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The Mystery of Moon Dust


Photo by: NASA

Yesterday, NASA launched a 280 million dollar unmanned rocket dubbed LADEE (The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer).

This project may be different from other NASA projects in that its announced purpose isn’t to search for the origins of life in other world environments. Instead it’s an exploration designed to help scientists learn how to survive an environment where even the dust seems life threatening.

According to an interesting BBC news article, the dust of the moon is not like terrestrial dust. Instead it is made up of “ a fine particulate material, which comprises remnant rock shattered through eons of meteorite impacts, is considered a major hazard.”

According to a NASA’s LADEE project manager, “Terrestrial dust is like talcum powder. On the Moon, it’s very rough. It’s kinda evil. It follows electric field lines; it works its way into equipment. One of the questions about dust on the Moon is an engineering question: how do you design things so that they can survive the dust environment.”

As it turns out, NASA’s latest project may be saying something about the origin of life, after all. According to Genesis, in creating the heavens and the earth, God made our first parent of the dust of the earth. It was only after our declaration of independence, that he gave that dust back to us as our legacy… (Gen 3:18)… that turns out to be our surprisingly merciful escape route of return…

According to the author of Psalm 103, our patient and understanding God (Psa 103:8-13) knows  us far better than we know ourselves (Psa 103:14).

Maybe the mysterious, life-threatening nature of moon dust says something not just about a NASA project, but about the inclination of our own dust-to-dust-inclination to find a way of surviving outside of the finely designed world, purpose, and God who made us for himself.

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74 Responses to “The Mystery of Moon Dust”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    In the coal mines one of the silent killers is coal dust, another is silica dust.

    Whereas many strides have been made to improve the working conditions in the underground mines the number of men who are disabled and die from breathing in their environment is staggering.

    For those of you who are not familiar with silica dust I will elaborate; for over a hundred years mining has used large electric powered locomotives to bring in supplies and take out the coal, just like the trains you see above ground.

    In order to gain traction and to stop these large “motors” especially in the wet conditions underground, the machines use sand poured onto the steel rails in front of the large wheels of the locomotives, just like they do above ground.

    The difference is that underground the action causes a large *fog* of sand duct (silica) that the engineers driving the large *motors* breathe in.

    I have seen men who couldn’t walk any farther than a few feet at a time without stopping to try and breathe from both slow deaths.

    Also in the mining industry all electric controls have to not only be able to keep out the dust, but be explosion proof. It would seem the high brow technology of space exploration could learn a few things from the down and dirty mining industry.

    Like Mart has alluded to, the mystery of the moon dust has been known of for fifty years, but not understood. So to sell spending such large amounts of money on the subject it is sold as needing to know how to control it in order to someday live as colonies on the moon.

    What isn’t a mystery to me is the fact that dust on the moon is not going to behave exactly like dust on the earth, one being separated by God from the other.

    The creation is a fabulous subject and its uniqueness is seen in all of our sciences. Which is why we are told from the Scriptures we are not without guilt in not knowing of a creator.


  2. cbrown says:

    Lord God thank you for Your mercy for me a wretched sinner.As I read the morning devotional and now this topic I am overwhelmed at the wonder of Your whole creation.When the moon was full last week I thought. What was your purpose for putting it there? I know you do not do anything by chance. This topic helps me to see more clearly.

  3. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    It seems to me the dust that has collected or been propelled near the surface of moons and planets has made its way into the consciousness and imagination of humans. The idea that life itself “spreads” throughout the cosmos via this fine, ion-charged stuff has been around a while. Is the dust insidious in its purpose? Or is the dust filled with the purpose of our Creator God?

    Though God created us from the dust of the earth, and to the dust we are destined to return, the breath of God – the Spirit that is Holy and life-giving, offers us great and wondrous hope beyond the cycle of birth-life-death that appears to be the only fate in store for earthlings.

    A force infinitely greater than pesky moon dust is the love of God. (Jeremiah 31:3; John 3:16) God has made the journey in flesh from birth to death – and has conquered the darkness of our fear. The resurrected Lord Jesus Christ has made a way where there was no way. He offers us abundant life in a place or dimension or being that has no tears and no sighing. (Isaiah 35:10) For Jesus’ faithful who are dying in the flesh, the only “threat” is heaven.


  4. Wayne says:

    God said given enough time we would be like them, I think God is letting us !

  5. AmazedbyHis grace says:

    The Discovery Channel’s Yellowstone/volcano programs stated that years after the super volcano erupted, inhalation of ash will be a leading cause of death. WY will be completely decimated, and ash covered roofs will cave in hundreds of miles away.
    I often wondered if a nuclear weapon blast would trigger pressure, thus causing multitudes of volcanos to erupt. We may see that answer soon.
    We are called not to worry, Matthew 24:6.
    What’s being swept under the rug is the fact that Christ is living among us today by His Spirit. Many Christians think they can do what they want, sweeping live sin under the rug, and thinking they will answer for their deeds in the end. When a person has chosen to be disobedient and another who is full of the Lord’s Spirit, or obvious that the Lord’s working through them comes along, the disobedient Christians shun the obedient. This happens in many churches as Christians (are they?) don’t want to repent.
    Today, come Lord Jesus, be our guest, may true believers be awesome blessed!

  6. SFDBWV says:

    Many years ago I bought a three part series VHS tape titled correctly “The Miracle Planet”.

