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Why Trust?

P1040509_SnapseedIt was an issue in the Garden.

Without it, so many years later, we still miss the mark of what God is looking for in us. Without trust the Bible says we cannot please him.

Why would it be such a non-negotiable then and now? And if we had the courage of Abraham, and Moses, and Job to argue with the Almighty, is there a sense in which we might have our own beef with God because of the trust, he requires of us– when we’re not sure we can?

Refs: (Rom 14:23); (Heb 11:6)

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26 Responses to “Why Trust?”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    I like this topic and question because it has many doors.

    The first thought that comes to mind is, is it important to please God. Is that what He wants from us? Can we?

    I have always held very tightly to the importance of *believing* God. It seems central to being Christian to *trust* Jesus to be who He has said He is, to *believe* in the words and resurrection and then again *trust* all the remainder of our lives to Him and our eternity.

    If only believing and trusting Him is all that is required of me then it is the trials and tribulations of life that test that trust and the tensile strength of that belief.

    One can spend a life then of misery and unhappiness all the while believing that somehow *pleases* God.

    I don’t really want to believe that God wants us unhappy and miserable, I would rather want to believe that in spite of all of the pain that this life brings to so many we can still believe and trust God and be *CONTENT* in His will.

    I guess there is Mart a very thin line between *arguing* with God and asking for explanation or pleading for answered prayer. Yes always afraid we may upset Him and then be punished even worse than the place we may find our lives in already.

    Jesus called God *Father*; as a father myself I would ask is it important that my children *please* me? What is it that I want for my children, in life and in eternity?

    My answers seem to merge with what I believe God wants, while at the same time, by giving over to God all power, I wonder why so many suffer and why the innocent suffer the most.
    There seems to be a lot to think about here so I will go for now.

    Bill I very much appreciated your comments at the end of the last topic, a shame we can’t just set on my porch and watch the clouds roll by and ponder these things together.


  2. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    The gift of the Scriptures — Old and New Testaments — is here so that we may come to them with trust and faith that they are God-breathed.

    Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die.” (John 11:25)

    We trust because God is who God says he is. It seems to me God welcomes our honest questions. Answers come through living out, or “trying out” our trust in him. Surely God brings us to faith that increases as we trust.


  3. Bill says:

    @Steve, you wrote:

    “Bill I very much appreciated your comments at the end of the last topic, a shame we can’t just set on my porch and watch the clouds roll by and ponder these things together.”

    Thank you. I have friends whose ministry is about questions. They welcome and encourage deep questions because wrestling with our faith enables us to become rock-solid in it…or walk away from it for a spell to ponder the Whys and the Whats, and then return with greater clarity and surety. If God didn’t mind questions, he’d have made our minds like flash drives that can be wiped, written on, used, and wiped again.

    Let’s plan to do some cloud-watching in the future. So many clouds. So many questions. We’d have a blast. :)

    Your post this morning was typical Steve: crystal clear and as refreshing as mountain air.

    Regarding the “arguing” part of Mart’s post, I think the Bible is full of people who raised their fists at the heavens to confront the Almighty. Sometimes, this took the place of running away (Jonah). Or literal wrestling (Jacob). Or debating and second-guessing (Habakkuk).

    The New Testament is full of questions, some of them seemingly stupid or self-centered. One of the most confounding to me is one I quoted here before, this passage from John 13:

    “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

    “Simon Peter said to him, ‘Lord, where are you going? Jesus answered him, ‘Where I am going you cannot follow me now, but you will follow afterward.’” (John 13:34-36 ESV)

    That exchange blows my mind. Jesus gives his followers a *NEW COMMANDMENT*. Yet, Simon Peter asks, “Lord, where are you going?”


    If it was me, I would have delved into that new commandment and its meaning. Maybe that’s the journalist in me. But what Simon Peter did was ask a non-sequitor question. It was disjointed from what immediately preceded it. Simon Peter wasn’t listening.

    Yet, despite that, Jesus did not get angry or re-direct the conversation. He merely answered him, ignoring the non-sequitor.

