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3 Questions and a Dream

DSC00636Imagine falling asleep, and having God come to us in a dream the way he did to Solomon (1Kings 3:5). But instead of saying, “What do you want? Ask me.” He says, “Ask 3 questions you’d like me to answer”.  Then he adds: “1 question about this life, 1 question about the next one, and 1 question about the Book I’ve given you.”

Assuming that, upon waking, we discovered—as Solomon did— that the offer was real, and not just imagined, can we think of questions we hope we’d have asked? Are the questions that come to mind too personal to talk about? Or could thinking about unanswered questions help us affirm our willingness to respect the boundary line between what God has revealed, and what he has kept to himself (Deut 29:29)?

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80 Responses to “3 Questions and a Dream”

  1. bubbles says:

    When we se our Lord face to face, perhaps many of the questions we currently ruminate about will fall by the wayside and they will no longer be important to us.

  2. SFDBWV says:

    Good morning Mart, here’s the thing about unanswered questions and the human condition; when we don’t get an answer we make up our own.

    Aladdin at least got three wishes.

    What I have learned in my struggles of living is that God doesn’t answer questions because He wants us to work the matter out in our hearts on our own.

    However you are asking us to give up the one single most important question we can conjure along the three planes you have given; this life, the next life and the Bible.

    So a lot of thought will have to go into this especially seeing we only get *one* question per area.

    Wondering if God set boundaries when it is He who reintroduced Himself to a lost world.


  3. BruceC says:

    Sometimes I think the answer most given is just a simple “Trust Me”.

    We leap for joy when His answer is yes. We often pout when it is no. We begin to question our faith when we hear nothing. He is not indebted to us that He “owes” us answers to our questions. More like the other way around.
    I often wonder if we could even handle all His answers.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  4. Mart De Haan says:

    Thanks Bruce.

    Steve, I’ve never forgotten the story you’ve told before about the dream you had like this. With your permission, but without your name, I wrote an Our Daily Bread about it. If you’re inclined, wish you would describe it again here.

    And by the way, the limit to one question probably isn’t necessary… and probably would limit our discussion.

  5. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends —

    Who doesn’t have questions? Part of making way through our days is framing questions that can be answered at least in part, it seems to me. Someone has said we “live in the questions.” How are we to be effective agents of Christ’s kingdom?

    Mart, you ask:

    “Or could thinking about unanswered questions help us affirm our willingness to respect the boundary line between what God has revealed, and what he has kept to himself (Deut 29:29)?”

    My experience with “big” questions is that answers do not come in terms of my human understanding. Consider the “answer” the Lord gave Job. The restoration of all those blessings was the answer. The long poem about Behemoth and Leviathan does not read like an answer. It is more like a massive revelation of the sovereign power of God.


    PS Rereading my attempt at an answer, must admit it is no answer at all. Perhaps my post is just taking up valuable space on the BTA blog site.

  6. remarutho says:

    Dear Gary —

    Please remember Jesus loves you!


  7. poohpity says:

    Maru, I do not know how valuable space is on a blog but everyone has value and the only dumb question is the one not asked.

    I do not think there is anything wrong in asking God questions but if we are questioning God I think that may show a lack of trust. Sometimes we seem to have many questions of God that are already answered in the Bible and the lack of response may be I already told you that it just has not been read yet.

  8. Artle says:

    I do not mean this in any way other than as a simple truth, but I do not have any questions that I would ask.

  9. poohpity says:

    Mart, I guess I do not see where God asked Solomon to ask three questions. I do see however that God did ask Solomon, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you?”(1 Kings 3:5 NIV) then Solomon asked for two things, 1. A discerning heart to govern God’s people. 2. A discerning heart to distinguish right from wrong. (1 Kings 3:9 NIV). I respectfully ask this because it does not seem like you. Have I missed something or are these questions found in the prayers of Solomon in chapter eight or am I way off base which lately is very possible?

    I ask God questions all the time and more often than not He asks me questions in return. Just a few days ago I asked Him how come He has not laid His healing Hand on me yet? The reply was, “Do you want to get well?”

  10. poohpity says:

    OK Mart never mind now I understand what you were asking, lol!! I knew it proabaly was me and how I read it. It would have proably been nice if I would have reread it several times before I tasted my size 41, lol!!

  11. oneg2dblu says:

    Maru… that verse in Deuteronomy you quoted earlier is a very “hard sell” for todays people do not want to hear it.
    Many of the itching ears today are incorrectly taught not to believe it, for they are told it does not apply to them, for their sins are already forgiven them, past, present, and future, even before they are.

    So, the law for them seems completely out of context.

    Christians today could not have possibly “ever come” from any of “those chosen people” that had God’s word in Deuteronomy was revealed to, or could they possibly be any of their children.

    Perhaps thinking we certainly could not have come from the same father, or blood line.

    For them, it is just taking up space, like the rest of the things that talk about anything that we are to “do or not do” with any the words revealed in the law.

    Christians think they are no longer under the law, regardless of words that reveal any possible other connection to them.

    But, when you are Under the Discipline of Christ who fully obeyed His Father, aren’t you are under all His laws as well?

    I thought, we must submit all your past lawlessness and authority to Him, and He would never direct His people to live outside His law, or return to their old sins or lifestyles either.

    No one who loves God can go on sinning.
    1 John 3:7,8,9,10 (NIV).

    As you say Maru…I’ve also taken up space and not provided anything of answer in my attempt either.

    Like Foreverblessed says, once you are adopted, you belong to that family, forever. Makes one wonder what family?

