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Norway’s Trial of the Century

Photo: The Foreigner

The Norway trial of Anders Breivik who has admitted to killing 77 people last July in a meticulously planned attack against immigration and multiculturalism deserves our attention.

In Breivik’s widely distributed 2083 manifesto, discovered after the killings, he describes how carefully he planned and trained for the attacks.  According to court witnesses he says he would do it again if he had the chance. He is denying guilt for charges of terror and murder claiming ‘”These acts are based on goodness, not evil.” According to a BBC article he then added that he “had toned down his rhetoric out of concern for the victims.”

The article also says that Breivek believes that to be found legally insane would be a fate worse than death because that would diminish his credibility and the truth of the mission he was ready to die for.

One reason I think we need to weigh the issues of such a tragic case is that many followers of Christ are being influenced by misused conservative and liberal values that are fueling an international tide of of ethnic, racial, nationalistic, and religious violence.

Conservatism by nature resists change. Liberalism by nature encourages change. Both have their place. Both can support life. Both can be deadly. Both have access to large amounts of truth that can be harvested from the very nature of life as we know it.

Apart from Jesus’ example as the ultimate conservative-liberal we are likely to be seduced into either a conservative or liberal world view that is as evil as it is arguable.

The Eternal Son and Word of God shows us what needs to remain the same, and what needs to change. Yet he was not able to carry out his mission by finding good, enlightened people and arming them with swords. His kingdom of ultimate conservative and liberal values could not be established by conventional human strategies of war and resistance (John 18:36).

Maybe we can think together about what needs to change, what needs to remain the same, and how…


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55 Responses to “Norway’s Trial of the Century”

  1. florida7sun says:

    This morning’s ODB resonated with me, as I thought of the healing balm of disfigurement radiant in the presence of Our Lord and Savior. Then I read of the tragedy in Austin, Texas where a police officer arrived at the wrong house and killed an innocent, loving dog. The article referenced a Facebook page, “Justice For Cisco.”

    I thought it would be interesting to see how many Facebook pages were created titled “Justice For (you can fill in the blank).”

    So many people are crying out for justice. Yes, there was a page seeking “Justice for the victims of Andreas Breivik in Norway.”

    There was a page seeking “Justice For Trayvon Martin.” Another one entitled “Justice for George Zimmerman.” Scrolling down, there were more and more… so many seeking Justice.

    Justice is only found in Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is present in His Word, which is scorned by those in leadership positions throughout the world. When the Word is forsaken, there can be no justice.

    Deuteronomy 16:19 reads, “Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land the LORD your God is giving you.”

    Justice is perverted when we dishonor the precious sacrifice of the Prince of Peace, who through His example taught us how to pray and give honor and praise to Our Heavenly Father.

    “Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name.
    Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth,
    As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation,
    But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom,
    The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.”


  2. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    This plot and this man’s actions to carry it out are tragic. Anders Breivik’s ability to reason has been overtaken by “the preacher in his head” that sends an irresistible message to destroy Islamist influences in his country – or perhaps in the world. He is not informed by the sayings of Jesus Christ. He has plunged into the murky tradition of crusade, jihad and vigilantism. We have equally sad chapters in the history of the USA in which “law” was written, judged and executed on the lives of those who were different by posse and lynch mentality and thoughtless action.

    Mart, you wrote:
    “Conservatism by nature resists change. Liberalism by nature encourages change. Both have their place. Both can support life. Both can be deadly. Both have access to large amounts of truth that can be harvested from the very nature of life as we know it.”

    It seems to me that there must be public conversation – in our congress and senate – and in town meetings – also in the church. Followers of Jesus have the opportunity, as much as people driven by ideology, to be heard. There is still time to persuade others that violence is not an answer, but part of the problem.

    Fascist dictators down through the ages have caused wars by appealing to the lowest stirrings of the fallen human heart. Reason must be led by good principles.


  3. poohpity says:

    Where are all those who had something to say about the killing of Trayvon? How come there isn’t several posts now about this case, where is the outcry? Is it because this was in a different country and a different color? Where is the demand for justice here? Or is it because the media has not yet been able to pull anyone’s chain?

    To me what needs to change is the outcry to God needs to be just as loud whenever any injustices are done not just the one’s in our backyard or that effect us personally but those that are all around the world.

