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A Week of Mixed Emotions


Top left to right: Elisa, Bill, Brian, Randy Mathews, me; Bottom left to right Bonnie Robinson, Haddon, and Alice.

This has been a week of loss and sadness—mixed with anticipation— for our Discover the Word radio team. On Friday’s program of last week Haddon Robinson announced that the limitations of his recently diagnosed Parkinson’s Disease are making it necessary for him to step away from 23 years of leading conversations of Bible study with Alice Mathews, our radio host, Brian Hettinga, and me.

Alice remains in good health but will also be transitioning with Haddon as Brian and I plan to continue on with a new team that includes Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder and a series of regularly scheduled guests.

Since we can’t replicate the gifts, experience, and wisdom of Haddon and Alice, we have spent the last year learning what it will mean now for us to move forward together in real, conversational interaction with the written and living Word of God. So over the last few months Elisa, Bill, and I have been recording new conversations as we rotate the leadership of the group among ourselves and with a series of featured guests.

In the process, we’ve seen that, in so many ways, Haddon and Alice remain with us through all that we’ve learned from them over the years. Elisa (long time president of MOPS (mothers of pre-schoolers), speaker/teacher, author (last book being, “The Beauty of Broken”) was mentored by Haddon years ago in radio and Bible study when Haddon was president of Denver Seminary. Bill (long time pastor/teacher, author, and member of our RBC team for almost 15 years (also currently radio chaplain of our Sports Spectrum program) has walked with me in learning so much from our years with Haddon and Alice.

For our new team, the chemistry and friendship that we’ve experienced over the last year has made the challenge of daily radio an opportunity to experience together the inexhaustibly fresh, and much needed grace, of our Lord.

In some ways the emotions of this week are the ongoing experience of friends of this blog. We’ve known what it means for friends to come and go, while those of us who remain move forward to explore together the road ahead– as new friends join the conversation.

Note: As shown in the side-bar, Discover the Word is one of a family of media outreaches provided by the group (RBC) that publishes  Our Daily Bread and that is entrusted with the furtherance of My Utmost for his Highest.

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74 Responses to “A Week of Mixed Emotions”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Thank you Mart for the look into your world and the events that shape the days ahead for you.

    One of those things we come to realize is that no matter who we are, we are a mixture of all the people whom we have known,

    Even without realizing it everyone we come into contact with influences us either positively or negatively and we absorb a part of them into our psyche; in essence they continue to live on through us.

    Outwardly we try to imitate the good we can glean from people as well as try and avoid the bad we see in others; either way their influence affects us.

    I am sure your new team will do all proud and continue to give comfort, and enlightenment to all who listen to and are a part of the radio ministry RBC produces.

    Eleven below zero and still dropping, but the promise of warmer days ahead.


  2. Bill says:

    Great wisdom from Steve. He’s right. We are a reflection of everyone we have known. That’s why it’s so important to make wise choices about those with whom we come in contact.

    I’ve known you personally for several years now, Mart. I know how deeply you care about people. So I know these times of transition are difficult.

    Know that you are always uplifted by prayer, and strengthened by God to continue doing good work – professionally and personally.

    Would love to see you write a book of your insights and reflections – and advice to be passed down to the next generations. :)


  3. SFDBWV says:

    It is said that birds of a feather flock together; I am reminded of that as I look out upon my rock and see grey squirrels, rabbits, blue jays, cardinals, chickadees, juncos, and a large quantity of mourning doves all eating together.

    Whereas tis true that birds of the same kind flock together, here they all come together for a common purpose; to survive.

    I am not sure of the people Mart has assembled and how different they may be or how alike they are; but like the mixture of critters I see amassed at the rock, I am sure they come together for one common goal ant they have my admiration and prayers for doing so.

    As the sun climbs above the ridge top it is chasing minus 12 to a much more comfortable minus 7, I hope where ever you are no matter the temperature you are safe and comfortable.


  4. cbrown says:

    Mart, thank you and your team for ministering to me each day.You are blessed by God to have such Godly people at your side and each day it is revealed in each area of RBC ministries.

  5. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All –

    The times of mixed emotions do come our way as we change place and circumstances. Transitions come both gradually and suddenly, it seems to me.

    Mart, you wrote:

    “In the process, we’ve seen that, in so many ways, Haddon and Alice remain with us through all that we’ve learned from them over the years.”

    Though I have not known Haddon and Alice so well as you have, I did recently hear from members of my ministry team back in the High Plains. We prayed together for one among us who went home to the Lord last month. We had to say “so long” to Katie. While we did not wish to part, her absence from here is a reality. Your remark above catches my attention and my heart.

    Katie’s sweet voice from the lectern and from the midst of the children sounds clear and alive in my heart. In this important truth, I believe what we learned from one another is still in the midst of us. She with the greater congregation now – still joining every prayer she ever prayed to ours as we journey on. (Hebrews 12:1-2)

    May the Lord bless your new team, Mart — and your emeritus members as they move on to other kingdom tasks.


  6. poohpity says:

    When I really care about someone I find in my daily life that in some way I mimic something they have said or done without even thinking about until after I do it. That person has left an indelible mark. When a person prompts one to look into scripture because we see the great love they have for it and God is an awesome indelible mark. Haddon and Alice may be stepping away from the radio program but from what I know of God will continue marking many people lives wherever they go or whatever they chose to do. What a great legacy and thank you.

  7. oneg2dblu says:

    Mart… my emotions to this news is not mixed with anything but reverence. Reverence for those who have so lovingly prepared and delivered that message of God that reings and lives within them.
    They have already and will continue to bless through the gift they have graciously shared with all who have ever known, ever read, or ever heard them speak, about their love of Christ, and their love of others.
    We are blessed by having been in such a great company of those surrendered souls that you have brought to the topic, to light this day ablaze with love.

  8. bec4jc says:

    AMEN to all the comments on this. You guys know how to say what I’m thinking and have trouble verbalizing & writing. I appreciate everything RBC Ministries does and feel God has blessed and will continue to bless their efforts in bringing the Gospel to everyone everywhere. Thank you, Mart and all at RBC.