    The Bible is full of questions — some angry, some ignorant. For a God who calls us to obedience, that indicates to me he’s not afraid to be questioned, or even doubted. Knowing that gives me the kind of trust Mart writes about in his post today.

    @Maru, you wrote:

    “We trust because God is who God says he is. It seems to me God welcomes our honest questions. Answers come through living out, or ‘trying out’ our trust in him. Surely God brings us to faith that increases as we trust.”

    I agree. And I think you put it very well.

    Speaking to Mart’s post, I don’t believe trust is a once-for-all, constant thing. I believe it is developed over time, subject to waxing and waning, and dependent on many factors — both internal and external.

    I believe our trust in God takes a hit when we encounter His people, some of whom may or may not know what they’re talking about, or have our best interest in mind. How many of us have been deeply hurt by fellow believers? That causes us to lose trust, if only for a little while.

    Trust is earned with God, just as it is earned with each other. We see what He says and does. We test HIm. We question. We argue. We push the boundaries. We stray. We come close.

    It’s all an ebb and flow.

    A faith that is fluid, malleable, pliable like that is a healthy one. By way of contrast, a faith that is brittle is subject to breaking.

    Great comments, Steve and Maru.

    And thanks to Mart for getting the ball rolling.

    Blessings to All!


  4. mnlitetrkr says:

    Why Trust?
    We initially come to Christ as a child Spiritually. When we come to him we are like little children who must grow and go through the trials of growing up and being trained by our parents.
    The beauty of trusting in God is that He is our loving Father who cares for us and wants the best for us. The price has been paid, there is no debt for us to pay the Father back. What He desires is our worship and trust in Him as we grow through experiences in life. We are much like the small child who must learn that which is good for him as well as that which will harm him.
    Trust comes through testing. 1 Cor 10:13 tells us that ‘we are not tested beyond that which we can bear, but that God provides us a way out.’ Trust is a lifetime of experience where God uses those trial and temptations to hone us down and bring us closer to him as we approach that day when we will be with him for eternity. I am still learning to trust in him after 43 years of being a child of his. He is still teaching me to stretch my faith and deepen it even more. God has blessed us even during those times of trials which were it for our ‘old nature’ we would have skipped.
    Yes, God will let our faith grow and our trust to become even stronger as we walk through our life of trials and temptations.
    Thank you for your ministry for which has been a part of my life for much of these last 43 years of living for the Father.

  5. poohpity says:

    Many of us have yet to let go enough of control to trust. Those great patriarchs of faith, Abraham, Moses and Job never raised a fist to God but asked God with a humble spirit knowing that God’s wisdom was beyond theirs.

    Very good topic in light of past conversations. The means we use to try and prove a point show a lack of trust in God and His ability to work in peoples lives and in our own. The results of doing things on our own bring hardheartedness, anger, resentment, malice, self righteousness, hatred, criticism but when we trust God we know if we do things God’s way it brings healing, joy, gratefulness and contentment.

    Faith has to be tried and stretched for it to grow but it seems on a whole not many trust beyond salvation. If we really trust God then despite any circumstance or person our hearts would be filled with joy rather than grumbling, complaining and finding fault. The more we trust the more grateful we become and the more grateful we become the more joy we experience.

    Why trust because I can not do this life alone with out dependence on our God to overcome the horrible ugliness that is in my own heart and that is given out from others. Father, help me to trust because you make all things beautiful, lovely, worthwhile and beneficial.

  6. BruceC says:

    Thanks all for the prayers for Ginger. She will be staying at the vet for the weekend to get to the bottom of things. Wifey is in bed as she wasup all night and went to the vet with me. Continued prayers are welcome.

    Trust is a part of our human nature that we cannot separate from. You WILL trust something or someone. There is no avoiding it. If we did not possess the freedom to choose trust would not exist. Eve chose to trust the serpent and then Adam chose to trust Eve. Big, big mistakes. (But we would do no different would we?) You either choose to trust God at His Word, or you choose to trust self and wherever self may lead you. Yes there are times when that trust or faith seems weaker than at others, but it is there. Even with the Word at our fingertips; we will ask why like all the others in the Old Testament. It’s us. That’s who we are. Weak. Fallen. Forgiven. I am so thankful God is patient. We will never get it all together here.
    I think that even when we ask God why; we are showing some level of trust. If we didn’t we would not ask; would we. Going to God even if we are “upset” with Him still shows some trust; doesn’t it?
    Do I sound like I am chasing my own tail? I hope not.
    I think sometimes I do.