    Nothing about it is of a religious nature, pure science; it explains the extreme uniqueness of earth in contrast to all the other planets in our solar system including their moons.

    I also purchased a 12 part series of tapes titled “The Trials of Life”; again this remarkable science tool once again shows the intricate balance all life on earth exists in. So amazing it actually goes against any idea of evolution, though not intended to.

    Today there is at our disposal volumes of texts to explain the origins of the stars, planets and life on earth all from the view of a creator.

    Volumes of books from a vast array of scientist’s who are able to see and offer a different view of creation other then what is taught is our public schools and universities.

    Secular science at its purest form is not interested in trying to prove or disprove a creator; they are just interested in discovery of knowledge. However it is not the scientist who produces the ideas of universal evolution, rather it is the enemy of God who is intent on the mischief of pushing for disbelief in God and so in a need for a Savior.

    If nothing else it is a great and colossal undertaking to study the first words of the Bible; “In the beginning God created…”


  7. Rocky says:

    Good morning all, I find this very interesting simply, because I’m one of the few that believes that we never reached the moon back on July 20, 1969.

    Besides that, as I read this article I read ” the dust of the moon is not like terrestrial dust.” Then the next paragraph said “Terrestrial dust is like talcum powder. On the Moon, it’s very rough. It’s kinda evil. It follows electric field lines; it works its way into equipment. One of the questions about dust on the Moon is an engineering question: how do you design things so that they can survive the dust environment.”

    So is this a typo or am I reading it wrong?


  8. swwagner says:

    Eventually all scientific study will lead to God…we will all bow down before Him.

  9. SFDBWV says:

    Rocky, is it that you don’t believe we had people on the moon, not once but several times; or is it that you don’t believe all of the moon probes and missions to the moon at all?

    I grew up with the matter and watched it very closely; I even have some prints from participants of the programs.

    Do you really believe a government conspiracy of that magnitude could be carried off with no one coming forward to attest to its being a fraud?

    I recall the men on the moon missions complaining about the dust getting stuck to them and all over the instruments.

    I am not being antagonistic, only causally curious.


  10. poohpity says:

    Here in AZ we live in a dust bowl. When we used to go 4 wheeling, dust was one of the major things that caused the trucks and jeeps to have major malfunctions in the working parts that made the vehicles move. One little particle in just the right place caused so much damage. So after the runs we would go to those pressurized car washes to spray the under carriages and the engines to clean the dust out. Then for the interior. So I understand the damage it can cause.

    In the OT when God was speaking to Ezekiel referring to him as “Son of Dust” in some translations in others it was “Son of Man”. When we look to son’s of dust for wisdom, applause, guidance and notoriety we get that dust all in our minds, spirit and souls which seems to be the agent that gets us all clouded and gummed up. We put that dust up on a pedestal. In the times of the Judges which is no different than it is now man became his own authority and acted on his own opinions and thoughts which totally pulls us away from God. Looking to the creation rather than to the Creator. Knowing God and our faith in Him becomes our pressurized spray wash.

    That dust gums up the works and so many are inclined to follow after dust rather than after God. God has finely designed us for Himself with purpose and shields us from the dust through the Holy Spirit. Most seem to be comfortable living in this world with all it’s dust, depending on dust, to follow dust. Seems rather silly when I think of it like that but that is what happens more often than not.

    People spend so much times searching for the very foundations of what that dust is and how to prevent it from getting into everything but do not spend that much effort in getting to know the One who created that dust. Searching after that that is seen rather than after the unseen.

    Even in our homes that one little particle of dust does not seem so bad but no sooner do you turn around and that one tiny particle becomes a heavy film that covers everything. Daily if we stay close to God and His Word the dust gets removed daily, moment by moment, hour by hour and we know God and His purpose for this creative use of dust, the human being. Psalm 139:5-7,10

  11. poohpity says:

    Rocky, is the topic eluding to the difference in terrestrial and celestial dust, or “but about the inclination of our own dust-to-dust-inclination to find a way of surviving outside of the finely designed world, purpose, and God who made us for himself.”?

  12. belleu says:

    I find it amusing scientists want to figure out how to live on the moon in a hostile environment when we are destroying our own planet. Why not spend that money buying electric cars for Americans? It would only help a little, but if they spent all the money they spend on NASA fighting to clean up this planet we might last a little longer here on earth.

  13. BruceC says:

    I have watched some science shows on TV(and usually not for very long)and what stands out to me is the amount unproven “theories”, “conjectures”, and sometimes outright stabbing in the dark that is almost passed off as truth(and is sometimes put forth that way). We spend $280 million dollars to study moon dust? And what does that do for those down here in our own nation and in others that are suffering? Has our government become an engine that just guzzles tax money and wastes it on so many things? Do we need to feed the egos of those “intellectually elite”? What good is the knowledge man finds out if God is not given the glory and it just fills men with pride?
    Surely we as believers can give God the glory for scientific discoveries; but that can be done also without them.
    I have oft wondered if the scientific community “stumbled” upon irrefutable proof(in their minds) of God; would they acknowledge Him?