    The thing that does not change is how we are to do good even to those who do not deserve it. Just as Christ did for each of us.

  4. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    You have amazed me yet again with such radical thinking!

    Consevative Liberalism!!

    It would have seemed a strange and contradictory statement a few years ago, but as a country that is being governed by a coalition made up of Conservatives & Liberal Democrats it now seems such a normal way of thinking here in the UK.
    Anders Breivik was trapped, or as he put it…..

    “I am not scared by the prospect of being in prison all my life. I was born in a prison where I could not express my beliefs,” he told the court, adding: “This prison is called Norway.”

    How many of us are trapped into a way of thinking or a way of life just because of narrow beliefs and mind sets.
    How radical Jesus was and is in the way He talked about and took the narrow conservative way yet was and is all encompassing in the Liberal way He embrases everyone just as they are.
    The narrow path that leads to heaven is paved with Love that flows out in all directions and to all men regardless of culture, creed or race.

    you asked…. “Maybe we can think together about what needs to change, what needs to remain the same, and how…”
    We need to change inside our hearts so that, through Love, we can have the grace to allow others to remain the same.
    Jesus of Course… The Way, The Truth, and The Life!


  5. poohpity says:

    I talked to Steve’s younger brother this morning and they are thankful for all the prayers. Steve gets out of the hospital today but is still in need of much prayer for the family and the road ahead. Steve, Glenna and Matt know that you are much loved and respected.

  6. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    I have been off air for a few weeks and saw the comments about Steve but can find no reference to him when I trawl back through.

    What has happened to him?


  7. bratimus says:

    I just thought Steve was staying away from the racial and political topics

  8. fwer says:

    Dear Mr. Mart De Haan,

    Sir, I doubt that you can easily call him a Christian.

    From Breivik’s manifesto, he claims to be a “cultural Christian”.

    “As a cultural Christian, I believe Christendom is essential for cultural reasons.”

    He goes on to clarify that a “cultural Christian” is a “Christian atheist”

    “If you want to fight for the cross and die under the “cross of the martyrs” it’s required that you are a practising Christian, a Christian agnostic or a Christian atheist (cultural Christian). The cultural factors are more important than your personal relationship with God, Jesus or the holy spirit.”

    “Myself and many more like me do not necessarily have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God. We do however believe in Christianity as a cultural, social, identity and moral platform. This makes us Christian.”

  9. poohpity says:

    Bob, I do not know if it is right for me to say what he was in the hospital for until I get the OK from him or Glenna. I guess I can say Psalm 25:17NIV.

  10. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Thanks Deb,

    I guessed as much!

    I have emailed him and await his reply.
    I will be praying for him.
    He is a good friend and lovely man!


  11. poohpity says:

    fwer, I have to strongly disagree with your use of the term Christianity and how you may apply it to your life. The word was first used by those who were disciples of Jesus Christ in Antioch that were bringing people to a saving knowledge of what Christ did on the Cross, hence the name “Christ”ian, followers of Christ(Acts 11:23NLT; Acts 11:25NLT). It is not cultural or social identity it rises above both of those identities to a personal relationship with God because of the sacrifice of someone who was fully God and fully man giving up His life for the wrongs of all of mankind. As for a moral platform we who call ourselves by that name know that we are unable to live a perfect life which causes us to be humbled to the point of worshiping the One who loved us enough to be able to change our lives which is only God.

    So please as the man in this horrible act called himself a Christian unless you fully understand what the term means about someone laying down their life for people who do not deserve it then please do not associate it with cultural, social or moral identity it is far more than that. If you would like to learn more about it’s meaning please to refer to a Bible and ask God to enlighten you to what is written in it’s pages.

  12. poohpity says:

    I was wrong that was Acts 11:26NLT

  13. davids says:

    Pooh, It seems to me that you misunderstood fwer’s comments. What they wrote is the Mr. Breivik considers himself a kind of Christian, but if you read his writings, you see he is not at all.

    Sitting here in Europe, I recognize this expression, a “Cultural Christian”. You should understand that many people here do not know any church-going Christians, so they do not associate Christianity as a faith, except historically.