    I think we may have created two families here, one as God’s chosen people, and the other as Christ’s. Yet we are to share the very same inheritance, the inheritance of only One Father?

    To me here are some of the questions we may need to ask ourselves now!

    “In this darkening and troubled world we now live in, a world that makes their own laws with its “very confused” family make up that is ever changing, clearly many have lost their way and no longer know who really is their Daddy?”

    I would ask this…

    “Abba Father, is it okay for me being I am one of your loving children, to live under your authority and your law as well, or is that really a cursed position?”

    Or, perhaps I would ask this one…

    “Has your Son who can only do as you direct, He being fully obedient to you, now direct us to “not live under” the law you gave us?”

    “Abba Father, I do not want to wander freely now as an loving child without direction, where you have placed your forever loving family boundaries in your law for us!”

    Anyone else here, “Been Thinking About” those questions?

    Be Blessed,

    So, the law for them seems completely out of context.

    Christians today could not have possibly “ever come” from any of “those chosen people” that had God’s word in Deuteronomy was revealed to, or could they possibly be any of their children.

    Perhaps thinking we certainly could not have come from the same father, or blood line.

    For them, it is just taking up space, like the rest of the things that talk about anything that we are to “do or not do” with any the words revealed in that “old law.”

    Christians think they are no longer under the law, regardless of words that reveal any possible other connection to them.

    But, when you are Under the Discipline of Christ who fully obeyed His Father, aren’t you are under all His laws as well?

    I thought, we must submit all your past lawlessness and authority to Him, and He would never direct His people to live outside His law, or return to their old sins or lifestyles either.

    No one who loves God can go on sinning.
    1 John 3:7, 8,9,10 (NIV).

    As you say Maru…I’ve also taken up space and not provided anything of answer in my attempt either.

    Like Foreverblessed says, once you are adopted, you belong to that family, forever. Makes one wonder what family?

    I think we may have created two families here, one as God’s chosen people, and the other as Christ’s. Yet we are to share the very same inheritance, the inheritance of only One Father?

    To me here are some of the questions we may need to ask ourselves now!

    “In this darkening and troubled world we now live in, a world that makes their own laws with its “very confused” family make up that is ever changing, clearly some have lost their way and no longer know, who really is their Daddy?”

    I would ask this…

    “Abba Father, is it okay for me being I am one of your loving children, to live under your authority and your law as well, or is that really a cursed position?”

    Or, perhaps I would ask this one…

    “Has your Son who can only do as you direct, He being fully obedient to you, now direct us to “not live under” the law you gave us?”

    “Abba Father, I do not want to wander freely now as an unloved child without direction, where you have placed your forever loving family boundaries in your law for us!”

    Anyone else here, “Been Thinking About” those questions?
    Be Blessed,

  12. oneg2dblu says:

    Soory for pushing the wrong buttons! :0

  13. Artle says:

    Adding to 10:02am comment, I suppose I “respect the boundary line between what God has revealed, and what he has kept to himself”.

  14. poohpity says:

    Gary, who has ever said that we go on, after being saved, to practice sinning? Have you not broken the 9th commandment(Exodus 20:16 NIV; Matt 12:36NIV) repeatedly with no evidence of a change since you have been commenting on here? Please look at all the commandments you break and stop falsely accusing others of things they have not said, please. When you have obeyed the very letter of the Law then we will be happy to listen and follow after you(breaking the first three commandments) until then let us follow Jesus. You can continue to follow whoever or whatever it is you follow.

  15. oneg2dblu says:

    Sorry pooh, but I’m not looking for anyone to follow me, only to Follow Him.
    But thanks for the ongoing forgiveness and love you share, you make it so very personal.

    I’ll continue to forgive you and love you, regardless, and there is nothing you can do about that. :)

  16. oneg2dblu says:

    I trust “we” was a misuse of the word, lacking context, unless you are the one possessing a following. :0

  17. oneg2dblu says:

    Let’s move on to higher ground and recognize where the boundaries are. If we stay within the law, we are also within the Will of God.

  18. oneg2dblu says:

    Maru… thanks for that Jesus loves you confirmation.
    That is one question need not be asked, because it was answered, before, during, and after I called out to Him,
    Jesus Christ, the Jesuss Love me this I know, Jesus.

  19. oneg2dblu says:

    Pooh… I thought you were so convinced we are not under the law, and now you jugde me with it,and convict me for breaking something you say we are not under?
    Who has the false witness now?
    I guess if we look to testify against others, we can, and on both sides.
    What a blessing to know where the boundary line of the old law ends, Because It is written, and savd even Our Lord when tested, even with all its worthless obedience standards for us modern beleivers it still works,and where God’s unknown line of patience ends is unknown to us today, nor do we know when His Wrath is finally revealed, that is so far not revealed.
    Unless you also beleive the old words of past law, and the Wrath of God as written, which always came after his hardheaded stiffnecked people’s lawlessness and disobedeince.
    Just a thought….

  20. poohpity says:

    If that is who you truly follow then why do you accuse us of the very same things you do yourself except devoid of grace? It was not you that leads justice to victory! I do not see hardly ever that you point others to Christ only to sin and the law. Matthew 12:18 NIV; Matthew 12:19 NIV; Matthew 12:20 NIV; Matthew 12:21 NIV That is talking about Jesus.

    I have always recognized you as a brother and have forgiven you when you were really mean, spoken to you when others have not and talked to you, not down to you but across the table. I really do not feel you understand fully the message of grace which is really hard for many of us to grasp the concept but let’s ask God as one of our questions together to explain His grace show we can show it to others rather than all the finger pointing OK?