  7. fadingman says:

    Why trust? The best relationships are ones of trust. It’s true of marriage as well as our relationships with God.

    It’s easy to look at the fall of man in the garden from a physical consequence viewpoint. Look at how all the evil in the world has multiplied since. Assuming Adam and Eve could see us now, they must be shaking their heads, “We never knew! We never knew!”

    Yet the Hebrews 11:6 verse Mart alluded to focuses not on the physical effects of the lack of trust, but the relational effects between man and God. It is not so much that without trust it is impossible to go to heaven (although that is true). It is impossible to *please* Him. This should bring my mind around to making God’s pleasure rather than my well-being my chief end.

  8. SFDBWV says:

    I am a fan of *country music* because if you listen these are the voices of the salt of the earth. In these songs are the praises and groaning of life.

    Songs of love of lust, of victory and of loss, songs about cancer songs about forgotten hero’s and most certainly about the relationships between people and Jesus.

    America is filled with the descendants of people who left home and familiar comfort and pressed on into the unknown *trusting* God and believing they were in concert with the will of God as they forged a nation out of the wilderness they encountered.

    They succeeded because they *believed God* and *trusted* their fate to Him. They taught their children to read from the pages of the good old King James Bible.

    Along the route many died never reaching their goal, but I am certain they never lost sight of that far distant shore that we all have placed our Hope in seeing.

    Along the way in this journey we call life, many bury children, rebuild their destroyed houses and lives, many cry out in despair, but it is to God they cry out to, it is to God they seek comfort, answers and the gift of *hope*.

    Without faith and believing in something what are we left to hold on to? Our Bible answers the question as to what to believe in and Who to trust.

    Trust in God the Father the Son and Holy Spirit and breath the fresh air of *freedom*.


  9. BruceC says:

    Our dog Ginger has passed away. The vet called and in so many words said it was the best thing for all involved as there would be no getting better; just worse.
    Along with this topic, I trust God through this as He has promised He would be with us during good and bad times. He is the healer of our emotions and I trust Him to do that.
    Ginger was a gift….a little blessing from God as are all our pets. Companionship, love, and joy. A reminder to us all of God’s always present goodness and His creative power. I still see her and our little cat BooBoos lying next to each other on the floor in front of the woodstove watching the fire through the glass door. Sometimes Boos would rub his head against her. Little blessings all. Someday I will see the Maker of all that is good face to face. And I trust Him for that glorious day!! His Name be praised!!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  10. Bill says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about this, Bruce.

    I know how much pets are family members. We lost a beloved four-legged friend a year or so ago. We had him cremated and he’s with us in the living room. (I hope that doesn’t sound creepy. He was never happier than being around us. We thought it fitting to let him remain nearby.)

    We are all praying for you and your family.

  11. phpatato says:

    Oh Bruce I am so sorry. I was catching up on the last topic before coming here and left you a post. I just read your update. I am so very sorry for your loss. I will be keeping you and your wife in my prayers.

    Through many blinding tears I read Rainbow Bridge when I have lost my dogs. I was comforted from doing that. Whether it was the meaningful words, the purging of tears or both I can’t say. May God surround you with His peace.


  12. remarutho says:

    Prayers going up for you and your household, Bruce. This good-bye must be very difficult — after all the great years you have had with dear Ginger.

    May your memories be glad even as you grieve.


  13. narrowpathseeker says:

    Bruce, I am so sorry for your loss. Like Pat and Poohpity suggested, if you can google Rainbow Bridge, it can be very comforting. Like Pat, I don’t know if it’s the words or the massive tears it generates, but many of us have found it comforting. I hope it does the same for you and your wife.

  14. bubbles says:

    Bruce, I am very sorry for the loss of your Ginger.
    I know the loss of a beloved pet is painful.

