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What is Biblical?

P1010427_edited-1_SnapseedWhen God became a man to mirror in flesh the exact likeness of his Spirit, there was one kind of person who loved him, and another that ended up demanding his death.

What do we know about the people who loved him and what/Who was the Word that they became known for?

Who hated him, and what was their relationship to the Scriptures?

I’m asking because, while I think the answers to these questions form the heart of the Bible— they aren’t always what those of us who want to be biblical are focused on.


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16 Responses to “What is Biblical?”

  1. poohpity says:

    The people(me) who loved Him were those who were cast outs or cast aways which were the very ones He befriended. Not those who followed all the rules, because there honestly aren’t any but they thought they did plus adding many more so as to burden the very people that God wanted a relationship with. That Word who became flesh was Jesus. He showed me even though I did not deserve it how much God cares for me and that love is what brought me to Him. The word we became known as was followers of the Way or Christ followers in other words Christians.

    The ones who hated Him were the very one’s that were given the job to let people know that there was a God and to turn to Him but, and there was a but, they used those scriptures plus added their own to rule over people, to seek praise for themselves, to elevate themselves above the masses, having pride in what they knew, quick to tell others what sinners they were while neglecting the condition of their own hearts.

    The Bible it seems to me is a means to get to know this God that has gone to such great lengths over centuries to pursue us, let us know He exists and wants us to come to Him not just come to Him but really get to know Him. The Bible is not a weapon to use against people like the religious people in Jesus’ time did and still do today. It is to me the Book about my God, the One who forgave me, loved me, shows me such mercy and grace, speaks to me through, teaches me about Him and guides me through life.

  2. oneg2dblu says:

    Mart… I will make an attempt to add something of biblical context here.

    What is biblical, or what isn’t biblical, might be even a more challenging question.


    What is only human nature and what is really divinely inspired and divinely spiritual in nature?


    What is God’s Word, and what is man’a version of God’s Word?

    But, that would be my questions, and these are my answers.

    People are only the vehicle, created in His Image, and used by God to model for others, to write his words, and take his message to the ends of the earth, and hopefully, help other people by doing so.

    Either by God’s example, or by God using humans as an example.

    But, people are only people, and only God can change them, from people headed for eternal destruction, to a people headed for Eternal Paradise with Him.

    To me, the bible tells that whole story quite effectively, and the people in it help give it that human condition.

    We the people are that human condition that only God can change.

    So, to me, the bible story uses people to help God to bring His Word to light?


  3. fadingman says:

    As I read the gospels, I wonder about the different responses to Jesus: why were they so varied, considering all sides had access to the same Jesus and the same information about Him from the scriptures? Why did virtually all of the biblical experts reject Him, while many of the common people followed Him?

    People interpret what is ‘biblical’ differently, depending on their understanding or misunderstanding of what the Bible says. Many read or study the Bible just to reinforce their own biased interpretations. The cults do this all the time, focusing on a few verses here and there and ignoring the others. The scribes and Pharisees did the same. As a result, Jesus did not match their idea of the Messiah, and so they rejected Him.

    The disciples also did not understand what the Old Testament said about Jesus. They were expecting Him to take His earthly kingdom during their lifetime. But I think what set the disciples apart from the scribes was their willingness to learn. They didn’t have a lot of time invested in a dry, formal religious education… something to be proud about and hold on to. Nor did they have the pressure of their peers with the same education. They made them more open to what Jesus said.

    It seems to me another difference is that those educated in the rabbinic schools focused more on the Law, while Jesus focused more on His Heavenly Father. This Law focus led to self-centeredness. I see this in the stories of the the prodigal son, and the prayer of the Pharisee. But in Acts, the apostles selflessly preached Jesus.

  4. poohpity says:

    Andrew good to hear from you again. :-)

  5. phpatato says:


    Your paragraph….”People interpret what is ‘biblical’ differently, depending on their understanding or misunderstanding of what the Bible says. Many read or study the Bible just to reinforce their own biased interpretations. The cults do this all the time, focusing on a few verses here and there and ignoring the others. The scribes and Pharisees did the same. As a result, Jesus did not match their idea of the Messiah, and so they rejected Him……

    is well stated and is so relevant in today’s world. People become so bullheaded, closed-minded or hard-hearted that they simply refuse to see another side, believing that what they believe in IS the only right way. There is no leeway or possibility that what they believe can be augmented in a better way. It can manifest itself as being an insecurity. They are too insecure in what they believe so in order to protect themselves they just close their eyes tight, plug their ears yelling lalalalala and stick their head in the sand, hoping that when they pop their heads back up, that nasty stuff has all gone away. The Pharisees and Sadducees hoped that that nasty man named Jesus would just go away. Sadly, they missed being fed the nugget filled with Truth because their faith was weak, their minds were closed and their vanity was high.

    Please Lord Jesus, help me not to be so hard or stubborn that I miss what your Holy Spirit is trying to feed me. You promised that you won’t let me go and You told me that I will hear and know Your voice to help keep me from harmful thought. Thank you for walking beside me today. Feed me I pray. Amen

  6. jeff1 says:

    The Biblical people where our forefathers and like them we have wandered many times from God’s path but we are inheritors of God’s Kingdom for He predestined us for His purpose and as such nothing can separate us from God’s love for He loved us primarily as His chosen people and not by faith or works. (A done deal)
    God chose us – inheritors – nothing I did could change this – I cannot be bad enough – I cannot be good enough
    I am His. Thanks be to God.