  21. oneg2dblu says:

    I wonder what the standard is used for the Holy Spirit’s conviction, what boundaries He uses, what law does He convict us with?
    It can’t be the law of forgiveness if we are already forgiven, then what would He convict us off?
    I believe God’s laws and standard has never and will never change, in that respect, It is written, it is His Law,and it is His Holy Sprit that convicts us.
    Just a thought…

  22. KryptoNyte says:

    1) Please define love in a manner that I can understand today.

    2) Which of my dead family and friends will I meet in heaven?

    3) Can I trust the bible, above any other information available at any point in time, to provide me with accurate and reliable information that describes you, me, and the past, present and future world around us?

  23. Mart De Haan says:

    OK, I’ll start. I knew this could be a bit intimidating, and also that there are some questions we do not dare to admit to in the presence of others… for fear of being misunderstood, (or rightly understood for a lack of faith or faithfulness), criticized, or misrepresented…

    For openers…

    1. In the face of lingering unanswered prayer, “Is there something in me that is blocking the answer?

    2. As to the next life, will we be able to live in the moment without being as frightened of the thought of a life that will never end– as we are in this life by the thought of leaving this life behind?

    3. About the Bible– Is the faith to move mountains something that we have control over, or is it a grace-based trust that comes to us when God wants to move the mountain?

  24. Mart De Haan says:

    Also, can we agree to leave the law/lawless argument behind? It keeps showing up on almost every subject.

    We must be talking past one another. I can’t imagine followers of Christ who think they are loving God with all their heart, mind and strength— or their neighbor as themselves.

    Nor have I ever heard anyone on this blog advocate living a lawless/loveless life.

    Rather to one extent or another we are all, on both sides of this issue–in our better moments hungering and thirsting for right relationships with God and others. In worse times we are forgetting the extent to which God has shown us mercy, kindness, and patience.

    Since I think we’ve given this one enough airtime, and since it inevitably results in a cooling of the conversation, I’m going to start hitting the delete button. :-)

  25. Mart De Haan says:

    KryptoNyte! Thank you. You beat me to it. I didn’t see your questions come in!

  26. foreverblessed says:

    Good questions, and a warning too: things that are God’s are God’s. So the change that I will ask a question and will get Deut 29:29 how big is that?

    If I take God for His word, the bible, many answers are already given in the bible. The things that I need to be what God wants me to be.

    I was going to write about Job too, and then read Maru
    ” The long poem about Behemoth and Leviathan does not read like an answer. It is more like a massive revelation of the sovereign power of God.” Oct 9, 8.09 am
    Well, this year we had a topic about Job,
    I think Job got the message, what God wanted to tell him: who is going to tame the wild donkey?
    Suddenly I saw what God meant there, many things that we are enduring are like Job, not for yourselves but mainly to show to the spirit world, what a real devotion to God means, even if things are going bad, we still remain loyal to God. We do not follow God because we will be blessed, but we follow Him because of who He is: total love, everlasting goodness, great peace, Gal 5:22-23

  27. Mart De Haan says:

    One more thing…Let’s try to avoid the tendency to answer each others’ questions in this post. My guess is that it will be a breath of fresh air just to see that we are all people with very difficult questions and that none of us have it all together.

    What we come up with, however, give us things to talk about in the future without having to get personal.

    Also… no questions to make a point :-)…

  28. SFDBWV says:

    My apologies as today I am deep into time restraints. This morning’s routine for Matt had to be shared with cemetery responsibilities and as the afternoon is already upon me I may even have less time and I want to give this subject and especially Mart’s request the proper time and attention.

    I have had in my lifetime several dreams that I consider epiphanies or blessing from God and the one Mart has mentioned I will gladly share again with you all. I feel honored that Mart used it in a segment of the Daily Bread ministry and humbled that it may bless another.

    In this dream I was standing in the midst of many other people and the scene was very bright white. All I could see was white and the people standing around. There was a man who was standing in front of me and it was He I was talking with.

    I was asking Him all the *why* questions and each question was answered immediately clearly and made absolute sense. All was clear and there was doubt that every event, every outcome, in the end made sense and was the right thing, now that an explanation was given.

    I was elated and wanted to tell Matthew right away an answer to every question he had ask me and all I had just heard, but when I turned around to tell him I forgot everything I had just heard.

    However it didn’t matter whether I had all the answers or didn’t. It was ok, because I knew there was an answer and that it made pure sense and I knew it was from God.

    I hope you enjoyed my story, this took over two and a half hours to get written, so you see *why* I never write in the afternoons.

    Blessings to all, more on the topic tomorrow morning.


  29. belleu says:

    When I was a young Christian, I would have had lots of questions for God. But now I am old and looking back through life I can see the answers to all my questions. Everything shows God knew what He was doing and if I had been given the choice at the time, I would have had Him do the same thing.

    The only question rolling around in my mind sometimes is, “Why does the Bible leave itself open to so many interpretations? Why not be perfectly clear about things so there is no question what it means?” But I think I know the answer anyway. I think it may be that way so we have to dig hard for the truth.

    Also, the Bible does make some things very clear and yet Christian denominations still disagree about those things.

  30. bubbles says:

    Oh, dear, Mart. I hope the first comment did not come across as offensive or contentious. It was not meant to be that way.