  15. billystan454 says:

    I learned a long time ago that can’t means won’t. Dosen’t in saying saying, thinking; I’m not sure I can the same situation? God has given us the ability to-so how can I in faith sat to myself, “I’m not sure I can without denying my faith?

  16. poohpity says:

    Bruce, I wish in words that I could comfort you and your wife but I know words just do not convey the sorrow in our hearts well. I am weeping with you both. Love Deb

    I wonder if we actually know that we fall so very short in trust and it is most often seen in how we handle life and people. The damage we cause ourselves and others because we do not feel God can handle everything and anything that comes our way.

  17. kingdomkid7 says:

    I’m sorry to hear of your loss, Bruce. I pray you be comforted by your wonderful memories of Ginger. Our topic talks of trust, and you may certainly trust God to bring you and yours through this sad time — one day at a time.

  18. BruceC says:

    Thanks for all the prayers.

    I am now on high speed internet and it’s like a different planet. I was concerned that I would not be able to respond here until I registered again.

    God Bless All!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  19. cherielyn says:

    So sorry to hear about Ginger. Losing a pet is a hard thing. We lost our beloved dog just before New Year’s in 2007.

    Today, I had to have our 12 yr old unique & wonderful cat put down. He was just fine on Monday. Went from looking fine to being so very sick in 4 days time that he couldn’t be saved. The vet said we could $500 – $1000 to try & save him, but the results would end up the same.

    Feb 1 – Mike went into the Adult Family Home. Feb 21, neurologist tells Mike he can no longer drive & now, March 1 – losing the cat. 2013 is sure not starting out very well!

    BUT! I trust God that he has everything under control & He knows what is best, even though, from a human perspective, it may be hard to understand why we have to go through these things.

  20. phpatato says:

    I am so sorry that you have lost your cat Cherielyn. What a sad couple of days it’s been here. I pray God’s comfort to fill your aching heart and His strength to help you through what’s been a very difficult time.


  21. poohpity says:

    I have found lately I no longer ask why or try to understand. No matter the answers it still does not make it feel any better and thank God He is willing to listen to our groaning and suffering with an empathic ear. Even to ask if He is really listening because sometimes it seems as if He is not. cherielyn, I hear in your words the load seems overwhelming at times and I could give you all the pat answers but I would rather you just know I understand and am sending hugs your way. A lot of losses in a short amount of time causes hearts to be so heavy and sad feeling as if they will never recover. :-(

  22. BruceC says:


    I share your sorrow and will keep you in prayer my sister.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  23. bubbles says:

    Something for years has been a burden, and last week I spoke with a friend about this post. The way she worded things about trust in certain areas of life hit the nail on the head.

    I have had an inner peace like I have not experienced in years. In some other areas, I have seen the Lord bless and lay things in my lap. In this other area, I have given up. If God sees fit, He will provide, and if He does not, I wil trust Him. And then I will be able to open my hands and say, “Look at what God alone has done!” It will be all for His glory, and none of my own.

  24. AmazedbyHis grace says:

    As we reflect back on how God has provided, knitted together the holes we made in our lives, walked with us during these times when sin as well as mistrust; why do we have such a time trusting current? Control? Pride?
    I’m asking myself this very question as I had to take control physically, showing my desired ways be that of of the Lord, emotionally and mentally. I had take on my husbands role including being the dad he couldn’t be and my own role as wife and mother. On top of that I am very independent. Along with this and focusing on the Lord, our world just felt apart; sometimes daily with extreme trials. Still I know and have seen His hand. I think of myself as the Lord’s challenge, perhaps my purpose.
    By the way, my mom was against this marriage to the point of her not going to the wedding. It doesn’t give and age limit for us to be obedient to our parents. And for the next 30 years, it did not go well for me.
    And now I sit with the big question of, “What next and where do you want me?” Fear of making another bad mistake are in the shadows and my desire for quick answers before me. If that’s not enough, unusual activities/trials are happening again. My next question on the path of trust is, why do we need to have patience?

  25. Bill says:

    Dear AmazedbyHisGrace,

    Thank you for sharing your comments with us.

