dawn’s Early Light

The conversation around the last post was good. It is so important for us to be reminded that in so many ways we are neither alone, nor alike, in our struggles.

My guess was that on the question of what makes a good day, we would weigh in somewhere between the thoughts that we have reason to anticipate good because “this is a day given to us by our Lord” (Psa 118:24) and the more sobering thought that we have reason to look for good because “the days are evil” (Eph 5:15-16).

Having come to know how honest so many of you are, I should have anticipated the realism you would bring to the table. Your comments pushed me to go back and take another look at the two passages above.

Noticed a couple of things. The “this is the day” passage surfaces not only in what God offers his people in very dark times, but in what was for me a surprising showcase: The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psa 118:22-24).

In this setting, and looking now back at it from a New Testament point of view, “the day that the Lord has made” (cause for celebration) is the day that that our God called us out of darkness into the light of what his rejected Son has done for us (1Peter 2:4-10).

This background seems to fit  what Paul wrote to the Ephesians about waking up to the light that Christ shines on us in days that are evil (Eph 4:8-15).

Don’t know about you. But that seems to give a different way of thinking about “the day the Lord has made”.

In saying that, I’m not questioning that each new day has its source in the Lord, but only that the day that we are to rejoice in is the dawning light that enables us to see who our Savior is… in our darkness.

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76 Responses to “In the Dawn’s Early Light”

  1. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart!

    I am struck by the fact that the Light of the world shone in the day of the prophets, though the understanding of it was dim. As Peter reminds us, speaking to the “exiles” of the Dispersion (into all those regions dominated by Rome), Hosea told the Israelites that though they had been illegitimate children, they would become God’s own – and would return to God from their time in the darkness of idolatry. (Hosea 3:1)

    In Christ, God takes to himself all of us who were children “tossed to and fro and blown about by every wind of doctrine.” (Ephesians 4:14) Jesus told the Greeks who came to see him, “The light is with you for a little longer. Walk while you have the light, so that the darkness may not overtake you.” (John 12:35) So he does make a new people in the New Covenant, where there was no people at all. He tells us, “…when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” (John 12:32) That was a unique, historic day – one day in which the entire universe turned on the pivot of God’s great Love for us. (John 3:16) How much more will be shown more clearly on the Day of the Lord that is coming our way?


  2. SFDBWV says:

    Very good Mart, very well said. It seems to me that once again we are allowed to *see* the multi purposes of each and every word of Scripture.

    This marvelous Living Word of God is so deep and complex and never disappoints in showing us the work and will of the Author.

    The “cornerstone” of any structure is its foundation and is its beginning point in the construction of the remainder of the structure.

    The fact that the builders rejected the very stone that the Lord would use as His foundation is seen clearly as Jesus of Nazareth, rejected by the very people who were created in order to bring the Truth of God to the world.

    The fact that the Lord took this rejected Stone and gave it *cornerstone* status is seen as marvelous to us because on that *day* salvation become available to the whole of the world and so we all can rejoice and be glad in that day salvation came.

    1 Peter 2: 4-10 tells us that we are living stones used in the construction of this Holy entity He is creating with Christ as our foundation, equally rejected by men. We share in this marvelous work of God all for a future use as well as for now.

    And as said in Ephesians 5: 15-16, “the days are evil” sets clearly as to the fact that even though any day can have evil in it, it is also a day the Lord offers Jesus Christ to us and reminds us that because of this *Cornerstone* we can have hope and victory over the evil of that day.

    You brought a good message to us today Mart thank you.


  3. oneg2dblu says:

    Mart, God does bring us light every morning, but He also brings us darkness every night. Basically if it exists, God has brought it about, or allowed it to exist.
    In his greater plan of Eternity comes our daily living, our daily exchange of darkness and light. Which one we choose to empower then becomes what we reflect. He Jesus, is the Light of the World, so it is that light which we get to shine, even through these ever darkening days we now live.
    It is no accident, no mistake, how much brighter a light looks when it is exposed into the darkness all around us. God’s perfect plan is that the darkness can not overcome the light! Gary

  4. BruceC says:

    Good topic Mart and very good posts!

    There is a great day coming when there will be no need for the sun for He will be light! What a day that will be when there is no more darkness or evil!

    Like your post Gary. Ever notice how the world hates the Light? Not just because it is Light; but because it shines its Truth upon their darkness and exposes it. This has happened to all of us who have come to Christ. But the “world” still hates His Light. The more it hates it the brighter it becomes and so the Church grows under persecution. So let us give thanks for the day that God shone His Light upon mankind.


    Read your post on the last topic and will hold you up in prayer. My wife has suffered from depression; although not as severe. You are in good company…Charles Spurgeon also battled with bouts of depression.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  5. poohpity says:

    Oh how right you are Bruce about the Lord shinning light exposes the truth about us. No matter the lengths people go through to hide things the light eventually exposes the darkness. I know it is an on going thing for me and I am so glad we are not left in the darkness but after things are exposed the Lord is right there to help us in those dark places.

    In my reading this morning Joshua was dividing the Land and one tribe asked him to give them other land than what he had already given to them because they did not want to clear it out. Joshua’s reply was the land has already been given to you so go clear it there was such a contrast from the others tribes who just went in a cleared their land. They were not happy with what they had been given and weren’t willing to do the work to clear the land. Later we find because of not doing the work of clearing the land it turned and caused them all kinds of trouble. That seems the same with the areas the Lord asked us to clear out of our lives those areas of darkness that blocks the light from coming in.