    I was standing in the line at a funeral of godly man who was serving the Lord full time. He died suddenly and left behind a family. As I stood there, I wondered, “why” did this happen? Why would the Lord take a dear man who loved the Lord and served Him daily? Then I thought about seeing him in Heaven. And I thought when we were there, maybe all the “whys” we have here will pale in comparison to what happened here on earth.

    That was all I meant. I am inept at expressing myself. Please forgive me. I need to improve in this area. Mart, I respect you and value your thoughts. I would never disagree with you.

  31. oneg2dblu says:

    Mart… first, I want to thank you personally for letting our humanity run its course, even cooly it times and yes,it certainly has been repetitve.

    That is a chore on all sides to all who bear it, and you as well as some others here, have shown us all great patience.

    I thought all our questions are to make a point, ie. we can’t know all things, and even if we know all God’s words, word for word, they do not for all of us answer all things, so questions make that point as they are looking for answers.

    I hate to say this in question form, but do they not, especially if they give us something to discuss?

    I am not trying to be a smart guy here, I’m much to simple for that, just a smarter guy in the future hopefully.

    So, I must ask some questions if I’m looking for answers, and if I am to participate in this thread that asks of us, just what questions we would ask.

    In this life…
    “Did you call me Lord, by my name because you knew I would answer if you made it personal?
    In the next life…
    “Did I follow you out of love and obedeince to your commands, or was all my effort beyond my filthy living and filthy rags?”
    About the Book you wrote….
    Which book Lord, the one with Your Son’s name written everywhere, or the one with my name written in it, are they not the same, under your authority?


  32. fadingman says:

    Jesus’ disciples asked Him questions at times, and He answered them, or at least responded with something other than a rebuke. Interestingly, the questions they asked fit into each of Mart’s hypothetical question categories.

    On this life, the disciples sought the reason for someone’s misfortune (John 9:2), and asked the reason for their lack of power in casting out a demon (Mark 9:28).

    About the next life (or at least the coming kingdom), they asked the number of those to be saved, and about the end times and Jesus’ return (Luke 13:23, 21:7, Acts 1:6).

    About the scriptures, they asked for doctrinal understanding (Matthew 17:10, Mark 7:17, Mark 10:10).

    So, asking God questions like these is a good thing, and it doesn’t have to be a hypothetical exercise. You can ask God all kinds of questions about this life, the next life, or the scriptures, and sometimes He will answer you as you spend time searching through His word.

    Questions I would ask tend to focus more on the last category. I leave questions of this life and the next in God’s hands, but sometimes I would like understanding of difficult-to-interpret scriptural passages.

  33. oneg2dblu says:

    I believe we may all have a dream to share here, one that God has given us. We all know that Martin Luther King Jr. had one, and he was called to share it.
    Praise God!

  34. petros says:

    So…OK, no questions to make a point :-)… but with the Bible and God’s spirit, I really do believe all of our questions do get answered..in time, and I think there is really only one question that needs to be asked about this life, and the same question, I think is also supremely relevant to the next life (think James 1:2-8). But I’ll play nice tonight.

    But I will first confess that my 1st question is not an original question of mine but from a pastor named Gayle Erwin. But a great question none the less.

    1. God, why did you let your Church get in the shape that it is in?…

    2. Will there be an opportunity for we infantile Christians to grow and mature spiritually as we live out our eternal existence?…

    3. How many total years transpired from Adam’s birth to Christ’s Birth?

  35. Mart De Haan says:

    Deb, am sorry I missed your question early on yesterday. Thanks for your follow-up thought. Yes, as I think you eventually caught, I didn’t mean to imply that God asked or invited 3 questions. But I can see how the title, and the way I developed from Solomon’s 1 to our 3 could have been confusing. Thanks for asking and figuring it out. :-)

  36. Mart De Haan says:

    Thanks too Steve for rewriting your dream on such a busy day.

  37. SFDBWV says:

    In addressing the three (or more) questions we might ask God, I will tackle the first plane first “this life”.

    Whereas Einstein gave us the “Theory of Relativity” I believe any question I may have for God is relative to where I am at any given time in life, and that is not a theory.

    I can ask theological or philosophical questions, but that is not the real questions you or I would ask if we had the face and ear of a God willing to give a direct and immediate answer.

    From the outset of this topic I said that when we don’t know the answer to a question we tend to make up one of our own that satisfies and soothes our curiosity. The truth is that a lie or falsehood may be the answer we would rather believe. Just like in the garden.

    I would hope that if I could ask God one question about this life, I would ask Him what it is He would have me doing that would be in concert with His will for me.

    For if I were to begin asking why questions the list would be long, deeply personal and timely.


  38. SFDBWV says:

    As I have pondered this subject I have a certain current question I might ask, but I also have already worked out an answer to it that keeps me *sane*.

    Matthew is as named, my *gift from God*; all throughout his young life I loved him and filled his life with memories of he and I together. Memories I thought he could tell his children and grandchildren. Memories that were denied my father as he was only about 6 when his dad died and left him orphaned.

    Matthew would not use foul language use drugs nor was he a problem while growing up a defender of the Faith and a joy to all who knew him.

    Since his automobile accident and traumatic brain injuries now over 14 years ago Matthew has no memory of his youth only vague recollections that come in spurts without control.

    He grieves for a life most take for granted; friends a job, a wife…his own life.

    He asks a hundred times a day what is his purpose in living.

    He grows bitter and angry and doubts there is a God, only praying for others as he believes if there is a God He (God) doesn’t care about him (Matthew).

    He suffers physically and mentally all day every day and yearns for death.