    It appears you’ve been hurt by life and those around you. I am very sorry. Please know that we care about you. If you need anything from us (specific prayers, for example), or just ongoing dialogue, please let us know.

    I can’t tell you what to do. In fact, no one here can. We’re not in your situation. We haven’t walked in your shoes for a city block, let alone a mile. So we’re in no position to look in on your life, especially from the tiny window you’ve provided in your post, to take sides, call the shots, second guess.

    May I offer opinions regarding what I would do in a similar situation?

    You wrote: “Fear of making another bad mistake are in the shadows and my desire for quick answers before me.”

    The first thing I would do is step away from the fear. Just drop it. “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.” (1 John 4:18 ESV)

    I would realize that God loves me. He is not in the business of punishing me. He wouldn’t have sent His son to die for me if He did not want to show me how far He would go to demonstrate His love. Any God who’d go that far isn’t going to jerk me around with decades of punishment, sadness, fear.

    Therefore, whatever happened in the past, I would let it go. I would consider THIS day, this very one, a new day. THIS day offers everything I need, everything I want. My past is gone. My future doesn’t exist. THIS day is all I really have, anyway. It’s all any of us really have on this earth. “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”(Psalm 118:24 ESV)

    So whatever “bad mistake” I made in the past, is done. I’ve long since paid for it. God isn’t going to continually rub my nose in it like I’m a puppy being house trained.

    From this day forward, I will just make decisions, “good” or “bad” and vow to do my best. I cannot make perfect decisions. So I will allow myself to be human. I will make mistakes. I will fall short. If that were not the case, there would have been no need for Jesus.

    Christians can drive themselves crazy with worry, fear, doubt, indecision, and guilt. We can get so mired in questions like, “What does God want me to do?” and “What if I do this and He doesn’t like it?” and “Will He forgive me if I try my best, but make a mistake?” and “What does this ‘trial’ mean? Is God punishing me? Or is it just stuff happening?” and “Is this a sign? Or a warning?”

    So I would drop all frenzy, the vicious circle of worry, doubt, fear, etc. I would just sit and be still. Calm my mind. Rest my body. Just sit. If God wants to say something to me, He can drop all the goofy stuff (which isn’t from God, anyway; we just attribute it to Him), all the weird happenings, all the subtle hints, all the shadowy goings on that I cannot decipher or discern. I am not a crystal-ball gazer. I cannot figure out what I can’t understand. If God wants to give me wisdom and direction, He will do so when I am still — not after I am geeked up to the point of crazy.

    You wrote: “By the way, my mom was against this marriage to the point of her not going to the wedding. It doesn’t give and age limit for us to be obedient to our parents. And for the next 30 years, it did not go well for me.”

    I would realize that sometimes parents know what they’re talking about, and sometimes they don’t. I know a family in which the women (grandmother and mother and daughter) are seriously broken emotionally, perhaps even mentally. Their behavior is so bizarre, so emotionally callous, that they have negatively affected all those around them (children, grandchildren, and relatives, for example). The wife has made her husband miserable throughout their entire married life. He is a tremendously nice guy. But she has ruined him, robbed him of his happiness, brought great sadness to his life. Two of her three kids have walked away from the church. One is an angry atheist. The other is an agnostic. The third is so fundamentalist that she and her husband are now raising kids of their own under conditions I would term emotionally and spiritually harmful.

    Should anyone in that family “obey” such a parent (the mother)? No. Why? Because her opinions are not of God. They are 180 degrees from God. Obeying such opinions is to obey a crazy person. And God didn’t give us brains and the ability to understand His word just so we could obey crazy people.

    I’m not saying your mother is crazy. I’m not saying she wasn’t justified in being against your marriage. I am saying, however, that your 30-year nightmare of a marriage may have been caused, in part, to your mom’s behavior in the beginning, and attitude over the years, rather than to your decision to marry in the first place. Either way, that was three decades ago. I’d let it go.

    Who knows? I wasn’t there. I don’t know. I just know what happens when mothers in law (or fathers in law, for that matter) are unbalanced. Everything and everyone around them is unbalanced.