    John shows us one such area in 1 John 2:9-11 NLT.

  6. bratimus says:

    James 1:2-5

  7. SFDBWV says:

    Looking at the Bible and the study of some matters can and does at times cause sadness in me and I can not deny it.

    As I strain to look for that joy that comes in the morning (Psalms 30: 5) I am taken to Revelation 21: 25 and Revelation 22: 5 and see a coming time when there will no longer be night.

    This also leads me to Ephesians 5: 8 and am encouraged that we are become the children of light, and read in Revelation 21: 1, 4 that all sorrow, pain, crying and death are done away with. Indeed this is the dawn of a new age and the ultimate end to everyone’s sadness.

    Yet Isaiah 65: 17 tells me that the former heavens and earth shall not be remembered nor come to mind.

    I wonder as I read this if this means we have no memory of our past, of the people we knew, of the events of our lives that helped shape us into who we are.

    If the heart aches and triumphs of millions of people are simply forgotten for all times.

    I live in an area where entire towns no longer exist, only the evidence that there were once people there. As I look around such places I can not help but feel the presence of what once was.

    Here people once laughed, loved, died, once had hopes and ambitions, came to the end of themselves and met God. They all had a story, they all had worth and it saddens me that they are all forgotten except to God.

    It troubles me to think that all of the trials and tribulations that we all suffer won’t be remembered and so no longer have meaning.

    It seems to me that men and women were created to love and have fellowship with their creator, not as robots, but in freedom. That darkness was created as a contrast to the light and that darkness could be made as a choice against God.

    I appreciate very much that that darkness will never be present again in eternity, but am troubled by the thought that its effects or the memory of so many lives may never come to mind again as perhaps a way of our never feeling sorrow again.

    This is all fine speaking of the end of all things, but there is also right now and the hope our faith gives us.

    If our only hope was in a future time and the new heavens and new earth, then death would be welcome. But we are told there is no victory in death (1 Corinthians 15: 55-58) yet we also read in 1 Corinthians 15: 50-54 of the resurrection as being a victory over it.

    I am sorry this has ran too long, more to ask more to think about, more to discuss.


  8. yooperjack says:

    Steve: I’ve been preaching that sermon on this blog but no one wants to hear it but as we dig deeper it becomes a reality. There is no past it’s gone, there is no future,*Free gas Tomorrow*, there is only the eternal presence. That’s why the things of this life are like a vapor. Did you know, at the speed of light time all comes together? Maybe that’s why Jesus is the light, He bring all time to His presence. Wow!! That just came in on the Spiritual news flash. Always keep in mind everything man knows about the universe is theory and theory is guessing.

    If Heaven means our slate will be cleaned and we start from scratch, so be it. What part of this life is worth holding on to, we can’t take it to Heaven anyway? I’m going to give it all up and be with our Lord. We came with nothing we will leave with nothing. Isaiah 65:17 is another scripture many want to cut out of their Bibles. They want to hang on to their earthly jewels. Not me, they can have it all when I’m gone.

    Have you ever seen the TV show “Pickers”? There are people that have barns full of junk they saved all of their lives. If I kept everything I ever had I would have to have a warehouse. Over 100 cars, musical instruments, tools, women, just think of all the friends and girl friends you may have had and know can’t even remember their names.

    When my life on this earth is over it will be like Jesus said: “It is finished”, no regrets, no sorrow. I’m just moving on to Glory Land. Praise God!!!!

  9. remarutho says:

    Good Evening All –

    Steve, you express in a very moving way the desire to keep the memories of the life that has made you who you are. I also cannot believe we shall be some wispy beings blowing around heaven – in the light – but also removed from the joys and sorrows and persons (or the memories of them) who have shaped our earthly life.

    I remember the Psalm that is really a prayer for vindication; but the one verse is dear to all of us: “You (O God) have kept count of my wanderings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book?” (Psalm 56:8) I am always comforted to remember that the Creator of the universe is a person. He surely will not wipe away our memories that have shaped us. We who are in Christ are “a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” (2 Corinthians 5:17) It seems we will not look back with any regrets at our life in the world.

    Can it be we will become more fully ourselves when this world passes away? Just musing…they say the prayers of the saints who have gone on to be with the Lord still rise to him as incense — as though they have their own eternal existence.

    One of the learnings I received at the recent bereavement seminars I attended is that those who are grieving score higher on memory tasks than those who are not grieving…I was amazed to hear that!


  10. yooperjack says:

    Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 NKJV. All things will be new.

  11. davids says:

    Mart writes, “I’m not questioning that each new day has its source in the Lord, but only that the day that we are to rejoice in is the dawning light that enables us to see who our Savior is… in our darkness.”

    Steve, I can understand what you are saying about the loss of memory, “It troubles me to think that all of the trials and tribulations that we all suffer won’t be remembered and so no longer have meaning.”

    But I can’t say I share it. There were days, months, and years of my childhood. Of them I have few memories, neither the good days or the bad days. Our memory is fleeting and very selective. In fact, there must have been times of sorrow and shame that I am happy not to remember.