    I feel for those miners who have trouble breathing. I can go much more than just a few steps; but having emphysema is humbling.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  14. BruceC says:

    This reminds me of the theory put forth by some for “gluetron”. Some scientists claim it is the invisible substance found in atoms that keeps the electrons, neutrons, and protons from flying out of the atom; holding it all together. So now we have some saying they believe in the existence of something “they cannot see”. And yet many don’t believe in God and what He has done because they cannot “see Him”.
    I heard on a creationist TV show that more and more scientists are departing from the evolutionary theory and I pray that is true.
    God Word says that all things are held together by Him and science does not have to prove that to me.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  15. SFDBWV says:

    Being no less of a man then any other my imagination is alive and healthy as is my curiosity.

    Personally I don’t believe Adam was an ignorant Neanderthal, but rather the created being and image of God. Given to him were the tasks of tending the Garden and giving names to all of the creatures of creation.

    Right away out of the Garden Adams children were very inventive, building cities, musical instruments, forging metal and *learning* more about how to survive outside of the Garden of Eden in a hostile world.

    In many ways we are still right there with Adam, we contend with living outside of the Garden as we continue to name every animal and every thing in our view and understanding.

    It is that drive to learn that takes us wherever we can go, and clearly the last place we can explore is outside of the confines of this earth.

    God wants us to learn about Him as well and the more we learn about His creation the more wondrous He is.

    The true thrill is found looking at the mysteries of life, the universe, and all things before us from the angle of its being made by God. Every little detail a proclamation of God’s endless ability.

    It all being humbling rather than any arrogance of discovery.

    Like a commercial I once heard state; “Imagine what we will learn tomorrow.”


  16. poohpity says:

    I think most times we are under the assumption that all scientists have no relationship with God but that is not true. There are many who study the sciences that also have a relationship with God. My best friend’s daughter who is a Christian is studying microbiology and chemistry. She and her colleagues have identified genes and chromosomes that are found in breast cancer and they only had the means to do so through government grants. So there is good to be found in every field. We may not understand the reasons for many government programs but look at how far we have come through the eyes of science and technology. There seems to always be those who try and push God out but there are many who cling and rely on Him as well.

    But that is even true in the hearts of many Christians there are those who speak the name of the Lord but yet do not know Him or even try to get to know Him. They may not be aware of God’s purpose for their lives or even think about Him through their days but think about the worries, problems, struggles and sorrows of dust. Reading newspapers, books, watching TV and may not even have a thought about filling their minds with the truths found in God’s word it may just be an after thought but not take first place. Yet we talk about scientists not knowing God, I think at first it has to start in the heart of each believer at home. God knows where He is placed in our lives and still shows us mercy and grace using dust to meet our dust.

  17. BruceC says:

    I think some may be confused; thinking that I believe all scientists and science is apart from God. I don’t. There are many who do believe. But as a “community” of scientists, if you were to try to teach creation in a university or apply for a grant to show creation and disprove evolution I think you would run into quite a sizable storm. Many in that community take evolution as 100% fact and work from that assumption.

    I just think $280 mil. would be better spent helping the sick and looking for cures than studying moon dust.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  18. SFDBWV says:

    Bruce old friend I have seen people die from emphysema, not a pleasant death. I do pray God heals you of such a disorder and allows for you to breathe.

    Like you I like to listen to Chuck Missler, though sometimes his astrophysics is way over my head. I do get a quarterly magazine and daily devotional from “Institute for Creation Research” which is a very good source of creation science including teaching materials for the home schooled who still defy evolution as the final word on the subject.

    While thinking of spending, it is said to cost a million dollars for every cruise missile we launch, well worth our protection, but still money that could feed the hungry. I think that cost God provides through us His body.

    Hope all is well for you and your wife; we are enjoying a beautiful late summer early fall day.


  19. oneg2dblu says:

    Good day all… I know we went to the moon because when I was working for NY telephone in the late sixties or early seventies I personally had a close encounter with some of the actual moon rocks stored in the lab at Lamont Geological Observatory in Palasades NY. I also saw many large photos of the actual landing site and surrounding evironment. At that time in my life I was involved in a black and white photo study with a local college, but I was not there to study any photos, I was there to work on some special seismomlogy circuits that the phone company maintained for them.
    So, the rocks are real and those photos were the clearest most defined photos I’ve ever seen because there was no atmosphere to contaminate those images, and soom were very long distance shots with total clarity and depth that could not have been faked here on earth.
    So, much care must have been taken to keep those lenses clean and clear of any dust, because there was plenty of undisturbed heavy dust lying around on everything else according to the pictures I saw.
    That was one day I really wish I had my camera with me! Just to think it probably was in my truck and I never had the idea of taking any pictures because just being there and viewing those rocks was enough proof for me. Gary

  20. poohpity says:

    It is the “theory” of evolution not proven fact. Science works on the basis of theory.

    God has given His children money so that they will support feeding the hungry, giving shelter to the homeless, serving the sick and caring for the widows and orphans that is not the government’s job it is ours.

    With the onset of the first church people sold all the extra they had so that they could care for each other. Those who have an extra bedroom invite a homeless person shelter, those that over stocked food pantries feed someone, if you have extra land sell it and give to medical teams that serve the needy around the world. Do not look to the government to do what we have failed to do. How much food is thrown out each week because it goes bad in our refrigerators or on our shelves?

  21. oneg2dblu says:

    Pooh.. that may well have been how the original church was and how it worked, and it worked well, but today?
    Today our Government is already playing too large a part of the lives of every person you know including our churches, and even yourself.
    We have all been born into it, ruled by it, and must live under it, if we work for any organization other than the church, you will be subject to the dictates of the goverment, and even as you work for the church you still are under government dictates.
    How many churches can you name today that are not under the dictates of tax exempt status with its guidelines which are not biblical but must be adhered to, or they must fear they can not operate?