    At this point in life my question to God is of what value, to what glory to God is the suffering of this fine man and of what value is there for Matthew or God in a fate worse than death, seeing no hope and slowly losing faith.

    In spite of the unhappiness Matthew suffers, I have made life as tolerable as I can for him and in spite of the intense struggle that exists here I have to believe that there is an eternal purpose for it that God will reveal to Matthew when the time is right.

    If I didn’t believe that then Matt would be right in asking me to kill him and put him out of his misery, dozens of times a day.

    Just so you all know, the *one* memory that has never left Matt is his love for me, and that love is what keeps him going every day.


  39. BruceC says:

    Thanks for that post Steve.

    Sometimes if we let “asking why” get to us; always seeking the answer, it can drive us up a wall. Cloud our thoughts and consume them every day. My wife and I went through this years back. After buying this home(which was my father’s)from my older brothers the first year was great. My wife was happy and seemed to have great peace and was looking forward to doing things around the property. Then the new neighbors bought the lot next door and put in a double-wide. Everything changed. Noise(very loud and at all times of day), drugs, junk all over, etc. etc. It was bad and to this day is not good. The joy drained from her. It caused many problems for us and between us. We went through a time of asking why and seeking prayers of others and praying much ourselves. Twelve years later I no longer ask why. And many, though they were well meaning; offered “their opinions”. Some said it’s your job to get them saved. Or you don’t have enough faith or there is sin in your life and that is why you are going through this. Needless to say we do not go churches anymore where this thought train is common. Sometimes advice from others can do more damage than good. So no longer do I ask others for advice about “why” questions.
    Maybe I and all of us would be better off if we asked God to show us what He is teaching us through all these things or for His glory to shine forth through it.
    Always seeking answers can be like wading into the deep end of the pool with our hands tied behind our back. It’s not a good place to go most times.
    I recall reading about how many Jews after the Holocaust asked God why and by doing so eventually gave up their belief in Him. They came to the conclusion that if there was a God he would not allow this to happen.

    God says “Trust Me” and we all know just how difficult that can be at times.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  40. Artle says:

    1. Can You stay a while longer? and Can You visit like this more often?
    2. Can I go home with You?
    3. Assuming the answer to #2 would be, “Not yet.”, Are there more books than the ones in The Book I have? If yes, where can I find the others?

  41. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA –

    Please pray for my brother, Jack. He is in the hospital with injuries from a traffic accident.

    This morning these are my top three. Imagine on another day the questions would be different:

    Question about this life – Lord, how do we travel through trials and grief without becoming unyielding as rock – how do we become tender-hearted and compassionate instead?

    Question about the next one – Lord, can you give us more of your heavenly Presence now – so that we experience the unity of the Holy Spirit and the nearness of your Kingdom in the church?

    Question about the Book I’ve given you – Lord, will you be giving us greater hunger and thirst for knowing you through the Scriptures in these days that remain?


    PS Prayers going up for Matt, Glenna and you, Steve.

  42. SFDBWV says:

    Maru, we will add Jack to our prayers and do hope that things turn out well for him, thank you for your compassion and prayers for us.

    I recall a while back you saying you were from Indiana near (somewhat) to Louisville KY. In what now seems like another life, I used to see a girl from Carrollton KY there between Cincinnati and Louisville along the Ohio River. A mixture of happy and unhappy memories.

    Bruce as always I relate to your life stories, thank you.


  43. remarutho says:

    Thanks Steve —

    Ohio River bottom land is beautiful — though subject to frequent flooding. Have traveled so much in my life that Floyd County IN has been a place to visit grandparents and other family most of my life. Many of the old home folks are gone now. Memories indeed.

    Jack lives in New England now. In a hospital in New Jersey.

    Blessings on your family today as well, Bruce. Keep the faith! Hope never disappoints.


  44. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh…”Gary, who has ever said that we go on, after being saved, to practice sinning?
    Well, aside from yourself saying you sin every day…
    I would adda few others:
    Everyone here who sees the lack of unity in those denominational divisions created by man in the church.

    Everyone who sees people in the church who go on living ungodly lifestyles,seeking the approval of man and getting it!

    Everyone who participates in ongoing judgmental assesments of others, constantly seeing them as only pointing fingers and being pridefilled.

    Anyone who can not forgive, also can not love, and not forgiving or loving others is ongoing sin, especially the brothers.

    In fact the rest of the world looks at the divorse rate in the church, the molesting of young children in the church, the spreading of false teaching in the church, like the preaching of the Prosperity Doctrine.

    That is who says, there is ongoing sin going on in sinfilled believers that flock to the churches today thinking their attendance and being good on Sunday will save them.

    But, if you only holding me to account on this issue, I see your pointing finger as well.

    “I have always recognized you as a brother and have forgiven you when you were really mean, spoken to you when others have not and talked to you, not down to you but across the table. I really do not feel you understand fully the message of grace which is really hard for many of us to grasp the concept but let’s ask God as one of our questions together to explain His grace show we can show it to others rather than all the finger pointing OK?


    Have a Great Day, my Sister in Christ. Gary

  45. oneg2dblu says:

    Pooh…I do understand the message of grace, having received it, as the unearned, undeserving, unmerritted favor of God, and I feel His unquestionable Ongoing Presence living in my being daily.

    But, when one sees the actions of all humanity, saved and unsaved, that does not always display itself as being forgiven, then one questions the other’s beliefs.

    Religious fervor, religious law, religious misleadings of the most hoffific nature, as seen in the world today, and one then questions, is their following of their religion, their saving grace?