  9. firstthings1st says:

    Well! hello! and how are you all on this blessed day of our Lord Jesus Christ. As I were reading this message about “A Week of Mixed Emotions” I could not help myself but, to say that I’M deeply impressed to know about The radio and The Our Daily Bread has been an encouragement to us.

  10. belleu says:

    I’m sorry Mr. Robinson is ill. I pray God’s hand will be upon him. I have never listened to your radio show, but I will begin today. I’m sure it will be a blessing to me.

  11. blestsparrow says:

    Mart…and all
    I haven’t been with BTA very long, but have been blest from it’s ongoing ministry….
    It is so good to know admist all the changes and chaos in life the Lord promises us (He never changes, he is the same today, yesterday and forever)?
    c.h.spurgeon once said “many times I tremble on the rock, but the rock never trembles under me.

    We all in life casts a shadow, either positive or negative, we call it personal influence, it has it’s effect on every life it touches.
    Our influence and shadows are continually with us and falls where ever we go, it is not something we have when we want to have it, but it is something that pours out from our life constantly.
    Our ministry of personal influence and shadow casting can be a blessing flowing out from within.. like light from a lamp or fragrance from a flower.

    As others watch us or as we watch others their thoughts or actions are modified and influenced by us and vica versa. My daughter (special needs) is forever repeating something I’ve done or said and on occasions picked up a couple of my actions.

    As the Disciples watched Jesus in prayer . . . they too desired and wanted to be taught how to pray as he did.
    The shadows and influence Jesus cast was that of lovliness, radiance, strength, wisdom, meekness, goodness, humility (the list is endless).

    Our personal influence and shadows continues on even after death.
    We sometimes think we have lost someone we love because their physical presence is removed or because death has taken them away (not really) not even death can quench the influence and shadows of a Godly life.
    Their shadows and influence continues on to bless us and others — long after their presence has been removed.

    (Ephesians (5:15-16)

  12. phpatato says:


    I hope you find the time to stop by for a visit even though I understand how busy you must be. Since the first day you posted, I have enjoyed reading your insights on the topics that Mart posts here. You express them so simply even though you are so wise. And yes, I have long suspected that you and Bill Crowder are the same person. Your writing styles and words can fit into the same die cast. I am sure that Mart considers you a mighty anchor to have on board at RBC. And Bill……if you aren’t Bill Crowder….. consider him your twin in the written word (which is all I have to go on!) And yes I willingly climbed out on the limb I just climbed out on and if I’m looked at as some nut case, so be it. Just throw me into a can of Planters Mixed Nuts and put me on a shelf. :-)


    For you,

    Matthew 25:21

    The master was full of praise. ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!’ (NLT)

    Isaiah 43:2

    When you go through deep waters,
    I will be with you.
    When you go through rivers of difficulty,
    you will not drown.
    When you walk through the fire of oppression,
    you will not be burned up;
    the flames will not consume you.” (NLT)

    May God continue to Bless you and guide you in all that you do. I love you my dear brother in Christ!

    My prayers reach up for Haddon. I have a brother-in-law – David – 20 years with Parkinsons. He was an outstanding general surgeon and Chief of Staff in a small city hospital. It seemed that he had just finished his years of schooling and had just begun his practice when he had to give it all up. As Dave continues his struggles, which now are completely debilitating for him, he rests in the assurances that God never makes mistakes and that His grace is sufficient in all things.

    May God Bless each of you today and for those experiencing the cold and snow and who aren’t accustomed to them, may you keep warm and safe.


  13. Mart De Haan says:

    Pat, you’ve got me smiling. The Bill friend above isn’t Bill C :-)….

  14. BruceC says:

    I am sorry to hear about Haddon’s illness and will pray for both he and his wife Alic.
    And I will pray for all the RBC team as they move forward in service of Christ.
    Daily Bread played a part in my wife’s salvation. Years ago when my Mom was battling cancer she always read our Daily Bread and the Bible. My wife said that seeing that always stuck with her and influenced her; as no one her family did that. Amazing how God uses things for our good.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  15. BruceC says:


    Just a tad shy of 20 below again here day before yesterday. Should be nicer today. Old Man Winter is making me feel like an old man. LOL!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  16. SFDBWV says:

    Bruce and all, not far from me are ski resorts that thrive off of winter weather. Good for them, but I have never gotten the urge to go to any of them to *play* in the cold and snow.

    Working and living in such a climate means always having to deal with the winter weather and whereas I can admit I find it somewhat pleasurable to keep the pathways and roadways open for us and my neighbors, I also would like sometimes to just stay put in the warm house and let it snow.

    However for now it means putting on layers of clothing and braving the elements, sometimes enjoying it even if a laborious task.

    This morning it is much warmer at 29 degrees and just enough clouds in the eastern sky to paint a fiery sunrise.

    I find the topic heading interesting in that almost always in every day I am met with “mixed emotions” on many subjects and at many levels, and certainly involving life.

    Without the variations of warmth and heat in the world we would have no *weather activity*, without the ocean currents, polar differences and tides, the ocean would stagnate and become lifeless. With out turmoil and the mixture of our emotions we too would stagnate and become lifeless.

    Change is good. So stir the pot and blend in all the ingredients so that the soup has a better flavor.

    Bill I am glad to see you are participating and hope you continue to.


  17. Bill says:

    Good Morning!

    I was out not feeling well yesterday. So I didn’t read these comments until today.

    @Steve, thank you. I don’t really have much more to add, frankly. My gig is “love” and finding common ground before we tear each other apart. I’ve written that about as many ways as I can.

    At this point, I gain more from reading your comments – as well as others who frequent here – than I suspect anyone gains from reading mine. (Plus, I get tired of constantly drawing fire for what I write.)

    @Pat, does it lower my Cool Quotient slightly to discover that I’m not Bill C.? :)

    I’m flattered. Indeed I am. However, it appears there are two chaps named Bill in the universe who think and write along the same lines. In the grand scheme, I’m precisely my login name: JustBill…and not a Bill with more fame attached to his name.

    If I may be permitted leeway for a moment…

    What follows is Bill with gloves off. If you’re not up for a post of a political or social nature, skip the rest of what I’m about to type…

    I mean it.