    When did God say we, the church, needed to become these tax exempt corporations?

    We already have given the government too much power over us, and like an ever deceiving satan, we are held captive to its dictates.

    How many of the churched today are dependant on government programs for their very survival?

    It is a fine ideal to say we only will serve God, like the old church, but aren’t we all also serving the government which is growing more powerful every day?

    I understand the would be ideal… but the reality is what it is.

  22. oneg2dblu says:

    The government has made it their job, they have created an empire of the government for the government, a self-serving society, with their own health care system, their own retirenment, and much to many other perks to list here and now, all paid for by the people who no longer are heard.
    We are after all according to the signs in the last days now and not living the birth of the new church. Amen?
    We probably are exactly where God wants us to be, or we would certainly be led to be somewhere else.
    I wish this was the cusp of a world wide revival, but the signs are not presenting themselves.
    I hear rumors of war, see many bad weather patterns, and the like.
    What do you see? Gary

  23. BruceC says:

    I agree Gary. Things have gotten out of hand. When the church helped those in need politicians were not using the needy for leverage for their own goals; so the government was basically out of it. As far as today’s church goes; I too wonder how many would give up all they had to help others in the body who were in need.
    Times have surely changed.

    Steve, Thanks for you kind thoughts and prayers! I once heard that many with emphysema die from hypoxia (if I have the correct term); which is the lack of oxygen to the body. One person I spoke with who also have the condition told me that when that occurs most usually get very tired, fall asleep and then their breathing gets shallower and shallower until they stop.
    But on the other hand I have run out of breath by over-extending myself several times and could not breath at all. Took my pocket inhaler a few times and could only say “Lord”. I knew He heard me. It was scary for sure; struggling to breathe. I didn’t tell my wife until months later. Even though not being able to breathe is scary I know He is there and passing on without Him must be a truly terrifying thing for the unsaved.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  24. poohpity says:

    I do not think the Bible leads us to believe that they sold everything they had it may have meant their possessions and their goods in excess considering the well being of others. You have to admit we have so much we do not need laying around our homes. In the USA what we consider poor is not poor compared to other countries in any way. Even giving 10% of the income of Christians today is not the norm according to research, they lack trust in God’s provision. They also met together daily to teach, discuss and worship the Lord. (Acts 2:42-47 NIV) It is no wonder that in today’s time we do not see many wonders or miracles they devoted themselves fully to God and you are right Gary some followers are no longer like that but there are those who are. There are also followers who have opened up their homes to homeless, share what little food they have with the hungry and give sacrificially.

    From what the bible says God put our government over us and most times Christians slander and talk bad about their leaders and others. (Titus 3:1-2 NIV) It is easy to live outside the design the Lord has for us because we are prone to follow the world around us.

  25. poohpity says:

    I would just like you to know that our Representatives in the U.S. House today made speeches defending our 1st amendment rights of the freedom to practice our religion. So that while there may be those who find fault with our government there are those who are there defending our rights to worship and pray. In the military, in businesses, in school and in the congressional prayer caucus. They even addressed the Pastor being help in Iran. They named many times that people living out their faith is being stopped by the Supreme Court and other government officials. So our government is still speaking for our God.

  26. SFDBWV says:

    A few decades ago they made a movie based on the comic strip Flash Gordon. Being a fan of both comic strips and science fiction I did enjoy the movie.

    One of the lines that stuck with me was said from “Ming the Merciless” speaking about Dr. Zarkoff, Dale and Flash as they were flying through space. He said “Stupid earthling’s hurling themselves out into the void with no understanding of what is actually out there.”

    As Mart had stated in his opening remarks this venture to the moon is just about the study of moon dust and why it behaves in the way it does, not like the Mars missions that are looking for life outside of earth.

    The first thing that comes to mind is that everything that is outside of earth is alien and different to what we see as normal here. What science is actually looking for are similarities in what we know about our planet and the other planets and moons in our view.

    There seems to be an unspoken awareness that at some point we will out grow our planet and its ability to house and feed its population and so those who look to that future look for alternatives to living on planet earth.

    Because of what we have learned from space exploration; gone are the dreams of a utopia underneath the clouds of Venus or ancient canals and civilization on Mars.

    The more information we gather the more unique earth is, and along with that the “stupid earthling’s” have to face how special life is and why it is so important to learn that we are all one under the sun.

    Who are we? Why are we? What’s to become of us? Is this all there is? What is the purpose of our lives?

    There is also a spiritual void that needs to be explored and understood, and God has provided an answer book and special people to explain answers to these questions, even becoming one of us so that we could be more at ease in approaching Him.

    “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to unto you.” (Matthew 7:7)


  27. remarutho says:

    Thanks for the good word, Pooh —

    Recall, if you will, that the Christian pastor in Iran you mention inherits the legacy of the community of faith planted in the exiles of the 6th c. BC. Recall as well that the body of Christ overcame the Roman Empire, and became the overwhelming majority — by prayer and faithfulness to the Lord Jesus.

    Dust enlivened by the Spirit of God, on whatever planet or satellite it is found, will give praise to the Creator. It seems to me both believers and non-believers tend to explain away the working of the Holy Spirit at times. The concept of a church building, a senior pastor and a choir are new innovations over the millennia.