    In the US, most immigrants have been from Christian countries in the Americas. In Europe, immigration has been mainly from muslim countries. This has caused many people in Europe to self-identify themselves as Christians, although they might tell you that they do not believe in God, and certainly do not follow Christian precepts.

    The tragedy of this is that across Europe, the most “conservative” people identify as Christians, while professing the most intolerant and hateful beliefs. Some would even agree with parts of Breivik’s manifesto, just as some in the US felt that Timothy McVeigh had the right motivation but the wrong action.

    Tying back to Mart’s subject, it saddens me to see that many people in the US equate Christianity with intolerance and make liberals feel that there is no place for them in the Church.

  14. poohpity says:

    I think I understood that whoever fwer’s was quoting misses the mark of what Christianity is, as have several others who call themselves by His name. Christianity is not intolerant of people it is intolerant of those who call sin something else besides sin. Hopefully knowing and understanding that all fall short. There have been those overtime including Timothy McVeigh and those who refer to themselves as “skin Heads” who claim the name yet do not follow the beliefs. Just like Hitler and this guy in Norway. I was trying to point out what a Christian believes, a true follower of Christ.

    The church I go to allows all people in no matter their political persuasion, social stasis, cultural affiliation or racial background, shot they even let me in. :-0

    There are many people who even call America a Christian country yet how can a “country” accept Christ. Or how can a country who has so many other people of different religious backgrounds be called a Christian country. Our laws and the way our country used to be run, way back when, was done with the guidance of the Bible yet not everyone had a heart for the Lord but used moral standard type of thing but still practiced non-Christian behaviors.

    I am sad to hear you state, “many people in the US equate Christianity with intolerance and make liberals feel that there is no place for them in the Church.” First off I would say that saying “many” is an exaggeration and making such a generalized statement I have learned shows a lack of truth.

  15. poohpity says:

    I meant “shoot” not shot.

  16. kingdomkid7 says:

    Fwer’s posting of the “manifesto” of the Norway shooter is instructive. I pray that that form of “cultural “Christianity” not take firm root here, though I think I see the signs of it in this country already.
    We have a lot of Biblical compromise going on here — we may even see it in some of the comments on the Travon/Zimmerman thread, from people who say they are Christian. They know what the Bible says, but if it “interferes” with strongly held political views, then …. Oh well, later for the Bible. So to answer the question of what kinds of things need to change, I offer the notion that one thing that should change is allegiance to political labels, parties, and political correctness, generally. That’s just one thing.

  17. Elisabeth says:

    It is really crazy how we (and I am not leaving myself out) can justify anything using scripture. This just shows that we who say we are followers of Christ really need to examine ourselves to see if He’s our model, or if we only pay lip-service. Do we search the scriptures to hear from Him or do we just look for justifications for the things we do? Are we truly ready to be agents of change and to be changed ourselves to His likeness?

  18. foreverblessed says:

    I so agree with the last few posts, Claudia, kingdomkid7, and Elisabeth, also the comment Bob in C made: Gods kingdom is a kingdom of love, it is a spiritual kingdom.
    What needs to change, and what has to remain the same:
    If we study what Jesus taught and did, the beautitudes of Matthew 5,6 and 7, and really look into our hearts, do I want to live like that?
    Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.
    1 Corinthians 13:4-5,6-7
    if I read these verses then there is still a lot to change in me, the little bit of live there is, can remain, but it may grow bigger and bigger. I also have to realise I do not have so much love, patience etc in my heart, so I can ask in faith for more love, more faith, more patience.
    And see if there is still some hidden sin in my heart, and bring it to light.
    Ask God to give me love for the ones that are terrible.
    (but the judge in Norway has to judge this person, I do not have to do that, I can pray for him that even in his heart the light of Jesus might shine, and that he, just like the apostle Paul, who was an enemy of the cross, became an ambassador of the cross)

  19. Elisabeth says:

    Foreverblessed you’ve captured it so much better than I could. Here in Nigeria, we have islamist terrorist attacks on a regular basis and while I’m not perfected in love yet, it breaks my heart to hear many Christians praying so vehemently for judgment to fall. Prayers for these misguided souls to have Damascus experiences are scarce. God’s will is not for any to perish and while we want justice, let’s also remember that what we really need is for these people to realise the wrong they’ve done and truly repent. If punishment helps that happen, so be it, but true conversion and transformation are what will solve the problem. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good- Romans 12:21

  20. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    Anders Breivik acted on ideology – not on faith. He uses the Christian faith to justify his desire to change his society. The argument is insane. Claiming some kind of cultural purity, he hates anything or anyone who is not on his side. His reasoning is deeply flawed – the outcome is seventy-seven people murdered. How could a human being derive such deep darkness from the Light of the World? The answer is that he has not known or understood the love of God. He has moved away from, not toward the justice of God.