    Skip it.


    If you’re still here…

    From my vantage point – rubbing elbows with everyone from hardcore/fundamental Christians and political conservatives to so-called Emerging Church Christians and political liberals to Zen Buddhists, Sikhs, and atheists – I can tell you this much: Something is happening. There’s a growing intensity, somewhat unfocused, but an intense malaise seeping into the bones of everyone. Everyone knows something is wrong. They just don’t know what it is, or who to blame for it.

    I believe it starts at the top – with our current President flagrantly violating the Constitution and managing a lawless administration that runs roughshod over (and mocks) Christians, the Bible, and conservatives.

    That spirit of lawlessness and profound disrespect for Christians has permeated America. (Did you hear about the Grammy Awards show?) Lawlessness is afoot in America today, a kind of anarchism that is spreading. It demands, even compels, change – and not the kind of change I think most people here want to see.

    For that reason, I believe the church is on the verge of another major upheaval. It will either take the form of massive protests against government (that may result in violence)…or it will take the form of acquiescing to the spirit of the age, and becoming more like everyone else. There is no middle ground possible any more. Something big is brewing that will affect every single one of us.

    This is why I sometimes feel exasperated with comments here. There’s crap going down in the world – and right here in America – that makes all of our sniping, sarcasm, and passive-aggressive behavior seem petty and pale by comparison.

    The tide has turned, brothers and sisters. This is no longer a nation held together by a belief in God and/or biblical principles. Right now, America is barely held together at all.

    So the time has come for Christians to find out what really matters to them – and I hope for their sake (as well as ours as citizens of the United States) that what matters is something deeper, stronger, and bolder than what typically passes for Christianity today.

    Now you understand why I post comments about seeking unity and love. If we cannot unite with fellow Christians of different denominations and beliefs, if we cannot find common ground with others of perhaps no beliefs at all, then we will all go down with the ship. If we continue to let the media – or our government – divide us into categories and pit us against one another, all is lost.

    Love is the greatest force on earth. (And I do NOT want to read any goofy critiques picking apart and trying to define the word love. Pick up a Bible, read it for yourself.) Love is the ONLY force that will save us — staring with the love God showed us on the cross!

    Then…love for ourselves, love for each other, love for God, love for righteousness, love for fellow human beings, love for the planet itself. If we do not rise up off our pallets, quit sniping at one another, and get our keisters out into the world, we are all screwed.

    As I mentioned earlier, I’ve known Mart for years. I can tell you right now that he is an extremely thoughtful, kind, deep-thinking person. He has so much on his mind, and cares so much for the Word, the Lord, and people, that I always come away from our morning chats feeling 10 feet tall and ready to take on the world. There’s more to Mart than meets the eye, my friends. He may seem mild-mannered but he is a powerhouse of faith and wisdom. I believe God has something big in store for Mart.

    For us, here and now, I believe the time has come to set aside differences amongst ourselves, to grow up, to stand back to back, swords drawn, facing the world – rather than pointing the swords at ourselves.

    Again – and I do believe I’m the only one who feels the need to type this – these are just my opinions. Nothing more. I do not speak for God. I do not speak for Mart. Everything I just posted is my opinion. Take it or leave it. I could be dead wrong.

    All I ask is that in leaving it you give me a hug and we continue walking side by side, striving together.



  18. poohpity says:

    Bill, sending you a big hug. I find shelter under the wings of our Lord where my trust and hope are found. I see His hand all around no matter the circumstances. We are just seeing the results of man trying on his own to manage everything without the help of God.

  19. poohpity says:

    Maybe what is going on in the good ol USA will help voters become more informed before their next voting cycle. Most do not pay attention until it effect their everyday life.

  20. poohpity says:

    Mart, I watched the ceremonies what a wonderful group of people. I loved the fact that you all could disagree and have opposing views yet still respect and value each other. What a valuable lesson.

    With the time zone being 2 hours behind, DTW came to early for me and my old computer would not handle trying to listen to it on that so now I can and the program is really great and I will be a new member of your audience.

  21. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    Praying for a new Pentecost,Bill. “Crap” has become a technical term in the church that is passing away.


  22. phpatato says:


    It has been a goal of mine, since my early twenties actually, to endeavour to put a smile on at least one person’s face at least once every day and especially when I think the person is carrying an especially heavy burden. Having to put that smile on someone’s face can (and has more than once) come with the risk of having me look silly. Truly, it makes my heart sing to think that I could do that for you! But as I said in my previous post, I’ve long suspected what I thought and I finally just couldn’t keep a lid on my curiosity so I ceased an opportunity. I fully respect people and their privacy which is why I’ve sat on this for so long. I hope never to be guilty of being a blabber mouth. :-)


    I still wholly respect you and your IQ! Are you sure you aren’t Bill C’s long lost twin??? There is DNA testing now eh! :-) In a sense I’m kinda glad you aren’t Bill C because that means you will have the time to post more often! Yay!!!!!

    Headed across the border today to see if there are any bargains to be had. The Canadian dollar is so pathetic now that it has me putting a small pocket-sized calculator on my list of things to buy so that I can easily figure out the exchange and whether it is cheaper to buy at home. :-)

    God Bless everyone this day!

  23. phpatato says:

    And that should be “seized” an opportunity. Sorry bout that!

  24. poohpity says:

    Pat you suspecting that our Bill and Bill C were the same person also put a smile on my face so that is 2 you have made smile. :-) Have a blast shopping and hope you find many bargains. I personally dislike shopping with a passion but it is something that is a must. The prices now with our economy like it is looks all most like robbery. :-)

  25. foreverblessed says:

    Mart God bless you and this Ministry manyfold, that many will take Jesus as their Savior because of this Ministry, and that many christians will be more usefull to God in spreading the Good News of the Gospel, by their way of living and if so needed by words.

    Welcome back Bill, this message is for you, from somebody outside the US, who has seen that her country has left the christian and has become secular. You sound as if things are going very wrong, that there is no in between.
    Well, there is!.
    Normal life goes on, with laws changed, but our own private life has not changed that much, we are able to go to church, read the bible, pray every day, and be in communion with the Lord as always, from minute to minute, nothing changes at all! God is still talking to us, is still telling us to pray for our country, for our community, for our neighbours.

