In Old Testament times, innocent people could find temporary shelter by running to “cities of refuge” or by getting to and hanging on the “the horns the altar” of sacrifice.
But that was for those who i.e. unintentionally harmed others. What about those who were guilty?
Only with the Cross of Christ do we see a complete provision made for the kinds of wrongs that people like us have done, and are so inclined to do, to one another.
So in that light, am wondering if we would be taking a step toward the kind of place we all long for– by reading every word of the Bible— from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21— in light of its description of what Jesus suffered in being made sin for us?
Even though, in taking our place, he did what we could never do, is there a sense in which he does want us to bear the sins of one another?
Could the Spirit of new life be helping us to see what it takes for us to become part of a safe place in the way Paul begins and ends his description of love in 1Corinthians 13:4-7?
If these words were written in the shadow and light of the Cross, how far could they take us in putting our own wrongs, and the wrongs of one another, in perspective?
P.S. For other reasons, I’ve posted in the past this polyester resin likeness of a security guard stationed in a Milwaukee conference center. Even in person– looks so real.