    Lord willing, in the face of this ugly reality, any of us who claim to follow Jesus will examine our own politics and ideology. The truth about retaliation is that Jesus condemns it. (Matthew 5:43, 44, 45, 46) I pray God will be merciful to Anders and allow him to have a change of heart. Sadly, a glimmer of sane understanding might destroy him.

    Prayers going up for Steve and his family.


  21. BruceC says:

    If we do not use Scripture for our guide and think clearly also we find ourselves in a real pickle.
    What this man did in Norway was terrible and is inexcusable by his twisted justification. I cannot understand his rationale. However I think I may partly understand how this type of thinking arises.
    Today we are faced with a problem that I do not think the modern western world has ever experienced (I could be wrong). Radical Islam believes in Jihad and Fatah(I hope I have that right). One is open violence and the other; to put in simple terms, is to overcome from within. The goals of both are the same. To take the target nation over for Islam.
    What frustrates many is how countries have bent over backwards in the name of political correctness to give in to their requests and not “offend” them. The goal is to have Sharia enforced. There are places in some European cities where the police do not like to go because of it.
    People like this young man get extremely upset about this to the max and go off the deep end so to speak. Sometimes exceptions are made to a country’s, state’s, or provincial laws to accommodate these new people instead of staying within our laws. This is where the clash begins.
    I am by no means against immigration; but I also believe that our nations laws are for everyone and that no group should be allowed to operate under its own.
    And that is where the problem starts.
    As believers we need to be careful that we are not caught up in either wings “fringe”. But at the same time I think we are responsible to take part in the process of government without it becoming a controlling factor in our lives. So many have done that and misused the Bible to justify it; and that from both sides.
    Guess you could say I am what someone coined as a “compassionate conservative”.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  22. BruceC says:

    I will also hold Steve and his family up in prayer.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  23. oneg2dblu says:

    Good morning al, as I read my mind sees a type of modern crusade mimicking the Crusades of misguided men from our past who killed under the symbol of false Cross. Here these misguided modern men kill under the symbol of a false Christianity. Nothing has changed under the sun accept that man still needs to identify with something greater than himself when he does his wrongly motivated self-destructive behaviors.
    We the US are a Christian Nation only if we keep Christian values, morals, and biblical standards.
    But, society today does not accept those terms, so we bend for them and we get their votes, power, money, and unfortunately their worldly principles which do not align with God’s written word.
    History repeats itself as corrupt thinking man again finds his way without the overbearing truth of God getting in the mix. God Help Us! Christians must Follow Christ to qualify, not their own desires. Gary

  24. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve, Prayers to you and your family as you go through this current trial. Pun intended! Gary

  25. fwer says:

    Guys I really, really think that you have all missed the point of my post. I’m saying that he can’t be a real Christian, by HIS OWN ADMISSION.

    From his manifesto, he claims, to be a CULTURAL CHRISTIAN which he explains is a “Christian Atheist”:

    “….it’s required that you are a practising Christian, a Christian agnostic or a Christian atheist (cultural Christian)…..”

    And the reason for this is because he DOESN’T have a personal relationship with Jesus which we all know is necessary for salvation:

    “Myself and many more like me do not necessarily have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God. We do however believe in Christianity as a cultural, social, identity and moral platform. This makes us Christian.”

    So really what I’m saying is that Mr. Mart De Haan and the mainstream media have been too hasty in associating this man with Christianity. By HIS OWN ADMISSION he isn’t a Christian, and he’s only interested in using it as a “social, identity and moral platform.”

  26. fwer says:

    All quotes that I used above are unaltered and from Breivik’s own manifesto.