    I consider what the dawning light that Mart speaks of brings. What a wonder that I will feel love toward every soul as I do now toward my family. How great that I will be able to set burdens of the past aside forever. My life will be like a distant childhood, no longer entangling my relationships with God or others. To me it is not a regret, but a joy.

  12. poohpity says:

    It would seem that pain, sorrows, suffering, trials and tribulations can cause the human spirit to react in seclusion, anger, defensiveness, pride, bitterness and many other negative emotions. Those who cling to God can change the outcome of those negative effects in this life by having compassion and empathy when we see someone else going through them but they all are a result of the sin nature and to be freed from that sin nature when we have our new bodies means to me a release from death to live another type of existence. Where the things of this life will pass away so I agree Maru it seems to give us more of an ability to be our real self not effected by the negative things in this life.

    In the beginning all that was created was good and that included a very close relationship with God when sin entered it caused separation, it was the human beings who chose to hide from God. To be released from all that we hide from God back into a walking in the garden relationship without memories that cause sorrow, tears or pain would seem like heaven to me. I do not want to remember the things that caused harm nor do I want to cause harm to anyone anymore.

    To be in a place where nothing is hidden any longer where truth and love and more importantly where God is with an unbroken fellowship with Him alone who cares what is behind to drag us down but only looking at what is truly Good and I pray that I will not have memories that will inhabit that freedom. Remembering the things of this life will seem so unimportant to me even the love of my children, WE WILL BE IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD.

  13. yooperjack says:

    Well said poohpity, I hunger and thirst for that day.

  14. poohpity says:

    Oh me too Jack especially not ever hurting anyone again. I do not do it intentionally however I do and that will be a happy day for me. Then being in the presence of all that is Good. I love my children enough to want that for them as well to be able to experience the purest form of love from our God.

  15. poohpity says:

    Even if they never remember me again.

  16. yooperjack says:

    AMEN to that.

  17. phpatato says:

    I agree Pooh – “I love my children enough to want that for them as well to be able to experience the purest form of love from our God”…..”Even if they never remember me again”. Can I go on to add all those who touch our lives, family and beyond.

  18. poohpity says:

    Yes you may with an Amen!

  19. Elisabeth says:

    Good day everyone.

    If I understand today’s post correctly, Mart, you’re basically saying that everything is good because it’s allowed by God. So, we can rejoice in the “daylight” cause it’s, well, day, but we can also rejoice even in the night for two reasons.

    One, the moon reflects the light of the source of our daylight. The stars also provide some light, no matter how dim in comparison to that of our nearest star. So even in the night, there is some light.

    Second reason is that the presence of the moon allows us to hope for the dawn of its light source.

    Of course, I am making heavy use of metaphor here, but if we regard the Lord as our light, then I think I make a lot more sense. Also, through situations and other people (stars), He provides us His light.

    For me, I regard us as being in night-time. The impact of the light is but a shadow. Until Christ returns, our best days are but a teaser of what is to come. A day is coming though when there will be no more night because God Himself will be our light.

  20. BruceC says:

    I understand how we can have fond memories that we want to keep; but I believe that once we are in the presence and embrace of our Lord, who alone has all the love we desire, we won’t want to recall anything of our past. We will be totally immersed in Him.
    While in this life we are continually renewing our mind; it is the next that we receive glorified bodies. Our minds (brains) are part of that and that too will be glorified and the old no longer a part. In this present life we get a glimpse. In eternity it all becomes reality. So while in this life we never fully grasp it; but in faith look to that day.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  21. SFDBWV says:

    Thank you all so very much for your well thought out comments.

    As I contemplate our future there are two separate events coming, the first being the return of Jesus as King of Kings (Revelation 19: 16) the second is the creation of a new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21: 1).

    Of the first, we return with Christ to this earth to be used of Him as His witnesses (Hebrews 12: 1) (Revelation 1: 7) and as His co heirs (Romans 8: 17).

    Of the second is our existence in this new heaven and new earth where there is no more night and no remembrance of former things (Isaiah 65: 17).

    From all of the teachings of Jesus I have come to understand that we are rewarded according to how we handled the stewardship of responsibilities God entrusted to us here and now. Given then responsibilities in the Kingdom that aligns with our earthly obedience and performance.

    So when we return with Christ for the thousand years of peace on earth in our transfigured and resurrected bodies; are we not still who we were, except perfected through Christ?

    After these thousand years God allows for Satan to once again deceive the children of man (Revelation 20: 7-8) and it is at this time that the devil is cast into the lake of fire forever (Revelation 20: 10) and then the resurrection of the unsaved and judgment and here it is said that heaven and earth “fled away” (Revelation 20: 11-15) and beginning at Revelation 21: 1 we see of this new heaven and new earth of all tears wiped away, of no more death, sorrow, crying, pain, and the former things passed away (Revelation 21: 4).

    Two separate events on separate time tables, but when is it the former things are passed away? It appears not until the dawn of the new heaven and new earth and New Jerusalem.

    Jackie I am aware that the dead know nothing as given in Ecclesiastes 9: 5-6 and also that the dead praise not the Lord (Psalms 115: 17), however in Luke 20: 38 we are told that God is not a God of the dead but of the living and again in Matthew 22: 32 Jesus repeats this and the fuller story is expressed in Matthew 22: 23-32. More to this idea than at first meets the eye.

    Matthew and I will be gone all day to the doctors again; I hope you all have a blessed day.


