Top left to right: Elisa, Bill, Brian, Randy Mathews, me; Bottom left to right Bonnie Robinson, Haddon, and Alice.
This has been a week of loss and sadness—mixed with anticipation— for our Discover the Word radio team. On Friday’s program of last week Haddon Robinson announced that the limitations of his recently diagnosed Parkinson’s Disease are making it necessary for him to step away from 23 years of leading conversations of Bible study with Alice Mathews, our radio host, Brian Hettinga, and me.
Alice remains in good health but will also be transitioning with Haddon as Brian and I plan to continue on with a new team that includes Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder and a series of regularly scheduled guests.
Since we can’t replicate the gifts, experience, and wisdom of Haddon and Alice, we have spent the last year learning what it will mean now for us to move forward together in real, conversational interaction with the written and living Word of God. So over the last few months Elisa, Bill, and I have been recording new conversations as we rotate the leadership of the group among ourselves and with a series of featured guests.
In the process, we’ve seen that, in so many ways, Haddon and Alice remain with us through all that we’ve learned from them over the years. Elisa (long time president of MOPS (mothers of pre-schoolers), speaker/teacher, author (last book being, “The Beauty of Broken”) was mentored by Haddon years ago in radio and Bible study when Haddon was president of Denver Seminary. Bill (long time pastor/teacher, author, and member of our RBC team for almost 15 years (also currently radio chaplain of our Sports Spectrum program) has walked with me in learning so much from our years with Haddon and Alice.
For our new team, the chemistry and friendship that we’ve experienced over the last year has made the challenge of daily radio an opportunity to experience together the inexhaustibly fresh, and much needed grace, of our Lord.
In some ways the emotions of this week are the ongoing experience of friends of this blog. We’ve known what it means for friends to come and go, while those of us who remain move forward to explore together the road ahead– as new friends join the conversation.
Note: As shown in the side-bar, Discover the Word is one of a family of media outreaches provided by the group (RBC) that publishes Our Daily Bread and that is entrusted with the furtherance of My Utmost for his Highest.