    And yes, you have a great point, we should as christians come together in unity in Christ!
    And we are trying that overhere, as long as we can discuss.
    I also believe, that maybe real persecution is needed to get the job done.
    But maybe I am a bit pessimistic.
    When we see that a christian is one who believes in Christ, and follows Him, in what ever way, that should do the job of unity.
    And we have seen many differences overhere, but none are very fundamental to me, but it is good to talk about it, as long as we do it with respect.

    HI Pat, so english speaking people also make mistakes like that?

  26. oneg2dblu says:

    As we all gather together in the Upper Room awaiting…
    Let us not grow weary or be down cast, just because the world is walking in darkness.
    We know, that we know, Who is ultimately in control, for He has His Hand on the lightswitch of this world.

    At the perfect time, which will be His hour and not ours, He will come like a “thief in the night,” and in that darkness, He will ransack the house.
    Praise God for All things, even in our waiting…

  27. cherielyn says:


    So sorry to hear about the struggles Haddon & Alice are experiencing & they certainly will be in my prayers.

    I thank God for all of the ministries of RBC. The ones that I use have been very helpful to me in my own times of struggle with my ongoing health issues.

    I am amazed at how many times the ODB for the day applies directly to something that I am experiencing that very day.

    I would like to listen to Discover the Word on a more regular basis, but it irritates my husband when I have our local Christian radio station on, so it is only when he is not in the house that I even dare turn it on & it is not usually when your program is airing.

    I would like to listen to it on my computer, but something is blocking it from working & I haven’t figured out how to unblock it.

    Anyway, just wanted to give my input & let you know that you and the rest of your team will be in my prayers as your transition into programming without Haddon & Alice.

    We got more than the predicted 5 inches of snow yesterday (didn’t measure how much more though). -9 degrees an hour ago; now +3 here in NE WI


  28. foreverblessed says:

    Posted it too soon, wanted to say some more to Pat, we were worried about not hearing from you awhile ago, and we knew that the winter was very severe where you live, but as I take it, you are used to that.
    The winter up to now has been very mild overhere in western Europe, the sun was shining today, in the sun it was 12’C, what ever that is in F. 0′ is freezing point 37,5′ is body temperature.
    You guys should go over to the metric system, much easier to handle wordlwide.
    But be all blessed, and my prayer is for us overhere, and for all christians, that we may be one in Christ, that the world may see John 18:20-22

    and while we are here in John 18, I want to give verses 16-19 as well, in line what I wrote just above, of not panicking that the society is going down, Jesus warned about that long ago, we should know that we have a citizinship in the heavenly realm, in Gods Kingdom, and should be ambassadors to anyone whom God sends our way:

    “15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. 17 Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. 18 As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. 19 For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.”

  29. foreverblessed says:

    wrong quotation, it was John 17:20-22
    HEllo Cherilyn, how are you doing we have been praying for you too, God bless you much and much, and give you all you need, and in overflowing measure!

  30. BruceC says:


    Thanks for that post. It is something that ALL need to think about. Yes there is something deeply wrong in our land; and in the world. I believe it is the spirit of anti-Christ because the enemy knows his days are getting shorter and shorter. I was in grade school when school prayer was banned by our “enlightened” Supreme Court. I recall my teacher telling another teacher that this “the beginning of the end” for our nation. And I think she was correct. I pray myself to tears for our country and what I see and it breaks my heart.

    I recall reading a story about a German at the rise of Nazi power who said that when they came for a certain
    group he did not protest as he was not part of that group. After “coming for” all the groups he was not part of; they came for him. But no one was left to protest as they were already gone. Wish I could remember where I read that. But it is so true.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  31. belleu says:

    Bill: Are we supposed to wish George Bush was still President? By now we would probably be at war with Iran, with corporations making billions and thousands more insignificant people would be dying.

  32. poohpity says:

    There is no use in bashing any President. FYI belleu the divide between the rich and the poor is now greater than it has ever been also the government is bigger than it has ever been as well as our debt. I do not hold it against anyone for making billions that is what capitalism is all about. We are to pray for those who sit in authority. It is just showing wisdom to do research on the background of those we elect rather than just voting for them because they are of a specific party but not many do any research or know the values of a candidate or even go and vote. 1620 troops have died in Afghanistan under the current administration compared to 575 from the last. Even 1 lost life is enough that is why we need to be fervent in prayer even now we are losing many of our former allies and as the days progress it is becoming worse all over the world. There are also more Christians now than there has been worldwide thanks to those who spread the Gospel and teach God’s Word like those from RBC ministries and the faithful who shod their feet with readiness to tell the Good News.

  33. poohpity says:

    400,000 people lost their lives from USA in WWII from all over the World an estimated 48,000,000.

  34. poohpity says:

    50,000 lost their lives from genocide under Saddam Hussein and another 1,000,000 in Rwanda.

  35. cherielyn says:


    Since you asked – I’ve had my ups & downs since the last time I posted, whenever that was.

    Pain returned & resulted in needing more radiation on Thurs, Jan 23rd, not on the tumor, but on the affected nerve itself. So far pain seems to be subsiding, but that happened the last time, also, so am cautiously optimistic at this point – just trying to be positive & take one day at a time – leaving it all in God’s hands.

    PTL – one bill I received for nearly $3300 & not knowing how we would pay it. Hospital had a Caring Hearts program & after submitting my financials, the organization is covering it 100% as well as any other bills incurred, through the hospital, for the next 6 months! I am very thankful to God for His mercy in this situation!

  36. cherielyn says:


    Tell Matt that he has been in my thoughts more than usual in the past couple weeks. Don’t know if there is an extra need there, but I have been praying for him even more than what I normally do, which was already every day.

    You & Glenna & mother-in-law are also in my prayers.

  37. SFDBWV says:

    Cheryl, Matt’s says to thank you for your prayers and to let you know he and I pray for you every night.

    It is interesting that the God of all creation who is able to do all things would rather that we loved others enough to pray for them and set into motion with our words the very things we ask for.