  22. oneg2dblu says:

    No more pain, no more suffering, no more sorrow, no more tears, no more darkness, no more temptation, no more failure, no more forgetting, no more fretting…
    sounds like Heaven to me. Even if we can only know a small part of what lies ahead for those who are in Christ Jesus, just as today is compared to Eternity. If today is all we have, then today is enough if we have Him. Gary

  23. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    It must be that the work of the kingdom comes into the world, whose time is limited, and into our short lives, with gifts. Jesus’ descent to the lower parts of the earth brought his fullness there just as it is in heaven, where he ascended.

    The gifts Christ gives are not individual gifts, but gifts for the church – “apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11, 12)

    Mart, you wrote:
    “This background seems to fit what Paul wrote to the Ephesians about waking up to the light that Christ shines on us in days that are evil (Eph 4:8-15).”

    It seems to me the light we have, though it is not the light of his face as a man standing on the earth – is still considerable. The light we are given, comes through the work Jesus accomplished, through his continual intercession from where he is enthroned, and through the working of the Holy Spirit in us and in the world. This light is received (not self-generated) by the body of Christ “until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.” (Eph 4:13)

    In light and in darkness, the challenge is the unity of the body of Christ. It comes by “speaking the truth in love.” (Eph 4:15) In this way, even in this fallen world, we “grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ…”


  24. yooperjack says:

    Steve: Your getting into deep stuff, seek and you will find. Trust me.

  25. remarutho says:

    When this is accomplished, it is not we, but “Christ in (us), the hope of glory, (Colossians 1:27) who is the cause. Everything is a gift! Maru

  26. yooperjack says:

    Steve: When reading in the Bible and thinking about life and death we have to consider we are three parts: spirit, soul and body. I believe our newly born spirit is already in an eternity state of being and will never die and will return to the Lord when the body dies. Our body will die then be raised at the trumpet call, the resurrection. I really have not found a good answer to what happens to the soul when the body dies. Soul being mind, emotions and will. I am convinced the mind is separate from the brain but where does it go, up with the spirit or down with the body? This is much deeper than many want to go, but I love it.

  27. phpatato says:

    Hmmm You’ve given me some food for thought today Steve. I’m starting to chew on it now.

    Have a Blessed day everyone! Patchy freezing drizzle this morning. Gone is our summer-like record breaking weather. I have managed to get the lawn aerated and rolled though. Winter wind tidy-up is still needed. I need a new wheelbarrow before doing that!

  28. yooperjack says:

    Steve: because you asked. If we believe the soul goes down with the body and dies, then is resurrected with the body and are new creations; then Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 and Isaiah 65:17 makes good sense. If the soul goes up with the spirit then Luke 20:38 and Matthew 22: 32 are talking about the spirit and soul. Not just the spirit. In that case we hold on to all of our memories and the like.

    I’m not sure yet, but think the soul may go with the body and die; because live people lose their minds like with Alzheimer’s and accidents; where does their mind go if they lose it? Does it die? If it dies we lose all memory of this life.

  29. poohpity says:

    Seeing what our Savior has done for us gives us light to live each day and each day we are given another chance to do the work of letting others know about what Jesus has done for us.

    Thinking about the very little we are given for the future gives us reason for hope and it would be nice if we did all we can do in this day, just for today, to bring more people into the Kingdom Eph 4:12, 13. If we give to much attention to the future we neglect today and start to get into hunches, predictions, assumptions and anything to carry our minds off of today. Eph 4:14

    Although what some have to go through each day and no joy is found only darkness, worry and stress they usually would like to think about something else. We are only given so many days and can miss the work that God has given us to do outside of our mundane existence of daily routines. We are given spiritual gifts for the growth of the kingdom and to bring light in the darkness to those who’s daily routines seem so burdened and heavy. Eph 4:15

  30. poohpity says:

    “This is the day the Lord has made” let us rejoice in it. If we are rejoicing then we understand we have a very specific purpose above our daily activities. Another chance to touch the life of someone in the name of Jesus someone who may have never heard about the grace and mercy we have been shown or someone who’s heart is broken and needs a hug, smile, a listening ear, food, shelter, water, or clothes. Go out and spread the Gospel use words if you must but actions speak so much louder than words.

  31. poohpity says:

    Before you go make sure you have oil in your lamps. :-)

  32. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… thanks I needed that. Today, I went to the vet with my aged cat, and returned home with a shovel ready job on my hands. This one was one of my rescuded feral cats he was 17 years old, so we had some good days together.
    I buried him under the bird bath which was one of his favorite spots that he so loved to drink from and he gamefully watched many others drink there as well.
    I had to wait my turn though as a dove was there getting herself all wet and taking a long slow drink, holding up my plans for a moment or two.
    Everything is now so peaceful again as dust returns to dust, and the bird bath returns to its spot. Now I get to Praise God for another good day. Gary

  33. poohpity says:

    I am feeling sad for your loss Gary. Hope the day brings some better things to think on today my friend. :-(

  34. yooperjack says:

    Gary: We just buried one of our 17 year old cats he was a big boy, 20#s. We had to give him insilin twice a day for years. He was blind the last month and coudn’t keep his food down, it was sad but we had to put him down about two weeks ago. He was just 13#. I think he was living on love his last six months. I like cats better than people. -:)

  35. poohpity says:

    There are a lot of people that like animals better than people because they have been hurt so bad and animals love unconditionally and people can be ugly a lot of times. There are people as well as the Lord that can love us even when we act so unloving towards others but if we act loving towards others then most of the time we will receive that same love back.