    You wrote: “I had to take control physically, showing my desired ways be that of of the Lord, emotionally and mentally. I had take on my husbands role including being the dad he couldn’t be and my own role as wife and mother. On top of that I am very independent. Along with this and focusing on the Lord, our world just felt apart; sometimes daily with extreme trials.”

    Independence is okay — unless it means being emotionally detached from others, headstrong, defiant, prone to thinking my way is the only “right” way. Thinking like that, I may take control of a situation, too. But is that really what I should have done? Or did I just make the situation worse?

    I suppose I could offer all sorts of ideas about what I would do. But all of this is just my opinion. I’m not you. I’m not there. I haven’t had 30 years of hell to cope with.

    Have you spoken to others near you about this? Your pastor? A close friend? A relative?

    God loves you. Deeply and totally. He doesn’t want to see you suffer any more than you do. Know that. Really and truly KNOW that.

    Seek out people who can be a listening ear, a shoulder on which to cry. Don’t isolate yourself.

    Keep us posted on your life. Readers of Mart’s blog come from different walks of life, from across the globe. But we are all united in our desire to see you emerge from this whole, of sound mind, full of joy, brimming over with love. So please don’t ever feel like you’re alone. You’re not.

    Love and Peace,


  26. AmazedbyHis grace says:

    Thanks Bill,
    My mom was very in tune with the Lord. Later she did say that she saw that I was good for my late husband. The pondering thought of disobedience to my mother, knowing that the Lord forgave and then having constant, unusual, extreme mishaps occur from the time of marriage all the way to the funeral to the grave yard (no kidding)left questions. In the last years, it was like satan was throwing darts of extreme difficulties (Ie: 7 near deaths and incidents leading to plus other things occurring, more mishaps sometimes two and three at a time.) I had no church support (except prayer) and I was very active, held a high position, well liked in the church. It’s a very interesting walk. I see the good results in Him allowing me to be w/out support in all this as He became my dependence. I would be one to wander easily in my rebellion if not. Confidence is being built as I had very low self esteem. Very interesting what He allowed initially with that too. While I was taking baby steps as a Christian, I was a SS teacher and believe me it wasn’t by my leading that I said yes when they asked me! Long story there. Next, I was voted SS Superintendent asst. I didn’t have a clue what to do there. A situation occurred that I had to learn on my own. (Responsible for 130 kids and teachers.) A second situation occurred the following year and I was alone as a SS Superintendent.
    There’s no answer to the constant mishaps along the way and the reason why other than the good results. I know this should be my focus of praise, but climbing out of the hole of wonder has been a deterrent in my “loving vs discipline” relationship with the Lord. Some of my actions with my child have shown out of fear teaching rather than out of love. Trust, even when I’ve seen Him in action sort of speak, still hampers as I’m still waiting to make a move to having purpose now. I have a feeling it’s just been my rest time, but I’m not wanting to. again, I don’t want to make a wrong choice.
    In this possible choice of disobedience, He walked with me and I took the unusual hard times as a growth spurt, but I always questioned was this happening because… The strength, growth, confidence, all that was good, occurred in the 30 years. He rescued me from the dominion of darkness and He alone was my counselor.
    If you knew me personally, you’d see a level headed happy person in all of this. Perhaps this too was a reason for those around me to see His light. I have told people all along that I believe that the Lord used Rbc ministries as a guiding tool and tghat they needed to put God’s word in their life daily. Another interesting thing is that He strengthened me in a different way, too. I am also a recovering addict. Though alcohol is also a drug, drink had more of a hold than drugs. AA is good, but didn’t appeal to me and I didn’t have a support system there. Again, I think God didn’t allow it. I put God’s word in to my life, my husband and I had a promise of sobriety and God blessed us with barely even missing that former addiction even through the extremes. Even though goodness over ruled disobedience, we have that warning/promise/result in the bible. Would I have had to suffer had I been obedient? Would I have grown if not?
    I do need prayer and counseling on how to handle two things currently happening. One has to do with how to handle love vs discipline for a loved one. I would like to be able to email and can give a email address that I use for spam, then give you a personal email from there. If not, I understand..my mom also said don’t talk to strangers.. ;)

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