    Thank you Cheryl for your love, concern and kindness.


  38. BruceC says:


    Beloved sister in Christ; you are in my prayers!

    He WILL comfort you! He WILL surround with His presence and love! He WILL always be there with you!!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  39. SFDBWV says:

    Bruce even more interesting is that your post to Cheryl reflected and parodied my own personal prayers for her this morning. It would seem the Holy Spirit in us is never as far away as the miles between us.

    I love moments like this.


  40. foreverblessed says:

    Good afternoon to all, I am so impressed by the love and concern Matt and Cherilyn are showing to all who are ill.
    It brings me to tears, what a good example to us all.
    My God bless them and keep them and comfort them and repay them for all the years of trouble they have gone through.May they see the fruit of their labour, many new souls won for Jesus, and praise God for it.

    I pray that God will also bless and comfort Haddon, and that he will a spring of hope for many to eternal life.
    May God bless you all.

  41. SFDBWV says:

    Well Mart what have we learned?

    Though the departure of one friend and the inclusion of another is reason to share emotions and discuss that needed connection between people; nothing gets more response than controversy as evidenced by the continued conversation over on the last topic which once again had been rendered down to law vs. grace.

    A friend stopped by yesterday afternoon and told me of a mutual acquaintance who had not been in church for three weeks. My friend told me he had asked this individual why he hadn’t been coming and was told because “that” preacher preaches on the law too much and not enough on forgiveness.

    I had to laugh; given that the fellow in question has only been going to church for about a year out of his nearly 60 some years of life. And the first thing he’s learned to do is criticize the preacher and of course that it is a subject that won’t go away from this blog.

    Our friend Bill broached the subject of the collective sensing of there being “something wrong” in our societies and connected it to politics, whereupon he was met with agreement and criticism.

    Once again I see good conversation needs that mix of ideas in order for there to be a conversation.

    I would hope that what we can learn here as well as in a panel discussion on your radio program is that there needs to be varying ideas, but without anger or arguing. Mixed emotions sometimes can mean one trying to stand their ground all the while letting someone else stand theirs. I have to wonder if that is possible when discussing religion and politics.

    The groundhog won’t see its shadow here today and if one were to try and come out of its hole it would have to dig through ice and snow to see the sky anyway. I’d doubt the wisdom of any groundhog that would leave his safe warm burrow and find his “forecast” questionable.


  42. poohpity says:

    Do you feel anger when someone disagrees with you Steve? There are many that can talk about many things without getting angry and disagree without the peace being broken.

  43. poohpity says:

    Mart, did you all stop posting the monthly article?

  44. phpatato says:

    Good Blessed morning everyone! This is the day that the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


    I did have a blast shopping. I always go with my sister on trips across the border so it becomes more of a special time together than anything that can be purchased. I laughed at your prices + economy = robbery! I so agree!!! It looks exactly like that in Canada too, which is probably why I go shopping in the U.S. when I get a chance. There are some things that I can get that are still much cheaper to buy…exact same product but (as of this past trip) in a few cases several dollars cheaper.

    I’m glad I could make you smile as well! I made you smile and you made me smile. Isn’t it amazing what a few light-hearted words can do!!!


    I can’t speak for all English speakers but I can certainly tell you that this English speaker makes mistakes like that ALL the time!!! :-)

    We got about 6 inches of snow last evening. At least the polar vortex has taken a bit of a breather and has rested somewhere not near me. I read that the month of February may still be affected by it though. But it’s a balmy high of -5C or 23F today. The temperatures look to be in that range all week. Forty-five days, nine hours till the first day of spring. Can we do it, yes we can!!!



  45. foreverblessed says:

    Ok, so did some searching, today Feb 2 is Groundhog day,
    “According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day, then spring will come early; if it is sunny, the groundhog will supposedly see its shadow and retreat back into its burrow, and the winter weather will continue for six more weeks.[1]”

    May we bless God every day
    B be
    L loving
    E every
    S single
    S second

    found that on internet somewhere thanks you for whoever put it down there! A still whisper from the Holy Spirit put it in the ear.
    Every second, even if we are diagnosed with hard illnesses, may we learn to trust God, may God comfort us, may we be an encouragement to others,
    and I pray for Cherielyn, Matt, and for Quitgrace, that she will be guiet in her grace of GOd, while visiting church, may FGod bless her today, and all those she meets.

  46. Artle says:

    Mixed emotions; those things that slow us down when trying to move. I have mixed emotions at times when commenting. Should I or should I not. Heard somewhere that a person cannot make a good decision without knowing how they feel about it. I type 2-3 times what I post, so I suppose when I cannot figure out how I feel about a comment, it stays in the word processor.

    I have noticed for some reason, we think we need to agree on everything, which if we take thought for a moment, we should realize complete agreement would be rather surreal (bizarre or weirdly unfamiliar, distorted, or disturbing). I try not to disagree with others, but realize my comments may at times inadvertently question someone’s ideas or even their beliefs. Two important points here: One is I could be wrong, but more important is, we could both be right.

    How can we both be right? Because what lies underneath the conversation is a real battlefield and “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, (Ephesians 6:12 KJV).

    I would add that the conversation is not just about idea versus idea, but always underneath is all of us versus the unseen forces that keep us apart.

    The majority of times, we are not that far apart, because we have a Rock solid Common Ground known as Jesus Christ.

  47. Bill says:

    Good Morning Everyone!

    Steve, always eloquent and insightful, wrote:

    * Our friend Bill broached the subject of the collective sensing of there being “something wrong” in our societies and connected it to politics, whereupon he was met with agreement and criticism. *

    “Politics” was only the outward manifestation, the vehicle by which the corruption permeates society. It wasn’t really politics in general. It’s the people who use politics that are the problem – which boils down to the character of the people in politics, not politics itself.

    I read everything, from all news sources. I do not watch FOX News. In fact, I don’t watch TV at all. I soak up news from the Internet, observing the political spin added, as evidenced in the choice of headlines and in the tone – or even the wording – of the stories.