    But, it could lead them to Christ, and a personal relationship with Him could develope, and when it does, they are living with Grace, under Grace, and certainly within the Will of God.


  46. BruceC says:

    Off topic; but I just wanted to let everyone know that Warren( who I believe I asked prayer for) has gone on to his new home with the Lord. His extreme suffering of the past few weeks is over and now there is peace.
    Please pray for his family. He was only saved for a few short years but in that time the Lord did a mighty work in him. Someday I will get to see my brother again in the presence of Christ. God be praised!!!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  47. foreverblessed says:

    God bless the family of Warren, I pray for them, Bruce! Thanks for keeping us informed!

    The question I would ask Jesus about my life:
    Is it really true, that when I am focused on You, have You as my Lord and Master in life, will You take up all the bits and pieces I have done wrong in dealing with others, and You making it whole again, making everything whole again that I lay sown at Your feet?
    Is it really true, can I lay all my burdens at Your feet, and You deal with it in a glorious manner?
    Is it That good to have You as my Savior, and Master and Friend?

  48. poohpity says:

    #1. Lord in this life why is it so important to be aware of the condition of my own heart at all times?

    #2. Lord in the next life will I be able to crawl up into your lap?

    #3. Lord how is it that everytime I read your word there is always something new, is that so it never gets old?

  49. remarutho says:

    Prayers for Warren’s family in their grief — yet, also joy. What a wonder this Christian family around the world — the great cloud of witnesses! “Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion.” (Steel Magnolias, the movie)


  50. Artle says:

    #1 – Is everything going according to The Plan?

    When I ask this question, I have to imagine the answer is yes, but is it my imagination or is it based in His Word and/or my life experience?

    How does each tear drop fit into The Plan?

    I have not had a dream like Steve’s, or at least one that I can remember, but I have a similar conclusion that everything makes sense. I cannot explain or put into words, but all is well, and happening according to His Grace. I think this is why I have no big questions. His Grace is sufficient and peaceful and I like it here.

  51. poohpity says:

    I have to say I willingly except the boundries between what God has revealed and those things that will remain a secret. I do however feel that God does not mind me asking Him anything. I think He would be more offended if I only came to Him to talk if I was in a pinch rather than a daily conversation. Asking questions seems to be so important to gain information, to learn to know someone, to clarify, to show reliance and so many more reasons.

  52. SFDBWV says:

    Trying to get to the next question concerning *the next life* I once again find myself understanding that the question is relevant to where I am in my moment to moment life here.

    The two are interconnected and would seem eternally so, as every event of this life would create the character of who we are and if we believe in an afterlife then it is who we are that is to be there.

    It is written we are to be given a new name that only you and the One who gives you the name know. I have always wondered if that name represents your life here.

    We are told that there are actually two events concerning the next life, one our millennial duties and responsibilities during the thousand year reign of Christ on earth, the other in the new heaven and new earth.

    Is there a point in future time when our consciousness our awareness ceases to be?

    Given all the trials and tribulations, wrongs, worries and heartache of this life, will all of that end with the next life and is there only eternal bliss and happiness in our future?

    How can we ever be happy knowing someone we love is not there with us?

    Is this next life interconnected to earth and the universe or an entirely different created place of existence?

    In thinking of the next life, I am more aware of how precious this life is, and how much loving someone can hurt. If I could create a perfect existence, what it might be.

    Free of worry and pain and heartache; free from evil and it effects; eternal sleep or eternal bliss; loving and in the presence of those we love.


  53. Mart De Haan says:

    I appreciate so much what you all have done with this. Your honesty in trying to probe and express real questions is refreshing.

    Bumped into an interesting quote of a familiar section of Isaiah 7:10-14 in The Message: “God spoke again to Ahaz. This time he said, “Ask for a sign from your God. Ask anything. Be extravagant. Ask for the moon!” But Ahaz said, “I’d never do that. I’d never make demands like that on God!” So Isaiah told him, “Then listen to this, government of David! It’s bad enough that you make people tired with your pious, timid hypocrisies, but now you’re making God tired. So the Master is going to give you a sign anyway. Watch for this: A girl who is presently a virgin will get pregnant. She’ll bear a son and name him Immanuel (God-With-Us).” (forgot to mention when I posted this comment earlier that this is a paraphrase from The Message).

    Needed to do some background reading to see what was happening here. In summary, Ahaz was an unfaithful king of Judah/Jerusalem who had been making sacrifice to pagan Gods. So I’m guessing that the interaction in this text reflects Ahaz’s faked spirituality to avoid being confronted by the realism of the God he had been avoiding.

    Am wondering how often I might do that without realizing it. i.e. Not bringing the real issues/questions of my heart to the Lord for fear of what they might say about myself– and him (as if there is something better than having to come to terms with the God of all truth and grace :-)… :-( Who, as this text indicates, eventually lifted the meaning of a short-term prediction to fulness of meaning in the supernatural birth of our Savior.

  54. SFDBWV says:

    What occurs when most anyone is faced with the *truth*? Usually a person begins to make excuses or blame something or someone for why things are as they are; just as Adam did in the garden.

    The “Great White Throne of Judgment” will be such a place, where we will most certainly have the face and ears of God as we try and explain our choices in this life and avoid punishment.

    Adam did not get away with his sin, but God has made a way for you and I to.

    How would you feel if instead of you being thrown into the lake of fire God threw Jesus in instead?

    Would you be relieved or wish you had no part in any of this story?