  7. fadingman says:

    phpatato: “They are too insecure in what they believe …”

    Yup, that’s it. Most of us (humanity in general) would rather try to will our illusions into being true than change our beliefs. If we believe hard enough, somehow it will become real… …but that only leads to hardening of the heart.

    (Hi Pooh!)

  8. SFDBWV says:

    At Christmas time you see signs up in several places that say, “Wise men still seek Him.”

    The three “kings” spoken of in the Gospels are known by name to be members of the ruling class of peoples in the “east” known as the “Magi”.

    They knew that a King was to be born, when and where. Not just a King, but a very special King whose coming was for the salvation of all men everywhere.

    They learned of this birth from two sources, the first being from the writings of ancient Hebrew text at their disposal as of a result of the Jewish peoples being exiled into their land and those who stayed. The other by their particular gift of reading the stars.

    On their way to honor the birth of this special King they encountered another king who by learning of a new king being born attempted to have this child killed.

    One group loved Him and right off His death was sought by those one who hated Him.

    I would like to say here that the “wise” men were aided by the Holy Spirit in the quest.

    There is a lot to explore here in this subject and I for one am going to have to do so in small postings as time permits, but for now it is enough for me to say that from the very beginning in the Garden the death of the “Promised messiah” was sought by Satan and is why some say Cain was lured into killing Abel and why the fallen angels spoken of in Genesis tried to breed their evil into mankind, resulting in God saving Noah and his family as the only pure descendants of Adam.

    There is a huge and simple answer to this subject, but we can have fun exploring it if we allow ourselves to.

    Saying goodbye to our warm weather after today…


  9. oneg2dblu says:

    I see we are to explore only two possibilities here, those who love Christ and those who hate Him, and their relationship to Christ and the scriptures.

    My educated guess would be, if you were to know him you would love him. If you have a personal relationship with him, you would love him.

    And to the scriptures then, “If you love Me, you will obey my commands.”

    So, that relationship is clearly one of love and obedience.

    To those who do not know him personally yet, “How can they love anyone whom they do not know, how can they believe in what they have not heard?”

    Actually we can both get to know who Christ is and get to know what his commands are, they are both found within the bible story.

    But, just reading something is not the same as a personal living experience, and in that situation, the Holy Spirit gives us all an invitation to the Banquet Wedding where we find out we are the beloved, Bride of Christ.


  10. oneg2dblu says:

    Now, as to not be labeled a cult, as fadingman has quoted, for our picking and choosing certain verses to support our premise, we must also remember there is, “the rest of the story.”
    Where the entire human condition is exposed, with the good, the bad, and the ugly.
    And a few other side notes which I won’t bore us with now, now that we are all dressed up in our Sunday best, if you will.

  11. poohpity says:

    What were Jesus’ commands? I believe one was to believe in Him and another was to love others as He loved us and as we would want to be loved.

    Isn’t saying “an educated guess” really an oxymoron. If one is educated then they will not have to guess they will know.

  12. poohpity says:

    One could say, “an uneducated guess” and that would be more honest and real.

  13. street says:

    mart said,”What do we know about the people who loved him and what/Who was the Word that they became known for?”

    this took me awhile to figure out. thinking the disciples abandoned him and His mom was a little disappointed that her eldest son was crucified as a common criminal. the nation He grew up in and loved disowned Him just a little bit. if they ever became know it was for Him they were know, not of them selves. we know they were not changed till Pentecost. still working on this humility and peace that brings joy even in the face of a cross. i do know from scripture that knowing the print is no guarantee of knowing the Author. thinking gary’s approach to law and obedience has some merit in that Jesus question people calling Him Lord and not doing what He says. Jesus warning of having two masters. this narrow way….what is it like? some how claiming to obey or not to sin is a fools paradise. denying yourself and taking up your cross is definitely a dying process. He sure keeps us busy. surrender dorthy! don’t think the ruby slippers will cut it.

  14. oneg2dblu says:

    street… thanks for finding “some merit” in my contribution in sharing that verse. I was quoting words from the Lord himself, about His making a direct connection between love and obedience, while others were only being busy about trying to pull apart my words.

    Here’s my educated guess, when we focus on the words of Christ, instead of the words of others, our hearts and minds are directed in ways that show both love and obedience, and when we don’t, we don’t.

  15. street says:

    What do we know about the people who loved him and what/Who was the Word that they became known for?

    Who hated him, and what was their relationship to the Scriptures?

    thinking about the relationship to Scripture of those who hated Jesus. thinking they relied on themselves and their interpretation of the law to save them along with their works. they really didn’t need a Savior, besides they were making a good living being saved. deception is a terrible thing.

    i think those who loved Jesus were like peter, in that God had reveled to them more than could be humanly understood on their own. the pain of watching the crucifixion and death of One so loved must have been unbearable to the ones who had received so much from Him. the Joy of the resurrection, as brilliant as it is, was not fully comprehended till pentecost. the world has not been the same since.

  16. street says:

    gary love and obedience are mentioned in Scripture together. also learning obedience through suffering on Christ part. i think there is a connection. obedience on our part can come with suffering, but i believe there is more grace involved because without it we have no chance at all. i think the thing that God is cultivating is true love in the human soul which is capable to fulfill the greatest command. it is something that is foreign to man. God is love and love comes from God. He is making one magnificent house. then we all will be home.

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