  27. Elisabeth says:

    @ fwer I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me the post makes me ask myself the question of how the world would be able to distinguish between those of us who go beyond Christianity as a “social identity and moral platform” and those who choose to use it in the way that Breivik and others like him do.

    Could the world be able to spot the difference without Breivik needing to clarify? Forget the extreme case of Breivik for a minute, what about those who go to church andgo through the motions? How are they distinguishable from those of us who say we are pursuing a personal relationship with Christ? That Breivik or anyone could link faith and discipleship of Christ with this is sobbering for me and makes me wonder if we’re doing enough to be light.

  28. poohpity says:

    Elisabeth, that is a good question we need to ask ourselves. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference but knowing that we all fall short should keep us humble enough not to be quick of our judgement of others. Remembering that we are all in process of becoming like Christ but have not reached that goal yet. Showing to others that we have each received God’s unmerited grace in our own lives.

    Praying for this man who calls himself by the name of Christ, may one day really meet Him and have his heart changed. We are all wayward at times yet God’s love reached beyond our adulteress lives and granted us mercy. It would be nice if we showed that to others. Psalm 103:8; Psalm 145:8 remembering 2 Peter 3:9NIV

  29. Elisabeth says:

    Thanks for that Poohpity. I must confess I was beginning to go down a road where I was looking @ my performance rather than the grace of God. Prayers for more grace for us all in our walks with Christ and for this man and many others to encounter it in powerful ways is really all we can do in the face of something like this. We are no better or holier, just justified by faith in Christ Jesus.

  30. poohpity says:

    fwer, I guess I missed where Mart associated Breivik with Christianity in any way. Would you please enlighten me.

  31. poohpity says:

    Amen, Elisabeth!

  32. oneg2dblu says:

    We sure do a lot of talking about others and their misguided forms of Christianity here, but their day will come, and, “Away from me you evildoer I never knew you,” awaits the misguided. “Welcome my good and faithful servant,” awaits those who Follow Jesus Christ, not those who are currently misled by some worldly manifesto of man, who then try to gain some sort of credence by using His name in any form. You either Follow Jesus Christ, or you follow something else, no matter what you may name it.Gary

  33. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    Thanks for you explanation of “Cultural Christianity”.

    I have worked all over Europe and obviously live in the UK and know most people who are of ethnic European background call themselves christians just because that is their heritage, not their belief.
    In our last national census it was noted that fewer people use the term christian to define themselves, so maybe there is a social change and perhaps, as you say, the big inlux of Islamists and other cultures from Asia and India is why people now just say they are British or European.
    I am Saxon English living in a Celtic peninsular, so tend to keep quiet about my origins while embracing all the cultures of these lovely islands of ours.
    I think Anders Breivik is wrong to reject “multiculturalism” but it is hard to impliment in a small isolated population such as Norway, whereas in the UK we have had centuries of multiculture encounters and tend to welcome diversity while also trying to maintain our “Britishness” as being distinct from “European”.


  34. foreverblessed says:

    Indeed, many here in my country have a christian heritage, but no living faith in Jesus. This week a lady told about her husband who is working in a factory where many muslim work, they made the restaurant halal, and made a prayer room for the islamic people. He came home and complained about it, he actually said: they should make a prayer room for the christians too, otherwise it is discrimination! And this says a man who does never pray! What a good thing: he is going to ask for a prayer room, and so consequently has got to go into that room, and he has to pray! Isn’t this a jolly good evolution!

    There are two good things about immigration:
    The ones who come into this country can learn what real christianity means, (they will eventually discern the real for the “cultural” ones)
    and two: the christians who are just so in name, can come to a living faith because of the sincerity of the new comers in their own religion.

  35. davids says:

    Mart, you wrote, “His [Jesus’] kingdom of ultimate conservative and liberal values could not be established by conventional human strategies of war and resistance”. Ah but how many times some have tried in the name of Christ.

    The Roman emperor became a Christian, because he had a dream of the cross, and heard, “under this sign you will conquer.” And the Roman army became the “army of Christianity.”

    The Crusades, the Wars of Religion in Europe, the American Civil War, and Hitler’s persecutions were all supported in the name of Christ. It is a sad history, and that is how many view our faith.

    We must pray, speak out, and set an example for tolerance and peace. No more “just wars” that pretend to protect Christianity while really just protecting race, culture, priveledge, or the status quo.