  36. poohpity says:

    Even if we do not receive it back we can feel good because we treated someone like we want them to treat us.

  37. poohpity says:

    Hope you are having a good day Jack. ;-)

  38. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… thanks for your kind words.He was my only cat as I put my other one down over a year ago at 18 yrs. Both were feral. I rescuded them both one was in Gloucester Harbor and the other was down here in Fla when I first moved here in ’94. I was engaged in a feral feeding program when I lived up in New England. I never planned on either cat becoming mine I just heard their calls of distress and responded the only way I knew how, I cared.
    Now, I’m wondering where the next distress call will come from..God knows! Gary :)

  39. oneg2dblu says:

    yooper… Wow! 20#’s now that’s a cat! Actually mine were both a little chunky a few years ago but when the competition for food is taken away along with his furry housemate he never ate that much again. Today, at just over five pounds (fur and bones)that overeating was not an issue. Have a great day. Gary

  40. yooperjack says:

    I like people but I just like cats better no hidden reasons like being hurt or anything else. Just like I hate crowds, now, my hearing may have somthing to do with that; I also like my space, no pushing and shoving.

    It’s been a very good day accept it’s cold again only 40 degrees, but four and a half months of winter is better than six month. Our 175 inches of snow is all but gone already.

  41. poohpity says:

    It is in the 80’s here and that means a whopper of a summer and high electric bills for 4 months. So this summer will be around 120’s, no walking barefoot then.

  42. yooperjack says:

    No thankyou, I’ll fry my eggs on the stove, not on the hood of my car. It’s dry there, not much humiity and the dew point is low, right? That helps the breathing but not the burning.

  43. poohpity says:

    I have been rumbling that 1 Peter 2 verse, “that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”, around in my head and have been thinking if God never answered another prayer for us that reason alone is enough reason to be rejoicing the rest of our lives.

  44. foreverblessed says:

    What a beautiful verse Psalm 118:24-29
    Two years ago I got a power point presentation, called the Center of the Bible, which turned out to be between the shortest chapter of the bible Psalm 117, and the longest chapter of the bible 119, so it was Psalm 118.
    The reasoning went on: 594 chapters before Psalm 118, and 594 chapters after. Add 594 with 594 and you get 1188. So the center of the bible was Psalm 118:8 It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.
    That was considered the pivotal meaning of the bible.
    But then I started reading Psalm 118, and came to verse 24, which Mart cited: This is the day the Lord has made.
    And I found out the this is the Psalm that Jesus sang before He went to Gethsemane
    verse 23 The Lord has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes.
    Read to verse 27 THe Lord is God, and He has made His light shine upon us.
    With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession up to the horns of the altar.
    The altar, on which Jesus was the Lamb.
    Jesus, who on the cross carried all the sins, to reconcile everything Col 1:20
    How thankful we can be, all is forgiven, if we believe in Jesus. All our sins are wiped out, and all the sins of those who are going to believe! How thankful we can be.
    Our sins will be forgotten, gone, forever.
    As many of you wrote here, we are out of the darkness into the kingdom of Light. In faith in Jesus, we are connected to Him, and satan cannot come in between, it is out of bounds for him. We are covered by the blood of the Lamb, and invincible in Jesus.
    Psalm 118:24

  45. SFDBWV says:

    Foreverblessed I never have heard of the connection of Psalms 118:8 and the center of the scripture being 1188 chapters. That seems like one of those things the Holy Spirit likes to do.

    I have several books about the numbers of the Bible and the various Bible codes, but could never get interested enough in them to spend too much time reading them. Time being a most precious commodity for me these days.

    When I think about how short our lives are, and how I must make the best use of each and every hour of my time here. I think then of doing that which God has given me to do and do all I can to fulfill that purpose. Because there and that is what God has given me to do and all else may be *fun* but a distraction from God given responsibility.

    Which is one reason Jesus said a house divided against itself can not stand; the fact that where my heart is there am I also and if I divide myself up into too many places then none of them have my full attention only a part of me.

    I love the sunrise; I love it far over the sunset. As the light of day approaches life everywhere wakes up and as the birds begin their morning songs if you stay quiet within yourself you can almost *hear* the music that the dawn brings as the sun rises.

    For me the opposite occurs as the sun sets and light fades into darkness.

    For me they each have a feel, with the rising of the sun comes light and life, with the setting sun comes darkness and death.

    This happens every 24 hours, yet God promises a day is coming when the sun shall rise and never set again.

    Today is Matthew’s birthday, he is 24 years old.


  46. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart and Friends —

    Steve, please give my Happy Birthday wishes to Matt. He has shown such courage these past six years!

    Mart, you wrote:

    “In this setting, and looking now back at it from a New Testament point of view, “the day that the Lord has made” (cause for celebration) is the day that that our God called us out of darkness into the light of what his rejected Son has done for us (1Peter 2:4-10).”

    A well-known state in the United States has a great advertisement that speaks of the number of sunrises a person can enjoy in a lifetime. It seems like precious few when you simply crunch the numbers! It comes to 365 times the number of years you live (27,010 if we live to 74 yrs). One commentator remarked: “What are you going to do, starting today, to make each of those sunrises and each of those days you have left to be everything you want them to be?” The answer in the ad is to travel to that state to enjoy the sunrise awhile.