    For example, Associated Press will always, invariably, without fail, without doubt, slant the news as hard left as it can. They will always try to make the GOP look bad. They will always try to make the Democratic Party look like the world’s saviors. Always.

    MSNBC is a close second, slanting the news so hard left that it may as well be propaganda from the Socialist Party.

    In between are NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, etc. Their slant is leftward, too. Just not as far as AP and MSNBC.

    FOX News has a slant to the right, true. But so what? One major media with a different slant is not a sign of corruption. It’s a sign of a news agency that doesn’t want to promote hard-left politics and causes all the time. I find it refreshing. For the President to blame FOX News as the reason why his poll numbers and tanking and the nation is turning against him is ludicrous at best.

    When I gather together all sources of information, from the Internet as well as from watching friends post comments on Facebook and other social-media sites, I have drawn this conclusion: The current administration appears to be the most corrupt, dishonest, unlawful, unethical, divisive, anti-Christian, anti-Israel, and fiscally reckless in recent memory. In fact, by those standards, it could be the all-time worst.

    (And, no, I haven’t a racist bone in my body. In fact, I campaigned for Herman Cain when he ran for President, and I would campaign myself to death to get Allen West elected. Both are African American.)

    Was Bush perfect? Heck no. But I never got the feeling President Bush hated America, Christians, our Constitution, our military, embraced Marxism, and sought to divide Americans, pitting one against another for political gain. Stories emerge about Bush weeping with our military men and women, saluting them, visiting them in the hospital, showing them the utmost respect. Bush loved the Secret Service, our military, and those whose job it was to protect our country. Our current President? Not so much.

    But I am not a Republican. Nor am I a Democrat. Both parties are corrupt, and our two-party system is rotten to the core, a shining example of Good Cop, Bad Cop. They’re both the same party, both seeking the same thing: Statist control of us.

    Our media, working in lock-step with the liberal ideology, has done everything in its power to steer our country hard left. I blame the media as much as I blame those who use politics to further their own interests.

    Ultimately, though, I blame Christians. From my vantage point of rubbing shoulders with every type of person imaginable – hard right to hard left, gay, straight, rich, poor, Christian, atheist, Buddhist, Sikh, male, female, young, old, famous, unknown – I see that the state America is in today is a direct reflection of Christians.

    And that’s why I bring up politics at all. People, in general, do not look deeply. They only see Democrat vs. Republican, liberal vs. conservative. Rich vs. poor. Black vs. white. They never bother to look deeper than that – or into the mirror.

    We are in the trouble we’re in nationally because we – as a people – are lazy, shallow, easily distracted, and easily set against one another…especially Christians who seem to spend more time at each other’s throats arguing matters of theology than they do joining together to present the world with an alternative to the corruption spewing from Washington – and from nearly every news media.

    After spending nearly my entire life getting embroiled in politics, the media (I’m a former journalist), and arguing, arguing, arguing…I came to realize something profound: THEY are not the problem (whomever and whatever “they” are); WE are the problem. Us, collectively, and us, individually.

    This is why I talk about love all the time – because I lived the other side of that coin for too long, because I still see what the lack of love and brotherhood is doing to the church…and to our nation. This is why I get discouraged and disappear from BTA from time to time.

    All of you are incredibly passionate and intelligent. Some, like Steve, appear to be gifted writers. Others may not be eloquent at all but their spirituality and love for the Lord shines through.

    Yet, we (collectively) often spend so much time arguing, sniping, passive-aggressively and sarcastically attacking, not seeing beyond our tiny little denominational differences that I am more saddened by what I read here than what I see coming out of Washington.

    In fact, if I knew the church was strong, its people embracing one another, moving toward a common goal, I wouldn’t care what was happening in Washington. Why? Because I know we could counter it and re-direct it…fix it, if you will.

    But that’s not the case. The church is weak, we are unable to agree on much, and we are often at odds with one another.

    There are some who read this post who will think, “Why is Bill being so bold, so direct? That’s rude!” Others may think, “Oh, oh! He just mentioned President Obama! How dare he mention President Obama!” And others may think, “Bush! Are you kidding me! You have something positive to say about Bush?!?!?”

    But how many will read this and think, “Hey. Wait a minute. Bill isn’t trying to steer us politically; he’s trying to wake us up, get us to embrace one another – and become Mother Teresas taking our faith into the world”?

    If you think along the former lines, I’ll be tremendously sad. I’ll wonder if I just wasted an hour – and kept my wife waiting when she wants us to get to church! If you think the latter, I’ll be happy that you saw into the heart of my post – and of me.

    I’m not interested in pitting us against one another. And I am not angry at anyone here – even if you are with me.

    My goal is to show you that I have no agenda other than waking up, not allowing myself to be swayed by the media, or lulled by the promises from Washington…and trying to live what Jesus said, to love one another even as he loved us.

    These are all my opinions. I based them on decades of research, yes. They come from my academic observations of the world around me, and careful study. But they are still my opinions. If you disagree with me, I will not dislike you. If you agree with me, I will not like you more.

    My goal is to demonstrate love to all, without prejudice, agree with me or not.

    The time has come, brothers and sisters. Today is Super Bowl Sunday. The world will be talking about football plays, beer and snacks, commercials, and the half-time show.

    Along those lines, I’d like to remind everyone that it’s third and long. The clock is ticking. We are running out of time, and out of plays.

    My play is “love.”

    And I play to win.

    Have a wonderful day!


  48. poohpity says:

    Artle, before I post something I to think about it. I ask myself whether it is something that I see in others but have failed to admit in my own life most times that is so true. It is so much easier to see in others the condition of my own heart and maybe it is not really even in theirs. I also ask am I trusting God to work in their lives or do I think I need to do His work for Him which shows a lack of trust? Down the road will it make any difference in prompting someone to seek out the Word? Am I pushing someone towards God or seeking my own self importance? I probably need to delete more than I already do, lol and I delete a lot.

    I heard the other day that even the things we think we have deleted they are still on the computer. So would even my deleted things bring glory to God or to recognize there is so much work to be done that I even think that way to have to delete in the first place.

  49. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve…. you ask, “Well Mart what have we learned?”
    Then, I read your take on what you say we have learned.