  36. kingdomkid7 says:

    It’s not crystal clear that Mart called Breivik a Christian, but Breivik has certainly been described that way a lot by other media. So the point does still stand that Breivik’s message is confusing probably to a lot of people who haven’t had the benefit of reading Breivik’s atheistic manifesto. Maybe we can do more to expose the manifesto. Thanks for sharing it fwer.

  37. SFDBWV says:

    Hello BTA friends; I am sorry for the confusion surrounding my absence for the past week. Thank you all for your prayers and concerns for us.

    Fact is I was staying out of the past two conversations not because they were not important, but because no matter what else I may have added to the conversations, I did in no way want to sound racist because I am not.

    However starting about Tuesday April the 10th I suffered through some very difficult days leading up to a heart attack somewhere during the week. I ended up in the hospital where they put 4 stints in 3 arteries.

    I only just got home Wednesday and am adjusting to medicines and allowing my family to help me here at home.

    My brother stepped up and after some difficulty adjusting has been helping with Matt while I was absent and while I am recovering.

    Once again sorry for the disruption to this subject, just wanted to say hello thank all who may have been in prayer for us and offer an explanation as to any confusion.


  38. Mart De Haan says:

    Steve, I know we are all relieved to hear from you, after all you’ve been through, and to be reassured that you are on the mend. We will continue to pray for you and your family, and that our Lord will give you the grace to pace yourself in recovery.

  39. remarutho says:

    Hello Steve!

    How good to hear you are healing and growing stronger — one day at a time, as Mart suggests. The Lord bless and surround you and your family with his love and protection in these days.

    Yours in Christ,

  40. Elisabeth says:

    Hello Steve

    Really happy to hear that you’re on the mend! I thank God for His work in you and pray that the Lord continues to be a very present help to you in this time of need iJn. Amen.

  41. poohpity says:

    Yea Steve, It is an answer to prayer that you are back, you have been missed. I will continue to pray for things to go well around the house and for your continued recovery. I met Fred on the phone and have to say what a kind man he is just like his big brother.;-) Again glad you are back and give yourself plenty of time to heal. Love Deb

  42. poohpity says:

    I know I am unable to change others, I have a hard enough time changing myself but if I could then I would hope that we could all remember these verses;

    Psalm 130:3-4NIV
    3 If you, LORD, kept a record of sins,
    Lord, who could stand?
    4 But with you there is forgiveness,
    so that we can, with reverence, serve you.

    Knowing that our lives are to be a life of service I do not think we would concern ourselves with “misused conservative and liberal values that are fueling an international tide of of ethnic, racial, nationalistic, and religious violence” because while doing the work of good to others we would have no time to think on such things. I do not think they would consume us as they do.

    I do not want to change who we are in Christ because that is our security when everything else around us changes. How do we do that, well it is very simple but hard to do and that is to remain in the vine. John 15:5NLT That produces John 15:17NLT

  43. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… we are glad to hear you are back and mending.
    The doctors may do the cutting but Jesus does the healing. Praise God you are healing. Gary

  44. davids says:

    Steve, I have been praying for you and your family, but I always do.

  45. davids says:

    Pooh, good thoughts.

  46. narrowpathseeker says:

    Steve, I am so glad that you are home and healing and that God has provided the help you need. May He continue to provide all of your needs.

  47. phpatato says:

    Welcome home Steve! Thinking of you, praying for your speedy recovery and wanting you to know how much we care!

    God Bless


  48. SFDBWV says:

    Thank you all for your prayers and encouragements….I love you too.


  49. InHisHands says:

    So happy to read that you are healing and that the LORD is meeting your daily needs. As I have read, and totally agree with, may the Great Physician continue to give you healing power and strength – but, please take it one day at a time, in HIS strength. Will be continuing to pray for you and all of you family as they go through this mending time with you. Thank you for taking the time to ease everyone here with word of your situation.

  50. BruceC says:

    The Lord of mercy and grace be praised for answering our prayers Steve!
    I will continue to hold you and your family up before the Lord for continued healing!

    And you were right. The last two posts were difficult to answer without sounding rascist or fearful.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  51. foreverblessed says:

    Steve, God bless you and your family, with love and peace.

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