    Celebrating each day we are given is one way to honor the sacrifice Jesus made on a particular day early in the 1st c. AD. On that day the “curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.” (Mark 15:38) The church of the time (the Jewish Temple), could no longer keep hidden or keep to themselves the light of God’s love for God’s people. This fellowship has been growing and spreading across the planet ever since. As Peter says, “now you have received mercy.” (1 Peter 2:10)

    From the rejected cornerstone of Christ the light of God’s presence has flooded this dying world. We are called to him out of the darkness. As the kingdom comes nearer, so the light shines brighter. John writes, “…the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining.” (1 John 1:8)

    In Him,

  47. remarutho says:

    My reference is 1 John 2:8. Sorry!

  48. SFDBWV says:

    Maru, Matthew thanks you for your birthday wishes for him; you are the first today to do so, except of course for me.


  49. phpatato says:


    Please give Matthew a birthday hug from me. He has shown such remarkable courage and strength as Maru said. He has a great role model in you but this kind of strength and courage is tapped from within and is only possible when the Holy Spirit is allowed to flow through! Colossians 11,12 God Bless your family.


  50. phpatato says:

    Colossians 1:11-12


  51. oneg2dblu says:

    pat… I enjoyed reading those last few words of those verses,” the saints in light.” That was Illuminating! We Christ Followers already have the light and also sainthood. If those words do not lift one up, then His Grace alone is sufficient and all is still well with my Soul! Gary

  52. poohpity says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday Matt! May your day be filled with birthday blessings and pizza, have a fun one. Love Deb

  53. SFDBWV says:

    Pat and Deb, Matt says thank you both and so do I.


  54. SFDBWV says:

    Doh! I just realized I wrote Matt is 24 today…He is 34 make that thirty four….oops.


  55. phpatato says:

    Steve Matt is the same age as my daughter. She turns 35 in Aug.

  56. foreverblessed says:

    Steve, I hope Matt and you celebrated that day yesterday, a thanks to God that He gave Matt! Today is the day again, a celebration of this day, we are His children, children of the light. I enjoyed all the scriptures that have been given here, wish I could have them in my mind all the time: Children of the light, no darkness can get at us if we remain in faith in Jesus. Even if circumstances are not so good.
    Thanks Pat, for sharing your struggles in the last post, I pray for you too. When the church in which I was grown up fell apart, I became depressed too, nothing mattered anymore except Jesus. And that is exactly the best place you can be. If things are going better then I have to discipline myself to keep focused on Jesus, otherwise I can live my life on myself again. I pray that you can sing in your heart more and more. Any thing we lack we can pray for: Joy, peace.
    Today is the day to praise God, and thank Him for the cross, and for His new resurrection life that He gives us daily, a daily portion. Like the manna in the dessert, just enough for the day.

  57. SFDBWV says:

    It has been a very busy couple of days, doctoring is always exhausting and yesterday’s added stress was the challenge of making Matthew’s special day….*special*.

    It is to be said that even though I worked hard at giving Matt a good day, it was the few of you here and the five people who took the time to call him and wish him a happy birthday that actually made him feel better about having a birthday.

    Some days can be as dark as any coal mine and suddenly *light* emerges and with it comes smiles, comfort and gratitude, love and yes *joy*.

    I would suppose there can be a dawning of light at any moment in any part of a day or night for any of us.

    I hope for any here within the realm of reading these words that if you are in darkness that the light of God dawn on you and you experience that joy that only His light brings.

    Psalms 119: 105


  58. SFDBWV says:

    Backing up a couple days I will attempt to pick up where I left off with the ultimate dawn of the coming eternity where there is no darkness and all light comes from God and there is no remembrance of the former creation.

    In Revelation 21: 1 I see that there is no more sea and I see in Revelation 22: 1 that there is a river that proceeds out of the throne of God and of the Lamb and in Revelation 22: 2 that along side there is the tree of life whose leaves *were* for the healing of the nations.

    I gave special attention to the word *were* because in this new heaven and new earth why would the nations need now to be healed?

    Were the leaves of the tree of life used to heal the nations prior to the creation of this new heaven and new earth?

    If not then in the new creation the nations would not need healed given the concept that there is no more remembrance of past infractions or the ability to err again.

    And where does this river go that proceeds from the throne? If there is no more sea and I would suppose no more rain as well, this must be very different water as well as a very different set of creation rules as we are used to being under.

    I admit I am having trouble believing that we have no memory of our past existence, for several reasons.

    I can believe that this new existence is so far above my ability to fully appreciate and understand and that in being so, is of such a wonderful existence that the old earth and the old night sky the old natural things of the old creation so pale to this new one that the old one is not even thought of ever again.

    But to think that memory is gone is of a different matter.

    If memory is gone so is the knowledge of the cross and of Jesus’ sacrifice, in fact in the new creation the very city in which God and the Lamb are in is called the “holy Jerusalem” (Revelation 21: 10) and on the twelve gates of this new city are the names of the twelve tribes of Israel (Revelation 21: 12) and the wall of this city has twelve foundations all named of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb (Revelation 21: 14).

    All of these names a memorial to events of the past story of God and man. Remembered for eternity.