    I learned, that you saw only two sides claiming to be part of the argument of Law vs Grace.

    How else could a judge look at such?

    However, Whether I see grace at work, or law at work in each others words, I also see that the argument is for, Grace and Law, as presented by one party and that is what is on trial here.

    One is trying to find equal ground for both to exist togethrer in harmony, and the other side is to keep them from ever enjioning, never settle, as in a never ending argument.

    That may keep the judge employed, but does it really serve the court justice?

    Just a point I’m making here to show us, that we can also choose to overlook some poosibilities as we serve our own thoughts.

    Thanks for sharing yours, and I trust you may be able to render a proper judgment on mine.
    Your Brother, Gary

  50. oneg2dblu says:

    Artle… you may be one of those, as there are others, who see that common ground can be found, even among very argumentally strong, scripturally based, opposing thoughts.

    Like what Bill so briefly has stated,using my words of course, we need to look beyond ourselves, beyond the arguments we see that is our selfish thinking, that is our denomination speaking , that is our party pushing us, even our strongly held doctrine making us unrelenting, OUCH! and be open to the possibilities of seeing God’s Hand is on both sides, or All things, coming together for the good of those who love Him.

    Oh argument lover, where is thy sting now?
    How many more words will you waste upon such things?

    Be Blessed, Gary

  51. tracey5tgbtg says:

    I will miss hearing the voices of Alice and Haddon on Discover the Word. I have much respect for them both. Thank you for your years of wisdom that you have shared with everyone.

    Artle – I know exactly how you feel. Should I post or not? Your whole comment expresses much of what I think also.

    Gary, I don’t doubt your passion for a minute. I do wonder, sometimes, how you feel so free to speak critically of what you see in others, and although apologize for your “speaking what you are compelled to say,” you still imply criticism. But if you feel that someone has said something critical of you, even if it hasn’t been directly said to you, you seem very hurt.

  52. quietgrace says:

    Mart I acknowledge the sadness in loss and grace as you look ahead in your message. I am praying for you all.

  53. oneg2dblu says:

    Tracy… if only I were James, like in todays ODB, where I could both advocate for obedience to the law,
    or useless works to some, and for grace and in the same sentence or message, teaching, lesson, rebuke.

    Then, perhaps the criticism of my words might become less as well.
    I could not speak at all what is rent upon my heart for the saved who may be living outside the wiil of God unknowingly because of false beilefs and teaching, as surely some do today, or we would not need to be warned about such things.
    Or, I could render a disclaimer saying that everything is only my opinion, yet it is found penned on the pages I read in God’s word.
    Or, just deliver with all my impediments exposed to the world, and trust that God can use “All” things for the good of those who love Him.

    But, I thought… I just had done that!

    I tried writing in CAPS, and was condemned as a shouter.

    I have tried to list many verses that support obedience to the law as both benifitial and needed for right living, and have been lovingly and graciously, called many unlpeasant things, which need no mention if you’ve been reading along for a while.
    My clsong…
    All in Love, all not just my opiion, but I am easily persuaded when I read them in scripture.

    Perhaps, being Legalistic if you will.

    Accountabliity when pressed upon the beleivers today, comes on many levels, and is tendered as hurtful, unloving, judgmental, critical expression.

    I wonder, “Who the bible says, has the power to judge and change both sides, without judging anyone, or testing anyone, using grace only, never commanding, and never rebuke, punish, distress, or require any obedience?

    “Not intended to make anyone feel any need to change, yet still given in love to change them, if change is needed.”
    Be Blessed,

  54. oneg2dblu says:

    tracy… if I appear hurt to you, then please pray that
    God will take my pain away.
    The most effective perscription we could use for relief of the pain I’m in, is to hold all Christiains accountable to Christ first, and then to the law, and then to the entire world around them, even those in the church, and especially those in the church for the world is watching them, and very critically.

  55. oneg2dblu says:

    Sorry I’m posting so quickly, but, “The greatest power and voice we can give evil, or the opposing world around us, is to show them how we live no different from them.”
    You can quote me on that!

    When good people do nothing, evil has won its day!”

    That is a quote from a greater mind than mine.
    I hope it brings some greater light to the table.

  56. oneg2dblu says:

    foreverblessed… thanks for forcing yourself to read my posts, knowing that you would rather not, but doing it anyhow.
    I think when we expose ourselves to the seemingly ubsurd ideas of others, remembering that we were enimies of God at one point ourselves, we always gain a greater perspective.

  57. poohpity says:

    The sad part is Gary it seems you have not heeded what John or James was saying in today’s ODB that it is the work of the Holy Spirit that guides everyone into truth. You seem to want to be the one who is doing it and that says there is no trust in the abilities of the Holy Spirit. I know you try but it comes out confusing and looks like graffiti all over the Royal Message/Good News. It is the delivery be specific and focused on the point so it is understandable and know the scriptures in context allowing the Holy Spirit to be your guide and teacher then you can relay what you learn by that experience.

  58. Artle says:

    Pooh, (re:February 2, 2014 at 10:29 am) I delete a few, but keep most of my non-posted thoughts. Sometimes they make more sense a few days later, but many are still sitting where I left them. What follows is what was my first attempt on this topic and meant for everyone’s use and enjoyment:

    Nixed emotions: I planned to start this comment with “Mixed Emotions”, but I typoed and then realized while we may have mixed emotions about a topic, or maybe even strong emotions about a topic, it is probably better to type (interact) with Nixed Emotions.

  59. poohpity says:

    lol makes sense to me but that aint saying much lol.

  60. poohpity says:

    especially for those who are controlled by emotions.

  61. SFDBWV says:

    One of my favorite quotes from politicians is from none other than Richard Nixon; it is as follows; “Let me say this about that.”

    Gary the point in my post this morning is that controversy brings more participation in the form of comments and so a broader and more involved conversation.

    We get ourselves into that unenviable position of tasting shoe leather or crow when we start assuming too much and think we can read between the lines. If a question arises it is much easier to ask directly then accuse someone falsely, especially unintentionally.

    For your record keeping, I favor grace over the Law; though strive to live as holy a life as I can.