    If LADEE reports truly, it will quote the Lord Jesus: “Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, ‘Teacher, order your disciples to stop (praising Messiah).’ He answered, ‘I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would shout out.'” (Luke 19:39-40)

    Yours in Christ,

  28. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Steve —

    Did not see your post, as I was typing away when you submitted. Another good word! Can it be we forget that when the Almighty exhaled, He put in place the entire cosmos? We focus upon our forebears, Adam and Eve, and so we should — yet, I am convinced our God is able to rule over all that has been created, is being created and will be created.


  29. phpatato says:

    Good Morning All

    Maru I enjoyed your post this morning (6:58am). Thank you for sharing!

  30. SFDBWV says:

    Being in the dangerous position of only being slightly informed on many scientific matters, I am always amazed that with our ability to see farther and farther into the cosmos every thing looks the same.

    There is no evidence of stellar or universal evolution. Everything in view seems to have existed as is for as far backward in time as we can see.

    Like the “big bang theory” suggests everything just came into existence all at once.

    I think Bible believer and science can agree it all began at one moment in *time*. Even time began as we understand it, at that same moment.

    The question that remains is, did we exist before this event? Our bodies are made up of the same elements found all throughout the universe, but what about our consciousness, our spirit beings?

    Even this question is answered in Scripture…


  31. oneg2dblu says:

    I guess we could say that “all things” are answered in the scriptures, but we all know better. and so did the author so He left some things unanswered as well.

    What we do know is how to recognize a believer according to what the scriptures do say.

    We know how to test the spirits according to what the scriptures do say.

    We know who truly loves Christ according to what the scriptures do say.

    And beyond that, we need only to have faith that answers for us what the scriptures do not say, and what we can not answer for ourselves.

    What are we to beleive when our nation’s leader, chosen by the Lord to rule over us, then says to the world, “We are no longer a Christian Nation?”

    Especially when we also know, we were founded on scriptutral Judeo/Christian principles?

    To me, it means we as a government have lost our footing!


  32. poohpity says:

    Mart, I was wondering if rather our legacy was found in Gen 3:19 when human kind found it’s independence from life outside of God’s best design and plan for us. As I thought about this topic and payed attention to just how much dust has infiltrated our lives and it does seem to be just as life-threatening as the moon dust. It is not only the dust of sin but also false teaching that causes people to turn away to seek after everything that is against God’s plan, purpose and design for us. Things that keep us distracted from seeking God with all our minds, hearts and souls.

  33. poohpity says:

    Maru, I guess I am confused what Pastor Abendini has to do with the fall of the Roman Empire but I do also believe that in Christ we have the power to overcome what ever obstacles are placed in our paths and I bet while he is there the Gospel is being preached.

    Gary, when the House comes back after recess they give hour speeches on what is important to them and for a full hour the Gospel was preached on the floor of the House of Representatives. In that speech it was addressed about our nation being lead away from it’s foundational God given freedoms that our nation was founded on. We can not trust our government to do what most believers do not even do and that is trust in the Lord but that does not stop God from doing what He does best and that is to make sure His Will will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. The dust does not clog up God, only human beings.

  34. foreverblessed says:

    On a side note, when Amazed brought up the dangerous fumes from volcanoes, I was just reading about King James (yes the one from the bible) who wrote a famous essay in 1604 “Counterblast on Tobacco” one of the first attacks on smoking ever written:
    Smoking, James tells us, is “a custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs, and in the black, stinking fume thereof, nearest the horrible Stygian smoke of the pit is bottomless.”
    I just wanted to share this with you, because I did not know that as long a 400 years ago, people were aware of the fact that smoking was dangerous to our health.

    Last week in our church house group we talked about John 13, the washing of the feet by Jesus. Jesus wanted to wash the feet of the disciples, but Peter did not let Him, then Jesus said, if I do not wash your feet, then you have no part in me.
    We coming from the dust, but now, made new in Christ, but yet we walk into the dust, reaching out to other people, to bring the freedom that is in Christ. And then Jesus wants to wash our feet, I guess, He wants to do that everyday.
    I was thinking, God wants us to get our feet dirty in the dust. That’s why He has us still here, and not all taken up in heaven with Him.
    We are clean, because we are in Christ, we become dirty when we go out into the world, but not through and through, as Jesus lives in us, and cleanses us everyday.
    I was also thinking of what Oswald Chambers wrote: we should become poured out wine, and broken bread for the people God sends us to, but we are ready? Are we willing become drained out. Are we willing to get our feet dirty.

  35. poohpity says:

    Amen forever nothing wrong with getting our feet dirty while we are out in the dust especially if our feet are shod with the Gospel of peace. Our hearts are shielded from the dust by faith and our breast plate of Christs’ righteousness, we are girded and held together with the truth, our minds are protected from the dust by our salvation and we are given God’s Word as our sword, our swiffer duster, vacuum or power washer. If all else fails we have the power of the name of Jesus the best dust be gone weapon.

  36. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    In reply, Pooh, you mentioned the Christian pastor struggling in Iran (your post of 7:07 a.m. Iran was Persia in the day. And, as you know there is a Christian church in Iran. I think of all societies that are hostile to the Gospel and Christians. Rome is a good example of a society and culture that was powerless to halt the spread of Christianity.