  59. yooperjack says:

    Steve: trying to imagine Heaven is like me trying to imagine what you look like by just reading your post; we just don’t have enough information. I’d get it all wrong for sure. LOL

    That river may not be water at all but the Holy Spirit. There’s a verse that says out of the heart will flow rivers of living water. John 7:38 NKJV

    Can anyone out there tell me through scripture where the soul goes after death? That is other than the scriptures Steve and I already gave. This is not a trick question.

  60. yooperjack says:

    Hope is positive imaginations. Now we can only imagine with our heart Heaven and all its glory but soon we will be there with the Lord. He will be our focused as we lay our crowns at His feet. Everything else will have become as a vapor.

  61. SFDBWV says:

    Jackie, the questions you have ask I do have answers for as to concerning the three part man.

    Man is of the flesh and has a soul and a spirit. Genesis 2: 7 tells us that man was formed of the dust of the earth and that from God’s breath he became a living soul.

    But the spirit is a very different part of a whole person; it is the very nature of that individual.

    God’s nature is Holy hence the Holy Spirit. Scripture is filled with various spirit examples; evil, lying, wisdom, fear, council, judgment, might, pride and so forth.

    Man can have a variety of spirits that cause him to act and react in the way we do, the greatest being the spirit of *rebellion*.

    But what happens to each when the body dies is also recorded in scripture.

    Luke records the famous story of Lazarus the beggar and a certain rich man (Luke 16: 19-31); in the story the *essence* (soul) of Lazarus is carried by the angels to Paradise while the rich man also died and was buried yet his essence was found to be in hell a place of torment. There in this awful place the rich man can remember Lazarus and can see him there is Paradise. There is no mention of whether or not Lazarus is in the least bit aware of the rich man or his fate.

    I can then understand that memory continues to be with the soul after the death of the body.

    Jesus gives us further understanding again when He the thief on the cross that today he will be with Jesus in paradise (Luke 23: 43).

    A longer study can be made that shows the souls of the saved are in a place called paradise and the souls of the lost in a place of torment.

    That when the resurrection and rapture occur the souls of those in paradise are reunited with their bodies and taken to heaven to be with Christ, while the souls of the unsaved are left in torment until the time of judgment (Revelation 20: 12-13).

    The second death occurring after the judgment (Revelation 20: 14) when two things are thrown into the lake of fire, death and hell and in Revelation 20: 15 those who are not found in the book of life with them.


  62. poohpity says:

    Well Steve, I can only go on what is written hopefully with no guess work. The Tree of Life seems to be the same one that we were not allowed to eat from in the garden to live for ever because sin had come into the world Genesis 3:22 but for those who’s names *are* written in the Lambs Book of life Rev 21:27 after the blood of the Lamb we will be able to freely eat from The Tree of Life to live forever Rev 22:2. That would seem to be the healing, is the ability to eat from that Tree forever that was once denied because of sin.

    Also in Rev 22:1 The Water of Life seems to be the same image that Jesus gave to the Samaritan Women at the well John 4:7-14 which seems to represent the fullness of life with God and the blessings to come. Rev 22:17.

    I wonder if John did use much imagery to describe what he saw in heaven so that he could try to explain in a way that those who read That Book could wrap their minds around it. I think rather than trying to guess some things we are not given in scripture would hold us back from doing what we are given in Scripture to do. Today is a wonderful day to maybe lead someone so they will find their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

    To share the dawning light of who our Savior is so that more will be able to rejoice and share in The Water of Life to be healed from the grasp of the consequences of sin so that we will be able to eat from The Tree of Life to live forever in paradise. Rev 22:3-5

  63. poohpity says:

    2 Cor 5:17-19 NLT

  64. poohpity says:

    oops that was 2 Cor 4:17-18 NLT

  65. poohpity says:

    Reminds me of that song “Turn Your Eye Upon Jesus”

    O soul, are you weary and troubled?
    No light in the darkness you see?
    There is light when you look at the Savior,
    And life more abundant and free.

    So turn your eyes upon Jesus,
    Look full in His wonderful face,
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
    In the light of His glory and grace.

    His word shall not fail you, He promised,
    Believe Him and you will be well;
    Then go to a world that is dying,
    His perfect salvation to tell.

    Just turn your eyes upon Jesus,
    Look full in His wonderful face,
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
    In the light of His glory and grace.

    Just turn your eyes upon Jesus,
    Look full in His wonderful face,
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
    In the light of His glory and grace.

    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
    In the light of His glory and grace.

  66. yooperjack says:

    Steve: I Thessalonians 5:23 NAS speaks of spirit, soul and body; also Hebrews 4:12 NAS separates the soul from the spirit; joints and marrow could be the body. In Ezekiel 36:26-27 NKJV we get a new heart and spirit plus the Holy Spirit.

    I want you to keep your good memories so you can talk about them around the camp fire in Heaven. The only hope I have found of that happening is; He said we would have the desires of our hearts. Maybe I won’t have to spend eternity looking for my baby (my Maine Coon Cat), if I even remember her? LOL

  67. SFDBWV says:

    Jackie I too hope you see all the loved ones you have go on before you including your Maine coon cat.

    It is also my hope that countless numbers of fathers and mothers are reunited with their infants and fetuses that have went on to be with Christ ahead of them.

    Pooh are you saying that the eternal city described in Revelation is simply symbolism? That the items described there are not literal only symbols for our understanding?