    Bill you and Mart must have some very interesting conversations of your own, I was pegged as a flag waving red neck long ago on this blog and drew the ire of many when I said that Obama was of the spirit of the anti-christ. In fact Mart and I have banged heads more than once over the Israel issue. It’s ok though he and I are still friends and I see no reason for us not to be.

    I have often wondered why God allowed for Christ’s Church to become so divided into so many sects; then as a means of almost answering the matter myself, I can see that such a unified power would be detrimental to what He wants the world to become prior to His coming to judge and restore.

    In fact if we were to create the perfect societies we would like there would be no need for tribulation and all the former prophesies would be mute and impotent.

    Jesus wept over what He knew would be the future outcome for Jerusalem and I weep for our proud and cherished nation, for just like the Hebrew people in the wilderness and again with Samuel they democratically chose to follow the wrong spirit and disaster followed.

    Are we at the brink of the “rapture”? Even that subject is divided and cut to pieces by a very divided and un-unified church.

    If there is a comfort for me it is that God has always taken care of us and I don’t think He will discontinue to even if all of everything else dissolves and disappears around us.

    Thank you Bill for your stand on what you believe, I think many would agree with you.

    Gary I want to also thank you for your stand for what you believe, for without your view the others would not have the opportunity to so passionately give theirs.

    I am pleased to see that we are talking.

    Rain today and snow tonight, even the weather can’t agree.


  62. poohpity says:

    It is not in the disagreements but in how we disagree. When people resort to name calling, hatred, anger, degrading and belittling others to prove their point that is not respecting or honoring the other person neither is it treating them in the same manor we want to be treated well unless one likes to be abused like that.

  63. foreverblessed says:

    This morning I was going to write about Jesus who said:
    “All this I have told you so that you will not fall away. 2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God. 3 They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me. 4 I have told you this, so that when their time comes you will remember that I warned you about them. I did not tell you this from the beginning because I was with you, 5 but now I am going to him who sent me.”
    John 16:1-4
    But thought, well, lets leave it, but as Bill came in, and Steve added his bit. Well here it is, Jesus warns us, so that we will not be taken unaware.

    Anyway, there is something else Jesus said a little later, v 12-15
    “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.”
    And that is what He meant by living in the Spirit, Jesus takes that what is His own, because all that is of the Father is His too, and gives it to us. We are under the law of the Spirit,Rom 8:2, and that is such a great power to live in. Everyday we can ask more, and Jesus will take from the Father and give it to us. Glory be to God and Jesus, thanks Him for this great life we can live IN Him.
    God bless you all, and may He lead you step by step, and lets respect everyone, as everyone is on a different place, and the Holy Spirit leads us along, each differently, but all in Jesus.

  64. Bill says:

    @Steve, to be honest, Mart and I rarely talk politics, other than in a general sense. We’d rather talk solutions – love, for example. And the church. And the Bible. And the grand sweep of God’s plan from Genesis to Revelation.

    I believe God has given Mart a powerful burden for the church. I continue to urge him to write a book.

    @Pooh, you are so correct. Disagreements are inevitable. How we handle them requires wisdom and compassion.

  65. Artle says:

    I am smiling as I type this.

    Reading Gary’s comment of February 2, 2014 at 11:16 am, I first thought he was starting with a compliment and then agreeing with Bill, but then the wrap up did not make sense. The meaning was completely lost on me, but I am guessing I am the argument lover, which I take may not have been a compliment.

    I smile because Jesus knows that I truly love a good debate, and I could talk for hours on the smallest of issues, especially if the conversation is about Him and there is a chance that I or someone else might learn something new.

  66. poohpity says:

    Bill, have you read, “A Matter Of Faith: Understanding True Religion” by Mart DeHaan or “Been Thinking About: Coming Together Around the Ideas and Issues That Divide Us”?

  67. poohpity says:

    I think that happens with many Christians as well they know a lot about God yet never really know Him.

  68. Bill says:

    You’re right, Pooh. I didn’t mean to imply Mart hasn’t already written books.

    He’s got another one in him that I’ve been trying to coax out of him. :)

  69. remarutho says:

    Good Evening All –

    For me, the take-away from this installment of BTA is your observation, Mart:

    “Since we can’t replicate the gifts, experience, and wisdom of Haddon and Alice, we have spent the last year learning what it will mean now for us to move forward together in real, conversational interaction with the written and living Word of God.”

    From day to day, none of us can be sure how long we will have one another to pray, discuss, minister and grow together as the body of Christ here and now. I rejoice that your fellowship has taken time to plan for the next season of equipping your hearers for ministry. (Ephesians 4:12, 13, 14)


  70. poohpity says:

    Maru, there are so many youth today who are so mature in their faith it is totally amazing. But our God does not let the outward appearance or age stop His Word from spreading and He seems mostly to use those who are yielded to Him as always.

  71. poohpity says:

    Bill, I am sure Mart will listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit which seems to be present in all His writings.

  72. remarutho says:

    Dear Pooh!

    Yes — we walk by faith not by sight. Deeply desiring what the Lord has for us over what we can think or imagine for ourselves is a key to the kingdom. It occurs to me that the way ahead always means change, change and more change…As you know, angels fly because they take themselves so lightly. :o)

  73. Artle says:

    Ever notice how the name Jesus brings peace. Doesn’t matter if you say it, hear it or just think it. Kind of settles all those mixed emotions.

  74. foreverblessed says:

    Yes, the name of Jesus, then we fix our eyes on Him again, and everything else fades.
    This is what I miss here, we cannot sit together and take the bread and wine, to remember Jesus’ death for us. I really find that a precious moment in the church, and I wish we would do it with many other churches in the same town. All christians together taking the bread and wine.
    Then we realise we are forgiven because of what He did for us, we are rescued out of the kingdom of darkness, and made free, free in the kingdom of the Son He loves. Col 1
    All being humble, and in humility approaching each other.
    That is what I like about Mart’s ministry, overcoming these differences in belief, and seeking the union.

    And in these differences that we have discussed here, I also have to say, that we do much better then a few years ago! So thumbs up for you all, and Mart but above all, the name of Jesus!

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