  55. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    I love the prophecy rolled out by Isaiah even to such an unfaithful king as Ahaz. (Isaiah 7:13, 14) It is like a delicious morsel of pause in the tired and dusty career of an idolater in power. How his people yearn for justice and deliverance!

    It seems to me the king, perhaps like some Christians in our time, insulated him/herself from the shocks of personal tragedy, poverty, lack and suffering all around. What a loss to keep the compassion and welcome of the Lord from so many who need them!

    Where is the balance between seeking the stronghold of God’s Presence for myself and reaching out to those who desperately need a touch from our God? Comfort versus holy discontent with the way things are.


  56. SFDBWV says:

    In thinking about the third subject (the Bible) I would certainly have to ask if this Book is the only true account of God interacting with man.

    Were there to other people, God also made His being known as personal as He did with Moses?

    Did His Holy Spirit also direct the movement’s actions and decisions of other peoples around the world; and did they leave a true written account of it?

    In all the world in every nation, tribe and people is the Hebrew Torah the one and only account of God interacting with man?

    If so then this one Book would be the most important piece of literature in existence, unique and without comparison.

    If people understood this they would look very differently and with fear and reverence at this “Holy” Book.


  57. poohpity says:

    I wonder in this life if the reason more people do not ask questions is because they think you will not answer?

  58. poohpity says:

    What is the process that occurs in passing from this life to the next? Do you ever live us alone in the process?

  59. poohpity says:

    Does knowing your word limit us from having fun and put more responsibility on our shoulders? Is knowing truth just another prison of sorts?

  60. poohpity says:

    “leave” not “live” us alone. lol!!

  61. oneg2dblu says:

    Good day all…We do know this, Christ on the cross exclaimed in a loud voice,”My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.”
    Matthew 27:46 (NIV).
    So, it is clear He felt something that may represent an absence, loss, or an aloness if only a momentary blick, or all during his burial process when his earthly body was placed in the tomb without having any sign of life.
    But the process in not really revealed, only accepted by faith as perhaps immediate.
    We are taught, absent from the body present with the Lord, when we think of the spirit life of a beleiver passing form this earth into God’s realm.
    But, I am open to any further explanation if it is there.

  62. oneg2dblu says:

    In the process of baptism we symbolically pass from death to life rather quickly, so it may well be that way in the spirit realm.
    We know we get a new body when we die, but how long that actually takes is any bodies guess, unless I missed part of the story.
    If so, please fill me in. :)

  63. poohpity says:

    Those questions were directed to the Lord, Gary, not you and it seems you may have missed what Mart directed us to do on October 9, 2013 1:40pm “One more thing…Let’s try to avoid the tendency to answer each others’ questions in this post.” as you may have missed the other direction that was given as well but what’s new.

  64. poohpity says:

    I did not need to add “what’s new” that was wrong forgive me for saying that part.

  65. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh…I have not the slightest clue as to what infrigments your are apeaking to, or why you feel it is your place to do so,
    I’ll just go away and everything will resolve itself in time.

  66. saled says:

    One question about this life: Do some of us start life with big advantages over others or does it just appear that way?

    One question about the next life: Does our future life depend on what we believe in this earthly life?

    One question about the Bible: Why does the old family Bible that we inherited from my grandpa’s aunt have more books than the Bible accepted by the church that I used to attend?

  67. poohpity says:

    I felt it was my place to do so because it seems you were trying to answer my questions to the Lord about going from this life to the next. When I read that I figured either you had not read what Mart asked us to do or you were ignoring him but I failed to think you did not understand, now I see that was the reason. Leaving does not resolve anything.

  68. foreverblessed says:

    This is a very good exercise: now I am talking to Jesus, the whole day, asking questions.The thing is, most of the questions I think of get an answer during the day.
    It maybe that in joining in this conversation, where I react to what others wrote, I am more talking to others than with Jesus.

    But this time we are to talk past each other!

  69. foreverblessed says:

    A family member is now living with a jewish man, a liberal Jew, she attends some of their services and family gatherings on holy days. She said just this week: the Jews are so different from christians, (she left the faith), christians are not allowed to ask questions, they are not allowed to doubt, to ask difficult questions.
    But the Jewish people ask questions to God all the time!
    I was thinking about that, now we have this project of asking questions, and it is not full of questions here…

  70. foreverblessed says:

    some more from me, now a question:
    Mart added the Ahaz story, Isa 7:10-14
    Immediately I was thinking, God is waiting for our questions, and I was thinking more about Abraham, who asked for the life of the people of Sodom.
    Could it be that God is waiting for our question, in real great faith: ask for the spiritual life of people near to us:
    God, savw the soul of this person, and that person: God save all the people that I met yesterday, give them the opening of their hearts, the acknowledgment that they need their Savior Jesus, just as You gave this realization to me.
    Yesterday I was going from door to door in my neighborhood asking for money for a specific charity fund. People can donate some of their money coins, the leftovers in their pockets. I do not like begging for money, but I gave this project to God, and it was as if He said, pray for them. So I pray for everyone, especially for those who do not want to give. They need more blessing. And when I read Mart’s comment, I was moved in my heart, not only to ask God to bless them, but to ask more: the saving of their souls!
    With this in mind that what we ask for, the things we hope for, and we have faith in God, real faith He will do Hebrews 11:1

  71. SFDBWV says:

    In Mart’s summery he mentions boundaries and so I am wondering about such.