    It seems to me that is how our God works in the world. He shapes all nations. (Jeremiah 18:5, 6, 7, 8)


  37. poohpity says:

    I should have said the best dust buster is the name of Jesus. :-)

  38. poohpity says:

    Maru, no I did not know there was a Christian church in Iran, openly. I know that the Pastor was there to start an orphanage.

  39. oneg2dblu says:

    Yes, we sometimes do get our feet dirty for the Lord, but we should also know when to shake the dust off one’s feet and leave, or move on to where the truth in us will be accepted.

  40. oneg2dblu says:

    We know that God’s Will, will and can, change and develope nations, but where is God’s Will when He directs His people and they do not respond properly?
    “If my peolpe who are called by my name…” 2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT.
    Does God control the will of the people?
    Or, does free will always play itself out?
    Where does the dust settle on that?

  41. poohpity says:

    Gary, we are to shake off the dust is symbolic when we share the Gospel and people make a choice not to believe we do not force it on others. People(dust) force their wills on others, God is not like that to me. To me God’s Will was to have a relationship with the people He created out of dust and for that creation to enjoy all that God had made. God does not seem to ever force anyone to love Him or to want a relationship with Him we are given free will or freedom to make that choice ourselves.

    After we have made the choice to believe in Him and what Jesus did on the Cross to make that relationship possible, then we are gifted with different abilities to serve God and each other. Abilities that benefit the spreading of the Gospel through teaching and serving others in the body of Christ and those future believers.

    The truth in us being accepted, I do not know what is meant by that. If we do not show grace, forgiveness or mercy to others then there is no truth in us to be accepted. Free will has played itself out look around at the state of things around the world that is not God’s Will that is what happens when we live out our will, the will of the dust.

  42. poohpity says:

    forever, I was not going to say anything about the comment you shared about King James and cigarette smoke but I changed my mind. During the many hours I shared at the cancer clinic with my mom who insisted that I should quit smoking because she thought her cancer was caused by it which I knew was from medication she was taking. The nurse there said that 65% of lung cancer patients had nothing to do with smoking, I am not saying that smoking has nothing to do with lung problems but to King James the stinch that came from the poor and needy as he carried his fragrant cloth handkerchief was also repulsive to him. I would also like to share that the fumes from factories, the dust from tires, coal mines and other mining, auto exhaust and just regular dust particles can also have very bad effects on lungs. We suffer from many bad decisions on many things and just one may be smoking which has with the mixture of other things caused us to have COPD but my worse times having trouble with breathing is when I take a trip to PHX and breathe in car fumes which having my inhaler at those times is mandatory and many other times is unnecessary. Smoking has become more of a social issue rather than a moral one.

  43. BruceC says:

    I could say that I stubbornly smoked for 42 years; but the real truth is that I did not have the power to quit even with help from patches, etc. I was delivered from it by the power of God on my 60th birthday! All glory to Him!
    I read somewhere that anyone who smokes only 100 cigarettes has the chance of getting COPD. Also that only about 15% of smokers get emphysema if memory serves me.
    Before putting faith in Christ all of us “dust particles” smelled like the smoke from the lake of fire; did we not? Like death?

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  44. oneg2dblu says:

    Smoking is just a social issue? Wow!
    It really is not all that harmful to us? Yeah right? Although cigarette smoke contains over one hundred known harmful toxins to the human body, it is only a social ill?
    There really is nothing “morally wrong” with us being good parents and putting kids in the car and going for a nice long drive while we are smoking?
    At least were not forcing it on them…because they have their free will to not breath…

    That all makes perfect sense to me, but only when I was a smoker. But now it is all lunacy!
    My Dad died of lung cancer because he smoked for forty years, at least his doctor said smoking was a huge part of his problem.
    But today we are not to worry as long as it was so socially acceptable back then, who cares, we know he was using it responsibly then, right?
    Did you know that second hand smoke is known to be very dangerous, and third hand, all the stuff it permiates and coats is now being said to also cause health problems.
    But there are no real moral issues with that finding?
    So we can take that advice with a grain of salt, but only one grain though, because too much salt has it concerns as well.
    I wonder if being the Surgeon General and posting warnings on all tobacco products was a moral position or a social one?

  45. oneg2dblu says:

    I want to move on, but I’m still trying to get all that smokey dust off my feet… :0

  46. oneg2dblu says:

    I,m so glad our government, those who God placed over us, stepped in and passed laws to allow marihuana smoke to be injested for our health though.
    That was such a smart social move on their part.
    Even that one, makes me want to stamp my feet though…

  47. oneg2dblu says:

    What’s the next socially acceptable wrong we are going to try to make right with our passing of man’s laws?

  48. poohpity says:

    Ooooh good grief!!

  49. cbrown says:

    I was out walking tonight and the moon was about a quarter moon. It was not nearly as bright as last week because the earth was shielding it from the light of the sun. The same way the world blocks us from the Son.

  50. SFDBWV says:

    Several years ago I chanced upon amazing pictures of the small dust, rocks ice etc that make up the rings of Saturn. What was most amusing to me about the photos is that the small rocks that encircle the ringed planet are shaped the same as the planet they ring. Having a larger round center, but a tapering *ring* that surrounds its small equator.

    When I seen these pictures immediately I though of how God has a sense of humor.

