Recurring tensions in this blog reflect the history of our faith. In every century followers of Christ have had a running disagreement about how much emphasis to give to law and/or grace.
One side thinks the other tends to emphasize grace to the point of moral license. The other side thinks their counterparts are morally legalistic at the expense of grace.
The Bible ends up in the middle of the debate. Depending on where we land, we can find chapter and verse to support our conclusion.
There’s good reason for the Bible’s ability to straddle the fences that divide us. Both Old and New Testament show that the answer is not found in either law or lawless grace.
Commitment to moral law doesn’t change us from the inside out. Neither does lawless grace. What changes us is a growing awareness of much God loves us and wants to love through us.
- His Spirit changes our spirit.
- His grace enables us to show grace.
- His love for us in Christ gives us reason to love our friends and enemies.
Together with Moses and the prophets, Jesus and his apostles are leading us into something far more loving and true to God than either legalism or lawlessness.