  68. foreverblessed says:

    Steve I have often wondered about the tree of life and its fruit that is for the healing of nations. Till I read something in Sadu Sundar Singh, visions of heaven, he had a vision of heaven, and there were trees,and the saints in heaven would eat the fruit, and it would be like energy revigorating their bodies (spiritual bodies). That was good enough an extra thought for me. It is not the bible, so it is ….
    Now about soul and spirit, just having some thoughts on ethereal (digital) paper:
    -What Sadu saw of people who are dead, is no distinction between soul and spirit.
    -The soul is the connection between spirit and body, and has a function as we are alive in the body

    Steve, what you wrote about different spirits, like a spirit of rebellion that can be in man, that is not his original state, that is so to say, pollution. It is a spirit that needs to go out.
    It is confessing that Jesus is Lord, and really believing it, what makes these spirits eventually to leave. That’s why we have to keep focussing on Jesus, (what a beautiful song that is Pooh, I like the version of Cynthia Clawson). Christ in us must grow stronger and stronger, His life flowing through us now, we do not have to wait for heaven, cling to Jesus now, Today: and the living water will flow through us. Today, cleaning us, from the spirit, to soul to body. That is called sanctification, the more we do this while in the body, the more our soul will be rejuvenated, and so is build gold and silver 1 Cor 3:10-12,13-15

    But I agree with Pooh, why all this searching for things too high, why not trusting God everything is well arranged by Him even in eternity, so maybe the first part I wrote, just skip it.
    Psalm 131:1

  69. poohpity says:

    Yes Steve I believe parts of The Revelation are symbolic regarding the eternal city John seemed to use comparisons to describe. When we start to consider our resurrected bodies as being the same as our bodies now, I think we are sadly mistaken and there is no comparison as Jesus pointed out to the religious leaders in Luke 20:34-36 NLT. I always try and be very careful not to read more into things than what we are given factually in Scripture and then compare with other Scripture to get a fuller meaning. Some preachers and teachers of today read more into what we are given then they get carried away in theories and philosophies but that is just how I am about being careful who I learn from and comparing it to Scripture.
    I think just for the purposes of this topic and each new day has it’s source in the Lord anything we can think about in eternity will be beyond anything we could ever imagine because we will be in the presence of Almighty God no matter what the walls, seas will be made of.

  70. yooperjack says:

    Forever: Why not, is always my answer the why? Have you read the little book: “Heaven is for real” by Tudd Burpo it’s a good read. The only thing I didn’t like if it’s true is we’ll have these big wings, that would make it hard do sit down, or go potty. LOL

    Then there is the story Jesse Duplantis tells about his trip to Heaven. I like this stuff but…..

  71. poohpity says:

    I guess I should have given a verse to back up the thoughts of comparison used by John like is found in Rev 21:11 NIV “It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal.” John said, ” it was like that of” that to me is a comparison.

  72. bratimus says:


    We go from a day the Lord has made, to what i see is people longing for Heaven and trying to glimpes eternity.

    I do know trying to glimpes eternity before God is ready to reveal it to you can burn you up. In trying to glimpes eternity we might be forgetting the day the Lord has made and the work of the day, the valley needs tending and the mountain of God will always be there.

    God will give everyone a glimpes of His eternity when God is ready to show you.

  73. yooperjack says:

    Oh! bratimus the glimpes are there if we open our eyes to them. Many are blinded by the cares of this world. Romans 1:20 NKJV Many don’t want to go deeper and that’s ok.

  74. oneg2dblu says:

    yooperjack… I think we all get a glimpse in one form or another, just as God reveals himself to all men. I think if God wanted to “show us more” we wouldn’t be here trying to discuss it, we would be there experiencing it instead. Just a thought… :)
    PS There is Grace enough to all who will have it! Gary

  75. yooperjack says:

    Gary:I think we are discussing it and experiencing it here through our testimonies. We do not all see it but it’s there never the less.

    By the way on your last post on the last topic I stopped at: a bad….. and you finished it so you spoke it to me. LOL I never let anyone steal my joy.

  76. SFDBWV says:

    Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14 speaks to me this morning, however I am also reminded that there is a purpose to every word of scripture and one of my purposes is to seek out the truths God has very painstakingly placed there for me to learn from.

    I believe in a literal interpretation of scripture as well as understand that there are some things that we all have difficulty explaining and that John wrote down exactly what God had him to write down.

    I can not dismiss any of scripture just because I don’t fully understand everything and I also know I will never understand it all.

    We were speaking of the dawning of a new day, the new heavens and new earth for us all is the ultimate dawn of a new day. If we are to have a part in it we must know of it and if we love others then we want them also to share in this bright new world.

    Yes there are several books out there about heaven, but as I read scripture we don’t now die and go to heaven we go to a place called paradise and won’t go to heaven until it is time for the rapture and resurrection.

    So it is important for me to know the truth of scripture concerning these things so as not to be misled by any.

    We are told to search all spirits, which to me means that people who come as teachers or advisors all come with a certain *spirit* and we must look deeper past the person to the spirit of the individual to see what hidden and secret things are the motive and base behind them.

    If we are seeking and searching we will be asking questions, we will be asking each other as well as looking deeper into the Word and somewhere during it all the Holy Spirit will give us peace concerning the matter and allow for us to rest.

    Today is my day of rest; I hope the best for all of you today.


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