    Have any of you ever wondered how it is that the *gravity* of the moon is able to create tidal forces on the earth?

    Having learned that God does not waste anything, it occurs to me that just as man was formed out of the material of the earth, that all of these materials are a necessary part of His creation and our earth.

    Moon dust then should be no less important in what makes up the moon.

    I believe the debate continues on and on in the scientific community as to how we came to have a moon. Some believe it to have formed from a collision of a enormous *rock* that slammed into the earth in the early stages of forming and that the moon is in fact a piece of the earth that was torn away from the collision. Others believe it formed at the same time the earth did and even others believe that it strayed through our solar system and attached itself to our gravity. Certainly all theories are taught in schools; all except one. That God placed it there for His purpose and as a purpose for its relationship to earth.

    A few decades ago Carl Sagan had an interesting TV program on called “The Cosmos” in which he took us on a teaching cruise throughout the universe telling us what we knew of then as to what the universe is and what it means to us.

    Using very elemental language he concluded that everything in the whole of the universe is made up of the same *stuff* and that in the basics we too are made up of that same *stuff*.

    So moon dust, star dust or planet core we are all one in God’s creation, the difference being that God *breathed* life into the dust of the earth and formed man from it.


  51. Mart De Haan says:

    Such an interesting perspective. Thanks again Steve for such good thoughts this morning. I’m planning to post something new tomorrow morning.

  52. Mart De Haan says:

    Have noticed that every time we start sharing irritations over issues of social or even moral law, we end up acting as if Moses had the answer to our hearts… rather than staying on focus with the fact that Jesus came with a better way to restrain the self-centered inclinations of our heart. More on that tomorrow (I hope :-)

  53. SFDBWV says:

    I do so appreciate Mart’s kind words and encouragements; thank you Mart.

    Seeing that Mart is going to change the subject tonight or tomorrow, and that I have a little time this morning to share, I wanted to thank God that cooler heads are taking a little control of the Syrian subject and that there just yet may be a solution that doesn’t involve killing more people.

    Also that today is the anniversary of the attack on world peace by the attack in New York at the world Trade Center’s Twin Towers. I am sure that the families of the victims still need our prayers and comforts however we can deliver them.

    We will be giving thanks today for so much and at the same time asking God for the peace He and His Son offers us, all of us.


  54. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    Dust is such an interesting phenomenon. Culture is buried in it. It seems to me dust is one phase of stones. Dust is compressed into rock — and immediately the forces of weather, cosmic bombardment, the water cycle — erode particles away until dust is lifted once again.

    Moses holds such sway — as the steward of the Law of God. How much more has the coming of Jesus brought the Word of God into our hearts? (Romans 5:12, 13, 14, 15) In Christ, we do breathe in the very substance of the Law. The dust from those stone tablets is life-giving.


  55. poohpity says:

    To me the dust from those tablets brought shame, judgement, death, defeat, condemnation and oppression but they pointed us to Jesus who is life-giving and life changing.

  56. poohpity says:

    Matt 23:2,13; Luke 11:52; John 1:17; Acts 13:39; Ro 3:20, 4:14-15, 6:15; Gal 2:21, 3:12

  57. remarutho says:

    Thanks for the great array of the Word concerning the Law Pooh!

    Paul points out that righteousness (which is only possible by God’s grace) is not at all through the Law: “I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.” (Gal 2:21)

    Hard to keep in my mind and heart at all times that every “jot and tittle” of the Word of God is fulfilled and will be fulfilled in Jesus. (Matt 5:17-18) The two concepts — the end of the Law and the fulfilling of the Law — together in God made flesh, Jesus Christ!


  58. cbrown says:

    1John 4:17 By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as He is, so also are we in this world. I am surprised Gary that you did not comment on today’s devotional in the Daily Bread since it references that Christians should rebuke and correct each other in Love and that seems to be a major point that you make.

  59. poohpity says:

    At times are we rebuking or correcting with the intent of restoration to one’s relationship with God? Or is it the intent of judgment which is a dust to dust purpose and not a God to dust motive? Are we concerned about the heart of faith as God is or the legalistic adherence to the law of Moses which keeps us so concerned about outward appearances of social or moral values but does nothing to change the heart?

    It is by faith that we have received the right to be called children of God. (John 1:12) We will never be able to earn that no matter how good we think we are, just even thinking that we are good is dust to dust thinking. Jesus came to save sinners of which I am one of those He died for.

    Why is it that once we realized what Christ did and what the law did do people make the choice to go back under the law again when it did nothing to help our faith or our relationship with God but only to show our need for a Savior? Help me to understand?

    I never even suggested that smoking was healthy. If one feels the need to rebuke anyone, rebuke people for sitting in judgement of sinners which puts their self in the place of God. Rebuke those who are self righteous looking down on alcoholic/drug addicts, murders, prostitutes, liars, those of different religions and all the other kind of sinners who need a Savior. Jesus never looked down on us, He ate with us and loved us. 1 John 4:10 NIV

  60. cbrown says:

    From today’s Daily Bread 1John 4:11 God’s love enables us to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. We teach, encourage, and rebuke. We weep and rejoice. The love we give is tender and tough and supportive. We are taught by Jesus even to love our enemies: “Do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you” (Matt. 5:44). Giving love to others can be challenging in some situations, but it’s possible because of the love God has first given to us.