    In the conversations with Moses God declared to see the face of God one could not live and in the story Jesus gave concerning Lazarus and the rich man there seems to be a boundary or great gulf between paradise and the place of punishment.

    In Job we learn that in attempting to figure out God we are not able to even scratch the surface of knowing God.

    However that never has stopped man from exercising his endless curiosity; in fact in man’s intellectual search he has omitted God and settled in on figuring all things out without Him.

    Sir Isaac Newton is a thorn in the side of modern physicists as the man who figured out gravity did so by studying in great detail and scrutiny the Word of God. Most all of his writings that they pour over looking for more information, what they find are the study of God and His Word. It seems Newton was on to something that modern science stumbles over.

    It may be the only boundary is one we have in place not God.

    Also just want to mention that I agree with Foreverblessed in that I too ask many questions of God including a few “how comes” every now and then.

    55 degrees this morning wet and foggy.


  72. BruceC says:

    Questions are just requests for knowledge. For God to tell us something we do not know. Then we have requests that are asking God to work on our behalf, or on behalf of another. Many of the questions asked may be found in His Word. Many are not. When we ask we are actually praying to God to hear and answer us, are we not?
    And in doing so the answer could be either no, yes, or wait. That wait may be until a much later time and then would be a yes or no, or it may come when we are in His presence. I have found many answers to my “whys” in God’s Word. I should spend more time in praise and thanksgiving; for I know that I deserve nothing but receive only by His grace, mercy, and love.
    This morning I thank the Lord that He drew my friend Warren to Him late in life for I am comforted by the knowledge that Warren is with God. His funeral is this morning. Pray that his family allows the Word of God to sink into their hearts.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  73. BruceC says:

    Speaking of requests, please pray for me. I have been having stomach problems/heartburn that often is downright painful and really cuts into my sleep. It’s been going on two days now and I am very tired. Never had this until a few months back or so. At times it’s bad.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  74. SFDBWV says:

    Bruce last year when I had a heart attack I thought I only had the flu and ignored the matter until I landed in the emergency room.

    Take every precaution and if you know one, see a doctor right away.

    On Warren’s family I have known preachers who use funerals as the best place to speak to the lost, I too hope those who need to receive not just hear the gospel do so.


  75. bubbles says:

    Forever~ Your 4:44 post was very interesting. Why do you think those in your post question God more than Christians? Thank you for sharing.

    What about when we ask questions only in our thoughts but do not go to God with them? Since He already knows our thoughts, even though we may not go to Him in prayer with the questions, He still hears them even though they may not be directly asked of Him. Of course He wants us to be real and come to Him.

  76. tracey5tgbtg says:

    About this life – “if this life is not our true home then why do we have to go through it before we can be with you in heaven?”

    About the next life – “why do I have to die to get to the next life and why is death such a feared thing anyway if it is the only way we’ll get to You?”

    About the Scriptures – “how can you trust humanity with your Word?”

    But in actuality, thinking about God asking me three distinct questions blows me away. If God spoke to me in such detail that would be enough for me. God speaking to me in such a manner would answer my main question which is “are You really there?”

  77. edbotdaltx says:

    The program cut of the last bit of my profile, so:
    Ephesians 2:1-10 (> 7 <) !
    because Romans 11:5+6 !

  78. edbotdaltx says:

    Okay, then, well, I won’t bother you any further, Mart.

  79. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    Solomon’s dream at Gibeon caused him to offer great thanksgiving for the Lord’s favor bringing him so far as the throne of Israel at such a young age. His request was:

    “Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, able to discern between good and evil; for who can govern this your great people?” (1 Kings 3:9)

    Fast forward to the first century AD and the Island of Patmos. The Apostle John is receiving and writing a huge vision of the coming of Christ’s Kingdom. At one point (that seems to apply to the dream-question theme here), the mighty, bright angel holding a little scroll gave a roaring shout and seven thunders sounded. John says, “I was about to write, but I heard a voice from heaven saying, ‘Seal up what the seven thunders have said, and do not write it down.'” (Revelation 10:4-5)

    Instead, the angel swore: “There will be no more delay, but in the days when the seventh angel is to blow his trumpet, the mystery of God will be fulfilled, as he announced to his servants the prophets.” (Revelation 10:6-7)

    Then, the voice from heaven commanded John, “Go, take the scroll that is open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.” When John asked the angel for the scroll, he gave it to the apostle and said, “Take it, and eat; it will be bitter to your stomach, but sweet as honey in your mouth.” (Revelation 10:9)

    Rather than writing what the seven thunders said, the Apostle John was commanded to eat the little scroll and “prophesy again about many peoples and languages and kings.” (Revelation 10:11)

    Loving and holy Lord, what is the way you would have your servants, the Church, bring the Good News today? Knowing that you hear, please help us to receive and live out in this life and in the next the Word you have given us. Amen.

  80. Mart De Haan says:

    Again, thanks to all for doing this. Over the years I’ve heard of many who have left the church saying that they have not been allowed to ask their questions.

    My guess is that for many of these people, the issue is not that they expected answers, but rather that they were not allowed to honestly ask.

    Sometimes questions are used to avoid the truth. But often they come from an honest heart. If asked with a desire to know the truth rather than to avoid it, then God can fulfill the promise to give wisdom (not necessarily with a direct answer but in knowing how to handle our questions.

    We in turn can learn to hear people’s questions either with loving, respectful responses, or in a fearful/defensive/angry way as if there is only a place for questions that can be answered with direct answers from the Bible.

    The Book of Job shows how God asks us questions, to help us live with questions he doesn’t answer.

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