  61. oneg2dblu says:

    I thought the Law of God was given by God in Love, and that love showed all mankind where they were going wrong, where their sin was unseen prior, and where their sin had separated them from God.
    It was the first great awakening in writing, the Ten Commandments of God were very specific, without controversy, and certainly given in love.
    Without any law, the lawless were clueless as well.

    Before Christ in me, all that Law stuff was a non-concern, something for others, it had no real meaning for me as I was not under any conviction, or under the Law, it was a foreign language, it was for church people, Sunday only suits, and the like.
    The righteousness that right living can bring, the righteousness that can be modeled by right living,
    by living within the law, is to me, the best word God could have given me to guide me into knowing what right living looks like.
    Those words found in those Ten Commandments live in me today because God has impressed them upon me.
    I’m not perfect yet, and never will be in this life, but His Law is perfect, pure, right, holy, helpful, and life saving for many.
    So Dear Brother and Sisters, today I am under that word and all God’s word as long as He is in me, for He still convicts me when I do not live under His guidence, and His commandments.
    You may feel free from the law, but I’m am free to allow it to show me right living from living as those who are lawless.
    Those very laws make a whole world of difference. in me.
    “If you love me you will obey my commands.”
    That is to me, Fatherly love at its best.

  62. remarutho says:

    Good Evening All —

    Eugene Peterson puts it this way:

    “With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that fateful dilemma is resolved. Those who enter into Christ’s being-here-for-us no longer have to live under a continuous, low-lying black cloud. A new power is in operation. The Spirit of life in Christ, like a strong wind, has magnificently cleared the air, freeing you from a fated lifetime of brutal tyranny at the hands of sin and death.

    3-4 God went for the jugular when he sent his own Son. He didn’t deal with the problem as something remote and unimportant. In his Son, Jesus, he personally took on the human condition, entered the disordered mess of struggling humanity in order to set it right once and for all. The law code, weakened as it always was by fractured human nature, could never have done that.

    The law always ended up being used as a Band-Aid on sin instead of a deep healing of it. And now what the law code asked for but we couldn’t deliver is accomplished as we, instead of redoubling our own efforts, simply embrace what the Spirit is doing in us.

    5-8 Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them—living and breathing God! Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life. Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what he is doing. And God isn’t pleased at being ignored.” (Romans 8:1-8)

  63. Mart De Haan says:

    Maru, Thank you. Eugene Peterson sees in Scripture the difference we are talking about.

    I’ll try to build on that in the next post.

  64. foreverblessed says:

    Sorry Pooh, for having unsettled you!
    I also wonder why is it that you do not want to hear these facts about smoking, why do you want to make it less severe then it is. The person who told you that only 64 percent of lung cancer is caused by smoking, was trying to soothe you, but these figures are not correct. You, who so often write about people who live in denial….
    I only ask questions, I do not judge you in anyway, Rom 8;1, in fact I dearly love you, and so does God, He loves you, and He will give you power one day to say No. In His power we live and move and have our being! Thanks to God, thanks for His mercy

  65. poohpity says:

    forever, it did not unsettle me. What I said from the nurse at the cancer hospital at Mayo Clinic was that 65% of lung cancer was caused from other sources and 35% was from smoking. Those are the facts. I was not however saying that smoking was any good for anybody nor was I promoting the habit. I most often try and represent the facts or I will say it is just a guess. I do not however believe it is a sin that was why I offered that it is more of a social issue rather than a moral one. A social issue because of the smell but it seems to be a battle of facts between the oil industry and the tobacco industry which is worse for one’s lungs.

  66. poohpity says:

    But it seems the way people treat smokers is a moral issue like that of the King. That is similar to many other actions that reflect dust trying to clean up dust.

  67. cbrown says:

    Pooh, you are one transparent person! Thank you.

  68. poohpity says:

    cbrown, I figure if God knows everything about me and still loves me why should I hide anything from others. There have been those that have borrowed a cigarette from me and it has been a means to share the Gospel. Those that were turned away from the judgmental attitudes of religious people and I was able to share that human beings will never be perfect thus then was able to share the message of the Cross for sinners. Again I am not justifying my use of tobacco it is one of my many faults that the Lord is working on. Some faults are more visible than others but we all have them.

  69. poohpity says:

    cbrown working in the prison system you know that we are to tell people about the Lord and let Him do the dusting. He is far better at it than we ever could be. Dust just spreads dust around. The point of showing mercy.

  70. narrowpathseeker says:

    ;-) Sometimes a smile is the best I can do.

  71. poohpity says:

    Gary, after we accept Christ that law is what convicts our spirits to ask for forgiveness and the Holy Spirit enables us to live a life of do’s rather than do not’s. When Christ lives in us we no longer want to live lives of lawlessness our hearts desire is to be like Christ who followed all the law. So I understand what you are saying and especially how we can not do it perfectly that is why grace is so important. I see that your heart is set on following the commands of the Lord which are the do’s #1 Love God with all your heart, soul and mind. #2 Love your neighbor as yourself. Do you want your neighbor to point out all your sins or to show you mercy because of them like Jesus did?

  72. poohpity says:

    narrow, glad to see that you have a smiling face. Proverbs 15:13,30; 17:22

  73. cbrown says:

    Pooh, isn’t it something that when we become vessels of God that he blesses us more than the people we pour His love into.

  74. poohpity says:

    It’s just a blessing getting something as wonderful as being allowed to have a relationship with God.

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